Drawings with colored pencils for beginners. Drawing with colored pencils in stages for beginners

Dear friends! In my last article, I talked about the features of working with colored pencils, but now it's time to put this wonderful artistic material into practice. In this step-by-step drawing lesson using the example of drawing peonies, we will learn how to do contour drawing, learn about the features of working with colored pencils, learn how to select and mix colors.

Required art materials

✔ A thick sheet of A4 format (I use Whatman paper, with a density of 200 g/m); ✔ Ruler, sharpener, eraser; ✔ Simple HB pencil (I like working with an automatic pencil more); ✔ ; ✔ A set of Faber-Castell colored pencils. To work on each element, we will choose 2-3 primary colors, and a few colors to add accents in the final. For example, to draw leaves, we need three shades of green: light, dark and intermediate. An intermediate color is needed to smooth the transition from light to dark. I will use the following colors of Classic Color Pencils, Faber-Castell: - for petals and bud: 330, 319 and 325, 327 - for leaves: 370, 359 and 357 - for color accents: 327, 383, 378, 392 - for stamens: 309.

The next stage of work is the selection of references. If you already have artistic experience, then you can draw peonies from nature, but for beginners, I would recommend finding a photo on the Internet first. It will also be useful to see how other artists depict flowers. You can choose one photo and draw from it. But in order for the drawing to turn out to be interesting and not an exact copy, we will select different photographs and assemble our author's work from this. It is not necessary to draw the entire image, somewhere we can peep a beautifully folded sheet or notice a picturesque petal. Look for interesting angles and details.

Step 1: Sketching the Peony in Pencil

Let's start drawing our peonies with a pencil. We take a sheet of A4 format, with the help of a ruler and a simple pencil we find the middle of the sheet and draw auxiliary lines. Now we know exactly where the center of our future composition is. Next, we very schematically outline the image of a peony. I decided to draw large flower, with multiple leaves. So that the flower is not lonely, I will add a bud to it. Such details are very important, due to them your work will look more interesting. When sketching, remember that it is better to place large elements at the bottom, and leave more air at the top. That is why we determined the center of the sheet.

Step 2: Working on the details of the peony with a pencil

So, we have a schematic drawing of a peony flower with a pencil. Now we understand where and what we will be located. The next step of our step by step lesson drawing will be a more detailed study. To do this, we carefully study the references or nature. We draw the petals, leaves, bud, outline the stems. We try not to press too hard on the pencil, soft pencil also do not use, so as not to dilute the dirt on the sheet. We should get a fairly detailed, but light sketch.

Step 3: Outline the Pencil Sketch of the Peony with Liner

Now let's start working with liners to get a beautiful finished outline drawing. To begin with, take a 0.3 mm thick liner. Slowly, very carefully outline our sketch along the contour. We try to keep the line straight. As a result, our drawing will have a clear, finished outline.

Step 4: Draw the Details of the Peony Flower with Liner

Our drawing lacks liveliness, so now we will add details. We take a liner with a thickness of 0.2 mm. If you are not yet very confident in your abilities, then you can first draw small details with a pencil. We draw stamens to our flower. We add veins to the leaves to make the drawing look even more interesting. Add some strokes to the leaves and petals. When everything is drawn, take an eraser and erase the entire pencil.

Step 5: Coloring the Peony Petals With Colored Pencils

The main principle is this - first we put a light shade, then a dark one and make a smooth transition using an intermediate color.

Ksenia Oskolkova

Now we will learn how to draw a peony flower with colored pencils. Let's start by drawing the peony petals. Using the example of one petal, I will show you how to work with colored pencils. Main principle like this - first we put a light shade, then a dark one and make a smooth transition using an intermediate color. We take the lightest shade that you have chosen for coloring the petals, I have a pencil 330. Gently paint over most petal, while adjusting the pressure of the stylus. We can put the color more densely at the top, we try to loosen the pressure of the stylus towards the bottom, due to which the color will fall a little paler. Next, take the shade that was chosen for the dark areas. Take a pencil 319 and paint over the dark area. We are not afraid that one color is superimposed on another, as it should be. The border between the colors will be hard for now. To soften the border, again take a light shade number 330, and lay several layers on top of the entire petal. We work carefully, we try to make the pressure not very strong. Our first petal is ready. As you can see, there is nothing difficult, you just need to be patient! Guided by the same principle, we paint over all the remaining petals, with the exception of the inner ones, we will make them darker.

Step 6: Draw the inner petals of the peony with colored pencils

Now in the course of our step by step drawing lesson we will draw the inner petals of the peony flower. We take a pencil 319, which was used to draw dark places on the petals. Paint over the inner part of the petal with this color. Next, take the darkest shade 327 and paint over the bottom of our petal with it. Do not forget that at the very bottom we do more pressure on the stylus, the higher we rise, the weaker the pressure on the stylus. To even out the color, take the lightest shade of 330 and paint over the entire petal. By the same principle, we work with all the other inner petals.

Step 7: Draw Peony Leaves With Colored Pencils

With leaves, we will act a little differently. First, let's put the main color, then select the light and dark areas and make a smooth transition.

Ksenia Oskolkova

Now it's time to draw the leaves of our peony. With leaves, we will act a little differently. First, let's put the main color, then select the light and dark areas and make a smooth transition. I decided to make the leaves a rich grassy color. Therefore, my main shade will be 359. You take the color that you chose as the main one. We paint over the entire surface of our leaf with them. Next, we take a light shade, I have it 370, we paint over the light areas of the sheet with it. We work out the dark places of the sheet with the darkest shade, I use 357. We see that the border turned out to be quite clear, now we need to soften it, make a smooth transition. We return to the main shade, let me remind you that I have it 359, and in the manner we are used to, we apply this color over the entire surface of the sheet. We make several layers to smooth out the color transitions well. Our beautiful leaf ready! In the same manner, paint over the remaining leaves of the peony.

Step 8: Draw the Stamens and Peony Bud with Colored Pencils

We continue to detail our peony. We take yellow, I take 309, and paint over the stamens. Our flower is changing more and more. Now, according to the same principles that I described above, we draw a bud near our peony. We take the lightest shade 330 and paint over most of the petal with it. Next, with a 319 pencil, paint over the dark section of the petal near the leaves. With a light shade of 330, we soften the border between the colors. We do the same with the leaves. We paint over the entire surface of the leaves with a pencil 359. We draw light areas of the leaves with a shade of 357. To make a soft transition between colors, we return to the main shade of 359. We apply this color over the entire surface of the sheet. Our bud is ready!

The eagle is a bird of prey with a large body, strong paws, long wings, sharp claws, short tail, massive beak and large eyes with good vision. All these features allow him to soar high in the sky for a long time, consider future prey and easily attack. Therefore, you should definitely learn how to draw an eagle, because it is quite common in Eurasia, Africa and North America.

Necessary materials for drawing such a bird:


An owl is a nocturnal bird that hunts at this particular time of day. And all this thanks to big eyes that can see well in the dark. Drawing an owl will not be difficult. Especially if it's cartoonish.

Necessary materials:


Nowadays, one can meet not only ordinary hedgehogs but also at home. They look very similar to their wild relatives, but have slightly different features that help them live well at home. So let's learn how to draw a beloved hedgehog that has needles on its back and can also curl into a prickly ball.

Any drawing begins with a sketch, where it is necessary to determine the overall size of an animal or object, and then move on to drawing large details. If you are drawing a hedgehog, then at the first stage it will be enough to draw a large oval. Gradually simple geometric figure will acquire natural look where there will be prickly needles, short legs and an elongated muzzle with small features.

Necessary materials for drawing a hedgehog:


The deer is the real pride of the forest. After all, no animal has such a “crown”. In addition, the deer is a very graceful mammal. Therefore, it is very difficult to draw it in dynamics. So for the first acquaintance with him, we will learn how to draw a cute artiodactyl animal in a simple pose. The structure of the head and body is very similar to a horse, but there are differences. For example, a graceful and short torso, a short little tail, branched chic horns and a small head. All these traits make the deer an individuality that provide inspiration to learn how to draw.

Necessary materials:


You can at any time of the year, because they are very beautiful. For example, how to draw a swallow. The main part of the body is no different from other birds, but the tail is long and has a slit in the middle. Therefore, it resembles a fork. Also, this bird has another feature - wings that are curved, sharp and long. The color of the swallow will be very simple in the drawing. To color it, it will be enough to have three colored pencils - black, red and Brown color. Optionally, you can add other shades.

Necessary art materials for drawing a swallow:


Santa Claus and his granddaughter Snegurochka are often full of postcards and all kinds of Christmas decorations. However, there are other wonderful and good heroes. For example, a snowman. You can draw a snowman not only in the form of three circles, but also make an interesting illustration. In it, we beautifully place the main character on this album sheet. We dress him up with a hat and scarf. AT right hand we place a gift, and in the left - a broom. We supplement the drawing with small elements and color it bright colors. So we get a picture of a snowman on New Year 2018.

Sparrow is a very small bird that does not stand out very much with its feather color or singing. However, it is a very common bird in the forest, in the park, in yards or in one's own garden. Therefore, you probably saw such a small sparrow.

Learn to draw a sparrow

To learn how to draw a bird, you should determine its main features and be sure to capture them on paper in the sketch stages before applying strokes with colored pencils. When drawing, do not forget that she is small in appearance, she has a short tiny beak and small paws. In addition to the correct proportions, due time should be given to coloring the picture so that the color turns out to be natural, like a real bird. To do this, select as many different shades brown pencils. Take a black one with you charcoal pencil, which will help to colorize the eye, some fragments of feathers and give a stroke.

Necessary materials:

Colored pencils are a versatile tool that everyone can draw with. They do not require special skills and are ideal for the first sketches. We chose 8 tips from the book "The Diary of a Naturalist Artist" - try to create your first painting right now.

1. Mix colors with streaks

Pencil colors rarely match the desired shade. A huge set is not an option: it is heavy and uncomfortable to wear, but the search desired color takes a lot of time. Better buy an average set and learn how to make colors. The main colors are sky blue, yellow and magenta. From them you can get other shades.

Diary of a Naturalist

Usually the color of the pencil is intense and saturated. In nature, the tones are more subdued. Therefore, another plus of mixing is the ability to muffle pure colors to natural shades.

2. How to hatch in layers

To learn how to hatch in layers, you need to consider two points. First, choose a slightly grainy paper. Don't press too hard on the pencil or the paper will become polished and the pigment won't stick to it.

Secondly, the black eyeshadow pencil looks unnatural - it seems "glued". So use complementary colors for the shadows. Their pairs lie on a circle opposite each other:

  • magenta and green
  • blue and orange red
  • yellow and violet blue.

Use color circle to define colors for shadows

Combining an object's color with a complementary color produces a muted brown or gray shadow. Here's an example of how to use tints to represent a shadow.

1. Start drawing the orange ball with a shadow complementary color- blue.

2. Put a layer of dark orange over the shadow.

3. Add other colors: yellow, red and green. The picture will glow with glimpses of different shades.

3. Choose the right stroke technique

It is the stroke technique that affects the result and the speed of the drawing. Choose the appropriate option for the desired effect.

  • Small, light, round strokes ideal for even coverage and maximum control. The stylus crumbles less, the colors are easier to mix. Requires perseverance, but the mood is very relaxing.

  • Scribble- fast and interesting technique, but not as accurate. The smaller the doodle, the more accurate the result. The texture will be visible in the finished drawing.

  • lines- series parallel lines. Also fast technology. Draw lines at an angle comfortable for the hand. Control the pressure and do not increase it at the end of the stroke, otherwise there will be streaks.

  • cross stroke- a series of intersecting lines. The more layers, the smoother the texture: the next layers hide the roughness of the previous ones. Cross strokes can be done with the same color to deepen the tone, or with a different one if you want to change the hue.

4. How to quickly and easily draw shadows

Shadows give the image volume and depth. Don't forget about them and don't leave them for later. Remember that it is more difficult to add shadows at the end: it is a pity to overlap carefully mixed colors, and the paper is almost completely polished. First paint the shadows, then match them with a local color.

  • Shade for shadows. Most shadows can be drawn with a Black Grape pencil. It's a muted purple that makes for a compelling shade when paired with most other colors.
  • Yellow shades. The most difficult thing is to draw shadows on yellow objects. If there is even a hint of blue in the color of the shadow, it immediately turns green. "Rescue" - color Greyed Lavender. His pale purple hue when mixed with yellow it gives a pleasant neutral brown or grey.

5. How to go black

If you paint shadows or a background with only black, the picture looks flat. Liven up the shadows with complementary colors and the black areas of the drawing with dark pencils. What? Indigo Blue, Dark Green and Tuscan Red in combination they give a rich black with glimpses of the original colors. You can start with a layer of black pencil and add one or more of these colors.

6. Why you need paper embossing

So you draw green leaf, and you need to get thin light lines on a dark background. How to do it?

  • White lines. Push the paper with a thin blunt tool (you can make it yourself from a thin ballpoint pen with dried ink) - and the lines will remain white against the background of the colored pencil layer. It must be blunt so that the stylus does not touch the embossing.
  • Colored lines. If you want to get thin colored lines, first apply a color, then emboss and put another color on top.

7. Use an unscented thinner to blend

Most often, small sections of paper are visible in the drawings. An odorless solvent (white spirit) will help to get rid of them, shade the strokes and make the color brighter. This is a common gasoline thinner from which harmful volatile substances have been removed.

Apply it over uniform, close strokes. For convenience, pour into a brush with a reservoir and smear over the pattern with a cotton swab / disc or shading. When the paper dries, you can continue to draw: the texture is completely preserved. An odorless solvent can be used in combination with a colorless pencil - a blender.

8. Colorless blender - also for shading

Another good tool for shading - a blender. How to use it? in a circular motion rub the drawing. The colors will blend, the gaps will disappear, the paper will be polished. The color layer will become uniform and bright. But it is only suitable for strokes that are close.

Colored pencils are familiar to everyone since childhood and therefore are associated with something insignificant and childish. But take a closer look at them and you will see that colored pencils can draw beautifully and realistically.

So, consider the features of drawing with colored pencils. They are:

  • suitable for drawing only on small formats;
  • have color transparency;
  • poorly erased with an eraser;
  • allow you to get complex colors by overlaying;
  • require drawing experience.


Beginners will inevitably make mistakes, so they need a lot of inexpensive paper that is thick enough to withstand multiple edits.

Strongly textured paper is not necessary. Hard pencils will cling, and soft ones will break about it.

Colored pencils require careful selection so as not to be disappointed in drawing with them. It is not worth saving and buying faded, non-shading, badly laying down on paper, inconvenient to use pencils made of low-quality wood. They will not bring pleasure from drawing.

There are many manufacturers of professional and semi-professional pencils: Faber-Castell, Derwent, Creta-Color, Daler-Rauni, Koh-i-nor, etc. Read the reviews on them, see the work done by them and make your choice.

It is preferable to buy from 24 colors. If you want, you can buy even more. After all, there are sets with hundreds of shades.

There are also watercolor pencils, which are brighter and softer than usual, in addition, they can be washed out with water.

How to draw

A few tips to help you avoid many mistakes:

1. Start with a sketch. Focus on the main points without paying attention to small details. pencil on a separate sheet. It is possible to outline areas of chiaroscuro. The result is carefully transferred to a clean sheet.

2. Saturate the color carefully. Do not immediately start with bright color spots, so as not to get confused. In addition, it will be easier to correct inaccuracies. A saturated layer of dye will only rub off the eraser.

3. Draw with light lines. This will allow you to work out and improve the work with each layer.

4. Learn to see the depicted object as a collection of spots. This will make it easier for you to draw it. Select the middle, dark and light areas

5. Mentally divide the subject into fragments and depict them gradually, because it is difficult to cover with thin pencil lines large area straightaway.

6. Better not use white pencil to indicate highlights, and leave unpainted areas of paper in place of highlights.

7. After designating the three main tones, we are engaged in mixing them, i.e. transitions. Work on the same area until you get the desired shade.

8. Do not use only one pencil to mark the color spot. Add a few more shades.

9. The more colors you use, the more interesting the effect will be, but choose those that blend well with each other.

10. Having finished the main work, proceed to refinement small parts and transmission of the subtlest play of light.

11. Use a different pressure on the pencil to get a variety of line thickness and brightness. But do not press too hard, otherwise you will get an unnecessary shine.

12. When the drawing is almost done, step back a few meters and look at it from this distance. You may want to change or add something.

13. Now it remains to erase everything superfluous: a simple pencil, mistakes and spots on paper.

  • See also -

Experiment with the choice of paper and the application of color, practice and you will enjoy the technique that allows you to combine painting and graphic techniques.

Colored pencil drawing technique - video

Learn how to color with colored and regular pencils

Writing and drawing are very similar activities. Therefore, most people hold a pencil in the same way as a pen - between the thumb and the first two fingers, closer to the point of the pencil. But remember - a well-sharpened pencil tip easily breaks and crumbles with strong pressure. It is not necessary to press on the pencil, as when writing with a pen.
This method allows you to easily control the pencil and is ideal for specific techniques - line and cross hatching.

To give the drawing more expressiveness, liveliness and lightness, let's try to hold the pencil further from the end.
It is more convenient to do picturesque energetic lines or shading by pressing the rod from above with your index finger.
"Reverse capture" - the method can be convenient for hatching and shading. The pencil is placed on the brush and pressed with the thumb.
In this case, the movements are short, with the whole brush.

Another way to reverse capture.
The movements of the pencil tip are made with the whole brush.

In the academic school of drawing, there is a "correct way to hold a pencil." In this way, it is convenient for artists to use when they are standing at the easel. At the same time, the hand is overhanging and the movement of the entire brush is required to work. It does not close the drawing and it is not overwritten in the process.

Advice! When artists draw at a table (on a horizontal plane), they always put a sheet of clean paper under their arm - the “Backing”. The backing allows you to avoid "rubbing" the paper and protects the finished part of the picture.

Lesson two:
Two basic techniques for toning drawings.
Hatching is the application of strokes (lines) of various thicknesses and with different pressing forces at a certain distance from each other. Lines can be straight and curved, short and long, superimposed on each other in several layers at different angles, forming a grid.

Feathering - homogeneous (or with gradations) "filling" the surface with a pencil without gaps between the lines.
This can be as simple as rubbing a pencil across the surface of the paper to produce a solid tone of varying intensity.
Sometimes pieces of paper, cotton wool, suede, your own finger, etc. are used for this.


In order for the hand to obediently apply strokes in the right direction and with a certain pressing force, the hand must be trained! The development of hand hardness, strength and timeliness of pressure require many hours of exercise!
Let's do some exercises to learn basic equipment drawing - toning with a pencil. Don't be upset if it didn't work out very well the first time. A little patience and you will see the result yourself!

Take a sheet of landscape-sized paper, a simple TM or HB pencil and draw 4 rectangles “by hand” (without a ruler).

The first rectangle is shaded evenly, using only one angle of inclination.
In others, we change the angle of inclination. We try to make the distances between the lines uniform!
The pressure on the pencil is the same!

Let's draw two (or more!) Rectangles.
Learning to make strokes with different pressure
Strong pressure at the beginning of the stroke and very weak (almost not touching the paper with a pencil) at the end.
And now so that the strokes gradually increase and then also gradually weaken and disappear.

We hold the pencil in our hand freely, as if making waves. In this case, the wrist should work very well.
The lines must be drawn without lifting the pencil from the paper!
The sheet cannot be rotated!
Do not forget to observe the same (or proportional) distances between the lines!
Shade a long rectangle, evenly thickening the tone from light to dark.
Try to achieve its maximum even amplification.

Do not resort to rubbing strokes into spots and try not to use shading yet.

These techniques can be used individually or together.
When practicing or painting, try to avoid mechanical shading or shading. Always think about the nature of the surface, the shape and volume of objects.
It is necessary to learn how to correctly convey chiaroscuro, gradations of chiaroscuro of colored objects in the drawing.
By shading a drawing with a pencil, develop a sense of the ratio of tone strength and skill
see the power of shadow and contrast ratios in hatching. Using the hatching technique, try to convey the texture of the surface in the drawing.

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