How to draw a beautiful snowflake. How to draw a snowflake with a pencil

A snowflake is an amazing natural phenomenon. Capturing this miracle on paper does not require much effort or time, and the result can exceed all expectations. People say that not a single snowflake is like another. All of them are individual, have their own shape and pattern. That's what makes them so fun to draw.

Before you start drawing, we should understand the possible forms of this miracle of nature. The shape of a snowflake varies depending on the effects of temperature. When drawing a fluff, we try to make it perfectly symmetrical, but in nature there are also asymmetrical snowflakes. This is determined after it falls to the ground. If it rotates like a spinning top, then its shape is symmetrical. If a snowflake falls to the ground and falls flat or sideways, then it is an asymmetrical fluff. How to draw this unique phenomenon on paper – the artist’s personal matter.

Hexagons form at relatively warm temperatures. If a fluff has six ends, it means it formed high in the clouds at a temperature of 0–3 degrees Celsius. If stars are noticeably visible at its ends, this suggests that it has moved from cold clouds to warm ones. Also, the stars at the ends indicate very cold places through which the snowflake traveled. The Snow Beauty can be in the shape of a prism or a needle-shaped crystal. It all depends on the path she has traveled.

Materials needed to draw a snowflake

To portray the snow beauty in the figure, you can use the following materials:

  • a simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • shiny pens;
  • dry glitter;
  • paints and brush;
  • markers;
  • colour pencils;
  • markers.

You can draw a snowflake on shiny self-adhesive paper and cut it out, decorating a postcard or an entire room for the New Year. To make the drawing look voluminous and beautiful, it is best to use shiny materials. The transparent film looks interesting. You can decorate dark furniture with such crystals, and then they will look like real ones.

How to draw a hexagonal snowflake

Create a template

One of the most simple options drawing is about maintaining symmetry using a ruler. Following a simple step by step instructions, you can draw an interesting hexagonal picture. In order to design a template, you need to make a sketch with a simple pencil. The creation of an amazing picture begins with the template.

  1. Draw a vertical straight line on a piece of paper. This can be done with a simple pencil and ruler.
  2. Draw two diagonal lines that will intersect the line. This is a template for the future drawing.

First way

This method is the simplest and most commonly used.

  1. Finishing the sharp edges is an important step in drawing a snowflake. You need to draw some patterns on the six ends. This could be a V-shaped end, needles, stars. The most common option is the V-shape.
  2. The same checkmarks must be drawn near the base at all six ends. Instead of checkmarks, you can draw a circle passing through all six ends. You can make several such circles by changing their sizes and drawing one circle inside another.

Second way

This option is the most gentle of all. This picture looks especially fragile and neat. The peculiarity of this type of snowflake– refusal of sharp corners and sharp lines.

  1. You can draw small circles at the ends of the snowflakes.
  2. Also draw a circle in the center of the snowflake, decorating it with small circles-drops.
  3. Decorate each tip with circles. The fluff will look like twigs with round leaves.

Third way

One of the most beautiful options snowflakes- these are fluffy twigs.

  1. At the intersection of all the lines, draw a small circle and color it.
  2. Draw another circle around the filled circle. Leave it empty.
  3. Not far from the circles, draw a large check mark on each branch.
  4. Reduce the checkmarks as they approach the end of the branches. One branch should fit 3-4 ticks. You can stop designing the template here, but you can continue by making the snowflake very fluffy.
  5. Draw one more on each check mark.
  6. The ends can be decorated with small silver rhinestones or beads.

How to draw a pentagonal snowflake

The fluff turns out to be very beautiful and realistic, consisting of five ends. To do this, you need to make a template and decorate it.

  1. Draw a small circle on a piece of paper.
  2. Using a ruler and a simple pencil, mark the places on the circle from where the five rays will diverge. The beams must be equidistant from each other.
  3. Draw lines from the marked points.
  4. Draw petals on the resulting branches. They may look like oak leaves. The branches can be decorated with both ticks and circles.

To draw beautiful picture, you can use the following recommendations:

  • To make the picture lush, you should add additional branches between the main ones. They may differ from the main branches, then the drawing will be more original.
  • Despite the fact that not all snow beauties are symmetrical, you should not use different design for each individual branch. A little symmetry is still worth observing.
  • Don't be afraid to experiment with patterns. The most beautiful fluffs are obtained by combining stars, circles and checkmarks.
  • When coloring a snowflake, you should not use dark shades - blue, dark purple. To make the design delicate and appear crystalline, it is better to use light colors.
  • The thickness of the lines gives volume to the drawing. Thin branches can be made twice as thick by retreating a few millimeters from the sketch.
  • Winter drawing it will turn out really beautiful if you fill it out empty space a heap of shiny snowflakes.

Drawing a snowflake is an amazing process. He brings a lot of positive emotions not only for children, but also for adults.


See how easy it is to draw beautiful snowflakes.

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Winter is gradually coming to us... It's getting colder... The days are getting shorter and the nights are longer... The wind is howling outside the window. Numerous snowflakes are falling from the sky. You look outside the window - like white It is raining above. This is snow. It can be prickly and tender, wet and dry. He is completely different. But any snow immutable attribute winter. It is always associated in our minds with the New Year, with holidays. You can make snowmen out of snow, you can sled and ski on the snow. You can play snowballs, build snow forts, towns and much more. As one famous children's poem said: “The snow is spinning, the snow is flying. Snow, snow, snow... Animals, birds, and, of course, people are happy about the snow!” Snow consists of the smallest elements - snowflakes, which have a very beautiful appearance and interesting structure. At their core, snowflakes are frozen water crystals. Let's try to draw several types of snowflakes with a pencil step by step in our lesson.

Stage 1. First, we build helper lines to depict snowflakes. We draw two straight lines perpendicular to each other, then through the point of their intersection we draw the same two straight lines perpendicular to each other. There are four of them in total. This is for the first snowflake. For the second and third, we build one straight line, which is intersected by the other two at an angle of approximately 45 degrees.

Stage 2. Now we draw a clearer outline of the eight lines of the first snowflake. For the second, we build six rays along straight lines. For the third, we make six rays clear.

Stage 3. Connect the rays of the first snowflake with pointed lines. The second rays are arranged in three lines in each compartment. The rays of the third are drawn with two lines and we will draw, as it were, branches coming out from the intersection point.

Stage 4. Now on each line of the first snowflake at the top we draw two rays diverging to the sides. On the rays of the second we draw four strokes. On the rays of the third, we draw lines like twigs.

Stage 5. Erase all the helper lines. We leave only the contours of the snowflakes and trace the main lines again. We color the snowflakes blue.

Snowflakes appear in winter, and therefore most people associate them with New Year and Christmas celebrations. Graceful snowflakes of various shapes and sizes can often be seen on greeting cards. Having understood how to draw a snowflake, you will not only be able to easily make a bright greeting card, but you can also teach your child to draw snowflakes.
Before you draw a snowflake with a pencil step by step and then color it, you should find and prepare all the items that you will need for this:
1). Liner (or black pen);
2). Pencil;
3). Eraser;
4). A piece of paper;
5). Kit multi-colored pencils;
6). Ruler (you can use a ruler with round holes).

If all the stationery that is listed a little higher is already prepared, then you can draw a snowflake step by step:
1. Place a point, identifying the center of the first snowflake. Then, using a ruler, draw four line segments, each of which passes through this point. Draw a circle around the point. Mark on all segments approximately equal distance from the center, thus outlining the length of the future rays of the snowflake;
2. In the same way as the first snowflake, outline all the other snowflakes. The number of their rays can vary, as can the size of the circle in the center. Of course, you don’t have to use a ruler, but without this item it won’t be easy for a child to draw a snowflake;
3. Snowflakes come in the most bizarre shapes, so when depicting them, you can completely surrender to the will of your imagination. Draw the central part of the first snowflake, trying to make it openwork;
4. Draw the rays of the first snowflake, trying to make them as much as possible similar friend on a friend;
5. Draw the central part of the adjacent snowflake, making it look like a wheel;
6. Draw the rays of a snowflake and connect them with each other with graceful arches;
7. Draw the top small snowflake;
8. Draw another top snowflake, drawing an asterisk in its central part;
9. Of course, drawing a snowflake with a pencil is not enough to make the image neat and beautiful. Therefore, outline each of the snowflakes with a liner;
10. Erase the sketches of the snowflakes with an eraser;
11. Color the snowflakes using blue, cyan and purple pencils.
The snowflakes drawing is ready! Now you know how to draw snowflakes. This pattern will look no less impressive and elegant if the snowflakes are left white and the background is painted with watercolors.

Our video tutorial "How to draw a snowflake"! Enjoy watching and see you at next lesson drawing!

This lesson fell into the category of easy ones, which means that in theory it can be repeated by Small child. Naturally, parents can help young children draw a snowflake. And if you consider yourself a more advanced artist, then I can recommend the “” lesson - it will require more perseverance from you, although it will be no less interesting.

What you will need

In order to draw a snowflake we may need:

  • Watercolor or oil paints.
  • A clean palette to mix colors and create new combinations.
  • Water for dissolving paints and soaking brushes.
  • Set of brushes. Professionals advise using natural brushes, but beginners can also use synthetic ones.
  • A clean cloth to wipe your brushes.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

Natural phenomena are quite difficult to draw. That is, drawing them is not difficult, but achieving realism is much more difficult. I always recommend looking at the original to get the most accurate copy of what you are about to draw. In the Yandex image search, just search for “snowflake in the photo” to get a large number of the required material.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to pay attention to the lesson “”. It will help improve your skill or just give you a little fun.

Advice: paints, especially watercolors, are afraid of time: they dry very quickly, so apply strokes as quickly as possible, but very carefully. A drawing created with paints is quite difficult to correct.

If you are not very confident with a brush and paints, then do not hesitate to sketch with a pencil. This will save you a lot of time and nerves. I recommend doing this before the first step.

Are there any patterns for drawing snowflakes? No, of course, each snowflake is unique and has one single crystalline form. After all, a snowflake is a crystal formed when water freezes.

Come up with a snowflake pattern yourself, draw a picture of a snowflake on paper, and then cut out the outline of the drawn snowflake with scissors and decorate your window with this paper snowflake. One paper snowflake will not be enough for a large window, but after this lesson you can easily draw pictures of snowflakes of a different shape. It will turn out very beautiful, more of course Christmas decoration. To prevent pencil marks from being too noticeable, try to draw the contours of the snowflake firmly without pressing on it.

Now let's see how to draw the simplest snowflake step by step.

1. Snowflake has even number rays

It may seem that drawing a snowflake is too simple. It is possible, but only if in the first step of the drawing you symmetrically arrange the rays of the snowflake. Try to make this marking as accurately as possible, then the snowflake will be even and beautiful.

2. Draw the crystalline shape of a snowflake

You have already drawn a small circle in the center, now let's draw the main part of the snowflake crystal. To do this, place points at the junctions of the hexagon and connect these lines. A little higher, stepping back a little, duplicate the corners with gentle strokes on both sides of the rays and let's move on to the next step of the drawing.

3. Shape of snowflake rays

Connect the previously marked corners with lines going to the center of the snowflake. The result is the first rays of the crystal, which are slightly narrowed towards the center. On the contrary, draw the upper rays in the form of sharp swords. The result is the main outline of the snowflake. Then you can draw a snowflake arbitrarily, at your discretion, adding various patterns to it.

4. Snowflake drawing in detail

You can continue to draw a snowflake by copying my drawing, but you can draw a different kind of pattern. The main thing is that this pattern is symmetrical on all sides. A beautiful snowflake is one that has a perfectly even pattern. Moreover, it is not always necessary to do complex geometric figures, especially if you are going to cut out this snowflake design to decorate the window. Complex shapes will be difficult to cut accurately with scissors.

5. How to draw a snowflake. The final stage

A snowflake is usually drawn, then cut out of paper and decorated with a window, a Christmas tree, or made into a garland of snowflakes. Since a snowflake has a proportional even shape of rays, you can draw only one ray of a snowflake, fold the paper into four or eight layers and then cut out all the other rays along the contour of the drawn ray. Get a snowflake with 8 or 4 rays. If you are not going to cut out the snowflake drawing, then lightly shade the drawing with a simple pencil. The snowflake drawing will look more beautiful if the tinting is done with a blue colored pencil.

First, let's talk a little about snowflakes. Did you know why is a snowflake white? It is white because the snowflake contains air. Light of all possible frequencies is reflected on the boundary surfaces between the crystals and the air and scattered. Snowflakes consist of 95% air, which causes low density and a relatively slow falling speed (0.9 km/h).

Do you know what is the biggest snowflake?

The largest snowflake recorded was on January 28, 1887, during a snowfall at Fort Keough, Montana, USA. This snowflake had a diameter of about 38 cm. Typically, snowflakes have a diameter of about 5 mm with a mass of 0.004 g.

Are there any identical snowflakes? There are so many snowflakes that it is generally believed that no two snowflakes are alike. Simple snowflakes, such as prisms that form in low humidity, may look the same even though they are different at the molecular level. Complex star-shaped snowflakes have a unique geometric shape that can be distinguished by the eye. And there are more variants of such forms than there are atoms in the observable Universe.

Before we start drawing, let's see what they look like:

These photographs were taken in the laboratory of physics professor Kenneth Libbrecht of the California Institute of Technology. He grows snowflakes artificially.

It is assumed that in one cubic meter There are 350 million snowflakes in the snow, each of which is unique. There are no pentagonal or heptagonal snowflakes; they all have a strictly hexagonal shape.

Now, knowing what a snowflake is and what they are like, let's try to draw them! Here are some step-by-step diagrams on how you can easily draw snowflakes of different shapes. Using this principle, you can easily draw any snowflake you like!

How to draw a snowflake - diagram 1

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