The Russia We Lost (Museum of the Cossack Abroad in Starocherkasskaya)

In 1996, a museum of the history of the Cossacks was opened in secondary school No. 11. The purpose of creating the museum was to preserve the richest material about the inhabitants and the history of the village of Galyugaevskaya, to form high morality, diligence and patriotism among our children.

Initially, the museum was created as a museum of the history of the Cossacks. But it soon became clear that such a framework was too tight for him, and two more halls appeared - military and labor glory. The Hall of Labor Glory is equipped with a computer, multimedia projector, TV, DVD player and music center.

Cossack roots

To begin with, teachers, schoolchildren and villagers restored the history piece by piece Cossack life. And how did the Cossacks appear on the Terek? It is known that the Cossacks are free people. The word is translated from Turkic - "free, free." Well, according to some researchers, the Cossacks settled on the Terek almost from the 10th-11th centuries. When it came close to the Caucasus, by decree of the Empress in 1770 in order to strengthen the borders Russian state Cossacks from the Volga and Don were resettled here. The Azov-Mozdok defensive line began to be created.

One of its outposts was the village, based on the place where the escort team of 16 people of the sixth hundred of the Mozdok regiment originally settled. The Cossacks delivered official letters, accompanied the travelers and mail, and patrolled the border. They built the first watchtower and golteps (houses).

As for the name, everything is surprisingly simple. Since ancient times, there was a lake here, which was called in Ukrainian "Kaluga" - a puddle, the lake was located next to the forest, in Ukrainian "gay". So it turned out Kalyugay. Subsequently, the letter “k” was voiced and the village began to be called Galyugay.

In the Terek valley, the Cossacks planted orchards and vineyards, took up animal husbandry, and a little later, farming. started new life new station. The Cossacks were industrious. They said that "labor gives rise to prosperity, and laziness is foolishness." girls with early age taught to needlework. Therefore, the museum has many exhibits created by the hands of the Cossacks. These are embroidered paintings, towels, zapon (aprons).

Studying the traditions and customs of the Cossacks is a real pleasure for schoolchildren, especially girls. The exposition "Cossack needlewomen" presents the works of grandmothers and great-grandmothers of current students. This is embroidered various techniques: cutwork, colored and plain, one-sided and two-sided smooth surface, cross-stitch (simple and Bulgarian). Cossack women embroidered not only utilitarian items (pillowcases, curtains, bedspreads, table tops), but also paintings (portraits, still lifes, landscapes and story paintings).

These exhibits make many girls want to become skilled craftswomen themselves. On the school lessons technologies they learn to sew, embroider. And the 10th grade students chose a special course for themselves " Artistic processing fabrics."

The study of the traditions and customs of the Cossacks occupies a leading place in our work. Over the past years, a lot of material has been accumulated about the life of our ancestors. In the hall of the history of the Cossacks, an exposition of the decoration of the Cossack hut of the early 20th century was created. Her decoration was a bed. Here, look, she stands in a place of honor in our museum.

Next to it is a stove with pots, chapels and a poker - the main attribute of the hearth. And a chest. He was in every house. Wooden - without drawings - were found among the poor, forged and painted - in the homes of the rich.

On display school museum- spinning wheels and combs, a unique chopped trough for dough, a rubel for ironing linen. And also - swags for pickling cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage.

The pride of the school museum is the prayer "Our Father" in the drawings of the 1871 edition. There is also an exhibit. This is a photograph of the tsar surrounded by relatives and military leaders, he is taking a parade of Cossacks (possibly in). Who is in the picture is unknown. But there is an assumption that the photo was donated to one of the Galyugaev Cossacks for special services to the tsar and the Fatherland.

Ah war!

This fully applies to the military-patriotic section of the museum. Both adults and young local historians are convinced that they have no right to forget either the Great Patriotic War or the wars in Afghanistan and.

The Great Patriotic War did not bypass their native village. 600 sons, husbands, fathers were seen off by the Galyugayevites to the front, 293 families did not wait for their relatives: some died in fierce battles, some went missing.

Yes, and in the village itself during the occupation, both old and young fought against the Nazis. The young heroes Vanya Brazhnenko and Fedya Sherstobitov helped the scouts and partisans, supplying them with information about the movement of the enemy. Vanya Brazhnenko was shot by the Nazis in front of the villagers. Fedya twice fell into the clutches of the Nazis. The first time he managed to escape. The second time the Nazis brutally beat the boy, tried to bribe him, but he did not betray the partisans. The Germans took Fedya to and shot him along with other partisans. names young heroes the streets of the village are named.

Another interesting exposition of the school museum is military documents found as a result of search work and transferred to the museum by residents. In the hall of military glory of the school museum, meetings with participants and witnesses of the war are often held. After such meetings, the students had a desire to tell about their grandparents. Therefore, now the museum is accumulating material about the children of the war in the section "Childhood, scorched by the war."

Special place in patriotic education takes popularization state symbols. In the foyer of the school there is an exposition "Symbols of the Fatherland", where not only coats of arms and flags are presented, but also the symbols of the school - the coat of arms and the flag. Both students and teachers were involved in the development of school symbols. They created a law on school symbols. And today, not a single event is complete without these solemn symbols.

"Work" is a proud word

The labor achievements of fellow villagers are also reflected in the materials of the museum. Stands were decorated in the Hall of Labor Glory: “Pages of History” (about the history of the creation of the collective farm), “Veterans of the collective farm system”, “They should be proud of” (about order bearers), “Dynasty of grain growers” ​​(about the dynasties of the Kizilovs, Komarovs, Kalitvinovs, Kolpikovs ), "Home Front Workers". Also collected material on the development of education in the village, teacher dynasties. Of course, it is interesting to see the original documents: certificates, personal files of teachers, education certificate of 1916, school passport of 1947-1950.

A special place among the materials of the school museum is occupied by the history of the student production team named after. It was one of the first in the region in 1957. The members of the brigade were engaged in animal husbandry - they raised rabbits, pigs, ducks, worked in the garden and vineyards, grew grain, vegetables, melons and even cotton.

However, this museum has long stepped beyond the school building. Young local historians conduct tours of memorable places villages. The guys also cooperate with local history museums and. For the local history museum of the regional center, the search teams of the school, for example, collected household items of the Cossacks. And in 1998 they collected material about a resident of the village Grigory Ivanovich Yagodkin, a soldier of the Russian tsarist army, who was awarded easter egg for bravery on the battlefield. The relic was donated to the local history museum. AT local history museum there is an exposition about the life of the Cossacks, the decoration of the Cossack house, during the creation of which the old-timers of the village provided consulting assistance.

The school museum has become a symbol of the Fatherland. And this is the most right direction in the education of today's Galyugayevites. Education in the spirit of preservation and enhancement of cultural and historical heritage.

Starotitarovskaya stanitsa attracts tourists with its Cossack flavor. For those wishing to touch the historical past of the inhabitants of the Cossack farm, the Museum of the History of the Cossacks was founded.

In 1992, the Museum of the History of the Cossacks was created in the oldest Cossack village of Starotitarovskaya. Its founder was Olga Pogiba, a teacher and local historian. This is currently state museum located in an old building that was built at the beginning of the 20th century.

Museum Tour

The Museum of the History of the Cossacks consists of four halls. Two houses exhibits that represent rich history Zaporozhye Cossacks, who founded the village in 1794. Here you have the opportunity to look at authentic household items of the Cossacks, tools, clothes, precious jewelry, musical instruments, the documents. The exhibition was not without weapons - sabers and knives belonging to the villagers are on display for everyone to see.

The next room is dedicated to the times of the Great Patriotic War. From September 1942 to October 1943, the Starotitarovskaya village was occupied by the German invaders. She was one of the central points of resistance. During the occupation, more than half of the population died. This room is called "War and Fate". It honors the memory of the heroes-village dwellers who laid down their lives for the liberation of their native land.

Created in 2005.

Not only employees of the Cadet Corps, but also a specially created commission of the Prefecture of the South-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow, with the direct participation of the Cossack colonel, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Corps, Prefect of the SEAD of Moscow V.B. Zotov took an active part in the creation of the museum. Great help and support was provided by the Union of Cossacks of Russia, headed by Ataman A.G. Martynov, as well as the Union-led Cossack troops and societies revived since the 1990s.

In all sections of the museum, visitors can see exhibits donated by these structures. The creators of the museum were guided by the main idea - to deploy a large-scale exposition affecting all aspects of the history of the Cossacks, to present the glorious pages of this history, where the Cossacks proved themselves true patriots Fatherland. Indeed, since the 16th century, the history of Russia and the Cossacks were merged into one. This confirms and famous phrase LN Tolstoy: “The border gave birth to the Cossacks, and the Cossacks created Russia”, which is a kind of epigraph to the first hall of the museum.

In addition to the Cossack theme, the museum presented complexes of objects telling about the history of the cadet movement and, as part of it, about the creation of the Moscow Cossack Cadet Corps. M.A. Sholokhov.


  • The origin of the Cossacks from the Great Steppe to the atamans-pioneers Ermak Timofeevich and Khabarov.
  • Historical and household exposition;
  • Cossacks in Napoleonic Wars, the Patriotic War of 1812, the Caucasian campaigns of the nineteenth century;
  • Cossacks in the wars of the twentieth century: Russian-Japanese, World War I, the Great Patriotic War;
  • Revival of the Russian Cossacks;
  • cadet education today. History of the Moscow Cossack Cadet Corps. M.A. Sholokhova
  • Museum gifts.

To date, the museum's collection includes more than 700 museum exhibits.

A copy of the map of Russia at the end of the 18th century, which shows how a small territory of the Moscow principality grew (during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, the directions of the campaigns of Yermak, Dezhnev, etc. are also shown), due to which late XVIII century, in just 200 years, the territory of Russia has increased several times, and the country stretched from the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean.

The museum is organized chronologically. There are the most various versions origin of the Cossacks, there are a lot of them. There are many testimonies of Russian historians, for example, Tatishchev said that the Cossacks are a rabble of mountain Circassians. We say that, according to some sources, the Cossacks descended from numerous Scythian tribes that inhabited the territory of the Muscovite kingdom. The museum exposition tells about the campaigns of the Cossacks on small flat-bottomed ships with a capacity of up to 20 people. On these small boats, the Cossacks advanced across Siberia and Far East. Reproduction of Surikov's painting "The Conquest of Siberia by Yermak". The installation presents the first Russian settlement on the Amur River, the first prison built on the Amur River.

Pernach, a symbol of Cossack power, was never used in battle as a melee weapon, it was considered a symbol that was passed from one ataman to another on the Cossack circle. The layout of the prison was also made by the Cadets. Jails were not only border points, but also settlements used to collect tribute, which was collected for the Russian Tsar with furs.

Further, the exposition tells about the Cossack life. Here is a kuren, which was built on piles, because the Cossacks settled in the floodplains of the rivers, where it was very damp. The first floor was and traditionally remains not residential, but economic. Cossack kurens are usually painted only in three colors: blue, white or yellow, so the Cossack villages looked very festive.

Further, the exposition is devoted to women. The share of Cossack wives was very difficult, because when the Cossacks went on a campaign, the entire household remained on the shoulders of women. For example, the wife of Semyon Dezhnev waited for him for 19 years, managed to raise her son, but she never waited for her husband. History knows only two cases when women became chieftains. These are Princess Anna Tanshina, who became chieftain in the 18th century, and Yulia Tkachenko, our contemporary (she passed away two years ago). She was the ataman of the central Cossack army.

The installation of the Cossack kuren's room is interesting. If the Cossack was in his house, then a checker always hung in a place of honor, in the red corner there was always an icon case with icons.

In all the military campaigns waged by Russia in the 19th century, Cossack units took part. The museum has many original exhibits.

One of them is a children's Cossack costume of the 19th century. When a boy was born in the family, it was a great event, he was given a sword.

Kozari (gazyri) were located on the chest of the Cossack caftan and contained a powder charge for one shot. When weapons became more modern, they remained as a decorative element of clothing or in order to store something that should not get wet there.

In the Patriotic War of 1812, the Cossacks, commanded by Platov, Vasily Vasilyevich Orlov-Denisov, became famous. Platov's Cossacks became famous not only because they took part in the battles of 1812, they reached Paris.

The exposition contains real bullets of French weapons, among them is a grapeshot bullet, which was found on the Borodino field.

Of great interest to visitors is the original Cossack belt with silver pendants. Now there are 11 Cossack troops. They are located throughout Russia. The Cossacks took elements of traditions, uniforms from local residents. The belt is an element of clothing of the peoples of the Caucasus.

An important exhibit of the museum is a Cossack saddle. It is a symmetrical soft pillow stuffed with horsehair. This saddle belonged to Alexei Mikhailovich Ermakov, Don Cossack, whose father Mikhail Ermakov went into exile and took this saddle with him as the most expensive thing. Alexei Mikhailovich came to Moscow in 2009 from San Francisco, and, having visited the cadet corps, he donated this saddle to the museum.

The 20th century includes three sections dedicated to the First World War, the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War.

To the first world war the Cossacks showed themselves heroically. 160 regiments were sent to the front. The exposition presents the form of His Majesty's own convoy (this is the full dress uniform of the Kuban Cossacks, because the Kuban Cossacks were the core of the convoy).

When the Great Patriotic War began, the Cossacks came to the defense of the Motherland. 262 Cossacks became Heroes Soviet Union. 7 cavalry corps received the title of "Guards". 2 cavalry Cossack corps took part in the defense of Moscow. One of them operated in the south under the command of General Belov, the other in the north under the command of General Dovator. The school has developed good relations with Rita Lvovna Dovator (daughter of the legendary commander), she often visits the cadet school and museum.

AT museum exposition tells about the feat of the 4th squadron, which fought to the death in a battle with the Nazis, it was considered completely dead near the village of Fedyukovo near Moscow, but it turned out that not all Cossacks died in a fierce battle.

Special stands display personal belongings of the Cossacks, which were found near Rzhev during search operations.

The pride of the museum is a set of miniatures that exist in a single copy. The miniatures show the diversity of the Cossacks' clothing from the 16th century to the time of the Great Patriotic War. They are made by hand, they were made by a historian by education, she worked on each figurine for about a month, observing all the smallest details uniforms of each Cossack army.

The following material tells about the revival of the Cossacks, which began in 1992. Copies of documents are devoted to this period. At the beginning, there was a directorate of the Cossack troops under the President, now there is a Council for Cossack Affairs.

The next exposition tells about cadet education in Russia.

The prototype of the cadet corps was the Navigation School, which was opened in the Sukharev Tower in Moscow by Peter the Great in 1701. Under Anna Ioannovna, the first land gentry cadet corps was opened in the capital. The exposition contains authentic things that belonged to the cadets before the revolution, the original certificate of education, here you can read the name of the disciplines that the cadets studied, you can also see the 12-point marking system that existed in the buildings.

The story about cadet education is crowned by the uniform of a cadet of the Vladikavkaz Cadet Corps of the 1910 model, next to it is a modern dress uniform, as well as awards that children can receive for excellence in study, sports, and social life.

Every city has places that can be called the heart and soul. In Stavropol, such a place can be called the Regional Museum fine arts. How finer city, the more beautiful its soul, and the Stavropol soul of the city is truly beautiful!

"Stavropol Regional Museum of Fine Arts" was founded in December 1961 by order of the Ministry of Culture of the RSFSR, opened to visitors in November 1962.

The initiative to create the museum belonged to the Board of the Stavropol branch of the Union of Artists of the RSFSR and art critic Boris Albertovich Bendik (1920-1993), who became the first director of the museum and was engaged in completing the collection during the first decade of its existence.

The museum, located in the historical part of the city, occupies three buildings connected into a single ensemble, which are architectural monuments of federal significance. In the past, these were merchant mansions built on the former Aleksandrovskaya Street (now Dzerzhinsky Street) in the late 70s. 19th–early 20th centuries

The Museum of Art is the only one in the region that has the largest art collection, numbering about twenty-five thousand genuine works of art, representing Russian and foreign art XVI-XXI centuries The museum has formed collections of auxiliary, reproduction, archival funds, art photography collection. The museum is one of the most prestigious business cards Stavropol Territory. It has its own educational complex, which includes a library, reading room, a methodical office, museum classes, where places for classes, drawing are equipped, there is a play corner for the youngest visitors. Classes are held here educational programs, museum subscription, which are designed for aesthetic development children and youth and assistance in studying subjects of the humanitarian cycle.

Museum-estate of V.I. Smirnov

This small nice museum is located in the very center of Stavropol on Dzerzhinsky Street. In the 19th century, the hospitable owner of the estate was Vasily Ivanovich Smirnov. Talented painter, an incorrigible romantic, the soul of the company, and in to some extent spiritual authority of the highest Stavropol society of that time.

The house-museum is a typical residential house of a Stavropol family with all its accompanying elements - outbuildings, a garden, an invariable well with the purest ice water. Stavropol families with average incomes lived in such estates in the middle of the 19th century.

The estate was built in 1877. All the furnishings of the house are completely preserved - in their original form. Wicker chairs, a magnificent piano, paintings on the walls, even the tablecloth on the table is genuine. All this was donated by the artist's daughter, Nina Smirnova. She lived in the family estate until old age. After her departure to another city, this house has become a city museum since 1985.

The hospitable house was open to guests. The famous Stavropol musician Vasily Dmitrievich Benevsky, who wrote music for many theatrical productions of that time, editor and creator of the newspaper that thundered at that time " North Caucasus» Dmitry Evseev, founder of Ossetian literature, writer and democrat Kosta Khetagurov and many, many others.

Museum of the History of the Cossacks

The Stavropol Museum of the History of the Cossacks will be of interest to all those who have a desire to plunge into the world and atmosphere of the life and life of the Cossacks. Everything that is presented to the museum was donated or transferred for collection by the ataman of the Stavropol city society V. Esaulov.

The museum presents very big collection a variety of firearms, as well as edged weapons. Visitors will be able to take a closer look at a whole collection of various daggers, as well as checkers, which were popular back in the 19th century. All these exhibits will help to get acquainted in more detail with many details of the Cossack service, as well as with the life and way of life of the Cossacks.

The Museum of the History of the Cossacks also presents the form of the Terek and Kuban Cossacks, which was borrowed from the mountain peoples. Therefore, all tourists will be able to see in detail specific features cut of Cossack clothes, which was adapted for riding, as well as for military service.

Here you can see the diorama of the Stavropol village, which was in late XVIII century. Thanks to this diorama, you can plunge into the atmosphere that reigned during the life of the Cossacks, understand their worldview, sense of life, and much more.

Sights of Stavropol

Museum of the Cossacks in Krasnodar (Krasnodar, Russia) - expositions, opening hours, address, phone numbers, official website.

  • Tours for May to Krasnodar Territory
  • Hot tours to Krasnodar Territory

The Kuban Cossacks are one of the most famous troops in Russia, dating back to the end of the 17th century. Exactly Kuban Cossacks was transferred to the Kuban region by Empress Catherine, and since then their boldness, love of freedom, colorful lifestyle have become proverbial. You can learn more about their life and way of life in one of the museums of Krasnodar, namely, in the Museum of the Cossacks. It is located in the Slavyansky district of the city, opened on the basis of the Cossack farm community of this area.

The founding date of the museum is considered to be 2008, although in fact it became a full-fledged museum a little later. The collection of exhibits for the opening of the museum was carried out carefully and painstakingly, it took a lot of time, but as a result, like-minded enthusiasts became the founders of the museum, who were only united by difficulties. The first exhibition, which tells about the origins of the Cossacks in the Kuban, opened in the museum in 2009. All the exhibits and objects on display were not enough to create a museum, more was needed.

The first exhibition, which tells about the origins of the Cossacks in the Kuban, opened in the museum in 2009.

The founders of the museum and the organizers of the exhibition decided to replenish the collection by collecting items from expeditions to the places of the Kuban Cossacks. Many simple people, who came from a Cossack family, happily shared their unique stories, old photographs, household items, books and documents, one way or another connected with the Cossacks. In two years, since the opening of the first exhibition, a full-fledged collection has been assembled.

Grand opening permanent exhibition Museum took place on a significant day for the entire Cossacks - April 26, 2009 - Day of rehabilitation of the Cossacks and other repressed peoples. The museum collection contains all the most interesting items that were "obtained" from the expeditions - these are documents and photographs, books and manuscripts, vintage cards, which depict the Krasnodar Territory and the Kuban Region. It is interesting to consider unusual household items and Cossack life, which were used only here.

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