Light green aura. Types of human aura

Esotericists have long recorded the existence of an energy cocoon around the physical body of a person, called the aura. It is distinguished by various color shades, characteristic. In a patient, this phenomenon gradually fades until it disappears completely on the eve of death. The human aura, colors, the meaning of its covers, contribute to the identification of the causes of spiritual and physical illnesses, a better understanding of people. The predominant shades determine the traits that make up the personality.

Aura color: the meaning of different shades

Knowing the characteristics of the energy shells of people will allow you to interact with others in a new way. Strangers will no longer be a mystery, because the aura echoes the character of a person. One shade is more often predominant, but the energy cocoon, as a rule, consists of different colors. What is their meaning?

  • Red speaks of leadership qualities, dedication and ambition, increased sexuality. But darker shades indicate a desire to dominate others and a quick-tempered character.
  • Be careful of people whose aura dark red and spreads in muddy stains. They are prone to aggression, they are cunning. They seek pleasure at the expense of others.
  • purple color characterizes people who are heroic and just. They do not know fear and always go forward both in personal life and in business.
  • Aura scarlet shade is characteristic of those who are proud of themselves for no reason.
  • Pink the color symbolizes love. It is always a pleasure to deal with such people. They know how to keep up the conversation and squander goodwill around.
  • orange colors characterize active humanists, self-confident. If there is a golden hue, then people are in control of themselves. But green blotches in such an aura speak of conflict and the ability to provoke quarrels.
  • Yellow color is characteristic of creative individuals with high intelligence.
  • Green aura distinguishes people who are able to challenge fate. Often they have a healing gift.
  • Blue color is formed around a person endowed with intuition. Such people are young at heart throughout their lives. For this reason, they love to travel and often change their place of residence.
  • Violet aura color - meaning: a person is distinguished by high spirituality and a craving for mystical knowledge. However, it is often not developed physically.
  • Large-scale plans tend to come up with personalities with an aura silver colors. These people are creative, honest and noble. Not capable of bad deeds.
  • White background distinguishes those who are pure in soul. This is a peacemaker who is not able to get past someone else's misfortune without providing all possible assistance. Such people often participate in charitable programs, go to developing countries to help the local population.

Among the uninitiated, there is an opinion that only psychics are capable of distinguishing the energy cocoon around the figure of a living being or object. Esotericists know techniques that allow anyone who wants to learn to see their own or someone else's aura.

Parapsychologists say that children's depiction of animals in unnatural colors indicates that at a tender age a person is able to see more than just a physical shell. Over the years, material values ​​are superimposed on the perception of the world around us. The child loses the ability to see the energy components of reality. There are several methods to regain lost abilities.

Seeing your own aura is not difficult.

  1. Position yourself at a distance of about 50 cm from the mirror, placed so that there is a solid light background in the reflection in the background. Lighting should not be too bright. In the dark, you will not be able to succeed either.
  2. Relax every part of your body. Inhale and exhale evenly. Subsequently, you will begin to notice that the aura increases as the lungs fill with air.
  3. Slight swaying of the body from side to side contributes to concentration.
  4. Look closely at the reflection of the wall surface behind you. Wander your eyes over the outlines of the figure.
  5. After a while, a weightless shell will appear around it, moving along with the body.

After visualizing the aura, it becomes possible to change its color to the desired one. It should be remembered that this will greatly affect the character and fate of a person. Take these techniques seriously, trying not to harm yourself or those around you.

How to see a person's aura? For the best development of this ability, it is best to start with the energy shell of small objects. Gradually switch to plants and animals. The result will be the development of a third eye, capable of easily distinguishing the auras of other people.

By developing the ability to see the aura, a person gets the opportunity to change his own destiny and learn to help others. The method of improving such abilities in oneself is best chosen by turning to the subconscious. A good knowledge of the topic "Human Aura: Colors, Meaning" will help to avoid many misunderstandings and personalities. Greedy or quarrelsome people are easy to distinguish by the shades of the energy background surrounding the physical body. Such knowledge is indispensable for spiritual self-development and knowledge of the depths of one's personality.

One of the most delicate colors in the general palette is sometimes referred to as shades of red, although it also has a completely independent meaning.

A pink aura is rarely found in its pure form around the entire human body, so the owners of such a biofield are really lucky with their uniqueness. Such a soft glow characterizes the owner of the energy as a compassionate and caring person who loves everything beautiful and related to art.

Pink color of the aura: meaning

People with such a biofield are incredibly purposeful and persistent in matters of achieving personal happiness. True, the bar of life itself for these individuals is very high, but this does not prevent them from following their own principles almost always and even fighting for their opinion. Such individuals like to plan, to imagine the desired financial well-being.

Surprisingly, pink, with its tenderness and grace, is also a shade of real materialism. Therefore, in a person with light energy, a thirst for success is combined with a subtle perception of the world.

One should not lose sight of the main quality of people with a pink biofield - spiritual love. For this reason, most personalities seem dreamy and even detached. They believe in mysticism, fairy tales, their dreams of a sublime feeling. Calm character and relaxation, surrounding yourself with coziness and comfort in everyday life - these are all “pink” people.

Such a person hardly agrees to adventures, active forms of recreation, travel in extreme conditions. But they can participate in gambling because of the love of money. In the financial sphere, carriers of the pink biofield are usually lucky, but if the forces are overestimated too much, defeat and the loss of all savings are inevitable.

Pink color in the human aura causes a constant feeling of care and purity.

Such a subject is able to sacrifice himself if necessary. At the same time, the individual is characterized by industriousness, but only if the actions do not run counter to beliefs. A person with pink energy has a large reserve of positive emotions, and if you do not spend it, the aura will begin to fade and decrease.

A frequent problem for the carrier of such a biofield is dependence on the external environment and lack of self-realization. This problem must be fought very actively, finding a suitable favorite thing for yourself and breaking out of the atmosphere of monotony and discomfort. "Pink" people should definitely try to fulfill their dream, even if all friends and family members have to explain the reasons for the extravagant act. However, such individuals are lucky with the environment, so they will definitely understand and support.

Due to the unusual gentleness and desire to always help such people, it can begin to seem that they are being used. In this case, you need to use such situations to train your level of responsibility and the ability to answer “No”. It may seem difficult, but cultivating self-care is just as important as cultivating concern for others.

In some cases, the pink aura also develops timidity in a person, and then he needs to practice his ability to express his opinion in a free form, as well as develop self-confidence.

Intense information about the earth and the inner voice is also the pink color of the aura. What does this feature mean? We are talking about a developed intuition, literally of a planetary type. People with this biofield are very advanced, in the sense that they have managed to come to perfect harmony between their spiritual and material needs.

A reverent attitude towards relatives, loyalty to friends is combined with career growth in the work of a teacher, lawyer or financier.

Surprisingly, among people with pink energy, most of all dangerous enemies. They are very vindictive and vindictive, they fight for their point of view to the very end and do only what they need. True, it is easier for these individuals to survive a collision with another person than a struggle with reality. Pink energy often serves as a dividing veil between the real world and their special vision of life.

Such people live in pleasure and peace of mind until some kind of shock occurs, forcing them to experience negative emotions. But even from such severe trials, individuals in a pink biofield do not change their usual way of life and the habit of contemplating this world in dreams.

"Pink" personalities often do not know how to correctly assess the disposition of forces, current opportunities. They lack criteria for analyzing the situation, so such people often make empty promises, offending the environment with their unfulfillment. With all this, the individuals themselves do not worry over trifles, and if they are agitated by the situation, they calm down very quickly. This allows soft and gentle people to live to old age.

The combination of red and white or purple and red is the pink aura. What does the origin of this color mean? The fundamental shades give a person attractiveness and intelligence, sympathy from the environment. We can say that pink energy is the golden mean, because the love of these personalities can be different. On the one hand, this is a romantic attachment, and on the other hand, a dreamy love of love. Such people create families easily, surrounding the household with tenderness, but they definitely should not choose jealous partners for life.

It is believed that the pink aura blends perfectly with the purple biofield. People with such energies create the most stable marriage. But the red aura must be avoided. If you want to attract the attention of a person with a pink biofield, be sure to be active, and do not just stand in the charm of his perfection, warmth and love.

According to Eastern traditions, people with pink energy are advised to choose golden and yellow shades in interior and wardrobe details.

It is better to choose talismans from real gold, interspersed with amethyst - a purple gem. Why does a pink hue require golden tones? Because as a result, orange is formed, and such energy helps to be responsible and serious when making important decisions at work or in the field of family life.

Shade Features

  • Pale pink tone speaks of the impossibility of a person to show himself in society. This is due to shyness, shyness, lack of determination in actions.
  • bright pink color biofield shows an individual with developed altruism. Such personalities humanly love all the inhabitants of the planet; they have access to the highest form of this wonderful feeling, and they know how to demonstrate it.
  • A separate form of the aura is pink blue energy. People with this biofield are very interested in life, they want to enjoy it and have fun. Ordinariness and tranquility are not their style, so they question all laws and dogmas. A personality of this color strives for freedom and self-expression, therefore it can master any creative profession or even a sales career.
  • Lilac pink color aura speaks of the high spirituality of an individual who is in love with his ideas. Such a person is ready to serve the society, to share his best feelings with him in order to achieve common ideals.
  • purple color sometimes considered a variation of pink, when this delicate shade seeps into a mixture of blue (or purple) and red. Such an aura speaks of the imperiousness of a person. If purple is added to this color, we can talk about the possibility of problems with the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system. And the purple hue above the head speaks of pure spiritual feelings and thoughts of the individual.

The main carriers of color in the biofield

  1. Teenagers. A pure youthful aura can be pink due to the immaturity of young people, their minimal life experience, their tendency to infantilism and the desire to intensify any feelings and emotions, as well as their external manifestations.
  2. mothers. Since pink is an emotional shade that shows love and happiness, a woman who looks at her baby will certainly change her aura to this beautiful, caring color.
  3. pregnant. The biofield tends to be repainted in the process of bearing a child. At first, the aura simply expands and increases its brightness, and then pink balls of energy appear above the shoulder area. They are also combined with clots of green, gold, lilac shades.
  4. lovers. If you think about your partner or just a person you like, then pink tones (sometimes with a golden hue) will immediately become noticeable in the chest area, growing along the perimeter of the entire aura. Thoughts of love are concentrated in pink areas above the head, and if you are in such an inspiring state all the time, a snow-white glow will pour from the top of your head.
  5. Infantile personalities. An adult with a pink aura (if he is not in love and is in a neutral psycho-emotional state) is usually childish. Such individuals are focused only on themselves, they do not want to make independent decisions in life and are very unreliable.
  6. Audience of speakers and orators. The pink aura is also important for those who talk about the benefits of some things, since their field vibrations are so high that they affect other people's frequencies. Therefore, listeners are colored in the ethereal shell with a pinkish color with hints of marengo.

Interestingly, pink energy can appear in a person's aura after communicating with pleasant people. Also, the inclusion of this shade in the biofield is possible after long meditations.

At the same time, a green tone of the aura also appears. If a person usually has a different color of energy, but is now reflected in pink, she is probably not confident in herself and wants to avoid responsibility.

Forms of manifestation of pink in the aura

  • Clear clots of pink color along the entire perimeter of the ethereal shell, they say that a person retains a sense of resentment, dragging negative energy behind him. For girls, such areas of the biofield speak of health problems, in particular, benign formations in the body.
  • Blotches of pink against the background of the general purple color of energy - a bad sign. The combination of a light shade of softness with a rich tone, which usually speaks of spiritual growth, in this case shows a degrading person. Such a person is unpleasant in communication and very touchy.
  • Bright cloud of pink haze which beautifully envelops the silhouette of a person, speaks of the current manifestation of compassion and love.
  • Accurate pinkish rays, penetrating through the biofield to the outside show a person at rest. This person radiates quiet love and inner harmony.

Such people are very kind, they care about their neighbors, they like to communicate. For all these positive qualities, fate gives them spiritual well-being.

The pink aura is a reflection of modesty and selfless love, steadfastness in one's views and obstinacy.

The aura of each person has its own color, which is called the color of a person's life and which changes depending on the characteristics of each life stage.

You can find out the color of your own aura by summing up all the numbers of the date of birth: day, month and year. If the date of birth is 12/25/1975, the sum of the digits will be calculated as follows: 2+5+1+2+1+9+7+5=32, 3+2=5 (5 corresponds to blue, which indicates the main color of the human aura ). Each color corresponds to a certain number. (If the result is 11 or 22, these numbers remain unchanged.)

  • Red color - number 1
  • Yellow color - 2
  • Orange - 3
  • Green - 4
  • Blue - 5
  • Blue - 6
  • Purple - 7
  • Pink - 8
  • Bronze - 9
  • Silver - 11
  • Golden - 22.

Aura red

If your aura is red, it speaks of sensuality, cheerfulness, aggressiveness of nature. Red is the color of ambition, determination, optimism and love of freedom of a person. Based on these data, the state of indifference and apathy is incompatible with your character, your destiny is to match the nature of your main aura background. Wrong motivation can be formed for various reasons. If you give yourself completely and without a trace to work, without paying the slightest attention to rest and entertainment, then you have probably chosen a profession that does not correspond to your nature. In addition, it is possible that in personal life it is not developing in the best way. To understand the real reason, use the pendulum.

Considering the reaction of this device - "positive" or "negative" fluctuation, ask mentally the question of how satisfied you are with the current state of affairs. The answer of the pendulum may surprise you. Ask questions about other areas of life where you would like to clarify the situation. If your red aura has become cloudy, use one of the methods below to restore it.

Build your daily schedule in such a way as to increase physical activity. Move, walk.

In addition to physical benefits, you will get an additional opportunity to reflect on the meaning of life. Walk for at least 20 minutes daily, and more if possible. Your data means that you will be able to succeed in sports competitions. The owners of the red aura are distinguished by the spirit of competition, but victory should not overshadow the main goal in life. Your nature tends to seek superiority in everything. Therefore, if you notice such a desire for yourself even in the gym, perhaps you should choose a neutral type of physical training in order to properly prioritize: after all, the main goal of sports is not gold, but self-improvement.

Since red is the color of ambition, it means that you can achieve high goals, and you can choose a worthy one for yourself. With the achievement of this goal, you can be proud of yourself. If you manage to succeed, then the main background of your aura will acquire radiance and increase in volume. Consciously choose people to associate with so that achievements in their lives can inspire you, and limited people with low self-esteem are best avoided - close acquaintance with them will negatively affect your aura, pushing the goal beyond tangible horizons.

aura of yellow

The yellow color of the aura is evidence of a creative nature, its carrier is prone to intellectual achievements, and he can also be sociable, capable of self-expression in certain creative activities. In your presence, coldness and inaccessibility melt, you know how to charm. If you don't see this in yourself, well, you should reflect on what you're doing wrong in your life. The first thing to work on is openness. You will be able to raise the spirit of any company through natural eloquence. The gift of a speaker can be useful to you in your professional activities. You excel in communication, so professions of a teacher, consultant, salesman, adviser and others are suitable for you, where you can show communication skills for the benefit of others.

However, the speaker's brilliant speech can be a cover for a very tender and vulnerable soul. Therefore, set yourself up for a more superficial attitude to some situations, resist a psychological attack, use your natural sense of humor. Exclude frivolity and negligence in behavior. The diversity of your interests causes misunderstanding among your loved ones. Sometimes they distrust you, considering you an amateur, and do not take you seriously. If problems of this kind overtake you, make a decision to bring everything you started to the end, be consistent in everything. You have a clear mind, and if you suspect that you are not doing what you dreamed of in life, do a soul-searching, choose a direction that really interests you and achieve excellence in this area. They say that if a person devotes at least one hour a day to the development of his abilities, then sooner than in a year he will become a specialist in this field. All you have to do is choose your favorite activity and test yourself!

aura of orange

The orange color of the aura signifies emotions and health. The orange aura of a person gives him sociability, kindness, caring, sensitivity towards others. Now look at yourself: how irritable, depressed, depressed, or unable to express yourself in the way you would like to be? If any of the above takes place in your life, then you urgently need to make adjustments. First of all, you need to be aware that you are devoting your time to constructive and useful activities. You need to find yourself in what you think is noble and give yourself to it. One woman bought stationery for colleagues in the office, and this brought her a kind of satisfaction, gave her a sense of useful activity for others. In that office, employees kept complaining about the disappearance of pens, pencils, and laser cartridges. The voluntary mission of the employee brought her real pleasure from what she did, despite the lack of words of gratitude.

Accept yourself for who you really are. Take pleasure in caring and helping others. You will get the greatest joy in emotional communication with like-minded people and people close to your heart, that is, no less sensitive and kind people. Perhaps excessive modesty and sensitivity bring you discomfort, then turn these qualities of yours to serve people. By doing so, you will increase your self-confidence and regain the lost joy of life.

Aura of green

Green is the color of nature and all living things. Radiating such an aura, they adapt perfectly to any circumstances, they are sentimental and compassionate. Such qualities can also become their weakness. These people love to communicate with friends, so they are optimistic about life. If they fail, they tend to blame everything, first of all, on others. Green is the opposite of red, they are always restrained in their actions and not so irritable in anger. This vibration endows its owner with reliability and constancy, like the very power of nature, which is gaining gradually but steadily. More often than not, this friendly and determined spirit cannot be contained. People of this type are conformists, but in a modern way. Once they feel they are right, nothing else can resist their intentions.

If you are the owner of a green aura, then at times you will be able to observe in yourself such a quality as excessive gullibility, "greenness", but this will cause even greater disposition among people towards you. Just don't get hung up on the little things. Concentrate on the action, as you are capable of it. The shade of the aura also makes its own adjustments. Shades of green aura, like no other, are the most important. Each of them can be considered, but a general rule will suffice: if green approaches yellow, it will lose its natural stamina, and with blue, green shines with luxury. The owner of the green has a natural caring and kind heart. Given the vibrations of your aura, you should be a sympathetic and compassionate person, have compassion, responsibility, and reliability. Otherwise, your aura will begin to undergo negative changes. The aura will become brighter if you direct yourself to help others. And these services do not have to burden you. For example, when you go to the store, you could also buy something for a sick neighbor, and so on. Charity can be diverse, for example, you become the founder of a humanitarian mission in the fight for the rights of citizens.

You may feel oppressed and in need of someone's support. Do not rush to judge others, look at yourself differently. Perhaps the reason for your poor condition is your tension and stubbornness. Become more relaxed and non-judgmental. Accept yourself as you are, not forgetting that the system of prohibitions is as old as the world, and we are all limited by its framework.

You better approach life a little differently. In this case, the newly set task and self-improvement in the process of achieving it will help. If oppression torments you, associate as much as possible with sympathetic and caring people so that new perspectives open up. By nature, you are endowed with diligence, consistency and purposefulness. May these qualities always help you.

Aura blue

The blue color of the aura symbolizes teaching, the propensity to travel, the pursuit of truth and the search for truth. Blue does not exclude the presence of adventurism, at the same time indicates creative inclinations, imagination and clear thinking. The owners of the blue aura are immersed in eternal youth, they are capable of great things. They are inspired by new experiences, these people are happy to communicate with representatives of various ethnic groups and study their culture. Sometimes they have a very active lifestyle that does not allow them to rest. The inability to relax is fraught with stress. Among the carriers of the blue color, those who will direct their reserve to dark targets are unlikely to be found. Some of them are too unassembled because they want to do everything. In this case, energy is used irrationally. You need to focus your efforts on one thing and not start anything new without completing the previous one. Fussiness and impatience do not allow you to stop at the chosen one, you are constantly distracted by innovations. Perhaps you do not know how to appreciate achievements. If so, take a look and see once again how much useful you managed to accomplish. You have gifts that are important to dispose of wisely: this way you can achieve a lot.

Aura blue

Blue color - nobility, caring, humanity. Carriers of blue are self-confident, they have an increased responsibility towards others. People around understand them on a subconscious level and are drawn to them. If you don't have these qualities, you need to trust others more and be more open in expressing your feelings. Follow the voice of your heart, and then, perhaps, you will be able to better tune in to the right wave with the people around you. People of the blue aura should not neglect rest and entertainment, because an overly serious attitude to their duties as a benefactor will not allow them to take care of their own needs. At times, you are too picky about yourself and others, being in the eternal search for perfection. If this is the case, try to relax and understand that it is impossible to be forever responsible for what is happening. Secondary matters can be neglected in order to be with your friends and loved ones. The influence of blue has a fairly strong expression called "faithful supporter", and this is not all of its meanings. Blue is a mixture of sensitivity and ardor, which in its passionate desire to do everything right, against all odds, can take the wrong direction.

Blue skies can be soft blue at noon and hazy black at midnight. The blue vibration is also changeable. It is impossible to find a person with a blue aura of a permanent hue. Blue descends to the depths of depression and rises to live with inspiration. As some saying goes, "once when the moon was shining blue", that is, extremely rarely. If you have a blue aura, you need to determine your permanent shade and try to keep it constantly. All blue shades have a certain degree of devotion in them. You are happy to make friends, but it turns out that formally. Blue is the color of coldness and independence. The blue aura gives a person an understanding of the value of joint efforts, so that he is guided by this in his life.

purple aura

Violet color - corresponds to intuition, spirituality, teaching, clairvoyance. People with a violet aura have a heightened susceptibility, intuition and a rich spiritual world. In helping others, they are able to show tact and delicacy. In a difficult period of life, they draw support from their faith. These people do not like to ask others for help, they can only rely on their own strength. If there is no unity between natural gifts and personal qualities, your aura will fade and become smaller in volume. Fortunately, you can update it. If you observe the indifference of others, try to express yourself in a more accessible and simple way. Many people with a violet aura do not know how to speak out loud about their emotions. Therefore, they are closed and so deep in themselves that they are not able to communicate. If this is observed in your case, you can be sure that you are robbing yourself, as well as others. You may not be able to conform to the generally accepted rules. Perhaps you are guided only by your own arguments, not paying much attention to what others think about it. For them, your actions are incomprehensible and unacceptable. Do not forget that we belong to a society of people whose needs and actions are interrelated. The violet aura endows its owners with literary, artistic data; these people are distinguished by a wealth of imagination and creative abilities. Few people have such an aura, so they involuntarily feel special, unique in their own way. Their tint can be mystical, like the hue of twilight, turning from sunset into the darkness of the night. Their "purple" occupation is the transformation of illusions into reality.

Aura pink

Pink is the color of materialism, determination, hard work. The people of this aura are gentle, like the pink glow itself, and very caring. However, these properties do not prevent them from defending their own point of view if necessary. You love to act on your own convictions and always find the strength to care for your loved ones. If the positive reserve of the main background is not realized, the brightness and saturation of the color of the aura is depleted. If you observe your own dependence on others, then you will definitely feel the need for action in order to assert yourself. Look for a real activity for the soul. Get out of the burdensome comfort, move aside the monotonous everyday life and create something that you have not stopped thinking about throughout your life.

Of course, your act will seem more than extravagant to friends and relatives, but you will try to make your reason clear to them, and then they will be able to support you in your endeavors. Sometimes you may feel that others want to take advantage of you. Use these occasions to develop your own responsibility. In addition to this, learn to say "no" when the situation calls for it, even though it's not easy. In addition to caring for others, it is also important to treat yourself. A pink background can give indecision and timidity. Then you should work on self-confidence and the ability to freely express your intentions.

Aura bronze color

Bronze color expresses self-sacrifice, humanism. People with a bronze aura are gentle, caring, and determined. You are happy to help others and do it with ease and detachment because you value emotional independence. Owners of the bronze aura tend to have a positive outlook on life. You are capable of finding happiness in life. However, sometimes you are sure that others underestimate you. Dedicate some time to your own needs. You just don't know yourself and rely on the opinions of others. If so, you need to be convinced of your own abilities and imbued with self-respect. You can also attend courses dedicated to the development of these qualities.

You are responsive and vulnerable, so it is not easy for you to make decisions in situations where people ungratefully exploit your virtue. It is useful for you to do good, not expecting to receive a reward. It's not easy, but it will take you a long way towards excellence.

Aura of silver color

The silver aura is responsible for humanism, idealism, dreaminess and a penchant for fantasies are expressed in it. The owners of the silver aura are people of a high spiritual level and a rich inner world, endowed with imagination and impeccable intuition. Their distinctive qualities are nobility, honesty, gullibility. When choosing friends, they rely on their intuitive instinct and tune in only to the creative perception of others. If the behavior goes against the color of the main background, the aura turns gray and lifeless. To restore it, you need to realize your extraordinary gifts and abilities. Rate yourself worthy. Trust your intuition. Perhaps you should act outside the box, making an effort on yourself.

Undertaking big things, you are not always able to realize them. Allow great ideas to continue to overwhelm you, but you need to keep in mind that the implementation of such plans depends on how constructive your goals are, and how carefully you thought them through to bring them to life. When you achieve success, you will be amazed at the obvious changes in your aura. You may also experience emotional pressure and be constantly in a state of nervous tension. Therefore, others, being in your company, feel stiffness. You need to learn how to relax using meditation, yoga or self-hypnosis.

Aura of golden color

Gold color is a symbol of infinity. Gold indicates success and the presence of bold ideas, non-standard qualities of the soul and human responsibility. These people who have high goals, success accompanies. When the goal is reached, you are overwhelmed with happiness. The bearer of the golden aura is a charismatic leader by nature, radiating powerful energy that others feel. It is probably impossible to find something bad in a person with a golden aura. If your dreams did not come true, then before you start something new, you need to restore a lot of expended energy. If your affairs do not go as well as you would like, you punish yourself, because, like any person with extraordinary abilities, you are very demanding of yourself. Keep in mind that everyone has the right to make mistakes, even more so if it was necessary to learn an important lesson in life. Allow yourself to have a good rest, and only after that tune in to great achievements.

Every person has an aura. With its help, you can learn about diseases, emotional state, as well as thoughts and feelings.

The energy cocoon shimmers in different colors, but each person has one color that predominates, by which one can determine how emotionally stable he is, at what level of development he is, and many other facts.

Those who have astral vision can see the color of the aura. You can see the aura and determine its color yourself. To do this, you need to know what certain shades mean, as well as focus on your feelings.

Red color says that a person has the qualities of a leader, he has a huge energy potential and unspent love. The predominance of red indicates financial success, the ability to achieve goals and make independent decisions.

Dark red says that a person cannot control emotions, is quick-tempered and even despotic. This shade indicates a desire to dominate, survive at the expense of others and manipulate people for their own purposes.

Red with shades of brown indicates a cunning nature, an insufficient level of vital energy, which is most often replenished due to energy vampirism. This shade may indicate a disease of certain organs, if localized next to them. If the aura is composed entirely of red-brown, then with a high degree of probability a person is prone to cruelty.

scarlet aura often indicates selfish and proud people who are characterized by arrogance and disregard for their surroundings, including relatives.

purple color is responsible for generosity and enthusiasm. People with such an aura are selfless and ready to perform feats for the benefit of others.

pink aura talks about the ability to maintain communication, give love and care. People with such an aura most often occupy positions where help and support are needed for people with all kinds of disabilities.

Orange color symbolizes vitality, humanity and respect for others. People with such an aura are self-confident, but they will never put their own interests in opposition to others. Orange color can also indicate problems with the internal organs, especially the liver.

Orange with a green dash indicates people with a difficult character, who often provoke quarrels and scandals, feeding on the emotions of opponents.

yellow aura indicates friendly personalities with good health and vitality. They are endowed with the ability to quickly assimilate knowledge, are naturally optimistic and have creative potential.

Yellow aura mixed with red indicates timid people who, as a rule, are notorious and try to keep a low profile. They are dependent on the opinions of others and rarely make independent decisions. It is easiest for them to fall into dependence on manipulators.

Yellow aura with hints of brown speaks of laziness and unwillingness to think about the consequences of accomplished deeds. The carelessness of such people often turns into trouble. Due to their own short-sightedness, they are able to step on the same "rake" over and over again.

Bright green aura says that a positive attitude prevails in people, they are able to care for and help their neighbors, however, they often show too strong emotions, perceiving someone else's grief as a personal tragedy.

Emerald green aura testifies that before you is an honest and open person, somewhat childishly naive. Also, this shade speaks of a huge potential and the opportunity to master any profession, especially if it is associated with creativity.

Aura yellow-green indicates traitors and cunning people who should not be trusted. Such an aura is usually acquired by two-faced people who are able to "go over their heads" for the sake of their own well-being.

blue aura- an indicator of a soft character, a desire for peace and care. As a rule, people with such an aura have good health, are open to communication and work hard to achieve their goals. With due perseverance and skill, they can achieve success, but do not strive for leadership.

Aura pale blue talks about people who are indecisive and suspicious. It is difficult for them to make responsible decisions, they tend to imitate more successful people and rarely achieve success on their own.

purple aura indicates people who are striving for new knowledge, and also looking for themselves. They are characterized not only by intellectuality, but also by spirituality, purity of thoughts and friendliness. Most often, such people eschew big companies, preferring to search for their place in the sun.

blue aura indicates people to whom family values ​​are important. As a rule, people with such an aura have innate intuition and, with due diligence, can develop psychic abilities. They are excellent empaths who seek to support during times of mental anguish and relieve pain by literally passing it through themselves.

gray aura talks about physical and emotional health problems. This shade speaks of weak personalities who have not decided on the direction of the path. Often such people are selfish and secretive, capable of deception and do not have pronounced abilities.

Silver aura indicates dreamers with well-developed imagination and intuition. They are creatively gifted, but overly gullible. People with this aura color tend to see the good in everything, often making mistakes with the choice of friends and trusting the wrong people.

golden aura speaks of stubbornness and the desire to become pioneers. People with this aura color are hardworking and do not give up on tasks. Gold color indicates success and good luck, as well as the opportunity to share your life forces with loved ones.

white aura speaks of individuals who are used to smoothing out conflicts, have a calm character and most often act as defenders of the weak with full dedication. They are always in search of truth and are drawn to new knowledge.

black aura indicates severe health problems, as well as an unbalanced psyche. Such people are quite rare and usually criminals “shine” in black. It is generally accepted that they do not have a divine spark.

The aura is an energy field, which means

Colors are able to influence the mood of a person and his condition. In psychology, there is even a whole section that deals with treatment with the help of color - color therapy.

People use colors in clothes and interiors to express themselves and create the right atmosphere.

There are those that energize, these include yellow, red, orange. Others, on the contrary, soothe and can even inspire sadness - for example, blue, gray.

The meaning of flowers in the human biofield

Aura colors convey a more or less stable state and mood of a person. Let's see what they mean.

It speaks of the presence of a great vitality of a person, his leadership qualities, the ability and desire to take responsibility. Such people are brave, decisive, but they also have shortcomings. They can be irritable, arrogant, arrogant and even aggressive, especially when cloudy shades appear in the aura.

If such a person directs energy in the right direction, then usually he is creative in solving life problems, energetic and mobile, cheerful. His charisma and charm can influence huge masses of people, he can be an excellent speaker, a public figure.

In personal relationships, such a person is passionate and sexually attractive, has a powerful attraction. He usually has a lot of fans and admirers.

However, if red is not the main one in the aura, but appears temporarily, this, as I wrote in a previous article, may indicate the presence of acute pain, an inflammatory disease. As well as strong emotions of anger or irritation.


It means cheerfulness, openness, a positive attitude towards others. The owner of the orange biofield is somewhat similar to a person with a red aura, but he has a softer character. He is drawn to people, usually talkative and emotional, but these emotions are not sharp.

This is a sensitive nature, such a person can be emotionally unstable and often the state of his affairs depends on his mood. However, he has a rather large life force.

In personal relationships, he is empathic, friendly, but vulnerable.

Dark orange, muddy color - arrogance, ambition, fussiness.


Optimism, goodwill, activity, extrasensory abilities.

In the character of such a person, there are often "childish" features. Of course, this has both pluses and minuses. On the one hand, he is trusting, spontaneous, open and, like a ray of sunshine, gives his light to others. He has a lot of ideas, a good imagination.

On the other hand, he can be frivolous, easily succumb to various temptations, and in his youth he may be addicted to drugs and alcohol.

The yellow tint has an ambiguous interpretation. It is believed that the aura of highly spiritual people of this color, however, it is also attributed to scammers. I think this is due to the fact that some people can use their insight and extraordinary abilities for the purpose of deception and for their own benefit. It all depends on the person, of course.

The golden shade of the aura has spiritual teachers, gurus, saints. In paintings, they are often depicted with a yellow halo around their heads.

Green color

Foliage, grass, nature - all this symbolizes the green color. Pleasant, without impurities and turbidity, the green color indicates that a person has developed compassion, love for all living things, and he is endowed with the ability to heal. Such people make good doctors, healers, diagnosticians.

In personal relationships, such a person is tolerant, compassionate and responsive. However, he does not hover in the clouds, but, on the contrary, is in close contact with the material world, and is able to enjoy life.

He also stands up for the weak and sick, and his style of relationship can be called maternal - he patronizes, patronizes, protects and is able to forgive even strong insults for a very long time.

Cyan and blue

Such a person is serious and responsible from childhood. He has developed intuition, the desire for knowledge, insight. Often, people with a blue aura show special abilities for telepathy.

However, they are also characterized by silence, isolation, a heightened sense of loneliness. Their temperament is most often melancholy. They have a philosophical mindset, high intelligence, and at the same time a low need for communication, which over the years can lead to some isolation.

However, such people are faithful in love and friendship, and are often monogamous. They treat their loved ones very responsibly, help and support them, and a friend can always turn to such a person for wise advice.


This color is most often present in the aura of a person prone to mysticism and possessing paranormal abilities. Such people are very spiritual, insightful and prone to clairvoyance.

The high mobility of nervous processes provides them with a sensitive and flexible response to the environment. However, severe stress is contraindicated for them. These people see what most do not see, and not everyone can cope with such a flow of information, therefore, under adverse conditions, their nervous system may fail, and they may even develop a mental disorder.

These people are very independent, they have their own, often extraordinary vision of the world, and therefore it is not easy in personal relationships and love with them. They are constantly in search, their goals are global, and they feel their responsibility not only for loved ones, but often for all of humanity at once. Of course, this can create certain difficulties in relationships.

A child with a purple aura needs a sensitive and competent upbringing. Such children are very responsive and vulnerable. Their unusual abilities attract the attention of people, but it is important that arrogance and heightened self-esteem do not develop in the character of such a child.

White or transparent

The color of purity, innocence. It can mean the birth of a new one: ideas, plans for creative projects. Such a person is modest and usually silent. People with a white aura are good diagnosticians - thanks to their clear perception, they are able to see the “true color”, the essence of a person. Of course, this is if they develop their natural gift.

In personal relationships, such people are balanced, merciful, and never seek to compete with a partner. They are honest, sincere and delicate. Despite the fact that they subtly feel and see the hidden, they do not always voice their observations.

Often white in the energy field accompanies other colors, and then you need to look at them already. For example, I sometimes see a combination of white and yellow in my biofield.


To be honest, I have never seen black in the aura either in myself or in other people, but some diagnosticians claim that this is also the case. Someone believes that this is the color of death or serious illness. Others talk about the protective properties of black.

Probably, it is better to interpret it based on the context, i.e., from the situation of a particular person. In my opinion, the black color indicates a certain secrecy of character. He can also talk about repressed aggression as a result of trauma. The person himself may not be aware of this aggression.

Friends! I have described the main colors of the aura, which are most common and most interesting. As for other shades and combinations, then, if necessary, you can ask about them in the comments - I will answer.

Associative way to see the aura

As I said in a previous article, the color of the energy can change depending on changes in a person’s character, environmental conditions, and even mood. However, we can notice one, the brightest and most stable, which has been the main one for quite a long time. It is he who gives the most complete picture of a person.

It can be "caught" even by those people who do not set themselves the special task of seeing the aura, because it is felt on an intuitive level.

In order to “see” him, it is enough just to close your eyes and imagine some familiar person. The color or shade that you associate with him is most likely the main color of his aura.


With this, I will probably end my article. I hope you liked it. Write comments, tell about your experience.

And I do not say goodbye to you - see you in the next post!

With warmth to you

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