Image of iron man. How to draw Iron Man step by step

I thought that the time of popularity with us Iron Man faded into the background in anticipation of the third part of the epic. But the lessons prepared earlier are popular and I want to give a new one. Let me remind you that already and only. This time a hero marvel comics we will draw in flight. Tony Stark and his unique suit look chic in motion. You can easily draw it by following the instructions and simple steps. I am sure that this is one of the most uncomplicated and beautiful lessons drawing Iron Man on our website. I've always liked this character marvel comics and very glad that he got so stellar on the wide screen. I don't want to wait who will be Tony Stark's villain in the new film, but I hope he doesn't succeed again, contrary to all his expectations. In any case, today we will have a fun and cool time. Don't forget to rate, comment and show off your own artwork and even tutorials for everyone else to enjoy!

Step 1.

First, I’ll remember who from the world of comics we drew together in the lessons. It was first! Then everything went from and to /306Deadpool//, and many, many others. A whole section is already filled with comic book characters. And I must stop paying so much attention to them so as not to lose yours. Let's start drawing.

Start by creating an oval shape for the head and then add another oval shape for the shoulders and upper body. When that is done you can draw the lower body which will end up being the legs. Then draw the facial lines.

Step 2

Now you can start sketching out the shape of Iron Man's upper body. You can first draw the shape of the head and face, and then turn to the shoulders for detailing and drawing. You should also make the chest and back more defined. Remember, Iron Man from this point of view is almost the same as looking at him from somewhere above.

Step 3

Now you can start drawing the details and linings of the rest of the costume that covers the legs and pelvis of the hero. Then draw in the arms and add a few details to separate the suit and shoulders. The face is noticeable with its sharp edges.

Step 4

Now you can draw the legs and arms to the end.

Step 5

Here you will simply draw small details along the drawn frame, which will make the drawing look much more realistic and beautiful. Don't forget to add details to the hands, highlight the knuckles and fingers. When that is done draw the eyes and mouth and then add some lines to draw the Iron Man mask.

Today we will tell you how to draw an iron man without much work and effort. If you doubt yourself and do not know how to make things work out the best way then listen to our step by step instructions. Well, let's start. Initially, you should draw the outline of an oval, then draw a horizontal, slightly inclined line along this figure closer to the bottom. This will serve as the basis for our further image of the iron man pencil drawing.

How to draw iron man with a pencil step by step? Then around the oval we draw such an iron man's head. Below should be pronounced cheekbones. Pay attention to proportions, everything should be harmonious and symmetrical, otherwise the figure will be crooked.

How to draw an iron man with a pencil? After the above two steps, based on what has already been drawn, just above the previously drawn horizontal line, it is worth drawing two ears on the left and right side of the outline of the head. They also have a slightly oval shape, widened at the top and narrowed at the bottom. Try to make the ears the same size.

Now we draw such a mask for ourselves (the inner outline of the iron man's face). From above, it looks like the foreground of a hairstyle with expressive temples, and from the bottom side, you can perceive it as a silhouette of a beard. Swipe two in the middle parallel lines to the middle of the ears and close them using the drawn triangular shape. All outlines have sharp corners. Question: how to draw an iron man with a pencil in stages - you will no longer worry.

After that, we draw smaller details in the same style. This will add detail, due to which as a result you will get the most advanced picture. Draw a rectangle on the chin. And also on the central part from above we draw an additional line so that a thin outline can be seen. On the frontal part, draw two vertical uniform lines, not bringing them to the end of the head. Iron Man pencil drawing step by step is almost ready.

Here we come to the final stage. Here you finally draw all the elements of the head. Now it has finally become detailed. Our horizontal line in the oval became the line of the eyebrows, on which the eyes are located. All excess strokes must be wiped off. That's all. Our iron man is ready. Agree it was easy? We draw an iron man in stages with us and show your family and friends your skills.

We hope this tutorial helped you draw the perfect iron man head you've always dreamed of.

Everyone managed to catch a wave of pleasure from the two parts “” and “The Avengers”, where the hero was the key character Robert Downey Jr.Tin Woodman. That is Steel Iron! That is, I will no longer scoff at his role, genius, playboy, philanthropist and just good man, but only Iron. I will warn you right away that the lesson will not be easy, but fast. You can warm up on, or. But this is at your discretion.

Step 1.

Let us first denote thin lines all frame features and immediately we will draw neatly with lines the structure of the figure and armor of the character of the comic book world of the Marvel universe. These lines will be corrected, but basically should remain. Draw the shapes of the head and torso, and then successively the features of the head, arm, legs and second arm. This monster will soon become a superhero.

Step 2

Now let's get into the details without keeping anyone waiting. Using the base lines, draw the shape of the head and upper shoulder, draw a hand clenched into a fist, as is usually done with heroes. We draw lines of figures of legs and hips. a little draw the second hand.

Step 3

Finally finish drawing right hand. We draw signature helmet and gaze Iron Man. Draw lines for the back and legs. We apply details to the armor of the second hand. Ironman gets more detailed, but that's not all.

Step 4

This step will be devoted to completing the gaps in drawing the body and limbs. We draw uniforms with all joints and details, starting from the head. Let's connect the arm with the body, draw the lines of the joints of the neck and body, shoulder recesses, draw the hand brought in the movement. After we add armor on the legs and select the joints of the fingers on the supporting arm of the hero. step is difficult, but very interesting to draw.

Step 5

Details, details, details... Look, draw, look again. On the body, starting from the head and ending with the feet, many notches and lines of connections should be noted. Show central circle power source, allowing him to live and fly in his supersuit. Everything must be carefully arranged: shoulder, body, legs.

Step 6

At this stage, you should already complete the detailing with sketches from additional lines. Draw two almond-shaped eyes and a simple straight mouth more clearly, gradually remove unnecessary lines. You need to clean up your drawing to get rid of unnecessary sketches. After you have finished with all the little things, move on to the stage of enjoyment and pleasure.

Step 7

You did it! Your drawing is really intricate and amazing. This is what the real Iron Man looks like. This is how he will look in the next part of his franchise and in the Avengers team. I hope you enjoyed the lesson step by step drawing Iron Man. Let me remind you that we have already warmed up on

Iron Man is the hero of the films and comics of the Avengers series. Drawing the character of this cartoon is quite difficult, because you need to be able to draw a human figure. Plus, Iron Man has a pretty elaborate suit. His clothes have many compartments and each piece has its own unique shape. Draw Iron Man it will be much easier if you draw it in stages.

1. Initial outlines of Iron Man

At the first stage, draw the outline for the head in the form of a circle, then an oval for the shoulders and an oval for the outline of the torso. At the bottom of the oval for the shoulders, draw a small circle, from it draw lines with circles at the end, they will help to correctly draw the Iron Man's arms. Just above the circle for the head, draw a small circle, and draw a line from it for the left hand. Now mark the legs from the lower part of the body. Draw all preliminary contours with a simple pencil in thin lines, since they will have to be deleted in the next steps.

2. Draw the shape of the human torso

In this step, outline the preliminary outlines of Iron Man's body. This stage is very important, try to draw them as accurately as possible, exactly as in my drawing. Make a hexagon out of the circle for the head. Draw the upper arm wider and rectangular in shape, with two compartments. Next, draw a rectangle around the shoulder circle of the bottom arm. Expand the lower arm too, making it rectangular in shape, with two compartments.

3. Remove the old outlines from the drawing

Erase all the old unnecessary contours with an eraser. Round off some areas of the Iron Man suit drawing and add some other simple details in some places.

4. Draw the details of Iron Man

On the last step we will draw in detail the head and face in detail. Draw the eyes and mouth first, then add additional touches to the costume. Draw on the entire sheet of paper. Small details are easier to draw when the drawing is large.

5. The final stage of the drawing

Iron Man drawing be sure to color it, because a simple pencil drawing will look too simple. You can color with colored pencils, and if you have the skill, then even with paints.

Color pictures of Iron Man and Spider-Man attract with their dynamism and brightness. A successful drawing of such characters can be a good decoration for your collection of drawings.

To correctly draw Iron Man, you must first practice drawing an abstract person and study the proportions of the human figure. This lesson will help you learn how to draw a person in full growth.

Learning to draw a portrait of a person, even with a simple pencil, requires not only time for learning, but also talent. The complexity of drawing a portrait of a person lies in the ability to convey the emotional state of a person, his facial expressions, the depth of his gaze, etc.

Boys, of course, like to draw Iron Man or Spider-Man more. And for girls on our site there are also lessons. One of them is about how to draw a ballerina.

I already have a lesson on how to learn to draw in manga style on my website. It is made in the technique simple pencil. I also drew the same lesson on a graphics tablet in stages. Unlike the previous lesson, drawing manga on a tablet turns out to be very bright and colorful.

Human eyes are the most attractive and main part of a person's face. And even when drawing Iron Man, whose face is depicted conditionally, you still need to draw him correctly. In this lesson we will learn how to draw a person's eyes with a pencil in stages.

Iron Man creates the first impression as a complex element for drawing, but if you put everything on the shelves and start depicting it in stages, then everything is not so difficult! Of course, he has a rather interesting costume, which will give some effort.

Necessary materials:

  • black marker;
  • simple pencil;
  • paper;
  • eraser;
  • colored pencils in yellow and red.

Drawing steps:

1. Create a sketch first general form iron man. We start with the head, which should be depicted as an oval. A little lower, we add two more ovals: one will be for the shoulders, and the other for the image of the contour of the torso. To correctly draw Iron Man's arms and legs, draw them in the form of lines with circles. Also preliminary lines at the first stage, set the pace for the entire drawing. However, they should not be done with strong pressure on the pencil or in the form of bold lines. After all, they still need to be removed with an eraser.

2. We begin to slowly work out the details in the drawing and simple lines gain mass. We draw in detail the legs, arms, shoulders and head. We compare our drawing with this photo so that the final result is beautiful picture with your favorite character.

3. Now you can erase the original lines with an eraser. We draw the outline of the torso in detail and create more realistic silhouettes. Some details that are inside the picture can already be drawn.

4. Working on the head. Change its shape and add an iron mask in the middle.

5. Let's complete the whole picture small details. On such a refinement, you should try hard in order to eventually get beautiful drawing. Don't forget to draw the metal eyes and mouth in place of the face. And don't be surprised, it's Iron Man!

6. Outline on step by step drawing Iron Man each pencil line with a black marker. If there are unnecessary lines left, then erase them so that they do not confuse you and do not spoil the whole look of a beautiful drawing.

7. yellow pencil decorate iron face and some details on the arms and legs.

8. Decorate all other gaps with a red pencil. To begin with, you can give a light shade, and then gradually increase the tone to add volume to the picture.

On this step by step drawing our hero has come to an end, but do not worry, because you have a wonderful drawing!

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