"Neighbors in traffic jams." Belarusian Barbie and her Bentley Continental GT: "There is no better car for a girl"

Vitaly Gamzaev with his wife Katya Koba at one of the social events

Belarusian businessman Vitaly Gamzovich, who is engaged in auto parts, borrowed 120 thousand dollars from friends. Some have already filed a lawsuit against him for non-payment of the debt. And others, for whom the time for payment has not yet come, are afraid that the same fate awaits them, and have already turned to the police.

The “creditors” of the businessman are afraid that Vitaly may leave for permanent residence in the United States, because his wife Katya Koba (TV presenter and model, also called the “Belarusian Barbie”) has already left for the States about a month ago and, as she says in her video on Periscope , “I don’t plan, guys, to return.”

“If you want, sue - I can’t return the money”

Vitaly made a very good impression on me. He was friends with my son. My husband sometimes turned to him when it came to the car - he never refused us. It seemed that he could not deceive, - Olga begins the story, from whom Vitaly Gamzovich borrowed 20 thousand dollars.

According to her, the businessman applied for money in February 2015, securing the “deal” with a receipt, according to which he undertook to return the entire amount exactly in a year.

He also said that if suddenly the money is needed earlier, so that we call in advance, and he will return, - Olga adds. - But we didn’t really need this money, we waited for almost a year.

This is how the receipt that Vitaly gave looks like. Photo TUT.BY

A couple of months before the receipt expired, the family began calling Vitaly to remind him of the return of the debt. He, according to Olga, did not pick up the phone, even if they called from an unfamiliar number. The family also went to Vitaly's office, but they failed to find the businessman at his workplace.

Then he somehow contacted my son via Skype, they say, he is still in America. But what is America? They went to America in December, and he called in January. Then, in a conversation with his son, he said: “I am now in a difficult financial situation, I have no money. I don't know how you will do it. If you want, sue: I can’t return the money, ”says Olga.

When the receipt expired on February 17, and Gamzovich did not return the money, Olga went to court. On March 11, a hearing was held in the court of the Pervomaisky district of Minsk, to which Vitaliy did not appear, although, as the court decision says, “the place and time of the hearing of the case were duly notified.”

The court made a decision in absentia to recover from the defendant 20,000 dollars (the editorial office has a copy of the decision. - Note FINANCE.TUT.BY).

In June, the Compulsory Enforcement Department seized a car that belonged to Vitaly's wife, Katya Kobe (2016 Hyundai Solaris). As the bailiff explained to the victim, nothing else could be found to pay off the debt. According to Olga, Vitaly owned a land plot with a garden house, but in June he re-registered it for his business partner.

But then Vitaly, despite the missed deadline (according to the law, 10 days are allotted for this), filed an application to cancel the court decision in absentia, which was done.

On August 5, a regular meeting was held, where the case was to be considered again. The meeting in court lasted no more than 15 minutes.

At the request of Vitaly, the court postponed the meeting. The businessman said that he was ready to pay off the debt and that he needed some time.

“What if he leaves for America after his wife, then I won’t return my money”

In a conversation with mutual acquaintances, completely by chance, Olga's son found out about another "victim" - Tatyana, from whom Vitaly borrowed 100 thousand dollars in November 2015.

Vitaly took advantage of my trust and my warm attitude towards his family - we had known him since our youth. He took money for business development and promised to return it on demand: we are building an apartment, he knew that we might need this money soon. But in the receipt, he indicated the date of repayment of the debt - November 2016. I objected, but he promised that he would give it back on the same day when they were needed. And I believed, - says Tatyana.

The second receipt of the businessman. Photo TUT.BY

Here it is worth adding that in his testimony to the Frunzensky District Department of Internal Affairs, Vitaly Gamzovich says that he took 100 thousand dollars at 1.5% monthly, but “due to financial difficulties, he could not pay the monthly amount of 1.5 thousand dollars” (a copy is available in the editorial office. - Note FINANCE.TUT.BY). In addition, Vitaly wrote a general power of attorney for the Bentley Continental car.

A couple of months later, Tatyana turned to Vitaly to return the money - the construction of the "long-awaited apartment" began.

He promised to call back, and the next day he took the Bentley off the register of the traffic police, which is confirmed by the documents collected by Tatyana. True, it is worth adding a legal aspect: a power of attorney is not a pledge agreement, and therefore the owner has the right to dispose of the car at his own discretion.

The same car. Back in March of this year, Katya Koba talked about him in our project “Neighbors in Traffic Jams”. Photo by Daria Buryakina, TUT.BY

A few days later, Vitaly called me from the airport and said that his business had collapsed and he could not give back the money, that he had more important debts that now needed to be paid, and that he was going to Italy. Then he turned off the phone, - Tatyana continues. - Then I managed to meet Vitaly by chance. He promised to collect a certain amount and give it to me at the end of February. He did not fulfill his promise, in March he sold the car. At the moment, he has blocked my calls, avoiding meetings in every possible way. I also contacted Katya Koba through social networks. Vitaly's wife answered me that she had nothing to do with her husband's affairs and could not influence the situation in any way.

Despite the fact that the receipt expires only in November, Tatyana began to worry a lot about her money. According to her, Vitaly's wife has already left to work in America, and Tatyana fears that he will also leave after her.

“I am afraid that if he leaves, I will never return my money,” Tatiana shares her anxiety.

At the end of May, Tatyana wrote a statement to the Frunzensky district police department in order to open a criminal case, as well as restrict Gamzovich from traveling abroad and seize his property. She also informed the US Embassy that Vitaly has a large unpaid debt.

In June, the police department replied to Tatiana that they had carried out a check on her application, but they were refusing to initiate a criminal case, since "no signs of a crime could be found" in Gamzovich's actions.

They advised me to go to civil court. Then Tatyana appealed the decision of the police to the prosecutor's office. In July, by order, the prosecutors of the police department began an additional check on the case.

“I will resolve all issues within the legal framework”

Photo from abw.by

Businessman Vitaly Gamzovich says that Olga and Tatyana lent him money "not just like that", but at interest. The women themselves say that they did not receive any monthly payments from Vitaly.

They weren't doing charity work. Certain conditions were stipulated on which they gave this money. There was a new line of business in which I invested money, but the direction did not go, and therefore there were problems with paying interest. If someone gives money, he takes on certain risks, - Vitaly explains his vision of the situation in an interview with a FINANCE.TUT.BY correspondent

The businessman claims that he borrowed 20 thousand dollars from Olga not in February 2015, as the receipt says, but a few months earlier:

Money "worked" much earlier, just at some point she asked me to write a receipt, I agreed - no problem. All this time, I clearly paid interest every month, and in the winter of 2016, problems with payments just started - the new line of business did not become successful. That's why they went to court.

But now, as the businessman says, the conflict between them has already been settled - during August he will pay Olga the entire amount of the debt.

One hundred thousand dollars, which I took from Tatyana, also put into business. Once or twice I paid the promised interest, - says Vitaly about the second debt. - Tatyana also asked me several times to take another 60 thousand so that they also “work”.

But I refused because there was no need. In the direction where the money was invested, stagnation began due to the crisis. The situation in the country changed very abruptly, sales fell, so I could not pay interest.

The businessman assures that he does not plan to move to the USA, despite the fact that his wife is already working in Los Angeles:

Today, nothing prevents me from going there: I have a valid visa, the child also has one. I have been there more than once, but I never thought of moving forever. I have a fairly large business here, and I can’t leave it, but we will definitely go on vacation to America.

Regarding the sale of property - a car and a summer residence - Gamzovich says that he sold them "to solve current issues."

We discussed with her that I would not be able to return the money on demand. She said that this amount might be needed in six months, but I explained that six months is too short a period, Vitaly continues. - And that she needed the money back, she told me after 2-3 months, then all this noise began, so now we will resolve this issue within the legal framework.

about his family, enemies and gossip, as well as female friendship and shopping in Minsk.

Everyone knows you by your perfect image and the world that you show on social networks. Is everything there true?

I am a sincere person and have never deceived anyone in my life. I am the most ordinary girl: I study, work, enjoy my favorite hobby, I do everything around the house myself. I am a family man, I love my husband and son very much. The image created by social networks can be compared to a piece of a mosaic. Many people think out the whole picture themselves, often distorting it to get the option that they would like to see more.

I'm the most ordinary girl
study, work, enjoy my favorite hobby,
I do everything at home...

For more than six months you have been working as a TV presenter in the program "Transmission" on Belarus 1 TV channel. Did you get into this project thanks to your husband?
The husband has nothing to do with this, despite the fact that he is engaged in the automobile business. In this program, the staff was completely changed from operators to presenters. Together with Artem Rybakin, I just passed the interview. And now we have been working on this project for six months.

Recently it became known that you will be hosting another program, but already on the BelMuzTV channel. What is this project and what will it be about?

The program will be about beauty and fashion, where I will talk about famous brands, stores and clothes. The first release is planned for early September, but what the program will be called is still a secret even for me.

And why did you decide to develop in line with television?
Now I understand that in life everything is not just like that. Back in the 9th grade, my grandmother took me to Belteleradiocompany to the school of TV presenters. I successfully completed it and that's it. But after a few years, I again return to this direction. I did not aspire to this work, she herself found me.

But what about working as a model? Don't you think that there is not enough space for realization in Minsk? Maybe you want to try your hand at business? For example, open your television project.
If earlier I wanted fame, now I want to be professionally realized. I thought a lot about this and, perhaps, I agree: with my data, prospects and ambitions in this city, I will feel cramped. I quite often go to shoot in Moscow. My old dream is to be on the cover of a world famous magazine. As for business... For a television project, I still have very little experience. Perhaps soon I will open a clothing store for little girls.

With my data
perspectives and ambitions
in this city I will be cramped.
I quite often go to shoot in Moscow.
My old dream is to be on the cover
world renowned magazine

Tell me about your childhood
My parents separated when I was very young. Mom moved with me and my sister from Murmansk to Minsk. She worked two jobs. We did not live well, we had enough for food and clothes. In a word, we did not need something acutely.

How were you treated at school?
The girls at school did not like me, now I understand that the reason was my appearance. I was a very quiet child, in the class I was friends with only a few girls and the boys liked me! There were moments when classmates attacked me with their fists for nothing. But now, when I cross paths with these people, they behave with me very kindly. (Laughs)

But what about the father?

All my life my sister and I grew up without a father. In my childhood and youth, I missed him, but I do not hold a grudge against him.

How is your relationship with your mother and sister today?
I admire my mom! Despite his fragile, feminine appearance, he is a very strong and courageous person. She has a very strong character. As a child, my sister and I did not get along very well: I was a quiet, calm child, she is my complete opposite. My sister is not a public person, she has her own family. I have a very close relationship with my mother and sister.

The girls at school didn't like me
Now I understand why
was my appearance.
There were times when classmates
pounced on me with their fists for nothing

How often do you get asked how to find a rich man and marry him?
Often, but I do not know the answer to it. (Laughs). I married an ordinary guy whom I met at a school bus stop after an exam. He drove by, stopped, offered a ride, but I refused. He drove off, parked the car somewhere and came on foot. A sweet, shy young man. That's how we got to know each other. He managed to create his own car company only a few years later.

If we imagine such a situation that the husband’s business and, accordingly, there will be no money. How will you behave?
Nothing would change! In the six years of our marriage, we also had difficult times when it seemed that everything would collapse, but we managed. Difficulties exist in order to fight them, I am not afraid of them at all. After all, I myself make good money on filming and advertising. I don't even know what else I could want from life at the moment, everything is perfect now. And you should never be afraid of difficulties, because there are no unsolvable problems.

Your son is growing up. Are you afraid to send your child to school?
Yes, Timur is 6 years old, but he will go to school next year. I consulted with many people, and from my own experience I can say that it is better for a child to go at the age of 7. I want to prolong his childhood. He is now growing in his mother's love and care. And being afraid to send your child to school is at least stupid, because it is inevitable. I'm worried about how he will put himself in the team.

Do you think female friendship exists? Do you have real girlfriends?
Women's friendship definitely exists, but it must be treated very carefully. This is a very fragile relationship as the girls are naturally competitive with each other. I have friends, and I value them very much and try not to expose this friendship to the public.

A flurry of negativity falls on you about your appearance and life. How do you react to this?
To be honest, I sometimes had a desire to retire from social networks. I don't respond to negativity. Most often, some nasty things are written anonymously or on forums. A sign of an interesting, bright personality is when there are not only good words, but also negative ones. Very often they write about my lips, they say, made. At least right now I am ready to go to any specialist who understands this and can prove to everyone that I didn’t do anything to myself.

In the six years of our marriage
We've had hard times too
when everything seemed to fall apart
but we managed.
Difficulties exist
in order to fight them
I'm not afraid of them at all

Have you ever been betrayed?

Do you have enemies?
Yes, I have one enemy "with greetings" for sure. This girl has been trying to spread some gossip and ridiculous stories about me for several years. The reason why she does this is personally known to me. Considering that her actions cause nothing but laughter in her address, I’m not sure that she can be called an enemy, but she can definitely be attributed to ill-wishers.

As for gossip on the Internet, there is a long history of some kind of fight in a club with you walking around the forums. How can you comment on this?
That was a long time ago. In the club, I noticed that some girl was making eyes at my husband. I left for a couple of minutes. When she returned, she saw that she had approached him. I simply pushed her away, there was no fight there at all. This is a story that has already been completed by craftsmen, which looked completely different from what it really was.

What do you think it is about you that attracts men? How often do they approach you to meet you?
I think that I am attracted by femininity, fragility and at the same time childlike innocence. About 3-4 years ago, they often approached me to get acquainted, now - very rarely. Minsk is a small city, and we communicate in certain circles, where everyone has long known that I am married and I am not interested.

What would you change about your past?
I would rule out dating some people.

What do you dream about?
I dream of having a daughter.

Do you often go shopping for clothes? How do you like shopping in Minsk? What are you guided by when choosing things?
I'm not a shopaholic: I can buy something once a week, I can once a month. To be honest, the level is terrible, I can’t even single out any shopping center . AT stores The prices are great and there is no choice. When I buy a thing, I mentally try it on, I imagine whether it will suit my figure or not.

What would you like to wish the girls?

Do not imitate anyone and be a person. Find your love and create a family so that every day life is filled with positive emotions and harmony.

Interviewed Olga Good
Photographer: Irina Zabirashko

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How can you calculate a person's IQ.
Envy silently!
Katya's father's name is Vasily Koba. He was a sailor. And Catherine also has a younger sister, Marina Koba, but she is from a different mother. I know everything about her childhood. Because she is a distant relative of mine. About Katya, my mother told me.


Yes, Marina, you are absolutely right. I think that girls who discuss a negatively beautiful and well-groomed girl have a mess on their faces externally and internally. That’s really if you don’t like what you sit and discuss. Especially not knowing this girl. How then do you judge her appearance and internal world. among other things, she answered questions very confidently and competently. very pleasant and interesting ekaterina koba

I was with her on it on the set, such a normal girl. Wholesome, nimble, pleasant.

The impression that formed after the article and comments: "some girl from bt channels, a family man, likes to post all kinds of garbage on social networks, she doesn’t shine with her mind from photos and interviews, she looks cute"
and where is she and how did she deserve the love of half of the commentators?
Honestly, as for me, everything is fine (although there are no special achievements), but if this is another TP who takes pictures all day, then hug her and cry.
Good luck in your life, Ekaterina, but personally I would like the media to mention people who really achieved something with interesting thoughts and not mention you.
And I think Katya really cares about the opinions of those around her since her entire interview has turned into a manifesto "ENEMISTS, I DO NOT MAKE A DIFFERENCE TO YOU".

I want to give her a book!

For Belarus, she is definitely well done. Many are jealous because not all Belarusian women have small noses and such facial features. And not everyone can write in contact, here are compliments and nasty things

live - an ordinary little girl, her skin is not perfect, her hair too, cellulite is creeping in, she has gained weight by three recently, which is already noticeable with such growth ... there is no charisma ... but it doesn’t matter, the main thing is how you present yourself! if you tell everyone that you are a queen - look, everyone will believe))

Beautiful photos in the album for 2011. Katya is completely different there. Everywhere almost smiles. It's a pity there aren't as many photos as there were then. But it's for my taste.

Yes, she loves it so much that he directly took her last name. and special love lies in walking without a ring and filming her dancing between two drunken guys. enough facts of his love, long to describe. For our women, the main proof of love is buying a car, not keeping an organ in your pants. She is too good for him. other eyes that there is something else besides the jacket. Maybe it is he who influences her so badly, and he himself dreams of a silicone doll.

The last review from the category - I heard a ringing, but I don’t know where it is.
Believing in gossip or relying on facts is a personal matter for everyone. You prefer gossip, that's understandable.
But you have to be blind not to see how much her husband loves Catherine, what gifts he gives and how strong their family is!

An extraordinary personality, it is rather Lukyanova Valeria. the hero of the article takes on other qualities. all people are different. but the above description is inappropriate for Catherine. On the contrary, they love her for what is understandable and accessible to anyone. She is exactly like most girls of the 21st century, this is neither bad nor good. there is a merchant for every product.)) but in general, good luck and live more real life not only to Catherine, but also to many who unsubscribed) it is much more pleasant and gets rid of all this negativity.

Being like everyone else is the easiest thing. To be an extraordinary person who attracts so much attention to himself is an act that deserves respect!
Most girls are prone to envy and hatred towards each other. Over the years it will pass.

Judging by the information that Katya is terribly scary without makeup, you undoubtedly have a habit of brazenly lying! :) I generally keep quiet about meeting her husband ...

I often see Katya in the Riga and Europe Shopping Center without makeup, she is terribly scary. I am constantly confused. Professional make-up artists do wonders. Katyushka, I want to upset you, your husband met me in the same way. I'm not in the habit of lying.

Ladies and gentlemen, actually agree partially with both sides. Personally, I am absolutely not a club person and in the social. I’m not on the networks, simply because of lack of time, but after reading the interviews and reviews, I confess that I was curious about who Catherine is, and, to be honest, I don’t understand - who is the cult made of? The only thing I can give her credit for is that she looks amazing for a girl who has given birth, but that, alas, is all. My deep conviction is that if you don’t want to be discussed about you and your personal life, just don’t show it, and even more so so actively, well, if you really want publicity, then, as they say, “eat, don’t get dirty”

You have so much bile and envy that you just swell with anger. Accept that you are not so beautiful, rich, successful, or that such a girl will never look in your direction. Just calm down.

Do you think that Katya does not write comments in support of her beloved :))
Here and from such narrow-minded one gets the impression of most women with money.
It's strange, but for some reason, women here are not promoted here. Chief project engineers, chief doctors and others, and among them there are more beautiful and smarter and with money, something doesn’t occur to them rushing around clubs, taking pictures against the background of their car and writing in the social network.
An ordinary gray mouse, and for what she goes to clubs and it’s so clear, she can’t do anything else, and in search of sex on the side.

What should be a car for a woman? Most people are convinced that the most suitable option is a nimble subcompact, inexpensive to maintain and repair. Stereotypes have once again been dispelled by a miniature blonde beauty with a porcelain doll face - fashion model and TV presenter Katya Koba, who drives a two-door Bentley Continental GT coupe.

Belarusian Barbie started driving nine years ago. The initiator of the start of driving lessons was Katya's current husband, and then her boyfriend, Vitaly.

- We just met with Vitaly then, but he did not spare the car, as is often the case with men, and put me behind the wheel of his Mercedes CLK. It was a good machine - a youth version, - the girl recalls.

When Katya realized that she liked driving, she went to study at a driving school. And although the shooting schedule for the photo model was quite tight, she approached her studies very responsibly - she did not miss a single class.

“I was prepared for the exams at the traffic police, but I immediately flunked the theory - I passed it only the second time,” the motorist embarrassedly admits. - But the site and the city on a car with "mechanics" turned out to be handed over on the move. Although, probably, if you put me behind the wheel of a car with a manual gearbox now, it would be difficult, I’m already so used to the “automatic”. But, I think, for comfortable movement around the city, the “automatic” box is very suitable.

Katya dealt only with good, fast and reliable cars - her first car was a Porsche Boxster coupe, then she was replaced by a BMW 6-series, also in a coupe body.

- I was completely satisfied with my BMW, I did not even think about another car. Surprise conceived by my husband.

Katya recalls how two and a half years ago she got a new Bentley Continental GT.

- My husband invited me to a restaurant, and for some reason we arrived at the Bentley salon. There, in the parking lot, was a black coupe with a red leather interior and a huge red bow on the roof. I thought: someone prepared a gift, probably. But when Vitaliy told me: “Here is your car, get in and start it up,” I couldn’t believe it, I thought that he was playing a trick on me and kept waiting for some kind of trick. Moreover, there was no significant date to make such a gift. My husband loves to surprise me.

Photo from the personal archive of Ekaterina Koba

So Katya became the owner of a four-seater Bentley Continental GT with a 12-cylinder V-engine with a volume of 6 liters and a power of 575 hp. Despite the serious characteristics of the car, the girl easily copes with it, although she admits that she does not use the car's power to the full and does not exceed the speed.

In the salon, Katya explains which button is needed for what:

- Here is the seat heating, this is the suspension level adjustment, emergency gang, handbrake, and this is how the spoiler opens in the car, but I don’t use it because I don’t drive at high speeds, here it’s the climate control, and this is the radio, I often I listen to him on the road - songs and news. Although sometimes I connect the phone through the cord and load my playlist.

There is no creative mess traditional for women in the glove compartment - the drawer is almost empty. There is a schedule of Katya's favorite fitness club, a sign with a phone number - in case it prevents someone from leaving, hand cream, cereal bars for snacks and two combs - chic hair needs constant care.

— And what is under the hood, you know? - we are interested.

Katya deftly pulled the lever that opened the Bentley hood - click, the lid lifted slightly. But it was difficult to open the hood cover. The girl slipped her thin, manicured fingers under the hood cover: “There should be a latch thing here that opens the hood.” The piece was not found. Bentley has a tricky system: to open, the hood must be pulled on the pop-up handle with the letter "B". Katya simply forgot about it - you rarely have to look into the engine compartment.

— This is where the water is poured, — the girl points to the black lid of the windshield washer reservoir. - And what kind of tank is this, I don’t know, maybe for antifreeze. Yes, I'm not that blonde, I know what antifreeze is! And the oil level sensor is located inside the car, on the instrument panel, there is no dipstick under the hood. This is the only car I have that doesn't have a dipstick. But no, there is, here it is - a probe! - Katya laughed fervently when she noticed a black ring and realized that she was mistaken: you can check the oil level in a Bentley.

Although Katya immediately admitted that she had never checked the oil level herself. The girl believes that professionals should deal with car maintenance, especially if the car is of this level. But she strictly monitors the sensors on the instrument panel, and if something lights up, she immediately goes to the service.

We ask Katya to open the trunk.

- The trunk for the coupe is very roomy, but I haven't looked in there for a long time, I don't even know what's in there! Yeah, service books for the car, 3 brushes for the car, my son's scooter ... The folder with my husband's documents, and this book on psychology is already mine. A box of shoes… I realized I had to clean up.

Katya says that even though she didn’t choose the car herself, she immediately fell in love with it.

- It's beautiful when the interior is bright in color against the backdrop of a black car body - you sit down, and immediately your mood rises. When choosing a car, my husband knew about my tastes, so he picked up just such a car.

According to tradition, spouses consecrate all family cars, so Bentley is also consecrated. But Katya does not keep icons or other amulets in the car.

- I always travel by car: take my son to school, then pick him up, be in time for the shooting, not be late for the broadcast, have time to call in the store. It's good that there is a large Euroopt near our house, sometimes I drop by there. True, I’m a fragile girl and I can’t wear bags, so recently I’ve been ordering goods with delivery via the Internet.

Bentley has one feature - it is very voracious, consumes only 98th gasoline, and consumes about 30 liters per 100 km. On this car, the family does not travel further than Minsk: to go to Europe in it at the cost of the road will be tantamount to flying to the place by plane. Even the daily operation of a car in the capital costs a considerable amount.

When the Belarusian Barbie is driving along the road, drivers and passengers of neighboring cars often recognize her - they smile and wave. It happens that at first they recognize the license plate of Katya's car: she had one on all the cars and it was very beautiful - repeating the same numbers and letters. But there are very few attempts to get acquainted with the blond beauty: “They just look at me intently, but they rarely speak - maybe something scares them away.”

But the traffic police officers, when meeting with a fashion model, behave with restraint and sternly, without smiles, unnecessary questions and off-topic conversations.

- I never had to use my feminine charm when traffic cops stopped: I rarely violate traffic rules, transport a child in a car seat, fasten my seat belt, do not get distracted by talking on the phone while driving, and I tint my lips only when the red light is on at the traffic light.

Although Katya still had to pay a fine a couple of times - for parking in the wrong place and turning where there was no arrow. Somehow, even a minor accident happened: Katya was driving her BMW in heavy ice and could not stop - the car just carried forward with locked wheels, and she drove into the car in front.

I immediately called my husband and he came to the rescue. In general, his number for me is like a rescue service, in any critical situation only he saves me.

Katya believes that there is no better option for a girl than the Bentley Continental GT. Of course, there is some inconvenience: when you are traveling with a child, you have to move the front seat to let your son into the cabin. For this reason, Katya sometimes thinks about an SUV - it is more convenient for a child and easier to drive on our roads. Perhaps this dream will come true, but so far the beauty has set other goals for herself - to open a work visa in the United States. Indeed, quite recently, Katya Koba was noticed at once by two well-known modeling agencies from Los Angeles.

- It is very difficult to get a job in America. We even hired a lawyer who helps prepare all the documents for a visa, and I myself collect letters of recommendation, catalogs, interviews.

Los Angeles is the dream of any creative person, and if everything goes as planned by our Barbie, she will be the first Belarusian fashion model to enter the city of dreams.

Vitaly Gamzaev with his wife Katya Koba at one of the social events

Belarusian businessman Vitaly Gamzovich, who is engaged in auto parts, borrowed 120 thousand dollars from friends. Some have already filed a lawsuit against him for non-payment of the debt. And others, for whom the time for payment has not yet come, are afraid that the same fate awaits them, and have already turned to the police.

The “creditors” of the businessman are afraid that Vitaly may leave for permanent residence in the United States, because his wife Katya Koba (TV presenter and model, also called the “Belarusian Barbie”) has already left for the States about a month ago and, as she says in her video on Periscope , “I don’t plan, guys, to return.”

“If you want, sue - I can’t return the money”

Vitaly made a very good impression on me. He was friends with my son. My husband sometimes turned to him when it came to the car - he never refused us. It seemed that he could not deceive, - Olga begins the story, from whom Vitaly Gamzovich borrowed 20 thousand dollars.

According to her, the businessman applied for money in February 2015, securing the “deal” with a receipt, according to which he undertook to return the entire amount exactly in a year.

He also said that if suddenly the money is needed earlier, so that we call in advance, and he will return, - Olga adds. - But we didn’t really need this money, we waited for almost a year.

This is how the receipt that Vitaly gave looks like. Photo TUT.BY

A couple of months before the receipt expired, the family began calling Vitaly to remind him of the return of the debt. He, according to Olga, did not pick up the phone, even if they called from an unfamiliar number. The family also went to Vitaly's office, but they failed to find the businessman at his workplace.

Then he somehow contacted my son via Skype, they say, he is still in America. But what is America? They went to America in December, and he called in January. Then, in a conversation with his son, he said: “I am now in a difficult financial situation, I have no money. I don't know how you will do it. If you want, sue: I can’t return the money, ”says Olga.

When the receipt expired on February 17, and Gamzovich did not return the money, Olga went to court. On March 11, a hearing was held in the court of the Pervomaisky district of Minsk, to which Vitaliy did not appear, although, as the court decision says, “the place and time of the hearing of the case were duly notified.”

The court made a decision in absentia to recover from the defendant 20,000 dollars (the editorial office has a copy of the decision. - Note FINANCE.TUT.BY).

In June, the Compulsory Enforcement Department seized a car that belonged to Vitaly's wife, Katya Kobe (2016 Hyundai Solaris). As the bailiff explained to the victim, nothing else could be found to pay off the debt. According to Olga, Vitaly owned a land plot with a garden house, but in June he re-registered it for his business partner.

But then Vitaly, despite the missed deadline (according to the law, 10 days are allotted for this), filed an application to cancel the court decision in absentia, which was done.

On August 5, a regular meeting was held, where the case was to be considered again. The meeting in court lasted no more than 15 minutes.

At the request of Vitaly, the court postponed the meeting. The businessman said that he was ready to pay off the debt and that he needed some time.

“What if he leaves for America after his wife, then I won’t return my money”

In a conversation with mutual acquaintances, completely by chance, Olga's son found out about another "victim" - Tatyana, from whom Vitaly borrowed 100 thousand dollars in November 2015.

Vitaly took advantage of my trust and my warm attitude towards his family - we had known him since our youth. He took money for business development and promised to return it on demand: we are building an apartment, he knew that we might need this money soon. But in the receipt, he indicated the date of repayment of the debt - November 2016. I objected, but he promised that he would give it back on the same day when they were needed. And I believed, - says Tatyana.

The second receipt of the businessman. Photo TUT.BY

Here it is worth adding that in his testimony to the Frunzensky District Department of Internal Affairs, Vitaly Gamzovich says that he took 100 thousand dollars at 1.5% monthly, but “due to financial difficulties, he could not pay the monthly amount of 1.5 thousand dollars” (a copy is available in the editorial office. - Note FINANCE.TUT.BY). In addition, Vitaly wrote a general power of attorney for the Bentley Continental car.

A couple of months later, Tatyana turned to Vitaly to return the money - the construction of the "long-awaited apartment" began.

He promised to call back, and the next day he took the Bentley off the register of the traffic police, which is confirmed by the documents collected by Tatyana. True, it is worth adding a legal aspect: a power of attorney is not a pledge agreement, and therefore the owner has the right to dispose of the car at his own discretion.

The same car. Back in March of this year, Katya Koba talked about him in our project “Neighbors in Traffic Jams”. Photo by Daria Buryakina, TUT.BY

A few days later, Vitaly called me from the airport and said that his business had collapsed and he could not give back the money, that he had more important debts that now needed to be paid, and that he was going to Italy. Then he turned off the phone, - Tatyana continues. - Then I managed to meet Vitaly by chance. He promised to collect a certain amount and give it to me at the end of February. He did not fulfill his promise, in March he sold the car. At the moment, he has blocked my calls, avoiding meetings in every possible way. I also contacted Katya Koba through social networks. Vitaly's wife answered me that she had nothing to do with her husband's affairs and could not influence the situation in any way.

Despite the fact that the receipt expires only in November, Tatyana began to worry a lot about her money. According to her, Vitaly's wife has already left to work in America, and Tatyana fears that he will also leave after her.

“I am afraid that if he leaves, I will never return my money,” Tatiana shares her anxiety.

At the end of May, Tatyana wrote a statement to the Frunzensky district police department in order to open a criminal case, as well as restrict Gamzovich from traveling abroad and seize his property. She also informed the US Embassy that Vitaly has a large unpaid debt.

In June, the police department replied to Tatiana that they had carried out a check on her application, but they were refusing to initiate a criminal case, since "no signs of a crime could be found" in Gamzovich's actions.

They advised me to go to civil court. Then Tatyana appealed the decision of the police to the prosecutor's office. In July, by order, the prosecutors of the police department began an additional check on the case.

“I will resolve all issues within the legal framework”

Photo from abw.by

Businessman Vitaly Gamzovich says that Olga and Tatyana lent him money "not just like that", but at interest. The women themselves say that they did not receive any monthly payments from Vitaly.

They weren't doing charity work. Certain conditions were stipulated on which they gave this money. There was a new line of business in which I invested money, but the direction did not go, and therefore there were problems with paying interest. If someone gives money, he takes on certain risks, - Vitaly explains his vision of the situation in an interview with a FINANCE.TUT.BY correspondent

The businessman claims that he borrowed 20 thousand dollars from Olga not in February 2015, as the receipt says, but a few months earlier:

Money "worked" much earlier, just at some point she asked me to write a receipt, I agreed - no problem. All this time, I clearly paid interest every month, and in the winter of 2016, problems with payments just started - the new line of business did not become successful. That's why they went to court.

But now, as the businessman says, the conflict between them has already been settled - during August he will pay Olga the entire amount of the debt.

One hundred thousand dollars, which I took from Tatyana, also put into business. Once or twice I paid the promised interest, - says Vitaly about the second debt. - Tatyana also asked me several times to take another 60 thousand so that they also “work”.

But I refused because there was no need. In the direction where the money was invested, stagnation began due to the crisis. The situation in the country changed very abruptly, sales fell, so I could not pay interest.

The businessman assures that he does not plan to move to the USA, despite the fact that his wife is already working in Los Angeles:

Today, nothing prevents me from going there: I have a valid visa, the child also has one. I have been there more than once, but I never thought of moving forever. I have a fairly large business here, and I can’t leave it, but we will definitely go on vacation to America.

Regarding the sale of property - a car and a summer residence - Gamzovich says that he sold them "to solve current issues."

We discussed with her that I would not be able to return the money on demand. She said that this amount might be needed in six months, but I explained that six months is too short a period, Vitaly continues. - And that she needed the money back, she told me after 2-3 months, then all this noise began, so now we will resolve this issue within the legal framework.

Ekaterina Koba is a fashion model with a degree in economics and manager, mother of a 9-year-old son and a party host. The spectacular blonde does not limit herself in sweets, but she regularly trains and loves the Turkish bath - hammam. GO.TUT.BY asked the “Belarusian Barbie” about her beauty recipes, healthy lifestyle rules and their violations.

About fast food and good genes

I am not a model in matters of proper nutrition. I never limited myself in food (thanks to my mother and grandmother for good genes). Even after giving birth, I didn’t go on a diet - I lost 7 kilograms in a month without much effort. I gave birth at the age of 19, when the body is still recovering quickly. In general, I am not inclined to be overweight, but I still try to compensate for a delicious lunch with classes in the gym. Recently, I have been focusing on cardio loads: it is necessary to burn accumulated fat.

I don’t cook at home and I don’t sit over a recipe book. I can make something simple for a family dinner - bake fish or chicken with a side dish. I wouldn't make a very good chef. Although, perhaps at some point I will want to sit at home and cook borscht. But for now, cooking is not a priority.

I do not have a strict menu, for example, today I generally had breakfast with a roll from McDonald's. Usually in the morning I cook porridge, have soup for lunch in some cafe, and for dinner I make a light salad. If I want goodies, I can not deny myself. During the day, I confess, I often snack on sweets and chocolates.

About the hammam after the gym and getting up at 7 in the morning

I train three to four times a week at the same fitness club as my son. I usually go to the gym, swimming pool or group water aerobics classes. Sometimes I work out for four days in a row, and then I give myself five days off. After the gym I go to the sauna - Turkish hammam - or for a massage. The son at this time attends a comprehensive group training - he is engaged in swimming, yoga, gymnastics, boxing.

When I travel, I walk 10-15 kilometers a day. In Minsk, the presence of a car and the lack of good weather are not very conducive to walking, although I really like such loads.

Sleep is the key to my well-being, appearance and mood. On weekdays I try to go to bed before 24.00, and wake up at 7 in the morning to get my son ready for school. On weekends, I often host parties and beauty contests, so the days from Friday to Sunday are broken.

Most of my schedule is photography and evening activities. In addition to work, I do household chores, sports and self-development, check my son's lessons, take him to additional classes in IT technologies. I do not consider myself a strict mother and I try to give my son the easiest childhood possible. Although sometimes I “turn on” the teacher and talk with him, for example, about how important it is to eat at school.

About "beauty injections" and astrology

I am for women to look natural, aesthetic and non-vulgar. Today is full of opportunities to maintain beauty. If you use them in moderation and do not overdo it, it will only decorate any girl. Once every two or three weeks I do a manicure, pedicure and eyelash correction - quite a standard women's set. Moreover, a person who is not particularly versed in the intricacies of makeup will not even distinguish whether my eyelashes are made up or extended.

I go to the beautician every six months. I take a course of moisturizing care masks, massages and injections. I am afraid of all these new injections, so I choose only plasmolifting (the introduction of platelet-rich plasma of the patient's own blood. - Approx. GO.TUT.BY) and biorevitalization (the introduction of special preparations based on hyaluronic acid. - Note GO.TUT.BY ). At home, I do standard care procedures: I cleanse and moisturize the skin in the morning and in the evening. It only takes 10 minutes of your time, so it fits easily into your schedule.

I'm not horrified by my photos of 10 years ago. Rather, I review these pictures with a smile. In recent years, I have slightly corrected the style of clothing, learned to emphasize my dignity with the help of makeup, but I have not changed dramatically. I'm not afraid of old age, realizing that you can't run away from it. Now I'm 29, and age brings pleasant bonuses in the form of a mature outlook on life. In my opinion, the main thing is to accumulate something in your head and soul. For example, I read books on astrology and psychology, communicate with the right people.

About the nickname "Belarusian Barbie"

Always with a smile related to the nickname. I do not like it when they draw such a parallel and compare me with a doll. I want others to notice something other than my appearance, although it is difficult. People only judge by the picture.

To stay beautiful, it is not necessary to spend sky-high money. My mom never made much, but she always looked great without any injections. I hardly spend money on beauty services, because as a public person they are ready to provide me with a lot for free. In general, Belarusian women need to erect monuments. Almost all worries lie on them: raising children, cooking, cleaning, caring for a husband, and sometimes also employment in two jobs. At the same time, they manage to look good. A successful career and a happy personal life begin with self-love.

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