Holguin city. All books about: "the story of Holguin grad

Fans of the legendary Brazilian telenovela "Land of Love, Land of Hope"! Do you, like millions of viewers around the world, want to know how the fate of two Italian families in Brazil turned out? Will the handsome Tony, whom many beautiful women dream of, be able to remain faithful to his beloved, forcibly betrothed to the unloved? Will the dangerous secrets that have been kept under the cover of oblivion for many years be revealed? Before you - a novel that does not follow the plot of the series, but - ahead of it! Read and enjoy. You will know everything!!! Literary…

Without Hope B. Sedov

In the life of Konstantin Razin, nicknamed the Witch Doctor, a woman reappears, and with her, hope seemed to appear. But when the woman he fell in love with falls into the hands of the FSB, the Witch Doctor has to choose - love or freedom. And no matter what choice he makes, he has no hope of being saved ...

Time for Hope Charles Snow

The book of the most prominent English writer, scientist, humanist Charles Percy Snow (1905–1980) compiled two novels: A Time for Hope and Homecoming, which were included in the cycle of novels that brought Snow great fame. The action of all novels covers more than half of our century - from the beginning of the 1910s to the end of the 1960s. Snow, with his works, created a significant socio-psychological epic, where in art form given an understanding of his era and its people.

Marry an Italian or Olga's Story… Elena Larina

The passionate love of Olga Olgina, a fashion model born under the sign of Gemini, was broken due to crazy jealousy and pride. She was left alone, pregnant and unemployed. Trying to ensure the future of her daughter, Olya marries a rich and fabulously handsome Italian who has been in love with her for a long time and has a business in Russia. She is passionate about building new family, new career, but the fire of first love is still smoldering in her heart ... Will it take over real passion over reason?

Learn to read quickly Oleg Andreev

The book talks about how to learn to read quickly, understand what you read deeper and more fully, understand the reasons for slow reading and techniques for mastering the technique of fast and effective reading. The authors provide 10 conversations with exercises and control tasks that allow you to master the method of speed reading on your own or with the help of teachers.

Hopes and torments of Russian football Oleg Milshtein

The Hopes and Anguish of Russian Football is the first book in the World Plays Ball series. Based on a sociological interview of fifty experts - well-known football players, coaches, journalists, writers, poets, scientists, politicians and other football fans, the book shows the place and role of football in modern society and in the country in particular. There has never been such a view of football in domestic and world literature. This is the originality, unusualness and originality of the book.

Big City Hopes Luanne Rice

The life of a single father, Christopher Byrne, did not at all portend any changes. For many years, growing Christmas trees on his farm, he dreamed only of the happiness of the family, devoting himself to his children. I dreamed that very soon they would become full members family business and continue his life's work. However, these hopes will not come true. On one of his trips to New York, Danny's son runs away from his father to pursue his own dream. Going in search of a fugitive, Christopher could not even imagine. what trials await him on flooded Christmas…

City beyond Lukomorye Boris Izyumsky

"The City beyond the Lukomorye" is the second story about Yevsey Bovkun (the beginning is in the story "Salt Way"). Together with the main character, following the Chumat convoy, the reader will go to the Crimea for salt in the virgin steppe untouched by the plow, will witness the fierce battles of the Polovtsy with the Russian people ... It will be an exciting journey! FROM great art, reliably and in full accordance with historical truth, the author interweaves the emergence of the first Russian settlements in the wild, but then free Don region, into the fate of the independent and proud Yevsey Bovkun. Here from the oppression of princes ...

Revival of Hope Andrey Martyanov

Wolfhound heard stories about the Last War since childhood. But, suffering in the underground mines of the Gem Mountains, he did not suspect that they once dwelt in a force that caused a terrible disaster that struck the world. Hordes of nomads attacked peaceful towns and villages. The well-trained troops of Sakkarem, Nardar, Khalisun and Narlak are unable to resist the invaders. The Eastern Continent is on fire, the world is doomed, and it seems that the Gods themselves are in despair. However, the four brave, armed with knowledge of the causes last war, accepts the challenge thrown to people. Final…

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Not for adults. Time to read! Marietta Chudakova

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How to read books by S. Povarnin

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Roads of Hope (compilation) Vyacheslav Nazarov

Nazarov V. A. Roads of hope: Science fiction stories. / Foreword. D. Zhukov; Artistic V. Ivanyuk. M .: Young Guard, 1982. - (Library of Soviet fiction). - 304 pages, 1 ruble, 100,000 copies. The book of the famous Siberian science fiction writer Vyacheslav Nazarov includes his the best works, united by a common idea: to convey the heroism of the exploration of new expanses of distant planets and worlds, to visibly outline the features and character of future explorers.

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Gentlemen do not read other people's letters Oleg Goryainov

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It is not easy for a young woman to run a plantation alone. Constantly required strong hands, but the unmarried beauty Olivia has no one to count on. Out of compassion, she agrees to give shelter to the wounded Conor Branigan and hopes that after the amendment he will help her with the plantation. However, Conor rejects Olivia's offer to stay. He, like a tumbleweed, never stayed long in one place. His heart did not know love, and his soul was unaccustomed to female warmth. And yet Olivia's passionate devotion gives Conor hope for happiness...

Shore of Hope Dalia Truskinovskaya

As Taoist wisdom says, if you have an enemy, you don’t need to do anything. You have to sit on the bank of the river and wait, and sooner or later the corpse of your enemy will float past you. A certain Center of Oriental Wisdom undertook to confirm the truth: it rented a section of the river, arranged chairs, started a register of enemies of its clients, organized television broadcasting for the clientele, the publication of the magazines "Light of Waiting" and "Shore of Hope", set up a trade in chips, pizza and soft drinks in anticipation of the enemy - All the latest in marketing. But this pleasure is not cheap.…

Before the trip, I experienced some fear. I doubted myself and Pskov. Pskov was somehow always in the shadow of Novgorod, so I twitched a little and thought that after Novgorod in the summer and Kyiv in spring bloom, winter Pskov would not cope with my sorrows. In addition, additional obstacles arose: so that not only I in our family excelled in the Aesculapian fields in 2005, my nephew swept down the hill, received a concussion and went to New Year and holidays in the hospital to observe bed rest. And since I was about to leave without asking permission from my doctors, the thought of canceling the event loomed obviously. As a result, three out of five tickets were returned, we had to rebook the hotel, but we went, that is, me and my husband Grigory. Lena, Olechka and Misha will visit Olgin City next time. After all, there is the Olginsky embankment, the Olginsky bridge, the Olginsky chapel.

In the meantime, the first test has already lurked for me in the branded Pskov train. I don't usually write about fellow travelers. This one is memorable. Colorful. Life has never confronted me with a real ensign before. An overweight and thick-cheeked rural guy, whose problems with arithmetic peacefully coexisted with ease in communication, first of all told us about the complete lawlessness in terms of constant written complaints from the soldiers to the authorities, to which each time a reaction follows. "Don't say a word to the private!" (Not to mention other methods of influence). God forbid that all ensigns have the same problems. Our hero was driving from Perm to Pechory. Accordingly, I asked how the day went in Moscow between trains. Imagine a grasshopper sitting in the grass, i.e. - at the station, due to poor orientation in the area. When asked how he likes Pskov, he concentrated and said: "Pskov is a small city. Less than Perm." I wonder if you can immediately not remember Mr. Skalozub with his distance and its size? However, there is nothing to be smart about, my defeat was ahead. Three snoring men in one compartment make the trip truly unforgettable. This little orchestra left me no hope. In the middle of the night, I turned on the light and began to read.

In the best hotel in the city "Rizhskoy" the booked room was not waiting for us. A rather indifferent and unfriendly aunt, no, I’ll put it another way, an elderly blonde administrator who had never heard in her life that a client sometimes needs to smile, at least not from the bottom of her heart, insisted that they had a checkout time at 12, not everyone left. Wait. Someone will leave soon. After a stormy night, as well as a hard and prolonged illness, as a result of which I did not die, I had no strength to wait. The case ended with the fact that we moved into a single room until the evening. Some savings, because the reservation was also now not paid, played the role of a light sedative. Another small-depressing circumstance of our trip was the local tap water. Her hair went out of control and started a rebellion. That was the end of the trouble. We rested and with new independent hairstyles began to implement a huge amount of plans. Perhaps a couple more household details. We had breakfast and dinner at our place. Next to "Rizhskaya" there is a large Orbita store, where everything was bought at once. We ate at three different cafes. Slightly better fed in the "Mustang". A significant inconvenience in the local "amenities" turned out to be cold water and dog cold. A purely Pskovian harmless feature that united the three food outlets was the unpredictability of the order of ordered dishes. They tried to offer the second before the first, and so on. In all three. Honestly. In "Irina" it was warmer and cheaper, but the music was very annoying, sorry for the expression.

And about the main thing. I must say, today I would have planned the route differently. Winter days are short. It was better to start with the monasteries, because. The paintings need lighting. But the word Kremlin is so obliging, and I already had a preliminary agreement with Lidia Vladimirovna Vorontsova about the excursion. Therefore, the road led us to Krom. In Pskov, this is a very elongated fortress on a cape, between two rivers. First, the territory of the Dovmont city will unfold before you, where the number of temples built on one patch is simply beyond comprehension. Then you find yourself in a zahab - a narrow corridor with walls up to the second gate, designed for the successful destruction of an unreasonably broken enemy in this trap. The main temple, the Trinity Cathedral, does not impress with architectural delights, but is grandiose and majestically dominates the low-rise city center. Inside there is a high seven-row iconostasis with a carved gilded frame and numerous wall and pillar icons in rich vestments. It remains only to be surprised at human shortsightedness. Recently installed modern heating, as we were told, ruins the interior of the cathedral, because. the temperature and humidity conditions are seriously disturbed. The icons are literally in danger of shedding and cracking. Maybe that's why the unpleasant restrictive ropes did not let us into the cathedral.

Lydia Vladimirovna promised, even when I called from home, to help us with a trip to the Snetogorsk Monastery. Organizing time was very important, since the monastery cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin is closed for restoration, and we really wanted to see the ancient Pskov painting. We went there with a museum employee, Tatiana Nikolaevna, in a minibus. The monastery was founded in the 13th century. not far from Pskov on Mount Snetnaya. The mountain was nicknamed after the small fish, which once upon a time could be scooped up during spawning in the river with a sieve. In the XVI century. a bell tower was erected in the monastery, not inferior in height to the bell tower of Ivan the Great in Moscow. AT famous times it was destroyed by barges pulling it with ropes from the river. In the center of the monastery you can see what is left of it.
The Snetogorsk Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin is made of local limestone slab material and is famous for frescoes dating back to 1313. As I cautiously moved through the scaffolding of the cathedral, I thought that no matter how the trip turned out, I would never regret it. No matter how you prepare for what is to be seen, you will never be prepared for this. The temple in the woods does not seem uninhabited. He is vaguely ill. Like me. From this feeling, his and mine, are exacerbated. And so, the frescoes looked at me with Pskovian piercing eyes. The spiritual strength and emotionality of the faces attracted. I departed and returned, as if tied, to take another look and prolong the communication. Alas, one can only lament about the degree of preservation of the national property. I would like to bow to the people struggling to restore the recoverable. I especially remember the faces of the saints in the altar part on the second tier of scaffolding and the figures of the saints on the eastern wall of the northern arm of the cross below. Here I had to pull up a ladder to take a closer look. In the altar part, as I already determined at home, they were Saints Blaise and Spiridonius. According to legend, the second of them was from the shepherds. Already a bishop, he continued to walk with a shepherd's staff and wear a hat woven from wicker. In such a hat, he is portrayed. The word "spiridon" itself means in Greek a round wicker basket.
Our guide, talking about the life of the Pskov monasteries in the XIV-XV centuries, said that the monastery was distinguished by many freedoms. Wealthy monks-owners did not live according to the charter, ate well, and ate and drank separately, each in his own cell, often getting drunk. There was no abstinence in clothes: they wore fur coats with fluff. They behaved independently, absented themselves from the monastery without permission and did not obey the abbot. As owners, the monks were engaged in trade and money transactions. They not only owned their property, but the withdrawal of deposits by relatives of the deceased was allowed. Initially monastery, in our time has become feminine.

Now, in a hurry to capture a favorable light period, chronologically in reverse order, we headed to the Mirozhsky Monastery, which received its name from the local river. Here, in the Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Savior, the world-famous ensemble of fresco paintings of the 12th century is preserved. This cathedral, unlike the previous one, is made of plinths, flat baked bricks used in construction in Byzantium and ancient Russian architecture. It is generally accepted that Greek masters painted it. The first strong impression is the richest coloring of colors. The degree of preservation, if you still know that the cathedral was regularly flooded during spills, is fantastic. Frescoes were discovered, as usual, under a layer of plaster in the 19th century. The concept of restoration was far from modern ideas. The restoration carried out by the icon painter Safonov essentially closed ancient painting renewal record. The artists of the Safonov Artel worked in the same way in the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. Today, the main thing is the restoration of the original layer, and not preening it in your own way. Tatyana Nikolaevna drew our attention to the best-preserved part of the murals in the northern direction, where the scene of the Lamentation of Christ stands out above. Grisha noticed that an association with Giotto immediately arises, but here it is much more early painting. In the dome there is a completely unusual Ascension, where 8 angels either soar or dance. I regretted not having binoculars. BUT doomsday not on the west wall. The time is not right. Much more important was the preaching of Christianity than something frightening.

We went to Pechery on our own. The bus schedule posted on the monastery website has been fully confirmed. If you first visit Pechory, then you need to go through Stary Izborsk only on the way back. On the recommendation of Lidia Vladimirovna, we found a guide, Alla, who plunged us into the history of the region with great enthusiasm. The pre-revolutionary name changed for the first time, when Pechery became part of Estonia in the pre-war period and began to be written in the Estonian way through e with dots - Pechery. At the end of this stage of territorial affiliation, obviously, in order to dissociate itself from it, the name was transformed into Pechory. The monastery was founded in the 15th century, and caves of natural origin have been known here since the end of the 14th century. The main feature of the monastery is its location at the bottom of a ravine. Despite this, he withstood about 80 sieges, among them many weeks and even many months with the use of artillery. It is also famous for the fact that it never closed.
Alla immediately warned us that we would not get into either the Assumption or Mikhailovsky Cathedrals. We will not get into the cave necropolis either, where visits are organized in advance on weekdays, but now the caves are closed on holidays. First we walked around the walls of the monastery. By our arrival, the sun came out, and already at the Mikhailovsky Cathedral there was an additional joy from good lighting. The largest temple of the monastery, traditional-classical of the 19th century, has an exit beyond the fortress wall, which is used only on especially solemn occasions.
We had a lot of fun filming the monastery from two different parties curvilinear fortress wall. On the territory near the entrance, the construction of a snowy den-cave for Christmas was already being completed. Through a squat arch under the St. Nicholas Church we get into the sub-church, where the icons of the Theotokos are installed around the perimeter, starting with the icon Mother of God"Guide of sinners". They were written with the participation and under the guidance of Archimandrite Alipiy, whom Alla will mention many more times, as an unusually versatile person, endowed with many talents and doing so much for the monastery.
The road leading inside the bowl of the monastery was called the "bloody path". According to legend, here Ivan the Terrible dealt with the abbot of the monastery Cornelius, who met him with all the monastic brethren, by chopping off his head with his own hand for treachery with Prince Kurbsky. Then the king instantly repented and allegedly carried the headless body of Cornelius into the cave.
On the right, Anna Ioannovna's carriage, proudly exhibited as a museum exhibit in a separate display case, will not be left without attention. In winter, it looks cool, and somehow cutely domesticates the territory. Like, in our living room there are objects for small talk.
Closely spaced buildings, deceiving the visitor by the number of storeys, elegant and colorful, are designed to create a feeling of a heavenly city, that is, heaven on earth. The main temple of the monastery, the Assumption, is decorated with baroque tiered domes, made on the model of domes Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. The cupolas are elongated in a line, which is rare, so the cathedral with exterior painting and painting on the drums of the domes evokes a direct association with the iconostasis of an open-air church. Above the entrance - the icon of the Mother of God with the forthcoming Anthony and Theodosius of the Kiev Caves, to the right - the Assumption of the Mother of God. To the left above the entrance to the caves is the Resurrection of Christ (Descent into Hell). On the hill behind the temple is a garden with fruit trees. The domes of the cathedral in this Garden of Eden are located just at ground level.
A golden-winged angel on the belfry, pointing at the clock with one hand, holds a scroll with a quote from the Christian commandments in the other. For exact reproduction I do not undertake, but the main idea: "Love one another, for our age is short!" On this, Alla ended the tour, and by some providence we were counted among the pilgrims and ended up in the caves with a monk guide.
As in the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery, the caves are a monastery tomb, a closed necropolis, which consists of two rooms at the entrance and six long underground galleries. Near the entrance, the walls are lined with bricks. Our guide talks about a certain builder who refused to go any further because there were no bearings in the galleries. The caves are located in layers of dense continental sand. They have beautiful arches, and if you put your hand to the wall, pure velvet sand remains on it. Underfoot - also sand, soft as a carpet. Throughout the year, the caves maintain a constant temperature of +5°C in winter and +7°C in summer. The climatic conditions of the caves are unique. They do not show any signs of smoldering, and even fresh flowers last an unusually long time. "You won't get lost here," the monk reassured us. - "If you hold on to the wall with one hand, you will bypass everything and get out." Unlike the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, there are no sarcophagi on the sides of the gallery, only plates with inscriptions - ceramides, stone and ceramic. They close the burial chambers, i.e. burials are made perpendicular to the course. Both abbots and monks, elders, laity and military people, the defenders of the monastery, are buried in the caves. At the end of one of the streets, an eve has been set up, panikhidas are performed there. I completely agree with the rules that restrict access to the caves for everyone who came to the monastery, because. in Kyiv, I was most struck by the vanity of the presence there of literally crowds of people.

Izborsk was listed quite low in my plans, they say, rather, Misha's nephew would like it, but he stayed at home. Well, a monument of Russian defense architecture, well, a wall with towers, partly of the 20th century. In winter, even the lake is not visible under the snow. Again, I was afraid for nothing. The only thing I didn't like was wooden house, sticking out like an impudent landmark in the middle of the fortress, shamelessly brightly colored and looking like an intruder. Of course, they paint with us, as they say, what it was. A sort of pseudo-luxury level of a small owner. The yellow house looks bad. I want to take it to the wall. Offer to get out.
After the fortress, located in the pit, Izborsk is a sample of a fortification. Although we have already seen the Pokrovskaya Tower in Pskov, here the vertical multi-row loopholes are really closer. You can enter the Talav tower and take aim at the people in the zahaba. Climbing the Lukovka tower, evaluate the possibility of pouring hot resin on the enemy, or simply beating him with stones. On the top platform of the tower, even in winter, you get a lot of pleasure from the views of the surroundings. No one can deny themselves a photo for memory. Grisha especially liked one, in his performance, of course. "Oh," he said at home. - "I realized why I like her so much. It's called Gioconda. You smile a little, you folded your hands correctly, you yourself - in the right angle, and an endless davince landscape with Italian "sfumato" goes into the distance. The next photo taken by me, as You understand, we can safely call Gioconda.Being already under the tower, outside the fortress, with our heads up to the shouting and affably waving from above, we again remembered the attackers and the defenders.The attackers had no prospects.
It was impossible not to go to the Slavic springs, which give a lot of things to those who drank some water from them. We drank with enthusiasm, like all those present, experiencing this inexplicable satisfaction. On the way back, I bought a dog hair belt for my dad, which he is very pleased with.

Of course, we wandered around the city a lot, enjoying its tranquility. It is worth moving half a step away from the main street, as all cars and pedestrians disappear, around - only houses of 2-3 floors and churches-temples. True, in winter it seems that there are problems with landscaping in the city, and trees are not visible at all in new areas. But there are many monuments, moreover, in a universal assortment: Lenin, Kirov, two Olgas, Alexander Sergeevich with a nanny, without a mug.
I advise you to definitely look into the Church of Nicholas from Usokhi. From the street it is quite difficult to imagine how the temple looks from the inside. The cultural layer has sunk it so much that the outer volumes do not correspond to the inner ones. In addition, this is a typical example of Pskov architecture and the architectural features of the structure of the temple inside. Many golosniks create a sample of temple acoustics.
May the rest of the churches forgive me, the Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist won my heart. If you think about it, there are very few churches of the 12th century that have survived. In Pskov, we were told several times about the rector of this church, Father Andrei, and his icon-painting activities. Alas, we came to her last and late. Gorky Street turned out to be almost Tverskaya in length, but just as deserted as many others. On it, local extreme sportsmen drove on sleds attached to a car on a cable. I remembered Misha in the traumatology ward. The husband, as he asks to insert, was already quite exhausted and barely alive from a quick walk after a hearty lunch and dinner. He resisted as best he could and persuaded me to calm down and stop, but the evening was so good, the snow was falling, and we did not go in vain. The church seemed to me monumental and touchingly beautiful at the same time. Soulful. See: Byzantine helmet-shaped domes, roof-covering, plus the Pskov two-bay belfry. There is open space around the temple. This also works on his perception. On the southern façade, a pacifying light burns in the window above the door. A meek feeling of joy that I nevertheless made it to him does not leave me even now.

The best books for children in the libraries of Pskov

"The History of the Old Apartment" by Alexandra Litvina

Heroes of the books are called to the movies

Heroes of books are called to the cinema // Children's Encyclopedia. - 2016. - No. 9. - 56 p. : col. ill.

Which is better, the movie or the book?

Probably, each of us has our own answer to this question, because we are all both readers and viewers.

This issue of the educational magazine for boys and girls "Children's Encyclopedia" is dedicated to some artistic and animated films based on books loved by many readers.

The pages of the magazine contain interesting information about the films: "Kashchey the Deathless", "Cinderella", "Chuk and Gek", "Old Man Hottabych", "Two Captains", "Amphibian Man", " Scarlet Sails", "Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors", " The Snow Queen”,“ Three Fat Men ”,“ Kid and Carlson ”,“ Completely Lost ”,“ Adventures of Electronics ”,“ You Never Dreamed of ”and“ Guest from the Future ”.

Ask for this magazine at the Library-Center for Communication and Information!

Meet: " The best encyclopedia in pictures for kids!

A series of books "Why books"

A series of books "Why books" Publishing house "Avanta".

Nadezhda Valner "Holgin city"

Library "Spring" them. S.A. Zolottseva presents the 2016 anniversary book "Olgin Grad" by Nadezhda Valner, which was published in 2001.

Series of books "The best poems about the war"

Library - Center children's reading presents a series of books "The best poems about the war" by the publishing house "Clever".

The publications contain works by well-known Russian poets: Olga Bergholz, Yulia Drunina, Anna Kardashova, Konstantin Simonov, Alexander Tvardovsky. Their poems capture the courage and steadfastness of the defenders Brest Fortress, residents of besieged Leningrad, soldiers who fell on the fields of the Great Patriotic War, everyone who contributed to the Victory.

Bergholz, O. February diary: [for adults to read to children] / Olga Berggolts. - M. : Klever-Media-Group, 2015. - 9 p. : ill. - (The best poems about the war).

Drunina, Y. Zinka: [for adults to read to children] / Julia Drunina; [selection ill. O. Blinova]. - M. : Klever-Media-Group, 2015. - 15 p. : ill. - (The best poems about the war).

Kardashova, A. Little Soldier: [for adults to read to children] / Anna Kardashova. - M. : Klever-Media-Group, 2015. - 14 p. : ill. - (The best poems about the war).

Simonov, K. Son of an artilleryman: [for adults to read to children] / Konstantin Simonov. - M. : Klever-Media-Group, 2015. - 14 p. : ill. - (The best poems about the war).

Tvardovsky, A. I was killed near Rzhev: [for adults to read to children] / Alexander Tvardovsky; [selection ill. O. Blinova]. - M. : Klever-Media-Group, 2015. - 14 p. : ill. - (The best poems about the war).

Library - Children's Reading Center presents a book by one of the best reading specialists in the country, Iraida Ivanovna Tikhomirova.

Tikhomirova, I. I. Let's open the heart to good: a school of developmental reading: (read, reflect, express in a word): method. allowance for heads of children. reading, supplied with texts of literatures. works for discussion with teenagers / I. I. Tikhomirova. - 2nd ed. - M. : RSHBA, 2015. - 342 p. - (To help the teacher-librarian) (Professional library of the school librarian. Supplement to the magazine " School library": Ser. 1; issue 3).

The publication is a kind of training course on the moral education of adolescents based on reading and discussion literary works. Moral education in the manual is combined with the formation of a culture of reading and literary-critical thinking. The best stories of domestic authors selected for discussion are grouped into thematic cycles: “Responsible for those whom he has tamed”, “Conscience, or self-judgment”, “Seriously about a joke”, “On willpower and fortitude”, etc. Each the cycle contains an introduction to the topic, methodological annotations on those contained in cycle stories, questions for discussion and a list of additional literature on the topic under discussion. The texts of the discussed stories are attached to the manual. The more a teenager reads stories about different life situations and conflicts occurring in a child's environment, the deeper he gets emotionally involved in ways to resolve them, the richer his experience will be. social behavior empathized with his literary peers. The selection of stories in the manual is aimed at supporting good feelings and good deeds in the reader, at the formation of the moral coordinates of human life.

The book will help librarians, teachers, parents to develop in children the ability to observe, compare, evaluate the behavior of characters, their relationships, think about the complexity of human characters and circumstances, and include what is read in the context of their own lives.

Maria Aksenova "Do we know the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE?"

A series of books by Maria Aksenova “Do we know the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE?”.

Sofia Kovalevskaya "Childhood Memories"

Library - Children's Reading Center brings to your attention book by Sofia Kovalevskaya "Childhood Memories".

Kovalevskaya, S. Childhood Memories / Sofia Kovalevskaya; [retelling for ml. and Wednesday schoolchildren S. Kozlov]. - Velikiye Luki: S. Markelov Publishing House, 2013. - 77, p. : ill.

The name of Sofia Vasilievna Kovalevskaya is known all over the world. This is the world's first female professor of mathematics. Not everyone knows what she wrote whole line literary works, one of which is the family chronicle "Childhood Memories".

Sophia's childhood passed on her father's estate - in Polibino, Nevelsky district, Vitebsk province. Now the village of Polibino belongs to the Velikoluksky district of the Pskov region.

SV Kovalevskaya was born on January 15, 1850 in Moscow. Her father, Vasily Vasilyevich Korvin-Krukovsky, was a military man, so the family constantly moved from place to place. In 1858, with the rank of artillery lieutenant general, Korvin-Krukovsky retired and moved with his family to the Polibino estate for permanent residence. Despite the rather secluded lifestyle that the family led on a remote estate, all the children of the Korvin-Krukovskys received an excellent home education. It was in Polibino that Sophia showed her ability in mathematics. She recalls that during the repair of one of the children's rooms there was not enough wallpaper, “but the wallpaper had to be ordered from St. Petersburg, which was a whole story” and it was decided to paste over the room with sheets of mathematical formulas. Maybe staring at these walls led Sonya to mathematics? Sofya recalls how, at the age of five, she begins to compose poetry, but the governess cruelly persecutes writing as an inappropriate occupation for a young lady. In her book, Kovalevskaya describes the way of life of the family in Polibino, the activities of children, and nature. Around the estate stretched forests with berries, mushrooms, game. The house was surrounded by a garden in which pavilions were buried in lilacs and jasmine. There was also a large pond overgrown with herbs.

To learn more about the childhood of our great compatriot, you need to read the book "Childhood Memories", retold especially for children by S. D. Kozlov, director of the Moscow Gymnasium named after S. V. Kovalevskaya, a mathematics teacher.
The book uses illustrations by students of the Art School of the Center for Aesthetic Education in Velikie Luki.

Magic world of cinema

The Magical World of Cinema // Children's Encyclopedia. - 2016. - No. 4. - 56 p. : col. ill.

Probably, there are very few people in the world who would not watch a movie ...

This issue of the educational magazine for boys and girls "Children's Encyclopedia" is dedicated to the history of cinema and cinema in Russia.

The issue contains 12 episodes that will tell young readers about how cinematography developed, get acquainted with various types cinema and with people whose work and talent create interesting films.

For example, episode 1 "Happy birthday movie!" talks about the birth of cinema, episode 2 "Caged Bird, or the Secret of Motion" will introduce devices such as the phenakistikop, praxinoscope and stroboscope, which can be called the ancestors of cinema.

Other episodes will tell about how people tried to film the movement in order to reproduce it later on the screen, about the distribution of film screenings in different cities Russia - St. Petersburg, Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod, about the first domestic feature film "Ponizovaya freemen" - the film adaptation of the song "Because of the island on the rod", about the famous "silent" films, about the first professional actor of our cinema I.I. Mozzhukhin, about one of the founders of Russian cinema Ya.A. Protazanov and actress Vera Kholodnaya, who became a symbol of pre-revolutionary cinema.

In addition, the magazine contains information about the cinema of the 1920s, film director S.M. Eisenstein and his films Alexander Nevsky and Battleship Potemkin, about the first sound film in our country, taper musicians, musical comedies, feature and comedy films, films for children and films about the Great Patriotic War.

A separate episode is dedicated to magical world animation, which tells about the first cartoons shot in Russia, and the first feature-length cartoon"New Gulliver".

Ask for this magazine in the libraries of the city of Pskov!

Book by Valentina Amirgulova "Bright Prince Alexander"

On the eve of April 18 - the Day of Military Glory of Russia and the Day of Victory of Russian soldiers of Prince Alexander Nevsky over German knights in the battle of Lake Peipsi (Battle on the Ice, 1242) - Pskov libraries offer to get acquainted with children's book by Valentina Amirgulova "Bright Prince Alexander"(Moscow, 2016).

Anna Boguminskaya "Writers"

Library - Children's Reading Center brings to your attention new book by Anna Boguminskaya "Writers".

Boguminskaya, A. S. Writers: [for ml. school age] / A. S. Boguminskaya; [art. : A. Gapey, A. Minyakov]. - M. : Eksmo, 2015. - 63 p. : col. ill. - (Children about great people).

The book contains interesting biographical materials about famous Russians and foreign writers, authors of works for children - A. Pushkin, L. Tolstoy, V. Bianchi, A. Chekhov, I. Krylov, N. Nosov, S. Marshak, K. Chukovsky, V. Mayakovsky, V. Dragunsky, K. Paustovsky, G.-H. Andersen, R. Kipling, D. Rodari and M. Twain.

On each spread you can see a portrait of the writer and brief basic information about him. Real exciting stories about childhood or funny stories from the life of great people will be of interest to the child and will help to vividly present the images of famous writers, arouse interest in reading their works. It is impossible to tear yourself away from this book, as the author writes in simple, understandable language about world-famous writers. From it you can learn Interesting Facts from writer's life, about childhood, about learning, and even about family secrets. For example, “The genus of the famous naturalist writer Vitaly Bianchi has Swiss and German roots. The great-grandfather of the writer was famous opera singer and bore the surname Weiss, which translates from German as "white". Before touring Italy, he was advised to change his surname to Bianchi, which also means "white", but in Italian. And so it remains."

Both old and young are familiar with the name of Konstantin Paustovsky. Paustovsky himself never considered himself a children's writer, but stories for children stand out in his work. There was a case when famous actress Marlene Dietrich, as a sign of admiration for the work of Paustovsky, knelt before him, as he was one of her favorite writers. The real stories from the life of writers described in the book, biographical materials, as well as illustrations that accompany the text, will help to imagine the images of writers and you will want to read their works with children.

The collection is addressed junior schoolchildren, parents, teachers and will be a great addition to literature lessons, will help make them more intense, emotional, memorable.

"Navigator of modern Russian children's literature"

Library - Children's Reading Center brings to your attention "Navigator of modern Russian children's literature" consisting of two editions.
The publications contain essays on the life and work of Russian authors writing for children. On the pages of collections you will read what writers think about, what they dream about. They will tell you about their childhood and reveal the secrets of their craft. Navigator readers will find lists of each author's books, categorized by age groups the interests and tastes of readers. The guide, as conceived by the compiler, will help readers meet with writers so that they try to understand each other.

Live faces: modern navigator. fatherlands. literature: [bio-bibliographic reference book: 12+. Issue. 1 / comp. T. Govenko; ill. : Maria Garanina]. - M. : BeringA, 2014. - 220, p. : ill.

The preface to the first issue of the navigator was written by Anastasia Gubaidullina, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of the History of Russian Literature of the 20th Century at Tomsk State University. Her "Thread of Ariadne" is a brief analysis of the current state of affairs in domestic book publishing and some features of modern literature for children and adolescents. A. Gubaidullina comes to the conclusion that adults "do not trust new books for children, because they consider them strange."

Live faces: modern navigator. fatherlands. literature: [bio-bibliographer. reference book: 12+. Issue. 2 / comp. T. Govenko (Tanya Bering); ill. : Maria Garanina (Alice Traum)]. - M. : BeringA, 2015. - 220, p. : ill.

The second issue of the navigator opens with an article by the Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Russian Literature of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen Chernyak Maria Alexandrovna. Author of the article "New Children's Literature: Golden Age or Lost Atlantis?" puts in the title of his work a question that is often heard today: “some believe that the variety of topics of modern Russian children's literature, a large number of emerging novelties, a whole generation of new children's writers testifies to the fact that after years stagnation in modern children's literature came a golden age. Others, on the contrary, are convinced that the new children's literature is more like Atlantis: it went into oblivion along with the disappearance of the reader. The author of the article deals with this difficult situation with children's reading and determining the place of a book in modern society.

The guide-navigator is addressed to librarians, parents, teachers, employees bookstores- to everyone who in one way or another asks the question “what would it be to offer a child to read?”

Christina Nöstlinger's stories about Franz

Children's library "LiK" offers to get acquainted with books by the classic of Austrian children's literature to Christine Nöstlinger about the boy Franz.

M. Bershadskaya "Big little girl"

Library - Center for Communication and Information presents a book trailer for a series of books

"Big Little Girl" by M. Bershadskaya

Library - Children's Reading Center advises you to get acquainted with a series of books "Big Little Girl" by M. Bershadskaya, which was included in the top five children's books of 2013 according to the online magazine Papmambuk.

With enthusiasm we read books from the series "Time is childhood!"

Library family reading recommends getting to know books by modern Russian authors in the series "Time is childhood!" which will be of interest not only to children, but also to immature adults. Attracting both children and their parents with their light, and at the same time deep and heartfelt stories.
Whatever you choose, in any case, fascinating reading is guaranteed for you and your child!

We read together the new books of Eduard Uspensky!

Children's library "LiK" offers to get acquainted with new books by Eduard Uspensky.

Presentation of the book by V. Orso "ABC of strange animals. For adults and children"

Library "Spring" them. S.A. Zolottseva continues the cycle of video presentations from the rare book fund and brings to your attention the book V. Orso "ABC of outlandish animals. For adults and children".

Vadim Kargalov. Historical novels

As part of the Year of Dovmont in Pskov

To narrow the search results, you can refine the query by specifying the fields to search on. The list of fields is presented above. For example:

You can search across multiple fields at the same time:

logical operators

The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all the elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

Search type

When writing a query, you can specify the way in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search based on morphology, without morphology, search for a prefix, search for a phrase.
By default, the search is based on morphology.
To search without morphology, it is enough to put the "dollar" sign before the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the query:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

Search by synonyms

To include synonyms of a word in the search results, put a hash mark " # " before a word or before an expression in brackets.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthesized expression, a synonym will be added to each word if one was found.
Not compatible with no-morphology, prefix, or phrase searches.

# study


Parentheses are used to group search phrases. This allows you to control the boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate word search

For approximate search you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a word in a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

The search will find words such as "bromine", "rum", "prom", etc.
You can optionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1, or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

The default is 2 edits.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Expression relevance

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the sign " ^ " at the end of an expression, and then indicate the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
The higher the level, the more relevant the given expression.
For example, in this expression, the word "research" is four times more relevant than the word "development":

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values ​​are a positive real number.

Search within an interval

To specify the interval in which the value of some field should be, you should specify the boundary values ​​in brackets, separated by the operator TO.
A lexicographic sort will be performed.

Such a query will return results with the author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in an interval, use square brackets. Use curly braces to escape a value.

Continuing to work with scientific and educational literature in the 4th grade, I conduct a quiz based on the book by Nadezhda Valner "Olgin Grad". I think the libraries of the Pskov region have these books, which I am sure colleagues work with. There are questions at the end of the book, but I decided to publish my own version of the quiz questions, maybe it will be useful to someone. I do not publish the answers, they can be easily found in the book, and if someone needs answers, write to me, I will send them by mail: [email protected]

Questions are asked to each in turn, and if someone does not know the answer, then anyone who raises his hand can answer. If no one knows the answer, I give the opportunity to search in the books that lie on the desks, who is faster. For the correct answer, the answerer receives a token. At the end of the quiz, we count the tokens and the winners receive certificates.

After the quiz, I ask the children how to read scientific and educational literature. We come to the conclusion: read carefully, thoughtfully, remember names, titles, dates.
Quiz questions based on the book by Nadezhda Valner "Olgin Grad"

1. At the confluence of which two rivers was the city of Pskov formed?

2. What was the name of the city of Pskov before?

3. What did our ancient ancestors eat?

4.Where did our ancestors buy clothes?

5. Where did the dishes from ancient people come from?

6. What is the name of the record by year of historical events?

7. Who compiled the most famous chronicle "The Tale of Bygone Years", in which Pskov was first mentioned?

8. How old was Pskov in 2003?

9. What is the name of the village 12 km away. From Pskov, where Olga was born, who became the Grand Duchess?

10. What was the name of the prince who married the simple Pskovite Olga?

11.. How is Olga described in the book?

12. What was the name of Princess Olga's son?

13. In what year and where was the first Christian woman baptized in Russia: Princess Olga?

14. Why did Princess Olga order the Trinity Cathedral to be built in Pskov?

15. What was the first Holy Trinity Cathedral?

16. What is another name for the Pskov Kremlin?

17. Which prince built the first white stone Trinity Cathedral?

18. What is the name of the wall paintings in temples painted with water-based paints on wet plaster?

19. In which Pskov monasteries are ancient frescoes preserved?

20. What monastery did the smelt fish give its name to?

21. When and where did the battle between the Russian squad and the German knights take place? What is the name of this battle?

22. Who commanded the Russian troops?

23. Where did he lead his army from?

24. With what words did Prince Alexander Nevsky admonish his army?

25. How did the Russian squads manage to defeat the German knights?

26. What words did Prince Alexander Nevsky say on the day of victory in the Battle of the Ice?

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