Full name of Turgenev writer. Life and work of Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is a great Russian poet, writer, translator, playwright, philosopher and publicist. Born in Orel in 1818. in a noble family. The boy's childhood passed in the family estate of Spasskoe-Lutovinovo. homeschooling little Ivan, as was customary in the noble families of that time, French and German teachers were engaged. In 1927 the boy was sent to study at a private Moscow boarding school, where he spent 2.5 years.

By the age of fourteen I.S. Turgenev knew well three foreign languages, which helped him without much effort to enter Moscow University, from where, a year later, he transferred to the University of St. Petersburg at the Faculty of Philosophy. Two years after the end of which, Turgenev goes to study in Germany. In 1841 he returns to Moscow in order to finish his studies and get a place in the department of philosophy, but due to the tsarist ban on this science, his dreams were not destined to come true.

In 1843 Ivan Sergeevich entered the service in one of the offices of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where he worked for only two years. In the same period of time, his first works began to be published. In 1847 Turgenev, following his beloved, singer Polina Viardot, goes abroad and spends three years there. All this time, the longing for the Motherland does not leave the writer and in a foreign land he writes several essays, which will later be included in the book "Notes of a Hunter", which brought Turgenev popularity.

Upon returning to Russia, Ivan Sergeevich worked as a writer and critic in the Sovremennik magazine. In 1852 he publishes an obituary of N. Gogol, forbidden by censorship, for which he is sent to a family estate located in the Oryol province, without the opportunity to leave it. There he writes several works of "peasant" themes, one of which is Mumu, beloved by many since childhood. The writer's link ends in 1853, he is allowed to visit St. Petersburg, and later (in 1856) to leave the country and Turgenev leaves for Europe.

In 1858 he will return to his homeland, but not for long. During his stay in Russia, such famous works like: "Asya", " Noble Nest", "Fathers and Sons". In 1863 Turgenev, together with his beloved Viardot's family, moved to Baden-Baden, and in 1871. - to Paris, where he and Victor Hugo are elected co-chairs of the first international congress of writers in Paris.

I.S. Turgenev died in 1883. in Bougival, a suburb of Paris. The cause of his death was a sarcoma (cancer) of the spine. By the last will of the writer, he was buried at the Volkovsky cemetery in St. Petersburg.

Brief information about Turgenev.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev was born into a noble family in 1818. I must say that almost all the major Russian writers of the 19th century came out of this environment. In this article we will consider the life and work of Turgenev.


The acquaintance of Ivan's parents is noteworthy. In 1815, a young and handsome cavalry guard Sergei Turgenev arrived in Spasskoye. He made a strong impression on Varvara Petrovna (the writer's mother). According to a contemporary close to her entourage, Varvara ordered to pass it on to Sergei through acquaintances so that he would make a formal proposal, and she would gladly agree. For the most part, it was Turgenev who belonged to the nobility and was a war hero, and Varvara Petrovna had a large fortune.

Relations in the newly minted family were strained. Sergei did not even try to argue with the sovereign mistress of their entire fortune. Only alienation and barely restrained mutual irritation hovered in the house. The only thing the spouses agreed on was the desire to give their children the best education. And for this they spared neither effort nor money.

Moving to Moscow

That is why the whole family moved to Moscow in 1927. At that time, wealthy nobles sent their children exclusively to private educational institutions. That's young Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev was sent to a boarding school at the Armenian Institute, and a few months later he was transferred to the Weidenhammer boarding school. Two years later, he was expelled from there, and the parents no longer made attempts to arrange their son in any institution. Prepare for University future writer continued at home with tutors.


Entering Moscow University, Ivan studied there for only a year. In 1834 he moved with his brother and father to St. Petersburg and transferred to a local educational institution. Young Turgenev graduated from it two years later. But in the future, he always mentioned Moscow University more often, giving it the greatest preference. This was due to the fact that the St. Petersburg Institute was known for its strict supervision of students by the government. There was no such control in Moscow, and the freedom-loving students were very pleased.

First works

We can say that Turgenev's work began with the university bench. Although Ivan Sergeevich himself did not like to recall the literary experiments of that time. the beginning of his writing career he counted the 40s. That's why most of his university works never reached us. If Turgenev is considered a demanding artist, then he did the right thing: the available samples of his writings of that time belong to the category of literary apprenticeship. They can be of interest only to historians of literature and those who want to understand how Turgenev's work began and how his writing talent was formed.

Fascination with philosophy

In the mid and late 30s, Ivan Sergeevich wrote a lot to hone his writing skills. For one of his works, he received a critical review from Belinsky. This event had a great influence on Turgenev's work, which is briefly described in this article. After all, it was not only that the great critic corrected the mistakes of the inexperienced taste of the "green" writer. Ivan Sergeevich changed his views not only on art, but also on life itself. Through observation and analysis, he decided to study reality in all her forms. Therefore, in addition to literary pursuits, Turgenev became interested in philosophy, and so seriously that he was thinking about becoming a professor at the department of some university. The desire to improve this area of ​​​​knowledge led him to the third university in a row - Berlin. With long breaks, he spent about two years there and studied the works of Hegel and Feuerbach very well.

First success

In 1838-1842, Turgenev's work was not very active. He wrote little and mostly only lyrics. The poems he published did not attract the attention of either critics or readers. In this regard, Ivan Sergeevich decided to devote more time to such genres as drama and poetry. The first success in this field came to him in April 1843, when "Powder" was published. A month later, a laudatory review by Belinsky was published in Otechestvennye Zapiski.

In fact, this poem was not original. She became outstanding only thanks to Belinsky's recall. And in the review itself, he spoke not so much about the poem as about Turgenev's talent. Nevertheless, Belinsky was not mistaken, he definitely saw outstanding writing abilities in the young author.

When Ivan Sergeevich himself read the review, it caused him not joy, but rather embarrassment. The reason for this was doubts about the correctness of the choice of his vocation. They overcame the writer from the beginning of the 40s. Nevertheless, the article encouraged him and forced him to raise the bar for his activities. Since that time, Turgenev's work, briefly described in the school curriculum, received an additional impetus and went uphill. Ivan Sergeevich felt responsible to critics, readers and, above all, to himself. So he worked hard to improve his writing skills.


Gogol died in 1852. This event greatly influenced the life and work of Turgenev. And it's not all about emotional experiences. Ivan Sergeevich wrote a "hot" article on this occasion. The censorship committee of St. Petersburg banned it, calling Gogol a "lackey" writer. Then Ivan Sergeevich sent the article to Moscow, where, through the efforts of his friends, it was published. An investigation was immediately appointed, during which Turgenev and his friends were declared the perpetrators of state unrest. Ivan Sergeevich received a month of imprisonment, followed by deportation to his homeland under supervision. Everyone understood that the article was only a pretext, but the order came from the very top. By the way, during the "time" of the writer, one of his the best stories. On the cover of each book there was an inscription: "Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev" Bezhin Meadow ".

After his release, the writer went into exile in the village of Spasskoe. He spent almost a year and a half there. At first, nothing could captivate him: neither hunting, nor creativity. He wrote very little. The then letters of Ivan Sergeevich were replete with complaints of loneliness and requests to come to visit him at least for a while. He asked fellow craftsmen to visit him, as he felt a strong need for communication. But there were also positive points. As the saying goes chronological table creativity of Turgenev, it was at that time that the writer had the idea of ​​​​writing “Fathers and Sons”. Let's talk about this masterpiece.

"Fathers and Sons"

After its publication in 1862, this novel caused a very heated controversy, during which the majority of readers dubbed Turgenev a reactionary. This controversy frightened the writer. He believed that he would no longer be able to find mutual understanding with young readers. But it was to them that the work was addressed. All in all, Hard times experienced the work of Turgenev. "Fathers and Sons" became the reason for this. As at the beginning of his writing career, Ivan Sergeevich began to doubt his own vocation.

At this time, he wrote the story "Ghosts", which perfectly conveyed his thoughts and doubts. Turgenev argued that the writer's fantasy is powerless in the face of the secrets of the people's consciousness. And in the story "Enough" he generally doubted the fruitfulness of the activity of an individual for the benefit of society. It seemed that Ivan Sergeevich no longer cares about success with the public, and he is thinking about ending his career as a writer. Pushkin's work helped Turgenev change his mind. Ivan Sergeevich read the great poet's reasoning regarding the opinion of the public: “She is fickle, many-sided and subject to fashion trends. But a true poet always addresses the audience given to him by fate. His duty is to arouse good feelings in her.”


We examined the life and work of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. Since then, Russia has changed a lot. Everything that the writer put to the fore in his works is left in the distant past. Most of the manor estates found on the pages of the author's works are no longer there. And the theme of evil landlords and the nobility no longer has a social urgency. And the Russian village is completely different now.

Nevertheless, the fate of the heroes of that time continues to excite in modern reader genuine interest. It turns out that everything that Ivan Sergeevich hated is also hated by us. And what he saw as good is so from our point of view. Of course, one can disagree with the writer, but hardly anyone will argue with the fact that Turgenev's work is timeless.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is a famous Russian prose writer, poet, classic of world literature, playwright, critic, memoirist and translator. Many outstanding works belong to his pen. The fate of this great writer will be discussed in this article.

Early childhood

Turgenev's biography (short in our review, but very rich in fact) began in 1818. The future writer was born on November 9 in the city of Oryol. His father, Sergei Nikolaevich, was a combat officer in a cuirassier regiment, but soon after Ivan's birth, he retired. The boy's mother, Varvara Petrovna, was a representative of a wealthy noble family. It was in the family estate of this imperious woman - Spasskoe-Lutovinovo - that the first years of Ivan's life passed. Despite her heavy unbending disposition, Varvara Petrovna was very enlightened and an educated person. She managed to instill in her children (in addition to Ivan, his older brother Nikolai was brought up in the family) a love for science and Russian literature.


The future writer received his primary education at home. So that it could continue in a dignified manner, the Turgenev family moved to Moscow. Here the biography of Turgenev (short) made new round: the boy's parents went abroad, and he was kept in various boarding houses. At first he lived and was brought up in the institution of Weidenhammer, then in Krause. At the age of fifteen (in 1833), Ivan entered the Moscow State University at the Faculty of Literature. After the arrival of the eldest son Nikolai in the guards cavalry, the Turgenev family moved to St. Petersburg. Here the future writer became a student at a local university and began to study philosophy. In 1837 Ivan graduated from this educational institution.

Pen trial and further education

Turgenev's work for many is associated with writing prose works. However, Ivan Sergeevich originally planned to become a poet. In 1934 he wrote several lyrical works, including the poem "The Wall", which was appreciated by his mentor - P. A. Pletnev. Over the next three years, the young writer has already composed about a hundred poems. In 1838, several of his works were published in the famous Sovremennik (“To the Venus of Medicius”, “Evening”). The young poet was inclined to scientific activity and in 1838 went to Germany to continue his education at the University of Berlin. Here he studied Roman and Greek literature. Ivan Sergeevich quickly became imbued with the Western European way of life. A year later, the writer briefly returned to Russia, but already in 1840 he left his homeland again and lived in Italy, Austria and Germany. Turgenev returned to Spasskoye-Lutovinovo in 1841, and a year later he applied to Moscow State University with a request to allow him to pass the exam for a master's degree in philosophy. He was denied this.

Pauline Viardot

Ivan Sergeevich managed to get a scientific degree at St. Petersburg University, but by that time he had already lost interest in this kind of activity. In search of a worthy field in life in 1843, the writer entered the service of the ministerial office, but his ambitious aspirations quickly faded away. In 1843, the writer published the poem "Parasha", which impressed V. G. Belinsky. Success inspired Ivan Sergeevich, and he decided to devote his life to creativity. In the same year, Turgenev's biography (short) was marked by another fateful event: the writer met an outstanding French singer Pauline Viardot. Seeing the beauty opera house Petersburg, Ivan Sergeevich decided to meet her. At first, the girl did not pay attention to the little-known writer, but Turgenev was so struck by the charm of the singer that he followed the Viardot family to Paris. For many years he accompanied Polina on her foreign tours, despite the obvious disapproval of his relatives.

The heyday of creativity

In 1946, Ivan Sergeevich took an active part in updating the Sovremennik magazine. He meets Nekrasov, and he becomes his best friend. For two years (1950-1952) the writer is torn between foreign countries and Russia. Creativity Turgenev during this period began to gain serious momentum. The cycle of stories "Notes of a Hunter" was almost completely written in Germany and glorified the writer throughout the world. In the next decade, the classic was created whole line outstanding prose works: "The Nest of Nobles", "Rudin", "Fathers and Sons", "On the Eve". In the same period, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev quarreled with Nekrasov. Their controversy over the novel "On the Eve" ended in a complete break. The writer leaves Sovremennik and goes abroad.


Turgenev's life abroad began in Baden-Baden. Here Ivan Sergeevich found himself in the very center of the Western European cultural life. He began to maintain relations with many world literary celebrities: Hugo, Dickens, Maupassant, France, Thackeray and others. The writer actively promoted Russian culture abroad. For example, in 1874 in Paris, Ivan Sergeevich, together with Daudet, Flaubert, Goncourt and Zola, organized the famous "bachelor dinners at five" in the capital's restaurants. The characterization of Turgenev during this period was very flattering: he turned into the most popular, famous and widely read Russian writer in Europe. In 1878, Ivan Sergeevich was elected vice-president of the International Literary Congress in Paris. Since 1877, the writer has been an honorary doctor of Oxford University.

Creativity of recent years

Turgenev's biography - brief but vivid - indicates that long years carried out abroad did not alienate the writer from Russian life and her pressing problems. He still writes a lot about his homeland. So, in 1867, Ivan Sergeevich wrote the novel "Smoke", which caused a large-scale public outcry in Russia. In 1877, the writer wrote the novel "Nov", which became the result of his creative thinking in the 1870s.


For the first time, a serious illness that interrupted the writer's life made itself felt in 1882. Despite severe physical suffering, Ivan Sergeevich continued to create. A few months before his death, the first part of the book Poems in Prose was published. great writer died in 1883, September 3, in the suburbs of Paris. Relatives fulfilled the will of Ivan Sergeevich and transported his body to his homeland. The classic was buried in St. Petersburg at the Volkovo cemetery. AT last way he was accompanied by numerous admirers.

Such is the biography of Turgenev (short). This man devoted his whole life to his beloved work and forever remained in the memory of his descendants as eminent writer and famous public figure.

Ivan Turgenev (1818-1883) is a world-famous Russian prose writer, poet, playwright, critic, memoirist and translator of the 19th century, recognized as a classic of world literature. He is the author of many outstanding works that have become literary classics, the reading of which is mandatory for school and university curricula.

Born Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev from the city of Orel, where he was born on November 9, 1818 in a noble family in the family estate of his mother. Sergei Nikolaevich, father - a retired hussar, who served before the birth of his son in a cuirassier regiment, Varvara Petrovna, mother - a representative of an old noble family. In addition to Ivan, there was another eldest son Nikolai in the family, the childhood of the little Turgenevs passed under the vigilant supervision of numerous servants and under the influence of their mother's rather heavy and unbending temper. Although mother was notable for her special imperiousness and severity of temper, she was known as a rather educated and enlightened woman, it was she who interested her children in science and fiction.

At first, the boys were educated at home, after the family moved to the capital, they continued their studies with local teachers. Then follows a new turn in the fate of the Turgenev family - a trip and subsequent life abroad, where Ivan Turgenev lives and is brought up in several prestigious boarding houses. Upon arrival at home (1833), at the age of fifteen, he entered the Faculty of Literature of the Moscow state university. After the eldest son Nikolai becomes a guards cavalryman, the family moves to St. Petersburg and the younger Ivan becomes a student of the philosophical faculty of a local university. In 1834, the first poetic lines appeared from the pen of Turgenev, imbued with the spirit of romanticism (a trendy trend at that time). Poetic lyrics were appreciated by his teacher and mentor Pyotr Pletnev (a close friend of A. S. Pushkin).

After graduating from St. Petersburg University in 1837, Turgenev left to continue his studies abroad, where he attended lectures and seminars at the University of Berlin, traveling in parallel across Europe. Returning to Moscow and successfully passing the master's exams, Turgenev hopes to become a professor at Moscow University, but due to the abolition of philosophy departments in all Russian universities, this desire will not come true. At that time, Turgenev was becoming more and more interested in literature, several of his poems were published in the newspaper Otechestvennye Zapiski, in the spring of 1843, the time of the appearance of his first small book, where the poem Parasha was published.

In 1843, at the insistence of his mother, he becomes an official in the "special office" at the Ministry of the Interior and serves there for two years, then retires. The imperious and ambitious mother, dissatisfied with the fact that her son did not live up to her hopes both in career and personal terms (did not find a worthy party for himself, and even had an illegitimate daughter Pelageya from a seamstress), refuses to support him and Turgenev has to live from hand to mouth and get into debt.

Acquaintance with the famous critic Belinsky turned Turgenev's work towards realism, and he begins to write poetic and ironic moral poems, critical articles and stories.

In 1847, Turgenev brought the story “Khor and Kalinich” to the Sovremennik magazine, which Nekrasov prints with the subtitle “From the Notes of a Hunter,” and this is how Turgenev’s real literary activity begins. In 1847, because of his love for the singer Pauline Viardot (he met her in 1843 in St. Petersburg, where she came on tour), he left Russia for a long time and lived first in Germany, then in France. During his life abroad, several dramatic plays: "Freeloader", "Bachelor", "A Month in the Village", "Provincial".

In 1850, the writer returned to Moscow, worked as a critic in the Sovremennik magazine, and in 1852 published a book of his essays called Notes of a Hunter. At the same time, impressed by the death of Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol, he wrote and published an obituary, officially banned by the tsarist caesura. This is followed by an arrest for one month, deportation to the family estate without the right to leave the Oryol province, a ban on traveling abroad (until 1856). During the exile, the story "Mumu", "Inn", "The Diary of a Superfluous Man", "Yakov Pasynkov", "Correspondence", the novel "Rudin" (1855) were written.

After the end of the ban on traveling abroad, Turgenev leaves the country and lives in Europe for two years. In 1858, he returned to his homeland and published his story "Asya", around which critics immediately flared up heated debates and disputes. Then the novel "The Nest of Nobles" (1859), 1860 - "On the Eve" is born. After that, there is a break between Turgenev and such radical writers as Nekrasov and Dobrolyubov, a quarrel with Leo Tolstoy and even the challenge of the latter to a duel, which eventually ended in peace. February 1862 - printing of the novel "Fathers and Sons", in which the author showed the tragedy of the growing conflict of generations in the context of a growing social crisis.

From 1863 to 1883, Turgenev lives first with the Viardot family in Baden-Baden, then in Paris, never ceasing to be interested in the events taking place in Russia and acting as a kind of mediator between Western European and Russian writers. During his life abroad, the “Notes of a Hunter” were supplemented, the novels “The Hours”, “Punin and Baburin”, the largest of all his novels “Nov”, were written.

Together with Victor Hugo Turgenev was elected co-chairman of the First International Congress of Writers, held in Paris in 1878, in 1879 the writer was elected an honorary doctor of the oldest university in England - Oxford. In his declining years, Turgenevsky does not stop studying literary activity, and a few months before his death, "Poems in Prose" were published, prose fragments and miniatures with a high degree of lyricism.

Turgenev dies in August 1883 from a serious illness in the French Bougival (a suburb of Paris). In accordance with last will the deceased, written in his will, his body was transported to Russia and buried at the St. Petersburg cemetery Volkovo.

Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich, whose stories, novels and novels are known and loved by many today, was born on October 28, 1818 in the city of Orel, into an old noble family. Ivan was the second son of Varvara Petrovna Turgeneva (nee Lutovinova) and Sergei Nikolaevich Turgenev.

Turgenev's parents

His father was in the service of the Elisavetgrad Cavalry Regiment. After his marriage, he retired with the rank of colonel. Sergei Nikolayevich belonged to an old noble family. His ancestors are believed to have been Tatars. Ivan Sergeevich's mother was not as well-born as her father, but she surpassed him in wealth. The vast lands located in belonged to Varvara Petrovna. Sergei Nikolaevich stood out for his elegance of manners and secular sophistication. He had subtle soul, was handsome. Mother's temper was not like that. This woman lost her father early. She had to experience a terrible shock in her adolescence, when her stepfather tried to seduce her. Barbara ran away from home. Ivan's mother, who survived humiliation and oppression, tried to use the power given to her by law and nature over her sons. This woman was strong-willed. She arbitrarily loved her children, and was cruel to the serfs, often punishing them with flogging for insignificant infractions.

Case in Bern

In 1822, the Turgenevs went on a trip abroad. In Bern, a Swiss city, Ivan Sergeevich almost died. The fact is that the father put the boy on the railing of the fence, which surrounded a large pit with city bears entertaining the public. Ivan fell off the railing. Sergey Nikolaevich in last moment grabbed his son by the leg.

An introduction to belles-lettres

The Turgenevs returned from their trip abroad to Spasskoye-Lutovinovo, their mother's estate, located ten miles from Mtsensk (Oryol province). Here Ivan discovered literature for himself: one courtyard man from a serf mother read to the boy in the old manner, singsongly and measuredly, the poem "Rossiada" by Kheraskov. Kheraskov in solemn verses sang the battles for Kazan of the Tatars and Russians during the reign of Ivan Vasilyevich. Many years later, Turgenev in his 1874 story "Punin and Baburin" endowed one of the heroes of the work with love for "Rossiada".

The first love

The family of Ivan Sergeevich was in Moscow from the end of the 1820s to the first half of the 1830s. At the age of 15, Turgenev fell in love for the first time in his life. At this time, the family was at Engel's dacha. They were neighbors with their daughter, Princess Catherine, who was 3 years older than Ivan Turgenev. First love seemed to Turgenev captivating, beautiful. He was in awe of the girl, afraid to confess the sweet and languid feeling that had taken possession of him. However, the end of joys and torments, fears and hopes came suddenly: Ivan Sergeevich accidentally found out that Catherine was his father's beloved. Turgenev was haunted by pain for a long time. He will present his love story for a young girl to the hero of the 1860 story "First Love". In this work, Catherine became the prototype of Princess Zinaida Zasekina.

Studying at the universities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, the death of his father

The biography of Ivan Turgenev continues with a period of study. Turgenev in September 1834 entered the Moscow University, the verbal department. However, he was not satisfied with his studies at the university. He liked Pogorelsky, a mathematics teacher, and Dubensky, who taught Russian. Most of the teachers and courses left the student Turgenev completely indifferent. And some teachers even caused obvious antipathy. This is especially true of Pobedonostsev, who tediously and for a long time talked about literature and could not advance in his predilections further than Lomonosov. After 5 years, Turgenev will continue his studies in Germany. About Moscow University he will say: "It is full of fools."

Ivan Sergeevich studied in Moscow for only a year. Already in the summer of 1834 he moved to St. Petersburg. Here on military service was his brother Nicholas. Ivan Turgenev continued to study. His father died in October of the same year from kidney stones, right in Ivan's arms. By this time, he was already living apart from his wife. Ivan Turgenev's father was amorous and quickly lost interest in his wife. Varvara Petrovna did not forgive him for his betrayals and, exaggerating her own misfortunes and illnesses, exposed herself as a victim of his callousness and irresponsibility.

Turgenev left a deep wound in his soul. He began to think about life and death, about the meaning of life. Turgenev at that time was attracted by powerful passions, bright characters, throwing and struggles of the soul, expressed in an unusual, sublime language. He reveled in the poems of V. G. Benediktov and N. V. Kukolnik, the stories of A. A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky. Ivan Turgenev wrote in imitation of Byron (the author of "Manfred") his dramatic poem called "The Wall". After more than 30 years, he will say that this is "a completely ridiculous work."

Writing poetry, republican ideas

Turgenev in the winter of 1834-1835. fell seriously ill. He had a weakness in his body, he could not eat or sleep. Having recovered, Ivan Sergeevich changed a lot spiritually and physically. He became very stretched out, and also lost interest in mathematics, which attracted him before, and became more and more interested in belles-lettres. Turgenev began to compose many poems, but still imitative and weak. At the same time, he became interested in republican ideas. existing in the country serfdom he felt as a shame and the greatest injustice. In Turgenev, a sense of guilt in front of all the peasants strengthened, because his mother treated them cruelly. And he took an oath to himself to do everything to ensure that there was no class of "slaves" in Russia.

Acquaintance with Pletnev and Pushkin, publication of the first poems

Student Turgenev in his third year met P. A. Pletnev, professor of Russian literature. it literary critic, poet, friend of A. S. Pushkin, to whom the novel "Eugene Onegin" is dedicated. At the beginning of 1837, on literary evening with him, Ivan Sergeevich also encountered Pushkin himself.

In 1838, two poems by Turgenev were published in the Sovremennik magazine (the first and fourth issues): "To the Venus of the Medicean" and "Evening". Ivan Sergeevich published poetry after that. The first tests of the pen, which were printed, did not bring him fame.

Continued studies in Germany

In 1837 Turgenev graduated from St. Petersburg University (language department). He was not satisfied with the education he received, feeling gaps in his knowledge. German universities were considered the standard of that time. And in the spring of 1838, Ivan Sergeevich went to this country. He decided to graduate from the University of Berlin, where Hegel's philosophy was taught.

Abroad, Ivan Sergeevich became friends with the thinker and poet N.V. Stankevich, and also became friends with M.A. Bakunin, who later became a famous revolutionary. He had conversations on historical and philosophical topics with T. N. Granovsky, the future famous historian. Ivan Sergeevich became a staunch Westerner. Russia, in his opinion, should take an example from Europe, getting rid of lack of culture, laziness, ignorance.

public service

Turgenev, returning to Russia in 1841, wanted to teach philosophy. However, his plans were not destined to come true: the department he wanted to enter was not restored. Ivan Sergeevich in June 1843 was enlisted in the Ministry of the Interior for service. At that time, the issue of the liberation of the peasants was being studied, so Turgenev reacted to the service with enthusiasm. However, Ivan Sergeevich did not serve long in the ministry: he quickly became disillusioned with the usefulness of his work. He began to be burdened by the need to fulfill all the instructions of his superiors. In April 1845, Ivan Sergeevich retired and was no longer a member of the public service never.

Turgenev becomes famous

Turgenev in the 1840s began to play the role of a secular lion in society: always well-groomed, neat, with the manners of an aristocrat. He wanted success and attention.

In 1843, in April, the poem "Parash" by Turgenev I.S. was published. Its plot is touching love landowner's daughter to a neighbor on the estate. The work is a kind of ironic echo of "Eugene Onegin". However, unlike Pushkin, in Turgenev's poem everything ends happily with the marriage of the heroes. Nevertheless, happiness is deceptive, doubtful - it's just ordinary well-being.

The work was highly appreciated by V. G. Belinsky, the most influential and renowned critic that time. Turgenev met Druzhinin, Panaev, Nekrasov. Following Parasha, Ivan Sergeevich wrote the following poems: in 1844 - Conversation, in 1845 - Andrey and Landowner. Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich also created stories and novels (in 1844 - "Andrey Kolosov", in 1846 - "Three Portraits" and "Breter", in 1847 - "Petushkov"). In addition, Turgenev wrote the comedy Lack of Money in 1846, and the drama Indiscretion in 1843. He followed the principles natural school"writers, to which Grigorovich, Nekrasov, Herzen, Goncharov belonged. Writers belonging to this direction depicted "non-poetic" objects: everyday life people, life, predominant attention was paid to the influence of circumstances and the environment on the fate and character of a person.

"Hunter's Notes"

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev in 1847 published an essay "Khor and Kalinich", created under the impression of hunting trips in 1846 through the fields and forests of the Tula, Kaluga and Oryol provinces. Two heroes in it - Khor and Kalinich - are presented not just as Russian peasants. These are individuals with their own uneasy inner world. On the pages of this work, as well as other essays by Ivan Sergeevich, published in the book "Notes of a Hunter" in 1852, the peasants have their own voice, which differs from the manner of the narrator. The author recreated the manners and life of the landlord and peasant Russia. His book was evaluated as a protest against serfdom. Society accepted it with enthusiasm.

Relationship with Pauline Viardot, mother's death

1843 arrived on tour young Opera singer from France Pauline Viardot. She was greeted enthusiastically. Ivan Turgenev was also delighted with her talent. He was captivated by this woman for the rest of his life. Ivan Sergeevich followed her and her family to France (Viardot was married), accompanied Polina on a tour of Europe. His life was henceforth divided between France and Russia. The love of Ivan Turgenev has passed the test of time - Ivan Sergeevich has been waiting for the first kiss for two years. And only in June 1849 Polina became his lover.

Turgenev's mother was categorically against this connection. She refused to give him the funds received from the income from the estates. Death reconciled them: Turgenev's mother was dying hard, suffocating. She died in 1850 on November 16 in Moscow. Ivan was informed of her illness too late and did not have time to say goodbye to her.

Arrest and exile

In 1852, N. V. Gogol died. I. S. Turgenev wrote an obituary on this occasion. There were no reprehensible thoughts in him. However, it was not customary in the press to recall the duel that led to as well as recall the death of Lermontov. On April 16 of the same year, Ivan Sergeevich was put under arrest for a month. Then he was exiled to Spasskoe-Lutovinovo, not allowed to leave the Oryol province. At the request of the exile, after 1.5 years he was allowed to leave Spassky, but only in 1856 was he granted the right to go abroad.

New works

During the years of exile, Ivan Turgenev wrote new works. His books became more and more popular. In 1852, Ivan Sergeevich created the story "Inn". In the same year, Ivan Turgenev wrote Mumu, one of his most famous works. In the period from the late 1840s to the mid-1850s, he created other stories: in 1850 - "The Diary of a Superfluous Man", in 1853 - "Two Friends", in 1854 - "Correspondence" and "Calm" , in 1856 - "Yakov Pasynkov". Their heroes are naive and lofty idealists who fail in their attempts to benefit society or find happiness in their personal lives. Criticism called them "superfluous people." Thus, the creator of a new type of hero was Ivan Turgenev. His books were interesting for their novelty and topicality.


The fame acquired by the mid-1850s by Ivan Sergeevich was strengthened by the novel Rudin. The author wrote it in 1855 in seven weeks. Turgenev in his first novel made an attempt to recreate the type of ideologist and thinker, modern man. Main character - "extra person", which is depicted both in weakness and in attractiveness at the same time. The writer, creating him, endowed his hero with the features of Bakunin.

"Nest of Nobles" and new novels

In 1858, Turgenev's second novel, The Nest of Nobles, appeared. His themes are the history of an old noble family; the love of a nobleman, by the will of circumstances hopeless. The poetry of love, full of grace and subtlety, the careful depiction of the characters' experiences, the spiritualization of nature - these are distinctive features Turgenev's style, perhaps most clearly expressed in the "Noble Nest". They are also characteristic of some stories, such as "Faust" of 1856, "A Trip to Polissya" (years of creation - 1853-1857), "Asya" and "First Love" (both works were written in 1860). "Noble Nest" was warmly welcomed. He was praised by many critics, in particular Annenkov, Pisarev, Grigoriev. However, Turgenev's next novel met a completely different fate.

"The Eve"

In 1860, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev published the novel "On the Eve". Summary his next. In the center of the work - Elena Stakhova. This heroine is brave, determined, devotedly loving girl. She fell in love with the revolutionary Insarov, a Bulgarian who devoted his life to liberating his homeland from the rule of the Turks. The story of their relationship ends, as usual with Ivan Sergeevich, tragically. The revolutionary dies, and Elena, who has become his wife, decides to continue the work of her late husband. This is the plot of the new novel, which was created by Ivan Turgenev. Of course, we have described its summary only in general terms.

This novel caused conflicting assessments. Dobrolyubov, for example, in an instructive tone in his article reprimanded the author where he was wrong. Ivan Sergeevich was furious. Radical democratic publications published texts with scandalous and malicious allusions to the details of Turgenev's personal life. The writer broke off relations with Sovremennik, where he had been published for many years. The younger generation stopped seeing Ivan Sergeevich as an idol.

"Fathers and Sons"

In the period from 1860 to 1861, Ivan Turgenev wrote Fathers and Sons, his new novel. It was published in Russkiy Vestnik in 1862. Most readers and critics did not appreciate it.


In 1862-1864. a story-miniature "Enough" was created (published in 1864). It is imbued with motives of disappointment in the values ​​of life, including art and love, which are so dear to Turgenev. In the face of inexorable and blind death, everything loses its meaning.


Written in 1865-1867. the novel "Smoke" is also imbued with a gloomy mood. The work was published in 1867. In it, the author tried to recreate a picture of modern Russian society, the ideological moods that dominated it.


Turgenev's last novel appeared in the mid-1870s. In 1877 it was printed. Turgenev in it presented populist revolutionaries who are trying to convey their ideas to the peasants. He assessed their actions as a sacrificial feat. However, this is a feat of the doomed.

The last years of the life of I. S. Turgenev

Turgenev from the mid-1860s almost constantly lived abroad, only visiting his homeland on short visits. He built himself a house in Baden-Baden, near the house of the Viardot family. In 1870, after Franco-Prussian War, Polina and Ivan Sergeevich left the city and settled in France.

In 1882, Turgenev fell ill with spinal cancer. Were heavy recent months his life, death was hard. The life of Ivan Turgenev ended on August 22, 1883. He was buried in St. Petersburg at the Volkovsky cemetery, near the grave of Belinsky.

Ivan Turgenev, whose stories, short stories and novels are included in school curriculum and known to many - one of the greatest Russian writers of the 19th century.

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