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Subject of Ph.D. thesis: "Symphonic principles of Tchaikovsky's ballets" (Moscow Conservatory, 1971).
Member of the Union of Composers of the USSR (RF).
Awarded with medals "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow", "Veteran of Labour".

Born in Voronezh. Since 1927 he has been living in Moscow. In 1947 she graduated from the Musical College at the Moscow Conservatory, in 1952 - from the Moscow Conservatory. Student of N. V. Tumanina (special class), I. V. Sposobina, V. A. Zukkerman, Yu. A. Fortunatov. In 1956, under the guidance of N. V. Tumanina, she completed her postgraduate studies.

In 1957-1961. senior editor of the publishing house "Music". In 1964-1972. - Member of the editorial board of the newspaper "Soviet musician" of the Moscow Conservatory; in 1972-1986 - Vice-rector and lecturer at the University of Musical Culture for Youth at the Conservatory (at the Central House of Artists). Since 1990, he has been a member of the Public Council and the jury of music competitions and festivals of the House of Actor of the Union of Theater Workers.

Pedagogical activity:

Since 1961 he has been teaching at the Moscow Conservatory at the Department of the History of Russian Music, since 1971 - Associate Professor, since 1990 - Professor. Conducts courses: the history of Russian music, the history of modern Russian music (formerly Soviet music), developed and conducted a seminar on modern contemporary music, special courses in the history of Russian music and the music of the peoples of the USSR, lectured at the Faculty of Advanced Studies.

Scientific works. Editions. Publications:

The area of ​​scientific interests is the problems of the national musical theater, the study of Tchaikovsky's heritage. Speaking at conferences. Supervises diploma and dissertation research, is engaged in scientific, musical-critical, social and educational activities. Author of over 60 published works, including a textbook for the special course "History of Russian Music, vol. 2. Tchaikovsky" (M., 1981, reprinted in 1986); chapters and sections for the textbook "History of modern Russian music", v. 1 (M., 1995); "History of music of the peoples of the USSR", v. 6 (M., 1996); "Music of the XX century", part 2, book. 3 (M., 1980). Compiler, author, editor of issues of the "Scientific Works of the Moscow Conservatory". Author of articles in encyclopedias "Ballet" (M., 1981); "Russian Ballet" (M., 1997); Russian Abroad. Golden Book of Emigration” (M., 1997); articles for the encyclopedia "P. I. Tchaikovsky” (in production). Author of a series of reviews in the periodical press on the premieres of operas and ballets at the Bolshoi Theater, on concerts of the Moscow Autumn festivals (1970-1980).


  • History of Russian music. T. 2. Issue. 3. M., 1981. 2nd ed. - 1986
  • Symphonic principles of Tchaikovsky's ballets. M., 1976
  • Opera works by Tchaikovsky. M., 1970
  • On symphonism in Tchaikovsky's ballet The Sleeping Beauty. M., 1965
  • Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Brief biography. M., 2001
  • On the main trends in the development of modern ballet theater // Some problems of domestic musical culture. M., 1987
  • Ballet 1917-1941 // Chapter in the textbook "History of modern Russian music". T. 1. M., 1995
  • Ballet 1960-1970 // History of Music of the Peoples of the USSR. T. 6. M., 1996
  • "Anna Karenina" by Shchedrin // Music and choreography of contemporary ballet. M., 1983
  • From the history of ballet // Ballet librettos. M., 2000
  • Soviet ballet 1917-1945 // Music of the XX century. Part 2. Book. 3. M., 1980
  • Music in the Russian ballet theater of the 1st half of the 19th century // Russian music of the 18th-20th centuries: Culture and traditions. Sat. articles. Kazan, 2003
  • Swan Lake at the Moscow Bolshoi Theatre. The first and last performance. 1877 - 1997 // P. I. Tchaikovsky. Forgotten and new: Almanac. Issue 2 / Compiled by P. E. Vaidman, G. I. Belonovich. M., 2003
  • Russian poets in correspondence with Tchaikovsky. Based on unpublished letters // P.I. Tchaikovsky. To the 100th anniversary of death / Sat. articles. M., 1995
  • Creating a chronicle of the life and work of Tchaikovsky // Some problems of domestic musical culture. M., 1990
  • "Swan Lake" - the first Russian classical ballet // From the history of Russian and Soviet music. M., 1971
  • Quintet Bitch - Taneyev's quintet. Experience of comparison // Svazky, vztany pazalely. Opus musicum (in Czech). Brno, 1973
  • "In the Czech Republic" - a symphonic poem by Balakirev (in Czech). Brno, 1974
  • Mussorgsky. Monograph
  • European ballet theater of the 19th century
  • Directed transcriptions of The Queen of Spades by Pushkin-Tchaikovsky (Meyerhold, Lyubimov, Petit)

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Local Lore and Genealogy Sector of Library No. 18 named after. N.A. Ostrovsky.
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Contacts: [email protected] Pajitnov Evgeny.

Pedigree painting: Shirsky Nikita Ivanov

Generation 1___

1. Shirsky Nikita Ivanov
Gender: male. in 1797 he served as the second priest of the St. Nicholas Church in the village of Shiri, run by Usolsky
spiritual government. He had at least three sons. One of them - Kliment Elizarov - in the mentioned
year graduated from the Kostroma Theological Seminary, and the younger ones - Alexei and Fedor - had just
began to study the "sciences taught in it." Thus, the Rozanovs were originally
Shirsky. Shirsky is a well-known surname in the Kostroma region. However, the sons of Nikita Ivanovich after
graduating from the seminary did not return to their native village. Clement was ordained a priest of the Ilinskaya
churches with Ilyinsky Kologrivsky district and from 1799 to 1840 corrected the post of overseer for
deanery in the Soligalich spiritual board, and Fedor served in the church from 1816 to 1857
Nativity of the Mother of God of the large village of Matveev of the same county. In 1819 he was appointed senior
priest of this church.
Fedor was born (2-1)
Clement is born (3-1)
Alexey was born (4-1)
Wife: ....

Generation 2___

2-1. Elizarov Fyodor Nikitich
Gender: male.
1818: Anna is born (5-2)
1822: Vasily was born (6-2)
1823: Hope is born (7-2)
1828: Catherine is born (8-2)
1834: Nicholas is born (9-2)
Wife: ... Pavel Sergeevna.

3-1. Elizarov Kliment Nikitich
Gender: male.
Was born. Father: Shirsky Nikita Ivanov, mother: ....

4-1. Elizarov Alexey Nikitich
Gender: male.
Was born. Father: Shirsky Nikita Ivanov, mother: ....

Generation 3___

5-2. Elizarova Anna Fedorovna (1818-?)
Gender Female.
1818: Born. Father: Elizarov Fyodor Nikitich, mother: ... Pavel Sergeevna.

6-2. Rozanov Vasily Fedorovich (1822-28.02.1861)
Gender: male, life expectancy: 39. Rozanov is a seminary surname.
Vasily Fedorovich graduated from the seminary in 1840 with a certificate of the 2nd category (by the way, a year later in
N.N.Strakhov entered the Kostroma Seminary, the “literary nanny” V.V. Rozanov in journalism). He
did not continue his father's profession and "joined the Kostroma Chamber of State Property
scribe of the 2nd category. After four years of diligent service, Vasily Fedorovich was transferred
clerk for economic service in the Vetluzhsky district administration. He is probably in Vetluga
met Nadezhda Ivanovna, his future wife. There, in the suburban estate Otluzikha, the family lived
her older brother Fedor.
1822: Born. Father: Elizarov Fyodor Nikitich, mother: ... Pavel Sergeevna.
12/01/1847: Nicholas was born (10-6)
12/24/1848: Vera was born (11-6)
01/22/1850: Fedor was born (12-6)
02/01/1851: Pavla was born (13-6)
04/14/1852: Dmitry was born (14-6)
04/20/1856: Vasily was born (15-6)
1858: Sergey was born (16-6)
02/28/1861: Died
07/26/1861: Love was born (17-6)
Wife: Shishkina Nadezhda Ivanovna, life expectancy: 43.
07/27/1826: Born. Father: Shishkin Ivan Fedorovich, mother: Achkasova Avdotya Andreevna.
1870: Died

7-2. Elizarova Nadezhda Fedorovna (1823-?)
Gender Female.
1823: Born. Father: Elizarov Fyodor Nikitich, mother: ... Pavel Sergeevna.

8-2. Elizarova Ekaterina Fedorovna (1828-?)
Gender Female.
1828: Born. Father: Elizarov Fyodor Nikitich, mother: ... Pavel Sergeevna.

9-2. Rozanov Nikolay Fedorovich (1834-?)
Gender: male. The second son Nikolai Fedorovich also graduated from the Galich Theological School
Kostroma Seminary, with a certificate of the 1st category. He was one of the most capable students of his
course. Such seminarians for further education were usually sent to the state kosht in
Moscow Theological Academy. However, somehow he lost the championship to Nikolai Sokolov, himself
he became a priest in the village of Tonshaev, Vetluzhsky district. Here he also received the position of mentor in
local peasant school. In 1861 he was transferred to Vetluga to the Resurrection Church, in the same
year they are invited to the parish school as a teacher of the law, at the same time they are elected as an assistant to a deputy from
clergy in the Vetluzh government offices. But in 1863, unexpectedly, he was removed from all
positions and exiled to the Ipatiev Monastery "for repentance and correction" "for exceeding this
power and demotion." Father Nikolai Rozanov experienced all the vicissitudes of the fate of the disenfranchised
village priest, probably from the bitter share of a drunkard. His name is found in archival
documents as early as 1887.
1834: Born. Father: Elizarov Fyodor Nikitich, mother: ... Pavel Sergeevna.
Wife: ....

Generation 4___

10-6. Rozanov Nikolay Vasilyevich (01.12.1847-1894)
Gender: male, lifespan: 46.
Born Male (18-10)
Alexey was born (19-10)
Natalia was born (20-10)
Nicholas was born (21-10)
Woman Born (22-10)
Vladimir was born (23-10)
12/01/1847: Born. Father: Rozanov Vasily Fedorovich, mother: Shishkina Nadezhda Ivanovna.
1894: Died
Wife: ....

11-6. Rozanova Vera Vasilievna (24.12.1848-1867)
Gender: Female, Lifespan: 18.
12/24/1848: Born. Father: Rozanov Vasily Fedorovich, mother: Shishkina Nadezhda Ivanovna.
1867: Died

12-6. Rozanov Fedor Vasilyevich (22.01.1850-?)
Gender: male.
01/22/1850: Born. Father: Rozanov Vasily Fedorovich, mother: Shishkina Nadezhda Ivanovna.

13-6. Rozanova Pavel Vasilievna (02/01/1851-?)
Gender Female.
Got married
02/01/1851: Born. Father: Rozanov Vasily Fedorovich, mother: Shishkina Nadezhda Ivanovna.
Husband: Yasnev .... Son of a priest

14-6. Rozanov Dmitry Vasilyevich (04/14/1852)
Gender: male, age: 162.
04/14/1852: Born. Father: Rozanov Vasily Fedorovich, mother: Shishkina Nadezhda Ivanovna.

15-6. Rozanov Vasily Vasilyevich (20.04.1856-1919)
Gender: male, lifespan: 62.
Married. Wife 1.
Married. Wife 2.
04/20/1856: Born. Father: Rozanov Vasily Fedorovich, mother: Shishkina Nadezhda Ivanovna.
1892: Hope is born (24-15(2))
1895: Tatiana was born (25-15(2))
1896: Vera is born (26-15(2))
1898: Varvara was born (27-15(2))
1899: Vasily was born (28-15(2))
10/09/1900: Hope is born (29-15(2))
1919: Died
1919: Died
Wife 1: Suslova, Apollinaria Prokofievna, life expectancy: 79.
1839: Born
1918: Died
Wife 2: Rudneva Varvara Dmitrievna (1m Butyagin), life expectancy: 59.
1864: Born
1923: Died

16-6. Rozanov Sergei Vasilyevich (1858-?)
Gender: male.
1858: Born. Father: Rozanov Vasily Fedorovich, mother: Shishkina Nadezhda Ivanovna.
Wife: .... married to a widow and adopted her child

17-6. Love (07/26/1861)
Gender: female, age: 153.
07/26/1861: Born. Father: Rozanov Vasily Fedorovich, mother: Shishkina Nadezhda Ivanovna.

Generation 5___

18-10. Rozanov...
Gender: male.
Nina was born (30-18)
Wife: ....

19-10. Rozanov Alexey Nikolaevich (? -1949)
Gender: male. Geologist.
Was born. Father: Rozanov Nikolai Vasilyevich, mother: ....
08/11/1917: Nina was born (31-19)
1949: Died
Wife: ... Olga Konstantinovna.
1940: Died

20-10. Rozanova Natalia Nikolaevna
Gender Female.

21-10. Rozanov Nikolai Nikolaevich
Gender: male.
Was born. Father: Rozanov Nikolai Vasilyevich, mother: ....

22-10. ...
Gender Female.
Born. Father: Rozanov Nikolai Vasilyevich, mother: ....

23-10. Rozanov Vladimir Nikolaevich (? - Around 1935)
Gender: male.
Was born. Father: Rozanov Nikolai Vasilyevich, mother: ....
Around 1935: Died

24-15(2). Hope (1892-1893)
Gender: female, lifespan: 1.
1892: Born. Mother: Rudneva Varvara Dmitrievna (1m Butyagin), father: Rozanov Vasily Vasilyevich.
1893: Died

25-15(2). Rozanova Tatyana Vasilievna (1895-1975)
Gender: Female, Lifespan: 80.
1895: Born. Mother: Rudneva Varvara Dmitrievna (1m Butyagin), father: Rozanov Vasily Vasilyevich.
1975: Died

26-15(2). Rozanova Vera Vasilievna (1896-1920)
Gender: female, lifespan: 24.
1896: Born. Mother: Rudneva Varvara Dmitrievna (1m Butyagin), father: Rozanov Vasily Vasilyevich.
1920: Died

27-15(2). Rozanova Varvara Vasilievna (1898-1943)
Gender: female, life expectancy: 45. Died in a forced labor camp in Rybinsk
Got married
1898: Born. Mother: Rudneva Varvara Dmitrievna (1m Butyagin), father: Rozanov Vasily Vasilyevich.
1943: Died
Husband: Gordon....

28-15(2). Rozanov Vasily Vasilyevich (1899-1918)
Gender: male, lifespan: 19.
1899: Born
1899: Born. Mother: Rudneva Varvara Dmitrievna (1m Butyagin), father: Rozanov Vasily Vasilyevich.
1918: Died
1918: Died

29-15(2). Rozanova Nadezhda Vasilievna (09.10.1900-15.07.1956)
Gender: female, life expectancy: 55. Artist.
She was buried at the Pyatnitsky cemetery.
Got married. Husband 1.
Got married. Husband 2.
10/09/1900: Born. Mother: Rudneva Varvara Dmitrievna (1m Butyagin), father: Rozanov Vasily
07/15/1956: Died
Husband 1: Vereshchagin A. ....
Husband 2: Sokolov M.K. Artist.

Generation 6___

30-18. Rozanova Nina...
Gender Female.
Born. Father: Rozanov..., mother: ....

31-19. Rozanova Nina Alekseevna (11.08.1917-?)
Gender Female.
Got married
08/11/1917: Born. Father: Rozanov Alexey Nikolaevich, mother: ... Olga Konstantinovna.
Husband: ....

Report creation date: 03/06/2015

2. LETTERS TO V.V. Rozanov (RGALI)

F. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 1. Conduit book of students of the Nizhny Novgorod provincial gymnasium.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 2. Journal of the progress and behavior of students of the 5th grade of the Nizhny Novgorod gymnasium, 1873
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 3. Comic contractual obligation of Alekseevsky Vladimir and Rozanov V.V.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 4. A book for recording students who did not appear for lessons at the gymnasium.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 5. Book for recording students of the Nizhny Novgorod gymnasium, punished by arrest
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 6. A book for recording students of the Nizhny Novgorod gymnasium who miss classes. With the application of certificates on the reasons for the absence of students in the classroom.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 7. A book for recording students of the Nizhny Novgorod provincial gymnasium who miss classes. With the application of certificates on the reasons for the absence of students for classes.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 8. Journal of progress of students of the Nizhny Novgorod provincial gymnasium.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 9. Journal of the progress and behavior of students of the 7th grade of the Nizhny Novgorod gymnasium.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 10. Certificate of maturity and birth certificate of Rozanov Vasily Vasilyevich and a list of documents about marriage with Suslova Apollinaria Prokofievna and training at Moscow University.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 11. Schedule of exams at the Yelets male gymnasium and a letter from the inspector of the Yelets gymnasium to Rozanov V.V. about the movement of teachers of the Belsk progymnasium.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 12. Letters from the state controller Senator Filippov T.I. Rozanov V.V. on granting him the position of an official for special assignments at the State Audit Office, on awarding him the Order of St. Anna of the 3rd degree, on the provision of a formal list of service for enrollment in the State Audit Office.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 13. Service record of Rozanov Vasily Vasilyevich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 14. Application to the standing committee for assistance to needy scientists, writers and publicists, written by Rozanov V.V. for Shperk Anna Lavrentyevna (wife of the writer Fedor Eduardovich Shperk), with a note on the envelope about how she should use this sample petition.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 15. Spiritual Testament of Rozanov V.V. and an explanatory note by Rozanova Tatyana Vasilievna.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 16. Application of Vasily Vasilyevich Rozanov to the Board of the Mutual Aid Fund under the Society for assistance to needy writers and scientists.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 17. Petitions of Rozanov Vasily Vasilyevich addressed to Nicholas II for the adoption of "illegitimate" children and the transfer of all inheritance rights, for the abolition of the arrest of his book "Solitary", for his resignation from service in the State Control and the appointment of a pension; about a one-time allowance for the payment of a house. printing house Suvorin.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 18. Medical certificate of Dr. Shershevsky L. Rozanov Vasily Vasilyevich and prescriptions for Rozanova Varvara Dmitrievna.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 19. The attitude of the director of the Nizhny Novgorod male gymnasium to Rozanov Vasily Vasilyevich on the collection of information about teachers and educators for a historical note in connection with the centenary of the gymnasium.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 20. Proposal of the publishing house of Charles Delagrave to Rozanov Vasily Vasilievich to send biographical information for the publication of the journal "The Yearbook of Contemporaries" ("Lonnuaire des Contemporains").
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 21. Questionnaire filled in by Rozanov Vasily Vasilyevich for the bibliographic dictionary of figures of the Nizhny Novgorod Volga region and the attitude of the Nizhny Novgorod provincial scientific archival commission to Rozanov Vasily Vasilyevich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 22. The attitude of the chairman of the Religious-Philosophical Society Anton Vladimirovich Kartashev to Rozanov Vasily Vasilyevich about his expulsion from the members of the society.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 23. Letters from the board and council of the Nizhny Novgorod People's University to Rozanov Vasily Vasilievich about donating his works to the university library.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 24. Letter from the Russian Public Assembly in Rostov-on-Don to Vasily Vasilyevich Rozanov with gratitude for the sent collection of his writings on the Jewish question.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 25. Letter from the trustee of the Moscow educational district Tikhomirov A.A. Rozanov Vasily Vasilyevich on granting Arkhipov a place as an inspector of a gymnasium in the city of Vetluga with a postscript to Rozanov V.V.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 26. Application of Rozanov Vasily Vasilyevich to the Council of the Moscow Public Administration of Archival Affairs on granting him a position.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 27. Programs of literary evenings and invitation cards sent to Rozanov Vasily Vasilyevich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 28. Agenda for the general meeting of the Union of Russian Writers.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 29. Application to the deputy chairman of the department about the failure to appear in court due to the illness of the wife's mother.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 30. Lists of works, indicating the journals that published them, and the time of publication, records of the amounts of annual income from the sale of books and royalties.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 31. Draft conditions between the editors of Novoye Vremya and Rozanov Vasily Vasilyevich signed by Suvorin Alexey Sergeevich and Rozanov Vasily Vasilyevich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 32. Memorandum of V.V. Rozanov to the chief prosecutor of the Synod on the formation of religious and philosophical meetings.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 33. Extracts from the journal of the meeting of the bankruptcy office for the insolvent debtor Pirozhkov M.V. about the claims of Rozanov Vasily Vasilyevich and a letter from Pirozhkov M.V. Rozanov about giving him money for the book Near the Church Walls.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 34. List of judges and fellow prosecutors, summons of the second criminal department of the judicial chamber and a letter from the manager of the printing house of the Novoye Vremya newspaper to Vasily Vasilyevich Rozanov about the seizure and destruction of his book The Russian Church.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 35. Letters from the manager of the bookstore and printing house of Novoye Vremya to Rozanov Vasily Vasilievich about the acceptance by the store of his books and "calculations for the sale of books" by Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 36. Letter from the Bibliographic Commission of the Tolstoy Society to Rozanov V.V. about the donation to the library of the Bibliographic Commission of the collection "Literary Exiles".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 37. Contract between Vasily Vasilyevich Rozanov and Arkady Veniaminovich Rumanov on the publication of the book "The Family Question in Russia".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 38. Application of Rozanov Vasily Vasilyevich to the Management of the bookstore of the Association of A.S. Suvorin "New Time" on the calculation for the books sold and the transfer of unsold books to the store of Mikhail Savelyevich Elov in Sergiev Posad.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 39. Letter from Rozanov V.V. Gippius Vladimir Vasilyevich about issuing him a power of attorney to publish and sell his books.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 40. Contract of Rozanov V.V. with publisher Leman G.A. and Sakharov S.I. for the publication of his book "Literary Exiles".
3. Manuscripts by V.V. Rozanov
Inventory systematization sections (11)
3.1. Articles on history, philosophy, politics
3.2. Articles from the book "Eastern motives"
3.3. Articles about Judaism
3.4. Articles on Religion and Church Reform
3.5. Articles on family, marriage, divorce and school
3.6. Articles about the revolution, the State Duma, the national question, etc.
3.7. Articles on literature and art
3.8. Collections of aphorisms collected by Rozanov V.V.
3.9. Autobiographical essays and stories
3.10. Bibliography of works compiled by Rozanov V.V.
3.11. Chronological tables compiled by Rozanov V.V.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 238. V.V. Rozanov. "What am I laughing at?" Story.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 277. Letter to Kablukov Sergey Platonovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 278. Letter to G.A. Leman.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 279. Letter to Leontiev Ivan Leontevich. (Shcheglov).
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 280. Letter to Konstantin Nikolaevich Leontiev.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 281. Letter to Lerner Nikolai Osipovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 282. Letter to Limont-Ivanova Natalya Vladimirovna.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 283. Letter to M. Lutokhin.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 284. Letter from Mikulich to Lidia Ivanovna.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 287. Letter to Ovsyannikov Alexei Nikolaevich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 288. Letter to Ostafiev Vladimir.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 289. Letter to Pertsov Petr Petrovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 290. Letter to Petrovsky Sergey Alexandrovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 291. Letter to Sergei Plakatin.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 292. Letter to Konstantin Petrovich Pobedonostsev.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 294. Letter to Sergey Vladimirovich Puskov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 295. Letter to Rachinsky Sergey Alexandrovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 296. Letter to Rubinstein Dmitry Lvovich. Attached is an explanatory note by V.V. Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 297. Letter to Rozanova Natalya N. (niece).
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 298. Letters to V.V. Rozanov and Shishkina Alexandra Ivanovna Rozanov Nikolai Vasilyevich and Browder Vasily F.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 299. Letter to Rozanov Sergey Vasilyevich
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 300. Letter to I. Rudnev.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 301. Letter to [Rudnev] Tikhon Dmitrievich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 302. Letter to Rumanov Arkady Veniaminovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 303. Letter to Sabler Vladimir Karlovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 304. Money transfer by V.V. Rozanov Sadovsky Boris Alexandrovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 305. Letter to Sirotin Vasily Nikolaevich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 306. Letter to [Sosnitsky] Mikhail Osipovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 307. Letter to Sosnitsky Julius Osipovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 310. Letter from Struve to Petr Berngardovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 311. Letter from Suslova Apollinaria Prokofievna.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 312. Letter to Sytin Ivan Dmitrievich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 313. Letter to Tolstoy Leo Nikolaevich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 314. Letter from Tkachenko to Valentin Filippovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 315. Letter to Ustinsky Alexander Petrovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 316. Letter to Fedorov Mikhail Mikhailovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 317. Letter to [Filosofov] Dmitry Vladimirovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 318. Letter to Frank Semyon Ludwigovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 319. Letter to Frug Solomon Gavrilovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 320. Letter to Fudel Joseph Ivanovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 321. Letter to Hovin Viktor Romanovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 322. Letter to Sharapov Sergei Fedorovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 323. Letter to Shulgina [Ekaterina Grigorievna].
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 324. Letter to an unidentified person with the appeal "Alexander Nikolaevich"
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 325. Letter to an unidentified person with the appeal "Ilyas Aleksandrovich".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 326. Letter to [Mirolyubov] Viktor Sergeevich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 327. Letter to the editor of the Novorossiysk Telegraph newspaper
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 328. Letter to the editor of the newspaper "New time".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 329. Letter to the management of the bookstore "New time"
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 330. Letter to the editors of the newspaper "Rech"
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 331. Letter to the editors of the magazine "Russian Bulletin"
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 332. Letter to an unidentified person with the appeal "Davyd Ivanovich"
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 333. Letter to the editors of the journal "Russian Review"
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 334. Letter to the State Comptroller T.I. Filippov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 335. Letter to the editor of an unidentified newspaper
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 336. Letter to the Literary Fund.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 337. Letters to Unidentified Persons.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 338. Letters from Abramovich Nikolai Yakovlevich
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 339. Letters from E. Av-Meinander.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 340. Letters from Anton Florianovich Adamovich
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 341. Letters from Ivan Aivazov
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 342. Letters from M. Alexandrova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 343. Note of Alexander Mikhailovich
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 344. Letter from Archimandrite Alexander
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 345. Letters from A.I. Alekseev.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 346. Letters from Alekseev Vasily Mikhailovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 347. Letters from Alekseev Ivan Ivanovich
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 348. Letter to A.P. Alekseevsky.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 349. Letters of V. Alekseevsky.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 350. Letters from A. Albova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 351. Letter from Nikolai Anisimov
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 352. Letters from Olga Anisimova
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 353. Letters of Apostolopulo Evgenia Ivanovna
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 354. Letters from Arkhipova Nadezhda S.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 355. Letter from Artsybashev Mikhail Mikhailovich
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 356. Letters from E.V. Balabanova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 357. Letters to E. Baranova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 358. Letters of Alexander Baranovsky.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 359. Postcard of Baranovsky Nikolai F.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 360. Letters from Barsukova Zinaida Ivanovna
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 361. Letters of Bashmakov Alexander Alexandrovich
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 362. Visiting card T. Becker.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 363. Letters of L. Belkin.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 364. Letters from Evgeny Belkov
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 365. Letter from Nikolai Berdyaev to Vasily Vasilyevich Rozanov
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 366. Letters from Berezhnov Matvey Matveyevich
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 367. Letters from Lev Bernardovich Bertenson
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 368. Letters from Blagov Fyodor Ivanovich
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 369. Letters from Beh Stepan Vasilyevich
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 370. Postcard by A. Borodin.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 371. Letters of Borozdin Ilya N.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 372. Letter from V. Brazhnikov
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 373. Letters from Browder Vasily Fedorovich
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 374. Letters from Brodsky Kirill Vasilyevich and Alexander
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 375. Letter from Bryusov Valery Yakovlevich
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 376. Letter from Bryantsev Dmitry Petrovich
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 377. Letters from S. Bulgakov
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 378. Letters from I.P. Bulychev.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 379. Letters of Burinsky Evgeny Fedorovich
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 380. Letter from A. Burnakina.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 381. Letters from A. Burnakin.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 382. Letters from E.V. Burtovich-Sukhomlinova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 383. Letters from Alexandra Mikhailovna Butyagina.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 384. Letters from Pavel Butyagin
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 385. Letters of Budrevich Jan Ivanovich
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 386. Letter from A. Vasilkovsky.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 387. Letter from A. Vasilyeva.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 388. Letters of Vvedenskaya Maria Mikhailovna
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 389. Letters to V.V. Vereshchagin.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 390. Letter to A.A. Vinitskaya.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 391. Letters to D.K. Vinogradov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 392. Letter from N. Vinogradov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 393. Letters from Vladimirov Konstantin Konstantinovich
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 394. Letters from Konstantin Voznesensky
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 395. Letter from N. All Saints.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 396. Letters of Vera Akiefiyevna Volkovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 397. Letters from N. Wrangel.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 397 a). Note on Vyazhlinskaya's business card
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 398. Letter from Vyazemsky Valerian Orestovich
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 399. Letters from A. Gavrilov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 400. Letters from Gakkebush Mikhail Mikhailovich
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 401. Letters from M. Galpin.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 402. Letters from S.A. Gamanova-Churaev.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 403. Letters from Gezer-Nelyubin Georgy Karlovich
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 404. Letter from Gedroits Vera Ignatievna
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 405. Letters from Geld [née Nekrasova] Zinaida Mikhailovna.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 406. Letters from Gelshert to Nadezhda Nikolaevna
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 407. Letters from Georgieva Olga Georgievna
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 408. Letters from Elizaveta Pavlovna Geptner
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 409. Letters from L. Gerasimova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 410. Letters to A.F. Hermann.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 411. Letters of Geruts Krunislav Yurievich
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 412. Letter from Gershenzon Mikhail Osipovich
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 413. Letter to Guerrier Vladimir Ivanovich
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 414. Letters of Glinka-Volzhsky Alexander Sergeevich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 415. Letters of Glinsky Boris Borisovich
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 416. Letters to N.N. Glubokovsky.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 417. Letters from Olga A. Golenko
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 418. Letters from Hollerbach Erich Fedorovich
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 419. Letters from Golubeva Nadezhda Prokofievna
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 420. Letters from Goldovsky Onisim Borisovich
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 421. Letters from Vladimir Alexandrovich Holmström
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 422. Letter from Gorlenko Iliodor Vladimirovich
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 423. Letters from Gorky Alexei Maksimovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 424. Letter from S. Dubrovina
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 425. Letters to Goffe Vladislav.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 426. Letters from D. Griboyedov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 427. Letter from Gruzinsky Alexei Evgenievich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 428. Letters of Fyodor Ivanovich Guchkov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 429. Letters from D.S. Darsky.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 430. Letters from De-Veka Ferdinand Vikentyevich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 431. Letters of M. Demmeni.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 432. Dixon's letters to Eleanor.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 432 a). Letters from Denis-Roche.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 433. Letters from N.O. Dobrovolsky.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 434. Letters to S.F. Dobryansky.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 435. Letters of Dolivo - Dobrovolsky Alexander Iosifovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 436. Letters from K. Dormidontov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 437. Letters from Dostoevskaya Anna Grigoryevna.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 438. Letters from L.S. Dravert.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 439. Letters from Zhdanov Abram Venediktovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 440. Letters from A. Dragoev.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 441. Letters from Osten - Drizen Nikolai Vasilyevich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 442. Letters from N. Drozdov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 443. Letters of Dubinsky Maria.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 444. Letters of Durasevich Sergey Nikolaevich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 445. Letter from M. Durnov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 446. Letters to V.N. Dyachkov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 447. Postcard of Evlampy.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 448. Letters of Elachich Gabriel.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 449. Letters to Kl. Eltsova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 450. Letters from A. Elchaninov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 451. Letters from Georgy Petrovich Enisherlov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 452. Letters from Zhdanov Dmitry Alexandrovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 453. Letters of K. Zhitkov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 454. Letters of Zhukovsky Vladislav Vladislavovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 455. Zhukhin's letter.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 456. Letters of Zakrzhevsky Alexander Karlovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 457. Letters from Zax Vera.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 458. Letters from Zakharova Lydia.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 459. Note on the visiting card of Zevalin Boris Vladimirovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 460. Letters of Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Zelenetsky.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 461. Letters of Zelinsky Faddey Frantsevich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 462. Letters from Sorgenfrey Wilhelm Aleksandrovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 463. Letters from Ivanova Alexandra.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 464. Letters from Vyacheslav Ivanovich Ivanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 465. Letters from O. Ivanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 466. Letters from Ignotus Vobis.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 467. Letters of Izmailov Alexander Alekseevich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 468. Letter from M. Illustratov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 469. Letters of Ilyin Nikolai Nikolaevich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 470. Jonathan's letter.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 471. Letters of Kablukov Sergey Platonovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 472. Letters and telegram from Mikhail Vasilyevich Kazantsev.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 473. Letters of Treasurer Vasily Vladimirovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 474. Letters from Dmitry Nikiforovich Kaigorodov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 475. Letters from Kaiser Alfred Yulievich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 476. Letters of E. Kalachev.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 477. Letters of Kamenskaya Yulia Alekseevna.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 478. Letter from V. Kankrina.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 479. Letters from Vasily Kirillovich Karasev.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 480. Letters of Viktor Ivanovich Kardapoltsev.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 481. Letters from Karpov Pimen Ivanovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 482. Letters from Anton Vladimirovich Kartashev.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 483. Letters of Kartashova Elizabeth.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 484. Kacharov's letters to Evgeny G.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 485. Letter from Leonid Dmitrievich Kashkin.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 486. Letters of Kedrin [sky Alexander Antonovich].
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 487. Letters and telegrams of Konstantin Antonovich Kern.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 488. Letters from Kizevetter [born Ovsyannikova] Anna Nikolaevna.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 489. Letters of Kireev Alexander Alekseevich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 490. Letters from Klushin Vasily Vissarionavich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 491. Letter from Knyazev V[asily Vasilyevich]
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 492. Letters of V. Kovanko.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 493. Letters of Kovner Arkady Grigorievich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 494. Letters from Vasily Vladimirovich Kozhevnikov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 495. Letters of Kolyshko Joseph Iosifovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 496. Letters to I.M. Konovalov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 497. Letters of Konosevich Elena Nikolaevna.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 498. Letters from A.V. Kordobovsky.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 499. Letters from Y. Kormilitsyn.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 500. Letters of Kossovsky Leonty Grigorievich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 501. Letters of Kravchinsky Dmitry Mikhailovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 502. Letters from Vladimir Kropotkin.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 503. Letters from Krusto Agata Ivanovna.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 504. Letters from Konstantin Kudryavtsev.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 505. Letter from Kuzminsky Konstantin.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 506. Letter from Kursinsky Alexander Antonovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 507. Letters from Platon Aleksandrovich Kuskov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 508. Letters of D. Kuchinsky.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 509. Letters of Kuchinsky Joseph.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 510. Letters from Lavrovsky Konstantin Petrovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 511. Letters from Ivan Pavlovich Ladyzhnikov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 512. Letter from S. Lebedev.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 513. Letters and telegram of Levin Boris Vasilyevich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 514. Letters to G.A. Leman.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 515. Letter from Leonidov [Shimansky], Oleg Leonidovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 516. Letters from Leontiev Ivan Leontievich. [Shcheglova] .
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 517. Letters from Konstantin Nikolaevich Leontiev.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 518. Letter from K. Leontiev.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 519. Letter from Nikolai Osipovich Lerner.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 520. Letters Limont - Ivanova Natalia Vladimirovna.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 521. Letter [V. Lisenkova].
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 522. Letters from Alexander Dmitrievich Lifantiev.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 523. Letters from Nikolai Petrovich Likhachev.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 524. Likhachev's letters.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 525. Letters of Lobanov Victor.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 526. Letters from Ivan Dmitrievich Lobanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 527. Letters of Lobavsky Matvey Kuzmich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 528. Letters from A. Lyubovnikova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 529. Letters from Markov Alexei Konstantinovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 530. Letters from Menshikov Mikhail Osipovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 531. Letters to V.P. Meshchersky.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 532. Letters from Milovidova Alexandra Mikhailovna.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 533. Letter from N. Monaseina.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 534. Letters of Muravyov Mikhail Valeryanovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 535. Letters from Murakhina to Aksenova Lidia.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 536. Letter [N. Mush].
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 537. Letter from Navrotsky [Vasily Vasilyevich].
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 538. Letters of Nazhivin Ivan Fedorovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 539. Letters of Nevstruev Ivan Ivanovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 540. Letters of Vladimir Nekrasov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 541. Letters from Nelavitsky Stanislav.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 542. Letters from Nikolaev Alexei Nikolaevich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 543. Letter from Novikov Nikolai Ivanovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 544. Letters and cutting coupons M.A. Novoselov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 545. Letters from the Norwegian Oscar.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 546. Letters of Nuri Osman.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 547. Letters of Oblonskaya Ekaterina Vladimirovna.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 548. Letters from Evgenia Ivanovna Obraztsova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 549. Letters from Ovsyannikov Alexei Nikolaevich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 550. Letters from Ovsyannikova Elizaveta Alexandrovna.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 551. Letters from Ovsyannikov Nikolai Nikolaevich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 552. Letters from Ordyntsev - Kostritsky Mikhail Dmitrievich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 553. Letters from A. Oreshnikov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 554. Letter from Elena Oreshnikova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 555. Letters of Ostafyev Vladimir Alekseevich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 556. Letters from Nikolai Petrovich Ostroumov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 557. Letters of Pavlova Anna Ivanovna.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 558. Letters of Pavlov Fyodor.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 559. Letters of Pavlov Fedor Semyonovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 560. Letter from Mikhail Fedorovich Paozersky.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 561. Letter from Sophia Viktorovna Parchevsky. (Letter dated September 28, 1913, F.Ya. Parchevsky). On a letter dated February 19, 1914, the handwriting of V.V. Rozanova: "Family issue in Russia".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 562. Letters from Penkin Ivan Ignatievich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 563. Letters from Pervov Pavel.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 564. Letters from A. Pervolf.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 565. Letters from Mikhail Pervukhin.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 566. Letters from Vladimir Peredolsky.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 567. Letter from Nikolai Nikolaevich Pertsov, marked by Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 568. Letters of Vladimir Karlovich Petersen.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 569. Letters of Petersen Nikolai Pavlovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 570. Letter from S. Petrov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 571. Pilipenko Valentina Ivanovna's letters.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 572. Letters to M.V. Pirozhkov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 573. Letter from Alexander Alekseevich Pleshcheev.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 574. Letters from Plyushkov Alexei Ivanovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 575. Letters of Pobedimskaya Faith.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 576. Letters to I.E. Pogozhev (E. Poselyanina).
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 577. Letters of Pogossky Viktor Vladimirovich. Copies of letters dated September 18 and 21, 1913 by V.V. Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 578. Letters of Poltanov Sergey Petrovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 579. Letters to S.F. Polyansky about the creation and advantage of Esperanto, about the translation of V.V. Rozanova "About those who died on the Titanic" for the English magazine.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 580. Letters to A.D. Pomyan and O.D. Semenova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 581. Letters of Pokhomov Evgeny Alexandrovich. An article by A. Rennikov "Consonance of Hearts" is attached.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 582. Letters from Prakhov Andrian Sundi to Ilya Anastasievich, Russian Consul in Venice, and Schmidt Fyodor Ivanovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 583. Letters from Prishvin Mikhail Mikhailovich with a description of VV Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 584. Letters from Iosif Savvich, Sold, with the attachment of an article from the Utro newspaper, "On Anti-Semites in General and on Rozanov in Particular."
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 585. Letters from Grigory Prokhorov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 586. Letters from Pryanishnikov Nikolai Efimovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 587. Letters of Sergey Vladimirovich Puskov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 588. Letters from Anna Feodorovna Praff, marked by V.V. Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 589. Letter from O. Radlov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 590. Letters from Raysky Nikolai Alexandrovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 591. Rush telegrams.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 592. Letters to A.L. Rezvetsova, pupils of Goncharov Ivan Aleksandrovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 593. Letters from Alexei Mikhailovich Remizov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 594. Letters from S. Radovanovitch and his photograph with his wife.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 595. Letters from Al.P. Rozhdestvensky.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 596. Letters from L. Rozhdestvensky.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 597. Letters to A.N. Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 598. Letters from Rozanov Vladimir Nikolaevich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 599. Letter from Rozanov Gennady.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 600. Letters from Dmitry Vasilyevich Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 601. Letters from Nikolai Vasilyevich Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 602. Letters from Rozanov Nikolai Nikolaevich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 603. Letters from Rozanov Petr Nikolaevich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 604. Letters from Sergei Vasilyevich Rozanov, an excerpt from his wife's letter.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 605. Letters from Rozanov Fedor Vasilyevich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 606. Letters from Rozanova Alexandra Stepanovna with a postscript from Rozanovs Nikolai Vasilievich and Nikolai Nikolaevich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 607. Letter from Varvara Dmitrievna Rozanova with annotation by VV Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 608. Letters from Rozanova Natalia Nikolaevna.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 609. Letters from Rozanova Olga.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 610. Letters from Rozanova [Yasneva] Pavel Vasilievna.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 611. Letters from Rozanova [Yasneva] Pavel Vasilievna and Rozanov Dmitry Vasilyevich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 612. Letters from Rozanova Ella Germanovna [nee Hamburger], with an explanatory note by V.V. Rozanova - Vereshchagina.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 613. Letters from N. Rosenthal.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 614. Letters to I.S. Rosenfeld.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 615. Letter from Y. Roman.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 616. Letters from Ivan Fedorovich Romanov. [Pseudonym Rtsy]. The letters were prepared for publication by V.V. Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 617. Letters from Sophia Ivanovna Romanova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 618. Telegrams of General Ronzhin.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 619. Letters of P. Rossiev.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 620. Letters from Rotuld Galina.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 621. Letters from Rochko Grigory Viktorovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 622. Letters from Rudnev Ivan Dmitrievich, with a postscript A.A. Rudneva.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 623. Letters from Rudnev Tikhon Dmitrievich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 624. Letters from A.A. Rudneva, with postscripts Ivan Dmitrievich Rudnev and Alexandra Mikhailovna Butyagina.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 625. Letters from Rumanov Arkady Veniaminovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 626. Letters from Rutovsky Otton Ferdinandovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 627. Letters from S. Rukhlov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 628. Cut-off coupon of the money transfer of Boris Alexandrovich Sadovsky, with Rozanov's comments about it.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 629. Letters from A. Samoilovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 630. Letter from Mikhail Ivanovich Sapozhnikov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 631. Letters from I. Sakharov, from the editors of the collection "Against the Death Penalty", with a remark by V.V. Rozanov about the edition of the collection.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 632. Letters from Mikhail Spiridonovich Sayapin.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 633. Letters from A. Sviridov, marked by V.V. Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 634. Letters from Sereda Viktor Nikolaevich. Letter from Sereda Tatyana [wife] dated April 1, 1916.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 635. Letter from Sild-Sildinsky.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 636. Letters from K. Silgenkov, with a description of him by V.V. Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 637. Letters of I. Sinebryukhov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 638. Letter to E. Sirotina.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 639. Letters from Skvortsov Vasily Mikhailovich, with a postscript from Rozanov on one of the letters.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 640. Letters of I. Sadovsky.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 641. Letters to K. Smirnov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 642. Letters from Smirnova Pelageya Sergeevna [nee Butyagina].
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 643. Letters from I. Smolyaninov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 644. Letters of Professor V. Snegirev.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 645. Letters from Maria Sergeevna Sokolova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 646. Letters from Yuliy Osipovich Sosnitsky. Letter to V.V. Rozanova Yu.O. Sosnitsky.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 647. Letters of Spasovsky Mikhail Mikhailovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 648. Letters of Speshnev Evgeny Yakovlevich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 649. Letters from Stroganov Nikolai Fedorovich with an explanatory note from Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 650. Letters from N. Stroynov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 651. Letter to Peter Bernardovich Struve.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 652. Letters from Varvara Ivanovna Stukacheva with appendices of diary entries and description of Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 653. Letter from Suvorin Alexei Sergeevich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 654. Letters from Suslova Apollinaria Prokofievna.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 655. Letters from Prokofy Grigoryevich Suslov with an explanatory note from Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 656. Letters from N. Terpigorev.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 657. Letters from Tigranov Faddey Yakovlevich and his wife.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 658. Letters from A. Timofeev.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 659. Letters to I.M. Tikhomirov on the publication of articles by priest Grigory Petrov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 660. Letters from Pavel Vasilievich Tikhomirov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 661. Letters of Tishkov Vasily Petrovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 662. Letters from Tkachenko Valentin Filippovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 663. Letters to M.V. Travin.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 664. Letters from Tolstoy Ivan Ivanovich with an explanatory note by V.V. Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 665. Letters from S. Trotsky.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 666. Letters of Trofimov Alexander Ivanovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 667. Letter from I. L. Truzov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 668. Letters of I. Stupid.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 669. Letters from A. Chistyakova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 670. Letter to Tyrtova Lyubov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 671. Letters from Uvarov Vdamir Vyacheslavovich about the instrumental accompaniment of singing in the Orthodox Church.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 672. Letters from Leonid Nikolaevich Ustinov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 673. Letters from Ustinsky Alexander Petrovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 674. Letters from Mikhail Semyonovich Farbman with an explanatory note from Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 675. Letters [V. Fedina].
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 676. Letters from N. Fedorov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 677. Letters of Dr. A. Ya. Fidler.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 678. Letters of I. Filevsky.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 679. Letters from A. Philosophova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 680. Letter from Filosofov Dmitry Vladimirovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 681. Letters from Flexer (Volynsky) Akim Lvovich, with an explanatory note by V.V. Rozanov, letter dated March 21, 1897, addressed to V.D. Rozanova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 682. Letters to E.A. Freebis.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 683. Letters of Fribes Olga A. (pseudonym Danilov).
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 684. Letters to I.I. Fudel about collecting for the monument to K. N. Leontiev; about editing the complete collection of his works and collecting letters and other materials for this.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 685. Letters of Khavsky Nikolai Nikolaevich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 686. Letter to D.E. Khlopin about his desire to acquire the minutes of the meetings of the Religious and Philosophical Society.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 687. Letters of Khmara-Borschevskaya Olga Petrovna.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 688. Letters from Hovin Viktor Romanovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 689. Letters of A. Kholmogorov, on one of the letters the beginning of the article by V.V. Rozanov "Philology or anthologies".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 690. Letter from [A. Kholmkhovsky].
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 691. Letter from Khudyakov Nikolai Nikolaevich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 692. Letters from Tsvetaeva (Efron) Marina Ivanovna.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 693. Letters from Aleksey Yakovlevich Tsingovatov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 694. Letters to Tsyname[r]varovy Siko and Tsili.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 695. Letters from D. [Chaplin].
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 696. Letters from Chakhotin Stepan Ivanovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 697. Letters of Chebotarevskaya Anastasia Nikolaevna.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 698. Letter from Chernyaeva Natalia Nikolaevna with a request to send a copy of the Novoye Vremya newspaper with his article about Av-Meinander.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 699. Letters of Chernyaev Nikolai Ignatievich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 700. Letter from Sergei Fedorovich Sharapov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 701. Letter from G. Shastitko.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 702. Letters from Yu.I. Shakhovsky.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 703. Letters of Shvidchenko Evfimy Sozontovich. On a letter dated April 12, 1904, the handwriting of V.V. Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 704. Letters from Shebuev Nikolai Georgievich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 705. Letters from Dmitry Petrovich Shestakov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 706. Letters from Alexander Alexandrovich Shipov with reviews of articles by V.V. Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 707. Letters of Shirsky Alexander.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 708. Letters from A. Shperk.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 709. Letters from the writer Fyodor Eduardovich Shperk about philosophical problems and V.V. Rozanov and about modern social and political trends and their representatives.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 710. Letter from Steingardt Zinovy ​​Ivanovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 711. Letters of Shulgovsky Nikolai Nikolaevich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 712. Letters from Alexandra Mikhailovna Shcheglova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 713. Letters from Shchekoldina Sofia Ivanovna.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 714. Letters from Viktor Eglit regarding Rozanov's article "on foreigners".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 715. Letters to V.M. Instance.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 716. Letters from Olga Etlinger.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 717. Letters of Efros Abram Markovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 718. Letters from A. Yablochkin and Mirtov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 719. Letter from Yakovlev.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 720. Letters from Boris Mikhailovich Yakunchikov, numismatist.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 721. Letter from Yanievetsky Vasily.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 722. Letters from Yasnev Dmitry Andreevich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 723. Letters from Y. Anfimov, M.M. Volkova, K.V. Renteln, I.P. Merezhkovsky, M. Kolosov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 724. Letters from the Barsukovs of Nikolai Platonovich, Alexander Platonovich, Zinaida Ivanovna, Alexander Alexandrovich Blok, Valery Yakovlevich Bryusov, Alexei Maksimovich Gorky, Alexander Alekseevich Izmailov, Alexei Mikhailovich Remizov, Fyodor Kuzmich Sologub, Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 725. Letters from Vengerova Zinaida, Gabrilovich [Galich Leonid Evgenievich], Slonimsky Lazar, Stolpner, Shershevsky Lev A., Efros Revekka Yulievna, Efron Savely Konstantinovich [pseudonym Litvin], with answers and explanatory notes by V.V. Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 726. Letters from the editor of the magazine and newspapers "Son of the Fatherland", "Russian Bulletin", "Questions of Philosophy and Psychology", etc. with explanatory notes by VV Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 727. Letters from the editors of the magazines and newspapers "Russkiy trud", "Odesskiy leaf", "Russkoe obozreniye" and others with explanatory notes by V.V. Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 728. Letters from the editors of the magazines and newspapers "New Time", "Historical Bulletin", "Rus", "Russian Word", "Scales", "Golden Fleece", etc. with explanatory notes by V.V. Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 729. Letter from an employee of the editorial board of the Theological Bulletin. (signature illegible).
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 730. Letters from the secretary of the editorial office of the journal "Faith and Reason", about the refusal of the journal to publish his article "What expresses beauty in nature", and a letter from the office manager of the newspaper "Soviet" about the constant payment of a fee to him. The signatures are illegible.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 731. Letter from the manager of the office of the magazine "Niva", the surname is illegible about the review of the book by I.N. Potapenko "In active service".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 732. Letter from the editors and office of the illustrated collection "Hive" about his reading of "The Apocalypse of Our Time" and about his faith in the Bolsheviks.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 733. Letters from the poor of the Kazan church.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 734. Letters from unidentified persons and business cards of various persons.

F. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 735. Letters from readers with a request to send their books, to give an autograph.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 736. Letters from readers to Rozanov Vasily Vasilievich and to the editors of Novoye Vremya about clergy, construction and maintenance of churches, and other issues and articles by various authors on these issues.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 737. Letters on the Old Believers and sextantism. Some of the letters were prepared for publication by V.V. Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 738. Letters from readers V.V. Rozanov and to the editors of Novoye Vremya, as well as articles by various authors on the status of teaching, raising children, and school. Table of salaries for teachers and copies of certificates of completion of 2 classes of schools.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 739. Letters on questions of the Catholic and Orthodox faith.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 740. Letters with reviews about the writers: Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich, Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich, Dostoevsky Fyodor Mikhailovich, etc. The letter about the letters of Tolstaya Sofya Andreevna is prepared for publication.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 741. Letters on religious and philosophical questions. Some of the letters were prepared for publication by VV Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 742. Letters on the position and rights of women.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 743. Letters about the national policy and the position of foreigners in Russia.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 744. Letters on matters of family, marriage and divorce.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 745. Letters on matters of family, marriage and divorce. Some of the letters have been prepared for publication, additions and comments by V.V. Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 746. Letters about sending him his books for review and as a gift.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 747. Letters with requests for assistance in placing a publication in a newspaper, in finding a job, etc.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 748. Letters on death and the afterlife. With litters V.V. Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 749. Letters on the case of Beilis and on the situation of the Jews in Russia. With litters V.V. Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 750. Letters on monasticism and monasteries. Letter from an unidentified person signed by NN, prepared for publication by V.V. Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 751. Letters on the convocation of a church council and the reform of the church with marks by V.V. Rozanov and articles by various authors on these issues.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 752. Letters about the revolution, about the activities of political parties, about the murders of political prisoners, included in the books "Black Fire", "Dark Years".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 753. Letters on issues of everyday life, medical care for the population, suicides. With comments by V.V. Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 754. Letters about holidays.

F. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 755. Letters on the theme "India - Buddhism - Theosophy". With litters V.V. Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 756. Letters on the harmfulness of alcoholic beverages and on the prohibition of the sale of wine.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 757. Letters on legal proceedings and judges. On the envelope is a note by V.V. Rozanov about the trial.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 758. Letters from readers V.V. Rozanov and to the editors of Novoye Vremya about the dominance of the Germans in Russia.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 759. Letters from readers V.V. Rozanov and to the editors of Novoye Vremya about the Russian-German war of 1914. Some of the letters were prepared for publication by V.V. Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 760. Letters about his articles and feuilletons published in the newspapers "New time", Russian Word, etc.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 761. Letters on the topic "The tree of life and the idea of ​​hoarding".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 762. Letters about his article "On delicacy and other trifles". (In Germany).
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 763. Letters about his book "People of the Moonlight" and translation of the article "Woman - Man" for this book.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 764. Letters about the works of V.V. Rozanov. "Solitary", "Fallen Leaves", "Apocalypse of Our Time".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 765. Letters about his book "Literary Exiles".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 766. Letters about his work.

F. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 767. Accounts and receipts.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 768. Records of expenses.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 769. Receipt for receipt and payment of sums of money, receipt N.F. Ponomarev about the delivery of V.V. Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 770. Envelopes containing receipts for books.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 771. The agenda of the post office of the St. Petersburg port customs and the notification of the head of the Sergiev Posad post and telegraph office V.V. Rozanov about the transfer of money.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 772. Extracts from the current account in the Petersburg Bank and notifications of the bank on the extension of the period of use of the safe box and the refusal to make transactions with the valuables on its current account.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 773. Applications to the local income tax office on income subject to state income tax.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 774. Application to the head of the post office in Sergiev-Posad for the issuance of money to Rozanova Tatyana Vasilievna in his absence.

F. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 775. Resolution [extract from the minutes] in the case of the divorce of Vladimir Ivanovich Kovalevsky and Ekaterina Nikitina.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 776
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 777. Charter of the All-Russian Society of Orthodox Church Builders.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 778. Prospectus of the Society "Art for All".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 779. The journal of the meeting of the parent committee of the 7th gymnasium and the report of the Comrade Chairman of the parent committee M.N. Mazaev.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 780. Article by Alekseev Stepan Grigoryevich, correspondent of the newspaper "New time", "Old Believer Affairs".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 781. Article by Bishop Antonian "The Tale of the Monks".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 782. Articles by M. Bezobrazova "About women's monasteries" and "The question of male and female".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 783. Article by Bogdanov Yakov Stepanovich "A Broken Life".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 784. Article by Velikhov Boris Alexandrovich "Faith without a Church or a Church without Faith". Prepared for publication by V.V. Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 785. Article by Gerasimov Vasily Matveyevich "Automatism of Consciousness".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 786. Articles by Dobryansky Sergey Flavianovich "Masterpiece" and "It was thirty centuries ago".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 787. Article by Elachich Yevgeniy "Protest of pornography" and letter to the editor of the newspaper "Novoe Vremya", December 4, 1914.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 788. Article by Archimandrite Evgeniy "On the question of the non-Jewishness of J. Christ".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 789. Article [Zhukov] "Judaism".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 790. Article by Ilyin Nikolai Nikolaevich, editor of the newspaper "Life", "About new creativity".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 791. Article by V. Kozmin "Notes of a madman" and letters to the editor of the newspaper "New time".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 792. Articles by I.M. Konovalov "The Unity of the Orthodox Ideal", "Reasoning about the Crowd", The main concern is truly religious...", "You write why it is not said". .
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 793. Article by S. Lomnitsky "Non possumus".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 795. Article Mozharovsky John "Campaign of the Poles against the separation of the Kholmshchina". Letter from I. Mozharovsky to the editorial office of the Novoye Vremya newspaper dated May 30, 1909.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 796. Articles [AN Ovsyannikov] "Shuya", "Ivanovo - Voznesensk".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 797. Articles by Major General Nikolai Ivanovich Paparigopulo "on divorce and his letter to the editor of the Novoye Vremya newspaper dated October 6, 1903.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 798. Articles by Protasova "More to the question of penance".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 799. Statement of Rasputin - New Gregory "About love".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 800. Article by Rumov Ivan Nikiforovich "Legal falsifications" and his letter dated December 7, 1903
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 801. Article by Serebrovsky Nikolai Nikolaevich "Electric lighting in churches".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 802. Open letter of Skeredov Nikolai Evgenievich "Secret in Christianity".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 803. Article by Solovyevich Khrisanf Fedorovich "On the question of exhortation in the divorce proceedings." Letter to the editor of the newspaper "New time".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 804. Article by Startseva "The Law on Divorce".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 805. Article by Troitsky Sergey Vtiktorovich "Is perplexity allowed?".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 806. Article by S. Troitsky about the notes of the religious-philosophical meeting about marriage, published in the newspaper "New Way".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 807. Article N.N. Fedorov "Something about faith" and a note on the feuilleton by V.V. Rozanov "Dispute about the murdered child". Letters to the editor of the Novoye Vremya newspaper, August 21 - September 3, 1900
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 808. Filevitch's article "Religious doubts" [from memoirs].
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 809. Article by Kharchenko Sergey Ivanovich "A few words about the revision of the law on divorce". Letter to the editor of the Novoye Vremya newspaper dated March 27, 1917.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 810. Semyon Ilyich Tseikhenstein "Autobiography of an Orthodox Jew" with Talmudic stories, anecdotes and legends. Letter from S.I. Zeichenstein Suvorin. The manuscript has been prepared for publication. Notes by V.V. Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 811. Shlomo Golevi. "Hymn to the Sabbath", extracts from the Pealms of David and a newspaper clipping with comments by an unknown person.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 812. Articles by M. Menshikov, V. Zatochnikov, E. Markov, Basargin and others on family issues. marriage and divorce. The story of Alexei Mertvy "How they get married in our village." Clippings from the newspapers Novoye Vremya, Russkoye Slovo, Russkoye Slovo, Rus, Volkhov Leaflet, and magazines Rossiya, Novoye Vremya, Church Bulletin, Grazhdanin.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 813. Articles by P.P. Pertsova, G.V. Plekhanov, P.B. Struve, M. Menshikov, V.S. Burenin, F. Bulgakov, and others on issues of literature, philosophy and politics, on the work of the school.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 814. An article by an unidentified author signed by Sofya D-skaya "On the clergy. In relation to secular society." Prepared for publication by V.V. Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 815. An article by an unidentified author signed "Russian woman" "On marriages".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 816. An article by an unidentified person signed by Z-ii S. "Talmud and the Bible".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 817. An article by an unidentified person signed by A.K.Z. "About the God of Israel".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 818. Articles of an unidentified author "Legend", "A fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 819. An article by an unidentified author about discipline in the Russian army.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 820. Article by an unidentified author "The cry of the clergy" (answer to M. Menshikov's article).
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 821. Note by an unidentified person on the article by V.V. Rozanov "Such a rule".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 822. Notes by an unidentified person without a signature to the article by V. Rozanov "An Important Historical Question" "Doctor Kerensky and Doctor Klupp".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 823. [Article] by an unidentified person without a name about the burial by Jews of their relatives who converted to Orthodoxy in Jewish cemeteries.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 824. Note of an unidentified person "Yom kippur".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 825. Article by an unidentified author "Denisovskaya Pravda".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 826. The story of an unidentified person "About the doctor". [From the life of a Russian woman.]
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 827. An article by an unidentified author "From the life of a student's searches and observations" [a farewell letter from a student before suicide], prepared for publication by V.V. Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 827a. An article by an unidentified author "More about the rod".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 828. The story of A.G. Kovner "The Only One".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 829. Memoirs of A.G. Kovner Notebook No. 1.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 830. Memoirs of Kovner Arkady Grigorievich. Notebook No. 2.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 831. Memoirs of Rutold Anna about her life.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 832. Translation by an unknown author, signed by N.G. poems by Meiner Konrad Ferdinand "The Funeral of Schiller".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 833. Poem by P. Denisenko "On the death of V.S. Solovyov".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 834. Poem by Maria Vladimirovna Zagoskina "Brother and Sister" [in memory of Leo Tolstoy].

F. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 835. Poem by I.V. Taropova "No! There is no such force ..."
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 836. Fyodor Eduardovich Shperk's poem "Prologue" [stylization] of prayer].
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 837. Recordings of aphorisms of a moralistic nature, made by an unidentified person.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 838. Extract from the writings of Gregory the Theologian. Manuscript of an unknown person.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 839. Extract from the breviary "Prayer over the radiance", made by an unknown person signed "Reader".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 840. An extract from the Novosti newspaper made by an unidentified person.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 841. Table of contents of the book by IL Smolensky "Etudes on Sexual Shame".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 841 a). Illustrated albums "Egypt", used by V.V. Rozanov to illustrate the book "From Oriental Motifs".

9. Materials about Rozanov.
1. Works dedicated to V.V. Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 842. Anatoly Aleksandrovich Alexandrov's poems "At the Call of Power", "Winter Morning", "Vasya Rozanov", etc., dedicated to V.V. and V.D. Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 843. Konstantin Antonov's poem "Sympathy", dedicated to V.V. Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 844. A prose poem by [Budrin] "And nature is so beautiful"..., a quatrain "And in the midst of southern and wonderful nature...", and a drawing "View from the window of my cell".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 845. Poems by Gollerbach Erich Fedorovich "Expectations", September", "On the motive of Baudelaire", "Beyond the fence" and others.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 846. Epigram of Koyalovich Mikhail Osipovich on V.V. Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 847. Poems by A. Kononov "To VV Rozanov", "To a Comrade".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 848. Poem Sadovsky Boris "To VV Rozanov".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 849. Sereda Victor's story "N.Cenacolo" (personal experiences), dedicated to V.V. Rozanov.
2. Memories of VV Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 850. Articles by Sharapov Sergey Fedorovich, Izmailov Alexander Alekseevich about V.V. Rozanov (for the thirtieth anniversary of 1882 - 1912)
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 851. Questionnaires with questions about V.V. Rozanov and Kamenskaya Yulia Alekseevna, filled in by A.I. Bezeonov and an unknown person. Characteristics of V.V. Rozanov, compiled by S.D. Dumarovsky and information about the teaching staff of the Nizhny Novgorod gymnasium.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 852. Memoirs of V. Stukacheva about the Rozanov family and copies of her letters to Rozanov Vasily Vasilyevich.

3. Articles about the work of VV Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 853. Articles about Rozanov Vasily Vasilyevich and his Creativity.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 854. Articles about Rozanov Vasily Vasilyevich and his Creativity.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 855. Articles about Rozanov Vasily Vasilyevich and his work.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 856. Articles with reviews about V.V. Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 857. Articles with reviews about V.V. Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 858. Articles with reviews about V.V. Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 859. Articles with reviews about V.V. Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 860. Articles with reviews about V.V. Rozanov for 1906, 1907, 1908.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 861. Articles with reviews about the work of Rozanov VV. for 1909
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 862. Articles with reviews about the work of Rozanov VV. for 1910
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 863. Articles with reviews about the work of Rozanov VV. for 1911
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 864. Articles with reviews about the work of Rozanov VV. for 1912
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 865. Articles with reviews about the work of Rozanov VV. for 1912
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 866. Articles with reviews about the work of Rozanov VV. for 1913
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 867. Articles with reviews about the work of Rozanov VV. for 1913
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 868. Articles with reviews about the work of Rozanov VV. for 1914 and his exclusion from the religious and philosophical society.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 869. Articles with reviews about the work of Rozanov VV. for 1915
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 870. Articles with reviews about the work of Rozanov VV. for 1916, in particular about the book "From Oriental Motifs".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 871. Articles with reviews about the work of Rozanov VV. for 1917
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 872. Articles with reviews about the work of Rozanov VV. for 1918
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 873. Articles with reviews about V.V. Rozanova
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 874. Articles with reviews of books and articles by VV Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 875. Articles with reviews of books and articles by VV Rozanov. One article by Rozanov V.V. "What sometimes means to scientifically explain the phenomenon."
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 876. Reviews of the book of Rozanov V.V. "Judaism"
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 877. Articles and reviews of articles Rozanov V.V. about the family issue, prepared by him for the book "The Family Issue in Russia" in the section "Materials for resolving the issue" and reviews of it.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 878. Reviews of the book of Rozanov V.V. "In a world of obscure and unresolved".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 879. Reviews of the book of Rozanov V.V. "Italian Impressions".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 880. book reviews by Rozanov V.V. "Near the Church Walls".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 881. Reviews of the book of Rozanov V.V. "When the Bosses Gone"
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 882. Reviews of the book of Rozanov V.V. "L.N. Tolstoy and the Russian Church"
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 883. Reviews of the book of Rozanov V.V. "Dark Face"
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 884. Reviews of the book of Rozanov V.V. "Bible Poetry"
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 885. Reviews of the book of Rozanov V.V. "Moonlight People"
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 886. Reviews of the book of Rozanov V.V. "On the Implied Meaning of Our Monarchy"
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 887. Reviews of the book of Rozanov V.V. "Letters from A.S. Suvorin to V.V. Rozanov"
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 888. Reviews of the books of Rozanov V.V. "Fallen Leaves" and "Solitary".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 889. Reviews of the book of Rozanov V.V. "Literary Exiles"
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 890. Reviews of the book by Rozanov V.V. "Among Artists"
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 891. Reviews of the book of Rozanov V.V. "The olfactory and tactile relation of the Jews to blood".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 892. Reviews of the book of Rozanov VV "Apocalyptic sect" [whips and eunuchs].
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 893. Reviews of the book of Rozanov V.V. "The War of 1914 and the Russian Renaissance".

4. Letters from various persons with mention of V.V. Rozanov
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 894. Letters from N.Ya. Abramovich of the editorial office of the newspaper "Morning of Russia"
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 895. Letters from Afanasyev Nikolay to the editor of the newspaper "New time"
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 896. Letters from Elizaveta Andreevna Vasilyeva to the editor of the Novoye Vremya newspaper
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 897. Letters of V.Yu. Villuan Sadovsky Boris Alexandrovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 898. Letters from Zarubin Nikolai Pavlovich [Burenin] to Viktor Petrovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 899. Note [on a business card] Kamyshansky Petr Konstantinovich, prosecutor of the judicial chamber, to the bailiffs.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 900. Letter to N. Kolovrat [Romanov] Ivan Fedorovich, journalist.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 901. Letters from N. Korobkov to Sadovsky Boris Alexandrovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 902. Letter from Archpriest I. Kratirov to an unidentified person with the appeal "Pavel Dmitrievich"
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 903. Letters of Krylova Elena Fedorovna Av - Meinander Ekaterina.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 904. Letter from Nikolaev to Bauder Vasily Fedorovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 905. Letter from N. Nikolaev to Kildyushevsky Petr Ivanovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 906. Letters from K. Paskhalov to Snegirev Vladimir Fedorovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 907. Letters from V. Poroshina to Sadovsky Boris Alexandrovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 908. Letters signed "Mother" [Suvorin] to Mikhail Alekseevich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 909. Letter from an unidentified person to an unidentified person with an appeal "Dear Ivan Ivanovich".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 910. Inventory of materials V.V. Rozanov and notes to the manuscript of the book by V.V. Rozanova "From Eastern Motifs" and a letter to Rubinstein David, compiled by Rozanova - Vereshchagina.

10. Fine materials.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 911. Portrait of V.V. Rozanov and a caricature of him [A.E. Kruchenykh].
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 912. Photographs by G.A. Aleksinsky and an unknown bishop.

11. Materials of relatives.

1. Materials [V.D. Rozanova] nee. Rudneva, after the first husband of Butyagina
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 913. Letter from Rozanova Varvara Dmitrievna to Archbishop Jonathan. Written by V.V. Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 914. Letter to Alekseeva Claudia V.D. Rozanova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 915. Letters from Anisimova Glikeria V.D. Rozanova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 916. Letters from A. Argamakova to V. D. Rozanova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 917. Beh's letter to Maria V.D. Rozanova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 918. Letters from Bekh Stepan Vasilievich V.D. Rozanova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 919. Letters from A. and K. Brodsky V.D. Rozanova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 920. Letters from Butyagin Pavel Nikolaevich V.D. Rozanova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 921. Letters from A. Vinitskaya V.D. Rozanova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 922. Letter from V. Vysotsky and Barsukova Zinaida Ivanovna V.D. Rozanova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 923. Telegram Gossanov V.D. Rozanova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 924. Letters from Maria Pavlovna and Elizaveta V.D. Rozanova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 925. Letter from Grinevich to Vera V.D. Rozanova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 926. Letters of A. Dragoev V.D. Rozanova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 927. Letter from Zhdanov Dmitry Andrianovich V.D. Rozanova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 928. Letter from A. Zvyagintseva V.D. Rozanova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 929. Letter from Kartashev Anton Vladimirovich V.D. Rozanova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 930. Letters of Kartasheva Elizabeth V.D. Rozanova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 931. Letter Limont - Ivanova Natalia Vladimirovna V.D. Rozanova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 932. Letter from Lutokhin Dolmat Aleksandrovich V.D. Rozanova.

F. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 933. Letter from Medved Yaroslav Ivanovich and his wife Anna V.D. Rozanova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 934. Letter from Panfilova Evdokia Nikolaevna V.D. Rozanova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 935. Letters and telegram of E. Pogozhev V.D. Rozanova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 936. Letter from Rozanova Tatyana Vasilievna V.D. Rozanova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 937. Letters from Rozanova [nee Hamburger] Ella Germanovna V.D. Rozanova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 938. Letter from Romanov Ivan Fedorovich V.D. Rozanova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 939. Letter from O. Romanova to V.D. Rozanova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 940. Letter from Sophia Ivanovna Romanova to V.D. Rozanova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 941. Letters from Rudneva Alexandra Andrianovna V.D. Rozanova and Butyagina Alexandra Mikhailovna.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 942. Letters from Rudnev Ivan Dmitrievich V.D. Rozanova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 943. Letter from Rudnev Tikhon Dmitrievich V.D. Rozanova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 944. Letters from Smirnova Pelageya [nee Butyagina] V.D. Rozanova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 945. Letter from N. Studentsov V.D. Rozanova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 946. Letters from Fribes Olga to A.V.D. Rozanova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 947. Letters and postcard A.Ya. Shperk V.D. Rozanova.

3. Children's materials.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 953. Record of Rozanov Vasily Vasilyevich of family ties on the part of the mother Rudneva Varvara Dmitrievna "My mother's relatives".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 954. Letter from Rozanov Vasily Vasilyevich to an unidentified person with an appeal "Georgy Adolfovich".
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 955. Letters from Rozanova - Gordina Varvara Vasilievna Alexandrov to Anatoly Alexandrovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 956. Postcard by E. Shvidchenko to Rozanova Vera Vasilievna.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 957. Letter and telegram from Rozanova Tatyana Vasilievna to Khovin Viktor Romanovich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 958. Letter from Nadezhda Sergeevna Arkhipova to Tatyana Vasilievna Rozanova.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 959. Letters from Tatyana Vasilievna and Nadezhda Vasilievna Rozanovs to the Department of Manuscripts of the Lenin All-Union Library. Typewritten copies.

4. Materials of A.M. Butyagina
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 960. Letter from Archpriest Butyagin Pavel Nikolaevich Butyagina Alexandra Mikhailovna.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 961. Letters from A. Vinitskaya Butyagina Alexandra Mikhailovna.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 962. Letter from Glagoleva Elizaveta Pavlovna Butyagina to Alexandra Mikhailovna.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 963. Letter from M. Rostovtseva Butyagina Alexandra Mikhailovna.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 964. Letters from Rudneva Alexandra Andrianovna Butyagina Alexandra Mikhailovna with the postscript "cousin" Alexandra.

5. Materials of other relatives.

F. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 965. Obituaries of K. Brodsky and A. Ovsyannikov about Nikolai Vasilievich Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 966. Letter from Rozanov Nikolai Vasilievich to Rozanov Nikolay Nikolaevich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 967. Letter from Rozanov Fedor Vasilyevich to Rozanov Nikolai Vasilyevich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 968. Birth certificates (extracts from the register of births), confessions about the financial situation of Dmitry Vasilyevich Rozanov.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 969. Letters from Rozanov Dmitry Vasilyevich to Rozanov Nikolai Vasilyevich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 970. Letter from Elizaveta Rozanova to Dmitry Vasilyevich Rozanov with a postscript from Yasneva [before Rozanova's marriage] Pavla Vasilievna.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 971. Note from Rozanov Gennady to Rozanov Dmitry Vasilyevich.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 972. Letter from Sergei Vasilyevich Rozanov to an unidentified person.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 973. Letter to K.S. Sadokov Rozanov Sergey.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 974. Letter from Rozanova to Rozanova Ella Germanovna [née Hamburger].
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 975. Letter from Shirsky Alexander Ivanovich Rozanova [by her husband Yasneva] Pavel Vasilievna.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 976. Letter from an unidentified person to Rozanova [by her husband Yasneva] Pavel Vasilievna.

6. Rudnev materials
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 977. Letter from Rudnev Ivan Dmitrievich Rudneva Alexandra Andrianovna.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 978. Letter from Maria Pavlovna Glagoleva Rudneva to Alexandra Andrianovna.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 979. Letters from Archbishop Jonathan Rudneva to Alexandra Andrianovna. One letter is a copy by the hand of an unidentified person.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 980. Letter from Archbishop Jonathan to Priest Rudnev Ivan Dmitrievich.

Letters from different people to different people.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 1001. Letters from an unidentified person to Evgenia Ivanovna Apostolopulo. The letter was written by V.V. Rozanov signed by the author.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 1002. Letter from an unidentified person to Suvorin Boris Alekseevich. The letter was written by V.V. Rozanov signed by the author.
f. 419 op. 1 unit ridge 1005. List of books in Latin and French that belonged to the library of Rozanov Vasily Vasilyevich.

Nina Nikolaevna Rozanova was born in Moscow. After graduating from high school, she entered Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. In 1966–1973 studied at the Russian department of the philological faculty of Moscow State University. She defended her thesis under the guidance of Prof. N.K. Pirogova. In 1973, she entered the graduate school of the IRL RAS (supervisor - Academician D.N. Shmelev). In 1978 she defended her thesis on the topic: "Supersegmental means of Russian colloquial speech (On the material of stress in the flow of speech)". From December 1, 1975 to the present, he has been working in the Department of the Modern Russian Language of the Institute. She took part in most of the scientific projects of the Department carried out during these years: “Russian Colloquial Speech” (headed by E.A. Zemskaya), “Urban Vernacular” (headed by E.A. Zemskaya, D.N. Shmelev), “Russian language in its functioning" (headed by E.A. Zemskaya, D.N. Shmelev), "Problems of studying the language of the city" (headed by E.A. Zemskaya, D.N. Shmelev), "Russian language of the late twentieth century" (headed by E.A. Zemskaya), “Modern Russian language. Active processes at the turn of the 20th-21st centuries” (headed by L.P. Krysin).

Since the beginning of the 90s. together with M.V. Kitaygorodskaya was engaged in the study of the language of the modern city in the communicative and cultural aspect. Together with M.V. Kitaygorodskaya, a significant number of articles and several monographs were written on this issue (see bibliography).

In parallel with work at the Institute in 1993–2014. taught at the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian State Humanitarian University (Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics). Over the years, she has taught various courses on topical issues of modern Russian studies: "Russian Colloquial Speech as a System"; "Russian colloquial speech: communicative and pragmatic aspect"; "Theory of speech communication"; "Problems of learning the language of a modern city"; "Modern political discourse"; "Russian colloquial speech in genres and comments", etc.

During 2001–2015 taught theory and methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language at school at the UNESCO Chair of MIEO. She gave lectures for Russian school teachers on the following topics: "Methods of teaching Russian pronunciation (Practical phonetics and intonation)"; "Methodology for the development of oral speech in teaching Russian as a foreign language".

In 2002 she was awarded a diploma of the Russian Academy of Sciences.



Supersegmental means of Russian colloquial speech (stress in the flow of speech). Cand. dis. - M: Institute of the Russian language of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1978. 5 pp. hands D.N. Shmelev.

Supersegmental means of Russian colloquial speech (stress in the flow of speech). Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of philological sciences. M: Institute of the Russian Language of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1978. 1 pp.


Linguistic existence of a modern city dweller: Based on the language of Moscow. M.: Languages ​​of Slavic cultures, 2010, 496 p. ISBN: 978-5-9551-0439-3.

Kitaigorodskaya M.V., Rozanova N.N. Muscovites speech. Communicative and cultural aspect. M.: Scientific world, 2nd ed. – 2005, 493 p. ISBN: ISBN: 5-89-176-264-1.

Kitaigorodskaya M.V., Rozanova N.N. Muscovites speech. Communicative and cultural aspect. M.: Russian dictionaries, 1999, 396 p. ISBN: 5-93259-005-X.

Kitaigorodskaya M.V., Rozanova N.N. Russian speech portrait. Phonochrestomathy. M., 1995.

Participation in collective monographs


Eating behavior and language // Food in Russian in the mirror of the language / Authors: Rozanova N.N., Kitaygorodskaya M.V., Doleshal U, Weiss D., Zanadvorova A.V., Issers O.S., Ratmair R. , Hoffmann E. M.: Russian State University for the Humanities, Russian Academy of Sciences. Institute of the Russian Language. V.V. Vinogradova. 2013, pp. 7–25. (Together with M.V. Kitaigorodskaya).

The theme of food in everyday communication // Food in Russian in the mirror of the language / Authors: Rozanova N.N., Kitaigorodskaya M.V., Doleshal U, Weiss D., Zanadvorova A.V., Issers O.S., Ratmair R. ., Hoffmann E. M.: Russian State University for the Humanities, Russian Academy of Sciences. Institute of the Russian Language. V.V. Vinogradova. 2013, pp. 367–560. (Together with M.V. Kitaigorodskaya).

Modern urban communication: types of communicative situations and their genre implementation // Modern Russian language: Social and functional differentiation. / Rev. ed. L.P. Krysin. M.: Languages ​​of Russian culture, 2003. S. 103–126. (Together with M.V. Kitaigorodskaya).

Modern political communication // Modern Russian language: Social and functional differentiation. / Rev. ed. L.P. Krysin. M.: Languages ​​of Russian culture, 2003. S. 151–240. (Together with M.V. Kitaigorodskaya).

Speech communication in non-hierarchical communities of speakers: the market // Modern Russian language: Social and functional differentiation. / Rev. ed. L.P. Krysin. M.: Languages ​​of Russian culture, 2003. S. 403–480. (Together with M.V. Kitaigorodskaya).

Sphere of Religious Communication: Temple Sermon // Modern Russian Language: Social and Functional Differentiation. / Rev. ed. L.P. Krysin. M.: Languages ​​of Russian culture, 2003. S. 341–366.


Modern urban communication: development trends (based on the language of Moscow) // Russian language of the late XX century (1985-1995) / Ed. ed. E.A. Zemskaya. M.: Languages ​​of Russian culture, 1996. S. 345–383. (Together with M.V. Kitaigorodskaya).

Phonetics of colloquial speech. Interaction of segment and super-segment units // Russian language in its functioning: Language levels. Rep. ed. E.A. Zemskaya, D.N. Shmelev. M.: Nauka, 1996. S. 23–74.

Phonetik (Wechselwirkung der segmentalen und suprasegmentalen Einheiten) // S.Koester-Thoma/E.A.Zemskaja (Hrsg) Russische Umgangssprache. Dieter Lenz Verlag. Berlin. 1995. S. 63–96.

Features of male and female speech // Russian language in its functioning: Communicative and pragmatic aspect / Ed. ed. E.A. Zemskaya, D.N. Shmelev. M.: Nauka, 1993. S. 90–136. (Together with E.A. Zemskaya and M.V. Kitaygorodskaya).


Modern Moscow vernacular (on the material of phonetics) // Urban vernacular. Problems of study / Responsible. ed. E.A. Zemskaya. M., Nauka, 1984. S. 37–66.

Language game // Russian colloquial speech: Phonetics. Morphology. Vocabulary. Gesture / Ans. ed. E.A. Zemskaya. M., Nauka, 1983. S. 172–213. (Together with E.A. Zemskaya and M.V. Kitaygorodskaya).

Supersegment phonetics // Russian colloquial speech: Phonetics. Morphology. Vocabulary. Gesture / Ans. ed. E.A. Zemskaya. M., Nauka, 1983. S. 7–79.

Participation in the compilation of dictionaries

Explanatory dictionary of Russian colloquial speech. Issue. 2: K-O / Authors-compilers: M.Ya. Glovinskaya, E.I. Golanova, O.P. Ermakova, A.V. Zanadvorova, E.V. Kakorina, L.P. Krysin, I.V. Nechaeva, E.A. Nikishina, A.R. Pestova, N.N. Rozanova, R.I. Rosina; O.A. Sharykina, responsible ed. L.P. Krysin. - M.: Publishing House YASK, 2017. - 864 p. ISBN 978-5-9500885-9-9.

Explanatory dictionary of Russian colloquial speech. Issue. 1: A - I / Authors-compilers: M.Ya. Glovinskaya, E.I. Golanova, O.P. Ermakova, A.V. Zanadvorova, E.V. Kakorina, M.V. Kitaigorodskaya, L.P. Krysin, S.M. Kuzmina, I.V. Nechaeva, A.R. Pestova, N.N. Rozanova, R.I. Rosina; resp. ed. L.P. Krysin. - M.: Languages ​​of Slavic culture, 2014. - 776 p. ISBN 978-5-9905856-5-2. The volume of the author's work is 11 a.l.

Explanatory dictionary of Russian colloquial speech. Avenue. Ed. L.P. Rat. Institute of the Russian Language. V.V. Vinogradov RAN, M., 2010, (dictionary articles pp. 98–102, 134–144).

Selected publications in journals and collections of articles


Colloquial vocabulary in the "context" of stereotypical situations of urban communication and the problems of its dictionary representation in the "Explanatory Dictionary of Russian Colloquial Speech" (TSRR) // Proceedings of the Institute of the Russian Language. V. V. Vinogradova. Issue 13. Culture of Russian speech / Ed. ed. issue A. D. Shmelev. - M., 2017. ISSN 2311-150X. pp. 126–135.

Intonation-sound features of non-significant words in spontaneous oral speech and their dictionary representation // Language in the space of speech cultures: Sat. in honor of V.E. Goldin. Moscow–Saratov: Publishing Center “Science of Education”, 2015, pp. 132–145.

Corpus of Authentic Oral Texts of Russian Colloquial Speech: The Problem of Certification of Texts According to Situational-Genre Features // Russian Language Today. Issue. 6: Speech genres of modern communication / Ed. ed. A. V. Zanadvorova. - M. : FLINTA: Nauka, 2015. S. 88–99. (Together with A.V. Zanadvorova).

Record library of Russian colloquial speech - historical evidence and cultural heritage // Bulletin of the Russian State University for the Humanities. Series “Philological Sciences. Linguistics". No. 8, 2014. P.9–22. (Co-authored with A.V. Zanadvorova).

Culinary recipe as a genre of oral speech // Russian language today. Issue. 5: Problems of verbal communication: Sat. reports. M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2012. S. 202–209. (Together with M.V. Kitaigorodskaya).

Urban stereotypes in the functional and stylistic aspect // Questions of culture of speech. Moscow: AST-PRESS, 2011, pp. 122–127. (Together with M.V. Kitaigorodskaya).

The concept of "Queue" in the culture of everyday life // Tilman Berger, Markus Giger, Sibylle Kurt, Imke Mendoza (Hg.). Von grammatischen Kategorien und sprachlichen Weltbildern – Die Slavia von der Sprachgeschichte bis zur Politsprache Festschrift fur Daniel Weiss zum 60. Geburtstag WIENER SLAWISTISCHER ALMANACH SONDERBAND 73 Munchen – Wien 2009. S. 335–346. (Together with M.V. Kitaigorodskaya).


Genre embodiment of stereotypical situations of urban communication: "Pharmacy" // Genres of speech: Genre and language. Issue. 6. Saratov, 2009, pp. 257–265. (Together with M.V. Kitaigorodskaya).

“You, Zin, are running into rudeness…” (invective strategies in modern urban communication) // Phonetics and non-phonetics. To the 70th anniversary of Sandro V. Kodzasov. M.: Languages ​​of Slavic cultures. M. 2009. S. 617–630. (Together with M.V. Kitaigorodskaya).

Urban communication in stereotypical situations and genres: to the problem of description // Stereotype in language, communication and culture. Moscow: RGGU, 2009, pp. 431–449. (Together with M.V. Kitaigorodskaya).

On the characteristics of the genre of modern epitaph in the socio-cultural aspect // Genres of speech. Genre and culture. Issue 5. Saratov, 2007, pp. 232–247. (Together with M.V. Kitaigorodskaya).

“There is a buyer for every product ...” (situations of sale and purchase in everyday communication) // Sprache und Diskurs in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft: Slavische perspektiven. / Wiener Slavischer Almanach. Sonderband 66. München–Wien, 2007, pp. 137–154. (Together with M.V. Kitaigorodskaya).

Role structure of the situation and pragmatic conditions for the implementation of speech genres // Language in motion: To the 70th anniversary of L.P. Rat. M.: Languages ​​of Slavic culture, 2007. S. 248–258. (Together with M.V. Kitaigorodskaya).

"Artistic" genres in "non-artistic" communication // Language of fiction. Literary language. Sat. articles for the 80th anniversary of Mary Borisovna Borisova. Saratov, 2006, pp. 95–105. (Together with M.V. Kitaigorodskaya).

Food products as sociocultural signs // Language. Personality. Text. Sat. Art. to the 70th anniversary of T.M. Nikolaeva / Resp. ed. I.A. Sedakova. M.: Languages ​​of Slavic culture, 2005. S. 577–599. (Together with M.V. Kitaigorodskaya).

The theme of food in everyday colloquial speech: Characteristics of food through the prism of actual oppositions // Moscow Linguistic Journal, 2003, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 7–49. (Together with M.V. Kitaigorodskaya).

Yevgeny Baranov is a collector of folk speech. Materials for the biography // Russian language in scientific coverage. M., 2001, No. 2. S. 225–239. (Together with M.V. Kitaigorodskaya).

Game behavior in the communicative space of the city // Stylistyka X. Opole. 2001. S. 103–126. (Together with M.V. Kitaigorodskaya).


Contemporary Political Communication: Trends of Development // Dialoganalyse VI. Referate der 6. Arbeitstagung. Prag 1996. Teil 2. Max Niemeyer Verlag. Tubingen, 1998, pp. 246–251. (Together with M.V. Kitaigorodskaya).

Oral text as a source of socio-cultural information // Poetics. Stylistics. Language and culture. In memory of Tatyana Grigoryevna Vinokur / Ed. ed. N.N. Rozanov. M.: Nauka, 1996. S. 222–232. (Together with M.V. Kitaigorodskaya).

On the problem of describing the phonetic patterns of urban oral speech (interaction between segment and super-segment levels) // Sprachlicher Standard und Substandard in Sudosteuropa und Osteuropa. Beitrage zum Symposion vom 12-16 October 1992 in Berlin. Berlin. 1994. S. 272–288.

The main trends in modern urban communication (the language of Moscow) // Sprachlicher Standard und Substandard in Sudosteuropa und Osteuropa. Beitrage zum Symposion vom 12-16 October 1992 in Berlin. Berlin. 1994. S. 123–140. (Together with M.V. Kitaigorodskaya).

Creativity V. Vysotsky in the mirror of oral speech // Questions of linguistics. 1993, No. 1, pp. 97–113. (Together with M.V. Kitaigorodskaya).


Linguistic personality in the aspect of problems of forensic examination of oral speech // Language and Personality. M.: Nauka, 1989 / Ed. ed. D.N. Shmelev. pp.131–144. (Together with M.V. Kitaigorodskaya).

Two Elises. Notes on the pronunciation of D.V. Zerkalova and A.B. Freindlich in the play "Pygmalion" // Russian stage pronunciation / Ed. ed. CM. Kuzmin. M.: Nauka, 1986.S. 75–108.

Conversational speech on stage // Russian stage pronunciation / Ed. ed. CM. Kuzmin. M.: Nauka, 1986.S. 108–115.

On the dynamic instability of words in colloquial speech // Syntax of the text / Ed. ed. G.A. Zolotova. M., Nauka, 1979. S. 162–182.

Vereshchagina-Rozanova N.V.(1900-1956)

F. CHOPIN. Waltz 7. Polonaise.



Rozanova- by the name of his father, philosopher V.V. Rozanov. Vereshchagin- by the name of the 1st husband, whom she divorced in 1936. 2nd marriage - with artist M.K. Sokolov was registered in 1947 on the eve of his death.

N.M. Mikhailov. Editor's preface.

Publication date: 21.04. 2014 War in Ukraine.

The artistic legacy of Nadezhda Vasilievna is hundreds of amazing illustrations for the works of F.M. Dostoevsky, C. Dickens, L.N. Tolstoy, to the biblical book "Ruth", etc. During her lifetime, several drawings were acquired by literary museums (for example, the F.M. Dostoevsky Museum in Moscow), but basically her work remained unknown. Folders with her drawings were kept in Moscow in the house of her friend E.D. Tannenberg, where the artist lived because she did not have her own home. The remaining works of her husband, artist M.K. Sokolov, and his archive. After the death of Nadezhda Vasilievna in 1956, E.D. Tannenberg.

Folders with drawings N.V. Vereshchagina and M.K. Sokolova in the secretary, in the Flerov-Tannenberg house in Likhovy Lane. In the frame is ill. to the play by A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm". Photo 1975

In 1985 Elena Dmitrievna died, without leaving any orders to the account of the collection stored by her. Therefore, immediately after her death, there was a threat that the entire collection would be stolen and sold, that it would fall into the private (and greedy) hands of collectors. In order to save her, I considered my main task to place everything in state storage, that is, in some kind of museum. But not a single Moscow museum agreed to this. The proposal to take the entire collection of works by M.K. Sokolov (oil and graphics) for storage in the Yaroslavl Museum came from an employee of this museum, N.P. Golenkevich, who was familiar with E.D. Tannenberg, because she had been collecting his works for a long time. I remember how she and I wrote the Inventory of Vereshchagina and Sokolov's drawings all day until night, packed them into folders, wrapped the frames with Sokolov's paintings, how we drew up an Act for temporary storage. And then they convinced Elena Dmitrievna's sister, Tatyana Dmitrievna, her only heir, to donate everything to the Museum. And she agreed.

Thus, everything that was stored in the house was drawings and documents by N.V. Vereshchagina, her Memories of her father, V. Rozanov; drawings, letters and paintings by M.K. Sokolova and even portraits of E.D. Tannenberg - everything was transferred to YHM for permanent storage. Then it seemed natural to me, both because Sokolov was a native of Yaroslavl, and because some of his paintings by E.D. Tanneberg has long since donated to this museum. True, she conveyed a prerequisite that the YACM will have a permanent hall for the work of M.K. Sokolova(which I was not aware of). However, YHM did not fulfill this condition either during her lifetime, or until now (2014) and there is no hope that she will. It turns out that there is no place in the museum for such a hall.

What can we say about the obscure Nadezhda Vasilievna. She had nothing to do with Yaroslavl, and her works ended up in this Museum quite by accident, along with the legacy of M.K. Sokolov. For her, her hometown was Leningrad (St. Petersburg), where she was born and lived as a child with her parents, then Sergiev Posad became her hometown, where her father, mother and brother died and were buried, and where her older sister Tatiana lived. If not native, then still close, was Moscow, where she lived the last years of her life and where she was buried at the Pyatnitskoye cemetery not far from the grave of her friend, teacher and husband, M.K. Sokolov, whose life and work were also inextricably linked with Moscow, his Old Moscow.

Both artists, both during life and after death, were unlucky. Now M.K. Art historians interpret Sokolov as a self-taught person, “the son of a cooper” and “one of the artists of Yaroslavl” - if only he knew about such a fate! And almost no one knows about Nadezhda Vasilievna Vereshchagina - no exhibitions, no catalogs - nothing! She, poor, if known, then either as the daughter of the famous philosopher V. Rozanov, or as a close friend of the artist Sokolov.

Almost 30 (thirty!!!) years. Over the years, the great works of the art critic N.P. Golenkevich hosted dozens of exhibitions by M.K. Sokolov in different cities (including the Tretyakov Gallery). But before the demonstration of drawings by N.V. Vereshchagina-Rozanova never got around to it. Moreover, during this time, the typescript with her memories of her father, V.V. Rozanov.

When the “Picture Gallery” section appeared on the domarchive website, first of all, I wanted to realize the dream of Elena Dmitrievna dear to me - to arrange permanent halls for M.K. Sokolova and her friend N.V. Vereshchagina. But if reproductions from paintings and drawings by Sokolov could be found in catalogs and on the Internet, then with drawings by N.V. Vereshchagina, one might say, nothing worked out for me. At one time, I could have re-shot them at Elena Dmitrievna's house, but I did not. What was left to do? Out of old memory, I turned to Nina Pavlovna Golenkevich, who is in charge of the N.V. Vereshchagina. I asked her to scan and send me at least a few drawings. I especially wanted to show visitors its amazing series based on the book "Ruth".

At the same time, she asked her to take the graves of the artists M.K. Sokolova and N.V. Vereshchagina-Rozanova at the Pyatnitsky cemetery. Those people who once looked after them are either dead or sick, and neglected graves in our time can take over. But nothing came of my idea: they didn’t send me any pictures, and they don’t take care of the graves. That's why in the hall N.V. Vereshchagina I was able to hang only 6 drawings, and even then all these are photocopies. Sometimes I still hope that I will receive what I promised from Yaroslavl. But hope is weak. It remains for me to blame myself for the fact that then, in 1985, with my own hands, I donated the artistic heritage of Nadezhda Vasilievna to YAHM instead of trying to arrange it somewhere in Moscow. Or at least reshoot them at the same time. I also regret that I gave it to Memories. I read them, but, of course, I no longer remember and cannot quote excerpts from them.

This page contains documents kindly sent to me by N.P. Golenkevich (for which I am very grateful to her): 1) biographical information about N.V. Vereshchagina (with my additions); 2) a list of series of her drawings and 3) two photographs of her. Other photos found on the Internet or taken from my personal archive. Links are also given. to the biography of M.K. Sokolova , whose letters to Nadezhda Vasilievna from 1943 to 1947, reprinted by her for public reading, give an idea of ​​both herself and her work.

BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION. Compiled by N.P. Golenkevich based on materials from the Scientific Archive of the Yaroslavl Art. Museum (ON YAHM) F. 43 Op.1 D. 43-58.

Father- Philosopher and publicist V. V. Rozanov (1856 - 1919).

Mother- Varvara Dmitry. (18 -1923, nee Rudneva, in the 1st marriage of Bityugov). Sisters: Tatiana, Barbara, Vera.

Husband 1st–A.S. Vereshchagin. Husband 2nd - artist M.K. Sokolov.

Elder sister of N.V. Vereshchagina, Tatyana Vasilievna Rozanova, lived almost all her life in Zagorsk. She was close to the doctor MM. Melentiev, whose Memoirs preserved their correspondence. The letters are given on the next page, as they give an idea of ​​the circle of acquaintances of both sisters in the 1940s and 50s.

1908-1918 - studied at the private gymnasium M.N. Stoyunina (St. Petersburg)

1918 - came to her parents in Sergiev Posad (Zagorsk), where the family moved in 1917 on the advice of her father Pavel Florensky. AT 1919 - death of father V.V. Rozanova

1920 – 1922 - graduated Pedagogical College in Sergiev Posad (out-of-school department). In 1922 she married A.S. Vereshchagin, a student of the Military Electro-Academy and in connection with the transfer of her husband moved to Leningrad

1924-1925 - studied at the Leningrad Institute of Art History in the verbal department. In 1925- moved with her husband to Moscow, studied in various art circles

1929 participated in the 2nd All-Union Exhibition of the OKHS(Association of self-taught artists. Cm. Association of Artists of the Revolution. Art to the masses. M., 1929. P. 93 The catalog says: “Housewife. Self-taught experience 6 years. Address: Moscow, Sokolniki B. Deer, 9 kv.3)

1929-1932 - Studied in the studio thin Leblanc and in the technical school at the IZO GIZ. She left the 3rd year (certificate No. 97 dated February 4, 1932, stating that N.V. Vereshchagin is studying in the 3rd year)

1930 — 1934 – artist-performer at the State Musical Theatre. IN AND. Nemirovich-Danchenko (Moscow, Bolshaya Dmitrovka st.). (three certificates from the State Musical Theater named after V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko)

1934 8.09 — 23.11.1935 – artist of the 5th studio at the film factory Mosfilm(Moscow, Potylikha st., 54). In parallel, she worked "for herself" as an illustrator.

1936 - separated from her husband, moved to Leningrad.

Beginning of correspondence with M.K. Sokolov. In 1938 - his arrest and exile. Correspondence continued all the years until his death.

1936 — 22.04.1941 - background artist film studio "Lenfilm"(cartoon studio). In April 1941 she was sent by the studio to work in Moscow.

From 06/26/1941 to 02/14/1951 artist of the Soyuzmultfilm film studio (together with E.D. Tannenberg). There is a list of films from 1934 to 1950 ( cm . ON YAHM F.43)

Since 1941, he has been working on illustrations for the works of A.S. Pushkin. In 1944 - illustrates Fedin for Goslit (they were removed from print).

1945 15. 06 accepted as a member of the graphic section of the Moscow Union of Artists(by recommendation thin D. A. Shmarinova (1907-1999)). From 1945 to 1949- drawings by N.V. acquire: State. Lit. Museum (Moscow) and Institute of Literature under the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (Leningrad).

1947 - registration of marriage with thin. M.K. Sokolov. His move from Rybinsk to Moscow, exacerbation of the disease (cancer). Sokolov bequeaths N.V. Vereshchagina-Rozanova to keep his legacy. After his death on 19 Sept. 1947, Nadezhda Vasilievna, until her death, puts his entire archive in order, including

1948 - heart disease. N.V. received the 2nd group of disability

1950-1951 - illustrations for the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "Humiliated and Insulted" - accepted for publication.

1955 (opened 07.15.) - participation in the "5th exhibition works of artists books» Moscow Union of Artists (House of Artists. Kuznetsky Most, 20)

1956 - Died July 15, 1956 in Moscow. She was buried at the Pyatnitsky cemetery next to the grave of her aunt, in whose house N.V. lived in recent years.

EXHIBITIONS during lifetime:

1929 - participated in 2nd All-Union Exhibition OHS(Association of self-taught artists - see the Association of Artists of the Revolution. Art to the masses. M., 1929. P. 93). see catalog. page.93: 73. Mother of freaks. ink; 74. Witch burning. ink; 75. Execution of revolutionaries. ink; 76. Scene from the French Revolution. ink

1955 (opened 15.07.)- Participated in "5th exhibition works of artists of the book "Moscow Union of Soviet Artists (House of Artists. Kuznetsky Most, 20)

POSTMORE (arranged by the efforts of E.D. Tannenberg, who kept almost all the works of Nadezhda Vasilievna):

26.03. 1957- 04/06/1957 - Personal exhibition at the Central House of Writers

(Moscow, Vorovskogo street. See invitation card)

18.05.1959-2.06.1959 Personal exhibition in the Central House of Art Workers (catalogue published)

January 23, 1961– open personal exhibition “Dostoevsky in illustrations by N.V. Vereshchagina. State Literary Museum-Apartment of F.M.Dostoevsky (Moscow). Messages from art critics - S.N. Druzhinina, N.N. Tretyakov

December 18, 1969Group exhibition from private collections: N.V. Vereshchagin, D.B. Daran, A.F. Sofronov. Moscow organization of the Union of Artists of the RSFSR - Club of Collectors of Fine Arts

From the memoirs of E.D. Tannenberg (undated):“Great importance for the pre-war fate of N.V. Vereshchagina as an artist had her acquaintance with M.K. Sokolov, a famous graphic artist and painter. There is no doubt that Sokolov gave Nadezhda Vasilievna a lot in understanding the language of graphic art, its specifics, introduced her to the range of issues related to this difficult, subtle and high art. — AT YAHM F. 43.Op.1, D.52.L.8

List of museums where the works of N.V. Vereshchagina-Rozanova (see F. 43)


N.V. Rozanov. Florence and Paul. ill. to the novel by C. Dickens "Dombey and Son". 1943

FLORENCE and PAUL. ill. to the novel by Ch. Dickens

"Dombey and Son". 1943

N.V. Vereshchagin-Rozanov. Katerina. ill. to the play by A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm". 1947

N.V. Vereshchagin-Rozanov. KATERINA.

ill. to the play by A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" 1946-1954

N.V. Vereshchagin-Rozanov. ill. to the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "White Nights". 1950

"White Nights" 1947-1948

N.V. Vereshchagin-Rozanov. ill. to the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky. "White Nights"

N.V. Vereshchagin-Rozanov. ill. to the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky"White Nights" 1947-1948

N.V. Vereshchagin. NET. ill. to the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky. "Netochka Nezvanova". Chuvash Hood. Museum

N.V. Vereshchagin-Rozanov. NET.

ill. to the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky. Rice. 1950-1955

N.V. ATEreshchagin-Rozanov. ill. to the novel

F.M. Dostoevsky "Humiliated and Insulted" 1950s


(compiled by N.P. Golenkevich. Yaroslavl. Art Museum)

Illustrations for the works of Ch. Dickens

"Dombey and Son". 1943 and Antiquities Shop 1940s

Illustrations for the play by A.N. Ostrovsky"Thunderstorm" 1946-1954

Illustrations for the novels by F.M. Dostoevsky

"White Nights" 1947-1948

"Netochka Nezvanova" 1950-1955

"Humiliated and Insulted" 1950s

Illustrations for G. H. Andersen"Snow Queen" Series 1950s

From the series "Oriental Legends".

Bible. Genesis and Ruth 1950s

Illustrations for the works of A.S. Pushkin

"Stone Guest" Early 1950s; "Feast during the plague" - 1951

Illustrations for the works of L.N. Tolstoy

"Anna Karenina, "Family Happiness" 1947; "Lucerne" 1952,

(This is the main list, but there is more to Blok, Fedin and other authors)

Note N.M. On the next page, as an application, information is given about the family in which Nadezhda Vasilievna and her sisters were born and raised. Their life was strongly influenced not only by their father, V. Rozanov, but also by all his entourage. And it was very, very diverse in religious and political views. These were the people of that famous pre-revolutionary Silver Age, in which laymen like me cannot understand. In search of information about two sisters, Tatyana and Nadezhda Rozanov, very interesting "Memories" were found on the Internet. doctor M.M. Melentieva. They contain letters from Tatyana Vasilievna to M. Melentiev and him to her for 1943-1955. They give an idea both about the circle of people with whom the sisters were closely acquainted, and about the everyday situation in which their life passed. The next page contains excerpts from this book, the full text of which (700 pages) is easily found on the Internet.

MM. Melentiev, art. V. Svitalsky and T.V. Rozanova

Irina Yurievna (born 1961), actress, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1996). She starred in the films Cloud Paradise, Cynics, Anchor, more Anchor! , Petersburg secrets (TV series), Petty demon, Under a black veil, etc. Source: Encyclopedia ... ... Russian history

Famous personalities by the name of "Rozanova": Rozanova, Irina Yurievna (born 1961) Russian theater and film actress Rozanova, Larisa Nikolaevna (1918 1997) pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union Rozanova, Liliana Sergeevna (1931 1969) Soviet ... ... Wikipedia

Maria Vasilievna Rozanova (born 1930) writer, publicist, publisher. Graduated from the art history department of Moscow State University. She worked at the Literary Museum, was engaged in architectural restoration, taught at the studio of the Moscow City Council Theater, as a guide, ... ... Wikipedia

Maria Alexandrovna, Soviet botanist. She graduated from the Bestuzhev Higher Women's Courses and passed the state exams at Petrograd University (1916). She taught there until 1944 (since 1933 ... ...

Rozanova Nina Alexandrovna Date of birth: 1921 (1921) Date of death: June 4, 1977 (1977 06 04) ... Wikipedia

- (b. 1961) Russian actress. She worked at the Moscow Theater. Vl. Mayakovsky, Man Studio Theater, since 1991 at the Moscow Drama Theater on Malaya Bronnaya. She played Nastasya Filippovna in the trilogy based on the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky The Idiot, in plays ...

- (1886 1918) Russian artist, one of the most original representatives of Russian futurism. Active member of the Youth Union group. Her painting, which developed from cubist objectivity to abstraction, is distinguished by a special lightness of forms, brightness ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Soviet botanist. She graduated from the Bestuzhev Higher Women's Courses and passed the state exams at Petrograd University (1916). She taught there until 1944 (since 1933 a professor). Manager... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

- (b. July 22, 1961, Penza), Russian actress, Honored Artist of Russia (1996). She graduated from the acting department of GITIS (1988, course of O. Ya. Remiz). In 1984 1988 she worked at the Moscow Mayakovsky Theater, in 1988 1990 she was an actress of the Studio Theater ... ... Cinema Encyclopedia


  • Grand Duchess Olga, Rozanova. Grand Duchess Olga: East. story / comp. M. Rozanova A 263/1082 A 168/737: Moscow: O-in distribution useful. kn., 1898: Comp. M. Rozanova Reproduced in the original copyright…
  • Microeconomics. Workshop. Textbook for bachelors, Rozanova NM. The manual contains a set of tasks, exercises and situations, as well as guidelines and explanations. The training material of the workshop reflects various aspects of microeconomics, ranging from ...
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