Jackie Chan: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Career break and the emergence of a new pseudonym: Jackie Chan

The name of Jackie Chan is familiar not only to cinema lovers, but also to fans of martial arts and music lovers. The multi-talented individual has hundreds of fan clubs all over the world. the globe, his contribution to world art truly priceless. But the militant star does not seek to advertise his personal life at all. But still, something is known about her.

Personal life of Jackie Chan

Jackie was born in China in 1954. His family was poor. Dad was a kitchen worker, and mom cleaned the houses of rich people. AT early childhood he began attending classes at the Peking Opera, which gave him a good base to start learning kung fu. From the age of ten he tried to act in episodic roles and movie extras, then moved on to work as a stuntman on movie sets. And so, gradually, step by step, Jackie achieved the heyday of his career. Now he is not only famous actor action films and comedies, but also a director and a singer. There are more than a hundred roles in his filmography, and twenty albums and about a hundred songs in his discography. In addition, he is also a generous philanthropist.

In the early 80s, Jackie married Lin Feng Jiao. It so happened that their only son and heir was born immediately after the wedding day. For the sake of the family, Lin left her career and became a reliable rear, support and support for Chan. She always shunned the attention of the press and fans of Jackie, tried to be his ideal wife and support in everything. However, this did not stop Jackie from cheating on her. Upon learning of this, Lin behaved very dignifiedly, and the unfaithful actor managed to beg forgiveness for himself. For a long time it remained a mystery to the public whether Jackie Chan has children, and if so, how many? It turned out that there is a son born in wedlock and an illegitimate daughter.


And children are a topic that has always interested his fans. As soon as his son Jaycee Chan grew up, he stopped hiding him from the paparazzi. Residents of China quite often have two names, or even three - in different dialects of their language and the European version. Jaycee Chan is a European name, and at birth the boy was named Fang Zu Ming.

Being a photo of which constantly flashes on posters and covers is not at all easy. This was experienced by both of his offspring. But the boy inherited from his father a talent and craving for music and acting. After graduating from school, Jaycee entered a college in the US. However, the process of obtaining knowledge did not arouse enthusiasm in him, and Chan dropped out of college. After moving to Los Angeles, he began to take courses acting skills, vocals, classical guitar and also visited dance school. Then Jaycee decided to build a career not in America, but in Hong Kong and went there. The first one he recorded solo album did not help him achieve fame and success, rather, on the contrary. Against young man critics rallied. The same thing happened with several films.

Despite all the failures, Chan Jr. did not despair and did not give up trying to get out of the shadows. famous father. A certain success along this path was the shooting in the film "Young", released in 2007. But then something went wrong again, failure followed failure. Even Jackie's participation in projects did not help. And all this led to the fact that in 2014 Jaycee went to prison on charges of drug use and possession. After serving his term, he came out, asked for forgiveness from his parents and fans, and swore an oath never to touch illegal substances again. How true his words were, only time will tell.


Thanks to the birth of a girl named Etta Wu, a not weak scandal erupted, and Jackie Chan got a couple gray hair. A daughter was born to him by an aspiring actress and Asian beauty queen of the early 90s, Elaine Wu. Jackie resisted the birth in every possible way, foreseeing trouble. But Elaine refused to have an abortion, and Etta was born in the fall of 1999, seven months pregnant.

Chan begged for forgiveness from his wife, at the same time justifying himself to the public. He begged for forgiveness, but refused to recognize his daughter. The former lover took the child and went to live in Shanghai, where she independently coped with the role of a single mother. However, apparently, for Etta, such a family situation was not in vain. Out of great resentment in 2015, she publicly renounced her father, saying that he was nobody to her, just a man, and nothing more. And in the spring of 2017, the girl was taken to the hospital after failed attempt commit suicide. Whether this difficult situation will bring Chan closer to his daughter or not remains a mystery.

children and relationships

There is a version that the famous actor, fighter and comedian never wanted children, and he also did not want to marry. But life decided otherwise, and he became a father twice. And in both cases, Jackie Chan's relationship with children leaves much to be desired. He did not indulge his son Jaycee with attention, devoting all his time to his career. He himself admitted that he had a hard time with him. There is no mutual understanding, different goals and values ​​in life. When Jaycee went to jail, Jackie publicly refused to seek leniency. However, after the son served time and repented, the relationship between father and son seems to have improved. But with the illegitimate daughter, Chan not only does not communicate, but generally refuses to recognize her. The girl is growing up, she has a difficult adolescence, and she is very sensitive to such neglect.

Quite often people have a question -is jackie chan still alive? As you know, the media are ready to go to great lengths to increase their rating. That is why unprincipled news in its nature so often appears on the network. To achieve mass interest, articles are written about world-famous actors, politicians and famous businessmen.

Information about Jackie Chan's personality

Kong Sung Chan, that's what his real name sounds like, was born in 1954 to a virtually impoverished family. The family was so poor that after the birth of the child, the parents could not immediately pay the required amount for the birth. A celebrity has achieved everything in his life on his own thanks to his talent, charisma and luck. Already at the age of 8, he began a film career and received his first salary. Throughout his life he starred more than 100 films. He always proudly said that his audience was watching a real action, and not fake fights.

Jackie chan activities

World famous actor, director, director, screenwriter and stuntman. The idol of millions, he never ceased to amaze and delight his audience. It is well known that he does not use the help of stuntmen making his films. Many accidents, fractures, sprains are associated with this.

Somehow laughing, he said that by the age of 40, not a single untouched part of the body remained in his body. The actor received the most difficult injury on the set of the film in 1986 - a head injury. After that, there was a difficult rehabilitation course. But, despite this, he again began his work. Because it is in her that she sees the meaning of her life. By the way, the celebrity's motto is this: If the day comes when I can't do my own stunts - it will be the last working day on the set!

Is Jackie Chan alive now?

As stated above, news of his death appears regularly in one form or another. One of the next "ducks" was written and presented very believably. Before the official refutation of the news came, the President of America managed to offer condolences to the family. The news spread throughout the world within a few hours. Shocked millions of people.

Of course, Jackie Chan is alive, moreover, the actor is in excellent physical shape. He treats the misrepresentation of any type of information by journalists with condescension and humor. The celebrity continues to act in films and do acrobatic stunts on one's own.

The actor's work is permeated with the philosophy of life and love for kung fu. In addition, all his films are kind, they carry deep moral aspects of justice, honesty, friendship, love for the world. Any creative work of this person will be permeated with subtle humor. Viewing his works guarantees not only an increase in mood, but also a rethinking life principles and positions. Therefore, to the question is jackie chan alive, can be easily answered and will always be alive in his great films.

Jackie Chan Born April 7, 1954 in Hong Kong (China). Chinese and American actor, stunt performer, film director, producer, screenwriter, stunt and action choreographer, singer, philanthropist, ambassador good will UNICEF, martial artist. Commander of the Order of the British Empire.

Chan is one of the most popular action heroes in the world, known for his acrobatic fighting style, comedic talent, and use of a wide variety of "improvised means" in battles. He has starred in more than 100 films and is one of the most famous Asian actors in the world. In addition to cinema, he is engaged in singing career- He sings title songs in many of his films and releases albums since the 1980s.

Jackie was born into a poor Chinese family. His parents Charles Chan (1914-2008) and Lily Chan (1916-2002) fled to Hong Kong from the mainland during civil war and moved to Australia in 1960. Before moving, they worked as a cook and maid at the residence of the French Ambassador in Hong Kong.

Jackie studied at primary school"Nah-Hwa Primary School", but at the age of 6 he was sent to the Beijing Opera School at the Chinese Institute of Opera Research in Hong Kong. In addition to stage training, this helped little Chan learn to better control his body. Jackie was also fond of the martial art of kung fu.

He began acting in episodic roles in films as a child - at the age of 8-10 he starred in the extras of the classic film in the genre of the Huangmei opera " Eternal love", in the film "Big and Little Wong Tin Bar" in the role of son main character performed by Li Lihua and Beijing Opera "The Story of Qin Xianglian". As a teenager, he participated in stunt extras, in particular, the films "Fist of Fury" and "Enter the Dragon" with the participation of Bruce Lee. Chan was a member of the Lucky Seven, along with Sammo Hung, Yuen Biao, and Corey Kwai, who also became popular actors.

In 1976, Jackie moved to his parents in Canberra, where he briefly studied at Dickson College and worked as a builder.

He began his film career as a stuntman, sometimes he was occupied in episodes and small roles. Confident in kung fu, acrobatics, having good plastique and stage skills, Chan began to play larger roles from the mid-1970s, and then directs films himself. He makes films of an entertainment plan - comedies with a demonstration of martial arts and ordinary street fights, gradually forming a new film genre in which only he can work (since only Chan could endanger his life for the sake of another stunt).

Chan's first "breakthrough" project was the film "Snake in the Eagle's Shadow". The director of the film, Yuan Heping, allowed Chang to come up with his own stunts in the film. The film was created in the genre of comedy film with martial arts. In the same year, Chan starred in the film "Drunken Master", which cemented the beginning of a successful career. In the film, Chan played an unusual role for himself - the broken and careless little Won Fei Hong. In this sense, the tape was quite innovative. Also very successful was the comic duo of Chan and the elderly actor Yuen Xu Tien (also known as Simon Yuen), the father of the famous action director Yuen Woo-Ping.

In the 1980s, he appeared in several Lucky Stars films in supporting roles starring Sammo Hung.

On the set of Project A in 1983, Chan officially created Jackie Chan's stunt team, with whom he worked on subsequent films.

Chan repeatedly tried to break into the American market in the early 1980s with the projects Big Brawl, Cannonball Race, Cannonball Race 2, Patron.

Chan claims that he created his image in opposition to the image and its many clones. The latter played focused and courageous fighters, while Jackie played lazy, sometimes rustic, but kind and strong guys, often in strained relationships with family, friends or girls. However, in the end, his heroes always win, despite the difficulties.

In the 2000s, Chan increasingly experimented with genres, characters, and plots. In one of the interviews Additional materials on the Italian Bluray edition of Around the World in 80 Days), he said he wants to prove that he is an actor who can fight, not a fighter who can act. Chan often says what he did on his own most stunts, and sometimes dubbed other actors. But the claim that he personally does all the stunts is wrong; for example, in the film "The Tuxedo" ("The Tuxedo"), seven doubles were filmed instead.

During the performance of stunts, he often got injured, which is why he was blacklisted by insurance companies around the world (during the end credits, his films usually show failed takes and sometimes 1-2 injury scenes). The saddest consequences were on the set of Armor of God (1986), when, after falling from a tree, Chan received a severe head injury and was literally on the verge of life and death. Also, due to the fact that Jackie often broke his right ankle, he was forced to use his left foot during any jumps.

Over the years, Jackie repeatedly dislocated his pelvis, broke his fingers and toes, nose, cheekbones, hips, sternum, neck, ankles and ribs.

In 1995, MTV presented him with an award for general achievement in cinema.

Real success came to Chan after the picture "Showdown in the Bronx" in 1995. He became the same guaranteed box office hitter as Chow Yun-Fat and Michelle Yeoh. Other works received recognition from the viewer - "First Strike", "Thunderbolt", "Shanghai Noon".

The animated series "The Adventures of Jackie Chan" was a success, where Jackie answered questions from fans after each episode.

In September 2011, Chan's 100th film, 1911, was released.

In July 2012, at the San Diego Comic-Con International, Jackie Chan expressed his interest in participating in the action movie The Expendables 3.

Chan is also known as a successful pop artist; since 1984 he has released over 100 songs on 20 albums. He sings in Cantonese and Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and English. He also frequently sings the theme songs for his films, but these songs tend to be replaced when films are released in Europe and the US.

He is widely known for his charitable work and is involved in many different projects. Often acts as a goodwill ambassador in various actions, for example, against cruelty to animals, assistance to victims of the tsunami in the Indian Ocean in 2004 or floods in mainland China. In June 2006, he announced that he was bequeathing half of his fortune to charity. In 2003, he advocated that the United Buddy Bears exhibition, whose participants advocate for world peace, come to Hong Kong in 2004. At the opening of the exhibit, Chan handed over a check to UNICEF and two other children's organizations totaling HK$4.14 million.

Chan has stars on the Avenue of Stars in Hong Kong and on the Avenue of Stars in Hollywood, as well as on the Old Arbat in Moscow. Many books have been written about Chan. The latest project is The Chronicles of Jackie Chan, a fantasy book by the writer Vasily Moskalenko, the author of which received permission from the actor himself.

Personal life of Jackie Chan:

Married to Taiwanese actress Lin Fengjiao (Lam Fungyu in dialect). The year 1983 is indicated in the autobiography, however, many sources indicate the date December 1, 1982. On December 3, 1982 (1984 is indicated in Chan's autobiography), their son Chan Zoming (Jeysey Chan 房祖名 - actor, singer) was born.

Chan also has a daughter, Etta Wu Zholin (Ng Cheoklam, born November 19, 1999), from an extramarital affair with actress Elaine Wu Qili. However, Jackie does not officially recognize her as his daughter.

Jackie is a Buddhist.

In 2009, Chan received an honorary doctorate from a university in Cambodia.

Filmography of Jackie Chan:

1962 - Big and small Wong Tin Bar 大小黄天霸 child
1963 - Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai 梁山伯與祝英台 / The Love Eterne extras
1964 - The story of Qin Xianglian 秦香蓮 child
1966 - Have a drink with me 大醉俠 child
1966 - Seven Little Tigers 兩湖十八鏢(上集) child
1966 - Seven Little Tigers 2 兩湖十八鏢 (下集) child
1970 - Girl of Steel 荒江女俠 beggar child
1971 - Merciless blade 刀不留人 prince warrior in the forest
1971 - Stormy River 鬼怒川 security guard
1971 - Touch of Zen 俠女 child
1972 - Fist of Fury 精武門 student of the Japanese school of martial arts (extras) / master Suzuki (double Riki Hashimoto)
1972 - Bloody fingers 唐人客 bandit crawling on the floor
1972 - Hapkido 合氣道 student of the Black Bear School
1972 - Stranger in Hong Kong 香港過客 robber
1973 - Ambush 埋伏 archery
1973 - Fist of Retribution 頂天立地 Shi Ze
1973 - Unicorn palm 麒麟掌 bandit
1973 - Hercules of the East 碼頭大決鬥 bandit
1973 - The Edge of Love 北地胭脂 Xiao Liu
1973 - Showdown in Hong Kong 女警察 gang leader
1973 - Heroine 鐵娃 Japanese bandit
1973 - Awakened energy 石破天驚 man beating a woman
1973 - Enter the dragon 龍爭虎鬥 guard in the Han underground base
1973 - The Little Tiger from Kwantung 廣東小老虎 Xiao Hu
1973 - Fist to fist 除霸 guard
1974 - Tiger Village 惡虎村 bandit
1974 - Golden Lotus 金瓶雙艷 Yun, pear seller
1975 - All in the family 花飛滿城春 Xiao Tang / rickshaw driver
1975 - Surprises have no end 拍案驚奇 secretary Chen
1975 - Himalayan 密宗聖手 Mr. Zeng's man
1976 - New Fist of Fury 新精武門之精武拳 Long
1976 - Hand of Death 少林門 Tan Feng
1976 - Killer Meteor 風雨雙流星 Wa Wubin / Tiger
1976 - Wooden soldiers of Shaolin 少林木人巷 Silent
1977 - Kill with intrigue 劍花煙雨江南 Kao Li
1978 - Snake in the Eagle's Shadow 蛇形刁手 Chien Fu
1978 - Shaolin Art: Snake and Crane 蛇鶴八步 Xin Yinfong
1978 - Magnificent Bodyguards 飛渡捲雲山 Lord Tin Chang
1978 - Drunk Master 醉拳 Huang Feihong
1978 - Spiritual Kung Fu 拳精 Yulan
1979 - Fearless Hyena 笑拳怪招 Shin Long
1979 - Dragon Fist 龍拳 Tang Hayuyen
1979 - Master with broken fingers 刁手怪招 Long
1980 - Young Master 帥弟出馬 Dragon / Master Long
1980 - A little kung fu 一招半式闖江湖 master Chan
1980 - The Big Brawl / 殺手壕 Jerry Kwan
1981 - The Cannonball Run Jackie Chan, Subaru driver
1982 - Fantasy Mission Squad 迷你特攻隊 Sammy
1982 - Dragon Lord 龍少爺 Dragon Hou
1983 - Fearless Hyena 2 龍騰虎躍 Shin Long
1983 - Winners and sinners 奇謀妙計五福星 police officer No. 7086
1983 - Project "A" A計劃 Dragon Sergeant Ma Yulong
1984 - Pom Pom 神勇雙響炮 police officer on a motorcycle
1984 - Race "Cannonball" 2 Cannonball Run 2 Jackie Chan, Mitsubishi mechanic
1984 - Food Truck 快餐車 Thok Masi
1985 - My Lucky Stars 福星高照 Muscles
1985 - Patron of The Protector / 威龍猛探 Cop Billy Won
1985 - My Lucky Stars 2 夏日福星 Muscles
1985 - Dragon Heart 龍的心 police officer Ah Tat
1985 - Police Story 警察故事 Inspector Chan Kakhyui
1986 - Naughty boys 扭計雜牌軍 prisoner
1987 - Armor of God 龍兄虎弟 Jackie Condor "Asian Hawk"
1987 - Project A 2 A計劃續集 Dragon Ma Yulong
1988 - Dragons Forever 飛龍猛將 Jackie Long Yeokhon
1988 - Police Story 2 警察故事續集 inspector Chan Kakhyui
1989 - Godfather from Hong Kong 奇蹟 Kuok Changwa
1990 - Island of Fire 火燒島 Da Chui
1991 - Armor of God 2: Operation Condor 飛鷹計劃 Jackie Condor "Asian Hawk"
1992 - A guy from Tibet 西藏小子 passenger at the airport
1992 - Twin Dragons 雙龍會 Ma Yau / Wan Ming
1992 - Police Story 3: Super Cop 警察故事III超級警察 Inspector Chan Kakhyui
1993 - City Hunter 城市獵人 Ryo Saeba "City Hunter"
1993 - crime story重案組 Inspector Eddie Chan Pongpan
1993 - Project C 超級計劃 Chan Kakhyui
1994 - Drunk Master 2 醉拳II Won Feihong
1995 - Showdown in the Bronx Rumble In The Bronx / 紅番區 Khyun
1995 - Thunderbolt 霹靂火 Chan Foim
1996 - First strike
1997 - Mr. Cool 一個好人 Jackie
1997 - Burn Hollywood Burn An Alan Smithee Film Burn Hollywood Burn as himself
1998 - Who am I? 我是誰 Who am I? / Lee
1998 - Rush Hour Inspector Lee
1998 - Mulan Mulan captain Li Shang
1999 - Magnificent 玻璃樽 Chan Chieun
1999 - King of Comedy 喜劇之王
1999 - Police of the future 特警新人類 fisherman
2000 - Shanghai Noon Shanghai Noon Chong Wong
2001 - Random spy 特務迷城 Bak Yen
2001 - Rush Hour 2 Rush Hour 2 Inspector Lee
2002 - Tuxedo The Tuxedo Jimmy Tong
2003 - Shanghai Knights Cheon Wong
2003 - Eddie Young's The Medallion
2003 - Gemini 千機變 Jackie, ambulance driver
2004 - Operation Phoenix 大佬愛美麗 Mr. Chang
2004 - Around the world in 80 days the World in 80 Days Passepartout/Lau Shinh
2004 - Huadu Chronicles: Blade of the Rose 千機變 II - 花都大戰 Lord of the Armor
2004 - New Police Story 新警察故事 Jang Gwokwin
2005 - Myth 神話 General Meng Yi
2006 - Rob-B-Good 寶貝計劃 "Scourge"
2007 - Rush Hour 3 Rush Hour 3 Chief Inspector Lee
2008 - Forbidden Kingdom The Forbidden Kingdom Taoist Lu Yan / Hu, owner of a pawnshop with discs
2008 - Kung Fu Panda Kung Fu Panda Master Monkey
2009 - Incident in Shinjuku 新宿事件 "Iron Zhao"
2009 - Looking for Jackie 尋找成龍 (plays himself)
2009 - Founding of China 建國大業 interviewed by Li Jisheng
2010 - The Spy Next Door Bob Ho
2010 - Big Soldier 大兵小將 Big Soldier
2010 - Karate Kid The Karate Kid Mr. Khan"
2010 - The Legend of Silkboy 世博冠軍湖絲仔 Xi Rongkun
2011 - Shaolin 新少林寺 Wu Dao
2011 - Fall of the last empire 辛亥革命 Huang Xing
2011 - Kung Fu Panda 2 Kung Fu Panda 2 Master Monkey
2012 - Armor of God: Mission Zodiac 十二生肖 JC "Hawk"
2013 - Police Story 4 警察故事2013 Zhuang Zhou
2015 - Dragon Sword 天将雄狮 warlord Ho An
2016 - Kung Fu Panda 3 Kung Fu Panda 3 Master Monkey
2016 - On the Trail of Skiptrace Benny Black
2016 - Rush Hour 4 Rush Hour 4 Chief Inspector Lee
2016 - Viy 2. Journey to China.

The appearance on the screens of the fearless and resilient Jackie Chan is always associated with joyful emotions, so the widespread audience love and sympathy has become his faithful companion. From the outside it seems that everything is given to him very easily and carefree, and all his projects are doomed to success in advance. Whether this is the case in reality, the biography of the actor and the facts of his professional and personal life will help to understand.


The future star of world cinema was born on April 7, 1954 in a poor Chinese family. His parents are from the province of Shandong and ended up in the huge Hong Kong in the hope of correcting their financial position. No wonder they named their first child Chen Gangsheng, which means "born in Hong Kong." The familiar name of Jackie Chan appeared much later, at the suggestion of the Australian friends of the future actor. As a result, he fell in love with it so much that it later became a pseudonym in professional life, under which numerous fans around the world now know him.

At first, the family lived at the French Embassy, ​​where the boy's parents managed to get hired as service personnel. Later, my father was offered a better job at the US Embassy in Australia. So, Jackie ended up on the Green Continent. When it was time to study, at the family council it was decided to send the restless boy to his homeland to study at the Peking Opera School. There he had to work hard for almost the entire daylight hours. Under the guidance of master Jim-Yen, the students mastered the wisdom of kung fu, actively engaged in physical training and helped with cleaning the premises and washing dishes.

Due to his excellent control of his own body, young Chen was among the lucky few chosen to participate in the mass theatrical performances. When the popularity of the Peking Opera began to decline, the teachers came up with another way to earn extra money on the abilities of the students. They began to "loan" the guys to local film studios as young stuntmen. When Jackie Chan was seventeen years old, he decided to say goodbye to teachers and school. The boy continued his career on his own, first performing dangerous stunts in the movies, and then playing episodic, small roles.

By the mid-70s, his acrobatic abilities and stage skills were noticed, and the aspiring actor began to receive offers for fairly large roles. Only this Jackie was clearly not enough, and he tries himself as a director. Comic films, richly seasoned with martial arts scenes, are becoming popular among the audience, forming a new genre of comedy action movie. A breakthrough in the career of a young man was the film "Drunken Master", followed by a job offer from "Golden Harvest", and a talented Chinese guy became a highly paid actor in his homeland.

At first, all attempts to conquer Hollywood ended in failure, but with the release of the action movie "Showdown in the Bronx", popularity came to Jackie there as well. He became a sought-after actor overseas, especially since he performed all the complex stunts in the films himself. Since that time, high fees have appeared and interesting offers Jackie Chan, but the irrepressible energy of the actor and director demanded something else. He became interested in musical creativity and recorded 20 albums with pop songs in different years. Chan often performs songs for own projects, and knowledge of languages ​​allows him to do this in different dialects of Chinese, as well as in English and Japanese.

Versatile and talented person, Jackie Chan is also famous for his charity work. He often takes part in various projects to help those in need and victims of disasters and other good deeds. The actor is a goodwill ambassador and is known for his large donations. He even decided to donate half of all his money to charities and advocates for the United Buddy Bears exhibition to move to Hong Kong. For all his many merits, the actor, singer and philanthropist was awarded honorary stars on the Walk of Fame both in his homeland and in Hollywood.

Personal life

My family life Jackie Chan prefers not to advertise, because there have been cases that his not very balanced fans committed suicide because of the news of his engagement. Since then, he has been careful not to make the facts public. personal biography, but stellar life is very difficult to hide from prying eyes. According to various sources, the actor married in 1982 or 1983 to the charming Taiwanese actress Lin Feng Jiao. The woman still tries to avoid the paparazzi and reporters, agreeing to an interview only in extreme cases.

At star couple there is an only son, Jaycee, who, due to his father's constant employment, practically did not see him during his childhood. For a long time, Jackie generally hid his loved ones, so few people knew that he had a son. Only at the funeral of Leonard Ho, the actor appeared with his wife and 15-year-old son, and this was the first time he appeared with them in public. Jaycee received a good education in the States, but decided to follow in the footsteps of his parents. He composes and performs musical compositions, records albums, acts in films and also does charity work.

Another child famous actor is the girl Etta Wu, who was born as a result of a short-term affair with model Elaine Wu Qili. The birth of the baby was overshadowed by a scandal, perhaps the only one in the biography of her famous father. Journalists subjected him to all sorts of attacks, while Jackie Chan himself tried in every possible way to avoid answering and did not want to officially admit the fact of infidelity and the birth of a child. Once the actor said that he was ready to support his daughter if his paternity was proven. However, Elaine did not want proceedings and prefers to raise the girl on her own.

Actor, stuntman, film director, producer, screenwriter, stunt coordinator, singer Jackie Chan was born on April 7, 1954 in Hong Kong to a Chinese family. Jackie's father worked as a cook, and his mother worked as a maid at the French Embassy in Hong Kong.

The 1970s saw a boom in kung fu action in Hong Kong, linked to the success of the legendary Bruce Lee. Jackie Chan worked with him in such films as "Fist of Fury" (Fist of Fury, 1972) and "Enter the Dragon" (Enter the Dragon, 1973), but his roles in these films were episodic. He starred in numerous low-budget action films.

When the Hong Kong film industry began to decline, he was forced to go to Australia to live with his parents. He worked in a restaurant and on a construction site. It was there that he received the nickname "Jackie".

At the invitation of producer Willie Chan, he returned to Hong Kong, where in 1976 he starred in the action movie New Fist of Fury by Hong Kong director Lo Wei. It was followed by other films featuring Jackie Chan.

Jackie's breakthrough was the main role in the film "Drunken Master" (Drunken Master, 1978). The picture was distinguished not only by numerous acrobatic stunts that have become branded for the actor, but also by bright humor. Thanks to Jackie Chan, the Hong Kong thriller turned into an action comedy. The audience liked the picture, and the American producer Robert Close invited the actor to shoot in the USA. However, the action comedy "Battle Creek Fight" (The Big Brawl, 1980) was not very successful at the American box office. After several more unsuccessful jobs in the US, the actor returned to Hong Kong and continued to work for the Asian audience.

Jackie Chan's successful projects were action comedies "Project A" (Project A, 1983), "Police Story" (Police Story, 1985) and "Armor of God - 1, 2" (Armour of God, 1987, 1991).

In the American box office, real success came to him only in 1995 after the film "Showdown in the Bronx" (Rumble In The Bronx). It was followed by blockbusters "Rush Hour" (Rush Hour, 1998) and "Shanghai Noon" (Shanghai Noon, 2000). In 2002, Chan played taxi driver Jimmy Tong in the comedy action movie The Tuxedo. In 2004, he starred in Frank Koraci's adventure film Around the World in 80 days and Benny Chan's thriller New Police Story. In 2005, he acted in a dramatic role as General Meng Yi in Stanley Tong's historical adventure film The Myth.

Now Jackie Chan is one of the most famous Asian actors in the world, for his creative career he has acted in over 100 films. At the same time, he performs almost all the tricks in the pictures on his own.

© RIA Novosti / Aurora. Marina Spirina, Mikhail Chuprasov

© RIA Novosti / Aurora. Marina Spirina, Mikhail Chuprasov

Among recent works actor - the main roles in the remake films "The Karate Kid" (2010) and "Shaolin" (2011), the image of the revolutionary Huang Xing in historical drama"The Fall of the Last Empire" (2011), in which Jackie Chan also acted as a director, as well as the sequels "Armor of God: Mission Zodiac" (Chinese Zodiac, 2012) and "Police Story 2013" (New Police Story 2013, 2013).

The actor also took part in the filming of the third part of the action movie (The Expendables), which is scheduled for release in August 2014.

In the 1980s and 1990s, Jackie Chan often acted as a director and screenwriter of his own films ("Project A", "Police Story", "God's Armor - 1, 2", etc.).

In 2004, he co-founded the production company JCE Movies Limited (Jackie Chan Emperor Movies).

Jackie Chan is a successful performer popular music. Since 1984 he has released over 100 tracks on 20 albums. He sings in Cantonese, Mandarin, Japanese and English. He often records soundtracks for his films, but they are usually replaced for distribution in the West.

In 1998, Jackie Chan opened the design company Jackie Chan Design Limited (originally Tide Mark Enterprise).

He is the owner of the Jackie's Kitchen restaurant chain.

The actor is actively involved in charity work. He acts as a Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF, supports the programs of WildAid, an organization for the protection of wildlife.

The actor has stars on the Avenue of Stars in Hong Kong and on the Avenue of Stars in Hollywood, as well as on the Old Arbat in Moscow.

He became a Chinese cultural figure who left his imprints at Grauman's Chinese Theater in Hollywood.

Jackie has over twenty Hong Kong and overseas film awards.

In 1990, he was made a Knight of the French Order of Arts and Letters (Chevalier de l Ordre des Arts et des Lettres).

Honorary Citizen of Seoul.

Jackie Chan is married to Taiwanese actress Lin Feng-Jao (Feng-Jiao Lin), their son Jaycee Chan (born in 1982) is an actor and singer.

According to media reports, Chan has a daughter, Etta Ou Chok Lam (born November 19, 1999) from an extramarital affair with actress Elaine Ou Yi-Lei.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

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