Singer's Star Trek. Student years

Nikolai Baskov is a world famous opera singer and musician performer. His discs are sold in millions of copies in many countries. He acts in films, hosts TV shows and various celebrations, does charity work and, more recently, has been teaching at the university. The Basque is a welcome guest at any party, because his character, enthusiasm and many ideas will always make a meeting with this person unforgettable.

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Nikolai Baskov - biography

The singer was born on 10/15/1976 in Balashikha, but his family did not live there for long. Papa Viktor Vladimirovich, on duty with his wife and child, was forced to move to the GDR. He went a long way to the position of deputy division commander. family from behind military service the elder Baskov often moved. Except Germany little Kolya managed to live in Novosibirsk, from where he moved to Moscow.

Mother future star Elena Nikolaevna trained as a mathematics teacher, but worked as a television announcer and devoted all her time to her family. Kolya has been interested in music since childhood. And he started practicing at the age of 5. His mother supported him in every possible way.

The first experience of performing on the school stage, which occurred in the second grade, did not work out.

According to the memoirs of the artist, it ended in fright and tears. After some time, the family of Nikolai Baskov moved to Russia. This is where his stage career began. Already in the seventh grade, he began performing as part of the troupe of the Musical Theater of the Young Actor. The troupe traveled with tours of the most different corners world, including Israel, America and some European countries.

In 1996, Baskov began to study at the Academy of Music. Gnesins. Vocal lessons at that time were given to Kolya by Liliana Shekhova. In 1997 he won vocal competition Grand voice. At the same time, Nikolai received the main award three times in the Ovation Prize, where he became the “golden voice”, as he is traditionally presented today at concerts and events.

After some time, Basque takes first place in the competition for young opera performers.

He also plays the role of Lensky in "Eugene Onegin" by P. I. Tchaikovsky, where for the entire time of the existence of this opera he becomes the youngest performer.

In 1999-2000, even greater popularity came to Nikolai Baskov. His clip "In Memory of Caruso" conquered the Russian musical Olympus. From that moment on, the artist's music discs begin to scatter like hot cakes.

In 2000, when the singer had already successfully graduated from the Gnesinka, something really happened in his life. fateful meeting with a mentor and already legendary opera singer Montserrat Caballe, of whom he is to this day the first and only student.

World-class star Montserrat does not have a soul in his student, and Basque calls her "second mother". In 2001, Nikolai received the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

The singer also begins his career as a host of television programs and programs, as well as a showman in these years. Since the summer of 2003, he has been leading the Dom project on TNT. From 2005 to this day, Basque has been the permanent host music broadcast"Saturday evening". In addition, he also hosts other programs: “ Home video Stars" (2012), "Big Little Star" (2015), "Million from Prostokvashino" (from 2015 to the present).

In the spring of 2009, the singer was awarded the title People's Artist Russian Federation, and then the same title is awarded to Moldova, Ukraine and the Chechen Republic. In addition, he became the owner of various titles and awards, including the Belarusian Order of Francysk Skaryna, gold medal Peace Fund, medal "For Services to the Fatherland" II degree, as well as some others.

In 2011-2012, Nikolai Viktorovich actively conquers the American stage with the classical repertoire. His concert is broadcast on PBS Television, and then a disc called "Romantic Journey" is recorded. And in early 2012, the singer performs at the Beacon Theater in New York.

In addition to Romantic Journey, Baskov released 12 discs during his creative career, shot more than 20 clips, repeatedly received the Golden Gramophone award, MTV channel, MUZ-TV and many others.

The singer tries to combine opera stage and stage. And he does it well. Yes, apart from work classical music he becomes a member and leads many music festivals. Kolya sang a duet with various world and Russian stars.

Nikolai Baskov managed to leave his mark in the cinema. He has repeatedly participated in the filming New Year's musicals, and also played himself in several popular television series and "Our Russia: Eggs of Destiny", "Reverse Turn". In addition, he repeatedly became an actor-dubbing. Characters from the cartoons Savva speak in his voice. Warrior's Heart", "Real Squirrel".

Nikolai Baskov - personal life

In 2001, the singer marries Svetlana, the daughter of his producer Boris Shpigel. The wedding was magnificent and bright. The couple stayed in this marriage for 8 years, and on April 24, 2006, their son Bronislav was born. Already by this moment, Nikolai and Svetlana were not going smoothly. And at the end of the autumn of 2006, the couple began the divorce proceedings, and six months later they completely stopped the relationship.

After family life Basque has repeatedly appeared in the world with a variety of beauties and shared naughty photos from personal life. One of the longest romances during this period was the relationship with Miss Universe - 2002 Oksana Fedorova. The novel was very bright, but ended in a public separation a few years later. The singer from the stage informed all the audience about this event in the life of the couple.

After Oksana, he was seen with a spectacular blonde and various other girls. The network appeared spicy photos and details about the affair with Anastasia Volochkova.

Pictures from the holidays of two stars in the Maldives blew up the Internet and caused the most controversial opinions.

Today at Nikolai Baskov new sweetheart- Sophie Kalcheva. They have been together since September 2014. But the couple began to advertise their relationship only recently. Sophie has an adult son with whom the singer gets along well. The parents of the chosen one also received him very warmly.

But the couple has not yet talked about the wedding.

Basque: a talent with a unique voice

Nikolai was born into a military family on October 15, 1976. In the fall of 2017, he will turn 41 years old. What did a genius succeed in in his 40s?

We must pay tribute to the singer: he worked hard to get recognition. Behind him is studying at the Academy. Gnesins, postgraduate studies at the Moscow Conservatory, private lessons with the best teachers. Talent was also noted in the West. Montserrat Caballe herself took Baskov under her wing, and at the age of 22, he brilliantly performed such a difficult part in the production of Cleopatra that he was applauded by Roman critics and the discerning public.

Today, the opera and the stage seem cramped to Nikolai. He is a showman, TV presenter, film actor, professor of vocal department, teacher. He voices children's films, performs complex parts and popular songs.

Personal life

The tenor, who devoted himself to serving people, has not yet found family happiness although he was married. At the age of 20, he tied the knot of Hymen to 19-year-old Svetlana Spiegel. The couple's marriage took place on January 27, 2001, but already in mid-2008, the union of the "natural blond" and brunette Spiegel broke up.

The Basques could not recover from the blow for a long time. Then, in 2009, he was carried away by a new relationship with Miss Universe 2002, Oksana Fedorova. However, the announced engagement in early 2011 did not lead to a wedding. The couple cooled off towards each other, and in the same 2011, the “golden voice of Russia” was comforted in the arms of Anastasia Volochkova. The tenor and the ballerina were frank with the audience, shared candid photos appeared everywhere together. But this connection ended painlessly for everyone in 2013.

Since 2014, Nikolai Baskov has been dating Sofia Kalcheva, who once took the pseudonym Sofia Bogdan. According to some sources, the tenor's beloved is 28 years old, other versions say that she is 34.


The singer, married to Svetlana Spiegel, found the happiness of becoming a father and almost immediately lost him. The couple had a son on April 4, 2006, at a family council they decided to give him the name Bronislav Spiegel-Baskov. After the divorce, Svetlana wished her son to bear her last name, and did not allow Nikolai to meet with him. At the age of 10, the boy calls Svetlana's second husband dad, with whom she also already broke up.

The tenor himself believes that "time will put everything in its place", but for now he is content that his son does not need anything. By the way, the current beloved singer Sofia has a 10-year-old son Bogdan. Perhaps Nikolai Baskov can become his adoptive father if the couple's relationship develops into family ties.

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When Nikolai was two years old, his father, Viktor Vladimirovich Baskov, graduated from the M.V. Frunze Military Academy and moved with his family to serve in the GDR. Elena Nikolaevna Baskova in Germany worked as an announcer on television. From the age of five, Nikolai began to study music at home with his mother. Baskov went to the first class in Germany, in the second - in Kyzyl, where he entered a music school. From the 3rd to the 7th grade, he studied at school No. 186 in the city of Novosibirsk. In his youth, Nikolai Baskov was very popular with girls, attracting them with constant positive and wonderful feeling humor.

star trek singer

Since 1986, Nikolai has performed on the stage of the Children's musical theater young actor, in which he went on tour in the USA, Israel, Switzerland, France.

After school, Nikolai Baskov entered Russian academy music named after the Gnesins, where Honored Artist of Russia Liliana Shekhova became his vocal teacher.

Nikolai Baskov received the national Russian diploma three times music award in the field of entertainment and popular music "Ovation" in the nomination "Golden Voice of Russia". In 1997 he became the laureate of the first All-Russian competition young performers of the Russian romance Romansiada, and next year - the winner of the First Prize of the All-Russian Competition for Young opera singers and receives an offer to perform the part of Lensky in Pyotr Tchaikovsky's opera "Eugene Onegin" on stage Bolshoi Theater.

In 2000, a video clip for the musical composition "In Memory of Caruso" opens the door to the world of show business and popularity for Nikolai Baskov.

In 2001, Nikolai Baskov graduated from the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music in the class of chamber and opera singing, entered the graduate school of the Moscow State P. I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory and at the same time became a soloist with the Bolshoi Opera Company. Two years later, Baskov left the opera troupe of the Bolshoi Theater and sang in opera houses Nizhny Novgorod and Yoshkar-Ola.

Nikolai continues to perform on the stage, along with classical works singing opera arias, Neapolitan songs, musicals and contemporary pop music. Baskov is invited to participate in concerts, filming of New Year's lights-musicals, the musician is gradually acquiring the status of a real pop star.

On May 12, 2009, Nikolai Baskov was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation, and in May 2011 he was awarded the honorary title "People's Artist of Moldova".

Personal life of Nikolai Baskov

In 2001, Nikolai married Svetlana Shpigel, daughter of his producer Boris Shpigel. Five years later, a son, Bronislav, was born in the family. But the very next year after the birth of the child, the divorce proceedings began.

A year later, Nikolai Baskov announced his engagement to the owner of the Miss Universe 2002 title, Oksana Fedorova. The couple constantly appeared together at social events, but few people from the environment believed in the sincerity of this novel.

On March 3, 2011, at a concert in the Kremlin, Nikolai and Oksana admitted that they were breaking up. Since then, the yellow press has attributed novels to Nikolai by singers Sati Kazanova and Anna Semenovich and opera singer Maria Maksakova. But all this is nothing more than fiction.

Photo by Nikolai Baskov:

The name of Nikolai Baskov is known, perhaps, to everyone in our country and to many abroad. They are used to seeing him at social events, surrounded by beautiful women, luxury cars and collectible champagne. Each performance of the artist is accompanied by a standing ovation, frequent "bravo" and "encore" from the audience. His concerts are attended by politicians, show business and pop stars and, of course, numerous fans. But there is one person who, with special excitement and trepidation, is waiting for the “golden” tenor to enter the stage. Standing backstage and restlessly sorting through the folds of the curtain, his mother worries about him. Today we would like to tell you about her - Elena Baskova. The one that gave this world a famous artist. It will be about interesting facts from her biography.

Baskov's main viewer and best critic

Elena Nikolaevna, this is the name of the artist’s mother, does not hide the fact that each performance of Kolenka is exciting for her, like the first time: that back in 1989, when young Nikolai took his first steps on the stage of the Musical Theater of the Young Actor, that today, when he collects a full hall in the Kremlin. Elena Nikolaevna, like a loving mother, worries and cheers for her son with all her heart. She tries not to miss his concerts, not even because she loves her child very much, but because she is a fan of his songs, which she always listens to: at home in free time and in the car, going on business or shopping.

Children's years of Elena Baskova

She was born into a military family and has Ukrainian roots. Her mother is from the Poltava region, and her father, Nikolai Eremenko, was associated with military activities. He, having graduated from the Military-Political Academy named after V. I. Lenin, rose to the rank of colonel. They are especially proud of him in the Baskov family, because grandfather Nikolai went through the Great Patriotic War and returned with numerous awards and medals. The insignia is carefully preserved in the family of his descendants to this day. In his honor, the parents of Nikolai Baskov named their only son.

Family to be proud of

Elena Nikolaevna always proudly talks about her father and assures that her son Nikolai inherited his talent through her line. It is worth saying that the grandfather of Baskova Elena Nikifor played wonderfully on musical instruments. The gifted man was especially successful in playing the button accordion. The father of the mother of the famous tenor of Russia, Nikolai Eremenko, although he was a regular military man, had a passionate love for art. He dreamed that one day his daughter would be able to achieve something in the creative field: she would become an artist, actress or singer. But the mother of Nikolai Baskov did not live up to the hopes of her father. According to her confessions, she feels the music, but absolutely cannot reproduce it. By the way, because of this, the famous contemporary pop artist jokes that Elena cannot be his mother, because she does not have a perfect ear for music.

An education that came easy but didn't come in handy

While studying at the Baskov school, Elena tried herself in drawing, music, and tried to do gymnastics. In high school, she became interested in playing chess. The father, seeing her passion, decided that her daughter had a mathematical mindset and insisted on her entering the Pedagogical Institute at the Faculty of Exact Sciences. Elena did not dare to argue with her father and successfully coped with the task. However, after graduating from high school educational institution and received a diploma to work in the profession did not. By the way, according to the documents of Baskova, Elena Nikolaevna is a teacher of mathematics.

Marry a military man

After graduation, the mother of the famous tenor of Russia met Viktor Vladimirovich Baskov, who at that time was a student at the M.V. Frunze Military Academy. Soon the young people got married, and for 40 years the Baskovs Elena Nikolaevna and Viktor Vladimirovich have been living in love and harmony with each other. It is worth saying that after the marriage, the couple settled in Balashikha near Moscow, where on October 15, 1976 they had a son, a future famous artist who is madly loved and revered by millions of people. By the way, the general popularity of Nikolai Baskov is connected not only with his singing and unique voice. The artist is engaged in charity work and often fulfills the dreams of the children of our vast country and their parents. He gave two accordions to boys who study music, paid for the operation of a two-month-old girl suffering from heart disease, and helps many children with various health problems.

Work on television abroad

When Nikolai was two years old, his father was assigned to serve in the GDR, where for the next five years he served alternately in Dresden, Koenigsberg, and Halle. The family followed him everywhere. During this period, Elena Nikolaevna decided to make her childhood dream come true: she came to audition at the studio of a local TV channel and successfully passed it. A few days later, Elena Baskova was enrolled in the staff of the local TV channel. The woman worked as an announcer on German television for quite a long time, and she never hid the lack of a specialized journalistic education. Her work took place more at an amateur level, but unconditional talent, incredible charisma and excellent external data meant much more than a crust from the institute. In the television studio, Elena Baskova, the mother of Nikolai Baskov, was remembered as a person with a unique sense of humor and tact. Having worked on television for two years, the mother of the famous and only "natural blond" of our country finally decided on her main calling and devoted herself to raising her only son. Her husband rose to the rank of deputy division commander on German soil, and in 1983 the Baskov family returned to Russia.

"Motherhood is my calling"

Nicholas grew up creative child, immersed in their fantasies, impressionable and receptive. Elena Nikolaevna devoted all her free time to his upbringing. In numerous interviews, she repeatedly focused on the fact that the main thing in raising a child is not parental strictness and pretentiousness, but love and support. When a child grows up in an atmosphere of love and harmony, this is the best that parents can give him. Elena Baskova strictly adhered to this principle in the upbringing of Nikolai. While the son was small, my mother made a special bias towards music, hoping that Nikolai would become a pianist. He attended music school. Over time, it became clear that the son of the Baskovs has a unique timbre: sonorous and high, speaking professional language, coloratura soprano. It was Elena Nikolaevna who helped her son decide on future profession, saw in it a rare musical talent, helped to develop it and increase it.

A man should do what he loves

Mom taught Nikolai everything: a beautiful gait, even posture, endowed him with a sense of humor, which is noted by everyone who is familiar with the artist. In the world of show business, he is considered a man of solar energy, capable of making anyone laugh. Elena Nikolaevna instilled in the famous tenor of Russia the desire to achieve her goals and go through life only forward and only with a smile. In addition to the music school, Nikolai Baskov also attended choreography lessons and a swimming section, where he even received a second youth category. Due to the fact that his mother unconditionally believed in Nikolai, supported his musical endeavors, the young man himself believed in himself and soon realized what a gift fate had awarded him. At the age of 12, Nikolai Baskov made his debut in Mozart's The Magic Flute at the Paris National Opera. It was their common victory, the victory of mother and son, a reward for years of hard work and efforts.

Reliable rear of the Baskov family

Almost thirty years have passed since then. Elena Baskova, whose biography has not been replenished with any professional achievements, still believes in his son and gives him his maternal love. Nikolai Baskov's father, Viktor Vladimirovich, later graduated. Today he is a military officer holding high position When looking at how successful the men in the Baskov family have become, it becomes obvious: behind them is a woman, a loving wife and mother who did the main thing for them - she was always there in Hard time, supported on the steep turns of life and believed in them, no matter what.

Real life and current troubles

Today, Elena Nikolaevna Baskova is trying to spend as much time as possible with her grandson Bronislav, son of Nikolai from his first marriage to Svetlana Shpigel. This is not easy, because the boy lives abroad with his mother. However, from time to time, the parents of Nikolai Baskov still visit their grandson. There is no doubt that the boy has a great future, regardless of whether he follows in his father's footsteps, becoming an artist, or finds his calling in something else.

By the way, quite recently, the artist's parents prepared an unusual gift for the anniversary of their son. According to their confession, this is a joint brainchild of them and Baskov's fans in the face of the MSK club, who are not the only ones in the country who follow with trepidation creative success People's Artist of Russia and Ukraine. A book was created called creative path. Basque", which contains numerous facts regarding the artist. These are newspaper clippings, where his name was first mentioned, and numerous photographs, great amount poems dedicated to Nicholas ordinary people. The book is thick enough and every year, according to the idea of ​​Father Baskov, its pages should increase and multiply exponentially.

An interesting fact from the personal life of Elena Baskova

For the whole country on television on the main channel of the country, Elena Nikolaevna told one fascinating story that concerns her personal life. The thing is that several wedding rings flaunt on her ring finger. To Andrei Malakhov's question about why there are so many of them, Nikolai Baskov's mother replied that for 40 years her life together everything happened to the father of the singer Viktor Vladimirovich in the family. There were quarrels and misunderstandings, however, every time this happened, the artist's parents found the strength to come to a consensus. A dinner in a restaurant with a mandatory gift in the form of a new wedding ring helped smooth out all the uneven corners and return peace and harmony to the family.

Why is the "golden" voice of Russia still not married?

Elena Baskova hides her age, but the figure is not at all important. A beautiful well-groomed woman's face with happy eyes looks from a family photo. She is surrounded by care, attention and affection of her loved ones. What more could a woman want? By the way, having appeared on Andrei Malakhov's TV show dedicated to Nikolai Baskov, the artist's mother made a splash. Firstly, she appeared before the audience as a liberated person who is not at all afraid of television cameras. And secondly, the woman surprised everyone with her youth and excellent external data. Nikolai even noticed that after women see his mother with their own eyes, it will become easier for them to understand why the famous and enviable groom Russian stage not yet married.

Name: Nikolai Baskov

Age: 39 years

Place of Birth: Balashikha

Growth: 176 cm

The weight: 73 kg

Activity: Singer, actor, TV presenter

Family status: not married

Nikolai Baskov - biography

Russia's unique voice in modern world stage is Nikolai Baskov. The talent of this man delights many, conquers, penetrating into the hearts of people. But Nikolai Baskov is not only a pop and opera star, but also a TV presenter. There are a lot of interesting facts in the biography of this magnificent singer.

Nikolai Baskov - Childhood

The childhood years of Nikolai Baskov are interesting to many fans of his talent, because it was at this age that the boy had special abilities that his parents began to develop. Nikolai was born in Balashikha, Moscow Region. This event took place on the fifteenth of October 1976. The Baskov family at that time lived in Russia, but was constantly ready for various moves. This was explained by the fact that Kolya's father, Viktor Vladimirovich, is a military man. The boy's mother, Elena Nikolaevna, worked as a mathematics teacher.

When his father graduated from the Military Academy, little Kolya was just two years old. Germany became the new place of father's service. So, as a child, little Kolya visited both Dresden and Königsbrück. Mother was forced to forget about her teaching career, and began to work as a television announcer. It is known that later Kolya's father also graduated from the Military Academy general staff Russian Armed Forces.

Little Kolya spent five years of his life in Germany. This is where it started musical biography Baskova: he began to study music. When he was 5 years old, his mother began to study with him at home musical notation. In Germany, he went to 1st grade. But soon new move: Kolya finished his second grade in Kyzyl. Here, the parents sent the boy to a music school.

In the second grade, Kolya got his first chance to perform on stage. Having learned the poem and went on stage, he could not read it. So he got his first experience of performing on stage, although he was unsuccessful. Nikolai went to the 7th grade already in the city of Novosibirsk. At the same time, his career on stage began. He very quickly joined the team, artistic director which was A. Fedorov. So, the musical theater of the young actor became the first career step in the biography of the famous singer.

Nikolai Baskov - Education

Thanks to constant studies with the mother, classes in music school, Nikolai realized that he wanted to receive an education that would forever connect his life with music. Therefore, in 1996, Nikolai Viktorovich entered the Gnessin Academy of Music. And then Baskov was lucky: having heard his unique voice, for vocal training young Nicholas took Liliana Shekhova, Honored Artist of Russia.

But in the biography of Nikolai Baskov there are other successful moments that just happened during the years of his studies at the Academy of Music. For example, he managed to successfully participate in the master class of José Carreras. At the same time, future famous singer also becomes a laureate of the prestigious Grand voce competition, which was held in Spain and was considered very prestigious.

In 1997, fame and fame came to Baskov, and he quickly began to climb career ladder. Invitations follow one after another, so the life of Nikolai Viktorovich changes dramatically. In 2000, Nikolai Viktorovich met with a world-class legendary opera star who provided a huge impact on Baskov's life. On the long years a young and aspiring singer became her student.

In 2001, Nikolai Viktorovich received a diploma of graduation from the Gnessin Music Academy. And immediately he successfully passes exams at the Moscow Conservatory named after him. In 2004 he graduated with a gold medal.

Career of Nikolai Baskov

The creative career of Nikolai Baskov began in childhood, when he was at school. The first performances with the musical theater troupe of the young actor brought not only the first childhood fame, but it was also possible to travel, having tasted the life of a real artist. So, with the troupe of A. Fedorov, Nikolai went on tour in such countries as America, France, Switzerland, Israel.

Nikolai Baskov received wider fame at the time when he studied at the Gnessin Music Academy. So, in 1997 he became a laureate of the first competition for young performers of romances "Romansiada". And before that, he had already received the Ovation award as the Golden Voice of Russia.
In 1998, Nikolai Viktorovich became the winner of the First Prize of the All-Russian Competition for Aspiring Opera Singers. And in the same year he was invited to the Bolshoi Theater, where he was asked to perform the part of Vladimir Lensky in Tchaikovsky's opera. And then Baskov was noticed, and the awards, one after another, simply began to pour on him.

In 1999, he again became the winner of the prestigious and famous Grand voce competition. In 2000, he decides to shoot video clips that gave a new impetus to his musical career. His clips began to be used great success, a huge number of fans appeared. Gradually, Nikolai Viktorovich Baskov reached unimaginable heights: he became the first and only Russian singer who sings in Pop style and Crossover.

Those compositions that he performs not only occupy the very top lines of all competitions and charts, but also brought many new awards: national award"Ovation", the well-deserved award "Golden Gramophone", as well as "Singer of the Year", "Muz - TV" and others. In 2001 new success as an opera soloist of the Bolshoi Theater, but he could not stay there for a long time.

Nikolai Baskov - biography of personal life

Baskov's whole life, his whole biography is rich and vibrant. But she is so colorful not only on stage, but also in her personal life. In 2001, the famous singer gets married. His chosen one is Svetlana Shpigel, daughter famous person and producer Baskov. In this union, Nikolai Viktorovich's son Borislav was born in 2006. But it was Last year this life together married couple. In November, the divorce process began, which dragged on for 6 months.

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