Senar estate. Villa Senar opens the doors

senarii navruzi, senarius
Coordinates: 47°01′52″ s. sh. 8°23′52″ E  / 47.03119000000000227° N. sh. 8.39780999999999977° E e. / 47.03119000000000227; 8.39780999999999977 (G) (O)

Senar- the estate of the Russian composer Sergei Rachmaninov in Switzerland. Located in Hertenstein, Weggis, in the canton of Lucerne, on the shores of Lake Vierwaldstadt, overlooking Mount Pilatus.

The villa consists of two houses, 10 hectares of land with a garden, a promenade and a pier.

The name of the villa "Senar" is made up of the first letters of the names of the Rachmaninoffs - Sergei and Natalia, as well as the first letter of the surname.

In the estate, Rachmaninov created one of his most famous and frequently performed works - Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini.


The emigrant composer Sergei Rachmaninov first came to Switzerland from the USA in 1930, acquired in the village of Hertenstein near Lucerne land plot with an area of ​​ten hectares overlooking Lake Vierwaldstadt and Mount Pilatus, began the construction of Villa Senar. Lived here from the summer months of 1932 until 1940.

The layout of the villa and the two-story house-estate, for nostalgic reasons of the emigrant, fully corresponded to the estate he left in Russia in Ivanovka ( Tambov Region), a similar garden was laid out with the same trees - apple trees, maples and chestnuts.

In 1934, Rachmaninov and his family completely moved to the newly built estate. Here he wrote Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, one of his most famous and frequently performed works in the 21st century. According to musicologist Paul Serotsky (Paul Serotsky), the motif of nostalgia in the rhapsody is combined with outright diabolism.

Rachmaninov expressed a desire to be buried in the Senar estate, but with the outbreak of World War II, the composer moved to the United States, his death found him in California, and was buried near New York.

After the composer's death in 1943, the estate passed to his heirs, first to his second daughter Tatiana, and then to his grandson Alexander Rachmaninov (1933-2012), the founder of the S. V. Rachmaninov Foundation.

By 2013, the original furnishings, furniture, musical instruments, Steinway grand piano donated to the composer by V. Steinvein, unique items cultural heritage SV Rakhmaninov - diaries, notes, correspondence, archive.

Estate in the 21st century

After the death in early November 2012 of Alexander Rachmaninov, the grandson and sole heir of the composer, the relatives planned to put the Senar estate up for auction, followed by a sale in parts of the property and unique items of cultural heritage of S. V. Rachmaninov. According to A. Rachmaninov's will, the rights to the estate and all interior items, as well as the archive, piano and personal belongings of the composer should go to the S. V. Rachmaninov Foundation, it was headed by the widow of the last owner Natalia. At the same time, according to Swiss law, regardless of the will of the testator, 50% of the property of the deceased should be received by his children, whom Rachmaninov's grandson has four from previous marriages.

In these circumstances, the art director of the S.V. Rachmaninov Foundation, pianist Denis Matsuev raised the issue of buying out the estate in favor of Russia for the organization of the International cultural center - memorial museum composer, holding musical master classes, festivals and competitions there. The price of the question expert opinion, is approximately 18 million Swiss francs (630-650 million rubles in 2013 conversion). President Putin agreed to make efforts to implement this idea at the expense of extrabudgetary funds. Soon the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation found a buyer who was ready to spend his personal savings in favor of the state and in the future bear the costs of maintaining the villa. Having learned about the ambitious intentions of the Russian side, the relatives of the last owner of the estate conduct a new, fourth in a row, valuation of the property with the London experts of the Sotheby's auction in order to clarify the real value of the object, choose a sales scheme - wholesale or retail. The experts proved that in a holistic form "Senar" is of indisputable historical and museum value not only for Russia, but for the whole world.


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Rachmaninov's relatives are waiting for Russia's decision to buy Senar - Izvestia
  2. Karte der Schweiz mit Routenplaner
  3. 1 2 Putin promised to study the situation with Rachmaninoff's estate in Switzerland | RIA News
  4. Embassy Russian Federation in Switzerland - About villa "SENAR" in Switzerland
  5. Rachmaninov (1873-1943) - Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini
  6. 1 2 3 Vesti.Ru: Russia will bargain for Rachmaninoff's villa
  7. World of Art:

Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninov, hereditary Russian nobleman, brilliant pianist and composer, has become a symbol of Russian music all over the world, not only music lovers listen to his works, but also simple people most different professions, ages and nationalities. Most of us know from school that after the October Revolution, Rachmaninoff emigrated to the United States and lived there for the last third of his life. But not everyone knows that every summer, from 1924 to 1939, he came to Europe and only returned to New York in the fall. Why?

S. Rachmaninoff at the piano. Source:

With lake and mountain view

A change of scenery is always good for creativity. Rachmaninoff lived in America, but liked to spend the summer months in Europe. The composer was weary of the annual search for a place to rest and spoke of the desire to settle in a certain place, not wandering around dachas and resorts in his old age. Helped with country selection musical critic Oscar Riesemann. He spoke with such enthusiasm about life in Switzerland and persuaded Rachmaninov to buy some piece of land there that Sergei Vasilyevich decided to go there. It should be noted that Rachmaninov's first acquaintance with Switzerland took place in 1902, it was to this country that the musician and his wife went immediately after the wedding. Rachmaninov was captivated by the landscapes of Switzerland, which he repeatedly admitted: “The height of perfection. I've never seen anything more beautiful than this." In 1930, the composer purchased a plot of land near Lucerne with a view of Lake Firwaldstet and Mount Pilatus. Sergei Vasilievich called this estate Senar, combining the first two letters of his name and the name of his wife Natalia, adding the letter “R” to them - the Rachmaninoffs.

House in the Senar estate. Source:

Just like in Ivanovka

Nostalgia for his homeland prompted Rachmaninov to make the layout of the villa fully consistent with the estate he left in Russia in Ivanovka (Tambov province), which the composer loved very much. Before emigration, sparing no effort and means, Rachmaninov took care of his Tambov estate, delved into economic issues, and acquired the latest equipment for agricultural work. With the same zeal, the composer began the arrangement of his home in Switzerland. A similar garden was laid out with the same trees as in Russia - apple trees, maples, chestnuts, birches. Sergei Vasilievich was pleased with his new home and stayed in good mood. Relatives who came to visit Rachmaninov recalled: “He showed us with great delight all the views, all corners, obviously pleased that he finally had his own corner, and also safe. He felt the insecurity of the world situation and firmly believed that Switzerland is the safest place in Europe. At this time, the composer often toured the Old World, gave concerts at the festival in Lucerne.

So, today we have Saturday, April 22, 2017 and we traditionally offer you answers to " Topical issues". The questions we meet are both the most simple and quite complex. The quiz is very interesting and quite popular, but we just help you test your knowledge and make sure that you have chosen the correct answer out of the four proposed. And we have another question in the quiz - Who gave his estate in Switzerland the name "Senar"?

  • Writer Nabokov
  • Composer Rachmaninoff
  • Jeweler Faberge
  • Grand Duchess Anna Feodorovna

The correct answer is B - composer Sergei Rachmaninov

After the death in early November 2012 of Alexander Rachmaninov (1933-2012), the grandson and sole heir of the composer, the relatives planned to put the Senar estate in Switzerland up for auction, followed by a sale in parts of the property and unique items of cultural heritage of S. V. Rachmaninov. In these circumstances, the Russian pianist Denis Matsuev raised the issue with Russian President Vladimir Putin about buying out the estate in favor of Russia for the construction of a memorial to the composer, holding musical master classes, festivals and competitions there. The price of the issue, according to expert estimates, is approximately 630-650 million rubles. President Putin agreed to make efforts to implement this idea

The Ministry of Culture received an order from the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin on the acquisition of the Swiss estate of Sergei Rachmaninov "Senar" in Russian ownership. This was told to Izvestiya by the Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky.

There is a corresponding instruction from the President. This is the right idea, but expensive. We think how to solve this problem, - the minister said.

On the this moment the estate is valued at more than 18 million Swiss francs (639 million rubles). These are two houses, 10 hectares of land with a garden, an embankment and a pier.

The moment for the purchase of "Senar" is now more than suitable - for the first time in many years, Rachmaninov's relatives intend to sell it, moreover, they want to see Russia as a buyer.

The last owner of the estate was the composer's grandson, founder and president of the Rachmaninov Foundation, Alexander Rachmaninov, who died on November 1, 2012. According to his will, the rights to the estate and all interior items, as well as the archive, the piano and the composer's personal belongings, were to be transferred to the foundation, which, after the death of Alexander Rachmaninov, was headed by his widow Natalya.

However, according to Swiss law, regardless of the will, 50% of the property of the deceased should be received by children, of whom Rachmaninoff's grandson has four left from previous marriages.

My idea is to sell the house, all the property and archives of Russia, - Natalya Rachmaninova told Izvestia. - Children from the amount received should be paid half, and the remaining 50% will belong to the fund, and we will be able to continue the work that my husband started. I applied personally to the President of the country, the foundation's lawyer works in contact with the Russian embassy. I am waiting for the decision of the Russian government.

The sooner such a decision is made, the more likely it is that the composer's property and his archive will remain safe and sound, and Russia will receive a unique house-museum.

Complex property relations between the great-grandchildren of the composer and Natalia Rakhmaninova, about which she told Izvestia, are forcing prompt action.

According to Swiss laws, the first inventory of the property was carried out by a local notary, then the initial assessment of the cost of the house and land was carried out by an expert architect, the cost of paintings, furniture, and a piano was carried out by an antique dealer. Experts from the Russian Museum musical culture named after Glinka determined the museum value of "Senar" - letters, books, personal items. The rector of the Moscow Conservatory, Alexander Sokolov, also joined in. It was about the possibility of organizing a museum, - explained Natalya Rachmaninova.

Now, according to her, the composer's three great-grandchildren want to conduct a new examination of the villa and property - to establish not a museum price, but a market price. In this case, the examination will prove the obvious thing: the sale of property at retail will give a greater profit than wholesale.

But the sale will be only wholesale, and nothing else, - says Natalia Rachmaninova. - Experts proved that "Senar" is of indisputable historical and museum value not only for Russia, but for the whole world. We have no right to let the last true legacy of the great musician go to waste.

The idea of ​​buying a villa "Senar" (the name is formed from the first letters of the name of Rachmaninoff and his wife Natalia, as well as their surnames) was repeatedly voiced by pianists Andrei Gavrilov and Denis Matsuev. The latter, at a recent meeting of the Presidential Council for Culture, turned to Vladimir Putin with a corresponding request, after which the Ministry of Culture took up the issue.

For Minister Medinsky, a patriotic aspect is important in the possible acquisition of a small Russian enclave near Lucerne: he is concerned that in the West Rachmaninoff is often called American composer, which is "offensive and unfair", since "Rakhmaninov has always been and remained a deeply Russian person."

In a conversation with Izvestia, the minister also emphasized the special value of Senar as a museum.

The object is unique, not only from the point of view of the place, but primarily because it is actually museumified there great amount things that belonged to Rachmaninov. Diaries, notes, correspondence, clothes, furniture, the piano on which he composed music and played. Not to mention the fact that the house was built according to the project of Rachmaninov. This is a piece of his life, preserved in its original form, - concluded Medinsky.

In addition, the acquisition of the estate promises material dividends to our fatherland. According to Andrey Gavrilov, "if this complex belonged to Russia, then the most unique, living Rachmaninov's house would have appeared."

The money would come back with a big profit. Master classes, concerts, recordings, seminars, tourists from all over the world - all this would quickly pay off any financial costs, - Izvestia's interlocutor is sure.

"Senar" is located in the village of Gertenstein on the shores of Lake Firwaldstet (Canton of Lucerne). The estate was acquired by Rakhmaninov in 1930, the next year the composer began the construction of a two-story house, laying out a garden and arranging a pier. The Rachmaninoff family moved to Senar by 1934 and remained there until the outbreak of World War II, when they moved to the United States.

Senar- the estate of the Russian composer Sergei Rachmaninov in Switzerland. Located in Hertenstein , Weggis , in the canton of Lucerne on the shores of Lake Vierwaldstet overlooking Mount Pilatus .

The villa consists of two houses, 10 hectares of land with a garden, a promenade and a pier.

The name of the villa "Senar" is made up of the first letters of the names of the Rakhmaninov spouses - Sergei and Natalya, as well as the first letter of the surname.

In the estate, Rachmaninov created one of his most famous and frequently performed works -.

The layout of the villa and the two-storey house-estate, for the nostalgic reasons of the emigrant, fully corresponded to the estate he left in Russia in Ivanovka (Tambov region), a similar garden was laid out with the same trees - apple trees, maples and chestnuts.

Rachmaninov expressed a desire to be buried in the Senar estate, however, with the outbreak of World War II, the composer moved to the United States, his death found him in California, and was buried near New York.

After the composer's death in 1943, the estate passed to his heirs, first to his second daughter Tatiana, and then to his grandson Alexander Rachmaninov (1933-2012), the founder of the S. V. Rachmaninov Foundation.

By 2013, the original furnishings, furniture, musical instruments, the Steinway grand piano, donated to the composer by V. Steinway, unique items of the cultural heritage of S. V. Rachmaninoff - diaries, notes, correspondence, archives have been preserved in the Senar estate.

Estate in the 21st century

After the death in early November 2012 of Alexander Rachmaninov, the grandson and sole heir of the composer, the relatives planned to put the Senar estate up for auction, followed by a sale in parts of the property and unique items of cultural heritage of S. V. Rachmaninov. According to A. Rachmaninov's will, the rights to the estate and all interior items, as well as the archive, piano and personal belongings of the composer should go to the S. V. Rachmaninov Foundation, it was headed by the widow of the last owner Natalia. At the same time, according to Swiss law, regardless of the will of the testator, 50% of the property of the deceased should be received by his children, whom Rachmaninov's grandson has four from previous marriages.

In these circumstances, the art director of the S.V. Rachmaninov Foundation, pianist Denis Matsuev raised the issue of buying the estate in favor of Russia for the establishment of the International Cultural Center - the composer's memorial museum, holding musical master classes, festivals and competitions before the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. The price of the issue, according to expert estimates, is approximately 18 million Swiss francs (630-650 million rubles in 2013 conversion). President Putin agreed to make efforts to implement this idea at the expense of extrabudgetary funds. Soon the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation found a buyer who was ready to spend his personal savings in favor of the state and in the future bear the costs of maintaining the villa. Having learned about the ambitious intentions of the Russian side, the relatives of the last owner of the estate conduct a new, fourth in a row, valuation of the property with the London experts of the Sotheby's auction in order to clarify the real value of the object, choose a sales scheme - wholesale or retail. The experts proved that in a holistic form "Senar" is of indisputable historical and museum value not only for Russia, but for the whole world.

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An excerpt characterizing Senar

Near Krasnoye they took twenty-six thousand prisoners, hundreds of cannons, some kind of stick, which they called the marshal's baton, and argued about who distinguished themselves there, and were pleased with this, but very much regretted that they had not taken Napoleon or at least some hero, marshal, and reproached each other for this, and especially Kutuzov.
These people, carried away by their passions, were blind executors of only the saddest law of necessity; but they considered themselves heroes and imagined that what they did was the most worthy and noble deed. They accused Kutuzov and said that from the very beginning of the campaign he prevented them from defeating Napoleon, that he only thought about satisfying his passions and did not want to leave the Linen Factories, because he was calm there; that he stopped the movement near Krasnoy only because, having learned about the presence of Napoleon, he was completely lost; that it can be assumed that he is in a conspiracy with Napoleon, that he is bribed by him, [Wilson's Notes. (Note by L.N. Tolstoy.)], etc., etc.
Not only did contemporaries, carried away by passions, say this, - posterity and history recognized Napoleon as grand, and Kutuzov: foreigners - a cunning, depraved, weak court old man; Russians - something indefinite - some kind of doll, useful only in their Russian name ...

In the 12th and 13th years, Kutuzov was directly accused of mistakes. The sovereign was dissatisfied with him. And in a story recently written by the highest command, it is said that Kutuzov was a cunning court liar who was afraid of the name of Napoleon and, with his mistakes near Krasnoye and near the Berezina, deprived the Russian troops of glory - a complete victory over the French. [History of 1812 by Bogdanovich: characterization of Kutuzov and discussion of the unsatisfactory results of the Krasnensky battles. (Note by L.N. Tolstoy.)]
Such is the fate not of great people, not grand homme, whom the Russian mind does not recognize, but the fate of those rare, always lonely people who, comprehending the will of Providence, subordinate their personal will to it. The hatred and contempt of the crowd punish these people for the enlightenment of higher laws.
For Russian historians - it is strange and terrible to say - Napoleon is the most insignificant instrument of history - never and nowhere, even in exile, did not show human dignity- Napoleon is an object of admiration and delight; he grand. Kutuzov, on the other hand, is the man who, from the beginning to the end of his activity in 1812, from Borodin to Vilna, never betraying himself with a single action, not a word, is an extraordinary example of history of self-denial and awareness in the present of the future meaning of an event, - Kutuzov seems to them something indefinite and pathetic, and, speaking of Kutuzov and the 12th year, they always seem to be a little ashamed.
Meanwhile, it's hard to imagine historical person whose activity would so invariably always be directed towards the same goal. It is difficult to imagine a goal more worthy and more in line with the will of the whole people. It is even more difficult to find another example in history where the goal set by a historical person would be so completely achieved as the goal towards which Kutuzov’s entire activity was directed in 1812.
Kutuzov never talked about the forty centuries that look from the pyramids, about the sacrifices that he brings to the fatherland, about what he intends to do or has done: he did not say anything at all about himself, did not play any role, always seemed to be the simplest and most ordinary person and said the most simple and ordinary things. He wrote letters to his daughters and m me Stael, read novels, loved society beautiful women, joked with generals, officers and soldiers and never contradicted those people who wanted to prove something to him. When Count Rostopchin on the Yauzsky Bridge galloped up to Kutuzov with personal reproaches about who was to blame for the death of Moscow, and said: “How did you promise not to leave Moscow without giving a battle?” - Kutuzov answered: "I will not leave Moscow without a fight," despite the fact that Moscow had already been abandoned. When Arakcheev, who came to him from the sovereign, said that Yermolov should be appointed head of artillery, Kutuzov replied: “Yes, I just said it myself,” although he said something completely different in a minute. What did it matter to him, who alone then understood the whole enormous meaning of the event, among the stupid crowd that surrounded him, what did he care about whether Count Rostopchin would attribute the disaster of the capital to himself or to him? Even less could he be interested in who would be appointed chief of artillery.
Not only in these cases, but incessantly this an old man having reached the experience of life to the conviction that the thoughts and words that serve as their expression are not the essence of people's engines, he spoke words that were completely meaningless - the first that came to his mind.
But this same man, who so neglected his words, never once in all his activity said a single word that would not be in accordance with that sole purpose, to the achievement of which he went during the whole war. Obviously, involuntarily, with a heavy certainty that they would not understand him, he repeatedly expressed his opinion in the most diverse circumstances. Starting from the Battle of Borodino, from which his discord with others began, he alone said that battle of Borodino there is a victory, and he repeated this verbally, and in reports, and reports until his death. He alone said that the loss of Moscow is not the loss of Russia. In response to Lauriston's proposal for peace, he replied that there could be no peace, because such was the will of the people; he alone, during the retreat of the French, said that all our maneuvers were not needed, that everything would become better by itself than we wished, that the enemy should be given a golden bridge, that neither Tarutino, nor Vyazemsky, nor Krasnensky battles were needed, what with what someday you need to come to the border, that for ten Frenchmen he will not give up one Russian.

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