Feeding kittens dry food. How and what to feed a cat so that the pet is healthy

Not much different from their relatives living in the wild. When deciding what to feed a cat, first of all, you need to proceed from the fact that this is a predator, and the most correct food for him is meat. In theory, an adult pet needs to be fed raw meat chicken or beef. However, given modern realities, one has to doubt that such food for a cat will be absolutely safe. Salmonella, worm eggs, all kinds of chemicals used to better preserve meat products are unlikely to benefit your pet. That is why it is recommended to pre-cook the meat.

Offal, such as chicken or beef liver, should also be included in the diet of an adult cat. This is an excellent source of vitamin A. Many owners feed their cats with fish, raw or boiled. I must say that in large quantities this product is not recommended to use. One or two times a week is enough. The fish is far from best food for cats, it promotes the formation of kidney stones.

Before feeding meat or fish to a cat, remove all bones from them to avoid injury. Fish or meat can be mixed with vegetables. This has a beneficial effect on the digestion of the animal. Carrots, all types of cabbage, green peas, germinated wheat grains are most suitable for this purpose. Beets, bananas, potatoes are not recommended. Vegetables must first be stewed or boiled.

Of course, such recommendations on how to feed a cat are very relative. Any animal knows better than the owner himself what nutrients he lacks. Therefore, if your cat is sensitive to vinaigrette or pumpkin puree, do not rush to take away the bowl from him. Thus, it makes up for the lack of vitamins and minerals.

Of course, cats belong to the family of mammals, but dairy products are not so necessary for an adult animal. Moreover, many purrs from cow's milk happen. Cottage cheese is useful for an animal, but not in large quantities. In order for your cat's diet to be varied, you can offer the animal low-fat sour cream, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, egg yolk,

When you get a purebred animal, the breeder tells you how to feed the cat. But each animal has its own character and its own eating habits. Therefore, after a closer acquaintance with the pet, the diet can be varied in accordance with his wishes.

The first question that arises for the owner of the animal: what to feed the cat - ready-made food or natural products? In this case, it is better for you to make a choice right away, since many owners notice that animals accustomed to Whiskas and Kitty Cat are very reluctant to switch to natural food.

The usefulness of granules made from technical fats is very doubtful. A professional feed pleasure is not the cheapest.
However, ready-made food has its big advantages. It does not need to be prepared, bags are convenient to store and take with you on the road. Thanks to the packaging, the portion size can be calculated without much difficulty.

Among the tips - how to feed a cat, you will not find recommendations to offer the animal food from the master's table. And this is no coincidence, since human food is not suitable for your pet. There are cats who will not refuse ham or smoked sausage, but this is no reason to indulge the animal and form unhealthy eating habits.

I would like to say a little about how to drink a cat. Tap water is equally harmful to people and animals. Mineral water without gas in the cat's diet is also an extra element. It promotes the formation of kidney stones. The best option- pure drinking water from a bottle or after filtration.

A healthy adult cat needs two feedings a day. Do not fall for the provocative meow of a pet. The cat reacts to the smell of food, but this does not mean that she is hungry. In addition, obeying instincts, the purr seeks to eat in reserve, in case there is no food tomorrow.

Kittens up to six months and nursing mothers should eat at least five times a day.
But older and obese animals will benefit from dietary restrictions. You can feed them once a day. If it is difficult for the animal to withstand such a regimen, offer him to eat more often, but reduce the portion. It is desirable to carry out at the same time. So the gastrointestinal tract of the animal will work better, and she herself will get used to the regimen and will not ask for handouts from the master's table.

How balanced and varied the cat's diet depends on its appearance, health, mood. Just like humans, animals need a complete set of nutrients. The diet should contain the elements necessary for the body: proteins, carbohydrates, animal and vegetable fat, vitamins, minerals.

In their natural habitat, cats eat mostly meat. Depending on their size and weight, they prey on large animals - zebras, antelopes, deer, or are content with rabbits, rodents, reptiles, birds, insects. The basis of their nutrition is animal protein, therefore, at home, the diet should be designed so that the cat receives it in sufficient quantities. The source of protein is meat, offal, cottage cheese. In addition to protein, animals need micro and macro elements and vitamins, which are provided by vegetables, fruits, cereals, ready-made vitamin complexes. When introducing vegetables and fruits into the cat's diet, it should be remembered that not all are suitable for animal nutrition, some contain toxic substances that can cause a sharp deterioration in health and even death.

What can you give a cat?

When choosing natural homemade food, you need to know what foods are acceptable for feeding the animal, as improper nutrition will lead to diseases and changes in behavior.

Ready-made dry food and canned food contain a balanced complex that guarantees optimal supply of the body with all the necessary substances. When preparing food for a pet on your own, it is not always possible to compose a menu in such a way that the necessary components are present in the diet. Having decided to feed the animal with natural food, it is worth supplementing the food with vitamin and mineral complexes designed specifically for cats.

List of foods acceptable for a cat's diet:

  • meat of chicken, rabbit, turkey, veal, beef - the basis of nutrition;
  • offal - lungs, liver, heart, kidneys can be used instead of meat several times a week;
  • vegetables (cauliflower and white cabbage, lettuce pepper, zucchini, pumpkin) are added to the meat at each feeding or 1 time per day;
  • porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice), given with meat or dairy products;
  • fermented milk products - cottage cheese, sour cream, fermented baked milk, kefir - can be consumed with cereals or as an independent food;
  • vegetable oil 2 - 4 times a week is added to porridge or meat for half a teaspoon for better bowel functioning;
  • chicken eggs (boiled yolk), quail (raw, boiled);
  • fruits, if the cat loves, you can give, but make sure that the animal does not eat bones and seeds;
  • vitamins, which include arachidonic acid, glucosamine, taurine, arginine.

You need to cook food in clean dishes, without adding salt, sugar, spices. It is unacceptable to feed a pet from dishes with the remnants of yesterday's food, bacteria that multiply in it will cause indigestion and vomiting.

Shorthair breeds

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Feeding regimen and food processing rules

An adult cat needs to be fed little and often, large portions are poorly digested, food that stagnates in the stomach causes discomfort to the animal. The optimal mode is 3-4 times a day in portions from 30 to 70 grams per 1 kg of animal weight. By observing the pet, the owner determines how much food he needs. If the cat ate quite a bit, do not force her to finish eating. It's better to make the portion smaller next time.

    Cat nutrition rules

    Nutrition for pregnant and lactating cats

    Often a cat preparing to become a mother refuses to eat or eats much less than before pregnancy. You don't have to force her. Appetite disappears for early term, as soon as the animal gets used to its position, you can return to the usual feeding regimen, gradually increasing portions. The expectant mother needs a lot of vegetables, herbs, cereals, vitamins A and B. They increase the amount of dairy products rich in calcium, whey is especially useful. The menu includes boiled beef cartilage, which contains a lot of vitamin D, which is necessary for kittens.

      A cat weakened by childbirth also often refuses to eat. No need to worry and try to feed her, as soon as postpartum stress passes, her appetite will return to normal. An additional amount of cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream is introduced into the diet of a nursing mother. To enhance lactation, the animal needs to drink plenty of fluids, pure water or whey.

      During pregnancy and childbirth, a cat spends a lot of internal reserves on bearing, giving birth and nursing kittens, so her body needs additional vitamins and minerals. In veterinary pharmacies, complex preparations are available, designed specifically for pregnant and lactating cats, their use will make it easier for the owner to optimally balance the pet's diet during a difficult period for the animal.

      Cat nutrition rules

      How to feed a spayed cat?

      A cat that does not happen is prone to many diseases, including cancer. It is better to sterilize a pet that is not intended for breeding in order to get rid of natural instincts. The body of a sterilized animal does not produce hormones responsible for the instinct of reproduction, it painlessly endures the absence of mating.

      Neutered cats put on weight, are more lazy, calm, inactive. Food for sterilized cats is expensive, you need to choose premium dry food or canned food. Available for overweight animals low calorie food with a minimum fat content. At home, food is limited by reducing portions, the number of feedings is left the same, the calorie content is reduced, giving less carbohydrate food (porridge) and fat (cream, butter).

      Prohibited Products

      There are a number of foods that limit or exclude from the cat menu. Some of them contain substances that are safe for humans, but toxic to cats.

      Never give cats food from the home table. It contains a lot of salt, sugar, spices, chemical additives, preservatives, dyes, flavors. Even if family members adhere healthy lifestyle life and eat environmentally friendly food, it harms pets.

      Many foods are forbidden to give a cat in any quantity:

  1. 1. Onions and garlic in any form cause hemolytic anemia.
  2. 2. Legumes (lentils, beans, peas, beans) are not absorbed by the body, cause fermentation.
  3. 3. Avocado - its oily structure attracts cats, but the persin contained in the vegetable is toxic to them and provokes irritation gastrointestinal tract, vomiting, diarrhea.
  4. 4. Rhubarb is dangerous because of oxalic acid poisoning, which can lead to kidney failure.
  5. 5. Seeds and seeds of fruits.
  6. 6. Mushrooms in any form lead to toxic shock.
  7. 7. Raw chicken eggs lead to a lack of vitamin B in the body, which negatively affects the condition of the skin and coat.
  8. 8. Duck, goose, pork, lard.
  9. 9. The tubular bones of a rabbit and a bird can damage the esophagus, stomach, and intestines.
  10. 10. Yeast dough, muffins, bread, homemade cakes, confectionery - cause flatulence, intestinal colic.
  11. 11. Dog food, especially for large breeds, is dangerous due to its high concentration of nutrients, it will provoke hypervitaminosis.
  12. 12. Vitamin complexes intended for people.
  13. 13. Sausages, sausages, smoked meats, hard cheeses, dry breakfasts, chips.

There is no need to worry if the pet accidentally ate something from the prohibited list, a single use will not be harmful, but regular feeding of inappropriate food will inevitably lead to health problems and even death of your beloved cat.

Especially dangerous for cats are beer and strong alcoholic drinks, chocolate, cocoa, coffee, strong tea. Even a single dose of a large dose of these products can lead to the death of the animal.

Recipes for cats

Cat food is made from fresh food using clean dishes. Leftover food is thrown out of the feeding bowl, the dishes are washed hot water. A few recipes for dishes for the cat menu:

  1. 1. Pour boiling water over chicken stomachs, heart, liver, pass through a meat grinder. Mix with rice or buckwheat porridge of a viscous consistency, add vegetables that the cat loves, cool to room temperature.
  2. 2. Cut chicken, turkey, rabbit meat into small pieces, mix with boiled vegetables and half a teaspoon of sunflower or olive oil.
  3. 3. Boil rice, mix with yolk chicken egg, boiled carrots, pieces of chicken meat (raw or boiled).
  4. 4. Boil the fillet of sea fish of low-fat varieties, chop, add greens and vegetables.
  5. 5. Cook oatmeal, mix with cottage cheese (kefir, sour cream).
  6. 6. You can make small cutlets from meat and vegetables, boil them for a few minutes, store in the refrigerator.
  7. 7. Offal pate: boil beef lungs, liver, heart, pass through a meat grinder, mix with boiled vegetables (carrots, cauliflower, sweet peppers). You can make a lot, divide into portions, place in the freezer. Add to hot porridge before feeding.

All dishes can be prepared in advance and stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days or in the freezer, defrosting as needed. Based on the proposed recipes, you can create a menu for a week and the pet will be provided with nutrients for full development and physical activity. Sour-milk drinks are given to the cat as the main meal, the source of fluid for the animal is clean water, which should always be available to him.

  • frequent colds
  • weight loss
  • flatulence
  • fatigue and hunger
  • headaches, as well as various pains and spasms in the internal organs especially!

If you have a pet, then you are definitely at risk!

If you have these symptoms, you just need cleanse the body. How to do it read here >>

If a fluffy and mustachioed pet has appeared in your house, then your desire to make her stay in your family as comfortable and long as possible is quite natural.

Per long years domestication, these animals, although they have become much closer to humans, have not changed many of their habits, they, as before, like to sharpen their claws on your favorite sofa or climb the mezzanines, as if they were trees, but the most important thing is, of course, the diet.

Cats, for all their softness and fluffiness, remain predators that need a certain range of foods that they would receive if they lived and hunted on the street.

In order for your pet to grow and develop harmoniously, not get sick and always delight you with its shiny coat, it is very important to know what you can and cannot feed. purebred cat. And even if your Muska or Dymka was picked up on the street and her breed is nothing more than a “yard ordinary”, she will still need a balanced diet, to say nothing of picky thoroughbred creatures.

So, for example, many newly-made owners are completely unaware of how to properly feed their pet and manage exclusively by feeding dry ready-made food, while others do not bother at all and feed the pet, “so to speak”, from the table, which is fundamentally wrong.

Of course, it is up to you to decide how to treat your pet, but if you wish her a long and happy life, it is better to figure out how to do it right. Nature has laid down that felines have always been engaged in hunting: they caught rats, mice, small birds and other mammals, which, by the way, were swallowed whole.

Thanks to this method of nutrition, they provided themselves with all the necessary components; naturally, it would not be possible to achieve the same effect at home, but it’s still worth trying. The two most common types of food for domestic cats are feeding with natural products or feeding with prepared foods. What is the way to choose?

Feeding prepared foods

Naturally, industrial feeds, which can always be purchased at the store, are more convenient and easier to use, they will not require any effort from you: just buy and pour into a bowl, no cooking and dirty dishes.

If you decide to follow this path, then you should know that you can’t save money here: in order for the cat to receive a complete and balanced diet that will not harm her health, it is necessary to use only premium quality food. They can be in the form of dry food or "wet" cans, usually they include Royal Canin, Hills, Nutra Gold, Iams, most often they are sold in specialty stores.

In such lines, there are always special foods for kittens, as well as specialized diets for pregnant cats or neutered cats. If you use industrial feed, it is very important to select them according to the weight, age, and sometimes physiological characteristics of your pet.

It is absolutely not recommended to give various advertised and, in comparison with premium lines, cheap food to cats, as they increase the risk of developing various serious diseases, such as urolithiasis or joint problems.

The fact is that such cheap feeds (Kitty Cat, Whiskas, Friskas, etc.) use an excessive amount of flavors and mineral salts, and instead of meat or high-quality offal, ground bones, skin and feathers are used.

Therefore, if you feed your pet with ready-made food, do not save money, because, by doing so, you undermine his health. When feeding dry food, make sure your kitty always has access to fresh and clean water for regular drinking, otherwise she may face dehydration.

Remember that prepared food should not be mixed with natural food, as some furry owners sometimes like to do. The fact is that with the regular use of ready-made canned food, the animal forms a certain mode of operation of the stomach, the production of gastric juice and enzymes necessary for digestion.

Feeding with natural food

Naturally, the most correct and useful option is natural nutrition, that is, the preparation of special food for your pet from natural products. The diet of such an animal should consist of animal and vegetable food, but, as it turned out, not all of it is good for cats.

The most important thing is that the food is as varied as possible, it is necessary to accustom the cat to various products from childhood, then it will be too late. Do not teach handouts from the table, not only will they be harmful to your pet in most cases, but you also risk growing a beggar.

Smoked meats and pickles, spicy and spicy foods, sweets and starchy foods are contraindicated for cats and cats, do not give any bones, especially chicken bones, as they can damage the animal's stomach. Remember that such pets need fresh grass, from which they get the missing trace elements, and also use it to effectively cleanse the stomach of hair.

It can be sown directly in pots or purchased already grown in a pet store. And one more thing: if you feed a cat with natural products, then be sure to include specialized vitamin complexes in her diet, you can’t do without them.

So, let's start, of course, with meat. It should be the most in the animal's diet, but there are exceptions here too. Poultry or beef is best, but pork is too fatty, so it is better not to give it to an animal. Fish, despite the fact that it is considered the favorite food of cats, should rarely appear in the diet, no more than 1-2 times a week, and always boiled or stewed.

It is not recommended to feed domestic cats with raw fish. Dairy products come next: milk, adult cats, most often, are ignored, and if they drink, then they can suffer from indigestion - because of. But for kittens, milk is necessary, although sometimes adult cats drink it absolutely normally, without any consequences. Milk can be replaced with fermented milk products: kefir, cottage cheese, sometimes sour cream and cheese.

Do not forget about vegetables and cereals, they are simply necessary for a balanced diet of your pet!

It is best to cook cereals in milk, water or broth; it is recommended to avoid oatmeal, rice, and legumes from cereals. Potatoes are not digestible in cats, but beets and carrots are always welcome. This also includes zucchini and cabbage, cucumbers, sometimes even melons.

Do not forget to treat your handsome man with an egg once a week - raw or boiled, it already depends on the personal preference of the animal. All products must be processed before serving, some vegetables can be given raw, salt is not added.

Try to find the best diet for your pet.

If a four-legged friend has appeared in the family, the owners must know how to take care of him so that the animal remains healthy and cheerful. Otherwise, it is better to postpone the replenishment. The appearance of a cat in the house entails a great responsibility, it is important to properly adjust the pet's diet, to eliminate the risk of developing dangerous diseases.

What to feed a cat

It is customary to believe that such a pet already traditionally loves fish, milk, meat. In fact, the cat's diet is somewhat more diverse, it excludes beriberi and the appearance of its unpleasant symptoms. Individual nutritional characteristics depend on the breed of the animal. The question of what to feed a cat will be correctly addressed to a knowledgeable veterinarian, while not violating his prescriptions. Nutrition can be natural, artificial or mixed, and in the latter case we are talking about a combination of healthy food from the human table with elite feed the best manufacturers.

How many times a day to feed a cat

Exist certain rules, which every breeder must comply with to maintain the health, cheerfulness of his four-legged friend. For example, how many times a day to feed a cat correctly so that the animal does not remain hungry, does not overeat. The best option is in the morning and evening, while monitoring the volume of single servings. Cats that lead an active lifestyle may not be full, but for true "couch potatoes" such a feeding schedule is ideal.

What food is best for cats

Feeding canned and dry food is very convenient, so in modern world is preferred by breeders. Such dishes do not need to be pre-cooked, and they contain valuable microelements and minerals necessary for a pet. The question immediately arises, which food is better for cats - dry or still canned. Both options have their advantages and significant disadvantages.

Wet food contains 85% moisture, is a perishable product and, if opened, if stored improperly, can be the main cause of pet poisoning. However, the presence of sealed packaging eliminates damage to the sealed product, the formation of mold, and putrefactive processes. Given all these nuances, breeders choose dry food, which is less troublesome in everyday use and storage.

Dry food for cats

When choosing healthy eating the breeder will have to familiarize himself with an extensive range of products and flavors. On the free market there are dry food for cats with the aroma of chicken, beef, fish, turkey, rabbit, pork, liver. Even assorted vegetables are very popular with cats. To improve the digestion of a four-legged friend, cereals are often added to dry food. The idea is not bad, but before buying it will be correct to study the composition for the presence of harmful components, preservatives, synthetic flavors.

Natural food for cats

Representatives of the British, Bengal breed, being the heirs of their elite parents, can be accustomed to natural food from the human table. This results in both health benefits for the animal and savings for some breeders. This also applies to representatives of other elite breeds that require special care. Natural food for cats implies such obligatory components of the daily menu:

  • meat, offal;
  • seafood, fish of certain varieties;
  • eggs, dairy products;
  • cereals and vegetables.

How much feed do you need per day - table

The intake of protein, fats and carbohydrates in the animal body must be balanced, uniform and regulated. Therefore, it is correct to determine in advance the daily portions of food, stick to the chosen option, do not overfeed your beloved pet, but also do not leave him hungry until the evening. disease is the determining factor, age features, the presence of pregnancy or previous castration. Below is a table that describes how much food a cat needs per day so that the animal eats properly, does not starve, does not overeat.

Age of the cat

Daily portion, grams

Subject to pregnancy

Subject to castration

In the presence of chronic diseases

3-6 months

6-9 months

9-12 months

Double the single dose

Determine individually with the veterinarian, based on the nature of the pathology.

1 year (up to 4 kg)

Double the single dose

1-3 years (4-5 kg)

8 years (5 kg or more)

Dry food per day

It is necessary to determine the allowable doses of cat food per day by the age and weight of the pet. If kittens have enough to eat, 70-100 grams per day, then the norm of dry food for adult cats per day is 250-300 grams. This is not the limit: it all depends on the age, the approximate daily menu, its diversity. Eat right useful products, therefore, in addition to dry food, give preference to ordinary food from the table.

How much wet food do you need per day

With a pet weighing 2-3 kg, it is necessary to give 35 grams of dry food and one bag of canned food. When a cat weighs between 3-5 kg, the norms of dry and wet food increase to 50 grams and 1.5 sachets. If you are wondering how much wet food a cat needs per day weighing 5-7 kg, the answer is simple - 60 grams of dry food and 2 bags (pouches) of canned food. If you eat a varied menu, you can feed your four-legged friend to the category of "eat and sleep."

Feeding with natural food - menu

Many breeders give preference only to a natural woman, they try to cook food for their four-legged friend on their own. This is an alternative to expensive premium food that professional breeders use in the cat's diet. Feeding a cat natural food is more tiring and troublesome, but beneficial to the health of the animal. Food should be protein, contain valuable trace elements, minerals for the growth of wool and teeth, strengthen bone structures. Proper nutrition for a cat provides for the following food ingredients in the daily menu:

  1. Protein foods of animal origin: beef, poultry, offal.
  2. Plant foods: cereals, bran, sprouted oats, vegetables.
  3. Dairy products: cream, sour cream, milk, eggs, low-fat cheeses.

What cereals can be given

If the animal is sick, the answer to the question of how to properly feed the cat is better to look for at the veterinarian's appointment. In such a clinical picture, nutrition should be different medicinal properties, enrich the body with valuable vitamins, regardless of breed. It is much easier to feed a healthy pet, but it is right to find out in advance which cereals can be given to cats, and which it is better to refuse to take immediately.

Approved for use by pets of the Maine Coon, Briton, Scot and not only rice, oatmeal, buckwheat and corn grits. But it is better to refuse barley, peas and wheat porridge right away. It is desirable to cook these cereals on meat or chicken broth otherwise the cat may simply not like the proposed dish. If possible, for greater appetite, add pieces of meat 1-2 cm in size.

What vegetables can be given

When figuring out whether it is possible to feed a cat only dry food, it is important not to forget that the diet should not only be balanced, but also varied. Therefore, the simultaneous combination of feed and natural food does not harm if you choose the right ingredients and determine the allowable doses. Vegetables can be given to a cat in limited quantities and not all. For example, carrots, broccoli, zucchini, melon, cucumbers, celery are allowed. It is not correct to completely transfer living creatures to such a vegetarian menu, since the allowable dose of vegetables is no more than 10% in the daily diet.

What kind of meat to feed a cat

This is an important component of the daily diet of a four-legged friend. When answering the question of how to properly feed a cat, meat products are the basis, since they enrich the animal body with vital protein, strengthen muscle mass provides a complete supply of vitamins. The main thing is to correctly determine the variety, prepare the dish.

So, it is forbidden to feed a cat with fatty meat, so it is better to immediately refuse to buy pork and lamb. The best option is beef, chicken and turkey, the use of offal is not prohibited. The method of heat treatment is boiling in order to exclude excessive intake of fat into the animal body. If you feed your pet correctly and in a timely manner, health problems will not arise.

What to feed a kitten

The first weeks of life are very important for a small kitten, because during this period taste preferences are formed, the work of the digestive organs is normalized. Therefore, it is very important with the question of how to properly feed a young cat or cat, it is better to immediately contact a veterinarian. Especially useful are fortified feeds according to the age category of the pet.

If you feed a kitten with such store products, it is important to understand that over time it will hardly be possible to transfer it to food from a common table. In order for the animal to quickly gain weight, while not “earning” chronic kidney diseases, it is better to cook natural, healthy food for the younger generation on your own. It is important to periodically change the diet, thus strengthening the immune system and systemic digestion.

What to feed a pregnant cat

Proper nutrition of cats when carrying kittens is the key to the impeccable health of future offspring. Since during this period the animal becomes especially picky about food, it is better to transfer it to elite dry food, specially designed for expectant mothers. Such nutrition of a pregnant cat will make up for the deficiency of vitamins, strengthen the body, prepare it for the upcoming labor activity, while preventing the animal from gaining much weight. You can cook food yourself, but give preference to lean meats and fish, steamed, boiled.

How to feed a spayed cat

It doesn't matter, it scottish fold or scottish straight, or in general the Siberian, Scottish or Thai breed, it is important to treat the daily nutrition of a sterilized cat with special responsibility, especially the first days after the operation. Choose industrial feed with special labeling. However, veterinarians do not exclude natural nutrition, which should be properly composed of boiled fish, lean meat. The presence of cereals and vegetables to feed the cat is appropriate only in minimal doses.

How to feed a neutered cat

After the operation, nutrition must be balanced in order to restore the animal's resource. There are several options for how to feed a cat after castration, but it is recommended to focus on changing the volume of daily portions. Immediately after the operation, each meal should be halved, while regularly arranging fasting days. If the cat will eat a full portion, do not give supplements, it is better to increase the daily number of meals. The basis of the diet is young boiled beef, sour-milk products.

What to feed a cat with urolithiasis

It will be right to switch to healthy food, to exclude the presence of preservatives in the diet. The daily diet of cats with urolithiasis is meat and fish of lean varieties, seafood, offal, dairy products. It is right for a sick animal to give more liquid so that the stones come out naturally without additional operation.

What to feed an old cat

At this age, the pet already has its own taste preferences, which are not recommended to be violated. Only advice: feed old cat products of elite manufacturers or natural food rich in vitamins. The benefits for the animal organism will be obvious. The daily feeding of older cats and the correct diet variety will be further discussed with a specialist.

What to feed a lactating cat

It is desirable to give preference to the Holistic brand, which offers high quality products at an affordable price. It is very important to feed a lactating cat with healthy ingredients so that she can feed the next generation. You can cook on your own, but preferably steamed and do not forget about the benefits of dairy products during lactation.

What to feed a cat after intestinal surgery

After such a surgical intervention, it is correct to put the four-legged patient on a therapeutic diet. The first day will be unloading, since it is desirable to have no bowel movements. In the future, it is recommended to feed the cat after an operation on the intestines with stewed or boiled vegetables, meat or vegetable broth, marine fish species in a steamed way. Be sure to give water, temporarily avoid the presence of dairy products in the diet.

What not to feed

A fat animal is not always a healthy animal. It is very important to know what not to feed cats, so as not to inadvertently harm the health of your four-legged friend. Forbidden foods are semi-finished products and questionable preservatives, pickles and mushrooms, chocolate and spirits, chicken bones and lard, potatoes and bread. It is important to learn in detail how to feed properly domestic cat so as not to risk the health of your pet.



Cats are known to be pickier eaters than dogs. This is because they have more taste nerves. Therefore, to please an adult cat is not as easy as it seems. Cats are conservative by nature, and very rarely change their habits. Teach them to eat healthy vegetables and herbs are needed from infancy, adding them to cereals.

Cats need more meat than dogs. And her diet for the most part should consist of protein foods. A cat needs meat every day, several times a week it can be replaced with low-fat fish (cod, hake, pollock, carp). Sea fish must be scalded with boiling water, and river fish must be boiled for a couple of minutes to get rid of the risk of infection with helminths. Because of the fish, the smell of urine may change in a cat - it becomes sharper; and cats can develop urolithiasis. It is better to give fish along with bones, entrails and scales, after grinding it in a meat grinder. It contains iodine, phosphorus, calcium, which keep cats in shape.

The cat needs raw meat. Cut a piece of beef, veal, lean chicken, lamb or horse meat into small pieces. Then scald them with boiling water if you are not sure of their quality (in the absence of helminths) and mix with the main meal. Pork meat should not be given to a cat, it is too fatty for the animal body. But offal can sometimes be offered, they contain vitamins of group B, vitamin A and H. Meat with tendons for a cat will be more useful than the muscular part. It contains collagen, glutin, gelatin - they help the stomach digest food, stimulating juice secretion. A little animal fat does not hurt a cat either.

Protein is also found in legumes (peas, beans, beans), but your cat needs animal protein. And even if your pet eats beans with pleasure, you should not get carried away with them. Vegetable protein is poorly digested by predatory animals, their intestines are adapted to digest only animal protein.

Some butchers sell tracheae, lungs, or animal tripes. They are also considered tidbits for cats. They contain a lot digestive enzymes and they are well absorbed. But do not get carried away with them, from them the animal can quickly gain weight.

Vegetables and herbs must be included in your pet's diet. They are a source of many vitamins and minerals. But many cats do not like to eat them. In this case, it is worth contriving and adding finely chopped vegetables to your favorite food.
there are cats that are happy to eat cucumbers, they can gnaw them fresh. Some cats do not miss the opportunity to eat raw potatoes. Remember that beetroot relaxes the intestines, it will be useful for constipation. Fresh cabbage puffs up the stomach, and the cat will feel discomfort. It can be added a little when cooking cereals. Zucchini is also worth boiling. Carrots can be finely grated, seasoned with sour cream or butter and given to the cat in this form. If she does not eat it fresh, add it to the porridge. You can also add spinach, dill or parsley to the porridge. They have an antioxidant effect.

Green fresh grass is also good for the cat's stomach. It contains some essential vitamins and is also a natural "stomach cleanser" for hair. Rough grass causes vomiting in the stomach, thereby cleansing it.

Do not forget about vitamins and minerals. They are necessary on a natural diet, because not all vitamins can be absorbed from foods. It is useful to give a cat fish oil, it is sold in pet stores. Add it to fish porridge.

If you don’t want to prepare your cat’s food separately, then there is an option to switch it to dry industrial food. Today, the range of foods is so wide that you can easily choose the one that suits your cat. In dry food, the composition is already balanced, and you do not need to add vitamins and other products there. But there should always be water next to a bowl of industrial food.

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