Tickets for Christmas ballet gala concert. Ballet-gala: where to see the stars of the first magnitude Why you should go

Already traditional performances Christmas Ballet Gala 2017 on the eve of new year holidays liked the residents of Moscow and guests of the capital. The concert, taking place on the main stage of the capital, brings together leading ballet dancers from all over the world. They demonstrate their unsurpassed skill and the beauty of choreographic ballet performances created by outstanding choreographers of the world. The beginning of the established tradition was laid by a ballet evening, held for the first time in 2015. The concerts that took place over the next 2 years confirmed the popularity of such events among the audience. A grandiose concert of ballet masters will take place this year as well.

The forthcoming concert program promises not to let down the expectations of the spectators tempted by this art. They will again expect performances by world stars who will demonstrate real masterpieces of ballet on stage. The staging of the concert is directed by A. Liepa, a world-famous ballet dancer. Hurry up, become a witness of this grandiose concert, get Christmas ballet gala tickets which will take place on the main concert venue countries.

Ballet is an elitist art: however, mere mortals can appreciate the beauty of ballet steps and complex choreography. made its own rating of those who today create the history of Russian ballet, and also found out where you can meet with dance the highest level in the very near future.

Maria Alexandrova

The most famous ballerina Bolshoi Theater, while still a student she won in international competition ballet dancers in Moscow, and left the corps de ballet of the Bolshoi, without having time to really work in it. Despite the unequivocal success, Maria Alexandrova is accused of excessive sportiness, lack of sophistication. Her heroines are always strong not only in spirit, but also in body. The images of Odile in "Swan Lake", Aspicia in "The Pharaoh's Daughter", Juliet, however, are original and memorable. Aleksandrova calls sincerity her main advantage, assures that it can be missed in life, but on the stage “you can’t miss it.” And in every interview, the ballerina confesses her love to her alma mater - the Bolshoi Theater.
On December 19, Maria Alexandrova can be seen in the Kremlin at a gala concert. The prima of the Bolshoi promises to dance the three most famous performances from Diaghilev's Russian Seasons - "Petrushka", "Firebird" and "Bolero". By the way, all the tickets for the premiere of The Firebird in Paris in March of this year were sold out.
And one more important detail - for the first time in the history of ballet, a woman dances Petrushka, before Alexandrova, Vatslav Nijinsky, Rudolf Nureyev, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Andris Liepa encroached on this image.
“This image corresponds to my condition: we are all puppets in someone's hands. At the same time, Petrushka fairy tale character, very Russian, not thoughtless, but tragic. And it's not male image. According to the plot, I should become a doll, and the doll is a sexless creature.

« Prima Maria Alexandrova”, December 19, 19.00, State Kremlin Palace

Uliana Lopatkina

Ballet-gala: where to see. Source: Ballet-gala: where to see.

Prima ballerina Mariinsky Theater, was treated kindly by critics all over the world: it was once said about her Odette-Odile: “a new line is inscribed in the history of Russian ballet”, she herself earned the title “treasure of the world dance” and “Divine”. To date, Lopatkina has received all ballet prizes existing in Russia. The ballerina danced Raymond, Sleeping Beauty, Swan Lake”, “La Bayadere” ... as well as all the classics of the twentieth century. She loves to experiment, constantly expanding her repertoire. For example, Uliana Lopatkina is a ballerina who decided to dance the parts of Plisetskaya in Carmen and The Death of the Rose. At the same time, she did not remain in the shadow of her great colleague: she contrasted her images with freedom-loving passionate heroines of Plisetskaya: fragile, Christian, touchingly tender.

The ballerina has repeatedly admitted that it is very important for her that the viewer “breaks away from her everyday problems and at least thinks a little about something else - love, sacrifice, friendship...”.

In December, all Muscovites have unique opportunity to see Lopatkina at the "Christmas Ball". To the program festive evening included masterpieces of world choreography. To help Lopatkina to delight the audience will be the stars of the world of ballet, united in one team - the Dream Team.

Maya Plisetskaya

Ballet-gala: where to see. Source: Ballet-gala: where to see.

The great ballerina (she is also a choreographer, actress, writer), having once danced Odette-Odile in Swan Lake, entered the history of Russian ballet forever. After this masterpiece, critics called Plisetskaya "reified music", she became a symbol of Russian culture, the planet was named after her. Plisetskaya acted in films and wrote a book translated into 11 languages ​​and republished several times in Russia.

The French ballet critic Andre Philippe Ersen believes that three words are enough to characterize Plisetskaya's work - "genius", "courage", "avant-garde". Her dance style is still unreproducible by modern ballerinas: a big step, a high jump, jewelry made rotations, and, of course, temperament. Plisetskaya never followed traditions and prescriptions: in dance, as in life, she was looking for herself. “Actually, I think that you should dance with your whole body. Everything is involved in the dance - legs, body, head, and, of course, hands, ”said the ballerina in an interview.

In December, Maya Plisetskaya will come out to her fans at MAMT - a gala concert of world ballet stars dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the legendary ballerina will take place on the famous stage. Ballet lovers will be shown excerpts from documentary film"Ave Maya", scenes from ballets, as well as new numbers specially staged for this evening. Among those who will dance in honor of Maya: Nikolai Tsiskaridze, Ilze Liepa, Maria Alexandrova, Andrey Merkuriev, Evgenia Obraztsova, Vladimir Shklyarov and others. Among other things, Maya Mikhailovna Plisetskaya's new book "Reading Your Life" will be presented this evening.

Ilze Liepa

Ballet-gala: where to see. Source: Ballet-gala: where to see.

The world-famous artist, belonging to the ballet dynasty, Ilze Liepa has been and remains an icon of Russian ballet. Fragile, almost weightless, this ballerina, who was not immediately loved. After graduating from the Moscow Academic Choreographic School, she was not taken to the troupe of the Bolshoi Theater for a long time. She was able to get there only at the cost of leaving the theater of her father, Maris Liepa. Everyone who knows Ilze personally claims that she is a strong and strong-willed person with her own view of the world and universally recognized values. She loves a demanding audience, and believes that ballet is a profession that teaches you to give back. Best of all, Ilse succeeds characteristic roles: she earned her fame by dancing in Don Quixote, Raymond, Romeo and Juliet, and the Queen of Spades. Ballet dancers admired Ilze in the Russian Seasons of the 21st Century project: she was the soloist in the ballets Scheherazade, Blue God, Bolero.

You can see her on stage by buying a ticket for the benefit performance of Nikolai Tsiskaridze, which will take place on December 12. Ilze will dance with the hero of the occasion. Producer colorful show the brother of the ballerina Andris Liepa and Yegor Druzhinin performed.

« Nikolai Tsiskaridze among friends”, December 12, 19.00, Barvikha Luxury Village

    It is an international project that presents annual concerts in world capitals, gathering the best artists on the same stage. The project, the idea of ​​which originated in Russia and was supported abroad, was founded in 1993. and today it does not have ... ... Wikipedia

    Ex. choreography Dictionary of Russian synonyms. Context 5.0 Informatics. 2012. ballet n., number of synonyms: 6 gala ballet (1) ... Synonym dictionary

    BALLET AND DANCE- to the cinema. The first attempts to capture dance on film were made at the dawn of cinema. As early as 1894, T. A. Edison filmed the film Dance of the Snake on a kinetoscope, and in 1899, J. Méliès captured a fragment from the ballet Cinderella. Attempts to include dance in ... ... Cinema: Encyclopedic Dictionary

    This term has other meanings, see Don Quixote (meanings). Don Quixote Don Quixote Composer Ludwig Minkus E. Napravnik, A. Simon, Zhelobinsky ... Wikipedia

    This article is about the ballet set to music by Caesar Pugni. For the musical dance form of the same name, see Pas de Quatre. Charlotte Grisi, M. Taglioni, Lucille Grand and Fanny Cerrito on the Chalon lithograph ... Wikipedia

    Stella (Astro Ballet) Astro Ballet ... Wikipedia

    performance-gala- spectacle gala. Solemn theatrical performance. Arkadiev 1900. When successfully passed what n. ceremonial performance, gala performance or Hermitage performance, the minister was especially pleased. Telyakovsky 69. The next day, for the allied army was arranged ... ... Historical dictionary gallicisms of the Russian language

    Kremlin Gala Ballet stars of the 21st century (eng. Kremlin Gala Ballet stars of the 21st Century) One of the brightest world ballet projects “Kremlin Gala. Ballet Stars of the 21st Century ”will be presented for the third time in Moscow at the State ... ... Wikipedia

    Dance Open annual international festival ballet, founded in 2001 in Saint Petersburg. Every year, dancers from various ballet troupes of the world take part in it: Paris Opera Ballet, Stuttgart Ballet, National Theater operas and ... ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Owl (meanings). Would you like to improve this article?: Wikify the article ... Wikipedia

March 26 on New stage The State Academic Bolshoi Theater of Russia will host a gala concert IV All-Russian competition young performers "Russian Ballet". Founders of the Competition - Ministry of Culture Russian Federation and President of the Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives Svetlana Medvedeva, who is also the chairman of the competition's organizing committee.

The goal of the Russian Ballet competition is to support young beginners Russian performers. 34 participants from 11 regions took part in the correspondence regional selection, but the members of the Organizing Committee of the competition allowed 27 of them to the finals, they will compete for prizes.

This year there have been changes in the rules of the competition. Instead of three prizes, the jury will have to determine the winners of the first, second and third degrees in the nomination " classical dance' both among boys and girls. The winner of the main prize of the competition - the Grand Prix - will receive a statuette by the sculptor Olga Gorbacheva and the right to undergo an internship in ballet troupe one of the four leading theaters in Moscow or St. Petersburg. In addition, the Fund for Social and Cultural Initiatives established cash prizes for choreographic schools, whose representatives will take prizes.

The members of the jury of the competition were folk artists of Russia Diana Vishneva and Marina Leonova, People's Artists of the USSR Mikhail Lavrovsky and Vyacheslav Gordeev, National artist Russian Boris Eifman and others famous masters dance. The jury of the competition will be headed by the outstanding choreographer, People's Artist of the USSR Yury Grigorovich.

You have the opportunity to watch the online broadcast of the beauty of the dance performed by future world-famous ballet stars! We are waiting for you on our website on March 26 at 18:00!

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