The strangest rules of conduct in different countries. The strangest traffic rules around the world

Friends, the vacation period is already in full swing, and if you are going to go on vacation abroad, I advise you to be sure to familiarize yourself with the list of unusual rules and laws in various countries and cities of the world. Next, you will learn a few strange and interesting facts that every tourist who goes on vacation must know.

Feeding pigeons in Piazza San Marco is punishable by a fine. A large population of birds after a plentiful and continuous meal greatly spoils historical monuments.
Who would have thought that in Venice you would not even be able to feed the birds?

Tourists in Canada will have to most time to listen to Justin Bieber or Celine Dion - local radio stations are required to give 35 percent of their airtime to national performers.
But we are still not going to Canada to listen to the radio, right?

In Denmark, before starting the engine, it is necessary to look under the car and check if there are any children there. You should also always have a blanket with you. If the horse pulling the cart is frightened by a passing car, the driver must pull over to the side of the road, stop and cover it.
It's so cute! And strange..

Be careful with chewing gum in Singapore! You can carry it in your pocket, but you can't chew it.

Driving in flip-flops on the roads of Spain is a criminal offence.
I wonder what incident was the reason for the introduction of such a severe punishment for "wearing beach shoes" while driving?

In Germany, a motorist needs to be as focused and prudent as possible. If, while driving on the autobahn, the tank runs out of gas, the driver has already violated the law, and if he has walked along the road, twice.
Perhaps there in the traffic rules and the commandment is introduced: "refuel prematurely and you will not be punished." Will have to read.

In Japan, the birthplace of sumo, obesity is legally prohibited. The maximum waist for men 40 and older should be 80 centimeters. Violators are put on a strict diet.
It is strange that this law does not apply to women. The more of them, the better?

Incredibly delicious durian is forbidden to bring in public places(buses, metro, hotels and airports) in several countries at once - Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.
It may be delicious, but it's a little hallucinogenic. Here legislators can be understood!

The museum country of Greece forbids high-heeled shoes from entering historical sites such as the Acropolis of Athens. Women in combat uniforms destroy priceless archaeological sites while walking.
Are there really those who deliberately trample into the Acropolis on their heels?

On the longest urban beach in the world - Virginia Beach - since the 1990s, it has been forbidden to use foul language.
But it is not clear who and how is monitoring this?

Men with perennial facial hair should stay away from Eureka County american state Nevada. You will definitely want to kiss some beauty, and this is prohibited by law. If you want to kiss, shave off your mustache.
Bearded men, have you heard? Not a foot in Eureka County!

In Switzerland, it is better to refuse dinner and even evening tea. It is forbidden to flush the toilet in apartment buildings at night - you can wake up the neighbors.
But what about the ubiquitous "impatient"?

Spitting is condemned by the public in many countries of the world, but in Barcelona you can pay a fine of 120 euros for this.
"Pay" for spitting - that's interesting!

In puritanical France, men are allowed into the water of public pools only in loose trousers. Tight-fitting swimming trunks seem too defiant to the French.

To follow them is to look in the eyes of others at best an eccentric, at worst - ignorant

Pietro Longhi, Fainting, circa 1744. wikimedia

A man who eats lying down, blows his nose on the tablecloth and forces latecomers to drink the penalty box at all costs will be considered ill-mannered today. But there were times when this was considered in the order of things.

Lose feelings at the slightest excitement

“Here she turned deathly pale and fell unconscious” - how many similar phrases are found in European and Russian literature of past centuries! And it would be nice if we were talking about the times when young ladies wore tightly laced corsets, which can really lead to hypoxia and loss of consciousness. However, corsets either came into fashion or went out of it, and women's fainting spells did not lose popularity. Beauties fell unconscious in any unpleasant or incomprehensible situation - this allowed them to look fragile and helpless. If, having received unwanted news or being in a delicate position, the lady did not sink, rolling her eyes, into the nearest easy chair, she could be considered callous, soulless and poorly educated.

Eat food lying on your left side and throw leftovers on the floor

Why on the left? Yes, so that the right hand is free - otherwise how to take food. In addition, the stomach is on the left. This is exactly how the ancient Greeks reasoned, laying down before the feast on special seats-beds - apoclintra, equipped in such a way that the feasting could remain motionless. Apoclintra shifted with the letter P; slaves approached from the free side with small tables laden with refreshments. The noble Greeks ate with their hands, and threw the leftovers on the ground - then the slaves would clean up.

The last tradition existed for a long time. For example, medieval knights and nobility successfully sent gnawed bones and other scraps under the tables. What the dogs didn't eat was then taken away by the servants.

Wipe your hands on the tablecloth

In fact, the tablecloth was originally invented just for this purpose - and was thought of as something like a large napkin. Not about clothes, in fact, to wipe your hands with which you just held a piece of lamb oozing fat! For this there is a tablecloth. By the way, blowing your nose into it is also more convenient than, say, into the hem of a dress. Both courageous medieval knights and their lovely ladies- they all wiped their hands on the tablecloth, because that was the custom.

closer to XIII century beautiful embroidered napkins began to be laid out on the tables. But they lay for beauty - or were used to wrap food in them and take them home. This was also considered good manners. By the way, in the Middle Ages, many guests came with their own spoons, which were real works of art. Or they did without them - for example, soups and sauces were sipped directly from the dishes.

Make you drink a penalty box

And this rule has not completely outlived itself yet - but, fortunately, decent people try not to follow it. In Russia, this custom was introduced into use under an enlightened monarch PetreI. Yes, introducing the rules of etiquette at his court, the tsar initially pursued good goals - so that the gentlemen of the boyars would not publicly spit and delve into their noses - however, over time, he became somewhat carried away. So, latecomers to the ball assembly - including ladies - were supposed to drink the "Big Eagle": a cup with a capacity of one and a half liters, filled with strong wine or vodka. Once the tsar did not want to release the pregnant noblewoman from this rule. Olsufiev despite her pleas. A few hours later, she gave birth to a dead baby.

Challenge the offender to a duel

How to respond to someone who offended your honor if you are, say, a Russian nobleman early XIX century? Of course, challenge the scoundrel to a duel! This, however, applies only to scoundrels equal to you in position. It is not a sin to endure an insult from the king, you can complain about a peasant or a merchant to the police, and you should call your brother a nobleman insultingly and entrust it to your seconds.

If you yourself have been challenged to a duel, do not hesitate to refuse! Better to be shot than to be dishonored!

The man follows the left side of the lady

Today, this rule of etiquette seems like nonsense. But this is not nonsense - after all, the man himself has a sword on his left side! If a woman goes to the left, she will be terribly uncomfortable. More precisely, it would be - in time immemorial.

Later, when men stopped carrying edged weapons on their left side, another rule appeared: a representative of the stronger sex while walking with a lady should walk ... from the side of the roadway. And then suddenly a lady will be splashed with mud by a passing carriage or, worse, a violent horse will hurt her.

In fact, the echoes of the “rule of the sword” are still alive today - during official receptions arranged by high-ranking officials, women walk exclusively to the right of men. For the military, however, an exception is made - they can go to the right of the woman in order to be able to salute with their right hand.

Friends, the vacation period is already in full swing, and if you are going to go on vacation abroad, I advise you to definitely familiarize yourself with the list of unusual rules and laws in various countries and cities of the world. Below you will learn some strange and interesting facts that every tourist who goes on vacation should know.

Feeding pigeons in Piazza San Marco is punishable by a fine. A large population of birds after a plentiful and continuous meal greatly spoils historical monuments.
Who would have thought that in Venice you would not even be able to feed the birds?

Tourists in Canada will have to listen to Justin Bieber or Celine Dion most of the time - local radio stations are required to give 35 percent of their airtime to national performers.
But we are still not going to Canada to listen to the radio, right?

In Denmark, before starting the engine, it is necessary to look under the car and check if there are any children there. You should also always have a blanket with you. If the horse pulling the cart is frightened by a passing car, the driver must pull over to the side of the road, stop and cover it.
It's so cute! And strange..

Be careful with chewing gum in Singapore! You can carry it in your pocket, but never chew it.

Driving in flip-flops on the roads of Spain is a criminal offence.
I wonder what incident was the reason for the introduction of such a severe punishment for "wearing beach shoes" while driving?

In Germany, a motorist needs to be as focused and prudent as possible. If, while driving on the autobahn, the tank ran out of gas, the driver has already violated the law, and if he walked along the road - twice.
Perhaps there in the traffic rules and the commandment is introduced: "refuel prematurely and you will not be punished." Will have to read.

In Japan, the birthplace of sumo, obesity is legally prohibited. The maximum waist for men 40 and older should be 80 centimeters. Violators are put on a strict diet.
It is strange that this law does not apply to women. The more of them, the better?

Incredibly tasty durian is forbidden to bring to public places (buses, subways, hotels and airports) in several countries at once - Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.
It may be delicious, but it's a little hallucinogenic. Here legislators can be understood!

The museum country of Greece forbids high-heeled shoes from entering historical sites such as the Acropolis of Athens. Women in combat uniforms destroy priceless archaeological sites while walking.
Are there really those who deliberately trample into the Acropolis on their heels?

On the longest urban beach in the world - Virginia Beach - since the 1990s it has been forbidden to use foul language.
But it is not clear who and how is monitoring this?

Men with perennial facial hair should stay away from Eureka County, Nevada, USA. You will definitely want to kiss some beauty, and this is prohibited by law. If you want to kiss, shave off your mustache.
Bearded men, have you heard? Not a foot in Eureka County!

In Switzerland, it is better to refuse dinner and even evening tea. It is forbidden to flush water in the toilet in apartment buildings at night - you can wake up the neighbors.
But what about the ubiquitous "impatient"?

Spitting is condemned by the public in many countries of the world, but in Barcelona you can pay a fine of 120 euros for this.
"Pay" for spitting - that's interesting!

In puritanical France, men are allowed into the water of public pools only in loose trousers. Tight-fitting swimming trunks seem too defiant to the French.

The world is an unusual and amazing place that can be explored endlessly. AT different countries the culture can be completely different, so that what is considered acceptable in one place may not be acceptable in another. If you are interested in the peculiarities of etiquette in different countries, you should familiarize yourself with this list. It included the most interesting rules behavior from all over the world. Knowing them, you can avoid embarrassment while traveling.

Afghanistan: Kiss the bread that fell on the floor

In Afghanistan, bread is very respectful. If he falls to the floor, he should be immediately picked up and kissed.

Canada: be a little late

In Canada, don't arrive early. On the contrary, a slight delay is quite acceptable. He is treated much better than arriving much earlier than necessary.

Chile: never eat with your hands

In Chile, it is not customary to take even small snacks with your hands. Chileans always use appliances exclusively, other behavior is considered extremely impolite.

China: Make a mess and don't be afraid to burp

In China, the host understands that you enjoyed your meal if you made a mess on the table. When a piece of food is left on the plate, it is good sign that you ate and were satisfied with the meal. It's impolite to just leave rice on the plate. Burping is another way to show that you enjoyed the food, it is not considered impolite.

Egypt: Don't refill your own glass

In Egypt, it is customary to wait for someone else to fill your glass. You must refill your tablemate's drink if necessary. It is believed that the need comes when the glass is less than half full. If your neighbor forgets to refill your glass, remind him of this by adding a drink to his glass. It is strictly forbidden to pour yourself.

United Kingdom: pass the port to the left

In England, it is customary to pass port wine at the table to the neighbor on the left until the bottle goes around the entire table in a circle. Some believe that this tradition has its roots in the Navy, but there is no exact explanation. If you have not been given a bottle, it is impolite to ask about it, instead you need to ask your table neighbor if he knows the bishop from Norwich. If he says no, you need to answer that he - good man, but always forgets to pass the port.

Ethiopia: Eat with your right hand from the same plate

Ethiopians believe that eating with utensils is wasteful, as is using more than one plate for the whole group. It is customary to eat from one dish, using right hand. In some regions of the country, a tradition called "gursha" is used, when people feed each other.

France: use bread as a tool

The French never eat bread as a snack. They complement their meals and use a piece of bread as a device to collect food from a plate and put it in their mouths. It is even customary to put bread directly on the table, like a fork or knife.

Georgia: say a toast and drink the whole glass

In Georgia, they can exchange toasts for hours. Everyone around the table says toasts in a circle, after which it is customary to empty the entire glass in one gulp. When everyone has said a toast, the circle can repeat again. During the evening they drink ten to fifteen small glasses of alcohol, as a rule, Georgians drink wine or vodka. It is considered bad luck to toast while drinking beer.

It is believed that the Austrians celebrated the defeat of Hungary in 1848 by clinking glasses of beer, which is why some Hungarians still remember this. Don't clink beer glasses! In other cases, be sure to look at the one who said the toast.

Italy: Don't Sprinkle Parmesan on Pizza

If your pizza doesn't have parmesan, don't ask for it. In Italy, this is considered a culinary crime.

Inuit Tribe: Passing Gas

You may not be planning to visit these tribes, but it is interesting to know that it is customary in their culture to pass gases as a sign of approval after a good meal.

Japan: Sip Soup to Thank the Chef

In Japan, it is customary to slurp soup or noodles loudly. It is believed that this is a way to show your gratitude to the chef.

Korea: take the first drink

In Korea, you must agree when you are offered a drink for the first time, but do not pour yourself first. First pour the others, and then fill your glass.

Mexico: Eat tacos with your hands

Using a fork and knife for tacos is considered silly snobbery in Mexico. This food is politely eaten with your hands.

Middle East: use only your right hand

In Middle Eastern countries, it is quite normal to eat with your hands, it is only important to use only the right one. The left should not be used for eating.

Portugal: don't salt

In Portugal, a cook will be offended if he sees you adding salt or pepper to a dish he has prepared.

Russia: drink vodka without additives and don't refuse

The offer of a drink is considered a sign of trust, so it is impolite to refuse. In addition, mixing vodka with juice or ice is not considered a good idea.

South America: Respect the Goddess of Nature

In some regions of Peru or Argentina, it is customary to honor the goddess of nature by pouring a few drops of the drink on the ground.

Thailand: don't eat rice with a fork

In Thailand, food is only put on a spoon with forks. Rice dishes are not accepted with a fork.

Tanzania: hide your soles

In Tanzania, they eat sitting on the floor. The main thing is not to show your feet, it's impolite.

If you dream of traveling a lot, you should know that people from other countries are very different from Russians. And this applies to almost everything: from clothing to the rules of etiquette. Therefore, in order not to get into trouble, we suggest that you study some rules of etiquette from different countries (we warn you, they are often strange).

In France people who eat quickly are treated with contempt. It is customary to enjoy food there. Maybe that's why the French have such tiny portions...

And in Korea it is unacceptable to start eating before the oldest person sitting at the table does it. If you start without waiting for the others, you run the risk of missing dinner.

AT Italy asking for more cheese with the dish is an insult to the cook. Although no one has yet complained about the amount of cheese. Putting Parmesan on pizza is like putting jelly on chocolate mousse. Even many pasta dishes are not designed for Parmesan. Yes, in Rome, for example, pecorino is considered a traditional cheese, which is added to many classic recipes pastes. Rule number one: if it's not offered to you, don't ask.

AT Kazakhstan It is customary to serve cups of tea only half full. It is not worth commenting on this and asking for topping up, because a full cup means that the owner is looking forward to your departure.

AT Nigeria young children are not fried eggs, as it is believed that if you feed them eggs, they will begin to steal.

And on Jamaica babies are not given chicken until the children can speak. It is believed that because of the meat of chickens, the child may not speak.

As for tips, Japan, for example, never leave them at all. Most often, the waiter begins to wonder why he was left extra money. Moreover, a tip can be seen as an insult or as a pity handout. If the client wants to express gratitude, it is best to do this with a small gift. Or put money in an envelope, and then give it to the waiter.

Also in Japan between snacks, the sticks should lie together right in front of you, parallel to the edge of the table. In no case should you stick chopsticks directly into a bowl of rice. The fact is that during the funeral in Japan a bowl of rice of the deceased is placed in front of his coffin, sticks are stuck directly into the rice ...

AT China do not cut long noodles while eating, since noodles are the embodiment of longevity, and cutting them shortens your life.

The Chinese will consider you rude if you point your chopsticks at someone while eating.

Parents from childhood forced us to eat up to the end. However, in some countries, a clean plate can confuse or even offend the host. On the Philippines, in North Africa and also in some regions China the host is obliged to refill the guest's plate if he has eaten everything that was in it. Only when the guest leaves some food on the plate, the host realizes that he has eaten. Failure to comply with this rule in some situations may offend the owner. He will take a clean plate of a guest as a sign that he is considered greedy.

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