Check the lottery ticket for Belarusian lotteries. Rules of the game "your lotto"

Holiday Marathon, dedicated to the Day Defender of the Fatherland continues. As we remember, it consists of two draws in which three cars are raffled off. This time, circulation 784 of the “Your Lotto” lottery offers you to compete for the two remaining cars. They will be the main prizes of this drawing. However, participants can also hope for cash prizes, the size of which will depend on the number of numbers guessed.

The upcoming draw will take place this coming Tuesday, February 28th. It would seem that this is an ordinary working day. However, for holders of lottery game tickets it can become a real significant date. Just imagine, a man who received a ticket as a gift will become the owner of a brand new foreign car. It's hard to imagine best gift to your beloved. Of course, such big prize There are only two here, so you should do your best to be one of the lucky ones. To do this, you can purchase not one, but several “Your Lotto” lottery tickets. This will significantly increase your chances of winning. And the low cost allows you to do this.

As for lotteries, “Your Lotto” is the most popular in Belarus. Responsible for this game is the main organizer who conducts almost all lotteries in the republic. Many players are attracted to this lottery by the opportunity to win many valuable prizes. At the same time, participants in the drawing have many chances to win. After all, in addition to the main game, there is also a large number of additional draws. Players have 9 chances to try their luck. Other lotteries held in Belarus cannot boast of such indicators. This explains the fact that several tens of thousands of people take part in each drawing. On republican holidays, the number of players increases significantly.

The “Your Lotto” lottery delights its fans with a combined drawing. In addition to the main game, there is also an instant draw. For instant play on the ticket there are special fields covered protective layer. Here the player can win not only a prize, but also an invitation to the studio where a drawing of valuable prizes is held. From distinctive features This game can also be highlighted by the fact that here players do not need to choose numbers themselves. Players purchase tickets on which everything is already printed by the organizers.

The debut of this game took place in 2001. Behind long years The lottery was gaining more and more popularity. During this time, many players received not only sums of money, but also valuable prizes, such as cars and apartments. The lottery organizers also made sure that those from neighboring countries could also play the game. The lottery is of interest to many players from other countries. This is explained by the fact that winnings in Belarusian lotteries are not subject to taxes. In addition, a special advantage is that the integrity of the game is controlled by the President of the Republic himself.

Rules of the game "Your Lotto"

The rules of “Your Lotto” are quite simple, so absolutely everyone can play here. Statistics show that in 2015, more than 325 thousand valuable prizes were won, the amount of which amounted to almost 18 billion rubles. Over the years of the lottery's existence, three jackpots have been won, the total amount of which was more than 120 million rubles.

Behind game history The lottery organizers held more than 700 draws, in which 33 million prizes were drawn. Their total cost exceeds 310 billion rubles. In addition, 125 apartments were raffled off, which, translated into money, equates to 25 billion rubles. In addition to apartments, cars were also raffled off. On this moment there are 412 such lucky ones. Prizes in the form of gold and diamonds were also awarded.

As mentioned above, one game ticket of this lotto gives the participant 9 chances to win. Statistics show that every fourth ticket can win at least some minor prize.

As a rule, lottery organizers issue paired tickets, which are called “twos”. They differ from each other in rank, although the number is the same. Such “twos” give more chances of winning, so it is much more interesting for participants to play with these tickets. Moreover, each player can purchase one ticket, because it can also bring winnings in the form of a valuable prize.

Of the main differences between “Your Lotto” and Russian lotteries I would like to highlight the fact that in all draws only those tickets that have been sold are drawn. The rest are simply destroyed by the organizers. On each ticket you can see two tables, each with 15 numbers. All tickets differ from each other in a set of digital combinations.

On the side of the ticket there is a field designed for instant play. Here you can see the inscription “Wash here”. Having paid for their ticket, each participant has the right to immediately erase the protective layer. Below it may be a number indicating a small cash win. Also, under the protective coating there may be an invitation to the studio where the diamond drawing is being held. If you didn’t manage to win the instant game, there is no need to be upset, because the ticket continues to take part in the main draw.

At the bottom of the game ticket there are three numbers that are intended for an additional game " A moment of luck" This draw takes place after the main game. As expected, the purchased ticket only takes part in the draw indicated on it. back side game ticket allows each player to thoroughly familiarize themselves with the rules of the game.

Quite often, organizers additionally conduct holiday giveaways. There is a letter under the protective layer. Each ticket has only one letter. The player needs to collect a certain word from them.

The main game of this lottery is played in several stages. Moreover, each of them gives you the opportunity to win a certain prize. Each tour has its own conditions, which the participant should familiarize himself with.

So, the initial round involves players crossing out numbers. Having crossed the line of five numbers, the player moves on to the next round. In the second round, 15 numbers are played, which are in the ticket tables. The lucky ones who completely fill out one of the tables move on. In the third round, the participant must fill in all 30 numbers that are in both tables. In this case, you need to cross out all the numbers before the move that is initially announced by the leader.

All ongoing draws give any participant the opportunity to become the owner of the jackpot. The winner of the main prize is the player who crosses out all 30 numbers in the two tables of the game ticket first. If there is no such lucky winner, the jackpot increases and is transferred to the next drawing.

In addition to the main cash prize, players have the opportunity to win another prize – a car. Here such a prize is called “Jeep Pot”. The owner of the car will be the player who crosses out all 15 numbers of one table on his ticket on the 15th move of the game.

“Your Lotto” holds its draws every week. It should be noted that the integrity of the game is closely monitored circulation commission. All data that appears during the drawing is recorded. After the drawing ends on a certain move, the presenter must take out the unplayed barrels so that the commission can record their presence in the bag. At the same time, viewers are also convinced of the fairness of the draw. In addition, the remaining numbers are used for the next game “Moment of Luck”.

After the main draw, this additional round is held. Only those tickets that did not win in the main game can take part in it. Here it is worth paying attention to the three numbers located at the bottom of the ticket. An additional prize will be won if these numbers match the numbers of the unplayed barrels. If there is no winner in this round, the next additional drawing “Lucky Number” is held.

"Lucky Number"

In this round, the number of kegs that remained in the bag still plays. Your card number must match these numbers. The match can be not only complete, but also partial. The main condition here is that the numbers in the ticket number must be in the sequence in which the corresponding numbers were taken from the bag.

"The twelve Chairs"

This is another additional giveaway that participants really enjoy. This tour is intended for those who, under the protective layer, found the inscription “Diamond Raffle in the Studio.” You need to know that if you find such an inscription, you must contact the organizers a day before the draw. Thanks to this, they register players who are scheduled to arrive at the studio in advance. The participant needs to be in the studio an hour before the start of the drawing. This is necessary so that the organizers know how many people will take part in the game.

It's important to know what to take with you to the studio. For example, if you do not have a game ticket with you, do not have a passport, behave inappropriately or are in a state of intoxication, the organizers may not allow the player to participate. In case of refusal, the player is provided with a special act, which indicates all the reasons for the player’s exclusion.

Directly at the studio, the player must provide his ticket, which bears the inscription “Diamond Raffle in the Studio.” After this, a special form is filled out, in which all the participant’s passport details are noted. The organizers put a stamp on the ticket, which means it complies with all the rules. Upon registration, the player is assigned a number, which determines his place in the studio.

The organizers determine the prize fund of such a drawing in advance. At the same time, it is placed in the upholstery of one of the twelve chairs located in the studio. This all happens under the supervision of a drawing commission, which monitors the fairness of the drawing. In this case, a special act is drawn up.

Now the player needs to choose the chair in which, in his opinion, the prize is hidden. Sometimes it happens that you can’t win a prize in this game either. In this case, it is transferred to next game. At the discretion of the organizers, it may increase.

The “Your Lotto” lottery is one of the most popular entertaining drawing games in the post-Soviet space. The first lottery draw took place in 2001. The lottery draw takes place in Belarus, however, depending on modern internet technology, residents of other countries can also take part in the game, including residents Russian Federation. A special feature of the game “Your Lotto” is high level winnings. Only one lottery ticket provides several chances to win at once, almost every 4 tickets are winning. During the existence of the lottery, more than 600 draws were held, the total prize fund of which amounted to more than 246 billion rubles.

The principle of playing the lottery Your Lotto

A lottery ticket contains several play areas, one of which is intended for the main drawing game, others are for additional draws.

The playing field of the main game is divided into two numerical matrices, which in total contain 30 non-repeating numbers from 1 to 90 (5 numbers in one row). The main drawing consists of several stages, in each of which the winners are determined based on the results of the game. At each stage of the drawing, the winners are those players with tickets who, earlier than others, match a certain number of numbers with the numbers obtained as a result of the drawing:

first round - 5 numbers in any horizontal line playing field;

the second – 15 numbers in one of 2 tables;

third round – all 30 numbers located on the number playing field;

Jeeppot – a ticket wins if all 15 numbers match on the 15th move of the game;

Jackpot – the winner of the main prize is the participant whose card has 30 numbers crossed out on the move determined by the organizer of the draw. If there are several such players, then the super prize is distributed among the winner in equal parts;

TO additional draws refers to the game “Moment of Luck”, instant lottery"Lucky Number" and "Twelve Chairs", more detailed information You can find out about the rules of the game on the Operator’s website.

Prizes in your lotto

Participants in the “Your Lotto” draw have the opportunity to win cash prizes, gems and gold, real estate and a car. During the 52 draws that took place throughout 2013, 24 cars, 11 apartments, and 36.5 billion Belarusian rubles were raffled off. rubles, 6 Jackpots hit.

Where can I buy a ticket?

Residents of the Republic of Belarus can purchase “Your Lotto” tickets anywhere: at post offices, specialized sales points, and at metro stations.

Citizens of Russia, as well as residents of other countries, have the opportunity to purchase lottery circulation tickets using Internet banking by registering on the website

How to check a ticket?

You can check your ticket on the Internet both on the Organizer’s official Internet resource at and on our website.

How to get your winnings?

Prizes are paid out within six months from the date of the drawing. Residents of the Republic of Belarus can receive their cash and in-kind prizes at ticket sales points, post offices, and branches of Belarusbank, Belogroprombank, and Belinvestbank.

You can receive your winnings via SMS message, more details at Registered users can receive winnings via electronic system on the official site.

Lottery drawing "Your Lotto" held every Saturday at live TV channel Belarus-2.

Only sold tickets are included in the draw.

Playing field lottery ticket is a table of six rows and nine columns. The table is divided into two parts (cards). The game table is included in the cells of the table. combination of 30 non-repeating numbers from the number series from 1 to 90 inclusive. The set of numbers in each lottery ticket is individual.

Outside the playing field, three non-repeating numbers from the number series from 1 to 90 inclusive are indicated for participation on the “Moment of Luck” tour, which duplicate the numbers placed in the playing field table.

Outside the playing field there is a field instant part of the lottery.*

Draw result prize fund The instant part of the lottery is determined by checking the lottery tickets immediately after their purchase when opening the “Wash here” security strip.

Winnings from the instant part of the lottery draw are paid after the prize fund of the lottery draw is drawn in the amounts determined in the official drawing table, without taking into account indexation.

The lottery ticket participates in the drawing of the prize fund of the lottery draw, the number and date of which are indicated on its front side.

The main provisions of the rules of the game are indicated on the back of the lottery ticket.

The lottery prize fund draw includes main game and additional rounds.

The drawing of the prize fund of the lottery draw in the main game is carried out in several rounds:

first tour– wins the lottery ticket on which any horizontal line (a combination of 5 numbers) is filled in first. This ticket continues to participate in the further drawing of the prize fund of the lottery draw;

second round– wins a lottery ticket on which the top or bottom card of the playing field (a combination of 15 numbers) is filled in first. This ticket continues to participate in the further drawing of the prize fund of the lottery draw;

third and subsequent rounds– the winners are the lottery tickets that have both cards of the playing field filled in first (a combination of 30 numbers).

Jackpot wins the lottery ticket whose 30 numbers on the playing field are filled before the other 30 numbers before the move determined by the organizer. Execution of this special conditions completes the third round.

Jeeppot wins a lottery ticket that, on a move determined by the organizer, has all the numbers on the playing field corresponding to the numbers of the drawn barrels.

On the “Moment of Luck” tour lottery tickets that do not win in the main game participate. In this round, the winner is the lottery ticket whose three numbers outside the playing field match the numbers of the barrels remaining after the main game. If there are no winning lottery tickets in the “Moment of Luck” tour, the prize fund of this tour goes to the “Lucky Number” tour.

On the "Lucky Number" tour Lottery tickets are won if the numbers of the ticket number match the numbers on the barrels being removed (numbers from 0 to 9) in the sequence of their removal (from right to left).

In the case of the release of lottery tickets with several rank numbers in the ticket number, only sets of tickets with the same numbers and different ranks participate in the “Lucky Number” round. In the “Lucky Number” tour, sets of tickets are won if the digits of the ticket number completely or partially coincide with the numbers on the extracted barrels (numbers from 0 to 9) in the sequence of their extraction (from right to left). The conditions for drawing the prize fund of the tour are determined by the organizer.

On the “Twelve Chairs” tour** Only lottery ticket holders who have the words “Studio Diamond Raffle” under the “Wash Here” security stripe are eligible to participate.

An invitation to the studio is valid only for the draw whose number is indicated on the lottery ticket.

Owners of lottery tickets with the inscription “Diamond Draw in the Studio” must register with the organizer before 14:00 on the day of the lottery prize fund draw and arrive at the television studio at Minsk, st. Makaenka, 9 no later than one hour before the start of the program.

To the television studio to participate on the “Twelve Chairs” tour persons without an identity document, in a state of alcohol or drug intoxication, persons with inappropriate behavior, as well as if their appearance incompatible with participation in a television program.

The decision to disqualify from participation in the “Twelve Chairs” tour is made by the responsible representative of the organizer, about which a report is drawn up.

In the television studio, on the day of the drawing of the prize fund of the lottery draw, the participant of the “Twelve Chairs” tour re-registers with the organizer’s representative on duty, for which he presents a lottery ticket for the draw with the inscription “Diamond Draw in the Studio” and an identification document.

The organizer's representative on duty checks the lottery ticket of the participant in the "Twelve Chairs" tour, the presence of the inscription "Diamond Raffle in the Studio" on the ticket and registers the lottery participant in a special sheet (records his last name, first name, patronymic, passport details, lottery ticket number).

The lottery ticket is marked with registration and signed by the organizer's representative on duty.

A registered participant in the “Twelve Chairs” tour is given a number, which he/she signs on the sheet.

A participant in the “Twelve Chairs” tour, in accordance with the number received during registration, takes a place on one of the stands - even (if an even number is received) or odd (if an odd number is received).

From the representatives of the winners' rostrum, a lottery participant is determined by random selection to draw the prize fund for the “Twelve Chairs” tour.

The prize fund of the “Twelve Chairs” tour is determined by the organizer on the eve of the drawing of the prize fund of the next lottery draw.

The prize fund of the “Twelve Chairs” tour is placed into the circulation equipment (chairs) by the circulation commission before the drawing of the prize fund of the lottery draw, which is signed by the act.

When drawing the prize pool for the Twelve Chairs tour, a lottery participant randomly determines the location of the prize pool in one of the chairs.

If during the drawing of the prize fund of the lottery draw the prize fund of the “Twelve Chairs” tour is not drawn, it goes to next edition lotteries. The conditions for drawing the prize fund of the “Twelve Chairs” tour for each subsequent drawing provide for an increase in its volume and the probability of its drawing.

Winnings up to 100 rubles for tickets purchased using our Internet resource are paid to your personal account mobile phone registered on the website no later than the second working day following the day of the prize fund drawing.

Winnings of 100 rubles or more can be received at the Republican Unitary Enterprise “Belarusian Lotteries” at: 220070, Minsk, st. Budyonny, 10 (tel. 140, toll-free call). IN regional centers address: Brest, tel. 23-00-79; Vitebsk, tel. 36-09-67; Gomel, tel. 70-32-89; Grodno, tel. 77-02-43; Mogilev, tel. 22-38-22.

* Winnings from the instant part of the lottery draw are summed up with winnings from the draw part of the lottery and are paid simultaneously after the drawing of the prize fund of the draw without taking into account indexation.

** Lottery tickets sold through electronic payment systems, including bank plastic cards, in special drawing with the participation of non-winning lottery tickets will not be accepted and will not give the right to participate in the “12 chairs” round.

All rights reserved. Information provided by the Internet resource

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