When and how is this holiday celebrated? Day of reserves and national parks.

Day of Reserves and National Parks of Russia. This day, at the suggestion of the Center for the Conservation of Wild Animals and the World Wildlife Fund, has been celebrated since 1997.

The choice of a holiday date is due to the events of the autumn of 1916, when Russia adopted a legal act "On the establishment of rules on hunting reserves", which regulates the procedure for the creation and operation of reserves.

As a result, in the Trans-Baikal region on December 29, 1916 (January 11), the Russian national Barguzinsky Reserve was established by an official government decision.

The Barguzinsky Reserve continues to function even after a century. Now it is a biosphere reserve. This status in 1986 was awarded to him by the decision of UNESCO.

The reason that served as the creation of natural protected areas in Russia was the activities of the Environmental Commission. Her work began in 1912 and lasted six years. Based on the plan to create a network of reserves on Russian lands, in subsequent years, national parks, wildlife preserves, and reserves were created throughout the country.

In today's Russia, 49 national parks and 103 reserves are fully functioning. The special protected status of the territories makes it possible to study the biosphere, to control its state, the ongoing changes.

National parks and reserves received the legal status of objects of national property (No. 33-FZ of 14.03.1995). The goal of a modern law-abiding society is to preserve natural attractions, plants, and animals.

The task of enlightenment and ecological education of the population is entrusted to parks and reserves.

Actually, the lack of education of the population, rash behavior in relation to natural resources led to the fact that specially protected zones are being created everywhere on Earth. They are especially protected from thoughtless human activity.

The Russian legislative base regulates the specifics of the regime for the protection of national parks and reserves, regulates and controls any activity in these territories. But what does the law mean if there are no people behind it?

People whose work in its original form preserves the incomparable creation of nature, flora, fauna, wonderful landscapes in various parts of a vast country deserve recognition, admiration, support.

The Day of Reserves and National Parks of Russia is a holiday not only for Russian ecologists, it is a holiday for everyone who understands that the nature of the Planet without proper care and respect can gradually die, this is the day of those who think they will leave their descendants as a legacy.

On the territory of our planet there are still corners of the world untouched by man. Well, or in extreme cases - places where the influence of homo sapiens on nature is minimal. Reasonable people are well aware that their influence on the planet is becoming more destructive every year. In order to preserve the pristine nature, to preserve it for posterity, numerous parks and nature protection zones appear on the territory of the Earth.

On January 11, all over Russia will celebrate a special day dedicated to such natural oases - the Day of Reserves and National Parks of Russia. Unfortunately, humanity cannot stop progress and abandon the numerous achievements of modern science and industry, so the only way to save nature is to create nature reserves and national parks. It is interesting that nature has been polluted for the last 150 years, but they thought about it in the most serious way only in 1997. It was then that, at the initiative of the World Wildlife Fund, a separate Day of Reserves and National Parks was created.

The first reserve on the territory of Russia was created in 1917, it became the Barguzinsky reserve. However, according to an unspoken rule, forests, groves, wildlife sanctuaries and other places have been protected on the territory of the country for centuries. This was done not even out of love for nature or for the sake of protecting its wealth, but for the sake of high-ranking officials. Notable people often hunted in such places: princes, kings and those close to them.

But let's go back to the future. According to the decree of the Irkutsk governor-general, a few months before the 1917 revolution, the Barguzinsky Reserve was created. On the territory of this national park is one of the wonders of Russia - the Valley of Geysers. According to the UNESCO decree, the Barguzinsky Reserve was given the status of a biosphere reserve and it is included in the global network of such reserves.

Nowadays, the Barguzinsky Reserve is an integral part of the so-called reserved necklace. Along with the Baikal, Baikal-Lena nature reserves and the Trans-Baikal National Park, it is part of the Lake Baikal World Natural Heritage Site.

Some statistics

According to statistics, the existence of reserves protects and preserves more than 80% of the world's flora and fauna. On the territory of our country there are more than a hundred nature reserves and about fifty natural national parks. Thus, it turns out that in terms of the area of ​​reserves and parks, Russia is in first place in the world. The total area of ​​protected natural areas is more than 200 million hectares. And this, no less, is almost 12% of the entire territory of the country.

Currently, the number of natural areas is increasing, new parks and reserves are emerging. Finally, the state is turning its face to nature and its resources, which are important components of the Russian economy.

First " Day of Reserves and National Parks”began to be celebrated in 1997 at the initiative of the Wildlife Conservation Center and the World Wildlife Fund.

January 11 was chosen for this event not by chance - on this day in 1916 the first state reserve, Barguzinsky, was established in Russia. Although specially protected natural areas from time immemorial were in Russia - reserved groves, places of worship, just reserves for princes, kings, nobility for hunting. But the first national reserve was created on January 11, 1916. His goal was to preserve the population of the Barguzin sable and other animals on Baikal.

In 1986, by decision of UNESCO, the Barguzinsky Reserve was given the status of a biosphere reserve, it was included in the international network of biosphere reserves. Today, this reserve is an integral part of the Lake Baikal World Natural Heritage site, along with other reserves and national parks that are part of the "reserved necklace" (Barguzinsky, Baikal, Baikal-Lensky reserves, Zabaikalsky National Park).

Today in Russia there are more than 100 nature reserves with a total area of ​​​​more than 33 million hectares (this is 1.58% of the total territory of the country) and 35 national parks with a total area of ​​​​about 7 million hectares (0.41% of the country's territory), and they preserve 80% of the species wealth of flora and fauna.

Concepts "Reserve" and "National Park"

Reserve - a piece of land or water space, within which the entire natural complex is completely and forever withdrawn from economic use and is under state protection. The reserve is also called research institutions, which are assigned to these territories. In Russia, approx. 80 reserves and protected hunting farms. Any activity that violates natural complexes or threatens their safety is prohibited in the reserve.

biosphere reserve

A biosphere reserve is a protected area (reserve, national park, etc.) where the protection of the most representative natural complexes for a given zone is combined with scientific research, long-term monitoring of the environment and education in the field of nature protection. The creation of biosphere reserves in Russia (since 1973) is connected with the program "Man and the Biosphere". By 1994, the world had St. 300 biosphere reserves; in Russia - 18.

national park

National park (natural national park), territory (water area) where landscapes and unique objects of nature are protected. It differs from the reserve in the admission of visitors for recreation. The world's first Yellowstone National Park was founded in 1872 in the USA. By 1982, more than 1,200 national parks and other protected areas, close to them in organization, had been created in the world, an area of ​​more than 2.7 million square meters. km.

Reserves and national parks of Russia

Today, throughout Russia, from the Arctic Circle to the subtropics, in all natural zones of 70 subjects of the Federation, there are 101 state nature reserves, covering an area of ​​almost 340,000 km2.

Barguzinsky reserve The reserve is a protected natural area where the entire natural complex is under state protection. Reserves are a special form of protected natural areas that exist exclusively in Russia and are practically not found anywhere else in the world. Apparently, therefore, in articles about Russian specially protected natural areas, the term "reserve" is usually translated as "zapovednik", and not as "reserve", because in Russia the reserve is also a scientific institution, and not just a protected area.

The first, even before the revolution of 1917, was the Sayansky Reserve, which, unfortunately, no longer exists, but since it was not documented, the Barguzinsky is officially considered the first state reserve in Russia.

On the entire territory of Russian nature reserves, the use of land, water, subsoil, flora and fauna is prohibited, since they are of particular value for science as samples of wildlife that are typical for these places, preserving the genetic fund of flora and fauna.

State natural reserves, which are nature protection and environmental education organizations, were created to preserve and study natural processes and phenomena, the genetic fund of the flora and fauna, rare species of plants and animals, and rare ecological systems.

According to Russian legislation, natural complexes and resources located on the territory of the reserve are provided for its use.

On the territory of Russia there are 31 nature reserves, which have biosphere polygons adjacent to them with limited nature management, where various recreational activities are carried out (including tourism). These reserves have the status of biosphere reserves and are part of the international network of biosphere reserves. Global environmental monitoring is carried out there.

Almost all reserves are subordinate to the Department of Specially Protected Natural Territories and Objects of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation. "Ilmensky Mineralogical" is subordinate to the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, "Galichya Gora" is under the jurisdiction of the Voronezh State University of the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation. Despite this, they also report to the Department.

In accordance with the "Regulations on the Reserve", depending on the features of the functioning and the regime of protection of the territory, each reserve independently builds its activities, such as the regulation of tourism on its territory and the definition of zones of limited nature use.

Currently, there are 35 national parks in the Russian Federation, with an area of ​​about 70,000 square meters. km.

National parks are territories that include natural complexes and objects that are of exceptional ecological, historical and aesthetic significance, intended for use in environmental, educational, scientific and cultural purposes, as well as for regulated tourism.

According to Russian legislation, all natural complexes and resources (land, water, subsoil, flora and fauna) located on the territory of the national park are transferred to the possession of the park itself.

In accordance with the classical view, a protected core is defined on the territory of the national park. As a rule, this is a national reserve adjacent to the park (for example, the Barguzinsky Reserve is adjacent to the Zabaikalsky National Park). In addition, recreational and buffer zones are distinguished, where sparing agricultural and forest management activities are possible.

The Voldozersky National Park was the first in Russia to receive the status of a biosphere reserve in 2001.

Smolensk Lakeland National Park It is important to mention that in the international understanding the term "biosphere reserve" is closer in meaning to the concept of "national park" than "reserve", which is only the core of the biosphere reserve, where limited economic activity is carried out and there is ecosystem disturbance. The national parks "Smolenskoye Poozerye" and "Ugra" became biosphere reserves in 2002, and then 2 more national parks joined them.

In connection with the abolition of the federal forest department, national parks were transferred to the Department of Specially Protected Natural Territories and Objects of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, but until 2000 they were mainly subordinate to forest departments and (or) regions.

Despite the fact that the formation of a unified program for the activities of national parks is still in its infancy, with the transfer to the subordination of the Department of Specially Protected Natural Territories, the forms of activity and reporting of national parks have adopted uniform forms.

Every year on January 11, Russian ecologists and all those who care about nature conservation celebrate the Day of Reserves and National Parks. The date of the holiday was based on the day on which the first Russian reserve was created. This event took place on December 29, 1916 (which corresponds to January 11 in the new style). The Barguzinsky nature reserve, located on the shores of Lake Baikal, continues to fulfill its tasks to this day.

The All-Russian Day of Reserves and National Parks appeared on the calendar not so long ago. It was first celebrated in 1997. The initiators of the establishment of the holiday were the Wildlife Conservation Center with the support of the World Wildlife Fund.

protected nature,
Protected wondrous land,
Rainbow under the sky -
Choose your favorite color!

These clear lakes
Forest and rivers and meadows
under the protection of the state
Protected shores.

Here animals and birds
They roam the fields without fear.
Let's keep these grains
Let's save our nature!

Day of Reserves and Parks
Today the country is celebrating
And let it not be hot on a January day,
But we all warm the soul
About the beauty of the nature of thought,
So let's keep it all together
Forests, fields, lowlands, heights,
Mountain tops to the skies!

Take care of the Earth, people, take care!
Save the fragile planet for your grandchildren.
So that they, walking along the reserved paths,
They cling to the cherished truths with their hearts.
So that the forests rustle, so that the grass whispers ...
Leave them the right to love nature!

There is a special day in Russia
He is dedicated to nature.
Reserves beautiful
And nat. bow to all parks.

About the preservation of wild flora
This holiday tells us
To open spaces of the Motherland
Everyone could appreciate.

To save nature is a duty both mine and yours,
Do not let her die in the fire of days.
Nature opens the heart before you,
You better warm him up.

Do not tear a flower, but rather plant a flower bed,
Do not torture the leaf, it is alive like you,
You better grow a tree
For birds watching from above.

Nature in Russia is luxurious, beautiful,
The reserve is beautiful, even if I sing in songs.
Wonderful parks do not live in vain
They decorate my nature!

Let's praise these workers,
That they are created, and they give us comfort!
For our soul and for our close souls,
Sometimes, they give us all shelter!

I congratulate you on the day of the reserves,
How do you do a lot of good
Forests and fields, shaggy animals,
Give your love, a lot of warmth.

Let your heart not harden
From the malice of human and worldly fuss,
You bring your care to the world,
Lots of warmth, love, beauty!

Reserves and parks
I urge you to take care.
This is the place to dream
For walks, warm meetings.

May they always give you joy
These glorious forests
Starts behind them
Let only a streak of happiness.

reserves and parks,
We must all protect.
There is no Russian nature more beautiful,
Go around half the world.

We don't always need a holiday
To protect nature
Every person can
Forests are in order to keep.

Clean up, don't litter
Take care of our nature.
And after years, you friends,
Thank you! the child will say.

Beautiful protected places
The harmony of nature delights
And the power of the forests is huge and pure,
And like a magnet, it is insanely drawn to itself.

And on this day it is impossible not to remember those
Who saves all this wealth,
Let your life be pursued by success
And nature responds with kindness!

Congratulations: 45 in verse.

11 January World Day of Reserves Day of Reserves and National Parks was first celebrated in 1997 at the initiative of the Center for Wildlife Conservation, the World Wildlife Fund. January 11 was chosen as the Day of Reserves and National Parks to commemorate the anniversary of the formation of the first state reserve in Russia (according to the new style) Barguzinsky Reserve in 1916. Today in Russia there are 100 nature reserves and 35 national parks (their total area is about 3% of the country's area).

February 2 World Day of Wetlands In 1975, the Convention on Wetlands, adopted on February 2, 1972, which the Soviet Union ratified in 1977, came into force. The main task is to protect sea bays, lakes and wetlands from pollution by chemical waste. In our country, on the territory of 21 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, more than 40 such lands have been taken under protection, representing the greatest recreational, economic and cultural value.

February 19 World Day for the Protection of Marine Mammals The nineteenth of February is celebrated on the planet as the World Day for the Protection of Marine Mammals (Whale Day). It is considered a day to protect not only whales, but also all marine mammals and other living creatures of the seas and oceans. This day has been celebrated since 1986, when after 200 years of merciless extermination of whales, the International Whale Commission imposed a ban on whale fishing. Every year on this day, various conservation groups hold actions to protect whales and other marine mammals.

March 14 Day of action against dams, action in defense of Rivers, Water and Life International day of action against dams is celebrated at the initiative of the public organization "International River Network" (USA). “For rivers, water and life” is the motto of this day. The construction of dams, which mankind has been carrying out since ancient times, is primarily caused by the need to protect against floods and irrigate fields. In the modern world, 45 thousand large (more than 15 meters high) dams are operating in the world to meet the growing needs for water and energy. The most impressive number of large dams is in China: 22,000 (45% of the world's total). In second place is the United States, followed by the former USSR, India and Japan.

21 March International Day of the Forest The idea of ​​celebrating International Day of the Forest around the world on March 21, the day of the autumn equinox in the Southern Hemisphere and the vernal equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, first arose at the 23rd General Assembly of the European Confederation of Agriculture in 1971. The main objective of the International Day of the Forest is to raise awareness of the inhabitants of the planet about the importance of forest ecosystems, their true state, the main measures for their protection, reproduction and restoration. Every second, the Earth loses more than 1.5 hectares of virgin forest - the natural lungs of the planet, the habitat of many animals and plants.

March 22 World Water Day World Water Day has been celebrated since 1992 at the suggestion of the International Water Users Association and its President Alfred Rasted. The UN formulated the main goals of the World Water Day as follows: to promote in every possible way the adoption of the necessary measures to provide the population with drinking water; inform the world community about the importance of protecting and conserving fresh water resources and water resources in general; to unite the efforts of states, international organizations, public non-governmental organizations and businesses in different countries. In 2003, the UN General Assembly declared International Decade for Action "Water for Life" "Water for Life"

April 1 International Day of Birds This youthful spring holiday in the USSR was established in 1926. In 1998, the children's magazine "Ant" proposed to revive Bird Day. This call was supported by the Federal Forestry Service and the Union for the Protection of Birds of Russia, and the holiday was timed to coincide with April 1 - the mass arrival of birds from warm regions. The south for the birds is only a place to survive, and they return home. Our task is to meet them with dignity, benevolence, protect them from chemicals and poachers, give shelter and food. After all, birds also delight us, as spring, flowers, and music delight us.

April 7 World Health Day On April 7, the whole world celebrates World Health Day - on this day the Charter of the World Health Organization (WHO) came into force. During its existence, 190 states of the world have become its members, including our country. The Charter, signed by the governments of these countries, for the first time at the international level proclaimed the human right to health, approved the principle of responsibility of governments for the health of their people and indicated the inextricable link between health and the strengthening of science and international security.

April 15 Day of Ecological Knowledge On this day, the All-Russian action "Days of protection from environmental hazards" begins, which ends on June 5 with World Environment Day. Environmental education both in the world and in Russia is today considered a priority for the education and upbringing of students in general education schools. The program of the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, announced by the UN for this year, also includes the task of developing environmental education.

April 15 - June 5 Days of protection from environmental hazards In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated "On holding Days of protection from environmental hazards", a large-scale all-Russian environmental campaign is being held in Russia. In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated "On the Days of Protection from Environmental Hazards", a large-scale all-Russian environmental campaign is being carried out in Russia. The purpose of the Days of Protection is to attract attention and efforts to the practical solution of environmental problems of all branches of government, scientists, the public, the media, youth, and the entire population. The purpose of the Days of Protection is to attract attention and efforts to the practical solution of environmental problems of all branches of government, scientists, the public, the media, youth, and the entire population. The campaign starts on the Day of Environmental Knowledge - April 5 and ends on World Environment Day - June 5. The campaign starts on the Day of Environmental Knowledge - April 5 and ends on World Environment Day - June 5.

April "March of the Parks" The Days of Reserves and National Parks were first organized in 1996 at the initiative of the Wildlife Conservation Center. This holiday, which is held annually as a propaganda action in support of protected natural areas, was called the "March of Parks". Every year, hundreds of thousands of people take part in the "March of Parks". More than 200 states and non-governmental organizations of the CIS cooperate with the CPC as organizers of local marches.

April 22 Earth Day April 22 is Earth Day. This initiative arose in 1970 in the United States and eventually gained international distribution. On this day, people remember environmental disasters and the irreversible consequences of human activities that threaten the very fact of the existence of the Earth. People hold rallies, demonstrations, concerts in defense of nature, demand the adoption of new environmental laws, plant trees, remove garbage from the streets, and clean river banks.

May 3 Sun Day The sun is the most ancient of the luminaries deified by man. The disc symbol comes from the Egyptian hieroglyph. For alchemists, the sign of the sun meant gold. Now people treat the Sun more prosaically, but this has not diminished its role in the life of mankind. Today, the Sun is primarily a renewable energy that constantly surrounds us and which can be used. It does not have to be extracted from the ground, it does not lead to the formation of radioactive and toxic waste. At the same time, by diverting part of the solar energy to ourselves, we do not change the energy balance of the planet.

May 15 International Climate Day International Climate Day is celebrated in connection with the proclamation by meteorologists of the need to protect the climate as a resource for the well-being of current and future generations. International Climate Day is celebrated in connection with the proclamation by meteorologists of the need to protect the climate as a resource for the well-being of current and future generations. In December 2007, Bali (Indonesia) hosted the United Nations Climate Change Conference. In December 2007, Bali (Indonesia) hosted the United Nations Climate Change Conference. An international communiqué has been signed calling on world leaders to develop policies and take action to enable the commercial and industrial sector to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate climate change. An international communiqué has been signed calling on world leaders to develop policies and take action to enable the commercial and industrial sector to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate climate change.

May 24 European Parks Day On May 24, 1909, the first 9 national parks in Europe were created in Sweden. Then other parks were created, the European Federation of National and Natural Parks was formed - the EUROPARC Federation (EUROPARC Federation). The federation has declared 24 May European Day of Parks. Held for the first time in 1999, this day is now celebrated annually throughout Europe, and in recent years in Russia. On this day, numerous events are held in and around the reserves to celebrate the natural beauty of Europe and its cultural heritage, highlighting their protection both now and in the future.

May 31 World No Tobacco Day On May 31, an international anti-smoking campaign is held around the world - World No Tobacco Day, that is, a day free from tobacco smoke. No Tobacco Day was established in 1988 by the World Health Organization (WHO). On this day, events are held to educate the public about the dangers of tobacco use, the business practices of tobacco companies, the work of WHO in the fight against the tobacco epidemic, and what people around the world can do to claim their rights. to health and a healthy environment, and to protect future generations.

June 5 World Environment Day. Ecologist's Day of the Russian Federation Since 1973, June 5 has been celebrated annually in all UN member countries, including Russia (since 1974). WED contributes to raising public awareness of environmental issues and helps to increase the level of environmental knowledge of each person.

July 11 International Population Day This day has been celebrated since July 1987, when the world's population reached 5 billion people. The rapid growth of the world's population became a matter of serious concern to the UN in the 1960s. World population from 1960 to 1999 more than doubled, having crossed the mark of 6 billion in October 1999. According to UN forecasts, in 2050, from 8 to 10.9 billion people will live on earth. Population Day is designed to draw the attention of society to the urgency and importance of solving demographic and other related problems.

August 16 International Day of Homeless Animals This day was included in the international calendar according to the proposal of the International Society for Animal Rights (ISAR) USA. This day was included in the international calendar according to the proposal of the International Society for Animal Rights (ISAR) USA. In Russia, there are about homeless animals - these are the data of the Vita animal rights center. In Russia, there are about homeless animals - these are the data of the Vita animal rights center. The problem of homeless animals is familiar to every large city where the issue of building shelters for homeless animals is acute. The problem of homeless animals is familiar to every large city where the issue of building shelters for homeless animals is acute. People part with pets for a variety of reasons, family, financial, psychological ... But no matter how valid and serious the reason may seem, the animal on the street is merciless! People part with pets for a variety of reasons, family, financial, psychological ... But no matter how good and serious the reason for throwing an animal into the street may seem, mercilessly! And if some people act cruelly, then there must be others who will show mercy, help, care. And if some people act cruelly, then there must be others who will show mercy, help, care.

September 11 is the birthday of the World Wildlife Fund September 11 is the birthday of the World Wildlife Fund September 11, 1961 in the small Swiss town of Morge, where the headquarters of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, WWF arose, the purpose of which was proclaimed the preservation of life on Earth. Created by a community of prominent businessmen, scientists and government leaders, with the support of Prince Bernard of the Netherlands and the Duke of Edinburgh, WWF has become an influential and independent international organization. In 1962, the foundation appealed to all countries to sign the "World Charter for the Conservation of Wild Animals"

World Charter for the Conservation of Wild Animals 1. Prevent any further destruction of wild animals; 2. Allocate the necessary territories for the conservation and reproduction of wild animals; 3. Protect all wildlife from intentional or unintentional acts of cruelty; 4. Promote the development in children of a sense of love for nature, teach them to understand it; 5. To bring to the consciousness of all those who, in their activities, are in direct contact with nature, that they have a huge responsibility in relation to the preservation of nature in its original state; 6. Organize aid to those nations which have the urgent task of preserving their wild animals; 7. Make joint efforts to save wild animals of all countries of the world. 1. Prevent any further destruction of wild animals; 2. Allocate the necessary territories for the conservation and reproduction of wild animals; 3. Protect all wildlife from intentional or unintentional acts of cruelty; 4. Promote the development in children of a sense of love for nature, teach them to understand it; 5. To bring to the consciousness of all those who, in their activities, are in direct contact with nature, that they have a huge responsibility in relation to the preservation of nature in its original state; 6. Organize aid to those nations which have the urgent task of preserving their wild animals; 7. Make joint efforts to save wild animals of all countries of the world.

September 15 Greenpeace Birthday GREENPEACE - "Green World" - the most famous independent international public organization. Greenpeace fights against nuclear tests, environmental pollution with industrial waste, the destruction of rare species of animals and plants, deforestation, and so on. Greenpeace was founded in 1971 in Canada. Then a small group of people rented a battered ship and went on it to the area of ​​the US test site on the island of Amchitka (Alaska) to protest against nuclear tests, after which the US refused to use this test site.

October 2 World Pet Day World Pet Day has been celebrated every year since 1983 on October 2, the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, the foremost fighter for the humane treatment of pets. The purpose of the celebration of this day is to discover, tell and achieve a future reduction in the unnecessary suffering and death of billions of cows, pigs and other domestic animals in livestock enterprises and slaughterhouses.

October 4 World Animal Day World Animal Day is usually celebrated on the day of the death of St. Francis, a respected Catholic saint who was considered the patron saint of all defenseless, including animals. The decision on the annual celebration of this day on October 4 was made back in 1931 by the participants of the International Congress of Adherents of the Movement for the Protection of Nature, which took place in Italy. This decision was supported by organizations created to protect animals in different countries of the world, and they hold various events on this day in order to increase public awareness and activity of citizens regarding the protection of animals.

October 5 Day of the International Union for Conservation of Nature 5 October Day of the International Union for Conservation of Nature The International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), an international non-governmental organization in consultative status with UNESCO. Established in 1948, it unites more than 600 national scientific, government and other institutions and organizations from 130 countries. The supreme body is the General Assembly. Since 1979, the official policy document of the IUCN is the World Conservation Strategy. Headquartered in Gland, Switzerland The organization has observer status at the UN General Assembly.

October 6 World Habitat Day Habitat Day is celebrated on October 6 around the world. This holiday was approved in 1979 under the Convention for the Protection of Wild Fauna and Flora and Natural Habitats in Europe. Man, by his activity, has long been influencing nature, changing it. Every year in the world more and more territories are moving into the category of farmland, pastures, undergoing changes due to the growth of cities, mining, construction of factories and other objects of the national economy.

October 16 World Food Day It was decided to celebrate World Food Day every year in 1979 at a conference of the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (Food and Agricultural Organization, FAO). The date - October 16 - was timed to coincide with the founding day of the FAO. The purpose of World Food Day is to raise public awareness of the world food problem and strengthen solidarity in the fight against hunger, malnutrition and poverty. For many countries, especially the third world, the main problem is the lack of food. According to FAO experts, there are 800 million hungry people in the world. 62 million people face emergencies due to hunger, food insecurity or malnutrition.

November 15 Recycling Day Over the past 30 years, humanity has spent a third of the resources available on Earth. Every year, resource consumption increases by one and a half percent. In this century, the population of the Earth has increased by 4 times, the volume of industrial production has increased by almost 20 times. Currently, about 80 billion tons of garbage have been accumulated in the dumps. And these mountains are growing because only a third of the by-products are processed. Today, the issue of recycling waste is again on the agenda. The "second life" of waste helps to save a significant amount of raw materials and energy.

December 1 World AIDS Day The world learned about a new disease in 1978, but it was not until 1982 that the name AIDS, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, was used for the first time. World AIDS Day was first observed on December 1, 1988, after a meeting of ministers of health from all over the world called for social tolerance and increased information sharing on HIV/AIDS. In April 1991, to draw public attention to the problem of AIDS, artist Frank Moore creates a red ribbon - the official international symbol of the fight against AIDS. Very quickly, the red ribbon became a symbol of the fight against AIDS, popular in the widest sections of society.

November 29 is the day of the creation of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Nature (VOOP) On the initiative of Russian scientists, public and state figures, the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Nature was created in 1924 - the largest public environmental organization in Russia. The purpose of creating the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Nature was the need for a voluntary association of scientific forces and the most progressive-minded public for the restoration and rational use of the country's natural resources, undermined by ruthless exploitation, civil war and devastation. Since 1960, the WOOP has been a member of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

December 29 International Day for Biological Diversity International Day for Biodiversity has been celebrated since 1993. Its main goal is to draw the attention of the inhabitants of the planet to the need to preserve the biological diversity of life on Earth. In 1966, data on extinct and endangered species of animals were published under the title "Red Book". The list of endangered species of animals, unfortunately, is replenished. But there is also reason for optimism: there are “green pages” in the Red Book. Species saved from extermination are brought there.

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