Cuban composers. Biography

TOPIC OF THE LESSON : "Creativity of Kuban composers".


Acquaintance with the work of Kuban composers, popularization of the work of outstanding countrymen - Kuban composers G.F. Ponomarenko and V.G. Zakharchenko

Development of interest in their works; the ability to see beauty next to you; the ability to convey the beauty of images of nature; the ability to work collaboratively.

Raising love for the native land; to their small homeland, the ability to be proud of the outstanding people of the region; the development of such moral qualities of students as kindness, love for one's neighbor;

Equipment. Multimedia projector.

During the classes.

Organizational moment and motivation for the lesson.

You are beautiful and funny

You are generous in Kuban,

Land of bread and songs -

Our Krasnodar region.

More than once the Kuban land

She gave birth to sons worthy of her,

You can't forget them...

The Kuban rocked their cradle.

Kuban is fertile lands, healing waters, seas and rivers rich in fish, valuable minerals, as well as wheat fields painted with gold, vineyards dressed in emeralds, white and pink gardens - isn't this a fairy tale?... But our main wealth is people .

The topic of the lesson.

Teacher: The topic of today's lesson is "the work of Kuban composers." Today we will talk about people of art - about those who make our life beautiful. These are composers who glorified our Kuban in songs.

In 1892 Gregory Kontsevich was invited from St. Petersburg to the Kuban to take the most prestigious position for a musician in the region: G.M. Kontsevich becomes the artistic director of the Kuban military singing choir. Following the principle - not to stop there, Kontsevich pays close attention to the boys who sang in the military choir. In farms and villages, he recorded a lot of folk songs of the Black Sea Cossacks, most of them immediately processed for the military choir and performed in the programs of secular concerts.

In 1937, already at an advanced age, Kontsevich was appointed artistic director of the Kuban Cossack Choir, which was disbanded in 1921. The press sometimes criticized the choir for the fact that in its new program there were no folk songs from the Soviet period and for a large number of purely Ukrainian songs. In 1938, after the assassination attempt on Stalin, Kontsevich, along with the director of the choir Chernyshov, was arrested, he could not stand the torture and died.

Grigory Maksimovich Plotnichenko became the first professional composer in the Kuban, whose musical talent and organizational skills were highly appreciated by the leadership of the country's creative organizations. In 1957, Grigory Maksimovich was elected a member of the board of the Union of Composers of the USSR, and in 1959, a member of the presidium of the All-Russian Choral Society. Regarding the post-war Kuban song, it should be noted that our region has always attracted the attention of the leading Moscow songwriters, who, coming to the Kuban, left for Moscow with rich musical material. And, of course, the capital's composers were attracted by the romance of the life of the Cossacks.

Grigory Maksimovich was not familiar with people, even those younger than him. One of the composer's major works is a choral suite to the words of S. Khokhlov "Poppies on Malaya Zemlya". It understands the theme of war - a theme that the front-line composer addressed throughout his life.

One of the brightest outstanding composers of the Kuban is Grigory Fedorovich Ponomarenko.

Wait, Ponomarenko,

Wait don't leave

Look, it rings over the Volga

Volgograd harvest

Behind Mamaev Kurgan

The feather grass swayed

Not from grief, but from a song

Tears came to my throat.

... Do you want to know, Ponomarenko,

What people said about us

He'll manage without you

And without the Volga, it will disappear.

People will say - how to tie

I'm in trouble and in trouble

I'll survive without anyone

And I'll be lost without the Volga

play this song

So that goosebumps on the back

To rush from Volgograd

Would fly half the earth

So that not from grief, but from a song

Tears came to my throat.

With such farewell words, Ponomarenko was escorted from the Volga to the Kuban. For the residents of Volgograd, his district was a great loss.

In the meantime, bread and salt were already being prepared in the Kuban to meet the wonderful composer, the soul of the people - Grigory Ponomarenko.

It is hard to believe how the genre of Russian song would have developed in our country over the past four decades without the fruitful composer creativity of the People's Artist of the USSR Grigory Ponomarenko, this outstanding creator of a whole trend in our modern domestic vocal and choral art.

To declare oneself as a songwriter, as Ponomarenko did, one had to have a unique creative talent. He was loved for his sincere and spiritual warmth, for his rare melody and great simplicity. On Ponomarenko's personal books, there is an ex-libris, accurate in its content, on which the composer is depicted harnessed to a barge harness, pulling a huge barge along the great Volga. On it is an unusual load - notes with the names of the most popular songs of G. Ponomarenko.

Ponomarenko was born on February 2, 1921 in the village of Morovsk, Ostersky district, Chernihiv region. During the Great Patriotic War, he served as an accordion player in a military ensemble, and after that he worked in an orchestra of Russian folk instruments in Moscow. Then he receives an invitation to the Volga Folk Choir, where he worked as a leader.

In 1972, Ponomarenko came to the Kuban. This region reminded the composer of Ukraine. Having moved to the Kuban, G. Ponomarenko never missed an opportunity to listen to a folklore Cossack choir in a remote farm or village. The first song of Ponomarenko was the song "What is the Kuban". Ponomarenko's works on the Kuban theme were born from direct impressions of communication with working people. An example of this was the song "Labour Hands".

Ponomarenko’s wonderful songs were: “Hello, our Kuban”, “Do not wake, cranes, widows of Russia”, “Morning song”, “Hop” and others.

Kuban poets were friends with G. Ponomarenko. From the memoirs of Kronid Oboyshchikov: “Many times I visited Ponomarenko’s apartment, especially during the days of work on the operetta “Swan Fidelity”. His capacity for work was amazing - at that time he simultaneously wrote both an operetta and sacred music, songs based on Blok's poems. Sometimes, on a slip of paper that turned up, pushing aside the half-eaten breakfast, he immediately sketched his mysterious musical signs in front of me, stretching the button accordion furs, giving out his enchanting Ponomarenkov melody.

The soul sings, then cries,

That laughs, finally

You are now in the Cossack land

The loudest bell.

Ponomarenko wrote music for the films "Stepmother" and "Fatherless".

Silent moonlights

Silent maples in the sky

Ponomarenko on accordion

Sings about the sweet side

Takes sounds from the heart

And he doesn't understand at all

How close the heart is from trouble

He went to the call of a star in the fog

Rejoicing in the heart and in a hurry

Above the bright Kuban steppe

Burnt bright soul

On January 7, 1996, on the day of the Nativity of Christ, the January sun shone. G.F. Ponomarenko died in a car accident.

G.F. Ponomarenko was awarded the titles of People's Artist of the USSR, People's Artist of Russia. He was a truly national composer not only by title, because he studied with the people and wrote songs for the people about the most important and important thing for a person.

Name G.F. Ponomarenko in 1997 began to wear the Krasnodar State Philharmonic. Every year, under the auspices of the Krasnodar Regional Philharmonic, the festival "Address of Childhood - Kuban" is held, in which thousands of young Kuban people take part.

I would like to introduce you to another wonderful person.

The face of this person radiates light and goodness. Many of you go to music school.

Maybe someone knows this person?

This is a famous composer and leader of the Kuban Cossack ChoirVictor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko.

Victor Zakharchenko was born on March 22, 1938 in the village of Dyadkovskaya, Korenovsky district, into a Cossack family. His father died in the first year of the war. According to the stories of the mother, who sang wonderfully, the father dreamed that at least one of his 4 children would become a musician.

A musical gift from God went to Victor. From infancy, he absorbed folk song art. And they sang a lot in the village - the song flowed when people went to work, when they built houses in peace, when they grieved and had fun. The Cossack song entered the life of little Vitya and remained with him forever. The talented teenager himself learned to play the harmonica and by the age of 17 he became the first harmonica player in the village, played at all holidays and weddings, and even dreamed of becoming a composer, not knowing musical notation. After leaving school, Viktor went to Krasnodar to enter a music school, but there he was not even allowed to audition. The grief-stricken young man wandered, not understanding the road ... And then fate gave him a happy chance to meet with the teacher of the music and pedagogical school Alexei Ivanovich Manzhilevsky, and he invited Victor to audition. He was accepted without a scholarship on the condition that he mastered musical literacy, solfeggio and caught up with the rest of the students in six months. Victor spent the day and night at the school, slept on chairs and worked, worked! .. After graduating from college, he entered

conservatory. Then for 10 years he worked in the Siberian Choir. Collected 10 thousand Russian folk songs. At present, for 32 years now, the outstanding artist has been directing the Kuban Cossack Choir.

Looking at the photo of the choir.

Only the Kuban choir will sing

In dashing Kubankas and Circassians,

I see grandfathers house and yard,

Behind them is the distance in wheat bursts...

Only the Kuban choir will sing

Or the Cossack dance will flash,

Like the sun from behind the mountains

Everything will immediately rise over the Kuban ...

Only the Kuban choir will sing

Everyone understands his dialect,

And wider than the steppe, higher than the mountains

the soul is human...

Vadim Nepoba

V. Zakharchenko writes songs on various topics. These are also military-everyday ones, which tell about the exploits of the Kuban people during the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars and about the fate of women who were waiting for their husbands. In his songs, he glorified a man - a worker. But people know how not only to work, but also to relax. Dance, wedding and lyrical songs have been created on this theme. Now we will listen to a song performed by the Kuban Cossack Choir.

The Kuban Cossack choir in its modern structure (choir, dance group, orchestra) and creative orientation was recreated in 1968. Already in 1971, the first international recognition came - the choir became a diploma winner of a folklore festival in Bulgaria, although it was still ahead of them gaining a true national face.

In 1974, Viktor Zakharchenko became the artistic director of the Kuban Cossack Choir. A native of the Kuban, a graduate of the Novosibirsk Conservatory, a tireless collector and researcher of folk art, a musician endowed with an unmistakable artistic intuition, a man of bright social temperament, Zakharchenko defined the creative and social credo of the Kuban Cossack Choir for a quarter of a century as the guardian of the historical memory of the Russian people, their aspirations and hopes.

Over the decades, the team has accumulated a huge repertoire. In the performance of the choir, the song "You, Kuban, you are our Motherland" returned to the people and became the anthem of the Kuban, based on the verses of the priest of the 1st Caucasian Regiment Konstantin Obraztsov. Let's listen to this song now.

The choir was a brilliant interpreter of strong-willed, marked by a chased rhythm and intonational elasticity of marching songs.

(“The fire burns beyond the Kuban”, “Ikhaly Cossacks” - listening to songs), majestically - sad songs - dooms and ballads, sad lyrical songs.

Having taken the creative baton from the Military Choir, being its successor and developing its traditions, the Kuban Cossack Choir participates in church services in Yekaterinodar churches, reverently and selflessly performs Russian sacred music.

The art of the Kuban Cossack Choir and its artistic director has been marked by numerous high awards and brilliant victories in Russia and in many countries of the world.

The tour routes of the Kuban Cossack Choir circled the entire planet.

Since 1990, on the basis of the Kuban Choir, the Kuban Folk Culture Center, the children's experimental school of folk art, the charitable foundation for the revival of Kuban folk culture have been operating.

Try to determine the nature of the song and at what moments of life their Cossacks sing.

(listening to the song of the Kuban Cossack Choir)

The motherland highly appreciated the merits of V.G. Zakharchenko, his contribution to the development of the culture of the Kuban. He was awarded many orders and medals, V.G. Zakharchenko is a People's Artist of Russia and Ukraine, laureate of the State Prize of Russia, an honorary citizen of the village of Dyadkovskaya and the city of Krasnodar.

Who and what do Kuban composers glorify in their songs? (the beauty of the native land, a working man, a defending warrior)

Summary of the lesson. Creative work.

Questions for consolidation: - Our lesson is coming to an end, on it we got acquainted with wonderful works of poetry, music, painting.

What unites Kuban composers? What are their works about?

Here are some proverbs and sayingsin which it is about the song? (connect the beginning and end of proverbs)

Conversation whiles away the road - the song is work.

You can't take a word out of a song.

Song to the Cossack - a friend on a campaign.

If the Cossacks drink alcohol, the enemies - cry.

In the Kuban, even a stone sings along with the Cossacks.

Proverb - not in vain is said. They prove that the song is a constant companion of a person, in any life situations.

Have you ever thought about how a song is born?

But how is a melody born and why does it have such amazing power?

Who writes the music for the songs? (composer)

In songs - the soul of the people, it is in them that different types of art come together. Listen to the melody familiar from childhood, to familiar words - and you will hear the smooth movement of the river, and the noise of the forest, and the rustle of steppe grasses, and the expanse of hot dance. And, perhaps, it is music that will help you immerse yourself in the world of living history, teach you to understand the people around you and yourself.

Homework:find material about composers.

Nechepurenko Lyubov Mikhailovna,
primary school teacher,
MBOU secondary school No. 12, p. White clay,
Krasnodar Territory.
Kuban lesson
8th grade
Topic: Creativity of professional composers of Kuban.
Purpose: to create conditions for acquaintance with the composers of the Krasnodar Territory.
a) educational: to introduce students to the work of famous composers of the Krasnodar Territory; b) developing: to develop cognitive interests, creative abilities;
c) educational: to cultivate love for the small Motherland, communicative relations.
Equipment: presentation,
During the classes:
I. Checking homework.
ΙI. Introduction to the topic.
Introduction by the teacher.
Kuban, Kuban - the joy of my soul
Radiant dawn poured fields.
I don't need anything in the whole world
Your song would float in the sky
S. Khokhlov
The song is the precious wealth of every nation.
The people of Kuban love to sing. They sing Russian and Ukrainian songs, in which either a drawn-out lyrical melody sounds, or a peppy energetic march, or a cheerful, daring Cossack dance. And in the foothills of the gray-haired Caucasus, free, intricate melodies of Adyghe songs are widely spread.
There are many wonderful songs in the Kuban that have received national recognition. They have become so firmly established in the life of the Kuban people, they are performed so often that they have already, as it were, dissolved in the melodies of their native land, turned from author's into folk ones.
This is exactly what happened, for example, with the Song of the Native Land.
II. Listening: "Song of the native land."
It's good for us to go out into the field in the morning,
It's good to meet the dawn in the wild,
And the soul sings about the bright share,
Song about native land.
Chorus: Oh, yes, the dawns are clear in the Kuban,
Oh, yes, in the Kuban cherries are red,
Oh, yes, in the Kuban under the high sky
Bread burns with gold! ..
The words of this song were written by V.B. Bakaldin, and music - V.A. Laptev.
A touching, heartfelt song "The Circassians have such a custom" scattered throughout the North Caucasus. People often perceive this song as a folk song. Meanwhile, it has authors. The poems were written by the famous Adyghe poet Kirimize Zhane (translated by Y. Polukhin). The author of the music is the People's Artist of Russia Goshnau Samogova (1928 - 1995). This wonderful singer traveled all over the country with concerts, trying to convey to the audience the beauty and grandeur of her native land - Adygea.
I would like to talk about some composers in particular. The brightest pages in the history of the Kuban song are associated with their work.
ΙY. Acquaintance with the work of Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko.
Born March 22, 1938 in St. Dyadkovskaya, Korenovsky district. He graduated from the Krasnodar Music Pedagogical College (1960) and the Novosibirsk State Conservatory (1967).
He began his career as a teacher at a pedagogical school in the city of Kuibyshev. From 41964 to 1974 he worked as the chief choirmaster of the State Siberian Russian Folk Choir.
But his heart remained in the Kuban. A longing for the Kuban Cossack songs lived in him constantly. Therefore, after a telegram with an invitation to Krasnodar, without hesitation, he left the apartment and moved with his family to Krasnodar.
On the Day of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos on October 14, he took over the choir under his leadership. Viktor Gavrilovich believes that his fate, as well as the fate of the choir, is under the auspices of the Mother of God. Even in the Zaporizhzhya Sich, the singing school was located in the Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos. On the day of the Intercession, the Military Choir performed for the first time. Siberian Russian folk choir during the work of V.G. housed in the building of the former Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
In 1974 he headed the State Kuban Cossack Choir. A year later, this team took 1st place in the review - the competition of the state Russian folk choirs of Russia, bypassing 11 teams. The program was prepared in 3 months. This victory marked the beginning of the brightest and most creatively fruitful period in the almost two-century history of the choir. His repertoire was replenished with hundreds of new songs. The choir, following the traditions of the Military Choir, performs Russian sacred music, participates in divine services in churches and cathedrals, but also performs songs by contemporary composers. This is a unique singing group. Its history dates back to October 14, 1811. At first, the choir consisted of only a few people who sang in the temple during the church service. Gradually, the repertoire was enriched with Cossack songs and classical works. Being the guardians of folk art, the choir has been at the center of the spiritual and cultural life of the Kuban for almost two centuries.
Listening to a song performed by the State Kuban Cossack Choir.
With a new leader, the team seems to be re-breathing. He becomes famous not only in our country, but also abroad, takes first place in all-Russian competitions of folk choirs, international festivals. He traveled almost all over the world. This is the merit of the famous Kuban composer - V.G. Zakharchenko.
Since 1990, V. G. Becomes the artistic director of the Center for Folk Culture of the Kuban and the State Academic Kuban Cossack Choir.
Kuban Cossack Choir under the direction of V.G. Zakharchenko has repeatedly been a laureate of all-Russian and international competitions and festivals. The team was awarded the honorary title Academic, State Prize. T. Shevchenko of the Republic of Ukraine and was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples.
Throughout his creative life, Viktor Zakharchenko devoted part of his soul and his talent to composing. Zakharchenko the composer has always been close to the poetry of high civic pathos, filled with love for the motherland, for Russia, for the Russian people, for its shrines. For him, even today, the Russian classical poetry of Pushkin and Lermontov, Tyutchev, and Yesenin, Tsvetaeva and Rubtsov remains topical. People today need deep and frank author's songs addressed to the soul, goodness, a sense of patriotism, strengthening national self-consciousness and historical memory, the composer says. “These songs should help us unite from a spiritually divided population into a real, strong in faith and spirit, invincible people, capable of withstanding in any time.”
WT. Zakharchenko is the author of numerous publications and creative editions, including: “Songs of the village of Balman”, “Songs of the villages of the Caucasian”, “Kuban folk songs”, “Russia cannot be understood with the mind”, “The Kuban Cossack choir sings” and others. Victor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko collected over 30 thousand rituals and folk songs.
He heads the Faculty of Traditional Culture and the Department of Stage Folk Ensemble at the Krasnodar University of Culture and Arts.
Professor, Academician of the International Academy of Information, Academician of the Russian Academy of Humanities. Doctor of Arts. Chairman of the board of the charitable foundation for the revival of folk culture of the Kuban "Istoki". Member of the Union of Composers of the Russian Federation. Member of the Presidium of the All-Russian Choral Society and the All-Russian Musical Society. Colonel of the All-Kuban Cossack army. Member of the Commission on State Prizes of Russia under the President of the Russian Federation. He was awarded numerous state and international awards, orders: Friendship, "Badge of Honor", the Red Banner of Labor, the Union of Cossacks of Russia "For Faith, Will and Ethics" and the Order of Friendship of the Republic of Vietnam; medal "100th anniversary of the liberation from the Ottoman yoke" of the Republic of Bulgaria. He was awarded the medals "For Valiant Labor" and "For Contribution to the Development of the Kuban - 60 Years of the Krasnodar Territory", the Cross of the Union of Cossacks of Russia "For the Revival of the Cossacks".
Honored Artist of Russia, Honored Artist of the Republic of Adygea, People's Artist of Russia, People's Artist of Ukraine, laureate of the State Prize of Russia, laureate of the International Prize of the All-Praised Apostle Andrew the First-Called Foundation, "Person of the Year" in the nomination of the Russian Biographical Institute.
On the initiative of Viktor Gavrilovich, the Kuban Folk Culture Center was opened in Krasnodar, a department of folklore and ethnography was opened at the Institute of Culture.
“Only genuine masterpieces of classical poetry can inspire a composer to work,” says V. G. Zakharchenko.
"A song is a confession of the soul."
Performance of a song based on the verses of V. Bakaldin "Bread is the head of everything"
Y. Acquaintance with the work of Grigory Maksimovich Plotnichenko.
The whole life of Grigory Maksimovich Plotnichenko (1918 - 1975) is connected with Krasnodar.
The boy's musical abilities showed up early. He entered a music school, where he studied cello. Easily and quickly mastered other stringed instruments.
Studying at the Krasnodar Musical College was interrupted by the war. Grigory Plotnichenko volunteered to go to the front, fought in the landing detachment of the Marine Corps, commanded a Katyusha battery near Stalingrad. He was awarded military orders and medals.
In one of the battles, Lieutenant Plotnichenko was seriously wounded, and his right arm was amputated in a field hospital.
Returning to Krasnodar as an invalid, in 1943 Grigory Maksimovich graduated from a music school and became a teacher there. Grandiose regional song festivals were held in the Kuban, the organizer and soul of which was Grigory Maksimovich.
The songs of Grigory Plotnichenko... They reflected the beauty of the Kuban nature, the richness of folk melodies, and most importantly, the soul of a common man, his feelings and thoughts, his love for his native land. That is why Plotnichenko's songs are so popular and loved by the people. “The Kubanushka River Runs” (verses by I. Varavva), “Native Village” (verses by V. Popov), “Over the Kuban River” (verses by I. Belyakov) ...
One of his songs, written to the verses of S. Khokhlov, has become a kind of visiting card, a musical symbol of our region. This is the song "Kuban Blue Nights". It is sung both at concerts, and in the family circle, and just in the garden, in the field.
Sergei Nikanorovich Khokhlov recalled how, having seen a young poet at a concert in a working settlement of a thermal power plant, G.M. Plotnichenko invited him to write poems about this particular village.
“I took the pen that same evening ... - says Sergei Nikanorovich. - Wrote the line: "There are beautiful nights in the Kuban."
What does "beautiful" mean?
An abundance of moonlight, wet lilac stars of extraordinary blue, from which the night itself seems blue.
Grigory Maksimovich liked the poems, and soon the new song of the talented composer, spreading its wings, flew over the Kuban villages.
Cuban blue nights
Cherry thick aroma.
Noise behind the workers' village
Green branches garden...
The musical talent of G.M. Plotnichenko combined with great organizational skills. Thanks to his efforts, music faculties were opened in pedagogical institutes in Krasnodar and Maikop, the Krasnodar State Institute of Culture, dozens of music schools and children's choral studios.
G.M. Plotnichenko was awarded prizes, titles, and was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor.
But the best reward for a composer is the love and memory of fellow countrymen. New and new generations of Kuban people sing his songs, passing them from heart to heart.
Listening: "Our Kuban land"
Music by G. Plotnichenko, lyrics by S. Olgin
Our Kuban land
Like soldiers
Poplars in the steppe.
Sea wheat
Ringing around,
May the fields breathe joyfully.
Our Kuban land
- dear space,
sun drenched
From sea to mountains.
steel towers,
factory lights,
Sadov is a stately dress.
Our Kuban land,
famous land,
Wings get wider
Straighten in work.
Together with Motherland
By the way of honor
You walk towards the goal of victory!
YI. Acquaintance with the work of Grigory Fedorovich Ponomarenko.
Grigory Fedorovich Ponomarenko (1921 - 1996) was born in Ukraine. In the peasant family of Ponomarenko, music was not particularly fond of. But there was a person who had a huge impact on the fate of little Grisha. The boy's uncle Maxim Terentyevich Ponomarenko was an original musician and a wonderful master: no one knew how to tune and restore old button accordions better than him.
During his school years, Grisha lived with his uncle's family in the city of Zaporozhye. Participated in all school and city amateur competitions. Maxim Terentyevich appointed his nephew as a student to a talented accordion player. The gifted boy grasped everything literally on the fly. Often one lesson was enough for him to disassemble and memorize a new work.
In 1938 he entered the service in the song and dance ensemble of the border troops. Serving in a military ensemble, Ponomarenko learned a lot from his older fellow musicians.
Real fame came to him after the war. While working in Kuibyshev (now Samara), Grigory Ponomarenko became the author of songs beloved in Russia: “Orenburg downy shawl”, “I will call you dawn”, “Ivushka”, “Birch grows in Volgograd”. These songs immediately entered the soul as something very dear and close.
In 1972, Grigory Fedorovich was invited to the Kuban. Prior to this, the composer had never been to our region. He was surprised and touched to the depths of his soul by how the Kuban land reminded him of his native Ukraine: the sonorous Cossack dialect, wild songs, white huts under tiles.
G.F. Ponomarenko got acquainted with the works of Kuban poets, learned how carefully they store and carefully collect ancient Cossack songs in our region.
Having moved from the Volga to the Kuban, Grigory Fedorovich visited many villages, farms, got acquainted with the work of folk performers, carefully studied all the collections of Cossack songs. Here, in the Kuban, Ponomarenko wrote music for films and performances, for operettas. But songs remained the main thing in his work. “Oh, horses, horses”, “Nightingale on a twig” to verses by I. Varavva, “Labor Hands”, “A Cossack stood on a stone” to verses by S. Khokhlov, “Song of Novorossiysk”, “Farm” to verses by K. Oboyshchikov and dozens of other wonderful works.
YII. Learning the song: "A birch grows in Volgograd."
Music by G. Ponomarenko Lyrics by M. Agashina You were also born in Russia, The land of the field and the forest. We have a birch in every song, a birch under every window. - and her heart will stop. * She was brought from afar To the land where the feather grasses rustle. How difficult it was for her to get used to the fire of the Volgograd land! How long she yearned for the bright forests in Russia ... The guys lie under the birch, Ask them about it. - No one from the earth got up. But how a soldier needs it, For someone to grieve over him. And wept lightly, like a bride, And remembered - forever - like a mother! You were also born a soldier - Don't you understand! was born in Russia, - In a birch, sweet land ... Now, wherever you meet a birch, You will remember my birch, - Her silent branches, Her patient sadness ... A birch is growing in Volgograd ... Try to forget it! Growing in Volgograd birch... Try to forget it!
III. Lesson summary:
- What composers of Kuban were discussed at the lesson?
- What is told in the songs, the music for which the composers wrote?
- What do you think influenced the popularity of these composers?
IX. Homework: Messages about the composers of our village Belaya Clay.

There is no person in Russia who does not know the songs of our famous countryman Grigory Ponomarenko. True, they are often considered folk, because they are melodic, lyrical and very sincere. “Ivushka”, “Poplar”, “I don’t regret, I don’t call, I don’t cry” and, perhaps, the most famous one is “Orenburg downy shawl”. These songs are breathtaking, give goosebumps.

The best gift is a down scarf

“On this blizzard, unkind evening, when there is snowy haze along the roads, you, dear, throw an Orenburg downy shawl on your shoulders ...”. At the sounds of this song, almost every person's heart begins to ache. And further from love and tenderness, tears well up at all: “I’m ready for you, dear, not a scarf, even give my heart ...”

They say that Grigory Ponomarenko dedicated this song to his mother.

“When I was still a young correspondent, I had a chance to interview Grigory Ponomarenko, who had recently arrived in the Kuban (later we met often), - says writer Vladimir Runov. - And of course I was curious about how he wrote this song. Grigory Fedorovich said: he somehow went to buy his mother a birthday present, but did not know what to choose. I decided to consult with the saleswoman in the haberdashery department. She advised: the best gift is an Orenburg scarf. Ponomarenko went to the market. At one of the merchants, the entire counter was covered with these scarves. She not only offered to buy a beautiful little thing - she took off an engagement ring from her finger and passed the product through it. Like, this scarf should be just so thin and elegant. The gift has been purchased. But what he saw made such an impression on Grigory Fedorovich that later he, together with the poet Viktor Bokov, wrote the song of the same name .... "

Later, when Lyudmila Zykina sang about the Orenburg shawl with her melodic voice, the song conquered the whole country. And certainly played into the hands of manufacturers of lace products. Probably, in the entire Soviet Union there was not a single woman left who would not immediately want to receive such a thing as a gift.

Grigory Ponomarenko came to Kuban already being a famous person. Having learned to play the button accordion at an early age, he made his love of music his profession. In the mid-50s, his songs, along with famous artists, were already sung by the whole country.

Grigory Ponomarenko at the plant for the production of Orenburg downy shawls. Photo: From the personal archive

"Living in another dimension"

Tatyana Vasilevskaya, journalist, publisher, winner of the Grigory Ponomarenko Prize, says:

“Grigory Fedorovich shared more than once: his songs quickly gained popularity - they were sung at concerts, at holidays, at the table, on the streets. Isn't that the highest praise! But at the same time, envious people blasphemed his work, the publishers did not want to publish it, calling him a village button accordion player. But recognition never depended on the will of officials. Glory followed him not only in our country. In those years, not a single festive concert, "Spark" was complete without Ponomarenko's songs performed by Olga Voronets, Alexandra Strelchenko, Lyudmila Zykina, Ekaterina Shavrina.

The lyrical beginning of Ponomarenko's music and the talent of the singers merged harmoniously, becoming images of Russia. In the songs, everything was true, truthful, sincere: sadness, and prowess, and loyalty, and cordiality. And then there were other songs that became popular instantly: “Birch grows in Volgograd”, “Poplars”. They will soon be sung by Nani Bregvadze, the Georgian Orera quartet, the Yugoslav singer Lili Petrovich, the Japanese quartet, the Polish ensemble, and the Canadian group. But how!

Lyudmila Zykina once said that once in Canada she was shown a collection of psalms, in which the text of the song "Orenburg Downy Shawl" was published. What was their surprise when they learned that these poems have an author - Viktor Bokov. In Bulgaria, in the same years, a group was created, in whose repertoire there were songs by one composer - Grigory Ponomarenko.

Grigory Ponomarenko and Veronika Zhuravleva with BAM builders. Photo: From the personal archive

Ponomarenko traveled around the country, there was no festival where he was not invited. These concerts gathered stars, but Grigory Fedorovich was the most in demand. In each such trip, he beat the records of meetings with the audience. Snow, blizzard, torrential downpours, bad roads, non-flying weather, lack of respectable concert venues - nothing stopped him. At the first request, he climbed and flew to BAM, to Naryan-Mar, Syktyvkar, to Kamchatka and, God knows, to what distances. They paid a penny for this, but money never meant much to Grigory Fedorovich. He needed so little for life - button accordion, musical paper, a table that replaced the hood of his car, a stump, his own knee. He really lived in another dimension."

Kuban sings you...

Grigory Ponomarenko was admitted to the Union of Composers only in 1974. Colleagues were in no hurry with recognition. But he didn't get upset. In creativity, everything was more than good. For ten years he lived in Volgograd, where he was truly loved.

Once Grigory Fedorovich received a letter from the first secretary of the Krasnodar regional committee of the party G.S. Zolotukhina: "Kuban sings you, loves you, come to us." And soon the head of the department of culture of the regional executive committee, Marina Shapiro, arrived in Volgograd, met with a famous composer and invited him to the Kuban. The Cossack choir was then left without an artistic director. And it seemed to her that a better leader could not be found.

Grigory Ponomarenko visits a vineyard. Photo: From the personal archive

“However, it was not so easy to leave Volgograd,” continues Tatyana Vasilevskaya. - The tractor plant, with the folk choir of which Ponomarenko worked, was categorically against it. The traffic cops were given a command not to let the composer out of the city. The guards, to their credit it will be said, did not carry out this command. The honors officer of the Soviet militia (such a title was awarded to the composer) was warmly welcomed by the Volgograd law enforcement officers and wished good luck.

Kuban met Ponomarenko enthusiastically. The first songs Grigory Fedorovich wrote on the verses of Ivan Varavva. Cooperation with Sergei Khokhlov was very fruitful. In a word, he worked in one breath. The choir, however, did not work out.

Cautiously met celebrity only in the Union of Composers. Here is how Ponomarenko himself recalled it:

“Composers have gathered, they are sitting gloomy, sad. I played and sang thirteen songs. They acted evil, everything was reduced to the fact that I do not know the folklore of the Kuban. The next day I was invited to the UK organization. There was the secretary of the regional party committee I.P. Kikilo. He brought together all the composers. The conversation was short. “Comrades, do you know this man? - Ivan Pavlovich asked and, without waiting for an answer, introduced me: - This is the Honored Artist of the RSFSR, the famous composer Grigory Ponomarenko. Do you know his songs? And he sang "Green willow, bent over the river," then "Orenburg downy shawl." “Did you recognize at least these two songs? And Ponomarenko has a lot of them, - continued Kikilo, - and the people sing them, love them. You did bad. You should turn to Grigory Fedorovich for advice.

For which I thanked fate

Larisa Novoselskaya, chairman of the regional branch of the Union of Writers of Russia:

“Grigory Fedorovich was a gentle, open, sincere person. Despite his fame, he responded to any request. Is the propaganda team going to the field to honor the collective farmers? Ponomarenko gladly joined and went to perform on the field camp. Can you imagine how they were waiting for him there, how they met him?! He treated working people with great respect, and they understood this, responded to him with great love. He was a genius of his time. Often his songs were considered folk. But isn't that the best compliment? The authorities also loved him. But he never treated her kindly. I couldn't stand it for myself either."

In the Kuban, Grigory Ponomarenko found his love - Veronika Zhuravleva. Photo: From the personal archive

The Kuban became Ponomarenko's second home, happiness and destiny. Here is how he himself wrote about it:

“Here I found what I was looking for all my life. I traveled half the world, and met here my love, my song - Veronika Zhuravleva. And I drove along the Kuban villages, the villages of Adygea, where my songs were known, loved, sung. Here in 1990 he was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR. Should I not love you, my Kuban, and all the Kuban people who sing my songs, filling the concert halls in any weather! It was not always easy for me here, but in spite of everything, I always thanked fate for living in a wonderful land. With wonderful people.

Musicologist, composer, teacher, public figure.

Graduated from the Krasnodar Music and Pedagogical College (1960) and the Faculty of Theory and Composition of the Saratov State Conservatory. L.V. Sobinov (1967, leader B.A. Sosnovtsev); graduate school of the Russian State Academy of Music named after V.I. Gnesins (1975, leader A.G. Chugaev).

He began his career as a singing teacher in one of the Krasnodar schools (1960-1961). During the years of study at the conservatory, he worked as a teacher of musical and theoretical disciplines of the same conservatory (1965-1967), a teacher at the Saratov Theater School (1966-1967). From 1967 to 2017 - Lecturer, Senior Lecturer (1968), Associate Professor (1983), Head of the Department of Theory and History of Music (1985-1986), Dean of the Faculty of Music and Education (1986-1992), Professor of the Department of Musicology, Composition and Methods of Music Education Krasnodar State Institute of Culture.

At the congresses of the Union of Composers of the USSR and the RSFSR, he was elected a member of the audit commission and a member of the board of the Union. From 1984 to 1998 he headed the Krasnodar organization of the Union of Composers of Russia (Chairman of the Board). From 1994 to 1996 - head of the association of composer organizations "South of Russia".

Participated in the work of congresses, creative plenums, conferences and festivals in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Suzdal, Talin, Warsaw, etc. Chairman of the organizing committee of the All-Russian Festival of Symphonic and Chamber Music "Aeolian Strings" (1993, 1994, 1995), participant of the musical travel organized by the Russian Investigative Committee (All-Russian Festival) "Panorama of the Music of Russia".

For many years he was actively engaged in musical and educational activities, performing on the stages of concert organizations in Krasnodar and other cities of the Kuban. Author and presenter of a large number of musical programs of regional radio and television.

Author of books and numerous articles in the central and regional press devoted to the work of Russian (including Kuban) composers, Kuban song folklore, problems of the development of national musical culture.

PhD in Art History (1978). Dissertation "On the dramaturgical principles of Rodion Shchedrin's creativity."

Member of the Union of Composers of Russia (1974).

Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation (1992).

Honored Artist of the Republic of Adygea (1995).

Professor (1993).

  • Laureate of the Prize. educator of the Kuban K. Rossinsky and an independent award. People's Artist of the USSR G.F. Ponomarenko.
  • Honorary Professor of the Krasnodar State Institute of Culture (2016).
  • Honorary Worker of the Union of Composers of Russia (1996).

The main works of V.G. Komissinsky:

  • Symphony with choir in 4 parts.
  • Concertino for piano and string orchestra. (2005).
  • Cossack evening songs. Cantata for mixed choir, contralto, piano and an ensemble of woodwind and percussion instruments (1998).

Published writings:

  • 1. Songs of my mother: vocals. cycle for voice and f.-p. Folk words. – M.: Composer, 1996.
  • 2. Royal service: vocals. cycle for low female voice and flute. Folk words. - Krasnodar: Aeolian strings, 2001.
  • 3. Cossack evening songs: cantata for mixed choir, contralto, f.-p. and an ensemble of woodwind and percussion instruments; clavier. - Krasnodar: Kuban folk choir, 2001.
  • 4. Symphony with choir, in 4 parts; clavier. - Krasnodar: Aeolian strings, 2002, 61 p.
  • 5. Ten romantic pieces for p.-p. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2007, 47 p.
  • 6. Cossack evening songs: cantata for mixed choir, contralto, piano. and an ensemble of woodwind and percussion instruments; score. – Krasnodar: Enlightenment-South, 2008.

Musicological works of V.G. Komissinsky
Individual editions

  • 1. Music and people. (To help lecturers, teachers and listeners of people's universities). - Krasnodar, 1970. 25 p.
  • 2. Music of our days. (To help lecturers, teachers and listeners of people's universities). - Krasnodar, 1972. 42 p.
  • 3. Motherland, revolution, Lenin in the works of Rodion Shchedrin. (To help lecturers). - Krasnodar, 1977. 29 p.
  • 4. On the dramatic principles of R. Shchedrin's work; ed. and enter. Art. M.E. Tarakanova. – M.: Sov. composer, 1978. 191 p.
  • 5. Composers and musicologists of the Kuban: a biographical and bibliographic reference book. - M.: "Bioinformservis", 1998. 120 p.
  • 6. State Academic Kuban Cossack Choir. - Krasnodar: Kuban Cossack Choir, 2000 (in Russian and English).
  • 7. Music, creativity, life. Articles, materials, documents; ed.-st. L.V. Komissinskaya. - Krasnodar: Aeolian strings, 2007. 245 p.
  • 8. 70 years of the Krasnodar State Philharmonic. G.F. Ponomarenko. - Krasnodar: "Kuban-book", 2009. 50 p.
  • 9. Grigory Ponomarenko: “My soul is a volcano crater”: monograph. - Krasnodar: KGUKI, 2012. 150 p.

Articles in books, collections and magazines

  • 1. Songs of my mother // Outlook. 1970. No. 6. S. 12.
  • 2. In search of the main song // Kuban. 1973. No. 4. S. 104.
  • 3. Encounters with the song // Musical. life. 1975. No. 17. S. 7.
  • 4. Poetry by Rodion Shchedrin. New editions // Musical. life. 1976. No. 5. S. 24.
  • 5. Meetings with the song // Kuban. 1976. No. 11.
  • 6. Epic song to Lenin // Sov. music. 1980. No. 4. S. 4.
  • 7. Folk songs of Kuban // Melody. 1984. No. 4.
  • 8. Singer of Russian birches // Grigory Ponomarenko and his songs. - M.: Music, 1987.
  • 9. [Yuri Aleksandrovich Simakin] // Simakin Yu.A. “My Quiet Motherland”: tunes and melodies for f.-p. – Krasnodar: [Krasnodar. org-iya SK of Russia], 1992. S. III.
  • 10. Kaplan Tuko // Petrusenko I.A. Kaplan Tuco. – Maykop, 1992.
  • 11. First Karachay-Cherkessia (M. Kochkarov's ballet "Aitugan - the daughter of Kar-chi") // Yugo-Polis. 1994. No. 2.
  • 12. The problem of contrast in the theory and practice of musical art // Actual problems of musical education. – Krasnodar: KGAK, 1994.
  • 13. Melodies of the native land // Tuko K. Peace be with you, people. – Maykop, 1994.
  • 14. The Last Witnesses (Symphony-Requiem by V.Magdalitz). - Krasnodar: TO "Premier", 1995.
  • 15. Russian Orpheus (in memory of Grigory Ponomarenko) // Kuban: problems of culture and informatization. 1996. No. 2-3.
  • 16. Krasnodar boys' choir // The Krasnodar boys' choir sings. - M.: Composer, 1999.
  • 17. On the way to the song theater // Kuban ditties, choruses, suffering, drinking songs; recording and preparation text by I.N. Boyko. - Krasnodar. Folklore and creative center of the peoples of the North Caucasus, 2002.
  • 18. “You are the Kuban, you are our Motherland” // Anthem of the Krasnodar Territory “You are the Kuban, you are our Motherland”. Folk music, lyrics by K. Obraztsov. Arrangement for wind orchestra, 4 choirs and piano. V. Spiridonov. - Krasnodar: Aeolian strings, 2002.
  • 19. Music of the native land // Donchenko Yu. Music of the native land: selected transcriptions for a brass band on the themes of the songs of Kuban composers. - Krasno-dar: Aeolian strings, 2002.
  • 20. Everything remains for people. Memories of G.M. Plotnichenko // Our contemporary Grigory Plotnichenko; comp. N. Magdalits. - Krasnodar: Aeolian strings, 2003.
  • 21. A brilliant start to change. People of art give their assessment of the changes that have transformed the musical theater of the Kuban // Kuban. news. Feb 22, 2003
  • 22. "The Tale of the Kuban" I.M. Kosyaka // Kosyak I. The Tale of the Kuban: Overture for Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments; score. - Krasnodar: Aeolian strings, 2003.
  • 23. Grigory Ponomarenko: “My soul is a volcano crater” // Grigory Ponomarenko: creativity and fate (on the 90th anniversary of his birth): Sat. articles. - Krasnodar: KGUKI, 2010. S. 5-65.

Articles in periodicals

  • 1. Conquering everyone // Dawn of youth (Saratov). 1964. 3 Apr.
  • 2. "Twelve" // Dawn of youth (Saratov). 1964. 8 Apr.
  • 3. Two choirs met // Communist (Saratov). 1965. March 11.
  • 4. Young pianists play // Kommunist (Saratov). 1965. 29 Oct.
  • 5. For three centuries // Chernomorskaya health resort. Jan 31, 1967
  • 6. Cheerful performance // Sov. Kuban. 1969. 2 Oct.
  • 7. Bright talent // Sov. Kuban. 1969. 7 Oct.
  • 8. Chopin sounded // Komsomolets Kuban. 1970. 18 Apr.
  • 9. Genuine nationality // Sov. Kuban. 1974. 5 Apr.
  • 10. Songs of Viktor Ponomarev // Sov. Kuban. 1974. 14 Aug.
  • 11. In search // Komsomolets Kuban. 1974. 15 Aug.
  • 12. Multicolor of the Kuban song // Komsomolets Kuban. 1975. 23 Sept.
  • 13. Inspiration and skill // Komsomolets Kuban. 1975. 2 Dec.
  • 14. Searches and accomplishments. To the results of the Third Plenum of the Krasnodar Composer Organization // Sov. Kuban. 1977. 30 Apr.
  • 15. Guests from Novosibirsk // Komsomolets Kuban. 1977. 28 Dec.
  • 16. Author's evening of Alexander Dudnik // Sov. Kuban. 1978. 18 Apr.
  • 17. "Russian Music Orchestra" // Sov. Kuban. 1978. 27 Sept.
  • 18. Students sing // Komsomolets Kuban. 1978. 12 Oct.
  • 19. In search of his viewer // Komsomolets Kuban. 1978. 28 Nov.
  • 20. Unusual concert // Komsomolets Kuban. 1979. Jan 16
  • 21. Devotion to music // Sov. Kuban. 1979. 3 Apr.
  • 22. May there always be music. The Fourth Plenum of Kuban Composers // Komsomolets of Kuban. 1981. 15 Apr.
  • 23. Who is louder? // Komsomolets Kuban. 1983. 6 Apr.
  • 24. Songs of courage // Komsomolets Kuban. 1985. 16 Apr.
  • 25. Everything remains for people // Komsomolets Kuban. 1985. May 22.
  • 26. A song has amazing power. Name in art // Komsomolets Kuban. 1985. 13 Aug.
  • 27. Illumination by beauty // Komsomolets Kuban. 1985. 19 Oct.
  • 28. Music is about the main, deep and secret; the conversation was conducted by T. Vasilevskaya // Komsomolets Kuban. 1985. 19 Nov.
  • 29. Song for working people // Komsomolets Kuban. 1986. No. 141.
  • 30. Igor Yunitsky plays // Komsomolets Kuban. 1987. Jan 1-7
  • 31. Vocation - inspiration // Komsomolets Kuban. 1989. No. 239.
  • 32. Play, Ponomarenko // Sov. Kuban. 1989. 2 Sept.
  • 33. Music of Faith, Goodness and Hope // Sov. Kuban. 1991. 13 Feb.
  • 34. About Kaplan Tuko and his music // Sov. Adygea. 1993. No. 23.
  • 35. "Eolian strings". Anniversary festival of symphonic and chamber music // Volnaya Kuban. 1993. No. 108. June 8.
  • 36. Two ballets at the Premiere Theater // Sov. Adygea. 1994. Jan 11
  • 37. Russian sacred music // Free Kuban. 1994. May 20.
  • 38. Birth of a song // Free Kuban. 1995. Jan 17
  • 39. The rebellious soul of music. The Third All-Russian Festival of Symphonic and Chamber Music "Eolian Strings" in Krasnodar // Krasnodar. news. 1995. No. 208.
  • 40. From the family of Russian ringers. Grigory Ponomarenko // Kuban. news. 1996. 2 Feb.
  • 41. A creative union is a single cultural space of the country. Problems of musical culture // Kuban. news. 1996. No. 30.
  • 42. And the impossible is possible. The Krasnodar Composers' Organization turns thirty years old // Kuban. news. 1996. May 31.
  • 43. About G.F. Ponomarenko // Free Kuban. Feb 11, 2009
  • 44. Pantry of memory // Krasnodar. news. 1996. No. 202.
  • 45. The city grows rich with ballet // Krasnodar. news. 1996. No. 234.
  • 46. ​​How do you remember 1996? // Kuban. news. 1997. No. 1.
  • 47. Life in dance. Creative portrait of Nikolai Kubar // Kuban. news. 1997. No. 218.
  • 48. Everything remains for people // Free Kuban. 1997. 26 Dec.
  • 49. The last classic of Russian music. [Georgy Sviridov passed away] // Free Kuban. 1998. Jan 10
  • 50. Masterpieces of world classics // Kuban. news. 1999. No. 46.
  • 51. Choral master. Creative portrait of Vyacheslav Yakovlev // Kuban. news. Feb 11, 2000
  • 52. Sounding chronicle of the Kuban Cossack choir // Kuban. news. 2000. No. 17.
  • 53. Finest hour of Viktor Zakharchenko // Kuban. news. 2000. No. 96.
  • 54. He composed music as he breathed - widely and freely // Free Kuban. Feb 11, 2009
  • 55. House where muses serve people // Free Kuban. 2009. May 20-22; 26 of May.
  • 56. Love of Veronica // Free Kuban. Nov 26, 2009

Speeches on Krasnodar regional television (selection)

  • 1968 "Out loud". Oratorio by Georgy Sviridov.
  • Piano Conversations. Composer Rodion Shchedrin.
  • 1969 "Songs of my mother". Kuban song folklore.
  • Conversations at the piano: Dmitri Shostakovich; Mikael Tariverdiev; Kara Karaev.
  • Musicians of our city: Alla Tretyakova; Igor Bulakhov and Mikhail Eskin; V. Kradin; Composer A. Gandelsman [Zhurbin]; Composer Tatyana Vasilyeva; Emilia Serebrennikova.
  • Song dialogue. Conversation with the composer V.D. Ponomarev.
  • Art by Zara Dolukhanova.
  • Bayan and song.
  • 1971 Oratorio by R. Shchedrin "Lenin in the Heart of the People".
  • Ornament. V. Mikhailov and A. Lomaev are playing.
  • Music in my life. Nikolay Kirichenko.
  • Our guest. Choir of boys "Topolek".
  • 1972 A.N. Sryabin - 100 years from the date of birth.
  • Let's talk about music.
  • The song is the soul of the people.
  • 1973 Meeting with composer Pavel Chernoivanenko.
  • Musicians of our city: Natalya Korobeynikova; The ensemble of Russian folk instruments "Souvenir" plays; Taisiya Drobova; Victor Ponomarev.
  • Film music by Mikael Tariverdiev.
  • Piano Conversations. Aram Khachaturian.
  • 1974 Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments of the Krasnodar Institute of Culture.
  • Conversations at the piano: Sergei Rachmaninov; I.S. Bach.
  • Composer Alexander Dudnik.
  • 1975 Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments led by Alexander Dudnik.
  • Meeting with V.D. Ponomarev.
  • Recent writings by D.D. Shostakovich.
  • Piano Conversations. Played by Lydia Marchenko.
  • Meeting with the Kuban Cossack choir.
  • Composers of the Kuban.
  • 1977 Musicians of our city: Vitaly Kevorkov; Alexander Dudnik.
  • To the results of the Third Plenum of Kuban Composers.
  • Art Festival.
  • The orchestra played by Igor Bulakhov.
  • Russian folk musical instruments: Balalaika; Domra; Played by Boris Tropicyn.
  • Composers of Kuban October.
  • 1978 Russian folk musical instruments. Accordion.
  • Played by Natalya Korobeynikova.
  • Our guest. Russian orchestra.
  • 1979 Music by Mendelssohn.
  • 1983 Grigory Ponomarenko.
  • 1985 Conversation with the poet Vitaly Bakaldin.
  • 1986 Grigory Ponomarenko. Everything is left to the people.
  • 1987 Young Composers of Kuban.
  • Otradnensky ditties.
  • We invite you! Music and Pedagogical Faculty.
  • Author's concert by Vladimir Magdalits.
  • Fourth plenum of composers of Kuban.
  • 1991 Opening of the Grigory Ponomarenko Song Center.
  • 1992 Meeting. Interview with V.G. Komissinsky on the problems of the musical culture of the Kuban.
  • "All-Night Vigil" by Grigory Ponomarenko.
  • "Eolian strings". First All-Russian Festival of Symphonic and Chamber Music in Krasnodar (together with V. Magdalits).
  • Our festival Conversation with V. Kazenin and B. Tselkovnikov.
  • 1994 Krasnodar chamber choir.
  • "Wreath to the city". Artistic and publicistic film of Russian television ("Video International"), dedicated to the First All-Russian Festival "Aeolian Strings" for the 200th anniversary of Ekaterinodar-Krasnodar.
  • 1996 Meeting for you. Krasnodar television and radio company "Pioneer". Interview with V.G. Komissinsky.
  • The Krasnodar organization of the Russian Investigative Committee is 30 years old (interview by V.G. Komissinsky).
  • 1997 Hunting for wolves. Conversation with V.G. Komissinsky. TRK "Ekaterinodar"
  • 1998 Right to biography. Victor Komissinsky.
  • "Friends of Grigory Ponomarenko". V. Komissinsky.
  • 1999 Vyacheslav Yakovlev and his Chamber Choir.
  • Amirbiy Kulov and dance ensemble "Nalmes".
  • Viktor Belousov and Tatyana Sorokina.
  • 2000 People's Artist of Russia Anatoly Lizvinsky.
  • Director of the Krasnodar chamber choir L.P. Belevtsov.
  • Honored Artist of Russia Svetlana Demkina.
  • Ataman V. Gromov and sculptor Olga Yakovleva.
  • Artist M.A. Klimarev.
  • Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation Alexander Dudnik.
  • Territory of communication. Rose Lavoe.
  • Professor N.L. Mezhlumova and her students.
  • Ensemble of percussion instruments TO "Premiera". Viktor Burd.
  • Honored Artist of the Russian Federation N.M. Kremenskaya.
  • 2001 Young artists of the Kuban Cossack Choir Anna Kosyakova and Elena Kulikovskaya.
  • Tour of the Kuban Cossack Choir in the cities of Siberia. Conversation with V. Vishnevsky and A. Rabochy.
  • Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation N. Uskirev.
  • Singing Roman Troyan.
  • Territory of communication. Honored Art Worker of Russia Vladimir Chernyavsky.
  • Professor Natalya Korobeynikova.
  • Composer Nikolay Nekoz.
  • Our guests are N. Vlasov and Vl. Waltz.
  • Territory of communication. Honored Art Worker of Adygea, Honored Teacher of Kuban, Professor Gissa Chich.
  • Composer Vitaly Kevorkov.
  • 2002 Alexander Plakhteev sings.
  • Ancient music performed by N. Korobeynikova.
  • Regional puppet theater today. Conversation with I. Belova and V. Prasol.
  • Regional Philharmonic today.
  • Territory of communication. Igor Anisimov.
  • 2003 Kuban Art Stars. Grigory Ponomarenko. A documentary film about the creative path of the composer (script by T. Vasilevskaya). State Unitary Enterprise "Center for Information and Economic Development of the Press, Television and Radio of the Krasnodar Territory", ANO "Krasnodar Film Studio", 2003.
  • 2008 V.G. Komissinsky is 70 years old. New TV Kuban.
  • 2010 "History in faces". Grigory Ponomarenko. Documentary film (script by T. Dunaeva). OOO TK "Star of Kuban", 2010.
  • 2011 Liberation of Krasnodar from fascist invaders. Documentary film with music by V. Komissinsky.
  • 2014 "Shrines of the Caucasus". A documentary film about the history of the Catherine's Church in Krasnodar (script by T. Dunaeva), using music by V. Komissinsky. TV "Star of the Kuban".
  • Anniversary of V.I. Zhuravleva-Ponomarenko.

Performances on Krasnodar radio

  • 1969 In the world of music.
  • 1971 "My record library". Cantata by S. Prokofiev "To the 20th Anniversary of October".
  • 1972 Man follows the song. Conversation with S.I. Eremenko.
  • 1975 A song goes around in circles. Conversation with V.G. Zakharchenko.
  • Take care of your own.
  • "This is the day of victory." Literary and musical composition (together with L.V. Komissinskaya).
  • "Winter Fantasy". Literary and musical composition (together with L.V. Komissinskaya).
  • Through the pages of a future book. Composer Rodion Shchedrin.
  • 1977 Creative portrait of Viktor Zakharchenko.
  • Played by Boris Tropicyn.
  • 1984 Vocal cycle by V. Magdalitz on verses by A. Voznesensky.
  • 1985 Grigory Ponomarenko - People's Artist of Russia.
  • Vladimir Magdalits. "Farewell Songs"
  • Dedicated to the Victory Day. Competition.
  • 1986 Viktor Likhonosov. "Elegy".
  • Young composers of Kuban.
  • At the Seventh Congress of Composers of the USSR. Conversation with G. Seleznev and V. Burylev.
  • 1987 Sixth plenum of Kuban composers.
  • Composer Lev Smirnov.
  • 1989 Creative plenum of Kuban composers.
  • 1993 Russian romance.
  • 1994 Russian sacred music performed by the Krasnodar chamber choir.
  • 2000 Conversation between V. Frolkin and V. Komissinsky.

Literature about the creative activity of V.G. Komissinsky

  • 1. Markov V. Conversations at the piano // Komsomolets Kuban. 1970. March 3.
  • 2. Slepov A.A., Kalachev Yu.T. Krasnodar organization of the Union of Composers of Russia. - Krasnodar, 1977. S. 7-8.
  • 3. Mkhitaryan A. Tasks of the day. From the Third Plenum of Kuban Composers // Komso-molets Kuban. 1977. 29 Apr.
  • 4. Tarakanov M.E. Foreword // Komissinsky V.G. On the dramatic principles of Rodion Shchedrin's creativity. – M.: Sov. composer, 1978. S. 4-10.
  • 5. Kuznetsov V. Vivaldi's creations sound // Komsomolets Kuban. 1978. 27 Oct.
  • 6. Genina L. A very difficult task. Questions of criticism // Sov. music. 1978. No. 11. S. 23.
  • 7. Semenov Yu. About contemporary music: [rec. on the book by V. Komissinsky “On the dramaturgical principles of Rodion Shchedrin’s work] // Sov. music. 1979. No. 5. S. 101-102.
  • 8. Sychev I. In the creative organizations of the RSFSR. Krasnodar // Music of Russia. Issue. 3. - M.: Sov. composer, 1980.
  • 9. Grigoriev L.G., Platek Ya.M. Soviet composers and musicologists: a reference book, in 3 volumes. T. 2. K-R. – M.: Sov. composer, 1981. S. 79.
  • 10. Sychev I.B. For the Russian Federation. Krasnodar // Music of Russia. Issue. 4. - M.: Sov. composer, 1982. S. 366-368.
  • 11. Korev Yu. The First Adyghe… // Sov. music. 1985. No. 12. S. 58-60.
  • 12. Titov S. Results of the Year // Information Bulletin of the Secretariat of the Board of the Union of Composers of the USSR. – M.: Sov. composer, 1986, no. 4-5. pp. 32-33.
  • 13. Pshenichnaya I. On the way of perestroika // Sov. Kuban. 1987. 16 Apr.
  • 14. Polozkov I.K. Not only compliments // Sov. culture. 1987. June 6.
  • 15. Vasilevskaya T. Do not prohibit, but educate // Sov. Kuban. 1987. June 26.
  • 16. Miroshnikova S., Yavorskaya M. Song of Brotherhood // Adygeiskaya Pravda. 1987. 28 Nov.
  • 17. Fish E. There is no stronger force // Dagestanskaya Pravda. 1988. 14 Apr.
  • 18. Borisov G. “I am happy in the profession” // Komsomolets Kuban. 1988. 21 Sept.
  • 19. Borisov G. Symphony for an orchestra that does not exist // Komsomolets Kuban. 1989. Feb. 1
  • 20. Vasilevskaya T. I choose business // Sov. Kuban. 1989. March 10.
  • 21. Zakharova T. Melodies of the Kuban // Komsomolets Kuban. 1989. 16 Dec.
  • 22. Chich G. Interesting and diverse // Adygeiskaya Pravda. 1990. Jan 4
  • 23. Zaitsev Yu. About music, artist and not only // Sov. Kuban. 1991. 10 Aug.
  • 24. Titov S.A. Musical creativity and Musical. life of the republics of the Russian Federation. Krasnodar // Music of Russia. Issue. 9. - M.: Sov. composer, 1991. S. 329.
  • 25. Reshetnyak L. So our union will be eternal // Kuban. news. 1992. May 13.
  • 26. Petrusenko I.A. V.G. Komissinsky // Petrusenko I.A. Path to song. Book. 1. - Maykop, 1992. S. 132-148.
  • 27. Reshetnyak L. How long to live in poverty? Backyard culture. Meeting of the leaders of the region with the creative intelligentsia // Kuban. news. 1992. March 19.
  • 28. Congratulations! // Free Kuban. 1992. July 7.
  • 29. Congratulations! // News of the South of Russia. 1992. No. 37.
  • 30. Magdalits V. What is completed, what is in progress, what is planned? // Musical. academy. 1993. No. 2. S. 178.
  • 31. Weil D. “Eolian strings” sound // Krasnodar. news. 1993. June 17.
  • 32. Nikolaeva N. What does the Russian spirit smell like? // Kuban. courier. 1994. No. 190.
  • 33. Shinkevich S. The living word of God // Labor Man. 1994. No. 45.
  • 34. Ivanyuk S. Illuminates the music of the heart // Sov. Adygea. 1995. No. 238.
  • 35. Abdullin E. Let the "Eolian strings" sound // Musical. life. 1995. No. 3. S. 11.
  • 36. V.G. Komissinsky headed the association of composers of the South of Russia // Krasnodar. news. 1995. Jan 31
  • 37. Mikhlina I.I. Deeds and plans. Members of the Krasnodar regional department of the International Informatization Academy // Kuban: problems of culture and informatization. 1995. No. 1.
  • 38. Weil D. Bolshoy in Krasnodar: [about the concert performance of "Iolanta" by P.I. Tchaikovsky soloists of the Bolshoi Theatre, the Mariinsky Theater and the Theater named after K.S. Stanislavsky] // Dawn. 1996. No. 23.
  • 39. Tuko K. Go your own way // Sov. Adygea. 1996. No. 177.
  • 40. Abdullin E. Anniversary // Culture. 1996. No. 30.
  • 41. Chervlensky V. Fiery sounds of chords // Honor and Motherland. 1997. No. 2.
  • 42. Grigory Ponomarenko and Margarita Agashina - what happened, it happened // Multi-level system of art education and upbringing: Sat. Art. XI All-Russian. scientific-practical. conf. - Krasnodar, KGUKI. pp. 177-184.
  • 43. Podskochiy M. Creativity of Alemdar Karamanov: an experience of characterization [review of the book by V. Komissinsky "On the dramaturgical principles of R. Shchedrin's work"] // Alemdar Karamanov - music, life, fate. Memoirs, articles, researches. - M .: Publishing house "Classics of the XXI century", 2005. S. 279.
  • 44. Ten-Kovina N. Symphonic worlds // Free Kuban. Jan 12, 2009
  • 45. Grigory Ponomarenko // Free Kuban. Feb 11, 2009
  • 46. ​​Tkachenko G. Cossack memory. Vocal and choral works, accompanied by piano, button accordion. Issue 3. - Krasnodar: "Enlightenment-South", 2011.
  • 47. Babenko E.V. Analysis of musical works: textbook. allowance. - Krasnodar: KGUKI, 2010. S. 13, 14, 19, 68, 74.
  • 48. Salnikova S.V. Acquaintance with symphonic works of Kuban composers // The News. Feb 8, 2015
  • 51. Isachenko S.V. Jazz in the Kuban in the Soviet period: on the history of the issue // Music in the space of media culture: Sat. articles on mater. second international scientific-practical. conf. - Krasnodar: KGIK, 2015. P. 100.
  • 52. Babenko E. Some features of the musical language and shaping of the vocal cycle V.G. Komissinsky "Songs of my mother" // Music in the space of media culture: Sat. articles on mater. second international scientific-practical. conf. - Krasnodar: KGIK, 2015. S. 128-130.

Kuban composers


Acquaintance with the work of Kuban composers, popularization of the work of outstanding countrymen - Kuban composers G.F. Ponomarenko and V.G. Zakharchenko

Development of interest in their works; the ability to see beauty next to you; the ability to convey the beauty of images of nature; the ability to work collaboratively.

Raising love for the native land; to their small homeland, the ability to be proud of the outstanding people of the region; the development of such moral qualities of students as kindness, love for one's neighbor;

Equipment. Multimedia projector.

You are beautiful and funny

You are generous in Kuban,

Land of bread and songs -

Our Krasnodar region.

More than once the Kuban land

She gave birth to sons worthy of her,

You can't forget them...

The Kuban rocked their cradle.

Teacher: Kuban is fertile lands, healing waters, seas and rivers rich in fish, valuable minerals, as well as wheat fields painted with gold, vineyards dressed in emeralds, white and pink gardens - isn't this a fairy tale?... But our main wealth is people .

They will overcome evil and grief,

They will get light in pitch darkness ...

My heroes are the main root,

The basis of life on earth.

The topic of the lesson.

Teacher: Today we will talk about people of art - about those who make our life beautiful.

Teacher: I want to tell you an ancient legend that was born in ancient Greece.

On the sacred mountain Helikon live eternally young muses - the daughters of the god Zeus and the goddess of memory Mnemocothers. When night falls, the Muses, shrouded in thick fog, rise to the top of the mountain and dance. Inaudibly touching the ground, they whirl easily. Their beauty is extraordinary, their singing gives inexplicable pleasure. In addition, it relieves sorrow and makes you forget all evil. In their songs, the Muses sing of the customs, laws of life and glorify the gods.

Muses have one amazing ability. As soon as they look at a person at birth and pour a drop of sweet dew on the tip of his tongue, his whole life becomes reasonable and beautiful. Such a person has the gift of words, musical and artistic gift. He is distinguished by special wisdom and is highly respected by the people.

Those whom the muses fell in love with are the Kuban poets, artists and composers, whom we will talk about today. Thanks to their works, they received nationwide recognition and love.

Let's get to know some of them. (On the board are cards with surnames). Classify these people into groups.

Name the poets Vladimir Podkopaev, Kronid Oboishchikov, Vadim Nepodoba.

Name the Kuban composers : EF. Ponomarenko, V.G. Zakharchenko.

Name the Kuban artists:

Their works: poems, songs, pictures are used in our lesson.

Lesson content.

Look around - the beauty will enchant:

There is no country more beautiful than ours!

Bread is golden

Green forests,

The distance of the sea azure is painted ...

Here and in the songs the Cossack scope and flight,

And in accomplishments the scale is Russian.

The heroic people live in the Kuban,

And the deeds of which are heroic.

V. Podkopaev

Teacher. Read, listen, think about these lines.

What kind of person could say that?

The people of Kuban love to sing. - What songs do we sing in the Kuban?

Russian and Ukrainian songs, ringing and sad, soulful and dancing, they not only express the dreams and thoughts of the people who created them, but also serve as documents of history. Today, songs are taught at school, and once the Cossacks from the military singing choir of the Kuban Cossack army themselves became singing teachers.

Indeed, a song can teach a lot. In songs - the soul of the people, it combines the power of music and words, and the fervent folk ditty is also accompanied by dancing, which means that it is in the song that different types of art come together.

It is worth listening to the melody familiar from childhood, to the usual words - and you will hear the smooth movement of the river, and the noise of the forest, and the rustle of steppe grasses, and the expanse of hot dance. And, perhaps, it is the song that will help you immerse yourself in the world of living history, teach you to understand the people around you and yourself.

Kuban, Kuban - my soul's joy,

Radiant dawn poured fields.

I don't need anything in the whole world

Your song would float in the sky.

What songs do your parents sing?

What songs do you like?

Here are some proverbs and sayings in which it is about the song? (connect the beginning and end of proverbs)

Conversation whiles away the road - the song is work.

You can't take a word out of a song.

Song to the Cossack - a friend on a campaign.

If the Cossacks drink alcohol, the enemies - cry.

In the Kuban, even a stone sings along with the Cossacks.

Proverb - not in vain is said. They prove that the song is a constant companion of a person, in any life situations.

Have you ever thought about how a song is born?

But how is a melody born and why does it have such amazing power?

Who writes the music for the songs? (composer)

Let's get to know some of them.

(portrait display) In front of you is a portraitGrigory Fedorovich Ponomarenko - People's composer of the Kuban land. Poems were dedicated to him, flowers were given in huge armfuls, streets were named after him, and a museum was created in the city of Krasnodar. “He possessed God's gift - to write music from which“ the heart asks for latitude ”- this is how his contemporaries wrote about him.

Grigory Fedorovich Ponomarenko (1921-1996) was born in Ukraine. In the peasant family of Ponomarenko, music was not particularly fond of. But there was a person who had a huge impact on the fate of little Grisha. The boy's uncle Maxim Terentyevich Ponomarenko was an original musician and a wonderful master: no one knew how to tune and restore old button accordions better than him.

During his school years, Grisha lived with his uncle's family in the city of Zaporozhye. Participated in all school and city amateur competitions. Maxim Terentyevich appointed his nephew as a student to a talented accordion player. The gifted boy grasped everything literally on the fly. Often one lesson was enough for him to disassemble and memorize a new work.

In 1938 he entered the service in the song and dance ensemble of the border troops, where he learned a lot from his older fellow musicians. Real fame came to Grigory Fedorovich after the war. In 1972, the composer moved to the Kuban, where he was, to the core, touched by the open Kuban meadows and fields, white huts that reminded him of Ukraine. Here he visited many villages, farms, got acquainted with the work of folk performers, carefully studied all the collections of Cossack songs. But he especially liked the Cossack songs and the beautiful poems of the Kuban poets, in collaboration with whom he wrote more than 200 songs about our region:

“Oh, horses, horses”, “Nightingale on a branch”, “Labour hands”, “The Cossack stood on a stone”, “Song of Novorossiysk”, “Farms”, “Hello, our Kuban!” and dozens of other wonderful works.

G.F. Ponomarenko was awarded the titles of People's Artist of the USSR, People's Artist of Russia. He was a truly national composer not only by title, because he studied with the people and wrote songs for the people about the most important and important thing for a person.

About what do you think?

(Listening to the song)

What is the nature of the music? (Joyful, festive, cheerful, sunny, etc.)

Teacher: I would like to introduce you to another wonderful person.Consider his portrait.

The face of this person radiates light and goodness. Many of you go to music school.

Maybe someone knows this person?

This is a famous composer and leader of the Kuban Cossack ChoirVictor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko.

Victor Zakharchenko was born on March 22, 1938 in the village of Dyadkovskaya, Korenovsky district, into a Cossack family. His father died in the first year of the war. According to the stories of the mother, who sang wonderfully, the father dreamed that at least one of his 4 children would become a musician.

A musical gift from God went to Victor. From infancy, he absorbed folk song art. And they sang a lot in the village - the song flowed when people went to work, when they built houses in peace, when they grieved and had fun. The Cossack song entered the life of little Vitya and remained with him forever. The talented teenager himself learned to play the harmonica and by the age of 17 he became the first harmonica player in the village, played at all holidays and weddings, and even dreamed of becoming a composer, not knowing musical notation. After leaving school, Viktor went to Krasnodar to enter a music school, but there he was not even allowed to audition. The grief-stricken young man wandered, not understanding the road ... And then fate gave him a happy chance to meet with the teacher of the music and pedagogical school Alexei Ivanovich Manzhilevsky, and he invited Victor to audition. He was accepted without a scholarship on the condition that he mastered musical literacy, solfeggio and caught up with the rest of the students in six months. Victor spent the day and night at the school, slept on chairs and worked, worked! .. After graduating from college, he entered

conservatory. Then for 10 years he worked in the Siberian Choir. Collected 10 thousand Russian folk songs. At present, for 32 years now, the outstanding artist has been directing the Kuban Cossack Choir.

Looking at the photo of the choir.

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