Place of birth m Bulgakov. And suffocated in stuffy walls

For many, Mikhail Bulgakov is the favorite writer. His biography is interpreted by people of various directions in different ways. The reason is the extent to which certain researchers correlate his name with the occult. For those interested in this particular aspect, we can recommend reading the article by Pavel Globa. However, in any case, its presentation should begin from childhood, which we will do.

Writer's parents, brothers and sisters

Mikhail Afanasyevich was born in Kyiv in the family of professor of theology Afanasy Ivanovich, who taught at the theological academy. His mother, Varvara Mikhailovna Pokrovskaya, also taught at the Karachay gymnasium. Both parents were hereditary bell nobles, their grandfathers, priests, served in the Oryol province.

Misha himself was the eldest child in the family, he had two brothers: Nikolai, Ivan and four sisters: Vera, Nadezhda, Varvara, Elena.

The future writer was thin, graceful, artistic with expressive blue eyes.

Michael's education and character

In his hometown Bulgakov was educated. His biography contains data on the end at the age of eighteen of the First Kyiv gymnasium and at the age of twenty-five - the medical faculty of Kyiv University. What influenced the formation of the future writer? The untimely death of a 48-year-old father, the stupid suicide of his best friend Boris Bogdanov because of his love for Vara Bulgakov, Mikhail Afanasyevich's sister - all these circumstances determined Bulgakov's character: suspicious, prone to neurosis.

First wife

At twenty-two future writer married his first wife - Tatyana Lappa, a year younger than him. Judging by the memoirs of Tatyana Nikolaevna (she lived until 1982), a film could have been made about this short marriage. The newlyweds managed to spend the money sent by their parents on a veil and a wedding dress before the wedding. For some reason they laughed at the wedding. Of the flowers presented to the newlyweds, most of all were daffodils. The bride was wearing a linen skirt, and her mother, who arrived and was horrified, managed to buy her a blouse for the wedding. Bulgakov's biography by dates, thus, was crowned with the date of the wedding on April 26, 1913. However, the happiness of the lovers was destined to be short-lived: in Europe at that time there was already a smell of war. According to Tatyana's memoirs, Mikhail did not like to save money, he was not distinguished by prudence in spending Money. For him, for example, it was in the order of things to order a taxi with the last money. Valuables were often pawned in a pawnshop. Although Tatyana's father helped the young couple with money, the funds constantly disappeared.

medical practice

Fate rather cruelly prevented him from becoming a doctor, although Bulgakov possessed both talent and professional instinct. The biography mentions that he had the misfortune to contract dangerous diseases while doing professional activity. Mikhail Afanasyevich, wishing to realize himself as a specialist, led an active medical activity. During the year, Dr. Bulgakov received 15,361 patients at an outpatient appointment (forty people a day!). He treated 211 people in the hospital. However, apparently, Fate itself prevented him from being a doctor. In 1917, having become infected with diphtheria, Mikhail Afanasyevich took a serum against it. The result was severe allergies. Her excruciating symptoms he weakened with morphine, but then became addicted to this drug.

Bulgakov's recovery

Healing Mikhail Bulgakov, his admirers are obliged to Tatiana Lappa, deliberately limiting his dose. When he asked for an injection of a dose of the drug, his loving wife injected him with distilled water. At the same time, she stoically endured her husband's tantrums, although he once threw a burning stove at her and even threatened her with a gun. At the same time, his loving wife was sure that he did not want to shoot, he just felt very bad ...

A brief biography of Bulgakov contains the fact high love and sacrifice. In 1918, thanks to Tatyana Lappa, he stopped being a morphine addict. From December 1917 to March 1918, Bulgakov lived and practiced in Moscow with his maternal uncle, the successful gynecologist N. M. Pokrovsky (later the prototype of Professor Preobrazhensky from The Heart of a Dog).

Then he returned to Kyiv, where he again began working as a venereologist. The practice was interrupted by the war. He did not return to medical practice again ...

World War I and Civil War

The First World War marked for Bulgakov moving: at first he worked as a doctor near the front line, then he was sent to work in the Smolensk province, and then in Vyazma. During the Civil War from 1919 to 1921 he was twice mobilized as a doctor. First - in the Ukrainian army People's Republic, then - to the White Guard Armed Forces of the South of Russia. This period of his life later found its literary reflection in the cycle of stories "Notes of a Young Doctor" (1925-1927). One of the stories it contains is called "Morphine".

In 1919, on November 26, for the first time in his life, he published an article in the Grozny newspaper, which, in fact, represented the gloomy forebodings of a White Guard officer. The Red Army at the Yegorlytskaya station in 1921 defeated the advanced forces of the White Guards - the Cossack cavalry ... His comrades go beyond the cordon. However, Mikhail Afanasyevich does not allow to emigrate ... fate: he falls ill with typhus. In Vladikavkaz, Bulgakov is treated for a fatal illness and recovers. His biography captures the reorientation of the goals of life, creativity takes over.


Mikhail Afanasyevich, emaciated, in the form of a white officer, but with torn shoulder straps, in the Tersky Narobraz works in the theater section of the sub-department of arts, in the Russian theater. During this period in the life of Bulgakov there is a severe crisis. There is no money at all. She and Tatyana Lappa live by selling the severed parts of a miraculously surviving gold chain. Bulgakov made a difficult decision for himself - never to return to medical practice. With a tormented heart, in 1920 Mikhail Bulgakov wrote the most talented play Days of the Turbins. The biography of the writer testifies to the first repressions against him: in the same 1920, the Bolshevik commission expelled him from work as a "former". Bulgakov is trampled, broken. Then the writer decides to flee the country: first to Turkey, then to France, he moves from Vladikavkaz to Tiflis through Baku. In order to survive, he betrays himself, Pravda, Conscience, and in 1921 writes the conformist play "Sons of the Mullah", which the Bolshevik theaters of Vladikavkaz willingly include in their repertoire. At the end of May 1921, while in Batumi, Mikhail Bulgakov summons his wife. His biography contains information about the most difficult crisis in the writer's life. Fate cruelly takes revenge on him for betraying his conscience and talent (meaning the aforementioned play, for which he received 200,000 rubles in fees (33 pieces of silver). This situation will happen again in his life).

Bulgakovs in Moscow

Spouses still do not emigrate. In August 1921, Tatyana Lappa left alone for Moscow through Odessa and Kyiv.

Soon, following his wife, Mikhail Afanasyevich also returned to Moscow (it was during this period that N. Gumilyov was shot and A. Blok died). Their life in the capital is accompanied by moving, unsettledness ... Bulgakov's biography is not easy. Summary her subsequent period - desperate attempts talented person realize yourself. Mikhail and Tatyana live in an apartment (in the apartment described in the novel "The Master and Margarita" - house number 10 on Bolshaya Sadovaya St. (Pigit's house), number 302-bis, which was kindly provided to them by brother-in-law philologist Zemsky A.M., who left for Kyiv to his wife). Brawling and drinking proletarians lived in the house. Spouses were uncomfortable in it, hungry, penniless. This is where they broke up...

In 1922, Mikhail Afanasyevich was in for a personal blow - his mother was dying. He feverishly begins to work as a journalist, putting his sarcasm into feuilletons.

literary activity. "Days of the Turbins" - Stalin's favorite play

lived life experience and the thoughts born of a remarkable intellect simply rushed to paper. short biography Bulgakov records his work as a feuilletonist in Moscow newspapers ("Worker") and magazines ("Vozrozhdeniye", "Russia", " medical worker").

Life, war-torn, begins to improve. Since 1923, Bulgakov has been accepted as a member of the Writers' Union.

Bulgakov in 1923 begins to work on the novel " white guard". He creates his famous works:

  • "Adam and Eve";
  • "Alexander Pushkin";
  • "Crimson Island";
  • "Run";
  • "Bliss";
  • "Zoyka's apartment";
  • Ivan Vasilievich.

And in 1925 he marries Lyubov Evgenievna Belozerskaya.

He also made his mark as a playwright. Even then there was a paradoxical perception Soviet state classic creativity. Even Joseph Stalin in relation to him was contradictory and inconsistent. He watched the Moscow Art Theater production of Days of the Turbins 14 times. Then he declared that "Bulgakov is not ours." However, in 1932 he orders it to be returned, and in the only theater of the USSR - in the Moscow Art Theater, noting that after all "the impression of the play on the communists" is positive.

Moreover, Joseph Stalin subsequently, in his historic address on July 3, 1941 to the people, uses the phraseology of the words of Alexei Turbin: “I am addressing you, my friends ...”

In the period from 1923 to 1926, the writer's work flourished. In the autumn of 1924, in the literary circles of Moscow, Bulgakov was considered the current writer No. 1. The biography and work of the writer are inseparably linked. He develops literary career becoming the main focus of his life.

Short and fragile second marriage of the writer

The first wife, Tatyana Lappa, recalls that, being married to her, Mikhail Afanasyevich repeated more than once that he should marry three times. He repeated this after the writer Alexei Tolstoy, who considered such family life the key to the glory of the writer. There is a saying: the first wife is from God, the second is from people, the third is from hell. Was Bulgakov's biography artificially formed according to this far-fetched scenario? Interesting facts and mysteries are not uncommon in it! However, Bulgakov's second wife, Belozerskaya, a secular lady, really married a wealthy, promising writer.

However, the writer lived soul to soul with his new wife for only three years. Until in 1928, the third wife of the writer, Elena Sergeevna Shilovskaya, “appeared on the horizon”. Bulgakov was still in his second official marriage when this whirlwind romance. The writer described his feelings for his third wife with great artistic power in The Master and Margarita. The attachment of Mikhail Afanasyevich to the newfound woman, with whom he felt a spiritual connection, is evidenced by the fact that on 10/03/1932 the registry office terminated his marriage with Belozerskaya, and on 10/04/1932 an alliance was concluded with Shilovskaya. It was the third marriage that became the main thing for the writer in his life.

Bulgakov and Stalin: the lost game of the writer

In 1928, inspired by the acquaintance with "his Margarita" - Elena Sergeevna Shilovskaya, Mikhail Bulgakov begins to create his novel "The Master and Margarita". A brief biography of the writer, however, testifies to the beginning of a creative crisis. He needs space for creativity, which is not in the USSR. Moreover, there was a ban on the publication and production of Bulgakov. Despite his fame, his plays were not staged in theaters.

Iosif Vissarionovich, an excellent psychologist, knew very well weak sides personality of this most talented author: suspiciousness, tendency to depression. He played with the writer like a cat plays with a mouse, having an undeniable dossier against him. On 05/07/1926, the only search of the entire time was carried out at the Bulgakovs' apartment. fell into the hands of Stalin personal diaries Mikhail Afanasyevich, seditious story "Heart of a Dog". In the game of Stalin against the writer, such a trump card was obtained, which fatally caused the catastrophe of the writer Bulgakov. Here is the answer to your question: Interesting biography Bulgakov?" Not at all. Until his thirty years adulthood was filled with suffering from poverty and disorder, then really followed six years of a more or less measured, prosperous life, but after it was followed by a violent break in Bulgakov's personality, illness and death.

Refusal to leave the USSR. Leader's fatal call

In July 1929, the writer addressed a letter to Joseph Stalin, asking him to leave the USSR, and on March 28, 1930, he addressed the Soviet government with the same request. Permission was not given.

Bulgakov suffered, he understood that his grown talent was being ruined. Contemporaries remembered the phrase he dropped after another failed permission to leave: “I was blinded!”

However, that was not yet the final blow. And he was expected ... Stalin's call on April 18, 1930 changed everything. At that moment, Mikhail Bulgakov and his third wife Elena Sergeevna, laughing, were driving to Batum (where Bulgakov was going to write a play about Stalin's young years). At the Serpukhov station, a woman who got into their car announced: “A telegram to the accountant!”

The writer, uttering an involuntary exclamation, turned pale, and then corrected her: "Not to the accountant, but to Bulgakov." He expected... Stalin appointed telephone conversation on the same date - 04/18/1930

Mayakovsky was buried the day before. It is obvious that the call of the leader could equally be called a kind of prevention (he respected Bulgakov, but still gently pressed), and cunning: in a confidential conversation, draw an unfavorable promise from the interlocutor.

In it, Bulgakov voluntarily refused to go abroad, which he could not forgive himself for until the end of his life. It was his tragic loss.

The most complicated knot of relationships connects Stalin and Bulgakov. It can be said that the seminarian Dzhugashvili outplayed and broke both the will and the life of the great writer.

The last years of creativity

In the future, the author concentrated all his talent, all his skill on the novel The Master and Margarita, which he wrote on the table, without any hope of publication.

The play “Batum” created about Stalin was rejected by the secretariat of Joseph Vissarionovich, pointing out the methodological error of the writer - the transformation of the leader into a romantic hero.

In fact, Joseph Vissarionovich was jealous, so to speak, of the writer for his own charisma. Since then, Bulgakov was allowed to work only as a theater director.

By the way, Mikhail Afanasyevich is considered one of the best directors in the history of Russian theater directed by Gogol and Saltykov-Shchedrin (his favorite classics).

Everything that he wrote - behind the scenes and prejudicedly, was "impassable". Stalin consistently destroyed him as a writer.

Bulgakov still wrote, he answered the blow, as a real classic could do ... A novel about Pontius Pilate. About the all-powerful autocrat who is secretly afraid.

Moreover, the first version of this novel was burned by the author. It was called differently - "Devil's Hoof". In Moscow, after writing it, there were rumors that Bulgakov wrote about Stalin (Iosif Vissarionovich was born with two fused toes. People call this the hoof of Satan). Panicked, the author burned the first version of the novel. Hence, subsequently, the phrase “Manuscripts do not burn!” Was born.

Instead of a conclusion

In 1939 it was written and read to friends final version"Masters and Margaritas". This book was judged to be published for the first time in an abridged version only after 33 years ... The terminally ill Bulgakov, suffering from kidney failure, did not have long to live ...

In the autumn of 1939, his eyesight deteriorated critically: he was practically blind. On March 10, 1940, the writer died. Mikhail Bulgakov was buried on March 12, 1940 at the Novodevichy cemetery.

The full biography of Bulgakov is still the subject of controversy. The reason is that the Soviet, emasculated version of it, presents the reader with an embellished picture of the author's loyalty to Soviet power. Therefore, being interested in the life of a writer, one should critically analyze several sources.

Mikhail Bulgakov is a Russian writer, playwright, director and actor. His works have become classics of Russian literature.

World fame brought him the novel "The Master and Margarita", which was repeatedly filmed in many countries.

When Bulgakov was at the height of his popularity, the Soviet government forbade the stage production of his plays and the publication of his works.

Bulgakov in his youth

After receiving his diploma, Bulgakov applied to do military service in the Navy as a doctor.

However, he failed to pass the medical examination. As a result, he asked to be sent to the Red Cross to work in a hospital.

At the height of the First World War (1914-1918), he treated soldiers near the frontline.

After a couple of years, he returned to Kyiv, where he began working as a venereologist.

Interestingly, during this period of his biography, he began to use morphine, which helped him get rid of the pain caused by taking the anti-diphtheria drug.

As a result, throughout his subsequent life, Bulgakov will be painfully dependent on this drug.

Creative activity

In the early 20s, Mikhail Afanasevich arrived in. There he begins to write various feuilletons, and soon takes on plays.

Later, he becomes a theater director of the Moscow Art Theater and the Central Theater of Working Youth.

Bulgakov's first work was the poem "The Adventures of Chichikov", which he wrote at the age of 31. Then several more stories came out from under his pen.

After that he writes fantastic story"Fatal Eggs", which was positively received by critics and aroused great interest among readers.

dog's heart

In 1925, Bulgakov published the book "Heart of a Dog", in which the ideas of the "Russian revolution" and the "awakening" of the social consciousness of the proletariat are masterfully intertwined.

According to literary critics, Bulgakov's story is a political satire, where each character is the prototype of one or another political figure.

The Master and Margarita

Having received recognition and popularity in society, Bulgakov set about writing the main novel in his biography - The Master and Margarita.

He wrote it for 12 years, until his death. An interesting fact is that the book was published only in the 60s, and even then not completely.

In its final form, it was published in 1990, a year before.

It is worth noting that many of Bulgakov's works were published only after his death, since they were not censored.

Bullying Bulgakov

By 1930, the writer began to be subjected to increasing persecution by Soviet officials.

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Medical writers. This time we decided to remember which of the domestic writers took the Hippocratic oath.

Vikenty Veresaev

Vikenty Veresaev was born into the family of a famous doctor, the founder of the Tula city hospital, Vikenty Smidovich (this was real name writer). Veresaev began writing his first stories in his gymnasium years. In 1894 he graduated from the medical faculty of Dorpat University, after which he began to medical practice in his native Tula. But he soon moved to St. Petersburg, where for five years he worked as an intern and, at the same time, head of the library at the Botkin Infectious Diseases Hospital.

As a writer, Veresaev became known only in 1901, when his book was published. auto biographical story"Doctor's Notes", in which the young writer condemned the conduct medical experiments on people. Subsequently, he practically abandoned the art of Esculapius, which had disappointed him, and devoted his entire life to literature. True, he had to return to medicine more than once - during the Russo-Japanese and World War I, on the fronts of which Vikenty Vikentievich served as a regimental doctor.

Anton Chekhov

Perhaps the most famous Russian medical writer was Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. His first literary works have appeared in school years. But after graduating from the gymnasium, Chekhov decided to enter the medical faculty of the Moscow state university. His teachers were outstanding doctors of their time, among whom were such iconic names of domestic and world medicine as Babukhin, Sklifosovsky, Zakharyin and many others.

In his free time, Chekhov wrote humorous stories and sketches that were published in newspapers and small circulation magazines. After graduating, he refused permanent place in the Zemsky hospital (where he once practiced) and decided to become a private doctor. But the medical career did not work out. Money was constantly lacking, day and night I had to live in exhausting tension.

In 1888 in his creative life happened significant event- The Academy of Sciences awarded his collection of short stories "At Twilight" Pushkin Prize. For Chekhov, this award played a key role. He realized that he wanted to devote his later life literature. But having decided to take this step, the young writer could not come to terms with himself for a long time...

Michael Bulgakov

Another famous Russian medical writer is Mikhail Bulgakov. His uncles (Mikhail and Nikolai Pokrovsky) were successful doctors. One is in Warsaw, the other is in Moscow. Inspired by their careers, the young Bulgakov entered the medical faculty of Kyiv University.

During the First World War, he served at the front as a military doctor (and even took part in the Brusilov breakthrough). After the war, he lived and worked in the village of Nikolskoye near Smolensk, and then moved to Vyazma (this period was reflected in the Notes of a Young Doctor and Morphia supplementing them). But the peaceful life did not last long. At times civil war Bulgakov was mobilized as a regimental doctor. First, he served in the troops of the Ukrainian People's Republic, then in the White Armed Forces of the South of Russia. While in the North Caucasus, he contracted typhus, because of which he was forced to leave parts of the retreating Volunteer Army.

After his recovery, while in Vladikavkaz, Bulgakov decided to try himself as a writer. Having created their first dramatic works, he decided to connect his future life with literature. And it was then that he wrote to his cousin: "I am 4 years late with what I should have started doing a long time ago - writing."

Vasily Aksenov

Soon after reuniting with his mother, Evgenia Ginzburg (the author of the famous ""), the very young Vasily Aksyonov was forced to leave her again. From Magadan, where his mother was in exile after being released from the camp, he went to the "mainland" - to Leningrad, to study at a medical institute.

After graduating, Aksyonov was to be appointed to serve as a ship's doctor on long-distance ships in the Baltic Shipping Company. But due to bad biography”(he was the son of“ enemies of the people ”) he was refused a job. As a result, Aksyonov went to work in his specialty in the Far North, then to Karelia, Leningrad and Moscow.

Wandering through different corners country, he began work on his first works - the story "One and a half medical units" and the story " Colleagues", Which brought the young medical writer all-Union fame. After the success of Colleagues, Aksyonov realized that his soul did not lie in the art of Esculapius, but he himself wanted to become a professional writer.

Grigory Gorin

The famous Soviet and Russian satirist, playwright and screenwriter Grigory Gorin closes our selection. He began writing his first works in student years when he studied at the Medical University named after M. I. Sechenov. Mostly these were humorous stories, feuilletons and small sketches for the KVN teams. After studying to be a doctor, Gorin worked for several years in an ambulance. But he soon realized that he did not like the work in his specialty, and he himself wanted to devote his future life to art.

Bulgakov Mikhail Afanasyevich needs no introduction. This great prose writer and playwright is known throughout the world. Mikhail Afanasyevich is presented in this article.

The origin of the writer

Bulgakov M.A. was born on May 3, 1891 in the city of Kyiv. His parents were intellectuals. Mother worked as a teacher in the Karachaev gymnasium. Father was a teacher (his portrait is presented above). After graduation, he worked in it, as well as in other educational institutions. In 1893, Afanasy Bulgakov became the Kyiv regional censor. His duties included censoring works written in foreign languages. In the family, besides Michael, there were five more children.

Training period, work in field hospitals

Such an author as Mikhail Afanasevich Bulgakov, a biography, should be considered in great detail. A table of dates associated with his life will be of little help to those who set out to find the origins of his work and understand the features of his inner peace. Therefore, we suggest you read a detailed biography.

The future writer studied at the First Alexander Gymnasium. The level of education in this educational institution was very high. In 1909, Mikhail Afanasyevich entered the Kyiv University, after which he was supposed to become a physician. In 1914 the First World War began.

After graduating from the university in 1916, Mikhail Afanasyevich worked in (in Kamenetz-Podolsk, and after a while - in Cherepovtsy). He was recalled from the front in September 1916. Bulgakov became the head of the Nikolskaya rural hospital, located in a year later, in 1917, Mikhail Afanasyevich was transferred to Vyazma. In the "Notes of a Young Doctor" created in 1926, this period of his life was reflected. The main character of the work is a talented doctor, a conscientious worker. In seemingly hopeless situations, he saves the sick. The hero is acutely experiencing a difficult financial situation uneducated peasants living in Smolensk villages. However, he realizes that he cannot change anything.

Revolution in the fate of Bulgakov

Habitual life of Mikhail Afanasyevich violated February Revolution. Bulgakov expressed his attitude towards her in his 1923 essay "Kyiv-Gorod". He noted that "suddenly and menacingly" with the revolution "history came."

Upon graduation, Bulgakov was released from military service. He returned to his native Kyiv, which, unfortunately, was soon occupied by the Germans. Here Mikhail Afanasyevich plunged into the maelstrom of the Civil War. Bulgakov was a very good doctor, so both sides needed his services. The young doctor in all situations remained true to the ideals of humanism. Gradually, indignation grew in his soul. He could not come to terms with the cruelty of the Whites and Petliurists. Subsequently, these sentiments were reflected in Bulgakov's novel The White Guard, as well as in his stories On the Night of the Third Number, Raid, and in the plays Run and Days of the Turbins.

Bulgakov honestly fulfilled the duty of a doctor. During his service, he had to be an involuntary witness to the crimes that were committed at the end of 1919 in Vladikavkaz. Mikhail Afanasyevich did not want to participate in the war anymore. He left the ranks of Denikin's army in early 1920.

First articles and stories

After that, Mikhail Afanasyevich decided to no longer engage in medicine, he continues to work as a journalist. He began writing articles that were published in local newspapers. Bulgakov completed his first story in the autumn of 1919. In the same winter, he created several feuilletons, a number of stories. In one of them, called "Tribute of Admiration", Mikhail Afanasyevich tells about the street clashes that took place in Kyiv during the revolution and the Civil War.

Plays created in Vladikavkaz

Shortly before the whites left Vladikavkaz, Mikhail Afanasevich fell ill with relapsing fever, his this time is especially dramatic. In the spring of 1920 he recovered. However, the Red Army units had already entered the city, and Bulgakov could not emigrate, which he really wanted. It was necessary to somehow build relations with the new regime. Then he began to cooperate with the Revolutionary Committee, in the sub-department of arts. Mikhail Afanasyevich created plays for Ingush and Ossetian troupes. These works reflected his views on the revolution. These were a one-day agitation, written mainly with the aim of surviving in difficult conditions. Bulgakov's story "Notes on the Cuffs" reflected his Vladikavkaz impressions.

Moving to Moscow, new works

In Tiflis, and then in Batumi, Mikhail Bulgakov could emigrate. His biography, however, went the other way. Bulgakov understood that the place of a writer in a difficult time for the country is next to the people. The biography of Bulgakov Mikhail Afanasyevich in 1921 was marked by moving to Moscow. Since the spring of 1922, his articles have been regularly printed on the pages of magazines and newspapers of this city. The essays and satirical pamphlets reflected the main signs of life in the post-revolutionary years. The main object of Bulgakov's satire was "the scum of the NEP" (in other words, the nouveau riche Nepmen). Here it is necessary to note such short stories by Mikhail Afanasyevich as "The Cup of Life" and "Trillionaire". He was also interested in representatives of the population with a low level of culture: bazaar traders, residents of Moscow communal apartments, bureaucratic employees, etc. However, Mikhail Afanasyevich also noticed new phenomena in the life of the country. So, in one of his essays, he depicted a symbol of new trends in the face of a schoolboy who walks down the street with a brand new satchel.

The story "Fatal Eggs" and features of creativity in the 1920s

Bulgakov's story Fatal Eggs was published in 1924. Its action takes place in an imaginary near future - in 1928. By this time, the results of the NEP were already obvious. In particular, the standard of living of the population has risen sharply (in the story, which was created by Mikhail Bulgakov). The biography of the writer does not imply a detailed acquaintance with his work, but we will nevertheless retell the plot of the work "Fatal Eggs" in a nutshell. Professor Persikov made an important discovery that could be of great benefit to all mankind. However, falling into the hands of self-confident, semi-literate people, representatives of the new bureaucracy that flourished under war communism and strengthened its position during the NEP years, this discovery turns into a tragedy. Almost all the characters in Bulgakov's stories written in the 1920s fail. In his work, the writer seeks to convey to the reader the idea that society is not ready to learn new ways of relationships that are based on respect for knowledge and culture, for hard work.

"Running" and "Days of the Turbins"

In Bulgakov's plays "Running" and "Days of the Turbins" (1925-28), Mikhail Afanasyevich showed that all the authorities that succeeded each other during the Civil War were hostile to the intelligentsia. The characters in these works are typical representatives the so-called "new intelligentsia". At first they were either wary of the revolution or fought against it. M. A. Bulgakov also attributed himself to this new layer. He told about this with humor in his feuilleton called "The Capital in a Notebook". In it, he noted that a new intelligentsia, the "iron" intelligentsia, had appeared. She is capable of chopping firewood, loading furniture, and doing x-rays. Bulgakov noted that he believes that she will survive, will not disappear.

Attacks on Bulgakov, Stalin's call

It must be said that Bulgakov Mikhail Afanasevich (his biography and work confirm this) always responded sensitively to changes in Soviet society. He experienced the triumph of injustice very hard, doubted the justification of certain measures. However, Bulgakov always believed in man. Together with him, his heroes experienced and doubted. Critics took it unfavorably. Attacks on Bulgakov intensified in 1929. All his plays were excluded from the theater repertoires. Finding himself in a difficult situation, Mikhail Afanasyevich was forced to write a letter to the government with a request to go abroad. After that, the biography of Bulgakov Mikhail Afanasyevich was marked by an important event. In 1930, Bulgakov received a call from Stalin himself. The result of this conversation was the appointment of Mikhail Afanasyevich to the position of assistant director at the Moscow Art Theater. Again, performances of his plays appeared on the stages of theaters. After some time, by staging a stage play he created " dead souls"was marked by such a writer as Bulgakov Mikhail Afanasyevich, a biography. His life, it would seem, is getting better. However, everything was not so simple ...

Bulgakov - banned author

Despite the external patronage of Stalin, not a single work by Mikhail Afanasyevich appeared in the Soviet press after 1927, with the exception of an excerpt from the play "Running" ("The Seventh Dream") in 1932 and the translation of Molière's "The Miser" in 1938. Case that Bulgakov was included in the list of banned authors.

What else is remarkable about the biography of Bulgakov Mikhail Afanasyevich? It is not easy to talk about him briefly, because his life is marked by many important events and interesting facts. It is worth saying that, despite all the difficulties, the writer did not think of leaving his homeland. Even in the most difficult period (1929-30), he practically did not have thoughts about emigration. In one of his letters, Bulgakov admitted that nowhere else, except for the USSR, he was impossible, since he had drawn inspiration from him for eleven years.

Novel "The Master and Margarita"

Mikhail Afanasyevich in 1933 tried to publish his work in the ZhZL series. However, he failed again. After that, he made no further attempts to publish his creations until his death. The writer devoted himself entirely to the creation of the novel "The Master and Margarita". This work was his greatest achievement, as well as one of the best works Russian and world literature of the 20th century. Mikhail Afanasyevich gave twelve years of his life to work on it. The idea of ​​"Master and Margarita" came to him in the late 1920s as an attempt at philosophical and artistic comprehension socialist reality. The author considered the first versions of the work unsuccessful. For a number of years, Mikhail Afanasyevich constantly returned to the characters, tried on new conflicts and scenes. Only in 1932 did this work acquire plot completeness, the author of which is known to everyone (Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov).

A complete biography of Bulgakov involves consideration of the question of the significance of his work. So let's talk about that.

The value of Bulgakov's work

Having shown that the White movement is doomed to defeat, that the intelligentsia will certainly go over to the side of the Reds (the novel The White Guard, the plays The Flight and The Days of the Turbins), that society is in danger if a culturally and morally backward person has the right to impose on others his will ("Heart of a Dog"), Mikhail Afanasyevich made a discovery that was included in the system national values our country.

What else is interesting about Bulgakov Mikhail Afanasyevich? Biography, Interesting Facts associated with him, and his work - everything bears the stamp of pain for a person. This feeling was invariably characteristic of Bulgakov as a successor to the traditions of Russian and world literature. Mikhail Afanasyevich accepted only that literature that shows suffering real heroes. Humanism was the ideological core of Bulgakov's works. And the true humanism of a true master is always close and dear to the reader.

last years of life

AT last years life of Mikhail Afanasyevich did not leave the feeling that he creative destiny was ruined. Despite the fact that he continued to actively create, practically did not reach his contemporary readers. This broke Mikhail Afanasyevich. His illness worsened, leading to an early death. Bulgakov died in Moscow on March 10, 1940. This ended the biography of Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov, but his work is immortal. The remains of the writer rest at the Novodevichy cemetery.

The biography of Bulgakov Mikhail Afanasyevich, summarized in this article, we hope, made you want to get to know his work better. The works of this author are very interesting and important, so they are definitely worth reading. Mikhail Bulgakov, whose biography and work are studied at school, is one of the greatest Russian writers.

In August 1919, after the capture of Kyiv by General Denikin, Mikhail Bulgakov was mobilized as a military doctor in white army and sent to North Caucasus. Here appeared his first publication - a newspaper article called "Future Prospects".

Soon he parted with the profession of a doctor and devoted himself entirely to literary work. In 1919-1921, while working in the Vladikavkaz subdepartment of arts, Bulgakov composed five plays, three of which were staged at the local theater. Their texts have not been preserved, with the exception of one - "Sons of the Mullah".

In 1921 he moved to Moscow. He served as secretary of the Main Political and Educational Committee under the People's Commissariat for Education of the RSFSR.

In 1921-1926, Bulgakov collaborated with the Moscow editorial office of the Berlin newspaper "Nakanune", publishing essays about the life of Moscow in it, with the newspapers "Gudok" and "Worker", the magazines "Medical worker", "Russia" and "Renaissance".

In the literary supplement to the newspaper Nakanune, Notes on the Cuffs (1922-1923), as well as the writer's stories Chichikov's Adventures, The Red Crown, and The Cup of Life (all from 1922) were published. In 1925-1927, the magazines "Medical Worker" and "Red Panorama" published stories from the cycle "Notes of a Young Doctor".

The general theme of Bulgakov's works is due to the author's attitude to Soviet power- the writer did not consider himself her enemy, but assessed reality very critically, believing that his satirical denunciations benefit the country and people. Early examples include the stories "The Diaboliad. The Tale of How the Twins Killed the Clerk" (1924) and "Fatal Eggs" (1925), combined in the collection "The Diaboliad" (1925). Greater skill and more sharp social orientation the story "Heart of a Dog" written in 1925, which has been in "samizdat" for more than 60 years, differs.

The boundary separating the early Bulgakov from the mature one was the novel The White Guard (1925). Bulgakov's departure from the underlined negative image The White Guard environment brought accusations against the writer in an attempt to justify the white movement.

Later, on the basis of the novel and in collaboration with the Moscow Art Theater, Bulgakov wrote the play Days of the Turbins (1926). The famous Moscow Art Theater production of this play (the premiere took place on October 5, 1926) brought Bulgakov wide fame. "Days of the Turbins" enjoyed unprecedented success with the audience, but not with the critics, who launched a devastating campaign against the "apologetic" performance in relation to the white movement and against the "anti-Soviet" minded author of the play.

In the same period, Bulgakov's play "Zoyka's Apartment" (1926), which was banned after the 200th performance, was staged at Yevgeny Vakhtangov's Studio Theatre. The play "Running" (1928) was banned after the first rehearsals at the Moscow Art Theater.

The play "Crimson Island" (1927), staged in the Moscow Chamber Theater, was banned after the 50th performance.

In early 1930, his play The Cabal of the Saints (1929) was banned and did not reach rehearsals in the theater.

Bulgakov's plays were removed from the theater repertoire, his works were not published. In this situation, the writer was forced to turn to supreme power and wrote a "Letter to the Government", asking either to provide him with a job and, therefore, a livelihood, or let him go abroad. The letter was followed phone call Joseph Stalin to Bulgakov (April 18, 1930). Soon Bulgakov got a job as a director of the Moscow Art Theater and thus solved the problem of physical survival. In March 1931, he was accepted into cast Moscow Art Theatre.

While working at the Moscow Art Theater, he wrote a staging of "Dead Souls" by Nikolai Gogol.

In February 1932, the "Days of the Turbins" at the Moscow Art Theater were resumed.

In the 1930s, one of the main topics in Bulgakov's work was the theme of the relationship between the artist and the authorities, realized by him on the material of various historical eras: the play "Molière", the biographical story "The Life of Monsieur de Molière", the play " Last days", the novel "Master and Margarita".

In 1936, due to disagreements with the leadership during the rehearsal of Molière, Bulgakov was forced to break with the Moscow Art Theater and go to work in big theater USSR librettist.

In recent years, Bulgakov continued to work actively, creating the libretto of the operas The Black Sea (1937, composer Sergei Pototsky), Minin and Pozharsky (1937, composer Boris Asafiev), Friendship (1937-1938, composer Vasily Solovyov-Sedoy; remained unfinished), "Rachel" (1939, composer Isaak Dunayevsky), etc.

An attempt to renew cooperation with the Moscow Art Theater by staging the play "Batum" about the young Stalin (1939), created with the active interest of the theater for the 60th anniversary of the leader, ended in failure. The play was banned from being staged and was interpreted by the political leaders as the writer's desire to improve relations with the authorities.

In 1929-1940, Bulgakov's multifaceted philosophical-fiction novel "The Master and Margarita" was created - last work Bulgakov.

Doctors discovered the writer had hypertensive nephrosclerosis, incurable disease kidneys. he was seriously ill, almost blind, and his wife made changes to the manuscript from dictation. February 13, 1940 was the last day of work on the novel.

Mikhail Bulgakov died in Moscow. He was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.

During his lifetime, his plays "Adam and Eve", "Bliss", "Ivan Vasilyevich" did not see the light, the last of them was filmed by director Leonid Gaidai in the comedy "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession" (1973). Also, after the death of the writer, the "Theatrical Novel" was published, which was based on the "Notes of the Dead".

The philosophical-fiction novel "The Master and Margarita" before publication was known only to a narrow circle of people close to the author, the uncopied manuscript was miraculously preserved. The novel was first published in abbreviated form in 1966 in the Moscow magazine. Full text in the last edition of Bulgakov was published in Russian in 1989.

The novel has become one of the artistic achievements of Russian and world literature of the 20th century and one of the most popular and books read in the writer's homeland, it was repeatedly filmed and staged on the theater stage.

In the 1980s, Bulgakov became one of the most published authors in the USSR. His works were included in the Collected Works in five volumes (1989-1990).

On March 26, 2007 in Moscow, in an apartment on Bolshaya Sadovaya Street, building 10, where the writer lived in 1921-1924, the government of the capital established the first M.A. Museum in Russia. Bulgakov.

Mikhail Bulgakov was married three times. The writer married his first wife Tatyana Lappa (1892-1982) in 1913. In 1925, he officially married Lyubov Belozerskaya (1895-1987), who had previously been married to journalist Ilya Vasilevsky. In 1932, the writer married Elena Shilovskaya (née Nuremberg, after Neelov's first husband), the wife of Lieutenant General Yevgeny Shilovsky, whom he met in 1929. From September 1, 1933, Elena Bulgakova (1893-1970) kept a diary, which became one of the important sources of Mikhail Bulgakov's biography. She preserved the extensive archive of the writer, which she transferred to the State Library of the USSR named after V.I. Lenin (now Russian State Library), as well as the Institute of Russian Literature of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (Pushkin House). Bulgakova managed to achieve the publication of Theatrical Novel and The Master and Margarita, the reprinting of The White Guard in full, and the publication of most of the plays.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

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