How many children did Stoltz have. k) relationship and mutual influence

Andrei Ivanovich Stolz has been in contact with Oblomov since childhood and became his close friend. By nature, this is a man of action, a practitioner, and by origin - half German. Stolz's mother is a Russian noblewoman. For all his rationalism, Stoltz has a good disposition. The hero is honest, understands people, while he is inclined to calculate every action and approach everything in life from the outside. practical use. Stolz was written out as an antipode to Oblomov and, according to the author's intention, should be perceived as a role model.

Stolz is married to a noblewoman, a woman with whom Oblomov is in love. Olga loved Oblomov at first, but broke up with that. Oblomov was lethargic and dreamy, before making an offer to Olga, he thought a lot, retreated.

Stolz sometimes brings Oblomov out of apathy and makes him remember life, urges him to get down to business, invest in establishing schools, building roads, but Oblomov dismisses such ideas.

Ilya Oblomov is taken into circulation by swindlers, the affairs and economy of the hero pass into their hands, and he himself plunges into even greater inactivity than usual. When rumors about his own upcoming wedding reach Oblomov, the hero is horrified, because nothing has been decided for him yet. During this period, Olga visits the hero and, seeing him in such a weak-willed and miserable state, interrupts this relationship. This is where the love story of Olga and Oblomov exhausts itself.

The heroine is not going to get involved in a new relationship, but Stolz convinces Olga that the first relationship turned out to be a mistake and only laid the foundation for new love- to him, Stolz. Olga appreciates diligence and determination in Stolz - something that she did not see in Oblomov. And boundlessly, “like a mother”, trusts her husband.

Stolz holds progressive (for that time) views on the role of women in society. According to the hero, a woman is called upon to contribute to public life engaged in the education of worthy citizens, and for this she herself must be well educated. Stolz works with his wife, teaches her the sciences, and these classes bring the spouses even closer. Stolz heatedly argues with his wife and is surprised at Olga's mind.

Stolz saves Oblomov from the clutches of swindlers, who otherwise would have robbed him to the bone. Later, Oblomov names a son in honor of Stolz, who is born to him from, a woman from a bureaucratic environment, a landlady, to whom Oblomov moves to live. Due to a sedentary lifestyle, Oblomov has an early stroke, and Stolz visits a sick friend. During this visit, Oblomov asks Stolz, in the name of friendship, to look after his little son Andrei. When Oblomov dies two years later, the Stolts take his son to be raised.


Stoltz is in his early thirties. The appearance of the hero emphasizes the character - he is strong, thin, muscular, high cheekbones, there is no excess fat on the body. Goncharov compares the hero with a "blooded English horse". Stolz has greenish eyes, the hero is swarthy, calm in his movements as well as in character. The hero is not characterized by either excessive facial expressions, or sharp gestures and fussiness.

Stolz's father, a German, came from the burghers and was not a nobleman. He brought up the boy in the traditions of the burghers - he taught him to work and practical activities which did not please Andrei's mother, a Russian noblewoman. Father studied geography with Andrei. The hero learned to read from texts German writers and Bible verses, from a young age helped his father in business, summing up the accounts. Later he began to earn money as a tutor in a small boarding school arranged by his father, and received a salary for this, like an ordinary artisan.

By the age of fourteen, the hero had already traveled alone to the city with his father's errands and carried out his instructions exactly, without slips, mistakes or bouts of forgetfulness. Andrei's father forbade his mother to interfere with the boy's activity and keep him with him, Stolz grew up active and often left home for a long time. The young man received a good university education, he speaks Russian and German equally well. At the same time, the hero continues to learn all his life and constantly strives to learn new things.

Portrait of Andrey Stolz

Stolz did not receive the nobility at birth, but soon rose to the rank of court councilor, which gave the hero the right to personal nobility. Further on career ladder he does not advance, but leaves the service to take up trade. The company in which Stolz invested is engaged in the export of goods. Andrei was able to increase his father's fortune many times over, turning forty thousand capital into three hundred, and bought a house.

Stolz travels a lot and rarely stays at home for a long time. The hero traveled far and wide across Russia, visited abroad, studied at foreign universities and studied Europe "as if it were his own estate." At the same time, Stolz is not a stranger to secular communication, he happens at evening parties, knows how to play the piano; interested in science, news and "all life".

Stolz characteristic

The hero is restless, cheerful, firm and even stubborn. He always takes an active position: “when the society needs to send an agent to Belgium or England, they send him; need to write some project or adapt new idea to the point - they choose it. Stolz's time is clearly planned, he does not waste a minute.

At the same time, the hero is able to restrain unwanted impulses and remain within the boundaries of natural, rational behavior, he controls his own feelings well and does not rush to extremes. Stoltz is not inclined to blame others for his own failures and easily takes responsibility for the suffering and troubles that have happened.

Oleg Tabakov and Yuri Bogatyrev as Ilya Oblomov and Andrei Stolz

In contrast to Oblomov, the hero does not like to dream, avoids fantasies and everything that cannot be analyzed or applied in practice. Stolz knows how to live within his means, is prudent, not inclined to take unjustified risks, and at the same time easily navigates difficult or unfamiliar circumstances. These qualities, coupled with determination, make the hero a good businessman. Stolz loves order in affairs and things, and is better versed in Oblomov's affairs than he himself.


The novel "Oblomov" was filmed in 1979. The director of the film entitled "A few days from the life of I. I. Oblomov" became, and the actor played the role of Andrei Stolz. Stolz in the film is depicted as a cheerful and active person, as he is presented in Goncharov's novel.

At the same time, the actor admitted that he rather saw himself in the image of Oblomov, and Stolz, whose role Bogatyrev had to play, was the complete opposite of the actor himself.

The word "Oblomovism", which became a household word after the release of the novel, was first heard from the lips of Stolz as a characteristic of Oblomov's lifestyle. This word denoted a tendency to laziness, apathy, stagnation in business. In a word, what we would now call “procrastination”.


“Labor is the image, content, element and purpose of life. At least mine."
“Life and labor itself is the goal of life, not woman.”
“Man was created to arrange himself and even change his nature.”

The novel "Oblomov" by I. A. Goncharov has not lost its relevance and its objective significance in our time, because it contains a universal philosophical meaning. Main conflict novel - between the patriarchal and bourgeois ways of Russian life - the writer reveals on the opposition of people, feelings and reason, peace and action, life and death. With the help of antithesis, Goncharov makes it possible to understand the idea of ​​the novel with all the depth, to penetrate into the souls of the characters. Ilya Oblomov and Andrei Stolz are the main characters of the work. These are people of the same class, society, time. It would seem that people of the same environment have similar characters and worldviews. But they are completely opposite to each other. Stolz, unlike Oblomov, is shown as a writer active person in which reason prevails over feeling. Goncharov makes attempts to understand why these people are so different, and he looks for the origins of this in origin, upbringing and education, since this lays the foundations of characters.

The author shows the parents of the characters.

Stolz was brought up in a poor family. His father was a German by origin, and his mother was a Russian noblewoman. We see that the family spent all day at work. When Stolz grew up, his father began to take him to the field, to the market, forced him to work. At the same time, he taught him the sciences, taught German, that is, he brought up in his son respect for knowledge, the habit of thinking, doing business. Then Stoltz began to send his son to the city with instructions, "and it never happened that he forgot something, changed it, overlooked it, made a mistake." The writer shows us how zealously, persistently this person develops economic tenacity in Andrei, the need for constant activity. The mother taught her son literature and managed to give him an excellent spiritual education. So, Stolz was formed as a strong, intelligent young man.

But what about Oblomov? His parents were nobles. Their life in the village of Oblomovka went according to its own special laws. The Oblomov family had a cult of food. The whole family decided "what dishes will be for lunch or dinner." And after dinner, the whole house fell asleep, plunged into a long sleep. And so passed every day in this family: only sleep and food. When Oblomov grew up, he was sent to study at the gymnasium. But we see that Ilyusha's parents were not interested in their son's knowledge. They themselves came up with pretexts in order to free their adored child from study, they dreamed of receiving a certificate proving that "Ilya went through all the sciences and arts." They didn’t even let him go outside again, because they were afraid that he would be crippled, would not get sick. Therefore, Oblomov grew up lazy, apathetic, did not receive a proper education.

But let's look deeper into the characters of the main characters. Rethinking the pages I read in a new way, I realized that both Andrei and Ilya have their own tragedy in life.

Stolz at first glance is a new, progressive, almost ideal person. Work for him is a part of life, a pleasure. He does not shun even the most menial work, leads an active life. From the moment he left home, he lives by work, thanks to which he became rich and famous to a wide circle of people. Stolz's ideal of happiness is material wealth, comfort, personal well-being. And he achieves his goal by hard work. His life is full of action. But despite the external well-being, it is boring and monotonous.

Unlike Oblomov, a man subtle soul, Stolz appears to the reader as a kind of machine: “He was all made up of bones, muscles and nerves, like a blooded English horse. He is thin; he has almost no cheeks at all, that is, bone and muscle ... his complexion is even, swarthy and no blush. Stolz lives strictly according to plan, his life is scheduled by the minute, and there are no surprises in it, interesting moments, he almost never worries, does not experience any event especially strongly. And we see that the tragedy of this man lies precisely in the monotony of his life, in the one-sidedness of his worldview.

And now let's turn to Oblomov. Work for him is a burden. He was a gentleman, which means that he did not have to devote a drop of time to work. And I'm not talking about physical labor, because he was even too lazy to get up from the sofa, leave the room to be cleaned there. He spends his whole life on the couch, doing nothing, not interested in anything (he can't bring himself to finish the book "Journey through Africa", even the pages of this book turned yellow). Oblomov's ideal of happiness - complete calm and good food. And he reached his ideal. Servants cleaned up after him, and at home he had no big problems with the household. And before us is revealed another tragedy - the moral death of the hero. Before our eyes, the inner world of this person is getting poorer, from the good, pure man Oblomov turns into a moral cripple.

But despite all the differences between Stolz and Oblomov, they are friends, friends since childhood. They are brought together by the most beautiful character traits: honesty, kindness, decency.

The essence of the novel is that inaction can ruin everything better feelings person, corrode his soul, destroy his personality, and labor, the desire for education will bring happiness, provided that the rich inner peace person.

About such friends as Ilya Ilyich Oblomov and Andrei Ivanovich Stolz, A. S. Pushkin in his novel in verse “Eugene Onegin” very aptly wrote: “They got along. Water and stone, poetry and prose, ice and fire are not so different from each other. Indeed, the characters of the characters are so different that many critics agreed: Stolz is a kind of "antidote" to Oblomov. Goncharov wrote: "They were connected by childhood and school - two strong springs." Therefore, looking into the childhood of the heroes, one can understand why such different tempers two friends who lived next door.
To learn about the childhood of Ilya Ilyich, the chapter "Oblomov's Dream" helps, which, according to A. V. Druzhinin, was the first step towards finding out the causes of "Oblomovism". From Oblomov's dream, it becomes clear that everyone loved little Ilyusha, caressed, pampered, so he grew up kind and sympathetic. As soon as Ilya Ilyich just dozes off, he has the same dream: the gentle voice of his mother, her gentle hands, the hugs of loved ones and friends ... Each time in a dream, Oblomov returned to a time when he was absolutely happy and loved by everyone. The hero of the novel seems to have fled from real life to your childhood memories. Ilyusha was constantly protected from all sorts of dangers, real and imagined. The servant Zakhar and "three hundred Zakharovs" did everything for the barchon. Such guardianship and care almost completely drowned out in Oblomov any desire to do something himself.
Everyone calls Ilya Ilyich a dreamer. But how could the endless nursery tales about Militris Kirbityevna, about heroes, about sorcerers and firebirds not sow in the soul of a child hope for the best, that all problems will be solved by themselves? These same tales gave rise to Oblomov's fear of life, from which Ilya Ilyich tried in vain to hide in his apartment on Gorokhovaya Street, and then on the Vyborg side.
The complete opposite of Oblomov is Andrei Stoltz. We see throughout the novel a comparison of Stolz and Oblomov, as well as their opposition to each other. They differ literally in everything: externally, by origin (Oblomov is a nobleman, but Stolz is not), by the upbringing and education they received. The reason for these differences lies primarily in education.

Each of the parents made their own special contribution to the upbringing of Andrei Stolz. His father, Ivan Bogdanovich Stolz, a businesslike and practical German, put above all a sense of duty, discipline, responsibility and love for work. He tried to instill these qualities in his son, trying to make him a successful businessman.

Andrei's mother, a Russian noblewoman, on the contrary, "taught him to listen to the thoughtful sounds of Hertz, sang to him about flowers, about the poetry of life ...". Stolz's mother wanted Andrei to grow up as an educated Russian gentleman, and not a "German burgher", and tried her best to reduce the influence of the Father on Andryusha. In many ways, she wanted to see her son look like Ilya Oblomov and often gladly let him go to Sosnovka, where "an eternal holiday, where they sell work off their shoulders like a yoke."

Stolz's father, of course, loved Andrei in his own way, but did not consider it possible to show his feelings. The scene of Andrei's farewell to his father is piercing to tears. Ivan Bogdanovich did not even find a moment of farewell kind words for son. Swallowing tears of resentment, Andrei sets off on his journey, accompanied by the lamentations of the servants: “You don’t have a dear mother, there is no one to bless you.” And it seems that it was at this moment that Andrei Stolz, despite all the efforts of his mother, did not leave room for “empty dreams” in his soul. Into an independent adulthood he took with him only what he thinks is necessary: ​​prudence, practicality, purposefulness. Everything else remained in distant childhood, along with the image of the mother.

Differences in the characters of the characters explain the difference in aspirations and beliefs. You can learn about this from the story of Ilya Ilyich about his ideal life. Most of all, Oblomov longs for peace, carelessness and tranquility. But Ilya Ilyich considered peace not the result of vigorous activity, not a reward for it, but a constant, the only possible and correct state of a person. Arguing with Stolz, Oblomov convinced him that "the goal of all ... running around is ... this is the preparation of peace, the desire for the ideal of the lost paradise." Therefore, why work, do anything, if you still come to what Oblomov always wanted to have?

And for Stolz, the main thing is work. But for Andrei, work is not a way to achieve peace, any desire for which Stoltz called "Oblomovism." Labor for him is "the image, content, element and purpose of life."

If Oblomov was not accustomed to work, he dreamed of achieving everything without it (as in a nanny's fairy tale: “waving magic wand”- and“ everything is ready ”), then Stolz was brought up from childhood by work, which was the goal of his father’s life. Over time, Andrei simply stopped even thinking about existence without activity.
The attitude of friends to the bustle of the capital is also different. Stolz was already accustomed to it and felt in the light, "like a fish in water." He sees everything, but prefers to turn a blind eye to his shortcomings. Andrei does not allow society to encroach on its intimate feelings and thoughts, as if hiding from him by courteous behavior.
And Ilya Ilyich, having served himself and carefully listening to the stories of the visitors - Sudbinsky, Penkin, Volkov - about metropolitan life, realized that it was too empty (“What is there to look for? Interests of the mind, heart?”) And fussy (“In ten places in one day!?”). Ilya Ilyich did not see the point in all these visits, going to work, balls.
From the characters, upbringing and beliefs, the lifestyle that the main characters of the novel lead is formed. He left some imprint on the appearance of the characters. Oblomov - a man with surprisingly soft features - was much thicker than Stolz and "flabby beyond his years", and Andrei Ivanovich was "all made up of bones, muscles and nerves", thin, as befits a person leading an active lifestyle.
Stolz was accustomed from childhood to activity, to the fact that time is precious and should not be wasted. And so Andrei's whole life passed in perpetual motion, which, however, cannot be called vanity. He was not just in constant dynamics, but benefited himself and others. But, despite the constant employment, he "goes into the world and reads: when he has time - God knows." Stoltz wanted to inspire Oblomov to such a life, for whom, despite a lot of free time, nothing was done. Most Oblomov spent his life on the couch, since "lying at Ilya Ilyich ... was a normal state." His ideal was a carefree life in unity with nature, family and friends, in dreams of which Oblomov spent years.

The attitude of the characters to love was expressed in the novel through feelings for Olga Ilyinskaya.
Oblomov wanted to see in Olga loving woman capable of creating a serene family life, kind and gentle, like his mother. The girl was at first in love with Ilya Ilyich, she liked his touching naivety, "pigeon tenderness" and kind heart. And Oblomov himself was in love with Olga. But, as usual, hoping that everything would happen by itself, he did not take any action to ensure that Olga became his wife. His "vile habit of obtaining the satisfaction of his desires ... from others" played into this situation fatal role: Olga preferred uncertainty, expectation and Oblomov's inaction to a firm and reliable marriage with Stolz.
Stolz, who knew Ilinskaya almost from early childhood, experienced
friendship for her. There were no fiery passions, "burning joys" or disappointments in her. Even jealousy for an unknown opponent did not cause a storm of emotions in Stolz's soul. And when he found out that this opponent was Oblomov, he completely became "calm and cheerful." Stoltz saw in Olga a faithful friend and comrade-in-arms in labor and therefore tried to instill in her an active principle, the ability to fight, to develop her mind.
And Olga fell in love with Andrey not suddenly. The description of her character immediately suggests that Olga Ilyinskaya cannot but become Olga Sergeevna Stolz.

The love between Olga and Andrei was born and began to grow without "stormy ups and downs." After the wedding, she did not disappear, but continued to live, albeit without development, smoothly and measuredly ("they had everything in harmony and silence").

From a comparison of the two heroes, it can be seen that Oblomov and Stolz are completely different heroes. What was the basis of such a strong and faithful friendship between them? It seems to me that this is not only childhood and school, as Goncharov wrote. Stolz and Oblomov complement each other.

Goncharov wanted to reflect in Ilya Ilyich typical features patriarchal nobility, and Stolz was assigned the role of a person capable of breaking the "Oblomovism". But, after reading the novel, I could not imagine the characters so unambiguous. The personality of Ilya Ilyich evokes conflicting feelings: regret for his helplessness and sympathy, because Oblomov has absorbed the contradictory features of the Russian national character, many of which are close to each of us.

Modern life requires "stoltsev", and they certainly appear. But Russia will never consist only of such characters. Russian people have always been distinguished by the breadth of nature, the ability to sympathize, a lively and quivering soul. I really want the practical qualities of Stolz and the "pure as crystal" soul of Oblomov to unite in modern man.

V. G. Belinsky said that it is upbringing that decides the fate of each person. This can be fully attributed to Oblomov Ilya Ilyich and Stolz Andrey Ivanovich - the two main characters of the novel "Oblomov" by I. A. Goncharov. These people, it would seem, come from the same environment, class, time. Therefore, they should have the same aspirations, lifestyles, worldviews. Why, then, when reading the work, we notice in Stolz and Oblomov mainly differences, and not similarities? In order to answer this question, one should turn to the origins that shaped the characters of the two characters we are interested in. You will see that the upbringing of Stolz and Oblomov had its own characteristics that influenced their entire future lives.

Oblomov's dream

The first chapter of the work is devoted to Ilyusha's childhood. Goncharov himself called it "the overture of the whole novel." From this chapter, we will learn in general terms about what constituted the upbringing of Oblomov. It is not by chance that quotes from it are often cited as proof that Ilya's life simply could not have turned out differently. In the first chapter of the work, one can find the key to the nature of the title character, an inactive, lazy, apathetic person who is used to subsist at the expense of the labor of his serfs.

As soon as Ilya Ilyich dozed off, he began to dream the same dream: the affectionate hands of his mother, her gentle voice, the hugs of friends and relatives ... Each time Oblomov returned to his childhood in a dream, when he was loved by everyone and absolutely happy. He seemed to be running into childhood memories from real life. Under what conditions was his personality formed, how was Oblomov's upbringing?

The atmosphere that prevailed in Oblomovka

Ilyusha spent his childhood in Oblomovka, in his native village. His parents were nobles, and life in the village went according to special laws. The village was dominated by the cult of doing nothing, sleeping, eating, and undisturbed peace. True, sometimes the quiet course of life was nevertheless disturbed by quarrels, losses, illnesses and labor, which was considered a punishment for the inhabitants of the village, from which they sought to get rid of at the first opportunity. Let's talk about what kind of upbringing Oblomov received. You probably already have some idea about it based on what was said above.

How were Ilyusha's aspirations suppressed?

Oblomov's upbringing was expressed mainly in prohibitions. Ilyusha, a mobile, dexterous child, was forbidden to do any housework (there are servants for this). In addition, his aspirations for independence each time were stopped by the cries of the nanny and parents, who did not allow the boy to take a step without supervision, as they were afraid that he would catch a cold or hurt himself. Interest in the world, activity - all this in Ilyusha's childhood was condemned by adults who did not allow him to frolic, jump, run on the street. But this is necessary for any child for the development, knowledge of life. Oblomov's improper upbringing led to the fact that Ilyusha's forces, seeking manifestations, turned inward and, fading, nicked. Instead of activity, he was instilled with a love for a good afternoon nap. In the novel, he is described as a "true likeness of death," replacing Oblomov's upbringing. Quotations from the text, no less vivid, can be found dedicated to good food, the cult of which has become practically the only occupation in the village.

Influence of the nanny's tales

In addition, the ideal of inaction was constantly reinforced by the nanny's tales about "Emel the Fool", who received various gifts from the magic pike, while doing nothing. Oblomov Ilya Ilyich will subsequently be sad, lying on his sofa, and ask himself: "Why is life not a fairy tale?"

Everyone calls Ilya Ilyich a dreamer. But after all, Oblomov’s upbringing with the endless tales of the nanny about firebirds, sorcerers, heroes, Militris Kirbityevna, could not but sow in his soul hope for the best, the belief that problems would somehow be resolved by themselves? In addition, these tales gave the hero a fear of life. Oblomov's lazy childhood and upbringing led to the fact that Ilya Ilyich tried in vain to hide from reality in his apartment, located on Gorokhovaya Street, and then on the Vyborg side.

The attitude of Ilyusha's parents to education

Parents tried not to burden Ilyusha with education, believing that studying is not worth missing holidays and losing health. Therefore, they used every opportunity to keep their child out of school. Ilyusha himself soon realized that he liked such a sluggish and measured existence. Oblomov's childhood and upbringing did their job. Habit, as they say, is second nature. And the adult Ilya Ilyich was completely satisfied with the situation in which the servants do everything for him, and he has nothing left to worry about and worry about. So the hero's childhood imperceptibly flowed into adulthood.

Ilya Ilyich's adult life

Little has changed in her. The whole existence of Oblomov in his own eyes was still divided into 2 halves. The first is work and boredom (these concepts were synonymous with him), and the second is peaceful fun and peace. Zakhar changed his nanny, and Vyborgskaya Street in the city of St. Petersburg - Oblomovka. Ilya Ilyich was so afraid of any activity, he was so frightened by any changes in his life that even the dream of love was not able to bring this hero out of apathy.

That is why he arranged living together with a good mistress Pshenitsyna, since she became nothing more than a continuation of life in the village of Oblomovka.

Andrey Stolz's parents

The complete opposite of Ilya Ilyich is Andrei Ivanovich. Stolz's upbringing took place in a poor family. Andrei's mother was a Russian noblewoman, and his father was a Russified German. Each of them contributed to the upbringing of Stolz.

Father's influence

Stolz Ivan Bogdanovich, Andrey's father, taught his son the German language and practical sciences. Andrei began to work early - to help Ivan Bogdanovich, who was demanding with him and strict in a burgher style. The upbringing of Stolz in the novel "Oblomov" contributed to the fact that it developed in him back in young age pragmatism, a serious outlook on life. It became a necessity for him. everyday work, which Andrei considered an integral part of his life.

Mother's influence

Andrei's mother also made her contribution to the upbringing of Stolz in the novel Oblomov. She looked at her husband's methods with concern. This woman wanted to make Andrei a sweet and clean boy-master, one of those whom she had seen when she worked as a governess in rich Russian families. Her soul languished when Andryusha returned after a fight, all tattered or dirty after the field or factory, where he went with his father. And she began to cut his nails, sew elegant shirt-fronts and collars, curl his curls, order clothes in the city. Stolz's mother taught him to listen to the sounds of Hertz. She sang to him about flowers, whispered about the calling of a writer, then a warrior, dreamed of a high role that falls to the lot of other people. Andrei's mother in many ways wanted her son to be like Oblomov, and therefore, with pleasure, she often let him go to Sosnovka.

So, you see that, on the one hand, Andrey's upbringing was based on practicality, his father's efficiency, and on the other, his mother's daydreaming. In addition, there was Oblomovka nearby, in which there is an "eternal holiday", where work is sold from the shoulders, like a yoke. All this influenced the formation of Stolz's character.

Parting with home

Of course, Andrei's father loved him in his own way, but he did not consider it necessary to show his feelings. The scene of Stolz's farewell to his father is poignant to tears. Even at that moment, Ivan Bogdanovich could not find kind words for his son. Andrei, swallowing tears of resentment, sets off. It seems that at this moment Stolz, despite the efforts of his mother, leaves no room in his soul for "empty dreams". He takes with him into an independent life only what, in his opinion, was necessary: ​​purposefulness, practicality, prudence. In distant childhood, everything else remained, along with the image of the mother.

Life in Petersburg

After graduating from the university, he goes to St. Petersburg, where he takes on business (sends goods abroad), travels around the world, leads active life and everything succeeds. Despite the fact that he was the same age as Oblomov, this hero managed to achieve much more in life. He made money and a house. Energy and activity contributed successful career this hero. He achieved heights that he could not even dream of. Stolz managed to properly manage his life and the abilities inherent in him by nature.

Everything was in moderation in his life: both joys and sorrows. Andrew prefers the direct route, which answers his simple glance for life. He was not disturbed by dreams or imagination - he simply did not allow them into his life. This hero did not like to speculate, he always retained self-esteem in his behavior, as well as a sober, calm look at people and things. Andrei Ivanovich considered passions to be a destructive force. His life was like a "slow and steady burning of a fire."

Stolz and Oblomov - two different fates

The upbringing of Stolz and Oblomov, as you can see, was significantly different, although both of them came from a noble environment and belonged to the same stratum of society. Andrey and Ilya are people with different worldviews and characters, so the fates were so different. The upbringings of Oblomov and Stolz were very different. The comparison allows us to notice that this fact greatly influenced the adult life of these heroes. Active Andrey tried to last day"carry the vessel of life" and not spill a single drop in vain. And the apathetic and soft Ilya was too lazy to even just get up from the sofa and leave his room so that the servants would clean it up. Olga Oblomova once asked Ilya in anguish about what had ruined him. To this he replied: "Oblomovism." N. A. Dobrolyubov, famous critic, also believed that "Oblomovism" was the fault of all the troubles of Ilya Ilyich. This is the environment in which I was forced to grow up main character.

The role of education in shaping a person's personality

The problem of education in the novel "Oblomov" was not accidentally accentuated by the author. As you can see, the way of life, worldview, character of each person are formed in childhood. The environment in which personality development takes place, teachers, parents - all this greatly influences the formation of character. If a child is not accustomed to work and independence from childhood, own example not to show him that every day something useful should be done and that time should not be wasted, then one should not be surprised that he will grow up weak-willed and lazy person, similar to Ilya Ilyich from the work of Goncharov.

Roman I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" is called the same as the main character of the novel, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. Ilya Ilyich leads a passive lifestyle. The author places the second centrally main character, Andrei Stolz, as opposed to Ilya Oblomov.

Andrew - best friend Ilya Ilyich from the school bench. Andrei Stoltz was brought up in an ordinary modest family, he is not a nobleman. His father Ivan Bogdanovich is a German burgher, and his mother is a poor Russian noblewoman.

The father did not spoil his son, treated the child coldly and allowed to be naughty. Andrei's mother, on the contrary, wanted to bring up the qualities of a Russian nobleman in her child, she instilled in him a love of music, art, and often spoiled him.

The parents of the two kids knew each other well. Therefore, Andrei's parents often brought him to visit the Oblomovs. Mom really liked the atmosphere in the Oblomovs' house.

Ivan Bogdanovich, on the contrary, tried to raise his son as a practical and businesslike person. For Andryusha, his father was the number one authority. He always unquestioningly carried out the instructions of his father. The Stolz family was happy family. My father was a manager and part-time also held the position of a teacher. Ivan Bogdanovich tried not to spend every penny he earned on unnecessary things, but to set aside for the future. good training for his son.

Little Andryusha was hardworking. He began to receive his first money in childhood, at the age of 14-15 he began to travel on behalf of his father to the city.

Andrei received an excellent education, although he remained the same naughty. Stolz read a lot, was interested in various sciences, knew how to play the piano. The two-sided upbringing that his parents instilled in him was supposed to contribute to the correct development of Andrei, he was supposed to become a comprehensively developed boy. But this did not happen, Andryusha's mother died early. When Andrei barely managed to graduate from the university. For Andrei, the death of his mother was a huge blow, because he loved her with all his heart.

At the university, he studied languages: French and English. An additional blow for Andrei was the farewell to his father. Ivan Bogdanovich, sending his son to Petersburg, for further independent living, I did not find words of support for my own child. After all, these words were very important to him at that moment. Apparently this was the final episode in the formation of the character of Andrei Stolz. Andrei very rarely remembered his parents.

It would seem that this is the perfect person. Andrei is hardworking, educated, honest and sincere. But he became like a machine, there was no room for romance in his soul. He is always busy with work, he is very reserved and manages his feelings well. Andrei is not used to complaining and referring to the fact that someone is responsible for his failures. He never gives up in front of difficulties, he is used to stubbornly overcoming all obstacles in order to achieve the desired result.

The parents of Andrey Ivanovich Stolz contributed huge contribution in raising a child. Maybe they did not quite achieve the desired result for their son. But they certainly did a lot. Andrei Ivanovich received an excellent versatile education, incredible determination and efficiency.

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The characterization of Stolz - one of the main characters of the famous novel by Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov "Oblomov" - can be perceived ambiguously. This person is the bearer of a new for Russia raznochinsk mentality. Probably, the classic initially wanted to create in his appearance a domestic analogue of the image of Jane Eyre.

Origin of Stolz

Andrey Ivanovich Stolz - the son of a clerk. His father Ivan Bogdanovich came to Russia from Germany. Before that, he tried to find In Russia, he got a job managing the economy, where he scrupulously and skillfully managed the estate, kept records. He brought up his son quite harshly. He worked for him with young years, was a "personal driver" - he ruled a spring cart when his father drove to the city, to the fields, to the factory, to the merchants. The elder Stolz encouraged his son when he fought with the boys. Teaching science in the village of Verkhlevo to the children of landlords, he gave a thorough education to his Andryusha. Stolz's mother was Russian, so Russian became his native language, and by faith he was Orthodox.

Of course, Stolz and Oblomov, who does not know how to organize his life, will clearly not be in favor of the latter.


The young German brilliantly graduated from the institute. Made a career in the service. Goncharov recounts phrases of other people in snatches. In particular, we learn about the rank of Andrey Stolz from the phrase that he "passed over the guard" in his service. Turning to the table of ranks, we find that the "court counselor" is the chairman of the court court, equal in rank to a lieutenant colonel. Thus, Andrey Stolts is a lawyer by training and earned a colonel's pension. This tells us the novel "Oblomov". The characteristic of Stolz shows the predominance of a business vein in his character.

After his retirement, a thirty-year-old man took up commercial activities in a trading company. And here he had good prospects for a career. At work, he was entrusted with responsible missions related to business trips to Europe and the development of new company projects. Business characteristic of Stolz, given by the novel, thorough and promising. For a couple of years of work in a trading company, he has already managed to profitably invest 40 thousand rubles of his father's capital and turn it into 300 thousand rubles. For him, the prospect of amassing a millionth fortune is real.

close people

Stolz has a spirit of camaraderie and cooperation. He spends time and energy to pull his friend Oblomov out of the web of laziness, trying to arrange his life by introducing him to a wonderful girl, Olga Ilyinskaya. Only when Oblomov refused to continue acquaintance with her, Stolz, having considered what kind of treasure Olga was, began to court her. The swindlers, who tried to completely ruin the careless Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, eventually had to deal with him - tough, insightful. He also pronounces the word that has become a household word - "Oblomovism". After the illness and death of Ilya Ilyich, the Stoltzes take his son Andryusha to be raised.

Conclusions in the image of Stolz

At the same time, it should be recognized that the author's characterization of Stolz is the only flaw in the plot of the novel, as Goncharov himself confirmed. According to the plan, Andrei Ivanovich should have succeeded perfect person future, organically combining pragmatism with his father's genes, and by inheritance from his mother - artistic taste, aristocracy. In reality, it turned out to be a type of the emerging bourgeoisie in Russia: active, purposeful, unable to dream. Chekhov reacted critically to him, agreeing with the negative characterization that flashed through the novel - “a blowing beast”. Anton Pavlovich debunked Stolz in the press as a man of the future, and Nikolai Aleksandrovich Dobrolyubov agreed with him. Obviously, Goncharov's characterization of Stolz went too far with rationality and commitment to rational thinking. These qualities in a normal, living person should not be hypertrophied to such an extent.

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