•Medical experiments of the Nazis on people in concentration camps•. Ahnenerbe: Secret Institute of Occult Sciences, super-soldiers and zombies of the Third Reich

The Auschwitz prisoners were released four months before the end of World War II. By that time, there were few of them left. Almost one and a half million people died, most of them were Jews. For several years, the investigation continued, which led to terrible discoveries: people not only died in gas chambers, but also became victims of Dr. Mengele, who used them as guinea pigs.

Auschwitz: the history of one city

A small Polish town, in which more than a million innocent people were killed, is called Auschwitz all over the world. We call it Auschwitz. A concentration camp, experiments on women and children, gas chambers, torture, executions - all these words have been associated with the name of the city for more than 70 years.

It will sound rather strange in Russian Ich lebe in Auschwitz - "I live in Auschwitz." Is it possible to live in Auschwitz? They learned about the experiments on women in the concentration camp after the end of the war. Over the years, new facts have been discovered. One is scarier than the other. The truth about the camp called shocked the whole world. Research is still ongoing today. Many books have been written and many films have been made on the subject. Auschwitz has entered our symbol of a painful, difficult death.

Where did mass murders of children take place and terrible experiments were carried out on women? In Which city do millions of inhabitants on earth associate with the phrase "factory of death"? Auschwitz.

Experiments on people were carried out in a camp located near the city, which today is home to 40,000 people. It is a quiet town with a good climate. Auschwitz is first mentioned in historical documents in the twelfth century. In the XIII century there were already so many Germans here that their language began to prevail over Polish. In the 17th century, the city was captured by the Swedes. In 1918 it became Polish again. After 20 years, a camp was organized here, on the territory of which crimes took place, the likes of which mankind had not yet known.

Gas chamber or experiment

In the early forties, the answer to the question of where the Auschwitz concentration camp was located was known only to those who were doomed to death. Unless, of course, do not take into account the SS. Some of the prisoners, fortunately, survived. Later they talked about what happened within the walls of the Auschwitz concentration camp. Experiments on women and children, which were conducted by a man whose name terrified the prisoners, is a terrible truth that not everyone is ready to listen to.

The gas chamber is a terrible invention of the Nazis. But there are things even worse. Christina Zhivulskaya is one of the few who managed to get out of Auschwitz alive. In her book of memoirs, she mentions a case: a prisoner, sentenced to death by Dr. Mengel, does not go, but runs into the gas chamber. Because death from poisonous gas is not as terrible as the torment from the experiments of the same Mengele.

The creators of the "factory of death"

So what is Auschwitz? This is a camp that was originally intended for political prisoners. The author of the idea is Erich Bach-Zalewski. This man had the rank of SS Gruppenführer, during the Second World War he led punitive operations. With his light hand, dozens were sentenced to death. He took an active part in the suppression of the uprising that took place in Warsaw in 1944.

The assistants of the SS Gruppenfuehrer found a suitable place in a small Polish town. There were already military barracks here, in addition, the railway communication was well established. In 1940, a man named came here. He will be hanged at the gas chambers by the decision of the Polish court. But this will happen two years after the end of the war. And then, in 1940, Hess liked these places. He set to work with great enthusiasm.

Inhabitants of the concentration camp

This camp did not immediately become a "factory of death". At first, mainly Polish prisoners were sent here. Only a year after the camp was organized, a tradition appeared to display a serial number on the prisoner's hand. More and more Jews were brought in every month. By the end of the existence of Auschwitz, they accounted for 90% of the total number of prisoners. The number of SS men here also grew steadily. In total, the concentration camp received about six thousand overseers, punishers and other "specialists". Many of them were put on trial. Some disappeared without a trace, including Josef Mengele, whose experiments terrified the prisoners for several years.

We will not give the exact number of victims of Auschwitz here. Let's just say that more than two hundred children died in the camp. Most of them were sent to the gas chambers. Some fell into the hand of Josef Mengele. But this man was not the only one who conducted experiments on people. Another so-called doctor is Carl Clauberg.

Starting in 1943, a huge number of prisoners entered the camp. Most had to be destroyed. But the organizers of the concentration camp were practical people, and therefore decided to take advantage of the situation and use a certain part of the prisoners as material for research.

Carl Cauberg

This man supervised the experiments conducted on women. His victims were predominantly Jews and Gypsies. The experiments included the removal of organs, the testing of new drugs, and irradiation. What kind of person is Karl Cauberg? Who is he? In what family did you grow up, how was his life? And most importantly, where did the cruelty that goes beyond human understanding come from?

By the beginning of the war, Karl Cauberg was already 41 years old. In the twenties, he served as chief physician at the clinic at the University of Königsberg. Kaulberg was not a hereditary doctor. He was born into a family of craftsmen. Why he decided to connect his life with medicine is unknown. But there is evidence according to which, in the First World War, he served as an infantryman. Then he graduated from the University of Hamburg. Apparently, medicine fascinated him so much that he refused a military career. But Kaulberg was not interested in medicine, but in research. In the early forties, he began to search for the most practical way to sterilize women who did not belong to the Aryan race. For experiments, he was transferred to Auschwitz.

Kaulberg's experiments

The experiments consisted in the introduction of a special solution into the uterus, which led to serious violations. After the experiment, the reproductive organs were removed and sent to Berlin for further research. There is no data on exactly how many women became victims of this "scientist". After the end of the war, he was captured, but soon, just seven years later, oddly enough, he was released according to an agreement on the exchange of prisoners of war. Returning to Germany, Kaulberg did not suffer from remorse at all. On the contrary, he was proud of his "achievements in science." As a result, complaints began to come in from people who had suffered from Nazism. He was arrested again in 1955. He spent even less time in prison this time. He died two years after his arrest.

Josef Mengele

The prisoners called this man "the angel of death". Josef Mengele personally met the trains with new prisoners and conducted the selection. Some went to the gas chambers. Others are at work. The third he used in his experiments. One of the prisoners of Auschwitz described this man as follows: "Tall, with a pleasant appearance, like a movie actor." He never raised his voice, he spoke politely - and this brought particular horror to the prisoners.

From the biography of the Angel of Death

Josef Mengele was the son of a German entrepreneur. After graduating from high school, he studied medicine and anthropology. In the early thirties, he joined the Nazi organization, but soon, for health reasons, left it. In 1932, Mengele joined the SS. During the war he served in the medical troops and even received the Iron Cross for bravery, but was wounded and declared unfit for service. Mengele spent several months in the hospital. After recovery, he was sent to Auschwitz, where he launched his scientific activities.


Selecting victims for experiments was Mengele's favorite pastime. The doctor only needed one look at the prisoner in order to determine the state of his health. He sent most of the prisoners to the gas chambers. And only a few captives managed to delay death. It was hard to deal with those in whom Mengele saw "guinea pigs."

Most likely, this person suffered from an extreme form of mental disorder. He even enjoyed the thought that he had a huge number of human lives in his hands. That is why he was always next to the arriving train. Even when it was not required of him. His criminal actions were guided not only by the desire for scientific research, but also by the desire to rule. Just one word of his was enough to send tens or hundreds of people to the gas chambers. Those that were sent to the laboratories became the material for experiments. But what was the purpose of these experiments?

Invincible faith in the Aryan utopia, obvious mental deviations - these are the components of the personality of Josef Mengele. All his experiments were aimed at creating a new tool that could stop the reproduction of representatives of objectionable peoples. Mengele not only equated himself with God, he placed himself above him.

Josef Mengele's experiments

The angel of death dissected babies, castrated boys and men. He performed operations without anesthesia. Experiments on women consisted of high voltage shocks. He conducted these experiments in order to test endurance. Mengele once sterilized several Polish nuns with X-rays. But the main passion of the "doctor of death" was experiments on twins and people with physical defects.

To each his own

On the gates of Auschwitz was written: Arbeit macht frei, which means "work sets you free." The words Jedem das Seine were also present here. Translated into Russian - "To each his own." On the gates of Auschwitz, at the entrance to the camp, in which more than a million people died, a saying of the ancient Greek sages appeared. The principle of justice was used by the SS as the motto of the most cruel idea in the history of mankind.

The ethics of scientific research was updated after the end of the Second World War. In 1947, the Nuremberg Code was developed and adopted, protecting the well-being of research participants to this day. However, before scientists did not disdain to experiment on prisoners, slaves and even members of their own families, violating all human rights. This list contains the most shocking and unethical cases.

10 Stanford Prison Experiment

In 1971, a team of scientists at Stanford University, led by psychologist Philip Zimbardo, conducted a study of human reactions to the restriction of freedom in prison. As part of the experiment, volunteers had to play the roles of guards and prisoners in the basement of the building of the Faculty of Psychology, equipped as a prison. Volunteers quickly got used to their duties, however, contrary to the predictions of scientists, terrible and dangerous incidents began to occur during the experiment. A third of the "guards" showed pronounced sadistic tendencies, while many "prisoners" were psychologically traumatized. Two of them had to be excluded from the experiment ahead of time. Zimbardo, concerned about the antisocial behavior of the subjects, was forced to stop the study ahead of schedule.

9. Monstrous experiment

In 1939, a graduate student at the University of Iowa - Mary Tudor - under the guidance of psychologist Wendell Johnson, set up an equally shocking experiment on the orphans of the Davenport Orphanage. The experiment was devoted to the study of the influence of value judgments on the fluency of children's speech. The subjects were divided into two groups. During the training of one of them, Tudor gave positive marks and praised in every possible way. She subjected the speech of the children from the second group to severe criticism and ridicule. The experiment ended in failure, which is why it later got its name. Many healthy children never recovered from their trauma and suffered from speech problems throughout their lives. A public apology for the Monstrous Experiment was not issued until 2001 by the University of Iowa.

8. Project 4.1

The medical study, known as Project 4.1, was conducted by US scientists on Marshall Islanders who became victims of radioactive contamination after the explosion of the US Castle Bravo thermonuclear device in the spring of 1954. In the first 5 years after the disaster on the Rongelap Atoll, the number of miscarriages and stillbirths doubled, and surviving children developed developmental disorders. In the following decade, many of them developed thyroid cancer. By 1974, a third had neoplasms. As experts later concluded, the purpose of the medical program to help the local residents of the Marshall Islands was to use them as guinea pigs in a "radioactive experiment."

7. Project MK-ULTRA

The CIA's secret MK-ULTRA mind-manipulation research program was launched in the 1950s. The essence of the project was to study the influence of various psychotropic substances on human consciousness. The participants in the experiment were doctors, military, prisoners and other representatives of the US population. The subjects, as a rule, did not know that they were being injected with drugs. One of the secret operations of the CIA was called "Midnight Climax". Men were selected from several brothels in San Francisco, injected with LSD into their bloodstream, and then filmed for study. The project lasted at least until the 1960s. In 1973, the CIA leadership destroyed most of the documents of the MK-ULTRA program, causing significant difficulties in the subsequent investigation of the case by the US Congress.

6. Project "Aversion"

From the 70s to the 80s of the 20th century, an experiment was conducted in the South African army aimed at changing the sex of soldiers with non-traditional sexual orientation. During the top-secret operation "Aversia" about 900 people were injured. Alleged homosexuals were calculated by army doctors with the assistance of priests. In the military psychiatric ward, test subjects were subjected to hormonal therapy and electric shock. If the soldiers could not be "cured" in this way, they were waiting for forced chemical castration or sex reassignment surgery. "Aversion" was directed by psychiatrist Aubrey Levin. In the 90s, he immigrated to Canada, not wanting to stand trial for the atrocities he committed.

5 Human Experimentation In North Korea

North Korea has been repeatedly accused of researching prisoners that violate human rights, however, the government of the country denies all accusations, saying that they are treated humanely in the state. However, one of the former prisoners told a shocking truth. A terrible, if not terrifying experience appeared before the eyes of the prisoner: 50 women, under the threat of reprisals against their families, were forced to eat poisoned cabbage leaves and died, suffering from bloody vomiting and rectal bleeding, accompanied by the screams of other victims of the experiment. There are eyewitness accounts of special laboratories equipped for experiments. Entire families became their targets. After a standard medical examination, the wards were sealed and filled with asphyxiating gas, and the "researchers" watched through the glass from above as parents tried to save their children by giving them artificial respiration for as long as they had strength left.

4. Toxicological laboratory of the special services of the USSR

A top-secret scientific unit, also known as the "Chamber", under the leadership of Colonel Mairanovsky, was engaged in experiments in the field of toxic substances and poisons, such as ricin, digitoxin and mustard gas. Experiments were carried out, as a rule, on prisoners sentenced to capital punishment. Poisons were given to the subjects under the guise of drugs along with food. The main goal of scientists was to find an odorless and tasteless toxin that would not leave traces after the death of the victim. In the end, scientists managed to find the poison they were looking for. According to eyewitness accounts, after ingestion of C-2, the subject would become weak, quiet, as if cowering, and dying within 15 minutes.

3. The Tuskegee Syphilis Study

The infamous experiment began in 1932 in Tuskegee, Alabama. For 40 years, scientists literally denied patients treatment for syphilis in order to study all stages of the disease. The victims of the experience were 600 poor African-American sharecroppers. Patients were not informed about their illness. Instead of a diagnosis, doctors told people they had "bad blood" and offered free food and treatment in exchange for participating in the program. During the experiment, 28 men died from syphilis, 100 from subsequent complications, 40 infected their wives, and 19 children received a congenital disease.

2. "Squad 731"

Employees of a special detachment of the Japanese armed forces under the leadership of Shiro Ishii were engaged in experiments in the field of chemical and biological weapons. In addition, they are responsible for the most horrific experiments on people that history knows. The detachment's military doctors dissected living subjects, amputated the limbs of captives and sewed them to other parts of the body, deliberately infected men and women with venereal diseases through rape in order to study the consequences later. The list of atrocities committed by Unit 731 is long, but many of its members have never been punished for their deeds.

1. Nazi experiments on people

Medical experiments carried out by the Nazis during World War II claimed a huge number of lives. In concentration camps, scientists performed the most sophisticated and inhuman experiments. In Auschwitz, Dr. Josef Mengele examined more than 1,500 pairs of twins. A variety of chemicals were injected into the eyes of the test subjects to see if their color would change, and in an attempt to create Siamese twins, the test subjects were stitched together. Meanwhile, the Luftwaffe tried to find a way to treat hypothermia by forcing prisoners to lie in ice water for several hours, and at the Ravensbrück camp, researchers deliberately inflicted wounds on prisoners and infected them with infections in order to test sulfonamides and other drugs.

The medical experiments of the Nazis on people in concentration camps, even today, terrify the most stable minds. A whole series of scientific experiments were carried out by the Nazis on innocent prisoners during the Second World War. As a rule, most of the experiments led to the death of the prisoner.

In one of the most famous concentration camps, Auschwitz, located on the territory of Poland, under the supervision of Professor Eduard Wirts, disgusting experiments were carried out, the purpose of which was to improve the military weapons of soldiers, as well as their treatment. Such experiments were carried out not only for technological breakthroughs, the purpose was also to confirm the racial theory that Adolf Hitler believed in. After the end of World War II, the Nuremberg trials were held, in which twenty-three people were accused, who were essentially real serial maniacs, among whom were twenty doctors, as well as one lawyer, and a couple of officials. Subsequently, seven doctors were sentenced to death, five people received life sentences, seven people were acquitted, and four more people were sentenced to various prison terms that ranged from ten to twenty years in prison.

°Experiments on twins°

Nazi medical experiments on children who at that time were not lucky enough to be born twins and ended up in concentration camps were carried out by Nazi scientists to detect differences and similarities in the structure of the DNA of the twins. The name of the doctor involved in this kind of experiments was Josef Mengele. According to historians, during his work, Josef killed more than four hundred thousand prisoners in the gas chambers. The German scientist conducted his experiments on 1500 pairs of twins, of which only two hundred pairs survived. Basically, all experiments on children were carried out in the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp.

The twins were divided into groups, according to age and status, and were placed in specialized barracks. The experiences were truly horrendous. Various chemicals were injected into the twins' eyes. Children were also tried to artificially change the color of the eyes. It is also known that the twins were sewn together, thereby trying to recreate the phenomenon of Siamese twins. Experiments to change the color of the eyes often ended in the death of the subject, as well as infection of the retina, and complete loss of vision. Josef Mengele very often infected one of the twins, and then did an autopsy on both children and compared the organs of the affected and normal body.

°Hypothermia experiments°

At the very beginning of the war, a series of experiments on hypothermia of the human body was carried out in the German air force. The method of cooling a person was the same, the test subject was placed in a barrel of ice water for several hours. It is also known for sure that there was another mocking method of cooling the human body. The prisoner was simply driven out into the street in cold weather, naked, and kept there for three hours. The goal of the scientists was to find ways to save a person who has undergone hypothermia.

The course of the experiment was monitored by the supreme circles of the command of Nazi Germany. Most often, experiments were carried out on men in order to study the ways in which the fascist troops could easily endure the severe frosts on the Eastern European front. It was the frosts, for which the German troops were not prepared, that caused the defeat of Germany on the Eastern Front.

Research was carried out for the most part in the Dachau and Auschwitz concentration camps. The German physician, and part-time employee of the Ahnenerbe, Sigmund Rascher, reported only to the Reich Minister of the Interior, Heinrich Himmler. In 1942, at a conference on the study of the oceans and the winter season, Ruscher gave a speech from which one could learn about the results of his medical experiments in concentration camps. The research was divided into several stages. At the first stage, German scientists studied how long a person can live at a minimum temperature. The second stage was the resuscitation and rescue of the experimental subject, who had undergone severe frostbite.

Experiments were also conducted, during which they studied how to instantly warm a person. The first method of warming was to lower the subject into a tank of hot water. In the second case, the frozen one was settled on a naked woman, and then another one was settled on him. The women for the experiment were selected from those held in the concentration camp. The best result was achieved in the first case.

Research results have shown that it is almost impossible to save a person who has undergone frostbite in water if the back of the head was also frostbite. In this regard, special life jackets were developed that prevented the back of the head from sinking into the water. This made it possible to save the head of a person wearing a vest from frostbite of brain stem cells. These days, a similar headrest is available in almost all lifejackets.

°Experiments with malaria°

These Nazi medical experiments were carried out from the beginning of 1942 to mid-1945, on the territory of Nazi Germany in the Dachau concentration camp. Research was carried out, during which German doctors and pharmacists worked on the invention of a vaccine against an infectious disease - malaria. For the experiment, physically healthy test subjects aged 25 to 40 years were specially selected, and they were infected with the help of mosquitoes that carried the infection. After the prisoners were infected, they were given a course of treatment with various drugs and injections, which in turn were also under testing. More than one thousand people were involved in the forced participation in the experiments. More than five hundred people died during the experiments. The German physician, SS Sturmbannführer Kurt Plötner was responsible for the research.

°Mustard Gas Experiments°

From the autumn of 1939 to the spring of 1945, near the city of Oranienburg, in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, as well as in other camps in Germany, experiments were carried out with mustard gas. The aim of the research was to identify the most effective ways to treat wounds after skin exposure to this type of gas. Prisoners were doused with mustard gas, which, when applied to the surface of the skin, caused severe chemical burns. After that, doctors studied the wounds to find the most effective medicine for this type of burns.

°Experiments with sulfanilamide°

From the summer of 1942 to the autumn of 1943, studies were carried out on the use of antibacterial drugs. One such drug is sulfanilamide. People were intentionally shot with gunshot wounds in the leg and infected with anaerobic gangrene, tetanus and streptococcus bacteria. Blood circulation was stopped by applying tourniquets on both sides of the wound. Crushed glass and wood shavings were also poured into the wound. The resulting bacterial inflammation was treated with sulfanilamide, as well as other drugs, to see how effective they were. The medical experiments of the Nazis were led by Karl Franz Gebhardt, who was on friendly terms with the SS Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler himself.

°Experiments with sea water°

Scientific experiments were carried out in the Dachau concentration camp, approximately from the summer to the autumn of 1944. The purpose of the experiments was to find out how fresh water can be obtained from sea water, that is, one that would be suitable for human consumption. A group of prisoners was created, in which there were about 90 gypsies. During the experiment, they did not receive food, and drank only sea water. As a result, their bodies were so dehydrated that people licked moisture from the freshly washed floor in the hope of getting at least a drop of water. Responsible for the research was Wilhelm Beiglböck, who received fifteen years in prison at the Nuremberg trials of doctors.

°Sterilization experiments°

The experiments were carried out from the spring of 1941 to the winter of 1945 in Ravensbrück, Auschwitz and other concentration camps. The German physician Karl Klauberg supervised the research. The goal of the research was to sterilize a large number of people, with a minimum investment of time, money and effort. During the medical experiments of the Nazis, radiography, various medications, as well as surgical operations were used. As a result, after the experiments, thousands of people lost the opportunity to procreate. It is also known that fascist doctors, on the orders of the highest circles of Nazi Germany, sterilized more than four hundred thousand people.

During the experiments, iodine and silver nitrate were often used, which were injected into the human body with the help of syringes. As German doctors found out, these injections are very effective. However, they caused many side effects such as cervical cancer, severe abdominal pain, and vaginal bleeding. Because of this, it was decided to give the prisoners radiation exposure.

As it turned out, a small dose of X-rays can provoke infertility in the human body. After irradiation, the man ceases to produce sperm, in turn, the woman does not produce eggs. In most cases, irradiation occurred through deception. Subjects were invited to a small room where they were asked to complete a questionnaire. It took a matter of minutes to complete the questionnaire. During filling, the human body was exposed to x-rays. Thus, after visiting such rooms, people themselves, without knowing it, became completely barren. There are cases when, during exposure, a person received severe radiation burns.

°Poison Experiments°

Nazi medical experiments with poisons were carried out from the winter of 1943 to the autumn of 1944 in the Bachenwalde concentration camp, in which approximately 250,000 people were imprisoned. Various poisons were secretly mixed into the prisoners' food, and their reactions were observed. Prisoners died after poisoning, and were also killed by concentration camp guards to perform an autopsy of the body, through which the poison did not have time to spread. It is known that in the fall of 1944, prisoners were shot with bullets containing poison, and then gunshot wounds were examined.

°Pressure Experiments°

In the winter of 1942, experiments were carried out on prisoners at Dachau, for which SS-Hauptsturmführer Sigmund Rascher was responsible. After the war, he was executed for his inhuman crimes. The purpose of the experiments was to study the health problems of Luftwaffe pilots who flew at very high altitudes. We simulated the presence of the experimental at high altitudes using a pressure chamber. Historians believe that after the experiments, Zygmunt also practiced vivisection on the brain - this is a type of operation during which a person is conscious. During the experiments, out of two hundred prisoners, eighty people died, the remaining one hundred and twenty were executed.

1. Homosexuality
Homosexuals have no place on the planet. At least that's what the Nazis thought. Therefore, they, led by Dr. Karl Wernet in Buchenwald, since July 1944, have been sewing capsules with "male hormone" into the groin of gay prisoners. Then the healed were sent to concentration camps to women, ordering the latter to provoke newcomers to sex. History is silent about the results of such experiments.
2. Pressure
The German physician Sigmund Rascher was too concerned about the problems that the pilots of the Third Reich could have at an altitude of 20 kilometers. Therefore, he, being the chief physician at the Dachau concentration camp, created special pressure chambers in which he placed prisoners and experimented with pressure. After that, the scientist opened the skulls of the victims and examined their brains. 200 people took part in this experiment. 80 died on the surgical table, the rest were shot.
3. White phosphorus
From November 1941 to January 1944, drugs capable of treating white phosphorus burns were tested on the human body in Buchenwald. It is not known whether the Nazis succeeded in inventing a panacea. But, believe me, these experiments have taken a lot of prisoners' lives.
4. Poisons
The food in Buchenwald was not the best. This was especially felt from December 1943 to October 1944. The Nazis mixed various poisons into the products of the prisoners, after which they investigated their effect on the human body. Often such experiments ended with an instant autopsy of the victim after eating. And in September 1944, the Germans got tired of messing with experimental subjects. Therefore, all participants in the experiment were shot.
5. Sterilization
Carl Clauberg is a German doctor who became famous for his sterilization during World War II. From March 1941 to January 1945, the scientist tried to find a way by which millions of people could be made infertile in the shortest possible time. Clauberg succeeded: the doctor injected the prisoners of Auschwitz, Revensbrück and other concentration camps with iodine and silver nitrate. Although such injections had a lot of side effects (bleeding, pain and cancer), they successfully sterilized a person. But Klauberg's favorite was radiation exposure: a person was invited to a special chamber with a chair, sitting on which he filled out questionnaires. And then the victim just left, not suspecting that she would never be able to have children again. Often such exposures ended in severe radiation burns.

6. Sea water
The Nazis during the Second World War once again confirmed: sea water is undrinkable. On the territory of the Dachau concentration camp (Germany), the Austrian doctor Hans Eppinger and Professor Wilhelm Beiglbeck decided in July 1944 to check how long 90 gypsies could live without water. The victims of the experiment were so dehydrated that they even licked the freshly washed floor.
7. Sulfanilamide
Sulfanilamide is a synthetic antimicrobial agent. From July 1942 to September 1943, the Nazis, led by the German professor Gebhard, tried to determine the effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of streptococcus, tetanus and anaerobic gangrene. Who do you think they infected to conduct such experiments?
8 Mustard Gas
Doctors cannot find a way to cure a person from a mustard gas burn unless at least one victim from such a chemical weapon gets on their table. And why look for someone if you can poison and exercise on prisoners from the German Sachsenhausen concentration camp? This is what the minds of the Reich did throughout World War II.
9. Malaria
SS Hauptsturmführer and MD Kurt Plötner still could not find a cure for malaria. The scientist was not even helped by a thousand prisoners from Dachau, who were forced to take part in his experiments. Victims were infected through the bites of infected mosquitoes and treated with various drugs. More than half of the subjects did not survive.
10. Frostbite
German soldiers on the Eastern Front had a hard time in winter: they had a hard time enduring the harsh Russian winters. Therefore, Sigmund Rascher conducted experiments in Dachau and Auschwitz, with the help of which he tried to find a way to quickly reanimate the military after frostbite. To do this, the Nazis put Luftwaffe uniforms on the prisoners and placed them in ice water. There were two ways of heating. The first - the victim was lowered into a bath of hot water. The second one was placed between two naked women. The first method proved to be more efficient.
11. Gemini
Over one and a half thousand twins were subjected to the experiments of the German doctor and doctor of sciences Josef Mengele in Auschwitz. The scientist tried to change the color of the eyes of the experimental subjects by injecting chemicals directly into the protein of the visual organ. Another crazy idea Mengele - an attempt to create Siamese twins. For this, the scientist sewed prisoners together. Of the 1,500 participants in the experiments, only 200 survived.

Fascist Germany, besides starting the Second World War, is also notorious for its concentration camps, as well as for the horrors that took place there. The horror of the Nazi camp system consisted not only in terror and arbitrariness, but also in those colossal experiments on people that were carried out there. Scientific research was organized on a grand scale, and their goals were so diverse that it would take a long time to even name them.

In German concentration camps on living "human material", scientific hypotheses were tested and various biomedical technologies were tested. Wartime dictated its priorities, so doctors were primarily interested in the practical application of scientific theories. So, for example, the possibility of maintaining the working capacity of people under conditions of excessive stress, blood transfusion with different Rh factors, and new drugs were tested.

Among these monstrous experiments are pressure tests, hypothermia experiments, the development of a typhoid vaccine, experiments with malaria, gas, sea water, poisons, sulfanilamide, sterilization experiments, and many others.

In 1941 experiments with hypothermia were carried out. They were led by Dr. Rascher under the direct supervision of Himmler. The experiments were carried out in two stages. At the first stage, they found out what temperature and how long a person can withstand, and the second stage was to determine how to restore the human body after frostbite. To carry out such experiments, prisoners were taken out in the winter without clothes for the whole night or placed in ice water. Hypothermia experiments were carried out exclusively on men to simulate the conditions in which the German soldiers were on the Eastern Front, since the Nazis were ill-prepared for the winter time period. So, for example, in one of the first experiments, prisoners were lowered into a container of water, the temperature of which ranged from 2 to 12 degrees, in pilots' suits. At the same time, they were wearing life jackets that kept them afloat. As a result of the experiment, Rascher found that attempts to revive a person who fell into ice water are practically zero if the cerebellum was supercooled. This was the reason for the development of a special vest with a headrest, which covered the back of the head and did not allow the back of the head to sink into the water.

The same Dr. Ruscher in 1942 began to experiment on prisoners using pressure changes. Thus, doctors tried to establish how much air pressure a person can withstand, and for how long. For the experiment, a special pressure chamber was used, in which the pressure was regulated. At the same time there were 25 people in it. The purpose of these experiments was to help pilots and skydivers at high altitude. According to one of the doctor's reports, the experiment was carried out on a 37-year-old Jew who was in good physical shape. Half an hour after the start of the experiment, he died.

200 prisoners took part in the experiment, 80 of them died, the rest were simply killed.

The fascists also conducted large-scale preparations for the use of bacteriological. The emphasis was mainly on short-lived diseases, plague, anthrax, typhoid, that is, diseases that could cause mass infection and death of the enemy in a short time.

The Third Reich had large stocks of typhus bacteria. In the case of their mass use, it was necessary to develop a vaccine for the disinfection of the Germans. On behalf of the government, Dr. Paul took up the development of a typhoid vaccine. The first to experience the effect of vaccines were the prisoners of Buchenwald. In 1942, 26 gypsies were infected with typhus there, who had previously been vaccinated. As a result, 6 people died from the progression of the disease. This result did not satisfy the management, since the mortality rate was high. Therefore, research was continued in 1943. And the next year, the improved vaccine was again tested on humans. But this time, the victims of the vaccination were the prisoners of the Natzweiler camp. Conducted experiments Dr. Chretien. 80 gypsies were selected for the experiment. They were infected with typhus in two ways: with the help of injections and by airborne droplets. Of the total number of test subjects, only 6 people became infected, but even such a small number did not receive any medical assistance. In 1944, all 80 people who were involved in the experiment either died of illness or were shot by concentration camp overseers.

In addition, in the same Buchenwald, other cruel experiments were carried out on prisoners. So, in 1943-1944, experiments with incendiary mixtures were carried out there. Their purpose was to solve the problems associated with bomb explosions, when soldiers received phosphorus burns. Basically, Russian prisoners were used for these experiments.

Here, experiments were carried out with the genitals, in order to identify the causes of homosexuality. They involved not only homosexuals, but also men of traditional orientation. One of the experiments was a genital transplant.

Also in Buchenwald, experiments were carried out on infecting prisoners with yellow fever, diphtheria, smallpox, and poisonous substances were also used. So, for example, to study the effect of poisons on the human body, they were added to the food of prisoners. As a result, some of the victims died, and some were immediately shot for an autopsy. In 1944, all participants in this experiment were shot using poison bullets.

A series of experiments were also carried out in the Dachau concentration camp. So, back in 1942, some of the prisoners aged 20 to 45 were infected with malaria. A total of 1200 people were infected. Permission to conduct the experiment was obtained by the head Dr. Pletner directly from Himmler. The victims were bitten by malarial mosquitoes, and, in addition, they were also injected with sporozoans, which were taken from mosquitoes. For treatment, quinine, antipyrine, pyramidon, as well as a special drug, which was called "2516-Bering", were used. As a result, about 40 people died from malaria, about 400 died from complications after the disease, and another part died from excessive doses of medicines.

Here, in Dachau, in 1944, experiments were carried out to turn sea water into drinking water. For the experiments, 90 gypsies were used, who were completely deprived of food and forced to drink only sea water.

No less terrible experiments were carried out in the Auschwitz concentration camp. So, in particular, throughout the entire period of the war, sterilization experiments were carried out there, the purpose of which was to identify a quick and effective way to sterilize a large number of people without large time and physical costs. During the experiment, thousands of people were sterilized. The procedure was carried out with the help of surgery, x-rays and various drugs. Initially, injections with iodine or silver nitrate were used, but this method had a large number of side effects. Therefore, irradiation was more preferable. Scientists have found that a certain amount of X-rays can deprive the human body of producing eggs and sperm. During the experiments, a large number of prisoners received radiation burns.

The experiments with twins conducted by Dr. Mengele in the Auschwitz concentration camp were especially cruel. Before the war, he dealt with genetics, so the twins were especially "interesting" to him.

Mengele personally sorted the "human material": the most interesting, in his opinion, were sent for experiments, the less hardy - for labor work, and the rest - to the gas chamber.

The experiment involved 1,500 pairs of twins, of which only 200 survived. Mengele conducted experiments on changing the color of the eyes, injecting chemicals, resulting in complete or temporary blindness. In addition, he attempted to "create Siamese twins" by stitching the twins together. In addition, he experimented with infecting one of the twins with an infection, after which he performed autopsies on both to compare the affected organs.

When Soviet troops approached Auschwitz, the doctor managed to escape to Latin America.

Not without experiments and in another German concentration camp - Ravensbrück. In the experiments, women were used who were injected with tetanus, staphylococcus, gas gangrene bacteria. The purpose of the experiments was to determine the effectiveness of sulfanilamide preparations.

Prisoners were made incisions, where fragments of glass or metal were placed, and then bacteria were planted. Subjects were carefully monitored after infection, recording changes in temperature and other signs of infection. In addition, experiments on transplantology and traumatology were carried out here. Women were deliberately mutilated, and to make it easier to follow the healing process, they cut out parts of the body down to the bone. Moreover, their limbs were often amputated, which were then taken to a neighboring camp and sewn on to other prisoners.

Not only did the Nazis mock the prisoners of the concentration camps, they also carried out experiments on the "true Aryans". So, recently a large burial was discovered, which at first was mistaken for the Scythian remains. However, later it was possible to establish that there were German soldiers in the grave. The find horrified archaeologists: some of the bodies were decapitated, others had sawn tibia bones, and still others had holes along the spine. It was also found that during life, people were exposed to chemicals, and cuts were clearly visible in many skulls. As it turned out later, these were the victims of the experiments of the Ahnenerbe, a secret organization of the Third Reich, which was engaged in the creation of a superman.

Since it was immediately obvious that carrying out such experiments would be associated with a large number of victims, Himmler took responsibility for all deaths. He did not consider all these horrors to be murder, because, according to him, the prisoners of concentration camps are not people.

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