Comparative characteristics of the red and white army. White Army during the Civil War

At the first stage of the Civil War of 1917 - 1922/23, two powerful opposing forces took shape - "red" and "white". The first represented the Bolshevik camp, whose goal was a radical change in the existing system and the construction of a socialist regime, the second - the anti-Bolshevik camp, striving to return the order of the pre-revolutionary period.

The period between the February and October revolutions is the time of the formation and development of the Bolshevik regime, the stage of accumulation of forces. The main tasks of the Bolsheviks before the outbreak of the Civil War were: the formation of a social support, transformations in the country that would allow them to gain a foothold at the top of power in the country, and protect the achievements of the February Revolution.

The methods of the Bolsheviks in strengthening power were effective. First of all, this concerns propaganda among the population - the slogans of the Bolsheviks were relevant and helped to quickly form the social support of the "Reds".

The first armed detachments of the "Reds" began to appear at the preparatory stage - from March to October 1917. The main driving force behind such detachments were workers from industrial regions - this was the main force of the Bolsheviks, which helped them come to power during the October Revolution. At the time of the revolutionary events, the detachment numbered about 200,000 people.

The stage of formation of the power of the Bolsheviks required the protection of what was achieved during the revolution - for this, at the end of December 1917, the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission was created, headed by F. Dzerzhinsky. On January 15, 1918, the Cheka adopted a Decree on the creation of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army, and on January 29, the Red Fleet was created.

Analyzing the actions of the Bolsheviks, historians do not come to a consensus about their goals and motivations:

    The most common opinion is that the “Reds” initially planned a large-scale Civil War, which would be a logical continuation of the revolution. The fighting, the purpose of which was to promote the ideas of the revolution, would consolidate the power of the Bolsheviks and spread socialism throughout the world. During the war, the Bolsheviks planned to destroy the bourgeoisie as a class. Thus, based on this, the ultimate goal of the "Reds" is a world revolution.

    One of the admirers of the second concept is V. Galin. This version is fundamentally different from the first - according to historians, the Bolsheviks had no intention of turning the revolution into a Civil War. The goal of the Bolsheviks was to seize power, which they succeeded in the course of the revolution. But the continuation of hostilities was not included in the plans. The arguments of the fans of this concept: the transformations planned by the "Reds" demanded peace in the country, at the first stage of the struggle, the "Reds" were tolerant of other political forces. A turning point regarding political opponents occurred when in 1918 there was a threat to lose power in the state. By 1918, the "Reds" had a strong, professionally trained enemy - the White Army. Its backbone was the military times of the Russian Empire. By 1918, the fight against this enemy became purposeful, the army of the "Reds" acquired a pronounced structure.

At the first stage of the war, the actions of the Red Army were not successful. Why?

    Recruitment to the army was carried out on a voluntary basis, which led to decentralization and disunity. The army was created spontaneously, without a definite structure - this led to a low level of discipline, problems in managing a large number of volunteers. The chaotic army was not characterized by a high level of combat capability. Only since 1918, when the Bolshevik power was under threat, did the "Reds" decide to recruit troops according to the mobilization principle. From June 1918, they began to mobilize the military of the tsarist army.

    The second reason is closely related to the first - against the chaotic, non-professional army of the "Reds" were organized, professional military, which at the time of the Civil War, participated in more than one battle. The "Whites" with a high level of patriotism were united not only by professionalism, but also by the idea - the White movement stood for a united and indivisible Russia, for order in the state.

The most characteristic feature of the Red Army is uniformity. First of all, it concerns the class origin. Unlike the "whites", whose army included professional soldiers, workers, and peasants, the "reds" accepted only proletarians and peasants into their ranks. The bourgeoisie was to be destroyed, so an important task was to prevent hostile elements from entering the Red Army.

In parallel with the hostilities, the Bolsheviks were implementing a political and economic program. The Bolsheviks pursued a policy of "red terror" against hostile social classes. In the economic sphere, "war communism" was introduced - a set of measures in the domestic policy of the Bolsheviks throughout the Civil War.

Biggest victories for the Reds:

  • 1918 - 1919 - the establishment of Bolshevik power on the territory of Ukraine, Belarus, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia.
  • The beginning of 1919 - the Red Army goes on the counteroffensive, defeating the "white" army of Krasnov.
  • Spring-summer 1919 - Kolchak's troops fell under the blows of the "Reds".
  • The beginning of 1920 - the "Reds" ousted the "Whites" from the northern cities of Russia.
  • February-March 1920 - the defeat of the rest of the forces of Denikin's Volunteer Army.
  • November 1920 - the "Reds" ousted the "Whites" from the Crimea.
  • By the end of 1920, the "Reds" were opposed by scattered groups of the White Army. The civil war ended with the victory of the Bolsheviks.

History of the Red Army

See main article History of the Red Army


In general, the military ranks of junior officers (sergeants and foremen) of the Red Army correspond to the tsarist non-commissioned officers, the ranks of junior officers correspond to chief officers (the statutory address in the tsarist army is “your honor”), senior officers, from major to colonel - headquarters officers (the statutory address in the tsarist army is “your excellency”), senior officers, from major general to marshal - general (“your excellency”).

A more detailed correspondence of ranks can only be established approximately, due to the fact that the very number of military ranks varies. So, the rank of lieutenant roughly corresponds to a lieutenant, and the royal rank of captain roughly corresponds to the Soviet military rank of major.

It should also be noted that the insignia of the Red Army of the 1943 model were also not an exact copy of the royal ones, although they were created on their basis. So, the rank of colonel in the tsarist army was designated by shoulder straps with two longitudinal stripes, and without asterisks; in the Red Army - two longitudinal stripes, and three medium-sized stars arranged in a triangle.

Repressions 1937-1938

battle banner

The battle flag of one of the units of the Red Army during the Civil War:

The imperialist army is an instrument of oppression, the Red Army is an instrument of liberation.

For each unit or formation of the Red Army, its Battle Banner is sacred. It serves as the main symbol of the unit, and the embodiment of its military glory. In the event of the loss of the Battle Banner, the military unit is subject to disbandment, and those directly responsible for such disgrace - to the court. A separate guard post is established to guard the Battle Banner. Each soldier, passing by the banner, is obliged to give him a military salute. On especially solemn occasions, the troops carry out the ritual of the solemn removal of the Battle Banner. To be included in the banner group directly conducting the ritual is considered a great honor, which is awarded only to the most distinguished officers and ensigns.


Mandatory for recruits in any army in the world is to bring them to the oath. In the Red Army, this ritual is usually performed a month after the call, after completing the course of a young soldier. Before being sworn in, soldiers are forbidden to be trusted with weapons; there are a number of other restrictions. On the day of the oath, the soldier receives weapons for the first time; he breaks down, approaches the commander of his unit, and reads out a solemn oath to the formation. The oath is traditionally considered an important holiday, and is accompanied by the solemn removal of the Battle Banner.

The text of the oath has changed several times; The first option was as follows:

I, a citizen of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, joining the ranks of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army, take an oath and solemnly swear to be an honest, brave, disciplined, vigilant fighter, strictly keep military and state secrets, implicitly comply with all military regulations and orders of commanders, commissars and chiefs.

I swear to conscientiously study military affairs, to protect military property in every way, and to my last breath to be devoted to my people, my Soviet Motherland and the workers' and peasants' government.

I am always ready, on the orders of the Workers 'and Peasants' Government, to defend my Motherland - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and, as a soldier of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army, I swear to defend it courageously, skillfully, with dignity and honor, not sparing my blood and life itself to achieve complete victory over the enemy.

If, by malicious intent, I violate this solemn oath of mine, then let me suffer the severe punishment of Soviet law, the general hatred and contempt of the working people.

Late variant

I, a citizen of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, joining the ranks of the Armed Forces, take an oath and solemnly swear to be an honest, brave, disciplined, vigilant warrior, strictly keep military and state secrets, implicitly comply with all military regulations and orders of commanders and superiors.

I swear to conscientiously study military affairs, to protect military and people's property in every possible way, and to my last breath to be devoted to my people, my Soviet Motherland and the Soviet government.

I am always ready, on the orders of the Soviet government, to defend my Motherland - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and, as a soldier of the Armed Forces, I swear to defend it courageously, skillfully, with dignity and honor, not sparing my blood and life itself in order to achieve complete victory over enemy.

If, however, I break this solemn oath of mine, then let me suffer the severe punishment of Soviet law, the general hatred and contempt of the Soviet people.

Modern version

I (surname, name, patronymic) solemnly swear allegiance to my Motherland - the Russian Federation.

I swear to sacredly observe its Constitution and laws, strictly comply with the requirements of military regulations, orders of commanders and superiors.

I swear to honorably fulfill my military duty, courageously defend the freedom, independence and constitutional order of Russia, the people and the Fatherland.

Where did the terms "red" and "white" come from? The Civil War also knew the "greens", "cadets", "SRs" and other formations. What is their fundamental difference?

In this article, we will answer not only these questions, but also get acquainted briefly with the history of formation in the country. Let's talk about the confrontation between the White Guard and the Red Army.

Origin of the terms "red" and "white"

Today, the history of the Fatherland is less and less concerned with the youth. According to polls, many do not even have an idea, what can we say about the Patriotic War of 1812...

However, such words and phrases as "red" and "white", "Civil War" and "October Revolution" are still well known. Most, however, do not know the details, but they have heard the terms.

Let's take a closer look at this issue. We should start with where the two opposing camps came from - "white" and "red" in the Civil War. In principle, it was just an ideological move by Soviet propagandists and nothing more. Now you will understand this riddle yourself.

If we turn to the textbooks and reference books of the Soviet Union, it explains that the “whites” are the White Guards, supporters of the tsar and enemies of the “reds”, the Bolsheviks.

It seems that everything was like that. But in fact, this is another enemy that the Soviets fought.

After all, the country has lived for seventy years in opposition to fictitious opponents. These were the "whites", the kulaks, the decaying West, the capitalists. Very often, such a vague definition of the enemy served as the foundation for slander and terror.

Next, we will discuss the causes of the Civil War. The "Whites", according to the Bolshevik ideology, were monarchists. But here's the catch, there were practically no monarchists in the war. They had no one to fight for, and honor did not suffer from this. Nicholas II abdicated the throne, but his brother did not accept the crown. Thus, all the royal officers were free from the oath.

Where, then, did this “color” difference come from? If the Bolsheviks did have a red flag, then their opponents never had a white one. The answer lies in the history of a century and a half ago.

The Great French Revolution gave the world two opposing camps. The royal troops wore a white banner, a sign of the dynasty of the French rulers. Their opponents, after the seizure of power, hung a red canvas in the window of the city hall as a sign of the introduction of wartime. On such days, any gathering of people was dispersed by soldiers.

The Bolsheviks were opposed not by monarchists, but by supporters of the convocation of the Constituent Assembly (Constitutional Democrats, Cadets), anarchists (Makhnovists), "Green Army" (fought against the "Reds", "Whites", interventionists) and those who wanted to separate their territory into a free state .

Thus, the term "whites" has been cleverly used by ideologues to define a common enemy. His winning position turned out to be that any Red Army soldier could explain in a nutshell what he was fighting for, unlike all the other rebels. This attracted ordinary people to the side of the Bolsheviks and made it possible for the latter to win the Civil War.

Background of the war

When the Civil War is studied in the classroom, the table is simply necessary for a good assimilation of the material. Below are the stages of this military conflict, which will help you better navigate not only in the article, but also in this period of the history of the Fatherland.

Now that we have decided who the “reds” and “whites” are, the Civil War, or rather its stages, will be more understandable. You can proceed to a deeper study of them. Let's start with the prerequisites.

So, the main reason for such a heat of passion, which subsequently resulted in a five-year Civil War, was the accumulated contradictions and problems.

First, the participation of the Russian Empire in the First World War destroyed the economy and drained resources in the country. The bulk of the male population was in the army, agriculture and urban industry fell into decline. The soldiers were tired of fighting for other people's ideals when there were hungry families at home.

The second reason was agrarian and industrial issues. There were too many peasants and workers who lived below the poverty line and destitution. The Bolsheviks took full advantage of this.

In order to turn participation in the world war into an interclass struggle, certain steps were taken.

First, the first wave of nationalization of enterprises, banks, and lands took place. Then the Brest Treaty was signed, which plunged Russia into the abyss of complete ruin. Against the background of the general devastation, the Red Army men staged a terror in order to stay in power.

To justify their behavior, they built an ideology of struggle against the White Guards and interventionists.


Let's take a closer look at why the Civil War began. The table we cited earlier illustrates the stages of conflict. But we will start with the events that took place before the Great October Revolution.

Weakened by participation in the First World War, the Russian Empire is in decline. Nicholas II abdicates the throne. More importantly, he does not have a successor. In the light of such events, two new forces are being formed simultaneously - the Provisional Government and the Soviet of Workers' Deputies.

The former begin to deal with the social and political spheres of the crisis, while the Bolsheviks concentrated on increasing their influence in the army. This path led them subsequently to the opportunity to become the only ruling force in the country.
It was the confusion in the administration of the state that led to the formation of "red" and "white". The civil war was only the apotheosis of their differences. Which is to be expected.

October Revolution

In fact, the tragedy of the Civil War begins with the October Revolution. The Bolsheviks were gaining strength and more confidently went to power. In mid-October 1917, a very tense situation began to develop in Petrograd.

October 25 Alexander Kerensky, head of the Provisional Government, leaves Petrograd for Pskov for help. He personally assesses the events in the city as an uprising.

In Pskov, he asks to help him with troops. Kerensky seems to be getting support from the Cossacks, but suddenly the Cadets leave the regular army. Now the Constitutional Democrats refuse to support the head of government.

Not finding proper support in Pskov, Alexander Fedorovich travels to the city of Ostrov, where he meets with General Krasnov. At the same time, the Winter Palace was stormed in Petrograd. In Soviet history, this event is presented as a key one. But in fact, it happened without resistance from the deputies.

After a blank shot from the Aurora cruiser, the sailors, soldiers and workers approached the palace and arrested all the members of the Provisional Government who were present there. In addition, the Second Congress of Soviets took place, where a number of basic declarations were adopted and execution at the front was abolished.

In view of the coup, Krasnov decides to help Alexander Kerensky. On October 26, a cavalry detachment of seven hundred people leaves in the direction of Petrograd. It was assumed that in the city itself they would be supported by the uprising of the Junkers. But it was suppressed by the Bolsheviks.

In the current situation, it became clear that the Provisional Government no longer had power. Kerensky fled, General Krasnov bargained with the Bolsheviks for the opportunity to return to Ostrov with the detachment without hindrance.

Meanwhile, the Socialist-Revolutionaries begin a radical struggle against the Bolsheviks, who, in their opinion, have gained more power. The answer to the murders of some "red" leaders was the terror of the Bolsheviks, and the Civil War began (1917-1922). We now consider further developments.

Establishment of "red" power

As we said above, the tragedy of the Civil War began long before the October Revolution. The common people, soldiers, workers and peasants were dissatisfied with the current situation. If in the central regions many paramilitary detachments were under the tight control of the Headquarters, then completely different moods reigned in the eastern detachments.

It was the presence of a large number of reserve troops and their unwillingness to enter the war with Germany that helped the Bolsheviks quickly and bloodlessly gain the support of almost two-thirds of the army. Only 15 large cities resisted the "red" government, while 84, on their own initiative, passed into their hands.

An unexpected surprise for the Bolsheviks in the form of tremendous support from the confused and tired soldiers was announced by the "Reds" as "the triumphal march of the Soviets."

The civil war (1917-1922) only worsened after the signing of the devastating for Russia Under the terms of the agreement, the former empire was losing more than a million square kilometers of territory. These included: the Baltic States, Belarus, Ukraine, the Caucasus, Romania, the Don territories. In addition, they had to pay Germany six billion marks indemnity.

This decision provoked protest both within the country and from the side of the Entente. Simultaneously with the intensification of various local conflicts, the military intervention of Western states on the territory of Russia begins.

The entry of the Entente troops in Siberia was reinforced by a revolt of the Kuban Cossacks led by General Krasnov. The defeated detachments of the White Guards and some interventionists went to Central Asia and continued the struggle against Soviet power for many more years.

Second period of the Civil War

It was at this stage that the White Guard Heroes of the Civil War were the most active. History has preserved such names as Kolchak, Yudenich, Denikin, Yuzefovich, Miller and others.

Each of these commanders had his own vision of the future for the state. Some tried to interact with the troops of the Entente in order to overthrow the Bolshevik government and still convene the Constituent Assembly. Others wanted to become local princelings. This includes such as Makhno, Grigoriev and others.

The difficulty of this period lies in the fact that as soon as the First World War was completed, the German troops had to leave the territory of Russia only after the arrival of the Entente. But according to a secret agreement, they left earlier, handing over the cities to the Bolsheviks.

As history shows us, it is after such a turn of events that the Civil War enters a phase of particular cruelty and bloodshed. The failure of the commanders, who were guided by Western governments, was aggravated by the fact that they were sorely lacking in qualified officers. So, the armies of Miller, Yudenich and some other formations disintegrated only because, with a lack of middle-level commanders, the main influx of forces came from captured Red Army soldiers.

Newspaper reports of this period are characterized by headlines of this type: "Two thousand servicemen with three guns went over to the side of the Red Army."

The final stage

Historians tend to associate the beginning of the last period of the war of 1917-1922 with the Polish War. With the help of his western neighbors, Piłsudski wanted to create a confederation with territory from the Baltic to the Black Sea. But his aspirations were not destined to come true. The armies of the Civil War, led by Yegorov and Tukhachevsky, fought their way deep into Western Ukraine and reached the Polish border.

The victory over this enemy was to rouse the workers in Europe to the struggle. But all the plans of the Red Army leaders failed after a devastating defeat in the battle, which has been preserved under the name "Miracle on the Vistula."

After the conclusion of a peace treaty between the Soviets and Poland, disagreements begin in the Entente camp. As a result, the financing of the "white" movement decreased, and the Civil War in Russia began to decline.

In the early 1920s, similar changes in the foreign policy of Western states led to the fact that the Soviet Union was recognized by most countries.

The heroes of the Civil War of the final period fought against Wrangel in Ukraine, the interventionists in the Caucasus and Central Asia, in Siberia. Among the particularly distinguished commanders, Tukhachevsky, Blucher, Frunze and some others should be noted.

Thus, as a result of five years of bloody battles, a new state was formed on the territory of the Russian Empire. Subsequently, it became the second superpower, the only rival of which was the United States.

Reasons for victory

Let's see why the "whites" were defeated in the Civil War. We will compare the assessments of the opposing camps and try to come to a common conclusion.

Soviet historians saw the main reason for their victory in the fact that they received massive support from the oppressed sections of society. Particular emphasis was placed on those who suffered as a result of the 1905 revolution. Because they unconditionally went over to the side of the Bolsheviks.

"Whites", on the contrary, complained about the lack of human and material resources. In the occupied territories with a million people, they could not even carry out a minimal mobilization to replenish the ranks.

Of particular interest are the statistics provided by the Civil War. The "Reds", "Whites" (table below) suffered particularly from desertion. Unbearable living conditions, as well as the lack of clear goals, made themselves felt. The data relates only to the Bolshevik forces, since the White Guard records did not save intelligible figures.

The main point noted by modern historians was the conflict.

The White Guards, firstly, did not have a centralized command and minimal cooperation between units. They fought locally, each for their own interests. The second feature was the absence of political workers and a clear program. These moments were often assigned to officers who only knew how to fight, but not to conduct diplomatic negotiations.

The Red Army soldiers created a powerful ideological network. A clear system of concepts was developed, which were hammered into the heads of workers and soldiers. The slogans made it possible for even the most downtrodden peasant to understand what he was going to fight for.

It was this policy that allowed the Bolsheviks to get the maximum support of the population.


The victory of the "Reds" in the Civil War was given to the state very dearly. The economy was completely destroyed. The country has lost territories with a population of more than 135 million people.

Agriculture and productivity, food production have decreased by 40-50 percent. Prodrazverstka and "red-white" terror in different regions led to the death of a huge number of people from starvation, torture and execution.

Industry, according to experts, has sunk to the level of the Russian Empire during the reign of Peter the Great. According to the researchers, production figures have fallen to 20 percent of the volume in 1913, and in some areas up to 4 percent.

As a result, a mass exodus of workers from cities to villages began. Since there was at least some hope not to die of hunger.

The "whites" in the Civil War reflected the desire of the nobility and higher ranks to return to their former living conditions. But their isolation from the real moods that prevailed among the common people led to the total defeat of the old order.

Reflection in culture

The leaders of the Civil War have been immortalized in thousands of different works - from cinema to paintings, from stories to sculptures and songs.

For example, such productions as "Days of the Turbins", "Running", "Optimistic Tragedy" immersed people in the tense atmosphere of wartime.

The films "Chapaev", "Red Devils", "We are from Kronstadt" showed the efforts that the "Reds" made in the Civil War to win their ideals.

The literary work of Babel, Bulgakov, Gaidar, Pasternak, Ostrovsky illustrates the life of representatives of different strata of society in those difficult days.

You can give examples almost endlessly, because the social catastrophe that resulted in the Civil War found a powerful response in the hearts of hundreds of artists.

Thus, today we have learned not only the origin of the concepts of "white" and "red", but also briefly got acquainted with the course of events of the Civil War.

Remember that any crisis contains the seed of future changes for the better.

Soldiers of the Civil War

The February Revolution, the abdication of Nicholas II were greeted by the population of Russia with rejoicing. split the country. Not all citizens positively accepted the Bolsheviks' call for a separate peace with Germany, not everyone liked the slogans about the land - to the peasants, factories - to the workers and peace - to the peoples, and, moreover, the proclamation by the new government of the "dictatorship of the proletariat", which she began to pursue in life very briskly

Years of the Civil War 1917 - 1922

Beginning of the Civil War

Hand on heart, however, it should be recognized that the very seizure of power by the Bolsheviks and a few months after that were relatively peaceful times. Three or four hundred who died in the uprising in Moscow and several dozen during the dispersal of the Constituent Assembly are trifles compared to the millions of victims of the "real" Civil War. So there is confusion with the date of the start of the Civil War. Historians name different

1917, October 25-26 (O.S.) - Ataman Kaledin announced the non-recognition of the power of the Bolsheviks

On behalf of the "Don Military Government", he dispersed the soviets in the Don Cossack Region and declared that he did not recognize usurpers and did not submit to the Council of People's Commissars. A lot of people dissatisfied with the Bolsheviks rushed to the Region of the Don Cossacks: civilians, cadets, high school students and students ..., generals and senior officers Denikin, Lukomsky, Nezhentsev ...

The call was "to all who are ready to save the Fatherland." On November 27, Alekseev voluntarily handed over command of the Volunteer Army to Kornilov, who had combat experience. Alekseev himself was a staff officer. Since that time, the Alekseevskaya Organization has officially received the name of the Volunteer Army.

The Constituent Assembly opened on January 5 (O.S.) in the Tauride Palace in Petrograd. The Bolsheviks had only 155 votes out of 410 in it, therefore, on January 6, Lenin ordered not to allow the opening of the second meeting of the Assembly (the first ended on January 6 at 5 o'clock in the morning)

Since 1914, the Allies have been supplying Russia with weapons, ammunition, ammunition, and equipment. Cargoes went along the northern route by sea. The ships were unloaded into warehouses. After the October events, the warehouses required protection so that the Germans would not capture them. When the World War ended, the British went home. However, March 9 has since been considered the beginning of the intervention - the military intervention of Western countries in the Civil War in Russia.

In 1916, the Russian command formed a corps of 40,000 bayonets from captured Czechs and Slovaks, former servicemen of Austria-Hungary. In 1918, the Czechs, not wanting to participate in the Russian showdown, demanded that they be returned to their homeland in order to fight for the independence of Czechoslovakia from the rule of the Habsburgs. Austria-Hungary's ally Germany, with which peace had already been signed, opposed. They decided to send Chekhov to Europe via Vladivostok. But the echelons moved slowly, or stopped at all (they needed 50 pieces). So the Czechs rebelled, dispersed the soviets along their line of march from Penza to Irkutsk, which was immediately used by the opposition forces to the Bolsheviks

Causes of the Civil War

The dispersal of the Constituent Assembly by the Bolsheviks, the work and decisions of which, in the opinion of the liberal-minded public, could direct Russia along the democratic path of development
The dictatorial policy of the Bolshevik Party
Change of elite

The Bolsheviks, implementing the slogan of destroying the old world to the ground, voluntarily or unwittingly, took up the destruction of the elite of Russian society, which had ruled the country for 1000 years since the time of Rurik.
After all, these are fairy tales that people make history. The people are a brute force, a stupid, irresponsible crowd, expendable material, which is used for their own benefit by certain movements.
History is made by the elite. It comes up with an ideology, forms public opinion, sets the state's development vector. Having encroached on the privileges and traditions of the elite, the Bolsheviks forced it to defend itself, to fight

The economic policy of the Bolsheviks: the establishment of state ownership of everything, the monopoly of trade and distribution, surplus appropriation
Elimination of civil liberties proclaimed
Terror, repression against the so-called exploiting classes

Members of the Civil War

: workers, peasants, soldiers, sailors, part of the intelligentsia, armed detachments of the national outskirts, hired, mostly Latvian, regiments. As part of the Red Army, tens of thousands of officers of the tsarist army fought, some voluntarily, some mobilized. Many peasants and workers were also mobilized, that is, drafted into the army by force.
: officers of the tsarist army, cadets, students, Cossacks, intellectuals, other representatives of the "exploiting part of society." The Whites also did not disdain to establish mobilization laws in the conquered territory. Nationalists who stand for the independence of their peoples
: gangs of anarchists, criminals, unprincipled lumpen, robbed, fought in a specific territory against everyone.
: protected from surplus appropriation

Reference table of milestones, dates, events, causes and outcomes Russian civil war 1917 - 1922. This table is convenient to use for schoolchildren and applicants for self-study, in preparation for tests, exams and the exam in history.

The main causes of the civil war:

1. national crisis in the country, which gave rise to irreconcilable contradictions between the main social strata of society;

2. socio-economic and anti-religious policy of the Bolsheviks, aimed at inciting hostility in society;

3. attempts to aspire the nobility and return the lost position in society;

4. psychological factor due to the fall in the value of human life during the course of the events of the First World War.

First stage of the civil war (October 1917 - spring 1918)

Key events: the victory of the armed uprising in Petrograd and the overthrow of the Provisional Government, hostilities were local in nature, the anti-Bolshevik forces used political methods of struggle or created armed formations (Volunteer Army).

Events of the civil war

The first meeting of the Constituent Assembly is taking place in Petrograd. The Bolsheviks, who found themselves in a clear minority (about 175 deputies against 410 SRs), leave the hall.

By decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, the Constituent Assembly was dissolved.

III All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies. It adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Working and Exploited People and proclaimed the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR).

Decree on the creation of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army. It is organized by L.D. Trotsky, People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs, and soon it will become a really powerful and disciplined army (voluntary recruitment has been replaced by compulsory military service, a large number of old military specialists have been recruited, officer elections have been canceled, and political commissars have appeared in units).

Decree on the creation of the Red Fleet. The suicide of Ataman A. Kaledin, who failed to raise the Don Cossacks to fight the Bolsheviks

The volunteer army, after failures on the Don (the loss of Rostov and Novocherkassk), is forced to retreat to the Kuban (“Ice Campaign” by L.G. Kornilov)

in Brest-Litovsk, the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed between Soviet Russia and the Central European powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary) and Turkey. Under the treaty, Russia loses Poland, Finland, the Baltic states, Ukraine and part of Belarus, and also cedes Kars, Ardagan and Batum to Turkey. In general, losses amount to 1/4 of the population, 1/4 of cultivated land, about 3/4 of the coal and metallurgical industries. After the signing of the treaty, Trotsky resigned from the post of People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs and from April 8. becomes People's Commissar for Naval Affairs.

March 6-8. VIII Congress of the Bolshevik Party (emergency), which takes on a new name - the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks). The congress approved Lenin's theses against the "left communists" supporting Line II. Bukharin to continue the revolutionary war.

The landing of the British in Murmansk (initially, this landing was planned to repel the offensive of the Germans and their Finnish allies).

Moscow becomes the capital of the Soviet state.

March 14-16. The IV Extraordinary All-Russian Congress of Soviets is taking place, ratifying the peace treaty signed in Brest-Litovsk. In protest, the Left Socialist-Revolutionaries leave the government.

The landing of Japanese troops in Vladivostok. The Japanese will be followed by the Americans, the British and the French.

L.G. was killed near Ekaterinodar. Kornilov - A.I. replaces him at the head of the Volunteer Army. Denikin.

II was elected Ataman of the Don Cossacks. Krasnov

The People's Commissariat of Food has been given emergency powers to use force against peasants who do not want to hand over grain to the state.

The Czechoslovak Legion (formed from about 50 thousand former prisoners of war who were supposed to be evacuated through Vladivostok) takes the side of the opponents of the Soviet regime.

Decree on general mobilization into the Red Army.

The second stage of the civil war (spring - December 1918)

Key events: the formation of anti-Bolshevik centers and the beginning of active hostilities.

In Samara, a Committee of Members of the Constituent Assembly was formed, which includes Socialist-Revolutionaries and Mensheviks.

Committees of the poor (combeds) were formed in the villages, which were tasked with fighting the kulaks. By November 1918, there were more than 100,000 commanders, but soon they would be disbanded due to numerous cases of abuse of power.

The All-Russian Central Executive Committee decides to expel the Right Socialist-Revolutionaries and Mensheviks from the Soviets at all levels for counter-revolutionary activities.

Conservatives and monarchists form the Siberian government in Omsk.

General nationalization of large industrial enterprises.

The beginning of the White offensive on Tsaritsyn.

During the congress, the Left Social Revolutionaries attempted a coup in Moscow: J. Blumkin kills the new German ambassador, Count von Mirbach; F. E. Dzerzhinsky, chairman of the Cheka, was arrested.

The government suppresses the rebellion with the support of the Latvian riflemen. There are wholesale arrests of the Left SRs. The uprising, raised in Yaroslavl by the SR-terrorist B. Savinkov, continues until July 21.

At the V All-Russian Congress of Soviets, the first Constitution of the RSFSR is adopted.

The landing of the Entente troops in Arkhangelsk. Formation of the Government of the North of Russia" headed by the old populist N. Tchaikovsky.

All "bourgeois newspapers" are banned.

White take Kazan.

Aug 8-23 In Ufa, a meeting of anti-Bolshevik parties and organizations is held, at which the Ufa directory was created, headed by the Socialist-Revolutionary N. Avksentiev.

The murder of the chairman of the Petrograd Cheka M. Uritsky student-Socialist-Revolutionary L. Kanegisser. On the same day in Moscow, Socialist-Revolutionary Fanny Kaplan severely wounds Lenin. The Soviet government declares that it will respond to the "White Terror" with the "Red Terror".

Decree of the Council of People's Commissars on the Red Terror.

The first major victory of the Red Army: Kazan was taken.

Faced with the threat of a White offensive and foreign intervention, the Mensheviks declare their conditional support for the authorities. Their exclusion from the Soviets was canceled on November 30, 1919.

In connection with the signing of an armistice between the Allies and defeated Germany, the Soviet government annuls the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.

In Ukraine, a directory was formed headed by S. Petlyura, who overthrew Hetman P. Skoropadsky and on 14 December. Occupies Kyiv.

The coup in Omsk, committed by Admiral A.V. Kolchak. With the support of the forces of the Entente, he overthrows the Ufa directory and declares himself the supreme ruler of Russia.

Nationalization of domestic trade.

The beginning of the Anglo-French intervention on the Black Sea coast

The Council of Workers' and Peasants' Defense was created, headed by V. I. Lenin.

The beginning of the offensive of the Red Army in the Baltic States, which continues until Jan. 1919. With the support of the RSFSR, ephemeral Soviet regimes are established in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

Third stage (January - December 1919)

Key events: the culmination of the Civil War is the equality of forces between reds and whites, large-scale operations are taking place on all fronts.

By the beginning of 1919, three main centers of the White movement had formed in the country:

1. troops of Admiral A.V. Kolchak (Urals, Siberia);

2. Armed forces of the South of Russia, General A.I. Denikin (Don region, North Caucasus);

3. troops of General N. N. Yudenich in the Baltic.

Formation of the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic.

General A.I. Denikin unites under his command the Volunteer Army and the Don and Kuban Cossack armed formations.

A food allocation was introduced: the peasants were obliged to hand over their surplus grain to the state.

American President Wilson proposes to organize a conference on the Princes' Islands with the participation of all the warring parties in Russia. White refuses.

The Red Army occupies Kyiv (the Ukrainian directory of Semyon Petliura accepts the patronage of France).

Decree on the transfer of all lands to state ownership and on the transition "from individual forms of land use to comradely."

The beginning of the offensive of the troops of Admiral A.V. Kolchak, which are moving towards Simbirsk and Samara.

Consumer cooperatives have complete control over the distribution system.

The Bolsheviks occupy Odessa. French troops leave the city, and also leave the Crimea.

By a decree of the Soviet government, a system of forced labor camps was created - the beginning of the formation of the Gulag archipelago was laid.

The beginning of the counteroffensive of the Red Army against the forces of A.V. Kolchak.

The offensive of the white general N.N. Yudenich to Petrograd. It is shown at the end of June.

The beginning of Denikin's offensive in Ukraine and in the direction of the Volga.

The Supreme Council of the Allies grants support to Kolchak on the condition that he establish democratic government and recognize the rights of national minorities.

The Red Army knocks out Kolchak's troops from Ufa, who continues to retreat and in July-August completely loses the Urals.

Denikin's troops take Kharkov.

Denikin launches an attack on Moscow. Kursk (September 20) and Orel (October 13) were taken, a threat loomed over Tula.

The Allies establish an economic blockade of Soviet Russia, which will last until January 1920.

The beginning of the counter-offensive of the Red Army against Denikin.

The counteroffensive of the Red Army pushes Yudenich back to Estonia.

The Red Army occupies Omsk, driving out the Kolchak forces.

The Red Army knocks out Denikin's troops from Kursk

The First Cavalry Army was created from two cavalry corps and one rifle division. S. M. Budyonny was appointed commander, and K. E. Voroshilov and E. A. Shchadenko were members of the Revolutionary Military Council.

The Supreme Council of the Allies establishes the temporary military frontier of Poland along the "Curzon Line".

The Red Army again takes Kharkov (12th) and Kyiv (16th). "

L.D. Trotsky declares the need to "militaryize the troops."

Fourth stage (January - November 1920)

Key events: the superiority of the Reds, the defeat of the White movement in the European part of Russia, and then in the Far East.

Admiral Kolchak renounces his title of supreme ruler of Russia in favor of Denikin.

The Red Army again occupies Tsaritsyn (3rd), Krasnoyarsk (7th) and Rostov (10th).

Decree on the introduction of labor service.

Deprived of the support of the Czechoslovak corps, Admiral Kolchak was shot in Irkutsk.

Feb - March. The Bolsheviks again take control of Arkhangelsk and Murmansk.

The Red Army enters Novorossiysk. Denikin retreats to the Crimea, where he transfers power to General P.N. Wrangel (April 4).

Formation of the Far Eastern Republic.

The beginning of the Soviet-Polish war. The offensive of the troops of J. Pilsudski in order to expand the eastern borders of Poland and create a Polish-Ukrainian federation.

The People's Soviet Republic was proclaimed in Khorezm.

Establishment of Soviet power in Azerbaijan.

Polish troops occupy Kyiv

In the war with Poland, the Soviet counteroffensive began on the Southwestern Front. Zhytomyr taken and Kyiv taken (June 12).

taking advantage of the war with Poland, the white army of Wrangel undertakes an offensive from the Crimea to Ukraine.

On the Western Front, the offensive of the Soviet troops under the command of M. Tukhachevsky is unfolding, which approach Warsaw in early August. According to the Bolsheviks, entry into Poland should lead to the establishment of Soviet power there and cause a revolution in Germany.

"Miracle on the Vistula": near Vepshem, Polish troops (supported by the Franco-British mission led by General Weygand) enter the rear of the Red Army and win. The Poles liberate Warsaw, go on the offensive. The hopes of the Soviet leaders for a revolution in Europe are crumbling.

People's Soviet Republic proclaimed in Bukhara

Armistice and preliminary peace talks with Poland in Riga.

In Dorpat, a peace treaty was signed between Finland and the RSFSR (which retains the eastern part of Karelia).

The Red Army begins an offensive against Wrangel, crosses the Sivash, takes Perekop (November 7-11) and by November 17. occupies the whole Crimea. Allied ships are evacuating to Constantinople more than 140 thousand people - civilians and military personnel of the White Army.

The Red Army occupies Crimea completely.

Proclamation of the Armenian Soviet Republic.

In Riga, Soviet Russia and Poland sign the Border Treaty. The Soviet-Polish war of 1919-1921 ended.

Defensive battles began during the Mongolian operation, defensive (May - June), and then offensive (June - August) actions of the troops of the 5th Soviet Army, the People's Revolutionary Army of the Far Eastern Republic and the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Army.

Results and consequences of the Civil War:

A very severe economic crisis, devastation in the economic sphere, a 7-fold drop in industrial production, and a 2-fold drop in agricultural production; huge demographic losses - during the years of the First World War and the Civil War, about 10 million people died from hostilities, famine and epidemics; the final formation of the dictatorship of the Bolsheviks, while the harsh methods of governing the country during the Civil War began to be considered as quite acceptable for peacetime.


The source of information: History in tables and diagrams. / Edition 2e, St. Petersburg: 2013.

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