Biography of Martina Stoessel and facts from her life. Permanent and temporary places of residence of Martina Stoessel

Where does Martina Stossel live? How was this young actress able to win the hearts of many fans? What interests an Argentine girl? Fans are actively corresponding on the Internet, learning more and more information about Martin. Some rumors are broken by facts, others grow over time, but this only fuels interest in the girl. So what is known about her?

Life of an actress

Martina was born in Buenos Aires on March 21, 1997. Her father is Alejandro Stoessel, the renowned director of the Baila Conmigo Paraguay program. The girl did not grow up alone in the family: her older brother Francisco supported her in everything.

If you ask, who in the circle is closest to Martina, the answer is clear: mom. It is she who is trusted with all secrets and the news is reported first. It's very good that family relationships became a powerful support for the aspiring singer. When the opportunity arose to try herself as an actress, Stoessel agreed to change school (closer to the set).

In September 2011, the girl made her debut in the youth series “Violetta,” which became an international project with the cooperation of Latin America, the Middle East, Africa and even Europe. The premiere took place on May 14, 2012 in Italy and Latin America. The Disney Channel aired the video “En Mi Mundo” in the Zapping Zone a week before the show, which was musical note through all the series.

Stossel’s career as a singer is also successful:

    in 2011 received the right to perform the Spanish version popular song"The Glow" ("Tu Resplandor"), originally sung by Shannon Saunders;

    in 2012, in the TV series “Violetta” the song “En Mi Mundo” (“In My World”) became the title single;

    in 2012, joint videos were shot with Pablo Espinosa (“Tienes Todo”), Lodovica Comello “Junto a Ti” and other actors of the series (“Ser mejor”, “Hoy Somos Mas”).

The best gift for Martina's fifteenth birthday was a trip to Walt Disney. Despite the instant rise in fame, the actress considers herself “ an ordinary person" In one of the interviews, she wisely noted that the success of the series is the merit of all the actors, and not just one main character. Martina is grateful to the filming team for meeting her on set best friend Mercedes Lambre, who knew her at the age of four.

It is unlikely that Violetta’s fans know where Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev lives. But young people are well versed in searching for information on the Internet and find time to discuss each filmed episode of their favorite saga. IN in social networks Many groups have been created in which you can find basic facts about Martina’s life. The girl herself periodically comes to chat with fans of the series, leaving her comments or new photos in the news feed.

Where does Martina Stossel live?

The young actress is still a minor, so all issues with accommodation are decided by her parents. Most She spends time in Argentina, sometimes traveling to various cities for recreation. Martina is unlikely to care about where Selena Gomez lives. Your own plans for life are much more important.

The girl saves the bulk of the fee for her future apartment. Her dream is to move to New York to hone her musical talents as well as possible. Although most of all Martina would like not to study, but to spend time with her loved ones, she is ready to do a lot for the sake of music. Perhaps the number of fans of the series "Violetta" is constantly growing due to beautiful voice singers. In any case, while filming is taking place in Argentina, Martina is unlikely to change her place of residence.

The young actress described her ideal life partner as a “cheerful and sweet” person. And it’s even better that he is next to her 24 hours a day! As you get older, your views may change, but for now Martina likes surfers and skaters, of which there are plenty in Argentina. In March 2013, the girl admitted to the whole world on Twitter: “Jorge said he loves me!”

Apparently, the love between Leon Vargas and Violetta Castillo in the series carried over to film set, uniting the hearts of the actors. Jorge Blanco confirmed his confession to Martina and hoped that the feelings would be mutual.

The new season of the beloved series is just around the corner. Will Martina cope as well with the role of the matured Violetta? Or will you have to watch the fading interest in your person? Life will show...


Argentina Argentina

Profession: Career: Awards:

Martin Fierro ( Best Actress)

Martina Stossel (Martina Stoessel; March 21, Buenos Aires, Argentina) is an Argentine actress, singer and dancer, best known for her role as Violetta in the Disney series Violetta.


Martina Stossel was born in Argentina to Alejandro Stossel, director of the Baila Conmigo Paraguay program, and Mariana Muslera. Has an older brother, Francisco. Officially, the actress states that she was born on March 21, 1997, but the date of her birth is controversial. WITH early age Martina plays the piano, dances, sings. In 2011, she recorded the song “The Glow,” which was included in the album “Disney Princess.”


Martina Stossel plays the main role in the series "Violetta". Filming for the series began on September 27, 2011, and the series premiered in Latin America and Italy on May 14, 2012. A month before the premiere of “Violetta” on the Disney Channel, the “Zapping Zone” program debuted a video for the song “En Mi Mundo” performed by Stoessel, which became main theme series. In 2013, she received the Martin Fierro Award, was also nominated for the Nickelodeon Argentina Kids' Choice Awards (in the category "Best Latin American Actress") and won the Kids' Choice Awards Argentina.

In 2011, Stossel was granted the rights to record the Spanish version of the song "The Glow" ("Tu Resplandor"), the original of which is performed by singer Shannon Saunders. The song was included in the album “Disney Princess: Fairy Tale Songs". In addition, in 2012, the song “En Mi Mundo” (“In My World”) and songs with Pablo Espinosa “Tienes Todo” and Lodovica Comello “Junto a Ti” were released as the lead single (1 soundtrack) for “Violetta”.

Martina is a big Beyoncé fan. In one interview, the singer admitted that she simply adores her and dreams of meeting her someday.

In 2014, Martina performed a dance to the super hit “End of Time”. After this performance, the song entered the top 10 on iTunes in Argentina.

On August 21, 2015, she signed a contract with Hollywood Records to begin recording her solo album, TINI. The songs on the album are in Spanish and English language. Some of them were performed together with Jorge Blanco. The album has been recorded.

In 2016, Stossel will release own perfume“Une fleur pour Tini” and a clothing line.

On May 4, 2016, the film “Tini: Violetta’s New Life” was released, with her in leading role.

In 2016, Martina released her first album entitled “TINI”. In April 2016, a video for the song “Siempre Brillaras” was released, in May - “Losing The Love”, in July - “Great Escape”. Debut album Martins has received Platinum and Gold certification in Argentina. The number of sales in the world amounted to 100 thousand.


Year Russian name original name Role
With Violet Violetta Violetta Castillo
mf Monsters university Monsters University Kerry Williams
f Teenie: Violetta's New Life Tini - El gran cambio de Violetta Violetta Castillo


In 2016, she released her own album “TINI” together with the Hollywood Records label.



2011 Tu Resplandor Disney Princess Song
2012 En Mi Mundo "Violetta", title theme
2012 Tienes Todo (with Pablo Espinosa) "Violet"
2012 Te Creo "Violet"
2012 Habla si puedes "Violet"
2012 Junto a Ti (with Lodovica Comello) "Violet"
2012 Ser mejor (together with other actors of the series) "Violet"
2013 Hoy Somos Mas (together with other actors of the series) "Violet"
2013 Nuestro camino (with Jorge Blanco) "Violet"
2013 Si es por amor (Together with Mercedes Lambre) "Violet"
2016 Siempre Brillaras
2016 Losing The Love "Tini: New life Violetta"
2016 Born To Shine "Tini: Violetta's New Life"
2016 Great Escape "Tini: Violetta's New Life"

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Excerpt characterizing Stossel, Martin

Alpatych, with a more hasty step than he usually walked, entered the yard and went straight under the barn to his horses and cart. The coachman was sleeping; he woke him up, ordered him to lay him to bed and entered the hallway. In the master's room one could hear the crying of a child, the wracking sobs of a woman, and the angry, hoarse cry of Ferapontov. The cook, like a frightened chicken, fluttered in the hallway as soon as Alpatych entered.
- He killed her to death - he beat the owner!.. He beat her like that, she dragged her like that!..
- For what? – asked Alpatych.
- I asked to go. It's a woman's business! Take me away, he says, don’t destroy me and my little children; the people, he says, have all left, what, he says, are we? How he started beating. He hit me like that, he dragged me like that!
Alpatych seemed to nod his head approvingly at these words and, not wanting to know anything more, went to the opposite door - the master's door of the room in which his purchases remained.
“You are a villain, a destroyer,” shouted at that time a thin, pale woman with a child in her arms and a scarf torn from her head, bursting out of the door and running down the stairs to the courtyard. Ferapontov followed her and, seeing Alpatych, straightened his vest and hair, yawned and entered the room behind Alpatych.
- Do you really want to go? - he asked.
Without answering the question and without looking back at the owner, looking through his purchases, Alpatych asked how long the owner was supposed to stay.
- We'll count! Well, did the governor have one? – Ferapontov asked. – What was the solution?
Alpatych replied that the governor did not tell him anything decisive.
- Are we going to leave on our business? - said Ferapontov. - Give me seven rubles per cart to Dorogobuzh. And I say: there is no cross on them! - he said.
“Selivanov, he got in on Thursday and sold flour to the army for nine rubles a sack.” Well, will you drink tea? - he added. While the horses were being pawned, Alpatych and Ferapontov drank tea and talked about the price of grain, the harvest and favorable weather for harvesting.
“However, it began to calm down,” said Ferapontov, drinking three cups of tea and getting up, “ours must have taken over.” They said they won't let me in. This means strength... And after all, they said, Matvey Ivanovich Platov drove them into the Marina River, drowned eighteen thousand, or something, in one day.
Alpatych collected his purchases, handed them over to the coachman who came in, and settled accounts with the owner. At the gate there was the sound of wheels, hooves and bells of a car leaving.
It was already well after noon; half the street was in the shade, the other was brightly lit by the sun. Alpatych looked out the window and went to the door. Suddenly a strange sound of a distant whistle and blow was heard, and after that there was a merging roar of cannon fire, which made the windows tremble.
Alpatych went out into the street; two people ran down the street towards the bridge. WITH different sides Whistles, cannonball strikes and the bursting of grenades were heard as they fell in the city. But these sounds were almost inaudible and did not attract the attention of residents in comparison with the sounds of gunfire heard outside the city. It was a bombardment, which at five o'clock Napoleon ordered to open on the city, from one hundred and thirty guns. At first the people did not understand the significance of this bombing.
The sounds of falling grenades and cannonballs aroused at first only curiosity. Ferapontov’s wife, who had never stopped howling under the barn, fell silent and, with the child in her arms, went out to the gate, silently looking at the people and listening to the sounds.
The cook and the shopkeeper came out to the gate. Everyone with cheerful curiosity tried to see the shells flying over their heads. Several people came out from around the corner, talking animatedly.
- That’s power! - said one. “Both the lid and the ceiling were smashed into splinters.”
“It tore up the earth like a pig,” said another. - That’s so important, that’s how I encouraged you! – he said laughing. “Thank you, I jumped back, otherwise she would have smeared you.”
The people turned to these people. They paused and told how they got into the house near their core. Meanwhile, other shells, now with a quick, gloomy whistle - cannonballs, now with a pleasant whistling - grenades, did not stop flying over the heads of the people; but not a single shell fell close, everything was carried over. Alpatych sat down in the tent. The owner stood at the gate.
- What haven’t you seen! - he shouted at the cook, who, with her sleeves rolled up, in a red skirt, swaying with her bare elbows, came to the corner to listen to what was being said.
“What a miracle,” she said, but, hearing the owner’s voice, she returned, tugging at her tucked skirt.
Again, but very close this time, something whistled, like a bird flying from top to bottom, a fire flashed in the middle of the street, something fired and covered the street with smoke.
- Villain, why are you doing this? – the owner shouted, running up to the cook.
At the same moment, women howled pitifully from different sides, a child began to cry in fear, and people with pale faces silently crowded around the cook. From this crowd, the cook’s moans and sentences were heard most loudly:
- Oh oh oh, my darlings! My little darlings are white! Don't let me die! My white darlings!..
Five minutes later there was no one left on the street. The cook, with her thigh broken by a grenade fragment, was carried into the kitchen. Alpatych, his coachman, Ferapontov’s wife and children, and the janitor sat in the basement, listening. The roar of guns, the whistle of shells and the pitiful moan of the cook, which dominated all sounds, did not cease for a moment. The hostess either rocked and coaxed the child, or in a pitiful whisper asked everyone who entered the basement where her owner, who remained on the street, was. The shopkeeper who entered the basement told her that the owner had gone with the people to the cathedral, where they were raising the Smolensk miraculous icon.
By dusk the cannonade began to subside. Alpatych came out of the basement and stopped at the door. The previously clear evening sky was completely covered with smoke. And through this smoke the young, high-standing crescent of the month strangely shone. After the previous terrible roar of guns had ceased, there seemed silence over the city, interrupted only by the rustling of footsteps, groans, distant screams and the crackle of fires that seemed to be widespread throughout the city. The cook's moans had now died down. Black clouds of smoke from the fires rose and dispersed from both sides. On the street, not in rows, but like ants from a ruined hummock, in different uniforms and different directions, soldiers passed and ran. In Alpatych’s eyes, several of them ran into Ferapontov’s yard. Alpatych went to the gate. Some regiment, crowded and in a hurry, blocked the street, walking back.
“They are surrendering the city, leave, leave,” the officer who noticed his figure told him and immediately shouted to the soldiers:
- I'll let you run around the yards! - he shouted.
Alpatych returned to the hut and, calling the coachman, ordered him to leave. Following Alpatych and the coachman, all of Ferapontov’s household came out. Seeing the smoke and even the fires of the fires, now visible in the beginning twilight, the women, who had been silent until then, suddenly began to cry out, looking at the fires. As if echoing them, the same cries were heard at other ends of the street. Alpatych and his coachman, with shaking hands, straightened the tangled reins and lines of the horses under the canopy.

Interesting facts about Martina: 1) Violetta is the first TV series where Martina starred. 2) Tina was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. 3) Martina’s zodiac sign is Aries. 4) Martina is Spanish, she doesn’t know English well. 5) Martina’s best friend, Mercedes Lambre.6)Martina loves OREO cookies.7)Martina auditioned for the role of Lyudmila, but the directors said that the role of Violetta was more suitable for her.8)In life she is a little selfish.9)Tini wears perfumes such as: Hypnotic Poison from Dior, 212 VIP for women, Carolina Herrera, Dior Jadore and Someday from Justin Bieber.10) Teenie, in addition to Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus, also likes Rihanna, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato and 1D and Jonas Brothers.11) In addition to Sofia Caputo's clothes , Tiny also wears clothes from Cook.
12)Tini likes the series and music program, like “Gossip Girl” and “Smash”. 13) Martina loves Apple pie and chocolate cupcakes.14)Martina likes to ride a bike with Mercedes.15)Martina loved the color blue as a child.16)Martina does not like public transport.17)Martina had a doll Lucia as a child.18)B primary school at school Martina loved history.19)For creams, Martina loves the smell of coconut and pineapple.20)Martina really likes banana ice cream sprinkled with chocolate chips. 21)Martina loves films such as horror films and comedies.22)Martina loves freshly squeezed orange juice.23)When Martina was given an iPhone, she immediately wrote to Mechi about it.24)B kindergarten, Martina always asked to be given a role where she had to sing a song.25)When Mechi and Martina get together, Tina always gives her different hairstyles.26)Martina loves to go shopping with Mechi, but most often they also go with her mother Martins and Swords.
27) Martina really loves when people draw her. There are 12 drawings from fans that Martina keeps in her home, and she has 4 more hanging on her wall. 28) When Martina doesn’t like something about a person, she tries to subtly hint at it to him quality.29)Martina started singing for the first time in kindergarten, when she was asked to sing her favorite song.30)Martina says that she would stay in the house where Violetta lives, because, as she thinks, it is very cozy there.31 )Martina loves it when she is at school sometimes junior classes called Violetta.32)Martina really likes the “Violetta” series from the first season: episodes 2, 14, 15, 35, 47 and 68.33)Martina and her family often go out to restaurants, sometimes to the theater.34)Martina watched Eurovision , and voted for Italy.35) As a child, Martina was very afraid of flying on planes. But when she had to fly for the first time at the age of 6, her mother flew with her, and Tina was not so scared. She overcame her fear.36) Martina has the song “Hoy somos mas” in her player.37)Martina says that she likes season 2 of the TV series Violetta better.38)Martina wrote the song “The “Glow”” in 2011, which was included in the album “Disney Princess” “.”39)At the age of 11, Martina fell from the roof.40)Martina loves sushi. She tried them for the first time when she was 5 years old.

Plus 58 facts:
Latest news about Tina
1.Martina is inspired by singing, just like in the series
2. Martina still goes to school, but only for two or three lessons with her
filming, she goes to 9-B.
3.Demi Lovato loves Martina's songs.
4.Martina loves to draw.
5.Martina’s favorite sport is dancing.
6.Martina is afraid of flying on airplanes.
7. Martina Stossel has brother Francisco.
8. At the age of 11, Martina fell from the roof
9. On this moment Martina is not dating anyone
10. Martina is a fan of Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus
11.Martina loves to sing live and tries not to use a backing track
12.Tini really loves acting in the series, and when she found out that she was approved for the role, she burst into tears.
13. On the set of the series, Martina and Bridget became very close friends
14.Tini has a dog named Panda
15. Tini spent New Year 2012 in CARILO
16. Martina formerly Jonatic
17.Martina, after finishing school, wants to record her solo album.
18. Martina's family and friends say that she is a little selfish.
19. Violetta is the first series where Martina starred.
20. Tina was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina
21. Martina's sign is Aries.
22. Martina is Spanish, she doesn’t know English well.
23. Martina loves OREO cookies
24. Martina probo
was cast for the role of Lyudmila, but the directors said that the role of Vilu was more suitable for her
26. Martina has a special box in which she keeps various letters, trinkets, and other things that her fans gave her.
27. Martina loves “Baticks” trousers.
She has large collection these trousers.
28. Martina really likes Russian names; she would like to name her daughter Maria in the future.
29.Martina traveled with her family to Walt Disney as a 15th birthday present. In an interview, she said that this is the best gift.
30. Martina doesn’t really like chocolate, especially dark chocolate.
She prefers milk chocolate.
31.Martina prefers bright outfits. In her wardrobe there are a lot of skirts of different styles and different colors. Both dim and bright. – Martina likes to wear pants, loose trousers, because in Spain it is always very hot and she tries to wear them very rarely. ○ Jewelry Martina loves bracelets and rings. The main thing is that the rings should have a large flower or just a light ring without decorations on it
Martina loves heels, in one of her interviews she said that she couldn’t live without them
What she loves most is the platform.
32. Martina says that she has already received several offers to play in one or another
movie, but she's still open
Lonila, since almost all the filming coincides with the filming of VIOLETTA2.
33. Martina's plans.
At the moment, Tini is not thinking about anything other than the Violetta series. But later she still wants to continue, both acting and musical career. He wants to record his solo album and also visit New York.
34. Martina about continuing her career.
“Next in my career will be studying hip-hop.”
35. Martina Stossel loves shopping in large shopping centers.
36. As a child, Martina was in love with her friend named Chavez.
She named a pig on her uncle's farm after him.
37. Martina admitted in an interview that her character is sometimes a little annoying.
38. Martina says she doesn’t like it when fans dress like her
“It’s unbearable to see my Martiniques wearing the same clothes as mine. I understand that you are my fans, but not to that extent.”
39. TINI loves stud earrings in the form of pearls. She also likes neon bracelets.
In general, Tini loves various “fashionable little things”.
40. Martina Stossel would like to participate in the “Phineas and Ferb Talk Show.”
41. Martina Stossel me
dreams of becoming a professional singer and working with top-level people.
42. Martina admitted that she loves animals very much, especially dogs.
43. I have never tried Martina, beer or wine. She only allows herself a glass of champagne on holidays. You can find out a lot about Tina’s personal life on the website
44. Martina is afraid of flying on airplanes; she has had this fear of flying since childhood.
45. Martina does not like the smell of the hospital and the smell of the subway.
46. ​​Martina prefers bags to backpacks.
47. In elementary school, Martina did not like mathematics and physical education.
48. Martina doesn't like fat cats and dogs, she doesn't think they're cute.
49. Martina doesn’t like buns with cottage cheese.
50. As a child, Martina loved raisins.
51. Martina went to parties that were held at school only 2 times.
52. As a child, Martina invented her own personal language.
53. Martina doesn’t really like serious people, but when it comes to work, then Martina doesn’t speak without seriousness.
54. Martina sometimes has to walk with a huge amount bags because she doesn’t have time to go home.
55. Martina doesn’t even want to remember some of her performances. Most often, she thinks that she behaved childishly and ineptly.
56. Martina says that she never wanted her school to burn down, etc.
57. Martina says that she sits at the computer more often than watches TV.
58. Martina started doing ballet at the age of 5, but then alternated between gymnastics and swimming.

Martina Stoessel is an Argentine actress, singer and dancer, best known for her starring role in the Disney Channel teen television series Violetta.

Interesting facts about Martina: 1) Violetta is the first TV series where Martina starred. 2) Tina was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. 3) Martina’s zodiac sign is Aries. 4) Martina is Spanish, she doesn’t know English well. 5) Martina’s best friend, Mercedes Lambre.6)Martina loves OREO cookies.7)Martina auditioned for the role of Lyudmila, but the directors said that the role of Violetta was more suitable for her.8)In life she is a little selfish.9)Tini wears perfumes such as: Hypnotic Poison from Dior, 212 VIP for women, Carolina Herrera, Dior Jadore and Someday from Justin Bieber.10) Teenie, in addition to Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus, also likes Rihanna, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato and 1D and Jonas Brothers.11) In addition to Sofia Caputo's clothes , Tiny also wears Cook clothes.
12) Teenie likes TV series and music programs like “Gossip Girl” and “Smash”. 13) Martina likes apple pie and chocolate muffins. 14) Martina likes riding a bike with Mercedes. 15) Martina loved the color blue as a child. 16 )Martina does not like public transport.17)As a child, Martina had a Lucia doll.18)In primary school at school, Martina loved history.19)For creams, Martina loves the smell of coconut and pineapple.20)Martina really likes banana ice cream sprinkled with chocolate crumble. 21)Martina loves films such as horror films and comedies.22)Martina loves freshly squeezed orange juice.23)When Martina was given an iPhone, she immediately wrote Mechi about it.24)In kindergarten, Martina always asked to give her a role, where a song should be sung.25)When Mechi and Martina get together, Tina always gives her different hairstyles.26)Martina loves to go shopping with Mechi, but most often they also go with Martina’s mother and Mechi. New articles can be found in the group
27)He loves Martina very much. when they draw her. There are 12 drawings from fans that Martina keeps at home, and 4 more are hung on her wall. 28) When Martina doesn’t like something in a person, she tries to subtly hint to him about this quality. 29) First once Martina started singing in kindergarten when she was asked to sing her favorite song. 30) Martina says that she would stay in the house where Violetta lives, because, as she thinks, it is very cozy there. 31) Martina loves it when At school, sometimes the junior classes call her Violetta. 32) Martina really likes the “Violetta” series from the first season: episodes 2, 14, 15, 35, 47 and 68. 33) Martina and her family often go out to restaurants, sometimes to the theater .34)Martina watched Eurovision and voted for Italy.35)As a child, Martina was very afraid of flying on airplanes.But when she had to fly for the first time at the age of 6, her mother flew with her, and Tina was not so scared.She overcame your fear.36)Martina has the song “Hoy somos mas” in her player.37)Martina says that she likes season 2 of the TV series Violetta better.38)Martina wrote the song “The “Glow”” in 2011, which included in the album "Disney Princess". 39) At the age of 11, Martina fell from the roof. 40) Martina loves sushi. She tried them for the first time when she was 5 years old.

Plus 58 facts:

Latest news about Tina
1.Martina is inspired by singing, just like in the series
2. Martina still goes to school, but only for two or three lessons with her
filming, she goes to 9-B.
3.Demi Lovato loves Martina's songs.
4.Martina loves to draw.
5.Martina’s favorite sport is dancing.
6.Martina is afraid of flying on airplanes.
7. Martina Stossel has a brother Francisco.
8. At the age of 11, Martina fell from the roof
9. Martina is not dating anyone at the moment.
10. Martina is a fan of Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus
11.Martina loves to sing live and tries not to use a backing track
12.Tini really loves acting in the series, and when she found out that she was approved for the role, she burst into tears.
13. On the set of the series, Martina and Bridget became very close friends
14.Tini has a dog named Panda
15. Tini spent New Year 2012 in CARILO
16. Martina formerly Jonatic
17.Martina, after graduating from school, wants to record her solo album.
18. Martina's family and friends say that she is a little selfish.
19. Violetta is the first series where Martina starred.
20. Tina was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina
21. Martina's sign is Aries.
22. Martina is Spanish, she doesn’t know English well.
23. Martina loves OREO cookies
24. Martina probo
was cast for the role of Lyudmila, but the directors said that the role of Vilu was more suitable for her
26. Martina has a special box in which she keeps various letters, trinkets, and other things that her fans gave her.
27. Martina loves Baticks pants.
She has a large collection of these pants.
28. Martina really likes Russian names; she would like to name her daughter Maria in the future.
29.Martina traveled with her family to Walt Disney as a 15th birthday present. In an interview, she said that this is the best gift.
30. Martina doesn’t really like chocolate, especially dark chocolate.
She prefers milk chocolate.
31.Martina prefers bright outfits. In her wardrobe there are a lot of skirts of different styles and different colors. Both dim and bright. - Martina likes to wear pants, loose trousers, because in Spain it is always very hot and she tries to wear them very rarely. ○ Jewelry Martina loves bracelets and rings. The main thing is that the rings should have a large flower or just a light ring without decorations on it
Martina loves heels in one of her interviews, she says that she cannot live without them
What she loves most is the platform.
32. Martina says that she has already received several offers to play in one or another
movie, but she's still open
Lonila, since almost all the filming coincides with the filming of VIOLETTA2.
33. Martina's plans.
At the moment, Tiny is not thinking about anything other than the Violetta series. But later she still wants to continue both her acting and music careers. He wants to record his solo album and also visit New York.
34. Martina about continuing her career.
“Next in my career will be studying hip-hop.”
35. Martina Stossel loves shopping in large shopping centers.
36. As a child, Martina was in love with her friend named Chavez.
She named a pig on her uncle's farm after him.
37. Martina admitted in an interview that her character is sometimes a little annoying.
38. Martina says she doesn’t like it when fans dress like her
“It’s unbearable to see my Martiniques wearing the same clothes as mine. I understand that you are my fans, but not to that extent.”
39. TINI loves stud earrings in the form of pearls. She also likes neon bracelets.
In general, Tiny loves various “fashionable little things”.
40. Martina Stossel would like to participate in the Phineas and Ferb Talk Show.
41. Martina Stossel me
dreams of becoming a professional singer and working with top-level people.
42. Martina admitted that she loves animals very much, especially dogs.
43. I have never tried Martina, beer or wine. She only allows herself a glass of champagne on holidays. You can find out a lot about Tina’s personal life on the website
44. Martina is afraid of flying on airplanes; she has had this fear of flying since childhood.
45. Martina does not like the smell of the hospital and the smell of the subway.
46. ​​Martina prefers bags to backpacks.
47. In elementary school, Martina did not like mathematics and physical education.
48. Martina doesn't like fat cats and dogs, she doesn't think they're cute.
49. Martina doesn’t like buns with cottage cheese.
50. As a child, Martina loved raisins.
51. Martina went to parties that were held at school only 2 times.
52. As a child, Martina invented her own personal language.
53. Martina doesn’t really like serious people, but when it comes to work, then Martina doesn’t speak without seriousness.
54. Martina sometimes has to walk with a huge number of bags because she doesn’t have time to go home.
55. Martina doesn’t even want to remember some of her performances. Most often, she thinks that she behaved childishly and ineptly.
56. Martina says that she never wanted her school to burn down, etc.
57. Martina says that she sits at the computer more often than watches TV.
58. Martina started doing ballet at the age of 5, but then alternated between gymnastics and swimming.

Martina Stoessel is an Argentine actress, singer and dancer, best known for her starring role in the Disney Channel teen television series Violetta.

Interesting facts about Martina: 1) Violetta is the first TV series where Martina starred. 2) Tina was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. 3) Martina’s zodiac sign is Aries. 4) Martina is Spanish, she doesn’t know English well. 5) Martina’s best friend, Mercedes Lambre.6)Martina loves OREO cookies.7)Martina auditioned for the role of Lyudmila, but the directors said that the role of Violetta was more suitable for her.8)In life she is a little selfish.9)Tini wears perfumes such as: Hypnotic Poison from Dior, 212 VIP for women, Carolina Herrera, Dior Jadore and Someday from Justin Bieber.10) Teenie, in addition to Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus, also likes Rihanna, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato and 1D and Jonas Brothers.11) In addition to Sofia Caputo's clothes , Tiny also wears Cook clothes.
12) Teenie likes TV series and music programs like “Gossip Girl” and “Smash”. 13) Martina likes apple pie and chocolate muffins. 14) Martina likes riding a bike with Mercedes. 15) Martina loved the color blue as a child. 16 )Martina does not like public transport.17)As a child, Martina had a Lucia doll.18)In primary school at school, Martina loved history.19)For creams, Martina loves the smell of coconut and pineapple.20)Martina really likes banana ice cream sprinkled with chocolate crumble. 21)Martina loves films such as horror films and comedies.22)Martina loves freshly squeezed orange juice.23)When Martina was given an iPhone, she immediately wrote Mechi about it.24)In kindergarten, Martina always asked to give her a role, where a song should be sung.25)When Mechi and Martina get together, Tina always gives her different hairstyles.26)Martina loves to go shopping with Mechi, but most often they also go with Martina’s mother and Mechi. New articles can be found in the group
27)He loves Martina very much. when they draw her. There are 12 drawings from fans that Martina keeps at home, and 4 more are hung on her wall. 28) When Martina doesn’t like something in a person, she tries to subtly hint to him about this quality. 29) First once Martina started singing in kindergarten when she was asked to sing her favorite song. 30) Martina says that she would stay in the house where Violetta lives, because, as she thinks, it is very cozy there. 31) Martina loves it when At school, sometimes the junior classes call her Violetta. 32) Martina really likes the “Violetta” series from the first season: episodes 2, 14, 15, 35, 47 and 68. 33) Martina and her family often go out to restaurants, sometimes to the theater .34)Martina watched Eurovision and voted for Italy.35)As a child, Martina was very afraid of flying on airplanes.But when she had to fly for the first time at the age of 6, her mother flew with her, and Tina was not so scared.She overcame your fear.36)Martina has the song “Hoy somos mas” in her player.37)Martina says that she likes season 2 of the TV series Violetta better.38)Martina wrote the song “The “Glow”” in 2011, which included in the album "Disney Princess". 39) At the age of 11, Martina fell from the roof. 40) Martina loves sushi. She tried them for the first time when she was 5 years old.

Plus 58 facts:

Latest news about Tina
1.Martina is inspired by singing, just like in the series
2. Martina still goes to school, but only for two or three lessons with her
filming, she goes to 9-B.
3.Demi Lovato loves Martina's songs.
4.Martina loves to draw.
5.Martina’s favorite sport is dancing.
6.Martina is afraid of flying on airplanes.
7. Martina Stossel has a brother Francisco.
8. At the age of 11, Martina fell from the roof
9. Martina is not dating anyone at the moment.
10. Martina is a fan of Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus
11.Martina loves to sing live and tries not to use a backing track
12.Tini really loves acting in the series, and when she found out that she was approved for the role, she burst into tears.
13. On the set of the series, Martina and Bridget became very close friends
14.Tini has a dog named Panda
15. Tini spent New Year 2012 in CARILO
16. Martina formerly Jonatic
17.Martina, after graduating from school, wants to record her solo album.
18. Martina's family and friends say that she is a little selfish.
19. Violetta is the first series where Martina starred.
20. Tina was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina
21. Martina's sign is Aries.
22. Martina is Spanish, she doesn’t know English well.
23. Martina loves OREO cookies
24. Martina probo
was cast for the role of Lyudmila, but the directors said that the role of Vilu was more suitable for her
26. Martina has a special box in which she keeps various letters, trinkets, and other things that her fans gave her.
27. Martina loves Baticks pants.
She has a large collection of these pants.
28. Martina really likes Russian names; she would like to name her daughter Maria in the future.
29.Martina traveled with her family to Walt Disney as a 15th birthday present. In an interview, she said that this is the best gift.
30. Martina doesn’t really like chocolate, especially dark chocolate.
She prefers milk chocolate.
31.Martina prefers bright outfits. In her wardrobe there are a lot of skirts of different styles and different colors. Both dim and bright. - Martina likes to wear pants, loose trousers, because in Spain it is always very hot and she tries to wear them very rarely. ○ Jewelry Martina loves bracelets and rings. The main thing is that the rings should have a large flower or just a light ring without decorations on it
Martina loves heels in one of her interviews, she says that she cannot live without them
What she loves most is the platform.
32. Martina says that she has already received several offers to play in one or another
movie, but she's still open
Lonila, since almost all the filming coincides with the filming of VIOLETTA2.
33. Martina's plans.
At the moment, Tiny is not thinking about anything other than the Violetta series. But later she still wants to continue both her acting and music careers. He wants to record his solo album and also visit New York.
34. Martina about continuing her career.
“Next in my career will be studying hip-hop.”
35. Martina Stossel loves shopping in large shopping centers.
36. As a child, Martina was in love with her friend named Chavez.
She named a pig on her uncle's farm after him.
37. Martina admitted in an interview that her character is sometimes a little annoying.
38. Martina says she doesn’t like it when fans dress like her
“It’s unbearable to see my Martiniques wearing the same clothes as mine. I understand that you are my fans, but not to that extent.”
39. TINI loves stud earrings in the form of pearls. She also likes neon bracelets.
In general, Tiny loves various “fashionable little things”.
40. Martina Stossel would like to participate in the Phineas and Ferb Talk Show.
41. Martina Stossel me
dreams of becoming a professional singer and working with top-level people.
42. Martina admitted that she loves animals very much, especially dogs.
43. I have never tried Martina, beer or wine. She only allows herself a glass of champagne on holidays. You can find out a lot about Tina’s personal life on the website
44. Martina is afraid of flying on airplanes; she has had this fear of flying since childhood.
45. Martina does not like the smell of the hospital and the smell of the subway.
46. ​​Martina prefers bags to backpacks.
47. In elementary school, Martina did not like mathematics and physical education.
48. Martina doesn't like fat cats and dogs, she doesn't think they're cute.
49. Martina doesn’t like buns with cottage cheese.
50. As a child, Martina loved raisins.
51. Martina went to parties that were held at school only 2 times.
52. As a child, Martina invented her own personal language.
53. Martina doesn’t really like serious people, but when it comes to work, then Martina doesn’t speak without seriousness.
54. Martina sometimes has to walk with a huge number of bags because she doesn’t have time to go home.
55. Martina doesn’t even want to remember some of her performances. Most often, she thinks that she behaved childishly and ineptly.
56. Martina says that she never wanted her school to burn down, etc.
57. Martina says that she sits at the computer more often than watches TV.
58. Martina started doing ballet at the age of 5, but then alternated between gymnastics and swimming.
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