Wedding of Dina Garipova: escape from the paparazzi and the first photo. The winner of the show "Voice" ran away from her own wedding Dina Garipova what she does

The other day, Dina Garipova - the winner of the TV show "Voice" married pianist Sergei Zhilin. The solemn ceremony took place in one of the registry offices of Kazan.

Dina got married and is now very happy with her husband.

Dina Garipova and Sergey Zhilin got married: a solemn ceremony

An important event took place in one of the registry offices of Kazan. The marriage took place behind closed doors. On the solemn ceremony Only relatives of the bride and groom are invited. Dina is a happy bride, as she had two wedding dresses. Since one dress is for Muslim traditions, the second dress is the dress she purchased in the boutique. The Muslim dress was intended for the ceremony of the Muslim wedding ceremony, which the bride was waiting for. Only appeared on the web Wedding Dress bride.

Dina Garipova and Sergey Zhilin got married: future husband

Dina Garipova loves her fiancé very much and gives very positive comments about him. She considers him the perfect man In my life. He is the one with whom she wants to walk hand in hand through life. Sergei Zhilin is a little-known pianist, he does not shine in public. But despite this, she considers him - best man. He is not jealous of her profession and her tour, because he trusts her. Dina believes that this marriage will not affect creativity in any way, even if she changes her last name, she will still remain on stage as famous - Dina Garipova.

Dina Garipova and Sergey Zhilin got married: plans for the future

The actress wanted to hide the solemn ceremony, but she wanted everyone to know about the joyful event. Immediately after the wedding, the bride and groom went on a honeymoon trip that lasted 2 weeks. After a good time at sea, the young couple decided to return to their parents in Tatarstan. And after the celebration, Dina again plunged into her profession. Tours, concerts, interviews and more began again. We wish happiness to our newlyweds.

Dina Garipova. Photo: materials of the press services.

Home secular news On that day, the news came that she was married. The singer never spoke about her personal life and did not even talk about whether her heart is occupied or free. And then there's the wedding.
As it turned out, back in July, Dina Garipova and her young man the Islamic rite of nikah took place, which is considered more important in Muslim families than civil registration. During such a marriage, several stages must be observed: conspiracy, matchmaking, transfer of the bride to the groom's house, wedding celebration. Therefore, according to the laws of Islam, the artist is already a legal wife. And, as they joke in her entourage, now it remains to inform the state about this. Therefore, at the end of this week, the newlyweds will be registered at the registry office and the wedding will take place.

Unfortunately, almost nothing is known about the beloved singer.
“Dina’s husband is not from show business, he is not a media personality and flickering in the press is not his job, so his name is not disclosed,” Garipova’s press secretary Elena Belysheva explained to WomanHit. - This is a worthy young man a little older than Dina, also from a Muslim family. Despite this, Dina's chosen one is sympathetic to her work, with great support and confidence in her sometimes difficult schedule and long tours.

The painting will take place in one of the registry offices of the city of Kazan. Only the closest people of lovers are invited to the celebration. “Of course, like any girl, Dina is worried before the celebration,” Elena Belysheva told about the mood of the bride. “But, looking at her, I would say that this is rather not excitement, but joyful anticipation.”
For the wedding, Garipova prepared two dresses: closed - for the ceremony - and classic - for painting. After the wedding, the newlyweds will go on a trip to the sea, but they will tell where exactly when they return at the end of August.


Could an ordinary girl Dina, who was born and raised in a small town in Tatarstan, with the poetic name Zelenodolsk, assume that someday fate will present her with so many surprises?
At first, she was lucky to get on the show "Voice", where she triumphantly became the "main voice of the country", overcoming very tough competition! Later, she had a responsible mission - to represent Russia at the international Eurovision Song Contest! And she did an excellent job!

In 2017, Dina Garipova was lucky enough to perform on the main stage of our country with the symphony-jazz orchestra of Sergei Zhilin, they presented to the metropolitan audience concert program“It is not a coincidence,” and later this coincidence also occurred in real life- Dina Garipova married pianist Sergei Zhilin. The solemn ceremony took place in one of the registry offices of Kazan.

The wedding of Sergei Zhilin and Dina Garipova: where, when, the wedding ceremony, plans for the future?

An important event took place in one of the registry offices of Kazan. The marriage took place behind closed doors. Only the relatives of the bride and groom were invited to the solemn ceremony.

Dina is a happy bride, as she ended up with two wedding dresses - one dress for Muslim traditions, and the second dress is a dress that she bought in a boutique. The Muslim dress was intended for the ceremony of the Muslim wedding ceremony, which the bride was waiting for. The dress for "Nikah" covers the knees and elbows and is made in the traditional Muslim style with an elegant headdress. The pictures appeared on the network only in a wedding dress.

Dean considers her husband to be the ideal man in her life. He is the one with whom she wants to walk hand in hand through life.

Sergei Zhilin is a little-known pianist, he does not shine in public. But, despite this, she considers him to be the best man. He is not jealous of her profession and her tour, because he trusts her.

Dina believes that this marriage will not affect creativity in any way, even if she changes her last name, she will still remain on stage as famous - Dina Garipova.

The actress wanted to hide the solemn ceremony, but she wanted everyone to know about the joyful event. Immediately after the wedding, the bride and groom went on a honeymoon trip that lasted 2 weeks. After a good time at sea, the young couple decided to return to their parents in Tatarstan. And after the celebration, Dina again plunged into her profession. Tours, concerts and interviews began again ...

The Muslim wedding ceremony "Nikah" was held by the singer in July, long before the official wedding ceremony.

The future spouses made every effort to keep their wedding and value a secret. big day only for himself and his immediate family. They arrived at the Kazan registry office in inconspicuous clothes. And the registration of marriage was not held in a solemn atmosphere. The registry office staff made a lot of efforts to ensure that Dina's wedding ceremony took place without attracting additional attention: the newlyweds were even warned about the photographers who were on duty at the site in anticipation of the wedding. The couple had to change clothes so as not to get into any camera lens.

Before celebrating the beginning of a new life in the circle of relatives, Dina's husband arranged a surprise for her: he took her to a picturesque place near Kazan, where he prepared a festive platform decorated with a romantic arch and flowers in advance. There, the newlyweds accepted congratulations from their closest friends and relatives and held a photo session for wedding album. Dina was in a snow-white dress and veil, bought in one of the Moscow boutiques.

According to a close friend of Dina Garipova, the singer has known her new husband for a long time, they studied at the same university. The husband is a little older than Dina, tries not to appear in the press, but is sympathetic to his wife's profession, not jealous of her tours and frequent moves. It is known that the newlyweds will live in Zelenodolsk, next to their parents.

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Garipova Dina - talented singer, which journalists nicknamed "Russian Adele". Do you want to know where she was born and what she was fond of? What path to popularity did she have to go through? Is the oriental beauty legally married? The answers to these and other questions will be announced in the article.

Childhood and family

Garipova Dina Fagimovna was born on March 25, 1991 in Tatarstan. Her homeland is the city of Zelenodolsk, located on the banks of the Volga.

Our heroine was brought up in an intelligent and respected family. The girl's father and mother are candidates of medical sciences. Initially, they wanted their daughter to follow in their footsteps. But already in early childhood Dina demonstrated Creative skills. She liked to draw, dance and sing.

It is possible that she inherited her vocal talent from her dad. At one time, Fagim Mukhametovich composed and performed cheerful songs and lyrical romances.

Dina has an older brother, whose name is Bulat. He received a law degree. In his free time, the young man is engaged in creativity. He has the perfect ear for music and good feeling rhythm. The brother tried to protect our heroine from the world of show business. He persuaded his sister to try herself as a TV presenter or journalist.


Garipova Dina began to study music early. Parents fully supported the creative impulses of their daughter. At the age of 6, Dinochka became a student of the local theater of the song "Golden Microphone". The strong voice of the girl (2.4 octaves) amazed teachers and mentors. In subsequent years, Dina Garipova was a participant in many competitions and festivals. The songs performed by her sounded loud and clear, not leaving the professional jury indifferent.

1999 brought the girl the first major achievement in the musical field. Then Dina went to the All-Russian vocal competition for children "The Firebird" and became its laureate. After that, she began to receive invitations to various events. A young native of Zelenodolsk performed at republican and all-Russian festivals. She also took part in international competitions. Dina sang not only solo, but also as part of the Golden Microphone Theater team. Almost always the girl won prizes.

After completing her studies at the song theater, she went on tour with people's artist Tatarstan - Gabdelfat Safin.


Where, after receiving a school certificate, did Dina Garipova enter? The biography indicates that the girl went to Kazan. She managed to enter the Federal University on the first attempt. She chose the faculty of journalism. This greatly surprised her friends and numerous relatives. After all, they were sure that Dinochka would continue her musical education.

The beginning of creative activity

At the age of 18, Garipova Dina signed a contract with a production studio headed by Roman Obolensky. In a short time she recorded several compositions.

In 2010, the singer gave solo concert at home small homeland- in the city of Zelenodolsk. Then the girl decided to try herself in collective work. The group in which Dina performed played alternative rock. This team participated in the city competition "Winter Stage" and received the Grand Prix. In 2012, another solo concert by D. Garipova took place. Since then, she no longer performed in groups.

Dina Garipova: "Voice"

2012 was a turning point for our heroine. Oriental beauty applied for participation in vocal competition"Voice". In October 2012, the project started on Channel One. She was lucky to be a part of it.

She still remembers her experiences and excitement when the presenter Dmitry Nagiyev announced: "Dina Garipova enters the stage." "Blind auditions" allow the jury members to evaluate only the vocal abilities of the participants, and not their external data. The singer from Tatarstan performed famous romance"And finally…". The amazing timbre of Dina's voice (mezzo-soprano) did not leave indifferent the most experienced member of the jury - Alexander Gradsky. It was in his team that Garipova got.

On December 29, 2012 the final of the main vocal show countries. 4 participants went to the final - our heroine, Margarita Pozoyan, Spiridonova Anastasia and Kalimullina Elmira.

The winner of the project was Dina Garipova. The singer from Tatarstan received 54.1% of the votes of viewers. This is more than 927 thousand SMS and calls.

As a prize for 1st place, she received a two-year contract with the world famous recording studio Universal located in Los Angeles (USA).


After an unprecedented victory in the final of the Voice show, Dina was offered to represent Russia at an international vocal competition. It's about Eurovision. The girl could not miss such a chance.

She worked on writing a song for Garipova whole team composers and authors. Eurovision 2013 was held in the Swedish city of Malmö. At the qualifying performance, Garipova Dina performed the song What if. She managed to get to the final.

May 18, 2013 the representative of Russia took 5th place among best performers based on audience voting. The victory in Eurovision went to a native of Denmark - Emmilie de Forest.

Preparation for two serious projects cost Dina a lot of time and effort. But the girl did everything possible not to fall under the expulsion at the university. In 2013, she successfully defended thesis becoming a professional journalist.

Continued singing career

Our heroine could get a job at the editorial office of a newspaper or try herself as a TV presenter. However, the beauty wanted to continue her singing career.

In October 2014, Universal Studios released it debut album"Two Steps to Love" Dina Garipova has been going to this for so long. The songs recorded on the disc immediately fell in love with Russian listeners. The greatest popularity was won by such compositions as "Lullaby", What if and "Twilight" (a cover version of A. German's song).

The presentation of Garipova's first album took place at Crocus City Hall. The hall was completely filled - neither the stage nor the balconies left free space. The local audience accepted her songs perfectly well. At the end of the concert, the singer gladly signed autographs and allowed fans to make joint photo with her.


In 2014, Dina Garipova made her film debut. In the melodramatic series Courage, she got a small role - a secretary at Mosfilm.

She also once again demonstrated excellent vocal abilities, performing songs for main character"Courage" - Gallu.

In 2013, she took part in the dubbing of the cartoon "Reef-2". The Cordelia fish speaks in her beautiful voice. That's not all. In 2016, the premiere of the musical-animated film "The Bremen Robbers" took place, where Dina voiced the role of the princess.

Personal life

Dina Garipova, whose biography we are considering, got married in early 2015. The date and place of the wedding were carefully hidden from journalists and ill-wishers.

She does not disclose the name, surname and age of the chosen one. It is only known that the husband of Dina Garipova is a non-public person.

The wedding ceremony was held according to Muslim customs. Especially for this important event Dina ordered a snow-white European-cut dress with a veil and a traditional Tatar outfit (with closed elbows and knees). The celebration itself was attended only by close friends, as well as relatives from the side of the bride and groom. The couple spent their honeymoon in Cuba.

Here are some interesting things about Dina Garipova:


Such qualities as purposefulness, natural charm and openness are possessed by Dina Garipova. "Voice" and "Eurovision" - these major television projects made her a truly popular and sought-after artist. We wish her continued success in creative activity and endless happiness in family life!

The husband of the “star from Zelenodolsk” could be a scientist who recently became a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences at KFU

Today Dina Garipova has pleased fans. But not new song, and the first photo from his wedding. The wedding recently took place in Kazan in complete secrecy. A wedding photo with a bright caption “Start of a new life” scattered in the morning through the media and social networks. While the singer is on her honeymoon and preparing to work at the Alexander Gradsky Theater, her fans are wondering who mystery fiance. And the story itself is more and more like a competent PR-promotion.


Today on my official page Instagram singer Dina Garipova published the first photo in a wedding dress. The caption under the photo reads: "The beginning of a new life." The official wedding ceremony took place last week in one of the registry offices of Kazan (according to some reports, this happened even earlier). The celebration was held in complete secrecy. As it became known to the newspaper BUSINESS Online, Garipova signed a contract with one of the Moscow publications for the right to publish exclusive wedding photographs.

Young actively tried to hide the date and time of registration. In none of the registry offices of Kazan, lovers were given to journalists, but, apparently, information was leaked. " TVNZ Today, with reference to Garipova herself, she said that the singer had to appear at the ceremony in casual clothes in order to confuse the paparazzi on duty. After registration, Garipova was able to put on a wedding dress and went with her husband out of town for a holiday. The continuation of the wedding took place in a narrow family circle. Despite the fact that Garipova's surname is now different in her passport, she will not change it on stage.

Recall that earlier, at the beginning of summer, Garipova got married according to the Muslim custom - nikah was read to the young. Immediately after the wedding, the couple went on a trip. They recently visited the Finnish town of Porvoo together. The singer shared photos from this trip with her fans.


The story of the "secret fiance" is more and more like a competent PR move. On the Internet, everyone is puzzling over who became Garipova's husband. However, several indirect signs at once indicate that her former boyfriend could still become the singer's husband. Ravil Bikmukhametov. The press wrote about their romance at the time of the TV show "Voice". Bikmukhametov, 26, is a graduate of Kazan University. Judging by the official website of the university, not so long ago he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Computable linear orders and natural relations on them." The Dissertation Council decided to award Bikmukhametov the degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

It is known that they met 7 years ago in the Zelenodolsk recreation center "Rodina", where Ravil rehearsed with his group, and Garipova took vocal lessons. However, the romance between young people allegedly began only three years later. They write that for the first time Dina introduced Ravil as very close friend at the Tatar holiday "Boz ozatu" in Saratov.

So far, Garipova's fans are inclined to believe that it was Bikmukhametov who became her husband. On July 2, one of the fans found the singer with a young man who looked like Bikmukhametov in the Bakhetle store in Zalesnoy. And in the friends of Garipova in the social network "VKontakte" a certain Rahman Bikmukhametov from Zelenodolsk. He is fond of Formula 1 racing and, judging by his comments on the social network, he was in Finland at the beginning of August for a rally. In this case, the singer's visit to northern country perhaps explain. The traditional rally took place in Finland from 30 July to 2 August. Among the declared Russian pilots, by the way, was Radik Shaimiev.

One way or another, the name of Garipova's spouse is still unknown for certain, and she herself is now in honeymoon, after which in September it will begin work at the Song TheaterAlexander Gradsky,because this year her two-year contract with Universal Music ends.

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