Maslyakov senior with his wife. Svetlana Maslyakova, wife of Alexander Maslyakov: biography and interesting facts

Alexander Maslyakov (senior) is a well-known domestic TV presenter, permanent host of the humorous TV show KVN (since 1964).

The beginning of life and meeting with KVN

Maslyakov Alexander Vasilyevich was born on November 24, 1941 in Sverdlovsk (Yekaterinburg) in the family of a military pilot. His father Vasily Vasilyevich went through the whole war, and his mother Zinaida Alekseevna was a housewife and raised her son. Having pretty much wandered around the garrisons, the parents settled in Moscow, where in 1960 the guy entered MITI, planning to become a railway engineer.

He was lucky to be a student during the Khrushchev thaw. Then KVN, the only youth entertainment program, was incredibly popular. By the way, the well-known abbreviation KVN was born in the communal apartment of one of the founders of the idea, Mikhail Muratov. His neighbor was Vladimir Vysotsky, who was interested in the "kitchen battles" of creative guys. It was he who suggested calling the program the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful.

Maslyakov was a fanatical fan of the team of his native MITI. In 1964, KVN host Albert Axelrod was forced to leave, but recommended that the director appoint the smiling and charming Sasha Maslyakov in his place. Together with Svetlana Zhiltsova, they led the program until its closure in 1971. Alexander's position then had an interesting name: he was called the "commentator of the youth program." Maslyakov received his profile education at the Higher Courses for Television Workers a little later, in 1968.

After the closure of KVN, Maslyakov disappeared from the screens. This caused constant rumors that he was given a term for either a criminal or a political crime. In fact, Alexander Vasilievich was then looking for something to do after 10 years of active creativity.

In KVN, he was already not only the host, but also the editor of the numbers and the “penetrating power”, because the obstacles of the artistic councils had to be overcome sometimes with superhuman efforts.

“I was constantly a “probe””

It must be said that the organization and conduct of entertainment programs in the USSR was an unknown matter. None of those real pioneers of the genre had any experience or mentors. And Maslyakov was very often a pioneer or, as he himself liked to say, a “probe” of television projects - now he would simply be called a “showman”.

Alexander Maslyakov in the program "Come on, girls!"

In the early 70s, a new program of the youth editorial office of Ostankino appeared on television under the name “Come on, girls!”. In parallel with it, the Virage project was organized in the format of competitions or relay races between men's teams. The program "Hello, we are looking for talents" was the prototype of the modern "Star Factory". Entertainment programs that Soviet television did not spoil the audience, due to their originality, were overwhelmingly popular. The whole country knew Maslyakov "by sight", so each new program with his participation was simply "doomed" to success. For example, the organizer “What? Where? When?" Vladimir Voroshilov invited Maslyakova to host the first broadcast. He was also the host of the first issue of the scandalous Vzglyad. It was only later that new generations came - from Vlad Listyev to Sergei Bodrov. Later, in 1989, together with Leonid Yakubovich, Alexander Maslyakov even hosted the first Miss USSR beauty contest.

Revival of KVN

Since 1985, perestroika began in the USSR, which significantly weakened censorship and removed many ideological prohibitions. Already a venerable television worker, Maslyakov initiated the revival of his favorite humorous program in the same format - student team competitions. Since 1986, a new record has begun in the life of the longest-running television project, as well as in the biography of its leading and permanent artistic director. Alexander Vasilyevich prefers this particular wording, avoiding the word "producer", although, in fact, he is also engaged in producing.

Transmission is a visible part of the process, while the rest of Maslyakov's work remains behind the scenes. In the late 80s, Alexander created the Amik creative association, which began to engage not only in holding KVN games, but also in the festival movement. I must say that there is not a single television project in the post-Soviet space that would give a "start in life" to so many famous personalities and popular shows.

Garik Martirosyan, Pavel Volya, Timur Batrutdinov, Garik Kharlamov "spun off" into the Comedy Club. The brightest girls - Natalya Yeprikyan, Elena Borshcheva, Ekaterina Varnava - organized a very feminine, but very funny Comedy Woman show. How many talented comedians came out of the walls of Maslyakov's alma mater: these are Mikhail Galustyan, and Sergey Svetlakov, and Alexander Revva. In the series "Interns", two main roles were immediately played by former members of the club - these are Svetlana Permyakova and Azamat Musagaliev. The Ural dumplings team, which later organized its own show, left KVN in full force.

Alexander Maslyakov visiting Ivan Urgant

Members of the KVN jury at different times were Leonid Parfyonov, Konstantin Ernst, Mikhail Efremov, Igor Vernik, Sergey Garmash, Gennady Khazanov and about a hundred other well-known names. In 2016 the President of Russia

An excellent family man, to whose personal life there are no complaints and no dirty stories are connected, is Alexander Maslyakov, the permanent host and president of KVN. Who is that exceptional woman who managed to surround the master with home comfort and care, maintaining the fire of the family hearth for many years?

The wife of Alexander Maslyakov - Svetlana from native Muscovites, was born in 1947, from childhood she was incredibly active, the "ringleader" of any team. She is still remembered with love and respect at school and is remembered as one of the most creative and bright personalities for whom they managed to open the way to creativity.

She brilliantly graduated from the All-Union Correspondence Institute of Law, combining her studies and work at the Central Television, in the Youth Editorial Office. She began her career as an assistant director at KVN, where she worked for over 20 years.

Alexander Maslyakov with his son

There is nothing surprising in the fact that Alexander Maslyakov met his wife on TV when they worked together on a common project - KVN. The amazing charm and spontaneity of Alexander could not but attract Svetlana, they quickly found a common language.

The guys became spouses and a few years later a son was born, named after his father - Alexander. As Svetlana jokes today, her beloved men rush to her call “Sasha!”. Moreover, perhaps because of the name, the younger Maslyakov continued the tradition of his parents and also takes an active part in the Club of the cheerful and resourceful. And this is not surprising, since my mother, being an avid KVN girl, sought to equip the family's life in such a way that everything revolves around the most important thing in their life.

Therefore, no one is surprised by the atmosphere of good jokes and harmless pranks reigning in the house, bright personalities come here, new concepts of their favorite show were born in the throes of creativity, future stars lit up, who later became real legends, known far beyond the limits of the program.
Maslyakov's wife never went "into the shadow" cast by the famous husband, becoming a real support and support for him, both in family life and professionally. Not just a wife and a loving mother, she is a true like-minded person and colleague, on whom the whole family can rely in any situation. Pleases the grandmother and the little granddaughter, who was presented to the happy parents by the son and wife.

Maslyakov Alexander Vasilievich at one time did not leave the TV screens. If the biography of the permanent "KVNshchik" is known, then the comedian's criminal record, and the place where he sat, cause a lot of gossip and speculation.
Let's try to establish the truth, where, for what, and why did Maslyakov sit?

Biography of Maslyakov Alexander Vasilyevich, the permanent host of KVN

When it comes to Maslyakov, his biography usually begins from the moment he accidentally got into the institute theater studio, and then just as accidentally became the leader. And what happened before that? Let's go over the main points of the showman's life.

Alexander was born in Yekaterinburg (formerly Sverdlovsk), shortly after the start of the war. Here is the birthplace of Maslyakov - one might say by chance. The father of KVNshchik was a military pilot, and the family lived in the garrison of the Novgorod region, but after the outbreak of war, the pregnant wife of the pilot was sent for evacuation to Chelyabinsk. She did not reach Chelyabinsk and Alexander Vasilyevich chose to be born in Sverdlovsk on November 24, 1941.

Alexander Maslyakov with his mother

After the war, the father of the future pop star was transferred to serve in Moscow, where the family settled in the main headquarters of the Air Force. Initially, young Alexander did not even think about television and entered MIIT (Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers), dreaming of becoming a railway engineer. But in every institute at that time, participation in various studios and circles was required. Alexander went to the theatrical circle, which he later never regretted.

The smiling merry fellow and joker liked the audience, and the KVN student team, in which he participated, often defeated the same student teams.

In 1964, they decided to shoot a youth entertainment program on central television, and one of the participants in the winning teams of the KVN student competition was supposed to host it. The main contender for this place, the captain of the MIIT team, Pavel Kantor, unexpectedly refused to participate in the program, and offered fourth-year student Sasha Maslyakov instead. Whether from surprise, or from something else, but Maslyakov agreed to come on TV.

Success came to Maslyakov from the very first transmission. Suddenly, KVN spilled far beyond the TV screens. KVN teams were organized in all schools, institutes, factories and houses of culture. The transfer gained popularity on an allied scale, and now filming was required much more often. After all, at first KVN was broadcast live, but later, the top management began to annoy the too sharp jokes of KVN players. It was decided to record the programs in advance, and the scripts were carefully checked and edited by the KGB.

In 1966, a young girl Svetlana Semyonova came to work on television as an assistant director, where she immediately became friends with a charming presenter. Five years of courtship and in 1971 Alexander Vasilyevich was finally ripe for marriage.
Unlike the famous spouse, there are not so many photos of Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov's wife. She was behind the camera, not in front of it. Basically, this is a photo from a family album.

Maslyakov's wife in her youth

Despite the fact that Maslyakov was always surrounded by young beauties, he preferred an ordinary woman, but with a stunningly strong character. Svetlana always supported her husband in all his endeavors, and consoled her if something did not work out.

In 1980, Svetlana gave birth to a son, who was named the same as her father - Alexander. Alexander Maslyakov Jr. spent all his childhood behind the scenes of KVN, but did not want to become an artist. His dream was to become a traffic cop, but after graduating from school, the guy entered MGIMO. The dissertation on the topic "Forms and methods of managing sub-federal non-residential real estate" gave him a scientific degree, but apparently, his father's genes took over and gradually the son of the leader, and he began to become the leader.
Maslyakov Jr. often got into the frame on KVN programs, and many prophesied him to take the place of his father. But Alexander Jr. did not replace him and at the same time created the Planet KVN project. This is the KVN Premier League, which promoted young teams and lit new stars.

Alexander Maslyakov Jr. with his wife and daughter

Maslyakov Alexander Vasilyevich: conviction, where and for what did he sit?

Alexander Maslyakov had a hand in the creation of many TV shows. In the late 60s there was just a boom in the cheerful and resourceful. People bought TVs only to watch Maslyakov.

“12th Floor”, “Merry Fellows”, “Bend”, “Sprint for All”, “Addresses of the Young” ... all these programs were hosted by Alexander Maslyakov. And that's not counting the events at which he was a guest host. "Song of the Year", beauty contests, festivals...

Alexander Vasilyevich was in great demand, and the audience was very surprised when at one moment KVN was closed, and Maslyakov disappeared from the TV screens.

So we gradually approached a dark spot on the biography of Maslyakov Alexander Vasilyevich - this is his criminal record.

This is a muddy story that Alexander Vasilyevich himself refuses to discuss, but he got a certificate that he does not have, and has never had a criminal record. Then where did the rumors about his criminal record come from?

In those years, the personal life of the stars was not discussed publicly. The newspapers wrote about five-year plans and construction projects, and when on August 22, 1972, instead of a new, long-awaited release, the audience saw the last program, they were a little confused. Why repeat what happened to KVN?

In those years, people could disappear for several reasons:

  • drank themselves and died;
  • fled to Israel;
  • planted.
Maslyakov was not a drinker, and everyone knew it. Even the most meticulous anti-Semites could not find Jewish roots in him, and only the last thing remained - they put him in jail.

Of course, there were plenty of reasons for "landing". The program was popular, Maslyakov was a sought-after presenter and certainly not a poor person. Not a poor person meant "currency", but for currency fraud sometimes they were shot. It was a "currency" article, according to which they could be imprisoned for a period of 3 to 15 years, with confiscation, and then, if they were lucky.

At about the same time, one of the former KVN workers was caught at customs, who tried to emigrate to Israel, and simultaneously take a kilogram of precious stones abroad (well, that's what people said). As you may have guessed, the people decided that these were Maslyakov's jewels and that is why he was imprisoned.

According to another version, Maslyakov was imprisoned for refusing to cooperate with the KGB. After all, the authorities could not but see the influence of KVN on the audience, and they probably wanted to manipulate public opinion using an entertainment program. But Maslyakov courageously refused, for which he went to the colony.

The people even determined the place where Maslyakov Alexander Vasilyevich was sitting, but this is not accurate.

Rybinsk colony UN 83/2 (Yaroslavl region).
According to the second version, Maslyakov was imprisoned in Udmurtia, Art. Karkalay.
There are also versions about Tver and the Tula region. "Knowing people" at the same time and Yuli Gusman were assigned to a colony, along with Maslyakov. They did not come up with an article for Guzman, but with such a surname there is no need for reasons.

Suddenly, in 1975, the audience saw Alexander Maslyakov as the host of “What? Where? When? ”, And this ruined the version of the prison. Why Maslyakov was not shot for currency or he did not serve the minimum 3 years, no one answered. For residents of Tver, Tula, Rybinsk and Udmurtia, Alexander Maslyakov is a local attraction that they are not going to refuse, and they stubbornly say that yes, he did, and they know it for sure. There were even those who personally knew those who were in the same cell with Maslyakov.

If we recall the history, the "priseltsy" were rarely released on parole and even after their release, for a long time they roamed the expanses of the Motherland without work. And the way to Moscow was completely ordered for them, not to mention reappearing on TV as a host.

Maslyakov not only appeared in Moscow, but also became the host of several shows at once: “Come on, girls”, “Come on, guys”, replacing Vladimir Voroshilov, who just left for “What? Where? When?".

Later, KVN revived, the Soviet Union collapsed and it became fashionable to be a "victim of the regime." Many actors admitted that they were sitting for the currency, but nowadays no one considers this a crime. They are pitied, and it was possible to get any bonuses on this. Why didn’t Maslyakov take advantage of this, and stubbornly denies his “criminal past”? Could it really be all fiction?

Alexander Maslyakov with his family

Last year, Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov was involved in a corruption scandal, and this scandal is gaining momentum. It is difficult to judge how honestly the Maslyakov family is doing business, but it is hard not to admit that it was KVN that became the launching pad for many contemporary artists. Comedy Club, Nasha Russia, TV series Kitchen, hundreds and thousands of people from KVN became directors, screenwriters, actors and producers. Every second actor went through the “KVN factory”, which they talk about with pride. They say that Maslyakov should be recorded in the Guinness Book of Records as the most talented showman, but there is no such section in the book yet, and is it needed?

Alexander Vasilievich Maslyakov was born in the capital of the Urals in 1941. Father Vasily Maslyakov served as a military pilot, fought during the Great Patriotic War, and then was listed in the General Staff of the Air Force. Sasha was brought up by her mother Zinaida Alekseevna. Interestingly, four generations of the Maslyakovs were called Vasily, and only Zinaida Alekseevna decided to break this family tradition by naming her son Alexander.

After leaving school, the young man entered the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers (MIIT), which he successfully completed in 1966. After graduating from the university, at first Maslyakov worked in his specialty, but later decided to retrain as a journalist. From 1969 to 1976, Maslyakov worked as a senior editor in the Main Editorial Board of Youth Programs, after that as a special correspondent. Since 1981, Alexander Vasilievich worked as a commentator at the Experiment television studio.

Maslyakov got on television quite by accident, as a fourth-year student. As Alexander Vasilyevich recalls, the captain of the KVN team of the institute asked him to become one of the five hosts of a humorous program, which was supposed to be filmed by the winning team of the last game. By chance, it turned out to be the MIIT team.

Alexander Maslyakov: KVN

The humorous TV show "Club of the Merry and Resourceful" appeared in 1961. Its prototype was Sergei Muratov's program "An Evening of Merry Questions" in 1957, which, in turn, was copied from the Czech counterpart "Guess, Guess, Fortune Teller". At the evening, the questions were answered not by the teams, but by the viewers. The program was created by the first television youth editorial office in the USSR, known as the "Festival Edition of the Central Television". On the third edition of the TV show, due to an unfortunate mistake by the host, the program and the entire editorial office had to be closed.

Four years later, the creators of "Evening of funny questions" released a new humorous program called "KVN". The deciphering of this name was twofold: in addition to the traditional meaning "Club of Merry and Resourceful", the name hinted at the TV brand - KVN-49, which was produced in those years.

The first host of the game was Albert Axelrod. Three years later he was replaced by Alexander Maslyakov. At first, Maslyakov was a co-host, with a Soviet announcer hosting the program Svetlana Zhiltsova. Subsequently, Alexander Vasilievich became the sole host, which he remains to this day.

For the first seven years, KVN aired exclusively live. But later, since the jokes of the teams sometimes related to Soviet ideology and reality, the releases began to be broadcast on records, after cutting out from them all the moments that were objectionable to the party leadership. The then head of Central Television, Sergei Lapin, did not like the club for its unpredictability and courage, and from some point on, the State Security Committee began to deal with censorship of the program. The directives of the KGB were sometimes simply absurd: for example, the participants in the program were forbidden to wear beards, as this was seen as a mockery of Karl Marx. And at the end of 1971 KVN closed at all.

The creative biography of Alexander Maslyakov at one time gave rise to a lot of gossip. So, the most common rumor is that at about the same time as the closure of KVN in 1971, Maslyakov was in prison for currency fraud for several months. The TV presenter himself refuses to comment on this fact, arguing that with a criminal record he would never again be allowed on Soviet television.

So, the break lasted as much as 15 years. But at the beginning of perestroika, in 1986, at the initiative of the captain of the MISI team of the 60s, Andrei Menshikov, KVN again appeared on the screens. The host was Alexander Maslyakov.

In just a few releases, the program has gained the same wide popularity as in the sixties. A whole movement of the game arose, humorous competitions were held in schools, institutes and children's health camps. The geography of the "Club of Merry and Resourceful" has noticeably expanded: KVN began to play in Western Europe and America, in 1992 the first international game between the CIS countries and Israel was held in Moscow, and two years later a world championship was held in Israel, in which teams from the CIS, Israel, Germany and even the USA.

In 1990, Alexander Maslyakov founded the creative association "Alexander Maslyakov and Company" (abbreviated as "AMIK"). This company is the official organizer of KVN games, as well as a number of related programs (Pervaya Liga, Outside the Game, Vocal KiViN, Sense of Humor, etc.). Alexander Vasilyevich is the host and head of all programs produced by AMiK.

In 2013, the only son of Alexander Vasilyevich, Alexander Aleksandrovich Maslyakov, became the General Director of TTO AMiK LLC, replacing Naum Iosifovich Barulya, who previously held the post of director of the KVN television program.

Alexander Maslyakov: television

The confidence with which the young man kept in the frame, his competent speech, innate tact and excellent sense of humor made Maslyakov an indispensable leader. In addition to KVN, in different years Alexander Maslyakov hosted various programs. Among them were the talent show "Hello, we are looking for talents", and sports and entertainment competitions "Come on, girls!" and "Come on, guys!", And the famous talk show "12th Floor", and, of course, a variety of humorous TV shows: "Alexander Show", "Funny Guys" and "Sense of Humor".

By the way, several times Alexander Maslyakov appeared in programs that were very unusual for him. So, in 1976, he held the second edition of the intellectual game "What where When?", the author and creator of which is Vladimir Voroshilov (at one time Maslyakov replaced him on the program "Come on, guys!" After the death of one of the participants). And in 1988, the famous TV presenter hosted the April Fool's edition of Posner's program " Sight".

Maslyakov also acted as the host of Sochi song festivals, in the late seventies he hosted the Song of the Year program, and also reported on international youth and student festivals that were held in Havana, Berlin, Sofia, Moscow and Pyongyang.

Honored Worker of Arts of Russia Alexander Maslyakov, holder of many Orders of Merit received in Russia, Ukraine and the Chechen Republic, in 2002 received the prestigious domestic television award TEFI in the special nomination For Personal Contribution to the Development of National Television.

Alexander Maslyakov: personal life

The personal life of Alexander Maslyakov is closely connected with the "Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful". The wife of a famous TV presenter became Svetlana Smirnova, who in 1966 got a job as an assistant director of KVN. Five years later, Maslyakov and Smirnova got married, Svetlana is still the director of the TV show.

In 1980, the couple had a son, Alexander, who continued the family tradition. After graduating from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Alexander Maslyakov Jr. acts as the host of the Planet KVN, Outside the Game and Premier League KVN programs, and since 2013 he has been the CEO of his father's company AMiK. Alexander Alexandrovich is married to a girl named Angelina, in 2006, the couple had a daughter, Taisiya.

Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov. Born November 24, 1941 in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg). Soviet and Russian TV presenter, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1994), long-term host of KVN.

Alexander Maslyakov: biography

Maslyakov Alexander Vasilyevich was born in the capital of the Urals in 1941. Father Vasily Maslyakov served as a military pilot, fought during the Great Patriotic War, and then was listed in the General Staff of the Air Force. Sasha was brought up by her mother Zinaida Alekseevna. Interestingly, four generations of the Maslyakovs were called Vasily, and only Zinaida Alekseevna decided to break this family tradition by naming her son Alexander.

After leaving school, the young man entered the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers (MIIT), which he successfully completed in 1966. In childhood and adolescence, the future star of Russian television did not even think about becoming famous.

After graduating from the university, at first Maslyakov worked in his specialty, but later decided to retrain as a journalist. From 1969 to 1976, Maslyakov worked as a senior editor in the Main Editorial Board of Youth Programs, after that as a special correspondent. Since 1981, Alexander Vasilievich worked as a commentator at the Experiment television studio.

Maslyakov got on television quite by accident, as a fourth-year student. As Alexander Vasilyevich recalls, the captain of the KVN team of the institute asked him to become one of the five hosts of a humorous program, which was supposed to be filmed by the winning team of the last game. By chance, it turned out to be the MIIT team.

The origin of KVN

The humorous TV show "Club of the Merry and Resourceful" appeared in 1961. Its prototype was the program of Sergei Muratov "Evening of funny questions" in 1957, which, in turn, was copied from the Czech counterpart "Guess, guess, fortune teller." At the evening, the questions were answered not by the teams, but by the viewers. The program was created by the first television youth editorial office in the USSR, known as the “Festival Edition of the Central Television”. On the third edition of the TV show, due to an unfortunate mistake by the host, the program and the entire editorial office had to be closed.

Four years later, the creators of the "Evening of Funny Questions" released a new humorous program called "KVN". The decoding of this name was twofold: in addition to the traditional meaning "Club of the Merry and Resourceful", the name hinted at the brand of the TV - KVN-49, which was produced in those years.

The first host of the game was Albert Axelrod. Three years later he was replaced by Alexander Maslyakov. In his youth, Maslyakov was a co-host, with the Soviet announcer Svetlana Zhiltsova hosting the program. Subsequently, Alexander Vasilievich became the sole host, which he remains to this day.

For the first seven years, KVN aired exclusively live. But later, since the jokes of the teams sometimes related to Soviet ideology and reality, the releases began to be broadcast on records, after cutting out from them all the moments that were objectionable to the party leadership. The then head of Central Television, Sergei Lapin, did not like the club for its unpredictability and courage, and from some point on, the State Security Committee began to deal with censorship of the program. The directives of the KGB were sometimes simply absurd: for example, the participants in the program were forbidden to wear beards, as this was seen as a mockery of Karl Marx. And at the end of 1971, KVN was closed altogether.

The creative biography of Alexander Maslyakov at one time gave rise to many assumptions. So, the most common rumor is that at about the same time as the closure of KVN in 1971, Maslyakov was in prison for currency fraud for several months. The TV presenter himself refuses to comment on this fact, arguing that with a criminal record he would never again be allowed on Soviet television.

Return of KVN

The break after the closure of KVN lasted for 15 years. But at the beginning of Perestroika, in 1986, on the initiative of the captain of the MISI team of the 60s, Andrei Menshikov, KVN again appeared on the screens. The host was Alexander Maslyakov.

In just a few releases, the program has gained the same wide popularity as in the sixties. A whole movement of the game arose, humorous competitions were held in schools, institutes and children's health camps. The geography of the “Merry and Resourceful Club” has noticeably expanded: they began to play KVN in Western Europe and America, in 1992 the first international game between the CIS countries and Israel was held in Moscow, and two years later a world championship was held in Israel, in which teams from the CIS, Israel, Germany and even the USA.

In 1990, Alexander Maslyakov founded the creative association "Alexander Maslyakov and Company" (abbreviated as « AMiK"). This company is the official organizer of KVN games, as well as a number of related programs (Pervaya Liga, Outside the Game, Vocal KiViN, Sense of Humor, etc.). Alexander Vasilyevich is the host and head of many programs produced by the AMiK company.

In 2013, the only son of Alexander Maslyakov Sr. became the General Director of TTO AMiK LLC, replacing Naum Iosifovich Barulya, who previously held the post of director of the KVN television program.

Unlike the Soviet years, when KVN went against the policy of the party, today the program is aired on Channel One and does not allow attacks on the current government. Moreover, in 2012, the host of KVN was a member of the "People's Headquarters" of presidential candidate Vladimir Putin. Putin himself, it must be said, does not remain in debt and has already visited the anniversary games of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club several times in the status of prime minister and president. The last time this happened was in the fall of 2016, when the club in the Kremlin Palace celebrated another anniversary - 55 years of the game. In the summer of the same year, AMiK filed documents with the Federal Service for Intellectual Property with a request to register the trademark "Alexander Maslyakov".

At the end of 2016, not only KVN celebrated its anniversary. Its permanent leader turned 75 years old. In this regard, several heads of the Caucasian republics that are part of the Russian Federation conferred honorary titles on Maslyakov. So, Alexander Maslyakov became a People's Artist of Chechnya and received the Order of Merit for the Republic of Dagestan. The presenter also received the medal "For Strengthening the Combat Commonwealth" from the Russian Ministry of Defense.


The confidence with which the young man kept in the frame, his competent speech, innate tact and excellent sense of humor made Maslyakov an indispensable leader. In addition to KVN, in different years Alexander Maslyakov hosted various programs. Among them were the talent show “Hello, we are looking for talents”, and sports and entertainment competitions “Come on, girls!” and “Come on, guys!”, And the famous talk show “12th Floor”, and, of course, a variety of humorous TV shows: “Alexander Show”, “Funny Guys” and “Sense of Humor”.

By the way, several times Alexander Maslyakov appeared in programs that were very unusual for him. So, in 1976, he held the second edition of the intellectual game “What? Where? When? ”, The author and creator of which is Vladimir Voroshilov (at one time Maslyakov replaced him on the program“ Come on, guys! ”After the death of one of the participants). And in 1988, the famous TV presenter held the April Fool's edition of Pozner's program "Vzglyad".

Maslyakov also acted as the host of Sochi song festivals, in the late seventies he hosted the Song of the Year program, and also reported on international youth and student festivals that were held in Havana, Berlin, Sofia, Moscow and Pyongyang.

Honored Art Worker of Russia Alexander Maslyakov, a holder of many Orders of Merit received in Russia, Ukraine and the Chechen Republic, in 2002 received the prestigious national television award TEFI in the special nomination For Personal Contribution to the Development of Domestic Television.

Maslyakov is a unique presenter who has worked on television for half a century and continues to do so to this day. In addition to KVN, which Maslyakov Sr. has been leading for so many years, he is a permanent member of the jury of the Minute of Glory show, where he has established himself as a tough and demanding judge.

Conviction of Alexander Maslyakov

One of the secrets of Maslyakov's biography is his prison past. So, according to some sources, in 1974 he was convicted for illegal currency transactions and ended up in colony UN 83/2 in Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region. But he somehow managed to get out of prison pretty quickly. It was also repeatedly mentioned in the media that during the investigation he was in the Tula pre-trial detention center. Finally, older people remember a feuilleton in one of the central Soviet newspapers dedicated to Maslyakov, which was called "Sasha no longer laughs." It is appropriate to recall the statements of the famous Russian singer Mikhail Krug, who repeatedly made harsh comments about Alexander Maslyakov, and also mentioned his prison past. Alexander Vasilievich himself invariably assures that he has not been in prison ...

Personal life

The personal life of Alexander Maslyakov is closely connected with the "Club of Merry and Resourceful". The wife of a famous TV presenter was Svetlana Maslyakova (nee Smirnova), who in 1966 got a job as an assistant director of KVN. Five years later, Maslyakov and Smirnova got married, Svetlana is still the director of the TV show.

In 1980, the Maslyakov family had a son, Alexander, who continued the family tradition. After graduating from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Alexander Maslyakov Jr. acts as the host of the Planet KVN, Outside the Game and Premier League KVN programs, and since 2013 he has been the CEO of his father's company AMiK.

Alexander Alexandrovich, or, as the Premier League players affectionately call him, San Sanych, is married to Angelina Marmeladova. The daughter-in-law of Maslyakov Sr. is a journalist and writer who has published a number of novels. In 2006, the couple had a daughter, Taisiya.

Maslyakov's granddaughter seems to follow in her grandfather's footsteps. Already at the age of 9, she tried herself as the host of the charity concert "Adults and Children", which took place in May 2015 in the concert hall "Russia". In a concert dedicated to Children's Day, she performed in the Neposedy ensemble. It is known that the girl, when she was still 5 years old, said that she wanted to lead KVN, like her grandfather and father.

Filmography of Alexander Maslyakov:

  • 1964 - Blue light. 25 years of Soviet television (film-play) - presenter
  • 1970 - Mechanical adventures of Tarapunka and Plug - host of KVN 1975 - Ar-chi-me-dy! — entertainer
  • 1982 - I don't want to be an adult - TV presenter
  • 1984 - Obstacle course - correspondent
  • 1985 - How to become happy - host of the competition
  • 1986 - Love me as I love you - host of the program "Ah, come on, girls!" 2009 - Voices of fish - Maslyakov
  • 2010 - Leonid Yakubovich. Without a butterfly (documentary)

An asteroid discovered by the Crimean Observatory is named after the permanent host of KVN. Alexander Vasilyevich does not drink alcohol at all. Once Maslyakov hosted the Vzglyad program.

Maslyakov resigned from the post of director of the Planet KVN center

This was told in the press service of the International Union of KVN, whose president is the TV presenter.

The dismissal of TV presenter Alexander Maslyakov from the post of director of Planet KVN was somewhat delayed due to bureaucratic issues, they said in the international KVN union. They claim that Maslyakov did not know about the checks by the prosecutor's office. According to the press service, the TV presenter at that moment was no longer the director of the center. The arguments of the organization Transparency International, which accused Maslyakov and his family of illegally gaining control over the building of the former Havana cinema, were not confirmed, the KVN union said. Meanwhile, earlier in an interview with Ekho Moskvy, Transparency International representative Artem Efimov said that the TV presenter and his family had transferred the Planet KVN center under the control of TTO AMiK, founded by Maslyakov and his wife. They also own the KVN trademark.

According to Transparency International, a building worth more than a billion rubles turned out to be under the control of a private company, without taking into account the value of the land on which it stands. The Planet KVN Center was donated to the union of the same name by President Vladimir Putin in 2011 and until recently was owned by the city of Moscow.

In May of this year, the Moscow prosecutor's office reported that the transfer of the Planet KVN center from city ownership to private hands was agreed with the authorities.


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