What where when interesting. Questions of school tournaments on the game “What? Where? When? Description of the location and process of filming

Question 1: We hope you enjoy this question. Typical English joke. An elderly gentleman, going up in an elevator to the top floor, starts a conversation with the elevator operator:
- And tell me, my dear, what is the most difficult thing in your work? Probably lifts?
- No, sir.
- Then, probably, descents?
- No, sir.
- But what, in that case?
Restore the elevator operator's answer.

Answer: Questions, sir.

Answer: Everything that is later than three counts.

Answer: deadline (deadline).

Credit: for the keyword “questions” (“stupid questions”, “stupid questions”, “answer questions”, etc.).

Question 4: Writer Sergei Ivanov compared the January sun with HER. SHE usually shines several times a day, and for a rather short time. Name HER in two or three words.

Answer: a light bulb in the refrigerator

Question 5: Once, in the mid-30s. of the last century, HE visited his friend and read one work to the daughters of a friend. When leaving, HE forgot his stick, and so the girls decided that HE was THE ONE. Name those whom we encrypted with the words "HE" and "THAT"

Answer: Marshak and Scattered from Basseinaya Street.

Question 6: In one of the Harry Potter books, the bookseller is in serious trouble because of the pugnacity of the monster books. He recalls another embarrassing situation, when the store bought books on how to DO IT. Name the person who managed to DO IT scientifically.

Answer: The protagonist of the book The Invisible Man is Griffin, Books of Invisibility.

Question 7: On August 3, 1937, for literally an hour and a half, more than 15 thousand residents of Minsk saw how a red balloon was first raised on a high mast, and then at different intervals, one after another, six green balloons. What object today performs the functions of these balloons?

Answer: Scoreboard.

Commentary: The balls denoted the goals scored in a football match.

Question 8: American actor Willie Rogers, proud of his family's antiquity, once said, “My ancestors were not among the first settlers to America on the Mayflower. They were…". Finish the sentence.

Answer: among those who met him.

Question 9: Somehow, according to the program Today, it was reported that a dog had bitten a certain Sergei Ivanovich, and, according to the correspondent, now only this citizen knows ... And what does he know?

Answer: where the dog is buried.

Question 10: [Presenter: read Stalin's phrase with a Georgian accent; highlight the word “soften” a bit.]
“This thing is stronger than Goethe's Faust. Here love conquers death.” They say that when it was decided to put the book of Maxim Gorky with this inscription by Stalin on public display, the archives workers froze in anticipation of the scandal. One ordinary employee was not taken aback, who, in order to soften the impression of this exhibit on visitors, armed herself with a pen and added ... What?

Answer: Soft sign.

Credit: Soft signs.

Commentary: Stalin made this inscription while very drunk, so he wrote “love”.

Question 11: While driving along a St. Petersburg street, the author of the question saw an inscription that reported on one action that is completely common today. Exactly the same inscription, by the way, could well hang on the doors of a medieval armory. Reproduce the text of this two-word inscription.

Answer: Making copies.

Question 12: At the Statler Hotel in Chicago, the management sometimes sits a mannequin, who is jokingly called Louis XIV, in front of those gathered for a dinner party, and serves him on an equal basis with the rest of the guests. In what cases do they do this?

Answer: When 13 people gathered at the table, the 14th was seated - a mannequin.

Commentary: Superstitions are strong in our time ...

Question 13: Of whom did Mark Twain say: “He was a happy man. When something funny occurred to him, he could be firmly convinced that he was not repeating other people's witticisms”?

Answer: Adam.

Question 14: In The Book of Useless Facts, one finds the following useless fact: "If THIS were recognized as a religion, THIS would be the tenth largest religious movement." We add that in some countries, such as, for example, the DPRK, the PRC, the former USSR and, according to some opinion polls, in Israel IT would become the most numerous religion, but in Poland it would not. What's this?

Answer: Atheism.

Question 15:

Guessing how the LiveJournal user crimenelf [crimenelf] signed these two pictures, write what word he signed the third photograph removed by us.

Question 16: In House M.D., a doctor makes diagnoses for very complex cases of illness. His colleague Wilson is sometimes involved in the diagnosis. According to Wikipedia, the prototype of Dr. House was another fictional person. State the name of this person.

Answer: Holmes.

Commentary: Dr. House even lives in house number 221B, like his supposed prototype Sherlock Holmes. House and Wilson - surnames begin with the same letters as Holmes and Watson.

Question 17: The German naturalist Johann Blumenbach called this animal the “primordial he”. We do not ask what and how we have changed in this matter. Name this animal.

Answer: Mammoth.

Commentary: In fact, Blumenbach called the mammoth the "primordial elephant."

Question 18: According to one version, this work tells about the creation of the world. The demiurges are a bird and a mammal, and the emotional witnesses are a couple of ancestors, the first people. Name this piece.

Answer: Ryaba Hen.

Question 19:

In one of the episodes of the animated series "The Simpsons" Lisa begins to smoke, and Homer tries to wean her from this habit. The original title of this episode was the title of a popular song with the beginning of the last word changed. Play this title.

Answer: Smoke on the daughter.

Question 20:

A Twitter user commented on the resignation of Yuri Luzhkov with the words "They cut the forest - the chips fly." In one of the words of this post, we have replaced one letter. Reproduce the word used by the blogger.

Answer: Caps are flying.

Question 21:

According to the set expression, this piece of clothing is very hard for the whole day. Name this piece of clothing.

Answer: Socks. All day on your feet.

Question 22: Roma Voronezhsky drew a BLACK SQUARE in the center of the Japanese flag and called what he got the flag of the Kuril Islands. What did we replace with the phrase “BLACK SQUARE”?

Answer: White rectangle.

15 not the most difficult questions that sounded in the game “What? Where? When?"

1. Aviation sports include: airplane, helicopter, glider ... Name the fourth type.

Answer: * Parachuting.

2. The English say: "It doesn't matter what to be hanged for - for a sheep or a lamb." What do we say in this case?

Answer: "Seven troubles, one answer."

3. According to local legend, the inhabitants of this small mountainous European country, with a predominantly Muslim population, are descendants of a great black eagle. What kind of country is this, if in translation its name means "Country of Eagles"?

Answer: Albania.

4. What rule is strictly followed for diamonds over 50 carats?

Answer: They are given names.

5. The highest mountain system in Western Europe - the Alps - is located on the territory of 7 states. I will name six of them, and you - the seventh. So: Austria, Italy, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Germany, Yugoslavia.

Answer: France.

6. How in Russia since the 16th century was called a measure of length equal to the length of the phalanx of the index finger, which, in turn, was equal to 1.75 inches?

Answer: Vershok.

7. Translate the word "vengeance" into Italian.

Answer: Vendetta.

8. For the first time this military rank (as a title) was received by the brother of the French king Charles IX, himself later the king - Henry III. In Russian history, they can be counted on the fingers. Name the first and last in the USSR.

Answer: Stalin is a generalissimo.

9. Under stress, dangerous toxins are produced in the body. How, most often not dependent on the human will, they are excreted from the body?

Answer: With tears.

10. What is the Japanese word for "big wave in the harbor"?

Answer: Tsunami.

11. Although he built many structures: a bridge in Bordeaux, a viaduct in Garabi, a train station in Budapest, took part in the construction of the Panama Canal, only one object brought him worldwide fame. What is it?

Answer: The Eiffel Tower in Paris.

12. What are the names of Romeo and Juliet.

Answer: Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet.

13. The English say: "Curses are like chickens - they immediately come back." What do we say in this case?

Answer: "Do not dig a hole for another - you yourself will fall into it."

14. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. Taras Bulba. Ostap: "Father! where are you? Do you hear? Taras Bulba: "I hear!" Name two more characters between whom there is an almost verbatim dialogue.

Answer: Wolf: “Hare! Can you hear me?" Hare: "I hear, I hear." Wolf: "Well, Hare, wait!"

15. You know that if a cat is aggressive towards you, it arches its back, flattens its ears, moves its tail; if a dog is aggressive, it bares its teeth, bristles and growls. And what animal in this situation bares its teeth, presses its ears and tries to turn its back?

Answer: Horse.

* Select the answer with the mouse

Interesting on the web

A long time ago, the Shah of Persia wanted to know what determines the actions and behavior of a person in this life. First, the Shah's assistants compiled a whole volume, then one page, and then they found a single word. Question: name this main word. (1995)

Expert answer: love.

Correct answer: survival.

medical experiments

One therapist believed that people in his profession should have two qualities. First, it is a complete lack of disgust. Secondly, observation. In his lectures at the institute where he taught, he showed such an experience: he took urine, put his finger there, then pulled it out and licked it and determined by taste whether the patient had diabetes or not. Question: Repeat this experiment in a few minutes. (1997)

Expert answer: you need to dip one finger into the urine, and lick it with the other.

Correct answer: experts answered correctly.

Oriental tales

The Arabs claimed that a woman's face without it is like dawn without the sun. Question: What are they about? (2003)

Expert answer: without a smile.

Correct answer: without a mole.

Dish of nomads

Connoisseurs brought a cauldron with a hole in the lid.

During a trip to Central Asia, the viewer watched how the nomads were preparing an amazing dish - a snake stuffed with rice. Moreover, the body of the snake turned out to be thicker than the head. Question: in one minute, should you describe in detail what the nomads did to prepare this dish? (2005 year)

Expert answer: pour water into the cauldron, put the killed snake in a bowl so that the tail is at the bottom, and the head looks out through the hole in the cauldron. The cook had to open the snake's mouth and ram the rice into it.

Correct answer: pour water into a cauldron, put a live snake there and cover with a lid. Due to the lack of oxygen, the living snake sticks its head into the hole itself, opens its mouth, and the cook begins to pour rice into it.

A simple equation

Recently, a group of American sociologists came up with an equation that can be used to calculate the rate of increase in the number of bestsellers bought (that is, if you know how many books were bought in the first week, then you can find out how many will be bought in a month, for example). But it turned out that a similar equation has long been known. True, it is used in another sphere of human activity. Question: what is calculated by the same equation as the distribution of bestsellers? (2010)

Expert answer: the rise of epidemics.

Correct answer:

memory prosthesis

In the black box now is what the writer Vladimir Soloukhin called a memory prosthesis? Q: What is in the black box? (year 2012)

Expert answer: camera.

Correct answer: Notebook.

Haircut is both dangerous and difficult

One barber school put out a poster that advertised haircuts for trainees. The poster featured a copy of a famous self-portrait. Question: what kind of self-portrait was used? (year 2013)

Expert answer: Van Gon's self-portrait with his ear cut off.

Correct answer: experts gave the correct answer.

A set of questions for the training game “What? Where? When?"

1 minute is given to think over each question, then the answer is given on a piece of paper.

Questions of medium difficulty (for middle and high school students)

We remind you that until April 30 you can register to participate in the intellectual Olympiad "Deductive method" (grades 2-11) at www. *****

Question 1: A gamer is a fan of computer games. To play means to gamble, to croak means to play Quake. And how, in the language of a gamer, will he play the well-known game DOOM

Answer: Think.

Question 2: At the end of 1997, an unusual championship took place. Its participants competed in the destruction of their own kind. The winner, originally from Russia, showed an excellent result - 9600 out of 10,000, i.e. 96%. American competitors lagged behind by about 2%. The victims of this ruthless extermination do not evoke any sympathy, since they often poison the lives of many of us. Name them.

Answer: Computer viruses .

Question 3: Any programmer knows what "Debugging" is - the process of removing errors from a program. And this concept was born on the day when the Mark 1 computer stopped working at Harvard University. State the reason for stopping the computer.

Answer: Insects (Bugs).

A moth accidentally got on the relay contacts.

Question 4: According to the Swedish color system, purple is designated R50B. Explain the meaning of this notation.

Answer: 50% red and 50% blue (RED 50% blue).

Question 5: In the 70s, a computer program was created in the USA to simulate naval battles. As a rule, in such simulated battles, she defeated real naval commanders. When people took a closer look at machine tactics, they saw a strange thing: after the end of the "battle", before entering into a new one, the computer began to shoot at one or two of its ships and sank them. Why did he do it?

Answer: A squadron cannot move faster than its slowest ship. By shooting down his most damaged ships, he gained an advantage in speed.

Question 6: Leonardo Fibonacci (Leonardo of Pisa) is a major Italian mathematician, author of the Book of the Abacus (1202), which for several centuries remained the main repository of information on arithmetic and algebra. In it, he points out that there are 3 ways of calculating: one - with the help of an abacus, the second - with the help of numbers. Name the third one, if it is the most famous, and you also used it more than once.

Answer: With fingers.

Question 7: Working in a text editor, they forgot to press a certain key and got 6-0 instead of the desired one. What did you want to get?

Answer: Smiley.

Question 8: At the dawn of cybernetics in America, a very funny toy appeared: a box with a button to turn it on. When the button was pressed, a disgruntled grumbling could be heard from the box, then the lid was thrown back. A mechanical arm emerged from the box. What did she do?

Answer: Pressed the button (turned off the toy).

Question 9: It first appeared in the mid 80s. Initially, it was assumed that the main elements, as in the predecessor, would be twelve. But technical difficulties forced the creator to go for simplifications, reducing the number of basic elements to seven. This is what gave it its name. Name it.

Answer: Tetris.

wanted to create a toy based on Pentomino, which has 12 basic shapes. But the computers were weak, and did not draw five-square figures in real time. Then Pajitnov reduced the number of squares to 4, and, accordingly, the number of possible shapes to 7. Since there were 4 squares in each figure, he called the game Tetris.

Question 10: One of the highly qualified and rather well-paid categories of scientists in the United States has a strange slang name "professional idiots." What do these people do in their jobs?

Answer: Testing computer programs.

When checking programs, they must anticipate all the most idiotic mistakes that a user can make, and determine the reaction of programs to them.

Question 11: Computer firm Microsoft has opened a museum of the history of the company. Among other exhibits, a red telephone hangs on the wall. Picking up the phone, the visitor can hear the speech of the most important person in the company, according to employees. Who is it?

Answer: User (client).

When you pick up the phone, you can hear the usual customer conversations with the technical support service.

Question 12: This man discovered a number of errors in astronomical tables. The low reliability of calculations made by hand, and prompted him to the idea ... What?

Answer: Creation of computers.

It was the low reliability of manual calculations, and not their low speed, that prompted Charles Babbage to create a universal computer.

Question 13: Recently, Korea hosted the World Shooting Championship. The victory was won by the Russian team. Before the start of the competition, the participants took an oath. What did they swear on?

Answer: On a laptop.

Question 14: I wanted to get into the Guinness Book of Records. To do this, he provided the editors of the book with a list of 308 words in English, German and French, which he managed to obtain with the help of something well known to you, but completely not intended for this. With using what?

Answer: With the help of a microcalculator.

Question 15: In Japan, many years ago, rats began to nest in the bowels of large computers. The Japanese immediately built an "electronic age rattrap" - with an ultrasonic bait, a vacuum pump and a gas chamber ... But other Japanese proposed a more radical method. Which?

Answer: Build more compact computers (so that rats have nowhere to nest)

Question 16: Zvenigorodsky was the first in the Soviet Union to introduce performers into school computer science. Each of the software-implemented robots of performers was focused on solving specific, particular pedagogical problems. So, the robot called "Tom Sawyer" was engaged only in formulating the concept of the cycle in children. And what did this "Tom Sawyer" do?

Answer: Painted the fence.

Question 17: Jokers say that one day Niklaus Wirth was invited to Italy. He came and asked:

– Is it true that the coolest language in the world is Pascal?

How did the Italians respond if Niklaus Wirth was very offended and never went to Italy since then?

Answer: Si! (SI).

Question 18: This invention by Alex Osborne was kept secret from 1937 to 1957. After the forced declassification, the Osborn method was used by General Motors and General Electric, which led to a sharp increase in profits. Use the Osborne method and then call it.

Answer: Brainstorm.

Question 19: In a comic computer dictionary published in the journal "Practical Computing", the concept of "Recursion" is very interestingly defined. The definition consists of only two words. Reproduce this definition.

Answer: See "Recursion".

Question 20: It was this word that in Turing's time was often used to refer to a person who earned his living by performing arithmetic operations.

Answer: Computer (the exact translation of this word is “computer”).

Question 21: The American company "Zemso Industries" is engaged in the production of microcalculators. Convenient buttons of different colors, elegant original forms "on hand" There are even a number of calculators with a fundamentally different keyboard arrangement from the generally accepted one. For whom are they intended?

Answer: For lefties.

Question 22: This man was born in the town of Petrovichi, Smolensk region. He graduated from Columbia University, served in the departments of chemistry and biochemistry, and has written over 300 scientific, non-fiction and fiction works. But most of all, he glorified his name with the three laws he discovered. What are they dedicated to?

Answer: robotics. .

Question 23: E. Dijkstra once said: “It is impossible to teach normal programming to those who started with “this language”. As would-be programmers, they are mentally duped with no hope of recovery." Name this language.

Answer: BASIC.

Question24 : 12. Recently the author of the question checked the spelling of the text in the program "Microsoft Word". The editor unexpectedly reacted to the name of one composer, commenting on it like this: "Perhaps a slang word." Name this composer.

Answer: glitch.

Question 25: The first world championship among them was held in 1974, although it could have taken place much earlier. Thereafter, they were held every three years. Once the victory was for the USSR, five times for the USA, once for Germany and the Netherlands. Name their representative who managed to achieve the greatest fame in this field.

Answer: Deep Blue is about computers playing chess.

The meaning of the game is that a team of experts answers questions sent by a team of viewers.

Basic Rules

Description of the gameplay

AT TV version games, a team of experts, consisting of six people, answers questions sent by viewers. The question is selected by a spinning top, which in turn launches the manager.

Experts are given one minute to discuss the issue, after which the team captain chooses an expert who will answer the question. There are also cases when the team gives an answer ahead of schedule: an expert who knows the answer usually puts his fist on the table with his thumb bent up. If the answer is correct, then the connoisseurs earn an additional minute for discussion, which they can use on any next question on this game. The number of extra minutes depends on the team's early responses. More recently, experts can take a "minute credit" on this question, but on the condition that they answer one of the following questions without a minute's discussion.

The game has a hint club help. If the experts do not know the answer to the question, then they can ask for help from those who are now in the hall. Those present are given 20 seconds to express their versions. Since 2007, "club help" can only be taken if the score is not in favor of experts. Since 2010, it has also been banned from blitz, super blitz and final rounds.

Due to the very large number of people in the hall, there are cases of unauthorized tips. The steward, who noticed this violation of the rules of the game, raises a red card. There are operators in the hall who can record the hint on video cameras. The violator is taken out of the hall until the end of the game.
On April 10, 2016, a yellow card was introduced. It is shown by the managers of the hall to the presenter at the moment when the captain of the playing team asks for the help of the club, and only if, during the discussion, they notice suspicions in the hint. The team is deprived of the help of the club in this round, but, unlike the red card, can give an answer. The violator will suffer a more serious punishment and, at the end of the round, will be required to leave the hall before the end of the game. The help of the club does not burn out and the team can use it in the next rounds if the score is not in favor of the experts. Since 2018, the card has been abolished.

When a team of connoisseurs gives an incorrect answer, the viewers whose questions the connoisseurs made a mistake receive cash prizes: the viewer who brought the first point to his team receives 50 000 rubles, second point 60 000 , third - 70 000 , fourth - 80 000 , fifth - 90 000 and the sixth point 100 000 rubles(until 2012 the amounts were from 10 000 before 60 000 rubles). If the team of experts wins, the undrawn money goes into the prize fund of the final of the year, i.e. if the experts win with a score of 6:4, 190,000 rubles are added to the fund for the missing 5 and 6 viewer points.

Squat games

In some cases, 2 or more teams of experts can play during one game. This type of game is called squatting games. Its essence is that after each incorrect answer, the teams are replaced: the teams are swapped. The team that starts the game is determined by lot. If the experts win, the team that brought the decisive point last wins.

Description of the location and process of filming

Place for playing connoisseurs

Filming of the game takes place in Moscow, in the Hunting Lodge of the Neskuchny Garden. It is equipped with a special room with a table, which is divided into 6 sectors in a large radius (for each member of the team of experts) and 13 sectors in a small one - for questions. The questions themselves are in envelopes, which in turn lie on 12 sectors signed with the names of the cities of the participants who sent the question (among these 12 questions there are questions "blitz" and "super blitz"). On the thirteenth sector is a plastic plate on which the number 13 is printed in red (from 2001 to 2011 the Pragmatica number font, from 2011 the Arial number font, since 2013 the number font has become a little bold). In the center of the table is a spinning top with an arrow. The spinning top spins the steward, and the question on which the arrow stops is chosen for the game. The envelope containing the question is placed in a special clothespin located on one of the monitors above the experts themselves. The monitors usually show a photograph or a video shot specifically for the question by the author of the question, a video filmed by correspondents for the question, or drawings, paintings that help experts answer.


Every game in the club there are defenders of the interests of connoisseurs, viewers, as well as the Keeper of Traditions. Their opinion is taken into account when resolving disputes.

  • Connoisseur Advocate. Appeared in 2002. The advocate of the interests of connoisseurs chooses the best connoisseur of the game and presents him with the "Crystal Atom" prize. At the moment, Andrey Cheremisinov, Director of the Communications Department of Rosatom State Corporation, is the Advocate of the interests of connoisseurs; in some games, Alexei Likhachev, General Director of the corporation, can replace him. Previously, lawyer Mikhail Barshchevsky, lawyer of the Moscow Bar Association Natalia Barshchevskaya, representatives of the general sponsor - MTS company: Mikhail Susov (2003-2004), Igor Stolyarov (2005), Grzegorz Esh (2006), Mikhail Shamolin (2006), Sergey Beshev ( 2007-2008), Alexander Popovsky (2009-2012), director of the Rosatom Communications Department Sergey Novikov (2013-2016).
  • Advocate for the interests of TV viewers. Appeared in 1991. The viewers' advocate chooses the best question of the game and determines the value of the viewers' winnings. Since the fall of 2018, the position has been held by Dmitry Breitenbikher, Senior Vice President of VTB Bank. From 2002 to 2009, the vice president of Binbank Grigory Guselnikov was the defender of the interests of the TV viewers team, in 2010 - Dmitry Akulinin, from 2011 to 2012 - vice president of the Bank of Moscow Irina Nikitenko, from 2013 to 2018 - vice president of the bank VTB (formerly "Bank of Moscow") Vladimir Verkhoshinsky, in some games they were replaced by the president of the Bank of Moscow, Mikhail Kuzovlev.
  • Tradition Keeper. A position that existed from 2001 to 2016. As the name suggests, he enforces the rules and "traditions" of the club. From May 19, 2001 to December 26, 2009 Mikhail Barshchevsky was the "Keeper of Traditions", from March 27, 2010 to June 19, 2016 - Grigory Guselnikov.

Hall stewards

There are two stewards in the hall, making sure that there are no clues. Also, one of the stewards rotates the top, and the other takes out objects, black boxes and beats the gong. Currently, the stewards are Alexander Bakalov (since 2013) and Polina Lysenko (since 2017), previously the stewards were Nikolai Lgovsky (1984-2001), Andrey Lgovsky (early 1990s), Andrey Lysenko (1993-2013), Alexey Vetyugov ( late 1990s), Boris Fuks (2001-2016), Evgeny Galkin (2011, in the games of the Kazakh version) and others.

    Mikhail and Olga Barshchevsky

    Alexey Likhachev

    Andrey Cheremisinov

    Sergey Novikov

    Grigory Guselnikov

    Vladimir Verkhoshinsky

    Dmitry Breitenbikher

    Nikolai Lgovsky

    Boris Fuchs

    Evgeny Galkin

    Alexander Bakalov

    Polina Lysenko


General information

The game requires great education and a broad outlook in the field of modern science, the ability to think quickly, in an original and extraordinary way, observation and attentiveness.

Questions belong to different areas of knowledge and have different styles, so the best players will be the most erudite and well-read. In a strong team, harmonious cooperation should be established between people with different ways of thinking, if possible - specialists in different fields. Much depends on training, the ability to understand within the team.

Question types

Sample Questions

  • Before you is an ancient Egyptian manuscript; it says about a certain slave: "He hears perfectly with both ears, honest and obedient." This text is regarded as one of the early copies of... what? (Answer: advertisements)
  • The board of McDonald's believes that rumors that McDonald's meat dishes are prepared from earthworms can be easily refuted by comparing them to meat. Question: by what criteria? (Answer: for the price, worms cost a lot more)
  • According to the humorous calendar of Belyaev and Shtalber, “If this statement were true, this is wouldn't taste so good." Guess what the statement is about and name this is. (Answer: wine).
  • Once, Mark Twain's friend, Harry Duman, borrowed $500, promising to pay it back in a month - of course, if he was still alive. Question: what did Mark Twain do without receiving what he promised in a month? (Answer: Posted Duman's obituary)
  • In Ambrose Bierce's fable, a deputy promises his constituents not to steal after receiving office. When it turned out that he was stealing huge sums, the voters demanded an answer. The deputy replied that, yes, he promised not to steal, but did not make another promise. What? (Answer: promises not to lie)
  • Jerome K. Jerome compared this is with the government, because both are valued only as long as they are good. Name it. (Answer: weather)
  • Russian humorist Mikhail Zadornov said that he was not angry with the communists, since they never deceived him. But why, according to him, they did not deceive him? (Answer: because he never believed them anyway)

Game history by years

Vladimir Voroshilov

Boris Kryuk

1975. September 4 - On this day, there was one game with different rules - two families played against each other (as in the popular game "Lucky Chance"). The game consisted of two rounds filmed at each family's home. They united for the sake of a photograph for the family archive.

1976. A top appears, but in early games it was not a question that was chosen, but an answering player. Already this year the game “What? Where? When?" has already changed a lot and was called the "television youth club". Since Vladimir Voroshilov was forbidden to appear on the screen at that time, the first full-fledged release of the TV game was held by Alexander Maslyakov, who in the future will revive the KVN project. The first players were students of Moscow State University, who, when discussing the issue, spoke loudly and smoked. There was no one-minute discussion time limit, each person played for himself, not as a team.

1977. The game finally took on its final form: a spinning top showing a question and a one-minute limit on how long the question could be discussed. The first symbol appeared in the game - the eagle owl Fomka. The first questions were invented by Vladimir Voroshilov himself, and later, when the game became popular, they began to accept questions from the audience. It is known that every day there were bags of letters, each of which had to be answered, the best questions chosen, the authenticity of the facts presented, edited, prepared, if necessary, the necessary items. Of course, one person cannot do such a job, and Voroshilov was assisted by his wife Natalya Stetsenko, who for many years headed the department of correspondence with the audience.

1979. Games began to be held regularly. The term "expert" appeared, now this word has become familiar to describe the participants in the game, the club is now usually called the "club of connoisseurs". Up to this point, there was no specific name for the players. The details of the game rules often changed, but the main prize was always books (which were hung on the Christmas tree during the final game) and a crystal owl.

1982. Introduced a six-point game rule

1983. Instead of the Ostankino television center, the games are being held in a mansion on Herzen Street

1984. A new prize has been introduced - the Crystal Owl. The best player at the end of the year becomes its owner

1987. Hosting the International Games in Bulgaria

1988-1989 International games in Sovincenter. Several teams participate in the game at the same time.

1990. The program begins to leave the Hunting Lodge in the Neskuchny Garden

1991. The game has become more commercialized, that is, it has turned from an "intellectual club" into an "intellectual casino". Experts begin to play for money

1992. Starting this year, there are two series a year - summer and winter. A zero sector appeared, called the "zero sector". It appeared instead of the sector with the largest amount, which was supposed to be for the correct answer. Each question now has a certain “cost”, which can be increased by putting the money won on a certain playing field. Sponsors and lawyers appeared (Mikhail Barshchevsky).

1995. In honor of the 20th anniversary of the game, the Immortal Games are held. The title of Master of the Club has been introduced. Alexander Druz became the first master

1999. The game is temporarily released on the NTV channel. Held Christmas Series

2000. In autumn, an experimental series of games takes place, in which, in addition to connoisseurs and viewers, the Internet team also participates. Using the site www.rambler.ru, registered Internet users during a minute of discussion give their versions of the answer. The most popular version becomes the final answer from the Internet team, and the Internet user who sends the correct version faster than the rest gets the amount that was at stake. The account is indicated in the order "viewers:experts:Internet".

In December, the Anniversary Games are held, in which the existence of the game is at stake. The title of Master is awarded to Maxim Potashev. On December 30, Vladimir Voroshilov played his last game

2001. This year, the host of the game, Vladimir Voroshilov, dies. After that, his adopted son began to play the game - Boris Kryuk. At first he distorted his voice, but soon revealed himself and began to play with his own voice. In the summer, a series is held in which it is decided whether the game will exist without Voroshilov. In winter, the gaming table was updated, games for money were discontinued. The value of questions from that moment was determined by televoting by viewers (the difference between the number of votes “liked” and “did not like” multiplied by 10 rubles; negative amounts were equated to zero). At the same time, the thirteenth sector was introduced (in 2000 this sector was called the “Internet sector”).

2002. The game began to be held annually in four series: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. After all the games, the final game of the year is held, in which the best team of experts of the season takes part. In total, 17 games are played per year. The Crystal Owl is now awarded 3 times a year. A new prize has been introduced - the Diamond Owl, which is awarded to the best player of the winning team in the Final of the Year.

2005. Celebration of the 30th anniversary of the game. Victor Sidnev becomes the third master. From now on, in the finals of the anniversary year, the winning team is awarded the Crystal Nest - 6 crystal owls.

2008. From this year, cash prizes for TV viewers have changed. For the first point for his team, the viewer receives 10,000 rubles, for each subsequent point 10 thousand more. Thus, for the sixth point, the viewer receives 60,000 rubles. In the final of the year, Andrey Kozlov was recognized as the fourth master, and his team was awarded a crystal nest, since the 33rd year was recognized as an anniversary.

2013. Viewers' winnings have increased. Depending on the point won, the viewer receives from 50 to 100 thousand rubles. The game is coming out in HD quality.

2015. Since this year, the number of broadcasts per year has increased from 17 to 20. Now the spring, summer and autumn series consist of 5 games. The Academy of TV viewers appears.

2018. For the first time, a series of games "Children of the XXI century" was held, in which teams of schoolchildren took part. The fifth Academician (Radik Khabibullin) and the fifth Master (Elizaveta Ovdeenko) appear in the Club.


One of the main features of the game is that it takes place live. During the live broadcast, viewers could give an answer using MTS phones. However, the cost of the message has increased from 5-6 cents (according to the tariff plan) to 10 rubles. In addition, the first connoisseurs were given a good phone.

Prizes and titles


  • crystal owl- the prize was introduced in 1984. Awarded to the best player from the expert team and the best player from the TV viewer team based on the results of a series of games. The first owner of the Crystal Owl was Nurali Latypov. There is a special prize in the Anniversary seasons - crystal nest, representing six small owls on a crystal tray. Awarded to the best team of the anniversary year; thus, each member of the team becomes the owner of the Crystal Owl. The prize was awarded twice - in 2008 to the team of Andrey Kozlov and in 2010 to the team of Balash Kasumov.

Prize winners ( in italics owls obtained as part of the Crystal Nest are highlighted):

  1. Alexander Druz - 1990, 1992 (winter), 1995 (winter), 2000 (autumn), 2006 (summer), 2012 (spring);
  2. Fedor Dvinyatin - 1991 (summer), 1994 (summer), 2000 (winter), 2002 (spring);
  3. Maxim Potashev - 1997 (winter), 2000 (winter), 2000 (winter), 2016 (autumn);
  4. Andrey Kozlov - 1992 (summer), 1994 (winter), 2008 (winter);
  5. Boris Burda - 1998 (winter), 2000 (winter), 2008 (winter);
  6. Dmitry Avdeenko - 2009 (winter), 2010 (winter), 2018 (summer);
  7. Julia Lazareva - 2010 (winter), 2015 (autumn), 2017 (spring);
  8. Alexey Blinov - 1992 (summer), 1993 (winter);
  9. Alexander Rubin - 1995 (summer), 1996 (summer);
  10. Valentina Golubeva - 2003 (summer), 2003 (autumn);
  11. Ilya Novikov - 2004 (autumn), 2014 (summer);
  12. Ales Mukhin - 2004 (spring), 2019 (summer);
  13. Vladimir Molchanov - 1991 (winter), 2008 (winter);
  14. Nikolai Silantiev - 2008 (winter), 2008 (winter);
  15. Elizabeth Ovdeenko - 2010 (winter), 2011 (spring);
  16. Mikhail Skipsky - 2010 (winter), 2016 (spring);
  17. Nurali Latypov - 1984;
  18. Marina Govorushkina - 1985;
  19. Leonid Vladimirsky - 1986;
  20. Oleg Dolgov - 1987;
  21. Neiko Neikov - 1987;
  22. Nikita Shangin - 1988;
  23. Vladislav Petrushko - 1989;
  24. Lyudmila Gerasimova - 1993 (summer);
  25. Georgy Zharkov - 1998 (summer);
  26. Alexander Byalko - 2000 (winter);
  27. Alla Damsker - 2000 (winter);
  28. Marina Druz - 2000 (winter);
  29. Dmitry Eremin - 2000 (winter);
  30. Sergey Tsarkov - 2000 (winter);
  31. Victor Sidnev - 2001 (summer);
  32. Rovshan Askerov - 2001 (winter);
  33. Dmitry Konovalenko - 2002 (summer);
  34. Mikhail Moon - 2002 (autumn);
  35. Inna Druz - 2003 (winter);
  36. Asya Shavinskaya - 2004 (summer);
  37. Andrey Bychutkin - 2006 (autumn);
  38. Grigory Alkhazov - 2011 (summer);
  39. Vladimir Stepanov - 2012 (autumn);
  40. Gunel Babayeva - 2013 (summer);
  41. Boris Levin - 2014 (autumn);
  42. Boris Belozerov - 2017 (autumn);
  43. Elman Talybov - 2019 (spring);
  44. Alexey Kapustin - 2008 (winter);
  45. Igor Kondratyuk - 2008 (winter);
  46. Vladimir Antohin - 2010 (winter);
  47. Balash Kasumov - 2010 (winter);
  48. Roman Alloyarov - Little Crystal Owl, 1997 (winter).
  • diamond owl- it is received by the best player according to the results of the year. The prize was founded in 2002.
Connoisseurs-owners of the Diamond Owl:
  1. Asya Shavinskaya (2004);
  2. Boris Burda (2007);
  3. Andrey Kozlov (2008);
  4. Balash Kasumov (2010);
  5. Alexander Druz (2011);
  6. Boris Levin (2012);
  7. Ilya Novikov (2014).
Viewers-owners of the Diamond Owl:
  1. Vladimir Lebedev from Pinsk, Belarus (2002);
  2. Maria Melnikova from Moscow (2003);
  3. Zhanna Polyanskaya from Syktyvkar, Komi Republic (2005);
  4. Natalya Khametshina from Astrakhan (2006);
  5. Tatyana Medvedeva from Saratov (2009);
  6. Pavel Boytsov from St. Petersburg (2013);
  7. Vladimir Korvyakov from Lytkarino, Moscow region. (2015);
  8. Nikolay Azariev from the village. Dry Donetsk, Voronezh region (2016);
  9. Tatyana Frolova from Moscow (2017);
  10. Konstantin Bogatsky from Kempten, Germany (2018).
  • Owl sign- was the predecessor of the Crystal Owl, was awarded several times in the early 1980s.

Prize winners

  1. Alexander Byalko;
  2. Sergei Ilyin;
  3. Ludmila Gerasimova.


Red jacket was a sign "immortal club member"- a person who could stay in the club even if his team lost. It was introduced in the 1991 winter series. Jackets were given to all owners of the "Crystal Owl", including connoisseurs who received "owls" before the introduction of the title of "immortal". In the winter series of 1994 and in the spring series of 1995 jackets were awarded to all players of the teams of Mikhail Smirnov and Alexei Blinov. After the conclusion of the Games of the Immortals in 1995, the jackets were abolished.

Shoulder strap of the best captain

This epaulette is issued to the best captain every five years. Introduced in 2000 by Vladimir Voroshilov. In the final game of 2000, he decided to present the club's best captain's epaulette to the most outstanding captains in the history of the game. He did not have enough time on the air in 2000, and Boris Kryuk presented shoulder straps in the summer of 2001, after Voroshilov's death. Prize winners:

  1. Andrey Kamorin (2001);
  2. Boris Eremin (2001);
  3. Vladimir Lutovinov (2001);
  4. Viktor Sidnev (2001);
  5. Andrey Kozlov (2001);
  6. Alexey Blinov (2001);
  7. Ales Mukhin (2005);
  8. Balash Kasumov (2010).

Cadet epaulette

Awarded by a connoisseur with the shoulder strap of the best captain at the end of each series "Children of the XXI century" to the best captain of this series. Shoulder strap holders:

  1. Kirill Emelin (2018);
  2. Artyom Savochkin (2019).

Title of Club Master

Since 1995, in each anniversary season of the game, one of the experts has been awarded the title of master. This title is currently held by:

  1. Alexander Druz (since 1995);
  2. Maxim Potashev (since 2000);
  3. Viktor Sidnev (since 2005);
  4. Andrey Kozlov (since 2008);
  5. Elizaveta Ovdeenko (since 2018).

The title of academician of the club

Similarly with the masters of the club, in the final of 2015 the title of academician was introduced. It is assigned to active viewers who:

  • have either a Crystal Owl or a Diamond Owl and have scored six victories over connoisseurs;
  • twice awarded either the Crystal Owl or the Diamond Owl, regardless of the number of victories over connoisseurs.

Academics are always invited to the Club for the Series Finals and Year Finals, whether their questions are at the table or not. In case of TV viewers' victory, academicians, like masters, take a collective part in choosing the winner of the final prize. This title is currently held by:

  1. Sergei Chevdar from Chornomorsk, Ukraine (winner of the Crystal Owl);
  2. Svetlana Sumachakova from Gorno-Altaisk, Republic of Altai (two-time winner of the Crystal Owl);
  3. Tatyana Medvedeva from Saratov (winner of the "Diamond Owl");
  4. Zhanna Polyanskaya from Syktyvkar, Komi Republic (winner of the Diamond Owl);
  5. Radik Khabibullin from the village of Popovka, Perm Territory (winner of the Crystal Owl), since October 28, 2018.

Prize for the brightest answer

In the final game of 2015, for the first time, a special prize was awarded for the brightest answer of the year. It is a gold-colored cufflink with the image of an owl. The prize is awarded annually to a connoisseur who, thanks to insight and out-of-the-box thinking, was able to give a bright answer at a crucial moment. Prize winners:

  1. Alena Povysheva (2015, question about the shape of the patisson in the third game of the Winter Series)
  2. Boris Belozyorov (2016, super blitz question about Ilya Oblomov in the third game of the Summer Series)
  3. Elizaveta Ovdeenko (2017, blitz question about Ramon Gomez de la Serna's gregars in the second game of the Winter Series)
  4. Elizaveta Ovdeenko (2018, question about the parent of the rhyme in the fourth game of the Winter Series)

Other prizes and awards

  • Insignia "For services to the game" What? Where? When? "" - was awarded on May 14, 2005 to "the best expert of all times and peoples" Alexander Druz on the occasion of his 50th birthday, which fell on May 10. In the same game, he was presented with a Scottish Fold kitten.
  • “For the will to win” (“Diamond Snake”) - was awarded on December 24, 2005 to Andrei Kozlov, who, after losing on November 19, 2005, throughout the next game proved the correctness of his incorrect answer - he stuffed the snake with rice according to his recipe.
  • Medal for 50 Games - Awarded on April 15, 2018 to Viktor Sidnev for his 50th participation in a TV game. On the same day, Andrei Kozlov, Alexei Kapustin and Maxim Potashev received the same medals for participation in more than 50 games. This medal could also be received by the old-timer of the club Alexander Druz, who played 91 games at that time, but he was offered a new medal when he sat down as a player for the 100th time. On June 30, 2019, the medal was awarded to Ales Mukhin.


For breaks in the game, various pauses are used to cheer up the team of connoisseurs:

  • Musical pause - the host takes this pause after the third round and later, except for those moments when the score is 3:0 in favor of the experts.
  • Coffee break - held from March 4, 2018, connoisseurs are served coffee brand Ambassador.
  • Earlier in the game there was a Tea Break, which was usually held when the time is 23:00-0:00 (in winter time earlier). Ahmad tea was served - the sponsor of the TV game show.

Music in the game

Here is a list of all the music themes that have been used in the gameplay before and now:

  • On December 30, 2000, as part of the Last Tour season, a game took place that decided the fate of the club. If the connoisseurs lost, it is unlikely that we would see the game again. The general director of ORT Konstantin Ernst was even present in the hall.
  • After the death of Vladimir Voroshilov, the fate of the game was under a big question: who will lead the game? The program returned to the air "on schedule" - The summer series of 2001 was held under the question "To be or not to be a game without Voroshilov?". The Club will continue to exist if the connoisseurs win the final game, and also if the audience by a majority votes for the continuation of the Club. Connoisseurs won with a score of 6:4, and 91% of the audience voted for the "Be" option. The series of games was entirely dedicated to the creator of the game, Vladimir Voroshilov.
  • Since 2001, the game has been hosted by Boris Kryuk, but he spent the Summer Series of the same year with a processed understated voice. No one knew who was leading the game, initially it was thought that Hook's cousin was the host. In view of such uncertainty, the host was addressed in this way - “Mr. Leading”. This tradition has been preserved to this day.
  • The winter series of 2001 opened the game in a completely new way. The studio has been revamped to a more modern look, and the connoisseurs no longer gamble. From now on, only the best connoisseurs with spectators receive cash prizes along with Owls.
  • Since the 2002 season, four episodes have been aired: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Previously, only the Summer and Winter Series were played.
  • In the second game of the 2002 summer series, someone's cell phone rang in the audience.
  • According to the host of the game, Boris Kryuk, if a team of experts wins in the final of the year, then almost always with a score of 6:5, and if it loses, then most often with a score of 6:3.
  • The shortest game (41 minutes) was on April 10, 2010 - then the presenter did not take a musical break.
  • On April 17, 2010, for the first time, one of the players of Andrei Kozlov's team, Igor Kondratyuk, played via Skype, due to the impossibility of flying to Moscow due to an ash cloud from a volcanic eruption. The team won this game. This is the first time that a club expert participated in the discussion in absentia.
  • On May 28, 1994, the team of Alexei Vavilov, with a score of 0:5 in favor of the viewers, took 6 questions in a row and won with a score of 6:5. The situation was practically repeated in the team of Alexei Blinov on April 12, 2008, with the exception of the initial score of 1:5.
  • In the final game of 2008, Boris Kryuk, the host of the game, went to the hall for the first time to see the experts.
  • In the final of 2008, the player who was supposed to answer the questions of the super blitz was chosen by a top.
  • In the final game of 2010 in the thirteenth sector, a question was asked not from the Internet, but invented by the presenter himself. The question sounded like this: “We try the nut on the tooth - it doesn’t give in. We are looking for a heavier object nearby, but we do not find such an object. We turn the nut over, look at it in the light until we find a small crack in the shell, and putting the shell so that the crack is on top, we hit it with force and either split it or make sure that the crack turned out to be false. “Who and about what said all this?" Dmitry Avdeenko answered it correctly, and the correct answer was “This is a very beautiful metaphor for what is happening here and now. The nut in this case is a question, and we are trying to find a weak point in it, open it to find the right answer. And, most likely, such a metaphor was proposed by Vladimir Yakovlevich Voroshilov.
  • In 2008, at the final of the year, the 33rd game was recognized by the masters as a jubilee, but with one caveat, “if the 66th game is recognized as a jubilee”.
  • In 2011, the 13th sector fell out in the first game of the autumn series of the game, but it had to be canceled due to technical problems. For the first time in the history of the game, such an incident occurred in the final game of the 2007 summer series. The next incident occurred in the first game of the spring 2014 series - again due to technical issues, possibly related to updating the screen design.
  • In the 2013 Final, before the start of the game, the team of Ales Mukhin and personally Ilya Novikov, who had previously lost the game in the Super Blitz in the Decisive Round, tried to appeal the fatal question. After lengthy discussions and disputes (about 15 minutes), Mikhail Barshchevsky advised to immediately replay the issue. The host supported the idea and asked the audience in the hall whether to replay the question or not, and the decision would be made if at least 7 votes were received. As a result, 9 spectators voted "for", two "against", one spectator had to abstain due to the fact that she did not see the previous game. Only after the vote, the Host clarified that if Mukhin's team played, then those who voted "for" decided to give the question without a possible win with their vote. The question from the 13th sector was chosen as a question for replay. It contained a question not from the Internet, but from the Host himself. Unlike the 2010 Finals, Boris Kryuk, like the Zero sector, went to Ilya Novikov, and the hourglass played the role of a “minute for reflection”. The question was lost, and the team of Konstantin Ruder entered the final game.
  • In the final game of 2013, I played a question from Pavel Boytsov, who came to Moscow with his family, his son was with him in the hall. During the announcement of the correct answer, the junior representative of the family started to open the black box too early, which was followed by a rather violent reaction from the Host. The case became a meme and gained great popularity outside the audience of “What? Where? When?".
  • On April 12, 2014, according to the results of the final game of the Spring Series, Svetlana Sumachakova from Gorno-Altaisk became the first viewer in the history of “What? Where? When?" - two-time winner of the Crystal Owl.
  • September 7, 2014, in the first game of the Autumn Series, Irina Nizamova became the first female expert in the history of “What? Where? When? ”, which won the super blitz. The peculiarity of the fact is also that Irina was a reserve player of the Rosatom team, and this game was the debut for Irina.
  • On September 13, 2014, in the second game of the Autumn Series, the team of Balash Kasumov felt the effect of the "butterfly wing". In the 13th sector, due to the limited number of displayed lines on the screen, the question was far from being shown in full. Even so, there was a correct version at the table, but the connoisseurs gave the wrong answer. After some time, it was decided to remove the question of the 13th sector, and the sector itself to be removed from the table, although it was possible to choose another question from the Internet. Then a number of circumstances followed: during the replay of the round, a top was touched, which could decide the fate of the game; on the chosen question, the team did not take an extra minute and lost a point, after which there was such a situation on the table that with a probability of 12/13 the next question would be a super blitz; On the third question of the super blitz Elizaveta Ovdeenko gives a very offensive error, although she was well versed in the field of knowledge of the question. As a result, the negligence of technical editors led to the defeat and the team's exit from the season.
  • On April 30, 2017, singer Philip Kirkorov received the "Diamond Owl" on the occasion of his anniversary, as well as for "a whole cascade of bright musical pauses."
  • On July 2, 2017, the team of Rovshan Askerov lost with a score of 0:6. This is the first recorded case when a team ends the game with such a score without a decisive round, that is, without answering correctly 6 questions in a row.
  • In the final game of 2018, the Diamond Owl was awarded to Konstantin Bogatsky from the German city of Kempten. Konstantin was not able to come to the game, but immediately after the award, they got in touch with him and were able to personally congratulate him on the air.


  • In one of the episodes of the TV show "Jolly Fellows" a parody of "What? Where? When?". The presenter Vladimir Voroshilov was parodied by Leonid Sergeev, and the role of the connoisseur was played by Nurali Latypov, who later became one of the club members and the first owner of a crystal owl.
  • Numerous parodies of “What? Where? When?" were shown in KVN. In one of the parodies, Rovshan Askerov was an invited participant. And in 2018, the KVN Star Team took part in the game itself.
  • A parody of the program was contained in one of the episodes of the TV program "Dolls" (1997).
  • Several parodies were also made by the participants of the OSP-studio program. In addition to parodies of the game itself (connoisseurs Boris Burda, Alexander Byalko and Alexander Druz were parodied), a parody of the program “Without a tie” was also shown with the participation of connoisseurs.
  • On the stage, the game was parodied by Vladimir Vinokur (in the program “Is there an extra ticket”) and Maxim Galkin. According to Galkin, the program was led by Vladimir Putin, who read letters from George Bush, Boris Berezovsky and Gerhard Schroeder, and Boris Yeltsin, Viktor Chernomyrdin, Grigory Yavlinsky and Valeria Novodvorskaya were experts.
  • Three TV game parodies of “What? Where? When" were in the TV show "Big Difference".
  • A whole episode of the TV show "Mult Personality" (May 8, 2012) consisted of a parody of the game, where the connoisseurs were Dmitry Dibrov, Anastasia Volochkova, Gennady Onishchenko, Tina Kandelaki and Dmitry Guberniev, the team captain was Alexander Lukashenko, and the host was Vladimir Zhirinovsky.
  • It was parodied several times by the Comedy Club program, and on New Year's Eve 2010, some experts (including Alexander Druz) were depicted as 3D puppets in the ProjectorParisHilton program. The program hosts themselves, whose broadcast often came right before “What? Where? When”, several times they parodied Boris Kryuk’s introduction at the end of their program, and once the viewers really believed what was happening.


  • TEFI-1997 in the "Entertainment program" nomination
  • TEFI-2001 in the TV Game nomination
  • TEFI-2011 in the TV Game. Intellectual competition»
  • TEFI-2014 in the TV Game nomination
  • TEFI-2016 in the TV Game nomination
  • TEFI-2018 in the TV Game nomination

Program logo gallery



  • Catalog of links to regional clubs of intellectual games
  • Database of questions asked in sports tournaments on “What? Where? When?”, “Brain Ring” and “Own Game”

What? Where? When?

Russian TV games


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