All about Aquarius woman and Sagittarius man. What does an ideal couple look like: an Aquarius woman - a Sagittarius man? Sexual Compatibility Sagittarius Men and Aquarius Women

Sagittarius and Aquarius are literally made for each other. Both signs are free-spirited and independent. At the same time, they respect the opinion of the partner and are ready to make a reasonable compromise in case of misunderstanding. These are intellectuals and aesthetes who are alien to routine and stagnation. They strive for self-development and do everything so that their soulmate moves with them.

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Sagittarius and Aquarius feel great in the role of friends, partners, spouses, lovers. They create their own beautiful world in which harmony and independence reign.

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    Sagittarius Woman and Aquarius Man

    Sagittarius and Aquarius meet in the most unexpected places to meet. From the first glance and the first minute they are attracted to each other like a magnet. The purposeful Sagittarius girl immediately understands that she has found her prince.

    The realization of what is happening comes to the freedom-loving Aquarius when he can no longer live a single day without this woman. The compatibility of the pair is about 90%.

    The Sagittarius woman is independent, extravagant, original and very truthful. She will immediately tell directly in the eyes everything that she thinks about a person. This quality very often prevents her from building relationships. The girl is proud and independent, perfectly able to hide her emotions. If she is offended, she will cry quietly at night and suffer alone. But she will never allow her tears to be seen by strangers. At heart, she remains sentimental and vulnerable like a child all her life. She is quick-tempered, but quickly moves away and asks for forgiveness.

    If a man cheats on her, the girl breaks up with him forever. He doesn't get a second chance, as the guy is dealing with a real idealist, striving for a pure relationship. A woman cannot be ordered or pointed out in a raised tone; she will defiantly ignore these words. To achieve a result, you just need to ask.

    The Aquarius man is a freedom-loving, extraordinary, easy-going person who strives for new discoveries. He loves all people at once, tries to save humanity and does not focus on minor everyday moments. All material things and living conditions will be insignificant for him. Global long-term plans completely own his mind, and the guy should not be hindered from constantly building them. If you move with him and do not restrict his freedom, there is a chance to become his wife.

    Living with Aquarius is easy, because he is not jealous, he allows everything and does not know how to quarrel. The guy avoids a showdown, in case of disagreement, he simply leaves forever. This is one of the easiest, but stubborn signs of the zodiac.

    How to charm each other

    To win the heart of the Aquarius man, the Sagittarius woman does not even have to try. It is enough for her to appear in the eyes of Aquarius and pretend that she simply did not notice him. An extraordinary man simply cannot fail to notice such a bright extravagant person. The meeting can take place on the street, in transport, at a party, on vacation or in the theater. After a few words of communication, he will understand the uniqueness and comprehensive development of his interlocutor and quickly become her friend. High intelligence will allow you to develop a lot of interesting topics for conversation.

    The guy will strive to meet as often as possible. The rest of the actions depend only on the Sagittarius girl. She is able to catch a guy in her nets so skillfully that he does not have time to come to his senses. Freedom-loving Aquarius, who ignores stereotypes and clichés and runs away from marriage, marries a Sagittarius girl with pleasure. It is pleasant for him to be near his chosen one, but he is not interested in other formalities. This couple will find topics for conversation every day, their leisure time will be interesting and exciting. They will immediately understand that they have no reason to leave.

    To win the heart of a Sagittarius woman, Aquarius needs to immediately demonstrate their extraordinary actions and voice their creative outlook on life. Freedom of thought and action, departure from stereotypes, independence from public opinion, will allow the girl to immediately feel a kindred spirit. Wherever they meet, Sagittarius will not be able to let Aquarius go far from him. Now she herself will plan dates, and think about living together. And the guy will gladly accept her terms of the game.


    This couple is able to experience the deepest feelings for each other, since their relationship is built on the intellectual and psychological connection of souls.

    They feel great together, they feel good apart. Small separations allow you to be filled with new energy and get bored a little.

    Important aspects in a relationship:

    • Spirituality. In a love relationship, this couple has every chance to win the palm among the compatibility of all zodiac signs. They have an ideal unity of views, worldview and vector of movement. In the initial stages of a relationship, these people are like children. They come up with various entertainments and do what they like. It seems that the couple jointly embodies the secret desires of childhood. They complement each other, offering more and more new roles, and do not look back at the basics of morality. Their actions are incomprehensible to people, but close to them.
    • Sex at the beginning. Sexually, the couple is ideal in terms of temperament at the beginning of the relationship. The active Sagittarius woman and the inventive Aquarius man are in perfect harmony. They are happy to experiment in bed and get satisfaction in every way. Their intimate life is directly related to spiritual kinship and the desire to experience something new.
    • difference in temperament. In the future, the situation begins to change. The fiery Sagittarius woman becomes a little airy Aquarius man. Physiological needs become more active, and moral compatibility cannot compensate for real healthy sex. A woman begins to experience dissatisfaction, and a man does not seek to fix this (Aquarius is not a sexual sign and can easily do without intimacy).

    A family

    In family life, a couple of a Sagittarius woman and an Aquarius man are a wonderful union of two highly intelligent people. They respect each other, so they never allow themselves to quarrel and conflict. Everyone has the right to their own space, and even betrayal from any side cannot destroy their marriage. Their family is considered invulnerable not only in terms of adultery, but also in other aspects of family life. Each of the partners has the right to behave as he wants, regardless of public opinion and stereotypes of behavior.

    The Sagittarius woman does not really like to cook and housekeeping, she is able to prefer work to home. The Aquarius man will not reproach her and express discontent. He treats life absolutely indifferently and does not require discipline from his wife. A man is also allowed to pursue his hobbies and plunge headlong into work. Cheating is possible if the wife does not know about it (she will forgive if she cheats herself), but Aquarius himself does not need it, since he is asexual.

    The only threat is boredom in the relationship. If with age the youthful fuse passes, and new entertainments are absent, Aquarius will immediately leave. A woman should have a supply of original ideas for her man, because a guy should constantly be surprised and admire his wife. He will gladly forget all the troubles at work with the prospect of new experiences. It is advisable to offer a trip, a new hobby, opening your own business. Then the couple can continue to live in perfect harmony.


    The Sagittarius woman and the Aquarius man are able to be friends throughout their lives. They agree in tastes and views, both are very sociable, they have approximately the same resource. Friendly jealousy is practically absent, everyone respects the personal space of another person. They are able not to see each other for a long time and deal with their problems. They are drawn to each other.

    This attraction of two friends is dangerous for their soul mates. Spiritual intimacy easily flows into intimate. Neither Sagittarius nor Aquarius ever feel remorse about cheating. They will never give up the pleasure of communication for the sake of duty to their spouse. Representatives of these signs will easily part with their families and quickly unite into one union.

    Business relationship

    In business relations, the compatibility of partners is extremely high. Working in tandem, the Sagittarius woman and the Aquarius man achieve remarkable results. They are creative and hardworking, agree to devote themselves entirely to the cause and perform it conscientiously.

    The only drawback of this work will be material disinterest . Both signs are altruists when it comes to high ideas. At the production level, this will not bring proper results. This tandem must be used as a generator of ideas, not a performer.


    • Sagittarius woman boss. This is a great team, where all the roles are distributed correctly. Aquarius is able to make many discoveries in all areas of production. To do this, he needs freedom of action. Sagittarius is ready to give a man the necessary freedom and will encourage his desire to go forward. If a guy wants to, then with such a boss he will achieve high career indicators. If he is not ambitious, the girl will create good working conditions for him that will satisfy him.
    • Aquarius man is the boss. Aquarius is such a democratic boss that he prefers to maintain friendly relations with all his subordinates. It does not matter to him how a person relates to work. If people work under his leadership, then they are at his level. The Sagittarius girl categorically disagrees with this formulation. She is dedicated to her work and does quality work. At the same time, she is never marked for success and is perceived by the boss on an equal basis with everyone else. But this tandem has enough good manners to never conflict.

    Aquarius Woman and Sagittarius Man

    This beautiful couple is able to complement each other with positive qualities of character. Sagittarius is categorical and rude in his expressions, Aquarius will teach him to be softer and easier to relate to problems.

    The girl will take life more seriously, Sagittarius will teach her reasonable pragmatism and purposefulness.

    Astrological characteristic

    The Aquarius woman is an intelligent, highly intelligent lady who is distinguished by originality and eccentricity. At first glance, she seems a little cold and aloof. This is a protective property of her character, which helps her to maintain the necessary freedom. Its independence is relative in the standard sense. A girl cannot be tied to a stove or a baby carriage, she will never allow herself to decide for herself. But if she finds a loved one, she will gladly give up personal interests and help her husband make a career.

    Aquarius women do not cheat on their husbands and take their word for it. But if she finds out that her beloved has deceived, she will forever leave his life. In material terms, she is undemanding, always content with what she has, does not reproach for lack of money, knows how to spend money economically.

    The Sagittarius man is a representative of the fire element and fully corresponds to its characteristics. He is mobile and elusive, has a lot of friends and acquaintances, he has practically no enemies. An optimist and a daredevil, he will always come to the rescue in difficult times, he will never pass by an offended helpless person. He strives for a variety of experiences and is not indifferent to sex. This side of life is perceived by him as natural needs that do not oblige to anything.

    Girls should not make plans for a relationship with Sagittarius, he must choose his companion himself. His wife will be financially secure and will never get bored (with such an energetic man, this is almost impossible).

    How to charm each other

    Sagittarius will gladly pay attention to the beautiful Aquarius girl, who will attract him with her brightness and unusual image. After talking a little, he will be pleasantly surprised that a woman allows him to do frivolous things. She does not try to call him to morality, does not limit his freedom and does not seek to register the relationship. The guy will feel so free that he will no longer want to part.

    The next pleasant discovery will be that the chosen one is absolutely not mercantile. She admires spiritual values ​​and completely forgets about the material aspects. The Sagittarius guy always makes good money and has a solid amount of money, so people often use him for personal gain. In the face of the Aquarius girl, a man recognizes a real treasure. He does not have to be persuaded for a long time, he himself will respond to the call of seduction.

    At the initial stage of the relationship, a man should be given complete freedom: do not ask where and why he lingered. It will be easy for the Aquarius girl to do this, since she does not seek to analyze her partner's behavior. If a woman shares the guy's hobbies, he will be completely subdued by her.

    To win the heart of an Aquarius woman, it is necessary to give her complete freedom. She is surrounded by a huge number of representatives of the stronger sex, with whom she maintains friendly relations. Jealousy and infringement of her contacts will immediately reduce the chances of a relationship to zero. Sagittarius needs to support her hobbies, enter her circle of friends and determine the vector of further development. This will allow you to conquer the freedom-loving beauty and make her a faithful wife.


    In love, a couple of an Aquarius woman and a Sagittarius man are doing just fine. They perfectly understand each other in all aspects of life.

    If everyone remembers the interests and different temperaments of a partner, there will be no end to love and admiration.

    Important aspects in a relationship:

    • Spirituality. In spiritual terms, partners have complete harmony. Sagittarius is used to a large number of friends, Aquarius also prefers a large company. The favorite pastime of this couple will be attending noisy events or organizing home holidays. Both of them do not like to be alone for a long time, they need impressions. Long-distance hiking trips and trips to different countries will bring maximum pleasure to both partners. Positive emotions during joint exits enhance the love and passion of lovers.
    • Sex. At the beginning of a relationship, everything goes great. Temperamental Sagittarius with pleasure embodies the erotic fantasies of Aquarius. Partners are happy to experiment in bed and indulge in all forms of pleasure without hesitation or judgment. Over time, the situation changes slightly. Fiery Sagittarius becomes a little of the Aquarius woman, who does not belong to the category of sexual signs. A girl needs to remember this and not ignore the physiological needs of her man. This is one of the main conditions for living together.

    A family

    In family life, Sagittarius and Aquarius are doing well. Common interests and spending time together cement relationships. From the side, the couple looks quite happy and carefree. But over time, there are some moments that can destroy the idyll. The Aquarius woman gives complete freedom to the Sagittarius man in the hope that he will not abuse it. The guy has a fiery temperament and is not used to denying himself additional female caresses. After a break (a period of falling in love), he begins to change.

    Faithful in family relationships, this circumstance is very depressing for a woman, because she is unable to put up with betrayal. A man does not understand why such a democratic wife suddenly begins to make such accusations.

    In addition to cheating, the guy begins to allow himself to raise his voice and criticize the woman.

    The girl should be ready for such a turn and never relax. It is necessary to monitor your appearance, because the husband will quickly cool off for a neglected wife, to satisfy the man in bed, because he will find a mistress. It is recommended to do some business (open your own company or get a prestigious job), because in this way a man is inspired for new achievements. If these requirements are met, the marriage will be happy and harmonious.


    The friendship between these signs will be strong and durable. The Aquarius girl is perfectly able to make friends with the stronger sex. She feels at ease and relaxed. The Sagittarius man also has a lot of friends and buddies, he doesn’t even have enough time for everyone. He is not ready to single out Aquarius among all the others and can simply forget about her. It will be very insulting for a woman to experience such an attitude, since she remains faithful even in friendship.

    There is a great danger that such a friendship will easily turn into a romance. These signs are so close in spirit that Sagittarius cannot contain his passion and fully connect with a beautiful girl. Aquarius simply will not be able to resist the pressure of the fiery man and the relationship will acquire a new status. Such an outcome of a strong friendship is inevitable.

    Business relationship

    The business relationship between the Aquarius woman and the Sagittarius man is very successful. The man will organize the process, and the woman will find new ideas for implementation.

    The guy finds high-ranking connections and the opportunity to raise production to a higher level, the girl tries to organize all the other parts of the work.


    • Aquarius woman is the boss. This is a great combination, as a woman provides her subordinates with maximum freedom to implement ideas. She treats her subordinates with respect and tries to help them in everything. A man himself responsibly approaches the fulfillment of his goals. Quality and timeliness is a matter of honor for him. As a promising employee, he can count on career advancement. His boss will do everything to help him.
    • Sagittarius man is the boss. Sagittarius does a great job of being a leader. He responsibly approaches not only the performance of tasks, but also takes care of his subordinates. A man always appreciates quality work and tries to encourage it. The woman has a creative approach to work, she is an innovator and the brain of the team. But the air element makes it a little inconsistent and frivolous. Sagittarius is not satisfied with this quality, he remains dissatisfied with the work of Aquarius. She seems disorganized to him.


Psychological compatibility Sagittarius men and Aquarius women in a relationship

It is known from chemistry that during the interaction of fire and air, the intensity of this reaction increases, since one component feeds the other. Sagittarius is a fire sign; those born under it are unrestrained and unpredictable. Aquarius is an air sign; they are energetic and purposeful. The contact of these two in its consequences is similar to the cataclysm that occurs when a spark hits a room filled with pure oxygen!

The differences between them are easily noticeable: male Sagittarians are sociable and cheerful, very mobile and enthusiastic about the process of cognition, and female Aquarians are calm and detached, not experiencing cravings for changing places and imagining themselves as know-it-alls. When representatives of these signs are nearby, the similarities become obvious: both love freedom, adhere to strong beliefs and reject other people's rules.

Sagittarius men disturb and excite Aquarius women, reminding them of the existence of the real world on the other side of their imagination, where real, intelligent creatures live. Aquarians inspire Sagittarians to accomplish things in order to change the state of affairs on the planet. Everyone brings their own natural compassion and their own understanding of tolerance to the relationship. The nature of male Sagittarius (changeable Fire) pushes them to seek new adventures. Aquarius women (fixed Air) prefer to contemplate the world from their bell tower. They admire each other's mental qualities, the presence of a sharp mind is their mandatory requirement for a partner.

Sexual Compatibility Sagittarius Men and Aquarius Women

We have already made an excursion into chemistry and now we know that the combination of fire and air causes an ignition reaction. When this couple meets in the bedroom, the temperature in it can sometimes go off scale. Sagittarius men who have mastered the art of flirting instinctively understand that closeness with an Aquarius woman means, first of all, mental unity with her.

Most of the prelude will go to their soul-saving conversations: Aquarius women will mourn the plight of society, and Sagittarius men will try their best to reassure their partner and inspire him with faith in the healing of the fallen world. Before this discussion ends, they will accidentally look into each other's eyes and ... forget about high matters. Aquarius women enjoy the spirituality inherent in Sagittarius, and Sagittarius men enjoy the admiration of Aquarius in their address, albeit infrequently.

Business Compatibility Sagittarius Man and Aquarius Woman

In business, these partners tend to create products or services for which there is demand but not much competition, opening up new niches in the market. Compatibility is positive, this pair is good not only when opening an enterprise, but also in further activities, in particular, in the field of reinvestment of profits.

What a Sagittarius man needs to know about an Aquarius woman

To say that the whole life of Aquarius takes place only in their own imagination means to somewhat exaggerate the actual state of affairs, but as a visual aid for you. Sagittarius, such a postulate is quite acceptable. Aquarius women spend their lives in thought, doubt and revision of their previous deeds. They identify themselves with their ideals, that is, in essence. Aquarians are the embodiment of their own ideas about themselves. So if you are going to make fun of their fantasies, remember that you are going to make fun of them. Aquarians give preference to humanitarian problems, trying to cover with their minds as wide areas of being as possible. Their world is speculative, but for them it is real. Remember: never speak with disdain about their addictions and thereby avoid alienation.

Aquarius women feel they are ahead of their time and therefore feel like outcasts. You can become a spiritual refuge for your partners, where they will find salvation from the cold reality if you know their inner world. In essence, they are not jealous, but they have clear ideas about love and fidelity. Your tendency to flirt can shake these ideals.

What an Aquarius woman needs to know about a Sagittarius man

The spirit of the children of the deity, imprisoned in the mortal body of Sagittarius, does not allow them to feel inspiration when the world requires them to solve mundane tasks. Aquarius, you can help the Sagittarius man in this everyday hell by constantly reminding him that you feel the magical charm of his personality - and, if possible, fit it into your world order.

Although Sagittarians love flirting, in this case it is not a threat to your relationship. They just need to feel the wind of freedom... not because they're going to take advantage of its wings and fly away, but because they know they can. Don't trust them with your secrets unless you're prepared for three or thirty-three of your partner's best friends to know.

Compatibility Sagittarius men and Aquarius women: chances for the future

These two have an exceptional chance. Sagittarians dream of making the world happy with their inspiration, and Aquarians want to heal it. They are on the same team, and it is even difficult to imagine how much they are able to accomplish. Sagittarius men know how to cheer up Aquarians, and any person who can bring a touch of frivolity to the world of an Aquarius woman is an excellent candidate for establishing a relationship with him.

Each of them values ​​their own freedom and respects a similar choice of a partner. Aquarians need to learn to trust Sagittarians, who need to become more sensitive and attentive to their Aquarians ... then long-term harmony awaits them.

How compatible Sagittarius man in a love relationship with other signs of the horoscope

Compatibility horoscope: compatibility of zodiac signs woman Aquarius man Sagittarius - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

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The Sagittarius man is a bright and sociable person, he is open and very cheerful. He is always surrounded by friends, because he so easily converges with people. In fact, it is difficult to become a close friend of Sagittarius - he reveals his soul to very few people.

The life of the Sagittarius Man passes in search of vivid impressions. He enjoys traveling the world or surrounding himself with interesting people and events. He himself is very attractive to others and, as a rule, is in the center of attention. He has worthy personal qualities - Sagittarius is honest, noble and always able to help. As a rule, women of this sign really like men.

The Sagittarius man pays attention to spectacular and bright women, but a lively mind, sociability and an extraordinary sense of humor can captivate him much more. A Sagittarius girlfriend must be interesting in communication and very positive.

Perpetual motion, which is the way of life of Sagittarius, should be shared by his companion. If your man was born under this restless sign, be with him in all his adventures, otherwise he will quickly find a replacement for you.

The Aquarius woman is very sincere, in her youth she often looks at the world “through rose-colored glasses”, but later an absolutely sober attitude to life will definitely come to her.

She has a lively mind and a remarkable sense of humor, is open to communication, therefore she always attracts people to her. Being a bright personality herself, the Aquarius Woman appreciates interesting and outstanding people. But, with outward lightness and cheerfulness, she is characterized by an unexpectedly serious attitude to life. She will never cheat - you can hear a directly expressed judgment from her, even if it is not entirely pleasant for you, and in a difficult situation, this airy creature will amaze you with unexpectedly strong convictions, from which she will not retreat a single step.

The same categoricalness is characteristic of Aquarius in love - you must completely belong to her soul and body, otherwise relations with this woman are unlikely to develop. Her partner can be calm - his girlfriend's loyalty will be absolute. But in no case should one encroach on her personal freedom - communication with numerous friends is not canceled even in the case of the most successful union. Sadly, very often the Aquarius Woman is unhappy in marriage, despite all her positive qualities and bright appearance.

Compatibility Sagittarius Man and Aquarius Woman

The Union of Sagittarius Man and Aquarius Woman is a magical land filled with love, deep understanding and happiness. In love, these signs are compatible like no other. They are both open and love life, love friends and travel, are ready to selflessly help others, and are very understandable to each other.

Personal freedom, so necessary for both Sagittarius and Aquarius, will never be limited in this union, and there is no place for jealousy and betrayal. These signs, despite their sociability, are reluctant to let strangers into their souls, but the light that they give to each other will help them open up towards love.

Of course, no union is perfect - this couple is also waiting for pitfalls, but the patience of Aquarius and the ability of Sagittarius to accept people for who they are will help these two become really happy.

Horoscope of compatibility of a woman and a man with the signs of the zodiac Aquarius and Sagittarius

Love compatibility of a couple Aquarius woman and Sagittarius man

The compatibility horoscope of the Aquarius woman and the Sagittarius man promises this couple an ideal union. This is a union of two people who fully understand and complement each other. The Sagittarius guy will admire the nature of Aquarius.

The Aquarius girl is endowed with exceptional intuition. She easily understands others, knows what they think, what they want, and Sagittarius is no exception. In this pair, she will guess his desires and fulfill them.

This couple will travel a lot, because adventure attracts both so much.

The daily routine does not oppress this couple, but strengthens their relationship more and more.

The Sagittarius man delights his companion with his cheerful and kind nature. He is devoid of hypocrisy, which the Aquarius woman will clearly appreciate.

This couple based their relationship on mutual trust and strong friendship. They do not try to limit the freedom of their partner, because both are freedom-loving and know how bad restrictions can affect their relationship.

Sagittarius and Aquarius love friendly companies, and are ready to spend a lot of time in the company of friends.

Sagittarius and Aquarius form a couple in which no one cheats or is jealous of their partner, because distrust is the enemy of love.

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What kind of spouses will an Aquarius woman and a Sagittarius man be?

This is a marriage of people who are ready to give each other exactly what he wants.

They like to spend time in the countryside or abroad, and family routine does not have a negative impact on their relationship.

The Aquarius wife is endowed with an amazing feature - she is able to calm the anger of her husband, which is very often not possible for representatives of other signs.

The Sagittarius husband admires how she knows how to direct his energy in the right direction, and create all the necessary conditions for his personal and career growth. For this, he will not encroach on her freedom, and will turn a blind eye to her petty pranks.

As an Aquarius mother, a growing child can be very harmful. She is too attentive to her children, and this can lead to the fact that they become capricious and spoiled people who will find it very difficult to adapt to a cruel reality.

Father Sagittarius will provide his child with all the necessary freedom in action, because he himself is freedom-loving. This, of course, will not always reflect well on the character of the child.

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Find out what kind of colleagues the Aquarius woman and Sagittarius man will be

Sagittarius subordinate is a real find for Aquarius. He does not know how to forgive his mistakes and is always ready to work, which is why the Aquarius leader will cherish him so much.

Sagittarius leader must create the necessary conditions for Aquarius to realize themselves. He must be able to support the interest of Aquarius, because without motivation this lady simply - simply does not know how to work.

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Can an Aquarius woman and a Sagittarius man hope for compatibility in friendship?

In friendship, this couple is perfect for each other. They have similar spiritual values, as well as a desire for improvement, which is perfectly reflected in their relationship. In this relationship, they will both enjoy freedom and equality.

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What is sexual compatibility if an Aquarius woman and a Sagittarius man are in the same bed?

The sex this couple has is incredible. They must learn to give each other dominance in bed. Both love to command in sex, and if they agree to transfer this role to each other, they will be able to know the beauty of a variety of physical relationships.

Compatibility Sagittarius man and Aquarius woman in love and marriage


Psychological compatibility Sagittarius men and Aquarius women in a relationship

It is known from chemistry that during the interaction of fire and air, the intensity of this reaction increases, since one component feeds the other. Sagittarius is a fire sign; those born under it are unrestrained and unpredictable. Aquarius is an air sign; they are energetic and purposeful. The contact of these two in its consequences is similar to the cataclysm that occurs when a spark hits a room filled with pure oxygen!

The differences between them are easily noticeable: male Sagittarians are sociable and cheerful, very mobile and enthusiastic about the process of cognition, and female Aquarians are calm and detached, not experiencing cravings for changing places and imagining themselves as know-it-alls. When representatives of these signs are nearby, the similarities become obvious: both love freedom, adhere to strong beliefs and reject other people's rules.

Sagittarius men disturb and excite Aquarius women, reminding them of the existence of the real world on the other side of their imagination, where real, intelligent creatures live. Aquarians inspire Sagittarians to accomplish things in order to change the state of affairs on the planet. Everyone brings their own natural compassion and their own understanding of tolerance to the relationship. The nature of male Sagittarius (changeable Fire) pushes them to seek new adventures. Aquarius women (fixed Air) prefer to contemplate the world from their bell tower. They admire each other's mental qualities, the presence of a sharp mind is their mandatory requirement for a partner.

Sexual Compatibility Sagittarius Men and Aquarius Women

We have already made an excursion into chemistry and now we know that the combination of fire and air causes an ignition reaction. When this couple meets in the bedroom, the temperature in it can sometimes go off scale. Sagittarius men who have mastered the art of flirting instinctively understand that closeness with an Aquarius woman means, first of all, mental unity with her.

Most of the prelude will go to their soul-saving conversations: Aquarius women will mourn the plight of society, and Sagittarius men will try their best to reassure their partner and inspire him with faith in the healing of the fallen world. Before this discussion is over, they will casually look into each other's eyes and forget about lofty matters. Aquarius women enjoy the spirituality inherent in Sagittarius, and Sagittarius men enjoy the admiration of Aquarius in their address, albeit infrequently.

Business Compatibility Sagittarius Man and Aquarius Woman

In business, these partners tend to create products or services for which there is demand but not much competition, opening up new niches in the market. Compatibility is positive, this pair is good not only when opening an enterprise, but also in further activities, in particular, in the field of reinvestment of profits.

What a Sagittarius man needs to know about an Aquarius woman

To say that the whole life of Aquarius takes place only in their own imagination means to somewhat exaggerate the actual state of affairs, but as a visual aid for you. Sagittarius, such a postulate is quite acceptable. Aquarius women spend their lives in thought, doubt and revision of their previous deeds. They identify themselves with their ideals, that is, in essence. Aquarians are the embodiment of their own ideas about themselves. So if you are going to make fun of their fantasies, remember that you are going to make fun of them. Aquarians give preference to humanitarian problems, trying to cover with their minds as wide areas of being as possible. Their world is speculative, but for them it is real. Remember: never speak with disdain about their addictions and thereby avoid alienation.

Aquarius women feel they are ahead of their time and therefore feel like outcasts. You can become a spiritual refuge for your partners, where they will find salvation from the cold reality if you know their inner world. In essence, they are not jealous, but they have clear ideas about love and fidelity. Your tendency to flirt can shake these ideals.

What an Aquarius woman needs to know about a Sagittarius man

The spirit of the children of the deity, imprisoned in the mortal body of Sagittarius, does not allow them to feel inspiration when the world requires them to solve mundane tasks. Aquarius, you can help the Sagittarius man through this everyday hell by constantly reminding him that you feel the magical charm of his personality - and, if possible, fit it into your world order.

Although Sagittarians love flirting, in this case it is not a threat to your relationship. They just need to feel the wind of freedom. and not because they are going to use his wings and fly away, but for the sake of knowing that they can do it. Don't trust them with your secrets unless you're prepared for three or thirty-three of your partner's best friends to know.

Compatibility Sagittarius men and Aquarius women: chances for the future

These two have an exceptional chance. Sagittarians dream of making the world happy with their inspiration, and Aquarians want to heal it. They are on the same team, and it is even difficult to imagine how much they are able to accomplish. Sagittarius men know how to cheer up Aquarians, and any person who can bring a touch of frivolity to the world of an Aquarius woman is an excellent candidate for establishing a relationship with him.

Each of them values ​​their own freedom and respects a similar choice of a partner. Aquarians need to learn to trust Sagittarians, who need to become more sensitive and attentive to their Aquarians. then long-term harmony awaits them.

How compatible Sagittarius man in a love relationship with other signs of the horoscope

How Aquarius woman is compatible in love relationships with other signs of the zodiac

Aquarius Woman Sagittarius Man

Transparency, clarity, trust serve as the basis for the relationship between the Aquarius woman and the Sagittarius man. Love feelings arise unexpectedly, passion flares up in an instant. Their relationship is always fresh, there are no boring colors, life is filled with sharp and vivid impressions.

The love affairs of a couple can serve as a good motive for a detective story. They have many coincidences, mystical signs, ambiguities, this suggests that they received the blessing of heaven to be always together. The Sagittarius man is a bright cheerful person, he believes in the strength of the spirit, in achieving any goals, he is an inflexible nature, does not depend on external circumstances. He has a pronounced love for freedom, he is a cheerful person with a sparkling sense of humor.

By the way, Sagittarians remain single for a long time, because they carefully protect their freedom. But the Aquarius woman is able to change his point of view on marriage. Sagittarius will conquer the Aquarius woman with her openness, straightforwardness. She, like him, likes sincerity, honesty, they do not accept "sweet lies." The Aquarius woman also has a love for freedom, she sensitively guards her personal space. Nevertheless, this is a generous, sweet, patient, wise woman. In relationships, she is unobtrusive, but accommodating, tends to give in and partially obey. If this couple is together, then both will know their own soul much better, they will grow spiritually.

The couple will have few reasons for conflict. Most likely, even if there is a flash of anger, then it will come from the Sagittarius man. The Aquarius woman is able to see only good features in her man, even the remarks and indelicacy of Sagittarius cannot offend or immerse Aquarius in insults. The Sagittarius man will only be surprised by his partner, her versatility and incomprehensibility of spiritual qualities.

The couple is united by love for noisy and entertaining places, where the largest concentration of people, where you can demonstrate yourself. Sagittarius is able to feel comfortable in public far from any woman, but with a woman - Aquarius everything is different, he is pleased with her presence, and he is proud of her.

For the duration of a romance or a strong marriage, a couple needs to be patient, understanding, accepting the companion as he is, with all his shortcomings and virtues. Correct life ideas together, and not trying to crush or extort submission. The stars see this marriage as happy, lasting, friendly, and following the astrological recommendations, it will be so.

Aquarius Woman and Sagittarius Man Compatibility

The compatibility of the Aquarius woman and the Sagittarius man is simply wonderful, but for complete harmony, they still need to work on themselves and improve their relationship, it becomes cleaner and better. We can say that from the point of view of ordinary everyday well-being, the couple is ideal, and for the spiritual growth of partners - one of the most promising.

Both partners behave in the same way in different situations, value freedom and independence. Both are independent and cheerful. Together they are never bored. The family union of the Aquarius woman and the Sagittarius man can rightfully be considered bright and extravagant. Both differ from others in curiosity and depth of feelings, a huge number of common interests. A pair of Aquarius and Sagittarius travel together, communicate, and seek adventure. What this union lacks is a desire for stability.

In an ideal couple, both spouses find in their partner what they have been looking for for so long. The Sagittarius man finds a woman who understands him perfectly and sexually attracts him, and the Aquarius woman in the person of the Sagittarius man acquires a friend who you can always rely on.

In any company, they are always looking forward to a cheerful and original couple of an Aquarius woman and a Sagittarius man. They are sociable and friendly. You will never get bored with them and, most importantly, they create problems and troubles for their friends. Very often this couple can be found at some exotic resorts, charity events, and seminars on spiritual growth. For the Aquarius-Sagittarius compatibility pair, it is important to always and everywhere seek the truth and share your discoveries with other people.

There are always a lot of guests in their house, as both are not fans of a quiet family vacation in front of the TV. By the way, Aquarius, who is not inclined to do housework, next to the Sagittarius man, applies all his design talents so that their house was beautiful and with a “zest”. And the Sagittarius man tries to make their house rich and comfortable.

The main problem of the compatibility of the Aquarius and Sagittarius zodiac signs lies in the behavior of the Sagittarius man, who can break the family idyll. Firstly, the Sagittarius man is easy to have affairs on the side. He can easily change with the lady he likes, and he will be sincerely surprised when he realizes that the Aquarius woman will not like it. After all, it is free from conventions and prejudices. And the Aquarius woman suffers a lot about this, every betrayal hurts her deeply. After all, she understands freedom in her own way. For her, it is the freedom to love without prejudice and to love faithfully.

Another problem that can shake the family ship of an Aquarius woman and a Sagittarius man is the Sagittarius career. Most Sagittarius men sooner or later move up the career ladder well. And along with this, they develop a patronizing attitude towards people, a desire to teach everyone, a kind of nobility, authoritarianism. And the Aquarius woman does not appreciate any social authorities and the behavior of her husband is becoming more and more difficult for her to endure.

According to the compatibility horoscope of Aquarius and Sagittarius, so that there is always an idyll in their family and there are no betrayals, the Aquarius woman should remember that sex is much more important for the Sagittarius man than for her. Therefore, try to become for the Sagittarius man not only a good friend, but also a seductive beauty. For the Sagittarius man, all the talk about conscience, marital fidelity, discussion of moral standards and even threats of divorce does not play any role.

To become for him an ardent and passionate lover is the only solution to this problem. The Aquarius woman has all the data to ensure that the admiration of the Sagittarius man is eternal. Its unpredictability and at the same time reliability will play an important role in this. A Sagittarius man can fall in love with his wife over and over again. After all, she is so beautiful, original, so perfectly understands him and fits sexually.

In order not to have a second problem in this family, the Aquarius woman should make a good career herself, or at least become a valuable specialist in her field. The Sagittarius man respects authorities, and when a successful woman is next to him, he will not show his authoritarian manners towards her.

Sagittarius man Aquarius woman compatibility

Sagittarius man and Aquarius woman - this is the pair, the union of which will be a holiday for both the one and the other half. Every day for these people will be full of such interesting and funny undertakings that the neighbors will at least hide their eyes when they meet, and at the maximum - violently express dissatisfaction with the next stormy night (evening, day, morning), which this one is very capable of arranging " sweet couple". Even friends are not averse to discussing the juicy details of the relationship between the Aquarius woman and the Sagittarius man, because whatever you say, such topics are always of particular interest.

The happy union of the Sagittarius man and the Aquarius woman is largely due to the fact that these are people who are very similar to each other in their perception of life and everything that happens in it. One field of berries is about them. Both halves of this amazing couple are able to remain children in their souls, even if childhood is left far behind. The child sitting inside them and not giving them peace allows both the Sagittarius man and the Aquarius woman to see the world much more colorful and diverse and love it precisely for this. In no case will they agree that there are only dark and light stripes in life, because life for them is painted in all the colors of the rainbow, and most often the Aquarius woman and the Sagittarius man paint it themselves.

That is why those who meet a couple of Sagittarius men and Aquarius women (in typical manifestations of these signs) on their life path do not want to part with them: except that these largely unpredictable (in a good way) people themselves enjoy life in all its manifestations, they also charge everyone and everything around with positive. And it’s not in vain that others want to have more such unions as the Aquarius woman and the Sagittarius man, and most importantly, that they never change, remaining children, because the world without such people will simply become uninteresting, dull and gray.

It is worth noting that the Aquarius woman and the Sagittarius man are unlikely to be able to change, and this is due to the qualities that their zodiac signs give them at birth. The thing is that, as partners, they will never demand from each other to give up their nature, respecting other people's freedom and knowing full well that everyone has the right to remain themselves. All of the above makes it possible for a couple consisting of a Sagittarius man and an Aquarius woman to successfully avoid petty domestic quarrels. As for major disagreements, they are absolutely atypical for such a union, and this is largely due to the character traits of his beautiful half.

Indeed, the Aquarius woman will never support and develop even the most seemingly obvious conflict. Even despite the rudeness and excessive straightforwardness that are inherent in the Sagittarius man, such a partner will not be offended or respond with causticity to causticity. On the contrary, the Aquarius woman will try to reduce everything to a joke, while also providing the situation with a compliment to her beloved Sagittarius man, who turns out to be very nice when he talks nonsense. And after she looks at him with a look full of love and tenderness, he will completely decide that he will never even raise his voice to his soul mate again.

Another advantage of the relationship of this couple is that the Aquarius woman is absolutely not vindictive, and this largely keeps this union afloat. For her part, she will not allow any reproaches against her chosen one, although the Sagittarius man is often unrestrained and is able to offend any interlocutor with a rude word. The nature of the Aquarius woman is arranged in such a way that she is always ready to gladly give up leadership to the strong half, considering her position to be the only true one. Moreover, her characteristic feature is that she constantly resides in a world invented by herself. Therefore, the Sagittarius man is simply obliged to offer his beloved his strong hand in order to lead her along the roads of real life.

And he would gladly walk with his beloved hand in hand, but the stars themselves prepared a not entirely rosy fate for the Sagittarius man, making inconstancy one of the main features of his nature. Yes, it is almost impossible to refuse communication with the Aquarius woman by definition, however, such cases, although very rare, occur when the Sagittarius man simply gets bored to continue the relationship. Such situations happen largely through the fault of the Aquarius woman, or rather, because she is sometimes too trusting of the advice of loved ones.

And some of the close circle of the Aquarius woman may not like the fact that she, twisted in her dreams, sees herself living with the Sagittarius man in a flying castle surrounded by purple dragons. The mother is especially dissatisfied with such dreams, who will constantly say that you need to think about marriage, the birth of children, etc., that is, to be like everyone else. Of course, for an Aquarius woman, such an ordinary life seems dull and colorless, but if the same mother or best friend hints that her chosen one will certainly like it, she will believe and be ready to change. But the Sagittarius man is not at all interested in an ordinary girl, because he chose and fell in love with exactly the one he wanted to see next to him: dreamy, touching, slightly crazy and with a thousand zest ...

That is why the only condition that is simply vital for a couple consisting of a Sagittarius man and an Aquarius woman is not to change under any circumstances! Only by remaining themselves, they will be able to maintain a happy and harmonious union. Being in the same "team", they are able to move mountains, although sometimes they themselves do not fully understand what accomplishments they are ready for. The Aquarius woman and the Sagittarius man know the price of their own freedom and respect the similar choice of a partner. He knows how to cheer her up. She is always ready to accept a certain amount of frivolity that he brings into her life. And if the Aquarius woman learns to trust the Sagittarius man, and he, in turn, becomes more attentive and sensitive to his chosen one, then ahead of them, perhaps not a fabulous, but certainly a long and happy life.

The perfect couple with great understanding. Sagittarius and Aquarius are optimistic and support each other in the implementation of adventures or new ideas. Freedom-loving signs respect each other's independence, and therefore freedom in relationships will be enough. This is enough for partners to be easy in communication and relationships. Both are romantic and unpredictable, which makes their union truly unforgettable, no matter how much time they spend together. Aquarius and Sagittarius have the ability to create one of the strongest relationships of all zodiac tandems.

Man - Sagittarius paired with a woman - Aquarius.

The representative of the fiery element needs to constantly conquer someone. With such a desire, the Aquarius woman is a perfect suitable target. Sagittarius will find a partner who will be able to support and listen to him, and if necessary, go on adventures with him. The unusually fast rhythm of a man's life is unlikely to become an obstacle in a relationship. The sincere Sagittarius is devoid of falsehood and hypocrisy, he easily gains attention in new companies and converges with people. The desire to preserve the inner world will also be reflected in a certain distance regarding personal relationships.

Woman - Aquarius paired with a man - Sagittarius.

An extravagant and changeable girl attracts many men, including Sagittarius. Her sociability does not allow her partner to relax. It seems that the Aquarius woman is always slipping away. If you get to know her better, then you can find an understanding and sensitive companion, who at the same time does not cross borders and does not climb into someone else's inner world without permission. The representative of the air sign does not pay attention to the rudeness of her chosen one at all and sees praise behind his sharp words. Aquarius almost always thinks positively and is easy-going in any endeavors. This makes the chosen one in the eyes of Sagittarius a desirable partner.

friendship compatibility

Such an alliance can form a sincere friendship that will last for years. Sagittarius and Aquarius have many common interests and excellent mutual understanding. Both have the same idea of ​​morality and can discuss philosophical topics for hours. It is they who will become the key to strong comradely relations.

Combinebridge in love

A couple of representatives of signs have excellent compatibility in personal relationships. Astrologers say that such a union is destined by the stars themselves.

Aquarius usually get acquainted in large companies, as both are sociable. They immediately notice each other, it is not difficult for them to start a conversation. In the process of communication, a man and a woman realize that they have many similarities. They will not experience such lightness and simplicity with anyone else.

Gradually, they draw closer, although relations develop rapidly, mainly because of the temperamental Sagittarius. But with the entry into marriage, none of the representatives of the signs is in a hurry, despite the wonderful mutual understanding and ease of communication.

The intimate sphere for representatives of signs plays an important role. Here everything is very harmonious. Both are ready to experiment. Aquarius is not at all afraid of criticism of Sagittarius, she is open and relaxed in bed with a partner.

If the couple still decides to move on to the next step and start a family, then some trials may await them. The Aquarius woman cannot imagine marriage without the devotion and fidelity of a partner. But even in alliance with an interesting and understanding partner, Sagittarius freely goes to the side. And he is unlikely to be forgiven.

The second danger for a couple is boredom. Both signs are dynamic, constantly in need of new experiences. That is why together they go on trips and on different adventures. If for some reason the routine takes over, then there is a high risk that the couple will break up.

However, many couples envy their spiritual closeness and attraction. If Sagittarius will know the “weaknesses”, then they will be able to work on them. The girl needs to understand that intimacy cannot be replaced by spiritual intimacy. A man should control himself so as not to lose his beloved, with whom they have such a tender relationship.

Even if there are problems in the relationship, both will try to save the marriage, as they value each other.

What to expect from the union of a man - Sagittarius and a woman - Aquarius?

First of all, this is a conflict-free union, so there is mutual understanding and respect in the pair. Such a basis is favorable both for personal relationships and for the business sphere (especially in creative activity).

Aquarius does not bother Sagittarius with advice, and does not try to control his every step. A man appreciates the freedom that his chosen one provides him. Usually it is he who is in charge of the pair.

Despite all her directness and taunts of Sagittarius, the girl accepts him for who he is. She is not at all worried about the sharp tongue of her partner, she knows very well how her man feels. For Sagittarius, it will be for happiness to discover this character trait in a beloved.

Everyone in the union feels free and easy. Intellectual conversations of partners can last for hours and this is not surprising, since both Aquarius and Sagittarius have extraordinary minds. They can not only communicate with each other, but also continue to lead an active life. Sagittarius can give the idea of ​​travel, and easy-going Aquarius will only be happy about it.

Representatives of the signs have no barriers to becoming happy together. This is one of the most prosperous unions among couples of all zodiac signs. The Sagittarius man and the Aquarius woman feel great about each other. Many character traits unite them. It is in this zodiac tandem that tender romantic feelings develop. In their relationship, freedom and lightness reign, which are necessary for both. An active life together will favorably influence the feelings of the representatives of the signs. If the representatives of the signs are attentive to each other, then together they will have a long happy future.

Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman love freedom and strive for independence. This attitude to life has a positive effect on friendly, business and love relationships between them. Together they feel good, everyone sees clear advantages in this union.

Compatibility of zodiac signs according to the horoscope

The guy under the sign of Aquarius is distinguished by kindness, sociability and generosity. He is interested in everything that surrounds him. Often such a man is shy with women, so girls usually get to know him first. Aquarius is quite amorous, but looks at the chosen one for a long time before taking a serious step and connecting his life with her.

He does not belong to those types of men who try to become ideal husbands. Aquarius practically does not participate in solving household and economic issues. But scandals due to unwashed dishes or lack of dinner will not be arranged.

The Sagittarius woman never sits idly by. She is ready to do anything to become successful. Such a girl is used to taking a leading position and does not want to be controlled. She loves generous and hardworking men. In marriage, a Sagittarius woman will not be an ideal wife, so not all signs are suitable for her. She has excellent compatibility with Aquarius. However, it is important to know about some of the nuances that will help make life together almost perfect.

Overall Compatibility: 5 out of 5.

Compatibility in love and marriage

These people can meet anywhere and like each other at a glance. Already from the first date, they feel a kindred spirit, because their signs are very similar. If Sagittarius takes the lead, then pleasant communication can develop into a more serious relationship.

Each meeting will be like the first time. However, quickly erupted feelings can also go out with lightning speed. The reasons are usually deceit, disappointment or betrayal. None of the signs forgive betrayal. Thus, compatibility in a love relationship for a couple is at a high level.

As for marriage, boredom can destroy it. Monotonous everyday life and the lack of new emotions will lead to the fact that partners will quickly get bored with everything. Therefore, Aquarius and Sagittarius need to travel more together.

If a child appears in the family, he will become the meaning of existence and the most important value in life. Aquarius and Sagittarius will accustom their child to an active rhythm, give him all the best. The father is rather extraordinary, he chooses a liberal approach in education and prefers equality to reign in the house. Such an attitude can lead to the fact that the child simply ceases to respect his parents.

The Sagittarius woman easily stimulates her child to learn. However, it is difficult for her to show all her love and tenderness, and this leads to the fact that the child begins to hide his feelings.

Compatibility in love relationships: 5 out of 5.

Sexual Compatibility

The Aquarius man does not experience strong physical attraction to his partner at the beginning of a relationship. When he realizes that he has an intelligent and reliable girl in front of him, he will want to get closer to her. In bed, he will be gentle and attentive. At first, the girl may be shy about him. Having overcome stiffness, she will be able to show all her feelings.

A woman treats sex as one of the pleasant aspects of life. She loves her body very much and knows how to use it to give a man real pleasure. Such a girl prefers to immediately get down to business, rather than waste time on foreplay. She likes to tease her partner, and after a stormy night, lie down and talk in bed.

Compatibility in intimate relationships with this couple is at a high level. Moreover, the passion will last for many years.

Sexual compatibility: 5 out of 5.

friendship compatibility

Sagittarius girl and Aquarius guy are great friends. They both lead active lives and enjoy attending social events. The similarity of tastes and characters allows them to spend a lot of time together. They understand each other well and look at many things the same way. In friendship, they are reliable and loyal comrades.

A woman and a man love freedom, so none of them will encroach on the privacy of a friend, somehow limit it. They have no friendly jealousy. If they meet after a long period of time, they will again communicate like real friends.

Excellent compatibility of signs makes the second half think. They are drawn to each other like a magnet. If friends truly fall in love, then nothing will stop them, even if everyone has family and children behind them. Moreover, their relationship will not be an easy affair, but will become a full-fledged romance.

Friendly compatibility: 5 out of 5.

Compatibility in work and career

Sagittarius and Aquarius are good business partners. They are both active, energetic and able to get out of any situation. Understanding and mutual assistance will allow them to achieve unprecedented success in their work, and new ideas and unusual ways of solving problems will help them succeed in business.

If Sagittarius becomes the boss, and Aquarius becomes the subordinate, this is a good combination. A woman will not restrict the freedom of a man and will allow him to make some decisions on his own. Aquarius is ready to be under the patronage of his boss and will achieve high results with her help.

When Aquarius is the boss, and Sagittarius is the subordinate, a business alliance is not so simple. A woman will want to become a better employee and stand out from the crowd. Before the democratic Aquarius, everyone is equal, he is equally friendly with all his subordinates.

Business compatibility: 4 out of 5.

What do they need to know about each other?

To interest a man, a woman needs to captivate him with her intellectual mind. In this case, you can not take a leading position. There are other points that partners should be aware of:

  • Lady Sagittarius needs to be more careful with expressions.
  • If you feel cold in the relationship, you should go on a trip together, spend time outside the city.
  • A woman should be unpredictable and different. It should not stop in spiritual and intellectual development.
  • You can not limit the freedom of a partner and demand the impossible from him. If a woman does not suit him, the man will not tolerate, he will be interested in another girl.
  • None of the partners will be able to forgive betrayal.
  • Astrologers recommend these signs marry in adulthood. So the spouses will become truly happy and will not want to leave. They will be connected not only by physical passion, but also by unbreakable friendship.

Sagittarius and Aquarius will be a reliable support for each other and an incentive to move forward.

Relationship Benefits

The union of Aquarius and Sagittarius has many positive features:

  1. Partners have common interests and hobbies. They will have fun together.
  2. Money is not the top priority in life for this couple. They will not have problems with the distribution of the budget.
  3. Both signs value spiritual kinship.
  4. Spouses will be faithful to each other.
  5. The wife will always come to the aid of her husband, because he often gets into trouble. She will be able to direct his talent in the right direction, Aquarius will be grateful to her for this.
  6. Aquarius will not restrict the freedom of the spouse.
  7. In bed they are happy with each other.
  8. They are not jealous and do not seek to find an affair on the side.

According to the horoscope, the Aquarius man and the Sagittarius woman are perfect for each other in many areas. They will make excellent colleagues, lovers and friends.

Relationship Disadvantages

The problem of compatibility of Aquarius and Sagittarius is banal boredom. This is the most serious enemy of their family life. Usually partners travel a lot, walk and relax in cheerful companies. If one of them wants a quiet and peaceful life, then difficulties will inevitably arise in the relationship.

Conflicts in a couple can also occur against the background of other situations:

  1. In a fit of emotions, partners can say a lot of nasty things to each other. If the insults hurt one of them badly, then the relationship will end.
  2. Aquarius agrees to live together without a stamp in the passport, and the woman wants to legitimize the relationship. Against this background, disagreements may arise.
  3. If they get bored in marriage, they will look for new experiences. In some cases, this can lead to cheating.
  4. Both partners are wasteful with finances. It will be difficult for them to accumulate the necessary amount. Each of them has a generous soul and their compassion often hits the pocket.
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