TEFI Award Winners. Projects

MOSCOW, 25 June. /TASS/. The names of the winners of the prestigious TEFI television award have been announced in the Russian capital - the solemn award ceremony took place in Ostankino. The prestigious competition is organized by the Committee of Industrial Television Awards, formed in November 2013 by the largest Russian TV channels and media holdings.

The awards were presented in two stages: from 13.00 to 16.00 Moscow time, the finalists of TEFI were awarded in the category "Daytime broadcast", and from 19.00 to 22.00 Moscow time - in the category " evening prime". According to tradition, the winners were awarded bronze statuettes "Orpheus" by sculptor Ernst Neizvestny.

"Daytime Broadcast"

The winner in the nomination "Morning program" was the project of Channel One " Good morning". The bronze statuette was presented to the host morning air Ekaterina Strizhenova.

The best presenters morning program became Anastasia Chernobrovina and Vladislav Zavyalov - journalists of the TV channel "Russia-1" (program "Morning of Russia").

The project of Channel One was recognized as the most interesting entertainment program " fashion sentence The bronze "Orpheus" was awarded to the presenters of the program - fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev and journalist and fashion expert Evelina Khromchenko.

The best talk show, according to the TEFI jury, was the program "Observer" on the channel "Russia-K". The statuette was followed by the presenters of the program and its leader Irina Lesova.

In the nomination "Sports program" the program of the channel "Russia-2" "Biathlon with Dmitry Guberniev" won.

The best program for children and youth was the cartoon "Luntik" ("Russia-K").

The series "Fizruk" with Dmitry Nagiyev in leading role(TNT) was awarded a statuette as the best sitcom, and the creators of the series "The Return of Mukhtar" on NTV were awarded the main television award in the "Telenovela" nomination.

"Evening Prime"

The program "Vesti Nedeli" with Dmitry Kiselev on "Rossiya-1" won in the nomination " information program". In the category" Host of the information program ", the victory was won by the journalists of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company - Maria Sittel and Andrey Kondrashov, who host Vesti 20.00 on Rossiya-1."

Several journalists won in the nomination "Reporter/report cameraman" - Alexander Rogatkin and Dmitry Rogalev for "A series of special reports from Donbass" on "Russia-1", as well as Alexei Zotov (Channel One) for the report "Children's Hospice".

Actress Yulia Aug was awarded for her leading role in the TV series "Ekaterina" ("Russia-1"), and Bogdan Stupka received the award posthumously for his role in the film "Once Upon a Time in Rostov" (Channel One).

The best in the nomination "Documentary project" was the film of the First Channel "Brodsky is not a poet".

The popular show "Voice" won the category "Entertainment", beating its competitors - talk show"Evening Urgant" (Channel One) and " Comedy Club"(TNT). The producer of the show" The Voice "Yuri Aksyuta was recognized as the best television producer of the season.

Ivan Urgant, the host of the Evening Urgant program, was awarded the prize in the nomination "Entertainment Program Host", and the "Immortal Regiment" action was recognized as the main event of the television season.

Special prizes of TEFI founders

"For personal contribution to the development domestic television"bronze "Orpheus" was received by the producer, TVC TV presenter Kira Proshutinskaya, CEO television company "Game-TV", honorary president of the International Association of Clubs "What? Where? When?", co-author of the game "What? Where? When?", widow famous TV presenter- the creator of the popular TV game Vladimir Voroshilov Natalia Stetsenko. Same way special award honored Russian journalist, one of the leading political commentators Russian television, staff member of the NTV channel Vladimir Kondratyev, producer television project"President" on the channel "Russia-1" Said Medvedev and Russian TV presenter, actor, screenwriter, writer, producer and National artist RF Leonid Yakubovich.

Special Prize for Comprehension modern history" also received the creators of the film "Crimea. Way to the Motherland". "We lived with this film our little beautiful life... We have two heroes - the people of Crimea and Vladimir Putin. It was impossible to make a film with these characters uninteresting, - said the author of the film Andrei Kondrashov. "It's pride in one's country."

About the award

TEFI is an industrial television award awarded for the highest achievements in the field of television arts. The award was established by the Russian Television Academy Foundation on December 21, 1994, and in different years included a different number of nominations. Since 2014, the award has been organized by the Industrial Television Awards Committee.

Winners in each nomination are determined in the course of closed voting: the jury is formed by selection of 20 representatives from each founder (140 people in total).

The first ceremony of the updated TEFI award was held in June 2014 at Ostankino. Solemn ceremony The presentation took place over two days.

As Mikhail Shvydkoi, chairman of the Council of the Committee of Industrial Television Awards, Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for International Cultural Cooperation, noted, "TEFI is a serious award." "It has been preserved as the main professional award of the television community," he stressed.

Applications for this year's award closed on 31 May. The first stage of voting for the selection of winners took place from June 8 to 16 - three finalists were selected in all 24 nominations of the competition. The second stage took place from 17 to 23 June.

25/06/2015 - 23:30

On June 25, the best presenters, projects and films on television were awarded in Moscow. Ostankino presented bronze figurines, the most prestigious award for all those who have connected their lives with television. This is their personal Oscar. As Ekaterina Strizhenova, the host of Channel One, admitted from the stage: “I have been working in the same program, Good Morning, for almost 20 years, and I have not had any awards. Now we have []. Who carried away their Orpheus this year? Who, apart from Ivan Urgant, "filled up the collection" of figurines? And what curiosity decorated the ceremony and tickled the nerves of the contestants? Photo and video.

TEFI-2015, winners: awards were presented in two blocks - for morning programs and employees morning shows in the first half of the day, and "evenings" after the working day. So Dmitry Borisov, the host of Channel One, went to the ceremony immediately after the evening release of the News. This year the jury had to do great job– 24 nominations, each with 3 nominees or projects. Get into this short list"- real luck. And these, the best three, were worthy to walk the red carpet in Ostankino.

TEFI-2015, Daytime broadcast - the Good Morning team received an award for the Best Morning Program. A large team of presenters went out together for the long-awaited statuette. Their colleagues from "Russia-1" became the best presenters. The award was given to Anastasia Chernobrovina and Vladislav Zavyalov. Interestingly, the envelopes were accidentally mixed up, so the guys from Morning on Channel Five “won”. They managed to take a selfie with the figurine, and then justice was restored. And "Fashionable Sentence" took "Orpheus" for "Lifestyle". This is the team's first award in 8 years of work.

The NTV channel received statuettes for the Telenovela (the series “The Return of Mukhtar” became the winner), for the release of “Golden Hands” of the program “The Investigation Conducted” (the “Man and Law” nomination) and for the TV game. In the last nomination, “Own Game” became the best at TEFI for the third time.

Dmitry Guberniev and "Russia 2" took the statuette for " sports program". "Biathlon with Guberniev" was named the best.

The Kultura channel claimed Orpheus for The Observer (Talk Show), White Studio (Educational Program), Luntik (Program for Children) and a promo for the Tune in to Tchaikovsky contest (Promotion for the air).

Fizruk won as the best sitcom (TNT channel).

TEFI-2015, Evening Prime - the team of Channel One took the statuettes for the best reportage (Alexey Zotov, this is his second "Orpheus"), evening talk show ("Tonight" with Andrei Malakhov), documentary project ("Brodsky is not a poet") , an event of the TV season ("Immortal Regiment"), an entertainment program ("Voice") and the best presenter (Ivan Urgant). By the way, this is already the seventh Orpheus for Ivan! The showman received it, running away to record his program. And he dedicated the victory to his mother. Best Producer became Yuri Aksyuta (show "Voice"). Best Actor named Bogdan Stupka, who played a role in the movie "Once Upon a Time in Rostov".

"Russia 1" was awarded for "Vesti Nedeli" with Dmitry Kiselev and in the category of the best presenters of the information program - Maria Sittel and Andrey Kondrashov. For special reports from the Donbass, the reporters of Rossiya 1 were also given an award. The TV channel was also awarded for the best television series - "Ekaterina", the leading actress Yuliya Aug was named the best actress.

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"Immortal Regiment", "Luntik", Dmitry Kiselev and "Voice" - in the First Ostankino Studio there was a ceremony of awarding the winners of the TEFI award, which summed up the results of the 2014/15 television season, but failed to identify a clear leader. This is reported by DV-ROSS.

The TEFI television award has a long history, but even now it is still trying to find its own format. Since 2014, the rights to this brand have been transferred from the Academy of Russian Television (ART) to the Committee of Industrial Awards formed by leading domestic television corporations, the rules for determining the winners have changed, as well as the conditions for the formation of the jury, and so far they seem to suit everyone. But as with any award, at TEFI-2015 there are those who received awards, and those who did not get them.

Day air

In this large category, the winner was clear and somewhat unexpected. Four TEFIs (out of four possible) were immediately received by the Kultura TV channel. The informational and educational program “Observer”, which starts the broadcast of the channel, won in the nomination “Daytime talk show”, conversations with cultural figures about works of art “White Studio” became the best among educational programs, and the announcement of the Tchaikovsky competition won the “on-air promotion ".

Another prize "Culture" shared with the studio "Mill" - for "Luntik", which became the best program for kids.

NTV turned out to be the second in terms of the number of received TEFIs: it won the nominations “Man and Law” (release “Golden Hands” from Leonid Kanevsky’s “The Investigation Conducted ...”), “Teleigra” (“Own Game”), and also “Telenovelas” (serial film "Return of Mukhtar").

The division of one TEFI into two categories is rather formal, and, for example, sitcoms, in which Fizruk won with Dmitry Nagiyev as a brutal high school teacher, belong to the daytime broadcast.

Among the earliest broadcasts in time, Good Morning (Channel One) won, but Anastasia Chernobrovina and Vladislav Zavyalov from Morning of Russia (Russia-1) turned out to be the best presenters.

evening prime

In the two main informational nominations, Rossiya-1 turned out to be superior: the best program was Vesti Nedeli with Dmitry Kiselev, and Maria Sittel and Andrey Kondrashov received TEFI for Vesti 20:00.

The channels shared the reporting prize: the winners were Aleksey Zotov (Children's Hospice on Pervy) and Alexander Rogatkin and Dmitry Rogalev for a series of reports from Donbass. But the award for the evening talk show was taken by “First” - this nomination was won by the program “Tonight”.

Channel One turned out to be out of competition and among entertainment programs.

Ivan Urgant again received a prize as the host of "Evening Urgant", having won in the "Entertainment Show Host" nomination from three competitors. The documentary project of The First, Brodsky is not a poet, shown on the occasion of the 75th anniversary, also won in the corresponding category. Nobel laureate.

Among the prime-time series, TEFI's sympathies turned out to be on the side of "Catherine" - the story of a young German princess who came to Russia to become her empress. In addition to the serial prize itself, Julia Aug, who plays the role of Empress Elizabeth, also received the award.

Bogdan Stupka received an acting nomination posthumously for his role in the TV series Once Upon a Time in Rostov.

Main event

The choice of the three main events of the last television season in the TEFI-2015 shortlist was amazing: the jury brought together the film "Crimea: the way home", prepared for the anniversary of the annexation of Crimea to Russia, the action "Immortal Regiment", which took place on May 9 in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Victory, and the TV competition "Dances".

Of course, Dances had no chance, but the jury's choice between Crimea and Pobeda was quite predictable. Of course, the Immortal Regiment won.

This action is already three years old, it was invented in Tomsk; this procession ordinary people with portraits of relatives who fought in the Great Patriotic War. It gradually spread throughout the country, and this year, in connection with the anniversary of the Victory, it has become very massive, making this May 9 a truly national holiday.

This award was received not by any channel, although the broadcasters in the short list of TEFI include “First”, “Russia-1” and “TV Center”. Mikhail Shvydkoy noted that the action did not belong to any channel: they only reflected what was happening, and the people became the real laureate. The actor Vasily Lanovoy, one of the "persons" " Immortal Regiment”, and this TEFI looked like a kind of symbol of reconciliation.

This year, TEFI organized a one-day marathon: awards for both daytime broadcast and evening prime were presented with a difference of several hours in the same First Ostankino studio as a year ago. At a press conference on the eve of the announcement of the shortlist, the organizers explained this by almost halving the award's budget. Shvydkoy, who became the host of both ceremonies, also explained his decision to go on stage with the desire to save money. It should be noted that this benefited TEFI: the somewhat chaotic and pompous presentation of the main domestic television awards, which took place last year, was replaced by an almost chamber and certainly live show.

During this ceremony, Shvydkoy was made to lose his head twice.

The first time was when the envelope with the name of the laureate in the nomination "Morning Program Host" was lost. This disorganization was immediately taken advantage of by the three presenters of the Morning at Five program on Channel Five, Felix Nevelev, Daria Alexandrova and Kirill Pishchalnikov (who also claimed the award). They quickly jumped onto the stage, declared themselves the winners, congratulated themselves - and did it so cheerfully that only a few minutes later Shvydkoi, it seems, somewhat shocked by what had happened, squeezed out: “Colleagues, this is not at all funny.” And he ran backstage to look for the lost envelope. The second time the presenter was put into a stupor by Gennady Khazanov, who told a not entirely decent anecdote from the stage, but the delight of the hall was so complete that the winner, whom the comedian announced, was somewhat lost behind him.

Shvydkoy has generally become a real symbol of the continuity of the TEFI traditions. He headed ART in the most difficult years, now he agreed to become not only the leader of the ceremony, but also the president of the board of founders of the "Industrial Prizes Committee". Shvydkoy's consent to join the new TEFI actually made it old, the one that had been awarded since the mid-1990s, survived the rejection of the participation of the main players of the domestic TV market and almost ended its history a couple of years ago, writes

But already now, at the level of distribution of prizes for the “day”, there has been a trend: after all, to one degree or another, “fights” took place between the heavyweights - “First” and “Russia-1”. I don’t want to count in absolute terms, I just assume that with all the abundance of projects and formats, it is these two channels that are in this moment and pioneers of TV fashion, and a certain quality tuning fork.

To receive a tele-Oscar named "Tefi" is an honor. For professionals, this is a “brand” for life: having such an item in the biography line, you will forever be ranked among the professional community, like a caste. For the audience, "Teffi" is a kind of pointer: the pros say that it's cool - like this, but it's so cool, but not very. And even if we are just sofa admirers of TV, the habit of focusing on nominees and prize-winners is already in our blood, as they say. After all, we are what we eat and what we look at.

Laureates of the TEFI-2015 award, TV presenters of the Fashion Sentence program: fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev and Evelina Khromchenko (from left to right) after the TEFI-2015 award ceremony in the Daytime Broadcast category at the Ostankino television center.

To be honest, there were no big revelations either in the case of the nomination for the award, or in the case of the first winners. Let's take morning broadcasts. You can start the morning with scrambled eggs and "First", you can - with muesli and "Russia", there is doing - with semolina and "Fifth Channel": the taste and color, as you know ... As soon as the first results of the vote appeared, it became clear that in friendship wins to some extent. Maybe, of course, this is an accident, but it turned out that the victory of the Good Morning show on Channel One was somewhat balanced by the recognition of Anastasia Chernobrovina and Vladislav Zavyalov (journalists of the Morning of Russia program (Russia-1) as the best hosts of the morning program). By the way, I note that Channel One on Teffi-2015 came out with the most a large number nominations - there were as many as 22, overtaking "Russia 1" (18). And yet, funny: "Tefi" bypassed " Test purchase» Channel One, although among ordinary, as they say, consumers, this unpretentious format, which combines the craving of any person for bread and circuses, is in incredible demand and really determines the demand for products tested by the program in stores.

The fact that Nagiyev is good in Fizruk is not a question, but many viewers, I think, would be surprised that he was “taffed” for this role, and not, say, for hosting any shows. I think this award found the hero "in aggregate" - taking into account all his merits, because in last years not one in the slightest bright show could not have happened without his participation.

But the news that the best entertainment show I was personally surprised by “Fashionable Sentence” on “First”: the program is funny, Vasiliev is a charm, but, you see, only a certain category of viewers can attract this format, and hardly a mass one. Of course, it's good when people change, but you get tired of shaking someone else's poorly composed wardrobe. Well, watching "Biathlon with Dmitry Guberniev" ("Russia-2") is really interesting; it always amazes me where the host gets the strength for such a soulful and energetic howl.

The updated TEFI television award is approaching the finale of the second season. In 2014, the brand, which has a 20-year history, was transferred by the Academy of Russian Television to the Industrial Awards Committee created by the main television companies; the results of the 2013-2014 season were already summed up by new scheme- divided into categories "daytime broadcast" and "evening prime", each of which had 12 nominations. The jury formation system has also changed - now it included representatives of each of the founders.

The new season - it presents projects released from June 1, 2014 to May 31, 2015 - sums up the results in the same way.

In addition, Mikhail Shvydkoy returned to TEFI, who headed the board of founders of the award; he will also host two ceremonies (separately for daytime and evening programs), which will be held at the First Ostankino Studio on June 25.

Channel One received the most nominations - its programs can count on 22 awards.

The closest competitor, Rossiya-1, has 18 opportunities to win prizes, TNT has nine, and NTV and TV Center have six each. However, the entire VGTRK company was ahead of the First - if we add to the received "Russia-1" four nominations "Culture" and one "Russia-2". Gazeta.Ru talks about the main categories of TEFI.

Information and its leaders

Dmitry Kiselev from Vesti Nedeli (Russia-1) will make another attempt this year to get an updated TEFI; however, then he competed among the hosts of the evening prime and lost to Vadim Takmenev with " Central Television"(NTV).

This year, Kiselev is presented in the Information Program nomination, and the rivals of his program were Main (Channel Five) and Sunday time" (The first).

Last year's contender just remained among the leading ones - Dmitry Borisov will try to get TEFI for the second time (News, Channel One). Takmenev is not among his rivals, but there are two duets - Anna Yankina and Yegor Kolyvanov (Anatomy of the Day, NTV) and Maria Sittel and Andrey Kondrashov (Vesti 20:00, Russia-1).

"Immortal Regiment", Crimea and "Dances"

"Event of the TV season" has become the main TEFI nomination since last season, when the award went through a radical update. Then the Winter Olympics in Sochi, the TV series "Thaw" and a series of stories and reports about the crisis in Ukraine competed for the title of "event". The Olympics won - apparently, as the most life-affirming event.

This year, the “event” may be the documentary film “Crimea. The Way to the Motherland”, broadcast of the action “Immortal Regiment” and the show of the TNT channel “Dancing” from the “Comedy Club”.

“The Way to the Motherland” tells about the annexation of Crimea to Russia in March 2014, it contains the story of Vladimir Putin and his view of these relatively recent events. "Immortal Regiment" - a march that brought together hundreds of thousands of people in many cities of the country, the participants of which carried portraits of those who fought in the Great Patriotic War; it took place on May 9, 2015, on the day of the 70th anniversary of the Victory. And in fact, the TEFI jury will have to choose between two historical projects - the TV competition "Dancing" looks too lightweight compared to rivals in the nomination.

It is curious that although Channel One was announced as the producer of the Immortal Regiment, both Channel One and Rossiya-1 became broadcasters; if this project wins, they will have to split the figurine in half.

Music, dance and "President"

Polina Gagarina and producer Yuri Aksyuta

More preferable are the chances of "Dances" to win in the nomination "TV Producer of the Year", where the creator of the show Vyacheslav Dusmukhametov is represented. One of his rivals was Yuri Aksyuta, who was nominated for an award for song contest"Voice" on Channel One; but it was Aksyuta who was responsible for the selection Russian participant Eurovision 2015 and headed our delegation in Vienna - which, of course, adds points to him, given the successful performance of Polina Gagarina.

True, the third member of the shortlist of this nomination looks like a real heavyweight - this is the documentary film "President", which was aired by "Russia-1" in April 2015 and was timed to coincide with the 15th anniversary of Vladimir Putin's tenure in power (producer Saida Medvedev ).

However, this TV project, created on the basis of a two-hour interview with the president by TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov, is also presented in the category documentaries. Which, perhaps, will win, if, of course, it defeats the film “Brodsky is not a poet” made for the 75th anniversary of the Nobel laureate and Leonid Mlechin’s story dedicated to the fate of the former Prosecutor General of Russia Yuri Skuratov “A Man Resembling…” from the cycle “Strike by Power ".

TV series

series "Catherine"

Ekaterina (Russia-1), Once Upon a Time in Rostov (First) and Chernobyl: Exclusion Zone (TNT) claim the title of the best television series of the past season.

"Once Upon a Time in Rostov" reached the Russian screen for almost three years. Its plot connects the execution of workers in Novocherkassk in 1962 and the well-known Rostov gang of "phantomas" of the late 60s. The series is presented in one more nomination - Ukrainian actor Bohdan Stupka, who died shortly after the completion of the film in July 2012, can receive the award posthumously.

Ekaterina can also count on two statuettes from TEFI - in the female acting nomination, Yulia Aug, who plays the role of Empress Elizabeth I, will compete for the prize.

Rodina by Pavel Lungin, which was shown by Rossiya-1, a domestic adaptation of the popular Israeli-American TV series, earned some incredible rating for our television, but it was announced at TEFI in only one nomination: the leading actor Vladimir Mashkov was presented in the category "Best TV Actor"

In this TV season, many noted the decline in the production of serials; Unsurprisingly, many of the announced films never made it to the screens, held back until the new season:

like the second season back side Moon" by Alexander Kotta or " Quiet Don» Sergei Ursulyak. But behind the TEFI-2015 nomination were the multi-part "Kuprin" or "Gentlemen Comrades", quite worthy to replace "Once Upon a Time in Rostov".

Among the award-winning sitcoms on Daytime Air, clear favorite is difficult to single out. Fizruk (TNT) can also count on the prize, for which, by the way, Dmitry Nagiyev can receive an acting award, and Kitchen (STS), and another comedy series from STS, The Last of the Magikyans.

Entertainment for any evening

Garik Martirosyan and Grigory Leps on the show "Main Stage"

Among the evening entertainment programs, there were no surprises - Evening Urgant (First), Comedy Club (TNT) and the winner of last year, the Voice show (First), of course, with a new season.

But among the contenders for the prize for the host of such a program, newcomers also appeared - however, for this purpose, instead of three contenders, the jury included four in the shortlist.

To Ivan Urgant (winner of TEFI-2014), Dmitry Nagiyev (host of the Voice) and Garik Martirosyan with Pavel Volya (Comedy Club), the same Martirosyan was added, who, together with singer Grigory Leps, leads a new show "Main Stage".

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