TV presenter Irada Zeynalova spoke about leaving Channel One and changes in her personal life (photo, video). Irada Zeynalova - biography, information, personal life Irada Zeynalova leaves the program time

A cut of unsuccessful takes hit the Internet and became a hit. In one of the fragments, Irada Zeynalova, recording a stand-up, yelled at the boy who got into the frame, sending him into, so to speak, an aphedron. In an interview with the Teleprogramma website, the TV presenter told how it was.

It turned out that the recordings had been made for many years - then the film crew was sent in the wake of the last journey of the Romanov imperial family to Tobolsk. One of the fragments of the video had to be filmed outside in 40-degree frost. Television ethics did not allow Zeynalova, who was standing near the house where the Romanovs lived, to put on gloves or a hat, she was freezing and stammering. After several unsuccessful takes, the journalist managed to read the text well, but a boy walked past and waved his hand at the camera. After the words of the operator about what to do another take, the TV presenter could not stand it and yelled at the child.

“Since at that moment I was reading a lot of Ranevskaya, it seemed to me that I had a chic and intelligent conversation with this young peasant. I hope he became the mayor of Tobolsk and everything is fine with him, ”Zeynalova shared with reporters.

Irada Zeynalova is a well-known name in Russian television journalism, a member of the Academy of Russian Television. Irada Avtandilovna earned the respect and attention of the audience for her bright news reports and the author's manner of presenting information.

Over 20 years of work on federal channels, the face of a journalist has become familiar in the home of millions of Russians. Having started her career on RTR (now Russia 1), Zeynalova continued on the air of Channel One, to which she gave 13 years of her life.

At the end of 2016, the TV star switched to NTV, where she hosts the final news program.

Childhood and youth

Irada Zeynalova was born in the capital in February 1972 in a mixed Russian-Azerbaijani family. Father Avtandil Isabalievich, an Azerbaijani by nationality, raised children according to traditions, in strictness.

Irada is not the only child in the family: her younger sister followed in her footsteps and became a journalist. Relatives and friends of the sisters claim that in terms of character and perception of the world, Irada is more Azerbaijani, Svetlana is Russian. Outwardly, the Zeynalov sisters are very similar.

Irada from her youth was distinguished by her active character, explosive energy and activity. Having matured, she led a vigorous social activity: she accepted pioneers into the Komsomol, collected signatures for a petition in support of disadvantaged Chilean children, and defended the unjustly convicted fighter for the rights of the Indians, Leonardo Peltier.

After graduating from Moscow school No. 61 in 1990, Irada Zeynalova entered the Moscow Aviation Technical Institute named after, choosing the specialty of an engineer-technologist of powder materials. After graduating from a higher educational institution, the graduate left for an internship in America, but nanotechnology specialists were not so in demand. Therefore, Zeynalova's first and only job in her specialty to date was service at Samsung Aerospace.


The desire to become a journalist, dormant in Irada Zeynalova since childhood, woke up in 1997. The “journalistic gene” was passed on to daughters from their father, who had mastered this profession in his time. The only thing that kept Irada from appearing on television earlier was the fear that the titanic work would not be up to the task. But the fears were in vain. A friend, journalist Olga Kokorekina, played a certain role in Zeynalova's work biography. She invited Irada to try her hand as an assistant editor of the Vremya program on RTR.

Soon the assistant became the editor of Vesti and a translator from English. Working with the Dutch team, Irada Zeynalova was involved in creating a newsroom for the news program. And Zeynalova first appeared on TV screens in 2000 - she made her debut as the host of the Vremya TV program.

Despite the lack of special education, Irada Zeynalova has become the leading TV journalist of our time. High-profile events, natural disasters, terrorist attacks and military actions, media and sporting events - this is not a complete list of the covered events of Irada's track record.

Since 2003, working as a correspondent for the news programs Novosti, Other News and Vremya, Irada Zeynalova has been reporting on TV in difficult conditions: in 2004 and 2010 during the explosions in the Moscow metro, in September 2004 during the terrorist attack in Beslan. In 2006, Zeynalova was entrusted with reporting from the final match of the World Cup in Germany and covering the Winter Olympics in Turin. In 2012, Irada's collection of sports reports was replenished with stories from the Summer Olympic Games in London.

There are in the asset of Irada Zeynalova and funny moments. A video where a TV presenter sends a boy caught in the frame to a known address has gained 1.5 million views on YouTube.

Irada Zeynalova - video with a boy

Later, the journalist told the story of a curious incident. According to her, Channel One filmed a story in Tobolsk about the last journey of the Romanov imperial family. Filming in 40-degree frost against the backdrop of the house where the Romanovs stayed, a microphone with an iron base in his hand without a mitten and unsuccessful takes caused Irada to fail, because the boy ruined the only successful shot.

Another hit of the Runet is the release of KVN stars 15 years ago “Alumni Meeting”. The most memorable was the scene of the Tomsk team "Maximum" called "Siberian storytellers". and told a story about sanctions, foreign and domestic policy, remembered the Olympics, Mistrals and TV presenter Irada Zeynalova. The video was watched by 3 million Internet users.

KVN team "Maximum" - "Siberian storytellers"

The track record of the journalist Zeynalova is colorful, hot spots and sports competitions, politics and art add color to her journalistic palette. For bright shades of reporting in 2006, Irada was hit by a starfall of awards: the prestigious TEFI television award for the reporter's cycle "Golden Moments of the Olympics" and the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree.

The further career rise of Irada Zeynalova continued in 2007: the journalist headed the bureau of Channel One OJSC in London, moving to the same position in Tel Aviv in 2011.

In September 2012, a Muscovite took the position of the host of the most media Sunday edition of the Vremya TV show. From 2012 to 2014, as a guest journalist on Channel One, Irada Avtandilovna was a participant in the Conversations with program.

In the summer of 2014, Zeynalova became “banned from entering” Ukraine: the country’s authorities put the Russian TV presenter on the sanctions list for her position on events in eastern Ukraine and Crimea.

In the same year, Zeynalova was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, I degree.

At the end of 2016, there were changes in the career of a TV star: she left Channel One and switched to NTV. Zeynalova named the exhausted relationship with the TV channel and the desire to start a new page as the reason. The first to know about Irada's decision were the relatives and the head of Channel One. After a long and difficult conversation, everyone accepted the choice of the journalist and supported her.

Since December 2016, NTV viewers have seen Irada Zeynalova. The TV presenter is the new face of the Sunday newscast. The information and analytical program is called "The results of the week with Irada Zeynalova." For the author's program, the journalist prepares reports and interviews the newsmakers of the week.

Personal life

It would be strange if the other half of such a strong and addicting personality did not share her interests. Irada Zeynalova met her love at work. TV journalist Alexei Samoletov is a special correspondent for the Vesti and Vesti-Moscow programs. In addition to the work of a special correspondent, Alexey leads the author's program "The World on the Edge". The novel developed quickly, and soon the wedding took place. The couple did not postpone the birth of children for a long time.

Irada and Alexei lived together for 20 years, raised their son Timur Samoletov, who served in the army and is now studying at MGIMO, where, in addition to English and German, he studies Arabic. The young man does not plan to become a journalist. In October 2015, Irada Zeynalova with her husband.

After breaking up with Alexei Samoletov, colleagues from Channel One began to notice Irada in the company of military correspondent Alexander Evstigneev. The couple was seen together in a cafe on the Patriarch's Ponds, the business trips of Zeynalova and Evstigneev coincided. Journalists found themselves together in hot spots, where they share a common passion for work.

The relationship of the couple went beyond the working ones, and the future wedding of the two colleagues was talked louder. By the time they met, both journalists were free from marriage ties. Alexander, a few years after moving from the Irkutsk region to Moscow, divorced his wife.

In 2016, Irada Zeynalova confirmed that she was happy. The wedding took place at the end of the year, in December. In addition to a brief message about the marriage of a TV journalist, no other information was received in the media: Irada prefers not to advertise her personal life.

Irada Zeynalova now

In July 2017, Irada Zeynalova, with colleagues Yegor Kolyvanov and Sergey Malozemov, participated in the program "Non-Childish Conversation with".

Irada Zeynalova during "Non-Childish Conversation with Vladimir Putin"

Now Irada Zeynalova looks refreshed, with a height of 175 cm, her weight does not exceed 55 kg. The TV presenter devotes her free time to traveling, which she informs the users of her "Instagram". The journalist began to post photos on this social network recently.

Irada's personal profile appeared in the summer of 2018. It was not without a curiosity: while in Marseille, the TV journalist received a bruise under her eye, accidentally crashing into a pole on the street. A picture with an injured eye surprised subscribers. Irada herself joked that she could now pretend to be a victim of street riots.

Irada Zeynalova in Syria in 2018

In the summer of the same year, Irada Zeynalova became a representative of the jury of the international award Khaled Alkhateb Memorial Awards, established by the RT channel in memory of the deceased Syrian correspondent Khaled al-Khatib. The prizes were given to correspondents working in the hot spots of the world.

Irada is always up to date with the latest developments. The TV presenter left her comment about the infamous Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov, which the men gave about their stay in Salisbury and their non-involvement in the poisoning and. According to Zeynalova, their appearance on the screen caused even more doubts than before. The TV journalist also noted the confusion in their answers and general uncertainty.

TEFI Award nominee Irada Zeynalova

In October 2018, Irada Zeynalova became a nominee for the TEFI award in the category "Best TV presenter of the information and analytical final program." Competed for the award (“Vesti Nedeli”, Russia 1), Anna Prokhorova (“In the Center of Events”, TV Center), (“Sunday Time”, Channel One). The winner was Andrey Dobrov, TV presenter of the Dobrov on Air program on REN TV.

Irada Zeynalova's program also claimed TEFI in the Best Information and Analytical Final Program nomination, along with the releases All for Football, Vesti Nedeli, and Sunday. But here, the transfer of Andrei Dobrov was the first.


  • 2000-2003 - "News"
  • 2003-2007 - "News", "Time" and "Other News"
  • 2012-2016 - "Time"
  • 2012-2017 - annual "Conversations with Dmitry Medvedev"
  • 2016-2018 - "Results of the week with Irada Zeynalova"

Russian TV presenter Irada Zeynalova, who will host the author's program "Results of the Week" on the NTV channel (the first broadcast will take place on December 4 - approx.), spoke about leaving Channel One, her personal life and other things, reports.

“It’s like in a family: all relationships end. So we have run out of Channel One - we have exhausted each other. I wanted something new, and they. And we gave each other the right to make decisions. I was the first to inform my family and Konstantin Lvovich Ernst about my decision. And I had long conversations both in the family and with the management. It was very valuable for me, because I consider myself an honest person. I never play games, I don't build intrigues. She came and honestly said: “Sorry, I'm leaving. Support me if you want." I'm not the kind of reporter who comes in and puts in a letter of resignation in the hope of being kept. Konstantin Lvovich, he knows me well and understands people very well. I would say that he has a completely bestial instinct for people. It was a long and difficult conversation. And he supported me,” said Zeynalova.

Speaking about offensive comments on the Internet, the TV presenter said that she does not like injustice: “When people write that they are not satisfied with my appearance, the timbre of my voice, this is already taste. Guys, television is good because you can turn it off.

Irada Zeynalova of the studio of the program "Results of the Week" on NTV

“It is unpleasant for me when, for example, a woman who is completely unfamiliar to me writes: “I met Irada Zeynalova at the airport, she, as always, flew first class. A smartass and a reptile, she didn’t recognize me, she didn’t even say hello. ” And I understand that I did not fly anywhere that day. I never fly first class, because I, like all my viewers, fly with economy transfers and don’t see anything wrong with that. And I open the photo of this woman - I have never seen her at all. And she develops a huge discussion on the topic of the fact that we grew up together with her. And so nothing bothers me. If they have a day after they write about me, God bless them,” she said.

Zeynalova also remembered the “wildly funny situation” that happened to her on the anniversary of Irina Khakamada. “Birthday was on the fifth or fourth floor. There is only one elevator, small. I'm running, I should have left earlier. And there stands some terribly, as it seems to him, a liberal-minded man with his wife. In such a strong giver. He looks at me and says: "Irada Zeynalova." I say yes". And I just got on the air from the Arab Springs. Looks like this: “I want to strangle you. I'll rip out your Adam's apple with my fingers." His equally tipsy wife says: "Vasya, well, it's okay for you." I say: “Choke, do not deny yourself anything. Take it and choke it." He replies, "I've changed my mind." I say: “This is how you pissed off your life and your country. You are only talking. Then don't open your mouth if you don't feel like doing anything." He is like this to his wife: “Am I brave?” And she: “I’m proud of you,” said the TV presenter.

TV presenter with her future husband

And here is what Irada Zeynalova told about her marriage: “I hope that I am not the first person in Russia to get married. I'm surprised by the media attention. I am of legal age. My future husband is an adult (Channel One military commander Alexander Evstigneev). I hope that no one will know anything about the development of events, because we are very tired of this. I am very afraid of the evil eye. Highly. Pah-pah-pah, we're fine. And I hope all is well and will be. And most importantly, if there is no such dense attention of the press, it will be even better.”

TV presenter Irada Zeynalova, who hosts the author's program "Results of the Week" on the NTV channel, spoke about her departure from Channel One, her personal life and friend, Komsomolskaya Pravda reports.

“It’s like in a family: all relationships end. So we ended with Channel One - we exhausted each other. I wanted something new, and they. And we gave each other the right to make a decision. I was the first to announce my decision family and Konstantin Lvovich Ernst. And I had long conversations both in the family and with the management. It was very valuable to me, because I consider myself an honest person. I never play games, I don’t build intrigues. I came and honestly said: " Sorry, I'm leaving. If you want, support me. "I'm not one of those reporters who come and leave a letter of resignation in the hope that they will be kept. Konstantin Lvovich, he knows me well and understands people very well. I would say that he has absolutely animal instinct for people. It was a long and difficult conversation. And he supported me, "Zeynalova said.

Speaking about offensive comments on the Internet, the TV presenter said that she does not like injustice: "When people write that they are not satisfied with my appearance, the timbre of my voice, this is already taste. Guys, television is good because you can turn it off."

“It’s unpleasant for me when, for example, a woman who is completely unfamiliar to me writes:“ I met Irada Zeynalova at the airport, she, as always, flew first class. The arrogant and reptile, didn’t recognize me, didn’t even say hello. "And I understand that I didn’t fly anywhere that day. I never fly first class, because, like all my viewers, I fly with economy transfers and I don’t see anything shameful in this. And I open a photograph of this woman - I have never seen her at all. And she develops a huge discussion on the topic of the fact that we grew up together with her. And nothing hurts me. If they have a day after how they write about me, God bless them," she said.

Zeynalova also remembered the "wildly funny situation" that happened to her on the anniversary of Irina Khakamada. “Birthday was on the fifth or fourth floor. There is only one elevator, small. I run in, I had to leave earlier. And there is some scary, as it seems to him, liberal-minded man with his wife. and says: “Irada Zeynalova.” I say: “Yes.” But I just got on the air from the Arab Springs. Looks like this: “I want to strangle you. I'll tear out your Adam's apple with my fingers." His equally tipsy wife says: "Vasya, well, it's okay for you." I say: "Choke, don't deny yourself anything. Take it and strangle it." He replies: "I changed my mind." I say: "That's how you fucked up your life and your country. You are only talking. Then don't open your mouth if you don't feel like doing anything." He was like this to his wife: "Am I brave?" And she: "I'm proud of you," the TV presenter said.

And here is what Irada Zeynalova said about her marriage: “I hope that I am not the first person in Russia to get married. I am surprised at such attention from the media. I am an adult. My future husband is an adult (Channel One military commander Alexander Evstigneev). I hope that no one will know anything about the development of events, because we are very tired of this. I am very afraid of the evil eye. Very much. Pah-pah-pah, everything is fine with us. And I hope that everything will be fine. And most importantly , if there is no such dense attention of the press, it will be even better".

Channel One has found a replacement for the host of the weekly analytical program Vremya, which airs on Sundays at 21:00 (formerly Sunday Time). The place of Irada Zeynalova in the new season of the program will be taken by the General Director of the Expert media holding Valery Fadeev. This was told by two employees of the TV channel and confirmed by an acquaintance of Fadeev.

At the moment, Valery Fadeev is undergoing tests in the studio of the Vremya program, another employee of Channel One added. Oksana Rostovtseva, editor-in-chief of Resurrection Time, said that the program has not been released since mid-July.

Zeynalova herself advised to contact the TV channel's press service for information. However, the press service of Channel One did not respond to a media request.

A colleague of Zeynalova said that, most likely, the host will remain on the channel, she may be offered to host a talk show. The last issue of the Sunday Time program with Irada Zeynalova was released on July 10, 2016. Beginning July 17, Channel One's weekly informational and analytical program is released under the name Vremya, and its hosts change.

Irada Zeynalova has been hosting Sunday Time since 2012, her predecessor in this post was Pyotr Tolstoy, who is now running for the State Duma from United Russia. Every year, Zeynalova took part in the program “Conversation with Dmitry Medvedev”.

In 2014, the story, which was shown in the Sunday program, caused a major scandal. A Channel One journalist interviewed a refugee from Slovyansk. She said that Ukrainian troops, having entered the city, staged a public execution of a three-year-old boy. The media of Ukraine and Russia revealed actual inconsistencies in the woman's story. In addition, journalists drew attention to the fact that a similar story was published earlier in his blog by pro-Kremlin political scientist Alexander Dugin.

Zeynalova later continued to comment on the scandal surrounding the story during the program, pointing out that the journalists had no proof that the story was true. But according to the presenter, it was “a real story of a real woman.” In 2014, the TV presenter was included in the sanctions list of Ukraine.

A colleague of the presenter claims that the main reason for Irada Zeynalova's departure from Channel One is the fierce competition of the program with Dmitry Kiselev's Vesti Nedeli on the Russia 1 channel. "Sunday" was one of the popular information and analytical programs of the country on a par with "Vesti Nedeli". The rating of the latest issue of Sunday's Vremya was 4.7%. "Vesti Nedeli" was left behind - 4.4%. Previously, Kiselyov's program held the leading position in the rating for three weeks, but with a minimal advantage of 0.1-0.3%. The Kremlin had no complaints about Zeynalova's work.

According to media reports, Valery Fadeev was not chosen as the host by chance. First, on the eve of the presidential elections in 2018, the Kremlin intends to see a new person on television who will inspire more confidence in the conservative electorate. According to officials, Fadeev is more suitable for this role. Secondly, the Kremlin compensates for the loss of Fadeev in the primaries from United Russia. Fadeev was promised a passing place in the Moscow lists of United Russia, but due to the unwillingness of the city authorities, he had to advance to the primaries in Komi. He lost the primaries and ended up not being included in the list of candidates.

Since 1998, Valery Fadeev has been the editor-in-chief of the Expert magazine. In 2006, he became CEO of the eponymous media holding. In addition, he was a member of the Public Chamber and is still a member of the supreme council of United Russia. Together with deputy Vladimir Pligin, he leads the liberal platform of United Russia. He was a confidant of Russian President Vladimir Putin in the presidential elections. Fadeev entered the central headquarters of the All-Russian Popular Front (ONF).

Valery Fadeev already has experience as a TV presenter. Since 2014, he has been broadcasting the Structure of the Moment program on Channel One.

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