GCD abstract for drawing “Late autumn. Abstract of GCD on drawing for children of the preparatory group on the topic: Autumn

Integration:"Cognition", "Communication", "Reading fiction», « Artistic creativity", "Music".


Tutorials: to teach children to see changes in nature and convey them in drawings in various non-traditional ways, observing the coloring characteristic of late autumn. Pay attention to the decision of the artists color tasks, when depicting the earth, sky, windy and rainy weather. Continue to learn to depict trees of different species and ages, to convey perspective in the drawing. Continue to acquaint children with the works of painting by I. Levitan " gold autumn»

Developing: develop aesthetic feelings, emotions; ability to create independently artistic images. Development of the ability to feel the beauty and expressiveness of the language of the work, sensitivity to poetic word. Improve the ability to compose stories about the content of the picture.

Educators: to educate in children the ability to see and understand the beautiful, love for native land. Continue to develop the ability to control and self-control.

Non-traditional techniques: inkblotography with a straw, poking, leaf prints, black and white scraping, outlining any object with a simple pencil drawing and turning into something else.

Materials: paper, ink or gouache, plastic spoon, straw. Candle, wide brush, stick with a sharpened end. Tree leaves, brushes, gouache. Hard brushes, napkins. Reproductions of paintings depicting autumn. Musical accompaniment audio recording P.I. Tchaikovsky from the album The Seasons.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

And at ten years old and at seven and five
All people love to draw
And everyone boldly draws
Everything that interests him
Everything is interesting
Deep space, near forest
Flowers, cars, fairy tales, dances….
We'll draw everything, if there were paints,
Yes, a piece of paper on the table
Yes, peace in the family and on earth.

II. Conversation with children.

What season is it now? (autumn)

- What are the signs of autumn (leaves turned yellow, migratory birds flew away to warmer climes, it is raining, the sun is less shining, the animals are preparing for winter).

Why is autumn foliage called golden?

- What tree foliage can really be called golden? (birch, maple)

- And what crimson? (aspens, mountain ash)

What shrub leaves are green in autumn? (lilac). What about light brown? (linden, oak, elm).

- What is the name of the forest where only birches grow? (oaks, lindens).

Children: Birch Grove, oak forest

What proverbs and sayings about autumn do you know?

  • In autumn bad weather, the weather is outside: it sows, blows, twists, stirs, tears, pours from above and sweeps from below.
  • In September, fire in the field and in the hut.
  • In September, one berry, and that one is a bitter mountain ash.
  • In September, the tit asks for autumn to visit.
  • Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with sheaves.
  • Spring is red and hungry; autumn is rainy, but satisfying.
  • October cries cold tears.

III. Fizkultminutka.

IV. Introduction to works of art.

Is in the autumn of the original
A short but wonderful time -
The whole day stands as if crystal
and radiant evenings.

(an audio recording by P.I. Tchaikovsky from the album “Seasons” sounds)

Children look at the landscapes of I. Levitan " evening call, evening Bell”,“ Golden Autumn ”, recall what autumn color combinations they saw. The teacher asks the children to choose autumn colors(colors of golden autumn: ocher, yellow, crimson, burgundy, orange) from the many available, consider bouquets of fallen leaves and show those shades, colors that you like.

The teacher invites the children to listen to A.S. Pushkin and determine what time of year it is (a poem about early and late autumn).

Sad time! oh charm!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -
I love the magnificent nature of wilting,
Forests clad in crimson and gold,
In their canopy of the wind noise and fresh breath,
And the heavens are covered with mist,
And a rare ray of sun, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winter threats.

October has already come - the grove is already shaking off
The last leaves from their naked branches;
The autumn chill has died - the road freezes through.
The murmuring stream still runs behind the mill,
But the pond was already frozen; my neighbor is in a hurry
In the departing fields with his hunting,
And they suffer winter from mad fun,
And the barking of dogs wakes the sleeping oak forests.

- Late autumn is called "silver" why? (puddles are covered with ice, silver stars fly to the frozen ground - snowflakes, fallen leaves covered with hoarfrost silver in the sun).

The task is given to children to think and draw landscapes of golden and late autumn using the selected techniques.

The teacher focuses the attention of children on the choice of certain drawing techniques: the poking technique is more suitable for depicting golden autumn; blotting with a tube will display the characteristic color of mid-autumn, and scratching will surprise you with its dissimilarity to other techniques and reveal the beauty of late autumn. At the end of the work, the children examine the drawings, give them names, explain which month and what weather are drawn, what methods and materials they used, how they managed to depict the most expressive rainy, windy weather, the unpleasant state of late autumn in a beautiful landscape, compare them with images of golden autumn .

All children's work is evaluated. in the lobby children's institution an exhibition of young artists is organized.

Elena Razgildeeva
Abstract GCD for drawing in preparatory group"Autumn landscape"

Abstract GCD for artistic and aesthetic development (drawing) in preparatory group« Autumn landscape»

Topic: « Autumn landscape»

Target: Formation in children of aesthetic ideas about the features of composition autumn landscape

Tasks: To teach children to convey in the drawing the structure of a tree - a trunk (with a brush, branches of different lengths. To consolidate skills drawing foliage with a vertical stroke (method of sticking). Introduce children to how to mix colors in an image autumn landscape;

Develop fine motor skills Creative skills, mental activity, memory, coherent speech, imagination;

Cultivate a positive attitude towards nature.

Materials for the lesson. - a white sheet of A2 paper (for a sample, - A4 sheets for children, - easels, - a thin brush, a paint brush, - wet wipes, water, - palettes, - gouache (yellow, red, green blue, white, brown, napkins for brush wetting

Methodological techniques:

Show and explanation of the educator, - musical accompaniment, questions for children, - a reminder of technology drawing, - observation of the work of children, advice, - listening to the music of P. Tchaikovsky, - examining the work of children, - analysis of the work of children and the educator.

Activity progress

Morning circle.

(children play in zones of interest, is heard short signal bells, children collect toys. A long bell signal is heard - the children go to the teacher and settle down on the palace in a circle)

In the morning we go to the yard

Leaves fall like rain

Rustle underfoot

And fly, fly, fly...

At what time of the year does this natural phenomenon occur? What is it called? (leaf fall)

Why do these phenomena occur in nature? Guys, you should have picked up information about this at home. Who will tell us what information prepared.

1 child: why leaves change color with the onset autumn?

2 child: Why do yellowed leaves fall off?

About the changes that have taken place in nature with the onset autumn

tell us in a poem Angelina:

reads a poem.

Artist- Autumn paints the landscape,

Picks up a simple pencil

Brings them gently rain and wind,

And the heat from the burning miracle of the fire.

September with her in a pair paints a picture,

Puts her mushrooms and nuts in a basket

Foliage covers the fields and meadows,

And drives all the birds to those shores.

Artist- Autumn finished outline,

She imagined that she was Aivazovsky,

And she exchanged her pencil for a brush,

So that rich colors flow like a sea.

Guys, what does the Artist draw in this poem - Autumn(landscape)

What landscape(children's guesses) (Landscape is pictures depicting nature.)

Who draws landscapes? (painters- landscape painters)

Guys, look at how many pictures, how to determine which ones are depicted landscape, you will help? (children choose pictures with an image landscape)

Tell me, guys, what season is shown in the pictures? (autumn) . How did you guess? (the artist uses yellow, red, brown, orange, green colors). What colors are more? (yellow, orange, brown). Let's look at the pictures. What can you say about how the artist placed certain elements in his drawing? landscape? Why are the trees big here and small here? (because these trees are close to us, and these are far away) And how else are they different (clear drawing branches, leaves, and in the distance one spot, trees drawn near are drawn at the bottom of the sheet, but the trees in the distance are drawn higher and smaller).

What is she autumn? (children's guesses)

Guys, do you like autumn? How? (children's answers)

For example, I like to walk on fallen leaves, as if on a golden carpet. Is not it, very beautiful in autumn? As if good wizard painted everything around with bright colors.

Guys, it's over soon. autumn will come, what season? How can we keep the beauty autumn nature ? What can we do to make our work look like autumn? You don't want to be a little wizard and draw an autumn landscape. Do you agree? Where can we find the right drawing materials. (in art studio). Then we go to the creative workshop.

Guys, take your seats at the easels.

Guys, see if everything is necessary for drawing an autumn landscape. Come and choose desired colors gouache for drawing an autumn landscape.

Explanation of how to get the job done.

In order to avoid duplicate drawings, the display is made on a wallpaper sheet, the elements are shown by the teacher not in overall composition, but as separate elements)

First we need to define the horizon line. What is it for, what do we separate with this line? (we distinguish between where the sky will be, and where the earth)(this is the imaginary line where it seems that the earth connects to the sky (draws) . To do this, we take a brush and draw a line. Now we are drawing the sky. To do this, we take a paint brush, dip it in white paint and wipe it on a sheet of paper, add two more colors of your choice, depending on what you want to depict the sky. For example, yellow and blue, or you can add pink or purple, and quickly smear it with a damp cloth without letting the paint dry, the sky is ready. Next, we tint the lower part of the sheet, draw grass, take yellow paint, then green, you can add brown and also rub it with a damp cloth.

To draw a background, we need a wide brush and two, three colors. We will pick them up on the brush at the same time, a little yellow, a little green and a little blue, and using the method of priming, along the horizon, we move with you with a brush, then up, then down. To make the forest look like a real one, we wipe it a little with a damp cloth along the bottom strip of the forest. The distant plan is ready. To draw tree trunk, we take a medium brush, pick up two colors, which we will depict the bark of a tree and light movements, laid-back, we have the hairs to ourselves, the brush creeps and thus the branches are not parallel to the ground. What colors can be used for birch trunk drawing? The tree remains to be supplemented with a crown, in the same way we pick up two colors at once, for example, yellow and green, or we can add a little orange. To draw we also collect several shades of shrubs, for example, white, yellow, orange or yellow, orange and green, and we put prints around the birch. It remains for us draw twigs, we collect two colors, for example brown and black, and with light vertical strokes we designate twigs. We supplement with a few strokes, denoting the grass. You can add trees in the middle ground. Here they will be slightly smaller than the trees in the foreground.

Before proceeding to drawing needs to prepare our fingers who will conduct finger gymnastics.

Independent work of children.

Children come to the tables, where there are various pictorial materials and get to work.

(musical accompaniment of the process drawing P. I. Tchaikovsky « autumn song» from the cycle "Seasons".)

Final part. Work analysis.

Now guys, let's review your work.

See who has the brightest autumn turned out? The darkest, gloomiest sky? Most cloudy landscape? Who painted a lot of trees? Who painted most beautiful tree

It was possible to transfer the image autumn landscape?

What will we do with our work? (make an exhibition)

What is the name of the exhibition? (children's suggestions)

Thank you guys for the work, it was very interesting with you

Purpose: to learn to reflect the signs of autumn in the drawings, using unconventional techniques drawing.

1. Correctional and educational:

- fix the names of the autumn months;

- practice naming autumn signs;

- learn to depict natural phenomena on paper;

- learn to draw trees;

- to fix the techniques of drawing with a brush (the end of the brush);

- continue to teach to depict natural phenomena in an unconventional way(poke reception).

2. Correction-developing:

- develop coordination of movements, accompanying speech;

- to develop fine motor skills of the hands through finger game;

- practice noun agreement singular with an adjective;

- develop imagination;

3. Correctional and educational:

- bring up aesthetic perception nature through the image of autumn signs;

- to cultivate the ability to listen to both the teacher and their peers;

- cultivate love for nature.

Equipment: handkerchiefs according to the number of children, gouache according to the number of children (black, white, brown, blue), leaves cut out of colored cardboard for each child, two, a poke from foam rubber for each child.

Lesson progress:

1. - Autumn is knocking on a visit to us and calling us to play.

2. Game with leaves "Autumn"

Falling, falling leaves

Falling leaves in our garden

(children spin around with their hands up, squat down)

yellow, red leaves

They curl in the wind, they fly.

(circling again)

Birds fly south

Geese, rooks, cranes

(run around in circles, waving their hands)

Here is the last flock

Wings flapping in the distance.

3. Presentation "Autumn walk".

Slide I: September. Slightly yellowed leaves, the sun shines little and warms, it rains, the grass withers, the birds fly away to warmer climes, people harvest vegetables and fruits, people dress warmer. September - the beginning of autumn. (children pronounce the signs of autumn, the name of the month, they say what it is in a row).

II slide: October. In October, the sun shines and warms less, it rains even more often, even colder than in September. There are few leaves left on the trees. In October, all the grass is withered, the birds have flown to warmer climes, and the harvest of vegetables and fruits has already been harvested. People dress warmer in October than in September. October is the middle of autumn. (children pronounce the signs of autumn, the name of the month, they say what it is in a row).

III Slide: November. In November, the sun shines and warms even less, there are frosts, the first snow falls. November is the end of autumn. (children pronounce the signs of autumn, the name of the month, they say what it is in a row).

4. Examining the sample.

What signs of autumn are depicted? (light snow, gloomy sky, no leaves on the trees).

Guys, these signs can be attributed to what period of autumn: to the beginning, middle, end of autumn?

What is this autumn? (late)

5. Drawing techniques.

Look at the trees, how will we draw the trees? (brush tip)

What gouache do we need to mix to depict the sky? (add a drop of black to white gouache)

How "magically" the snow is depicted, and how do you guys think how we will draw snow? (poke way)

6. Development game fine motor skills hands "First snow".

One two three four

We made snow with you!

Round, strong, very smooth

(children take a handkerchief by two corners and with their fingers collect a handkerchief in both palms)

And not at all sweet!

(they threaten index finger any hand)

Let's throw it up! (throws handkerchief)

Let's catch two! (catch the handkerchief with both hands)

Let's drop three! (dropped on the floor)

And we'll break it! (threaten with the index finger of either hand).

7. Independent drawing.

8. Exhibition of works.

Prototype development in Lesson Notes section and published on 21st December, 2014
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GCD abstract for drawing in the preparatory group "Autumn in the Park".

to teach children to draw in an unconventional way - by poking;
to consolidate the skills of drawing trees;
to consolidate and expand the idea of ​​the signs of autumn, the seasons;
develop a sense of rhythm and color;
to cultivate interest in the reflection in the drawings of their impressions and ideas about nature.

Materials, tools, equipment:
gouache paint;
album sheets;
phonogram "Seasons. Autumn” by P. I. Tchaikovsky.

Preliminary work:
tree observation;
conversations about the seasons, about autumn changes in nature.

Lesson progress:

The teacher reads to the children a poem by I. Vinokurov "Autumn"

Autumn is walking in our park,
Autumn gives gifts to everyone:
Red beads - rowan,
Apron pink - aspen,
Umbrella yellow - poplars,
Autumn gives us fruits.

What time of year is the poem talking about? (Autumn)

- What time of year is it? (Autumn)

Is it early or late autumn now?
(Children's answers)

Yes, autumn has come. She pleases us with the colorful leaves, leaf fall. It's early autumn now.
Guys look at the pictures. Examine the paintings: Isaac Levitan "Golden Autumn", Ilya Ostroukhov "Golden Autumn", Vasily Polenov "Golden Autumn"

What is shown on them? What colors did autumn paint the trees with?

- Red - aspens, yellow - birches and lindens, orange - maples, oaks - green, pines and firs remained, as in summer - green.

What color did you see the leaves? (Yellow, red, brown, crimson, golden, yellow-green, spotted, orange.)

Guys, today we will draw an autumn park.

Trees can be arranged in different ways: in a semicircle, along the road, on a hill, 1-2 trees in the foreground, and others in the distance. Tree trunks vary in thickness, height and color.

Let's start.

And we will draw to the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky “Seasons. Autumn". Hear how the composer "paints" autumn with the help of sounds in his work.
Children draw trunks and branches of trees on a white landscape sheet, green on the ground and near trees. yellow flowers-grass, the sky - light blue.

Guys, put your drawings aside, let them dry, and now we will do exercises, and then draw a crown - leaves and leaf fall.

Physical education minute:
Let's turn into autumn leaves.
Autumn leaves are spinning quietly, (children are spinning, arms outstretched)
Leaves lie quietly under our feet. (squat)
And rustling underfoot, rustling, (move hands to the right and left)
It looks like they want to spin again. (spin on tiptoes again)

After physical culture minute children draw a crown with brushes and poke
leaf fall (leaves fly around from trees and lie on the ground). Guys, who finished, put your work aside.
While the work is drying up, children are asked questions: why leaves in autumn
fall off?

The teacher clarifies the children's answers: “Dropping their leaves, the trees are preparing for winter
cold. The leaves cover the ground with a solid carpet and protect the trees from
frost. The earth under the fallen leaves does not freeze deeply, under the weight
snow does not compact much, retains air, which is very important for various inhabitants of the soil - insects that loosen the earth and make it fertile. In the spring, when the snow melts, the earth retains moisture for a long time. Fallen leaves on the ground are not garbage. The soil and the plants that grow on it need them.”

And now let's hang our paintings in the exhibition.

GCD abstract for drawing in the preparatory group "Autumn in the Park".

Drawing with paints.

Lesson in a compensatory group for children with mental retardation in a preparatory group for school

Topic: autumn tree under wind and rain.

Target: continue to develop the ability to create plot images using paints.


1. Learn to draw a tree in windy and rainy weather.

2. Continue to develop drawing skills fine lines the end of the brush.

3. Develop the ability to make your own additions to the drawing (clouds, birds, grass, etc.).

4. Develop auditory and visual attention, memory, speech, visual-figurative thinking.

5. Develop interest and observation in nature, notice changes in it.

6. Cultivate love for nature, independence, activity.

Integration of educational areas: cognitive development, speech development, physical development, artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative development.

Vocabulary work: late autumn, cloudy (th), windy (th), rainy (th).

Preliminary work: working out lexical topic"Autumn", looking at an autumn tree for a walk. In the morning: viewing illustrations and photographs on the theme "Autumn".

Materials: paints, brush stands, brushes, non-spill jars, napkins, late autumn drawings (samples), work flow charts.

Course progress.

1. Introductory part

The teacher gathers the children on the carpet and offers to listen to the poem.

Falling, falling leaves

Leaf fall in our garden.

Yellow, red leaves fly...

Birds flew south: geese, rooks, cranes.

Here is the last flock

Wings flapping in the distance.

2.Main part

Children, tell me, what time of year is it? (autumn)

What about autumn? (late)

What is the weather like in late autumn? (windy, cloudy, rainy)

Say, Cyril,…….. (repeated pronunciation dictionary words, fix the pronunciation of words individually and in chorus).

Let's look at the drawings of late autumn and guess the riddle.

It is not known where he lives

It will fly - the trees are oppressed,

And we can't see him

Who is this, can we guess? (wind).

That's right, the wind.

Examining samples.

Tell me, if it's windy outside, what's the weather like? (- windy, repetition of the word).

And what happens to the trees? (swing, bend to the ground).

Goal setting. Examination of schemes and their discussion.

Today we will draw an autumn tree under the wind and rain.

These diagrams will help you in drawing. Let's see where we start, what's first...

And now, let's play a little, imagine that we are trees.

Coordination of speech with movement.

Hands raised and shook;

These are the trees in the forest;

Hands bent and shaken

It's the wind knocking down the leaves

Gently wave - these are birds flying,

As they sat down - arms - bent back.

Before starting work, let's stretch our fingers, play with them: finger gymnastics

1,2.3,4.5, we will collect leaves. We will collect birch leaves, rowan leaves, maple leaves, viburnum leaves, oak leaves - we will take the autumn bouquet to mom

(I suggest getting to work. While the children are working, I use indirect guidance techniques, use physical assistance, instructions, pay attention to schemes. I create a situation of success, stimulate children to work.

I propose to supplement your drawing with details: clouds, rain, birds fly away, the last leaves fly around, etc.).

3. The final part. Outcome.

Those who have finished are invited to remove their workplace quietly without disturbing others.

As I finish work, I gather the children and ask questions:

Tell me, what did we draw today (now)?

What kind of trees do we have?

You are all great fellows, wonderful drawings, let's take them to our exhibition and show them to our parents.

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