bios signals. sound short and long beeps when turning on the PC

The BIOS is responsible for checking the functionality of the main components of the computer before each power-up. Before the OS is loaded, BIOS algorithms check the hardware for critical errors. If any are found, then instead of loading the operating system, the user will receive a series of certain sound signals and, in some cases, display information on the screen.

BIOS is actively developed and improved by three companies - AMI, Award and Phoenix. Most computers have built-in BIOS from these developers. Depending on the manufacturer, sound alerts may vary, which is sometimes not very convenient. Let's take a look at all the computer's turn-on signals from each developer.

AMI beeps

With this developer, sound alerts are distributed by beeps - short and long signals.

Sound messages are given without pauses and have the following meanings:

  • The absence of a signal means a malfunction of the power supply or the computer is not connected to the network;
  • 1 short signal - accompanied by the start of the system and means that no problems were detected;
  • 2 and 3 short messages are responsible for certain malfunctions with RAM. 2 signal - parity error, 3 - the inability to start the first 64 KB of RAM;
  • 2 short and 2 long signal - malfunction of the floppy disk controller;
  • 1 long and 2 short or 1 short and 2 long- video adapter failure. Differences may be due to different BIOS versions;
  • 4 short signals indicate violations of the system timer. It is noteworthy that in this case the computer may start, but the time and date in it will be knocked down;
  • 5 short messages indicate CPU inoperability;
  • 6 short signals indicate a problem with the keyboard controller. However, in this case, the computer will start, but the keyboard will not work;
  • 7 short messages - a malfunction of the system board;
  • 8 short beeps indicate an error in the video memory;
  • 9 short signals is a fatal error when starting the BIOS itself. Sometimes restarting the computer and / or resetting BIOS settings helps to get rid of this problem;
  • 10 short messages indicate an error in the CMOS memory. This type of memory is responsible for correctly saving the BIOS settings and starting it when turned on;
  • 11 short beeps in a row means that there is a serious problem with the cache memory.

Audible Signals Award

Sound alerts in the BIOS from this developer are somewhat similar to signals from the previous manufacturer. However, Award has fewer of them.

Let's decipher each of them:

  • The absence of any sound alerts may indicate problems with the connection to the mains or problems with the power supply;
  • 1 short a non-repeating signal is accompanied by a successful launch of the operating system;
  • 1 long the signal indicates problems with RAM. This message can be played either once or repeated for a certain period of time, depending on the motherboard model and BIOS version;
  • 1 short the signal indicates problems with the power supply or a short circuit in the power transmission circuit. It will go continuously or repeat at a certain interval;
  • 1 long and 2 short alerts indicate the absence of a graphics adapter or the inability to use video memory;
  • 1 long signal and 3 short warn about a malfunction of the video adapter;
  • 2 short signals without pauses indicate small errors that occurred during startup. Data on these errors is displayed on the monitor, so you can easily deal with their solution. To continue loading the OS, you will have to click on F1 or Delete, more detailed instructions will be displayed on the screen;
  • 1 long message and subsequent 9 short indicate a malfunction and / or failure to read BIOS chips;
  • 3 long signals indicate a problem with the keyboard controller. However, the operating system will continue to load.

Phoenix beeps

This developer has made a large number of different combinations of BIOS signals. Sometimes this variety of messages causes problems for many users to identify the error.

In addition, the messages themselves are quite confusing, as they consist of certain sound combinations of different sequences. The decoding of these signals is as follows:

  • 4 short2 short2 short messages mean the completion of component testing. After these signals, the operating system will start loading;
  • 2 short3 short1 short a message (the combination is repeated twice) indicates errors in the processing of unexpected interrupts;
  • 2 short1 short2 short3 short a signal after a pause indicates an error when checking the BIOS for copyright compliance. This error is more common after updating the BIOS or when you first start the computer;
  • 1 short3 short4 short1 short the signal reports an error that was made when checking the RAM;
  • 1 short3 short1 short3 short messages occur when there is a problem with the keyboard controller, but the operating system will continue to load;
  • 1 short2 short2 short3 short beeps warn of an error in the calculation of the checksum when starting the BIOS .;
  • 1 short and 2 long beeps indicate an error in the operation of adapters that can have their own BIOS built into them;
  • 4 short4 short3 short you will hear a beep when there is an error in the math coprocessor;
  • 4 short4 short2 long a signal will report an error in the parallel port;
  • 4 short3 short4 short signals indicate a failure of the real time clock. With this failure, you will be able to use the computer without any difficulty;
  • 4 short3 short1 short the signal indicates a problem with the RAM test;
  • 4 short2 short1 short the message warns of a fatal failure in the central processor;
  • 3 short4 short2 short you will hear if there are any problems with the video memory or the system cannot find it;
  • 1 short2 short2 short beeps indicate a failure in reading data from the DMA controller;
  • 1 short1 short3 short beeps will sound when an error is associated with the operation of CMOS;
  • 1 short2 short1 short a beep indicates a problem with the system board.

It is quite familiar to many users to hear a beep from the system unit when the computer is turned on. A single short signal indicates that "everything is in order." And if, for example, 1 long signal or a series of sounds sounds instead of it, then it immediately becomes clear that there is a problem. This emits signals to the BIOS, the same program that runs first and tests all components of the computer (from the CPU to the monitor).

The BIOS emits signals during the initial testing of the components of the system unit, while the video card has not yet been initialized, which can display certain text and tabular data on the monitor. With the help of them, you can determine the faulty unit inside the system unit or identify poor contact of external connections.

BIOS errors are encoded into a specific combination of long and short beeps. Moreover, all of them are the same for motherboards of different years of production from almost all manufacturers (from the most famous to "noname"). BIOS audio error codes have a detailed description in the instructions for the motherboard, however, often in English.

The BIOS can make sounds on a mandatory condition: a small, as it is called, system speaker must be connected to the motherboard. Otherwise, BIOS errors will go unnoticed and the user will see only a dark monitor screen.

Sound signals: what is needed to decipher them?

If a single BIOS signal indicates a normal computer startup, then a series of the same short or long sounds (combinations of them) indicates the detection of problems, moreover, of a hardware nature. Then you have to open the cover of the system unit. And even if the user does not interfere with the PC device himself, for example, due to the presence of factory seals on the screws of the cover, decoding these signals will help determine the source of the problem.

Different computer manufacturers may have different beep sounds due to the fact that they use different BIOS versions. Nevertheless, among them you can find those that are typical and most commonly used.

Diagnostics using BIOS sound signals is one of the most effective methods, without the use of special test boards (such as POST-card), therefore, despite the systematic development of production technologies, all motherboards come with a small speaker or, at least, with a connector for its connections.

Sound signals are emitted in the presence of a working power supply and speaker. If they are faulty, then no diagnostics will work. A speaker malfunction can only be determined by replacing it with a known-good copy, which is not always available.

When everything works as intended, then in order to decrypt error codes, you should use a special list that indicates the typical signals for this BIOS version.

Award BIOS beep codes

The most common among the numerous BIOS versions are the versions from the Award developer, who has been making his programs for motherboards since the days when the Pentium trademark did not even exist.

The list of typical signals that are the same for all versions of the Award BIOS is as follows:

  1. Continuous signal. Breakdown in the power supply. The easiest way to check if this is the case is by replacing the power supply with a known-good copy.
  2. 2 short. The BIOS pays attention to minor errors, which, nevertheless, require the correct parameters to be entered, for example, by loading the standard factory settings.
  3. 3 long. The problem is in the keyboard block on the motherboard. The cause can be either a short circuit in the keyboard or connecting cable, or in the motherboard (connector, electronics, electrically conductive dust, etc.).
  4. 1 long, 1 short. BIOS errors cause RAM modules. The easiest way to fix the problem is to pull out the modules, blow out the accumulated dust from the connector, clean the contacts on the modules themselves and insert them back into the connector. You can leave only one module for the test period and, if necessary, change them, determining which one causes sound signals.
  5. 1 long, 2 short. . For some models of video cards, such codes are issued when there is poor contact in the monitor connector, when at the moment the BIOS is turned on it cannot determine whether there is a connection with it. To fix the problem, you can do with the video card in the same way as with the RAM in the previous paragraph.
  6. 1 long, 3 short. The BIOS was unable to initialize the keyboard, which may indicate a malfunction of the keyboard itself, as well as the connector or electronics of the motherboard. The easiest way is to temporarily disable the keyboard, then it will immediately become clear whether it is the source of the problem.
  7. 1 long, 9 short. Malfunction of the BIOS chip itself. You should just turn off the computer for a while and try turning it on again. If the situation persists and the BIOS error codes do not change, then you should replace the motherboard or try to flash the chip using a special programmer.
  8. 1 long, constantly repeating. Error initializing memory. It is necessary to replace the modules or at least clean the contacts in the connector and try again.
  9. 1 short, constantly repeating. Incorrect operation of the power supply. In any case, only a replacement with a serviceable unit or repair of an existing unit will help. Bad contacts are almost never found here due to the large connectors compared to other components of the system unit.

AMI BIOS beep codes

The AMI developer is less common in the BIOS of motherboards than its competitor Award, but, nevertheless, he has firmly occupied his own, albeit small, niche in this market, so you should be ready to meet with his audio signal encoding system.

Deciphering the encoding of audio signals:

  1. 2 short. The error is caused by incorrect operation of the RAM. In any case, you should start by cleaning the connectors from dust, even if you plan to immediately install new modules to replace the "suspicious" ones.
  2. 3 short. Like the previous paragraph, indicates a malfunction of the RAM module.
  3. 4 short. The system timer, which is the basis for the operation of all other components of the motherboard, is faulty. The only thing that can be done without replacing it is to turn off the system unit for a while.
  4. 5 short. An error occurred while initializing the CPU. You can either turn off the system unit for a while, or remove the cooling system from the processor, pull it out of the socket, and then insert it back. If nothing helps, then you have to change the processor.
  5. 6 short. The keyboard or its processing unit on the motherboard is faulty. To clarify the source, you can temporarily disable the keyboard, replace it with a known-good copy.
  6. 7 short. Fault in the motherboard. In such a situation, a careful external examination of the board for the presence of contact-closing debris can help.
  7. 8 short. Bad video card. You should replace it or, in extreme cases, clean the contacts in the connector. You can temporarily enable the built-in video card and check the operation of the computer with it (if, of course, it is available).
  8. 1 long, 2 short. Error while initializing video card. The elimination methods are the same as in the previous paragraph.
  9. 1 long, 3 short. Fault in the video card.
  10. 1 long, 8 short. The problem is either in the video card or in the monitor.

The following lists of BIOS signals are the basis for diagnosing a computer when there are no other options. In most cases, they allow you to determine the source of the problem, which can simply be replaced with a known-good unit.

If you heard 3 short beeps during the BIOS equipment check procedure, this means that far from everything is in order in your computer. However, it will be difficult for you to find the cause of the malfunction until you look in the BIOS signal table and find out what this signal means.

As you know, different BIOS manufacturers use different tables of sound error messages, and they do not always coincide with each other. As for the situation when you hear 3 short beeps when loading the BIOS, it appears only in some versions of the BIOS.

One such BIOS version is the AMI BIOS. As a rule, if your computer's motherboard is equipped with a similar version of the BIOS, then an informational message containing three short beeps means an error when checking the first 64 KB of RAM.

At present, when the amount of RAM in modern computers is measured in gigabytes, not kilobytes, the chance of receiving such an informational message is small. However, it may appear on some older computers. If such an error still occurs, then you should try to restart the computer using the Reset button. If three short beeps still remain, then you should try to check the reliability of fastening the memory modules in the slots. In the same case, if all the above measures did not bring results, then it will be necessary to change the memory modules.

This signal has a slightly different meaning - three short beeps, it has in the BIOS from AST. In this BIOS, a similar sequence of sounds means something else - a malfunction of the keyboard controller.

If you hear three short beeps when checking the hardware carried out by AST BIOS, then you should not immediately panic. It is possible that after you reboot again, these signals will disappear and you will be able to use the computer again. If this operation did not help restore the computer to working capacity, then you will most likely have to change the keyboard controller, or even the motherboard itself.

Today we will talk about the situation when the computer, when turned on, emits 1 long signal, possibly after a while, a repeating signal and at the same time does not display anything on the screen.

In this situation, there are definitely problems with the equipment. Depending on the motherboard model and BIOS manufacturer, 1 long beep can mean various problems.

Phoenix BIOS thus notifies the user of a fan failure in the CPU cooler. In the Award BIOS, such a combination indicates problems with the power supply. And for the Compaq BIOS, this means a violation of the correct functioning of the RAM.

The IBM BIOS notifies you of video problems with one continuous beep. In some cases, the user can fix such a breakdown on their own. You just need to check how correctly the video card is in the motherboard slot. Perhaps the device should be tweaked a little, and the annoying signal will disappear.

AST BIOS in this case indicates a microcontroller failure. To be more precise, the signal indicates an error detected at the time of checking the first DMA channel. Often, to correct this situation, the user has to change the entire motherboard.


So, the first thing to solve this problem is to try to get and install the RAM in place, after wiping its contacts with an eraser. Ideally, take another known working memory and insert it instead of your own.

One of the possible reasons for this sequence of signals is RAM

If after that the problem has not gone away, check if the processor fan is connected to the motherboard properly and if it is not jammed. To do this, try to scroll it with your finger. The computer must be powered off.

Checking the correct connection of the processor cooler

The next step in eliminating one long BIOS signal is to install a known working power supply, which you can temporarily borrow from friends or acquaintances.

The power supply is one of the possible causes of 1 long BIOS signal

The last step in an attempt to eliminate the prolonged BIOS signal at boot is to try to remove / install the video card by rubbing the contacts with an eraser.

Installing / removing a video card to solve the problem of one short and two long BIOS signals when the computer is turned on

If, after all the steps described, you were unable to start the computer, then most likely you will have to change the entire motherboard.

American Megatrends Inc. (AMI)

The checkpoints of the POST procedures performed in AMIBIOS were revised and supplemented in 1995 and have not undergone significant changes to date. The first description of POST codes or as AMI calls them - "check points" in their current form appeared in connection with the release of the V6.24 kernel, 15/07/95. Some changes have been made in AMIBIOS V7.0 and are reflected in this document.

Features of AMIBIOS startup procedures execution

If during the start process data 55h, AAh appears in the diagnostic port, this information should not be compared with POST codes - we are dealing with a typical test sequence, the task of which is to check the integrity of the data bus.

At the start stage, the data output to the diagnostic port is specific to each platform. In some implementations, the first rendered code is associated with actions, which AMI calls chipset specific stuff. This procedure is accompanied by the output of the CCh value to port 80h and the performance of a number of actions to configure the system logic registers. As a rule, the CCh code occurs in those cases when the system logic from Intel is used, built on the basis of the PIIX controller - these are TX, LX, BX chipsets.

Some onboard I/O chips contain an RTC and a keyboard controller that are in a disabled state upon startup. The purpose of the BIOS is to initialize these board resources for future use. In this case, the first start procedure related to setting up the keyboard controller is accompanied by the output of the value 10h, then the RTC is initialized, as evidenced by the appearance of the DDh code in the diagnostic port. It should be noted that the failure of at least one of these resources will cause the system board as a whole to not start at the very first stage of the POST execution.

On some boards, the initialization process starts with putting the CPU into protected mode. In this case, following the first rendered code 43h, the POST execution continues as described in the AMIBIOS documentation - control is transferred to the D0h point.

Unpackaged initialization codes

Uncompressed Init Code Check Points

Error codeError Description
EEIn modern implementations of AMIBIOS, the first rendered code is associated with accessing a device from which it is possible to boot to restore the BIOS.
CCSystem logic register initialization CD Flash ROM type not recognized
CEChecksum mismatch in CF startup BIOS Error accessing spare Flash ROM chip
DDEarly initialization of the RTC, which is integrated into the SIO chip
D0Disable NMI. Development of a time delay for attenuation of transient processes. Boot Block checksum check, stop on mismatch
D1Perform memory regeneration and Basic Assurance Test. Switching to 4 GB memory address mode
D3Sizing and Primary Memory Test
D4Return to real memory addressing mode. Early initialization of the chip set. Installing the stack
D5Transferring the POST module from Flash ROM to the transit memory area
D6If the checksum or CTRL + Home does not match, the transition to the Flash ROM recovery procedure is performed (Code E0)
D7Transferring control to a utility program that unpacks the system BIOS
D8Complete unpacking of the system BIOS
D9Transferring control to the system BIOS in Shadow RAM
DAReading information from SPD (Serial Presence Detect) DIMM DB modules Setting CPU MTRR registers
DCThe memory controller is programmed according to the data received from the SPD DE System memory configuration error. Fatal error
D.F.System memory configuration error. Beep 10 Early
11 Return from STR (Suspend to RAM) state
12 Restoring access to SMRAM (System Management RAM)
13 Memory regeneration recovery
14 Finding and Initializing the VGA BIOS

Flash ROM Overwriting Procedure Codes

Boot Block Recovery Codes

Error codeError Description
E0Preparations are being made for the interception of INT19 and the possibility of starting the system in a simplified mode is being checked
E1Setting Interrupt Vectors
E3CMOS content recovery, BIOS search and initialization
E2Preparing Interrupt Controllers and Direct Memory Access
E6Enable interrupts from the system timer and FDC
EUReinitializing IRQ and DMA ED controllers Initializing the drive
EEReading boot sector from floppy disk EF Disk operations error
F0Search for AMIBOOT.ROM file
F1AMIBOOT.ROM file not found in root directory F2 Read FAT
F4AMIBOOT.ROM file size does not match Flash ROM size
F5Disable Internal Cache
FacebookDetermining the type of Flash ROM
FCErasing the Main Unit Flash ROM
FDFlash ROM Main Unit Programming
FFBIOS restart

Unpacked system BIOS codes running in ShadowRAM

Runtime code is uncompressed in F000 shadow RAM

Error codeError Description
03 Disable NMI. Reset Type Definition
05 Stack initialization. Disable Memory and USB Controller Caching
06 Executing a utility program in RAM
07 Processor recognition and APIC initialization
08 CMOS Checksum Verification
09 Checking the execution of the End / Ins keys
0ABattery failure test
0BClearing Keyboard Controller Buffer Registers
0CA test command is sent to the keyboard controller
0EFinding additional devices served by the keyboard controller
0FKeyboard initialization
10 The reset command is sent to the keyboard
11 If the End or Ins key is pressed, the CMOS is reset. 12 Putting the DMA controllers inactive
13 Chip set initialization and L2 cache
14 Checking the system timer
19 DRAM refresh request generation test in progress
1AChecking the duration of the regeneration cycle
20 Initializing output devices
23 The input port of the keyboard controller is being read. Polling Keylock Switch and Manufacture Test Switch
24 Preparing to Initialize the Interrupt Vector Table
25 Interrupt vector initialization complete
26 The status of the Turbo Switch jumper is polled through the input port of the keyboard controller.
27 Initialization of the USB controller. Starter microcode update
28 Preparing to set the video mode
29 LCD panel initialization
2ASearch for devices served by additional ROMs
2BVGA BIOS initialization, checking its checksum
2CExecuting VGA BIOS
2DMatching INT 10h and INT 42h
2ESearch for CGA video adapters
2FCGA video memory test
30 CGA Scanner Test
31 Error in video memory or scanning circuits. Finding an alternative CGA video adapter
32 Alternative CGA video memory test and scan circuits
33 Mono/Color Jumper Status Poll
34 Setting the text mode 80x25
37 Video mode is set. Screen cleared
38 Onboard device initialization
39 Displaying error messages from the previous step
3ADisplay "Hit DEL" message to enter CMOS Setup
3BStart preparing for a memory test in protected mode
40 Preparing GDT and IDT Descriptor Tables
42 Switching to Protected Mode
43 The processor is in protected mode. Interrupts are allowed
44 Preparing to test line A20
45 Line test A20
46 RAM sizing completed
47 Test data written to Conventional Memory
48 Rechecking Conventional Memory
49 Extended Memory Test
4BZeroing the memory
4CZeroing progress indication
4DWrite to CMOS received sizes Conventional and Extended memory 4E Indication of the actual amount of system memory
4FExtended Conventional Memory test in progress
50 Conventional Memory Size Correction
51 Extended Memory Test
52 Conventional Memory and Extended Memory volumes preserved
53 Delayed Parity Error Handling
54 Disable Parity and NMI Handling
57 Memory region initialization for POST Memory Manager
58 You are prompted to enter CMOS Setup
59 Returning the processor to real mode
60 Checking DMA page registers
62 DMA#1 controller address and transfer length register test
63 DMA#2 Controller Transfer Length and Address Register Test
65 Programming DMA Controllers
66 Clearing the Write Request and Mask Set POST Registers
67 Programming Interrupt Controllers
7FAllow NMI query from additional sources
80 Set the interrupt service mode from the PS / 2 port
81 Keyboard Interface Test on Reset Errors
82 Setting the Keyboard Controller Mode
83 Keylock status check
84 Memory Verification
85 Displaying error messages
86 Setting up the system for Setup
87 Unpacking the CMOS Setup program into Conventional Memory.
88 Setup program terminated by user
89 Finished restoring state after Setup
8BReserving Memory to an Additional BIOS Variable Block
8CConfiguration register programming
8DInitialization of HDD and FDD controllers
8FReinitializing the FDD Controller
91 Configuring the hard drive controller
95 Running a ROM Scan to find additional BIOSes
96 Additional configuration of system resources
97 Additional BIOS Signature and Checksum Verification
98 Configuring System Management RAM
99 Setting the Timer Counter and Parallel Port Variables 9A Listing the Serial Ports
9BPreparing an area in memory for a coprocessor test
9CCoprocessor initialization
9DCoprocessor information is stored in CMOS RAM
9EKeyboard Type Identification
9FSearch for additional input devices
A0Formation of registers MTRR (Memory Type Range Registers)
A2Error messages on previous initialization steps
A3Keyboard auto-repeat timing setting
A4Defragment unused RAM regions
A5Setting the video mode
A6Screen cleaning
A7Migrating BIOS Executable Code Shadow RAM Area
A8Additional BIOS initialization in segment E000h
A9Return control to system BIOS AA USB bus initialization
ABPreparing the INT13 module for servicing disk services
ACBuilding AIOPIC tables to support multiprocessor AD systems Preparing the INT10 module for servicing video services
AEDMI initialization
B0System configuration table output B1 ACPI BIOS initialization
00 Software Interrupt INT19h - Loading the Boot Sector

Features of running Device Initialization Manager

In addition to the above POST codes, event messages are output to the diagnostic port during the execution of the Device Initialization Manager (DIM). There are several breakpoints that display the initialization status of system or local buses.

The information is displayed in word format, the low byte of which matches the system POST code, and the high byte indicates the type of initialization procedure being performed. The high order tetrad in the high byte indicates the type of procedure to be executed, and the low order specifies the bus topology for its application.

Senior tetrad
Junior tetrad

If a system memory configuration error is detected, the DE code, the DF code, the configuration error code, which can take the following values, is output to port 80h sequentially in an endless loop:

2. Award BIOS V4.51PG Elite

AwardBIOS V4.51PG Elite

The dynamically developing company Award Software in 1995 offered a new at that time solution in the field of low-level software - AwardBIOS "Elite", better known as V4.50PG. The checkpoint service mode has not changed in either the widespread version V4.51 or the rare version V4.60. The suffixes P and G denote, respectively, the support of the PnP mechanism and the maintenance of power saving functions (Green Function).

POSTing to Shadow RAM

Error codeError Description
03 Disable NMI, PIE (Periodic Interrupt Enable), AIE (Alarm Interrupt Enable), UIE (Update Interrupt Enable). SQWV Programmable Frequency Generation Prohibition
04 Checking the formation of requests for regeneration of DRAM
06 Test of memory area starting at address F000h where BIOS is located 07 Test of CMOS and battery operation
BEProgramming the configuration registers of the South and North Bridges
09 Initializing L2 Cache and Cyrix Advanced Cache Control Registers
0AInterrupt vector table generation. Configuring Power Management Resources and Installing the SMI Vector
0BCMOS checksum check. Scanning the bus PCI devices. Processor microcode update
0CKeyboard controller initialization
0DSearch and initialization of the video adapter. IOAPIC setting. Clock measurements, FSB setting
0EMPC initialization. Video memory test. Display Award Logo
0FTesting the first DMA 8237 controller. Keypad detection and internal test. BIOS checksum check
10 Checking the second DMA 8237 controller
11 Checking the page registers of DMA controllers
14 System Timer Channel 2 Test 15 Request Masking Register Test 1st Interrupt Controller
16 2nd interrupt controller request masking register test 19 NMI request passivity check
30 Determining the amount of Base Memory and Extended Memory. API setup. Programmatic control of the Write Allocation mode

Error codeError Description
31 The main on-screen test of RAM. USB initialization
32 The Plug and Play BIOS Extension splash screen is displayed. Setting up Super I/O resources. Programmable Onboard Audio Device
39 Clock generator programming via I2C bus
3CSetting the software flag to allow entry in Setup
3DPS/2 mouse initialization
3EInitializing the External Cache controller and enabling Cache BF Setting the configuration registers of the chip set
41 Initializing the floppy disk subsystem
42 Disable IRQ12 if no PS/2 mouse is present. Hard disk controller soft reset in progress. Scanning other IDE devices
45 FPU coprocessor initialization
4EError message indication
4FPassword request
50 Restoring a previously saved CMOS state in RAM
51 Allow 32 bit HDD access. Configuring ISA/PnP Resources
52 Initialization of additional BIOS. Setting the values ​​of the PIIX configuration registers. Formation of NMI and SMI
60 Installing anti-virus protection BOOT Sector
61 Final steps to initialize the chip set
62 Read keyboard ID. Setting its parameters
63 Correction of ESCD, DMI blocks. Clearing RAM
FFTransferring control to the bootloader. BIOS executes INT 19h

3. Award BIOS V6.0 Medallion

AwardBIOS V6.0 Medallion

The first mention of the Award Medallion BIOS, Version 6.0 dates back to May 12, 1999. The structure of the new product remained unchanged, retaining the early (Early), late (Late), and final (System) phases of hardware initialization. Significant changes have affected the algorithms for performing POST, which is reflected in the new encoding of checkpoints, significantly expanding their scope. However, the new BIOS did not have a place for outdated technologies such as EISA, and for this reason a number of POST codes were abolished.

Executing POST start routines from ROM

At the stage of early initialization, the BIOS program code is executed from the boot block (Boot Block) in Flash ROM, and is accompanied by the output of checkpoints 91h…FFh to the diagnostic port

Error codeError Description
91 Selecting the CF Platform Start Scenario Determining the Processor Type
C0Disable External Cache. Disable Internal Cache. Shadow RAM ban. Programming the DMA controller, interrupt controller, timer, RTC C1 block Determining the type of memory, total size and placement in lines 0С Checking checksums
C3Verification of the first 256K DRAM for the organization of the Temporary Area. Unpacking BIOS in Temporary Area
C5If the checksums match, the executed POST code is transferred to Shadow. Otherwise, control is transferred to the BIOS recovery procedure.
B0North Bridge initialization
A0-AFDevice-dependent system logic initialization procedure E0-EF Error during system logic initialization process

BIOS recovery

POSTing to Shadow RAM

Late initialization is performed in RAM and continues until the user menu is called - CMOS Setup. This POST phase is characterized by the use of the E000h memory segment, in which the passage of checkpoints from 01h to 7Fh is processed.

Error codeError Description
01 Unpacking XGROUP at physical address 1000:0000h
03 Early
05 Setting the initial values ​​of the variables that define the attributes of the image. Checking the CMOS Status Flag
07 Checking and initializing the keyboard controller
08 Determining the interface type of a connected keyboard
0AKeyboard and mouse auto-detection procedure. Final Keyboard Controller Settings Using PCI Space Registers
0EMemory segment test F000h
10 Installed FlashROM Type Definitions
12 CMOS test
14 Chipset register initialization procedure
16 Primary initialization of the onboard frequency synthesizer
18 Definitions of installed processor and its size Cache L1 and L2 1B Generation of interrupt vector table
1DInitial setup of the Power Management system
1FLoading from external module XGROUP keyboard matrix
21 Initializing the Hardware Power Management Subsystem
23 Coprocessor testing. Determining the type of FDD drive. Preparatory step for creating a resource map of PnP devices
24 Processor microcode update procedure. Resource Allocation Map Update
25 Initialization and scanning of the PCI bus
26 Setting up the logic serving the VID (Voltage Identification Device) lines. Initialization of the onboard voltage and temperature monitoring system
27 Reinitializing the Keyboard Controller
29 Initialization of the APIC, which is part of the central processor. Measuring the frequency at which the processor operates. Setting up system logic registers. Initializing the IDE Controller
2DDisplaying information about the processor
33 Performing a Reset on a Connected Keyboard
35 Checking the first channel of the DMA 8237 controller
37 Checking the second channel of the DMA 8237 controller
39 Testing DMA page registers
3CConfiguring the Programmable Interval Timer Controller (8254)
3EInitializing the Master Controller 8259
40 Initialization of the Slave controller 8259
43 Preparing the interrupt controller for work. Interrupts are disabled, they are enabled later, after a memory test
45 Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) Request Passivity Check
47 Performing ISA/EISA tests
49 Determining the amount of basic and extended memory. Software Control of Writes Allocation Mode by Tweaking AMD K5 Registers
4EMemory testing within the first megabyte and visualization of the results on the display screen. Initialization of caching schemes for single and multiprocessor systems, setting Cyrix M1 processor registers
50 USB initialization
52 Testing all available system memory, including the region for the built-in video controller (Shared Memory). Visualization of results on the display screen
53 Reset your login password
55 Visualization of the number of detected processors
57 Initial initialization of ISA PnP devices, each of which is assigned a CSN (Card Select Number). Visualization of the EPA logo
59 Initialization of the anti-virus support system
5BStarting the BIOS update procedure from the 5D floppy drive Initializing the on-board SIO and Audio controllers
60 Access to CMOS Setup is open
63 PS/2 Mouse initialization
65 USB Mouse initialization
67 Use of IRQ12 by PCI Devices if PS/2 Mouse System Doesn't Have 69 Full L2 Cache Controller Initialization
6BChipset initialization according to CMOS Setup
6DConfiguring resources for ISA PnP devices in SIO 6F configuration mode Initializing the floppy disk subsystem
73 Preliminary steps to initialize the hard drive subsystem. On some platforms - ALT+F2 poll to launch AwardFlash
75 Finding and initializing IDE devices
77 Initializing Serial and Parallel Ports
7ASoftware reset of the coprocessor, writing the control word to the register FPU CW 7C Setting the protection against unauthorized writing to hard disks
7FOutput of error messages. Maintaining the DEL and F1 keys

Preparing tables, arrays and structures to start the operating system

Starting with code 82h, POST configures the system according to the CMOS settings. Its final phase is executed from the Shadow RAM area (segment E800h) and ends with the transfer of control to the operating system - code FFh.

Error codeError Description
82 Allocate an area in system memory for power management
83 Restoring data from the temporary storage stack in CMOS
84 Displaying the message "Initializing Plug and Play Cards..."
85 USB initialization completed
86 Reserved, clearing Carry Flag
87 Building SYSID tables in the DMI area
88 Reserved, clearing Carry Flag
89 Generating ACPI Maintenance Tables
8AReserved, clearing Carry Flag
8BFinding and initializing the BIOS of additional devices
8CReserved, clearing Carry Flag
8DInitialization of parity bit maintenance routines
8EReserved, clearing Carry Flag
8FIRQ12 resolution for mouse hot plugging 90 Reserved, Clear Carry Flag
91 Initializing Legacy Platform Resources
92 Reserved, clearing Carry Flag
93 Presumably not used
94 Final steps to initialize the main set of logic before loading the operating system. Power management system initialization completes. The BIOS startup screen saver is removed, the resource allocation table is displayed on the screen. For AMD K6® family processors, specific settings are made. Firmware Update for Intel Pentium® II Processor Family and Above
95 Sets the automatic changeover mode for winter/summer time. Programming the Keyboard Controller for an Auto-Repeat Rate
96 In multiprocessor systems, final system settings are performed and service tables and fields are created. For processors of the Cyrix family, additional register tuning is performed. Building the ESCD table "Extended System Configuration Data". Set DOS Time counter according to Real Time Clock. Partitions of boot devices are saved for further use by built-in anti-virus tools: Trend AntiVirus or Paragon Anti-Virus Protection. The system speaker signals the end of the POST execution. The MSIRQ table is built and saved

A number of processes that take place in the Award Medallion BIOS are identified by special checkpoint groups. These include:

System Event codes - control points of system events.

Power Management Debug codes - checkpoints that occur during the execution of APM or ACPI services.

System Error codes - fatal error messages.

Debug codes for MP system - initialization points for multiprocessor platforms.

POST Fast Track Features

The user can select the "Quick Power On Self Test" option in CMOS Setup to reduce system boot time. In this case, the passage of POST will be accelerated by refusing to perform some procedures (Quick Boot).

The Quick Boot scheme replaces the late and final POST phases and does not affect the operation of the boot block. Award Software offers a non-standard codification of the executable POST fast-track procedures. Quick Boot starts with checkpoint 65h output to the diagnostic port and ends with POST code 80h. Control is then transferred to the operating system, displaying the usual Award BIOS code FFh.

Error codeError Description
65 Early initialization of the SIO controller, software reset of the video controller. Keyboard controller setup, keyboard and mouse test. Sound controller initialization. Checking the integrity of BIOS structures. Unpacking the Flash ROM Maintenance Procedures. Initialization of the onboard frequency synthesizer
66 Initialize the L1/L2 cache according to the results obtained from the CPUID command. Generation of a vector table consisting of pointers to interrupt routines. Initializing Power Management Hardware
67 CMOS and battery validation. Setting the chipset registers according to the CMOS settings. Initialization of the keyboard controller in the chipset. Generating BIOS Data Area Variables
68 Video system initialization
69 Configuring the i8259 Interrupt Controller
6AAn accelerated one-pass test of RAM is performed using a special algorithm
6BVisualization of the number of detected processors, the EPA logo, and an invitation to launch the AwardFlash utility. Configuring Embedded I/O Controller Resources in Configuration Mode
70 Setup prompts. Initializing PS/2 and USB Mouse
71 Cache Controller Initialization
72 Setting configuration registers for system logic. Formation of the list of Plug and Play devices. FDD controller initialization
73 HDD controller initialization
74 Coprocessor initialization
75 If specified by the user in the CMOS Setup, the IDE HDD is write-protected
77 Password prompt and message: "Press F1 to continue, DEL to enter Setup"
78 BIOS initialization of additional devices on ISA and PCI buses
79 Initializing Legacy Platform Resources
7AGeneration of RSDT root table and device tables DSDT, FADT, etc.
7DFinding Information About Boot Device Partitions
7EConfiguring BIOS Services and Services Before Booting the Operating System
7FSetting the NumLock flag according to CMOS SetUp
80 Transfer control to the operating system

Performing POST in Power Saving Mode

One of the platform states, when the contents of RAM is stored on the hard disk, is called Hibernate. In the ACPI specification ("Advanced Configuration and Power Interface Specification", Revision 2.0a dated 03/31/2002), it is defined as S4 (Non-Volatile Sleep) power saving mode. Returning to full functionality involves a special way of passing the POST.

The ACPI S4 operation scheme, as in the case of an accelerated start, replaces the late and final POST phases. An essential point is the check in the boot block of the start script. Depending on the ACPI state the system is in after the hardware Reset signal, a decision is made to exit the S4 state, which begins with the output of the 90h checkpoint to the diagnostic port and ends with the POST code 9Fh.

Error codeError Description
90 Early initialization of the SIO controller, software reset of the video controller. Keyboard controller setup, keyboard and mouse test
91 CMOS and Battery Validation
92 Initialization of system logic registers and on-board frequency synthesizer
93 Cache Initialization Based on CPUID Information
94 Generation of a vector table consisting of pointers to interrupt routines. Initializing Power Management Hardware
95 PCI bus scan
96 Initializing the built-in keyboard controller
97 Video system initialization
98 Displaying VGA adapter messages
99 Checking the first channel of the DMA8237 controller by writing and checking the reading of the registers of the base address and the length of the transfer block 9A Configuring the i8259 interrupt controller
9BPS/2 and USB Mouse initialization. Unpacking ACPI code. Cache controller initialization
9CSetting configuration registers for system logic. Formation of the list of Plug and Play devices. Initialization of FDD and HDD controllers
9DA PM region reservation in system memory is not performed if one is created in Shadow RAM or SMRAM. In some cases, a final USB bus initialization is required, performed with the L1 cache disabled
9ESetting up Power Management, which is part of the system logic. Initialize the SMI generation circuits and set up the SMI vector. Programming Resources Responsible for Monitoring PM System Events
9FThe disable/enable operation clears the L1/L2 cache and restores its current size. The power saving control settings specified in CMOS Setup are stored in PM RAM. For mobile platforms, a check is made to return to full operation after turning off all supply voltages (Zero Volt Suspend mode)

4. Phoenix BIOS 4.0 Release 6.0

Phoenix Technologies Ltd.

Phoenix Technologies, one of the leaders in the development of low-level software, timed the release of Windows95 with a new version of PhoenixBIOS 4.0. Support for the Intel Pentium processor family is reflected in the name of the interim revisions. One of the latest - Release 6.0 - formed the basis of all released BIOSes. Since Release 6.1, there have been no significant changes in the way POSTs are executed, and therefore this has not been reflected in the indication of breakpoints.

A distinctive feature of PhoenixBIOS is that if during the POST execution there are errors in testing 512 KB of main memory (codes 2Ch, 2Eh, 30h), additional information is output to port 80h in the format of a word, the bits of which identify the failed address line or data cell. For example, the code "2C 0002" means that a memory failure has been detected on address line 1. The code "2E 1020" in this case would mean that a failure has been detected on data lines 12 and 5 in the low byte of the memory data bus. On 386SX systems using a 16-bit data bus, an error cannot occur at runtime code 30h.

The output of the POST code to the diagnostic port is accompanied by the output of a sound signal to the system speaker. The scheme for generating an audio signal is as follows:

  • Eight-bit code is converted into four two-bit groups
  • The value of each group is incremented by one
  • Based on the received value, a short beep is generated (for example: code 16h = 00 01 01 10 = 1-2-2-3)

Executing POST start routines from ROM

Error codeError Description
01 Initializing the Baseboard Management Controller (BMC)
02 Checking the current processor mode
03 Disable NMIs
04 Determines the type of processor installed
06 Initial settings of the PIC and DMA registers
07 The area in memory intended for the copy of the BIOS is reset to zero
08 Early initialization of system logic registers
09 Setting the POST execution software flag
0AInitialization of software resources of the processor
0BPermission Internal Cache
0ESuper I/O Resource Initialization
0CInitialize L1/L2 cache according to CMOS values
0FIDE initialization
10 Initializing the Power Management Subsystem
11 Setting Alternate Register Values
12 MSW (Machine Status Word) register value is being set
13 Early initialization of PCI devices
14 Keyboard controller initialization
16 Checksum ROM BIOS
17 L1/L2 Cache Sizing
18 Initializing the 8254 system timer
1ADMA controller initialization
1CReset programmable interrupt controller values
20 Checking the Formation of DRAM Refresh Requests
22 Testing Keyboard Controller Operation
24 Installing a selector to serve a flat 4Gb memory model
26 A20 line resolution
28 Determining the total amount of installed memory
29 Initializing POST Memory Manager (PMM)
2AZeroing 640Kb main memory
2CAddress line testing
2EFailure on one of the data lines in the low byte of the memory data bus
2FSelecting a cache protocol
30 Available system memory test
32 Determination of CPU clock parameters and bus frequency

Error codeError Description
33 Phoenix Dispatch Manager initialization
34 Power Off Prohibition with ATX Power Button
35 Settings for system logic registers that control the formation of timing characteristics of access to memory, I / O ports, system and local buses
36 A restart is performed if the transition to the next POST procedure fails. The sequence of procedures is managed by Watch Dog Service
37 The process of setting up the system logic registers is being completed
38 The content of the BIOS module Runtime is unpacked and rewritten to the area intended for Shadow RAM
39 Reinitializing the Cache Controller
3AResizing the L2 Cache
3BInitializing the BIOS Execution Trace
3CAdditional setting of logic registers for configuring PCI-PCI bridges and supporting distributed PCI buses
3DThe system logic registers are configured in accordance with the CMOS Setup settings.
3ERead Hardware Configuration
3EChecking the connection of the ROM Pilot system
40 Determination of the CPU clock parameters
41 Initializing ROM Pilot - Remote Boot Management
44 Set BIOS Interrupt
45 Device initialization before enabling the PnP mechanism
46 Using a special algorithm, the BIOS checksum is calculated
47 Initializing I2O I/O Controllers
48 Finding a video adapter
49 PCI Initialization
4AInitializing system video adapters
4BQuiet Boot in progress - an abbreviated system startup sequence used to speed up POST
4CVGA BIOS content is written to pass-through area
4EBIOS Text String Visualization Copyright
4FReserving memory for the boot device selection menu
50 The type of processor and its clock frequency are visualized
51 Initializing the Controller and EISA Devices
52 Keyboard controller programming
54 Key beep mode activated
58 Search for Unhandled Interrupt Requests
59 POST Display Service (PDS) initialization 5A Message "Press F2 to enter SETUP" output
5BDisable CPU Internal Cache
5CChecking Conventional Memory
5EDetect Base Address
60 Check Extended Memory
62 Checking Extended Memory Address Lines
64 Transfer control to an executable block generated by the motherboard manufacturer (Patch1)
66 Configuring Cache Control Registers
67 Minimal initialization of APIC controllers
68 L1/L2 cache resolution
69 Preparing System Management Mode RAM
6AThe volume of External Cache is visualized
6BSetting CMOS Setup Defaults
6CVisualization of information about the use of Shadow RAM
6EVisualization of information about Upper Memory Blocks (UMB)
70 Displaying error messages
72 Checking the current system configuration and information in CMOS
76 Checking Keyboard Error Information
7AChecking the status of software (System Password) or hardware (Key Lock Switch) keyboard locks
7CSetting hardware interrupt vectors
7DPower Tracking Initialization
7ECoprocessor initialization
80 On-board SIO I/O controller is prohibited
81 Preparing to boot the operating system
82 Finding and identifying RS232 ports
83 Configuring External IDE Controllers
84 Finding and identifying parallel ports
85 Initializing ISA PnP Devices
86 On-board resources of the SIO controller are configured according to the CMOS Setup settings
87 Configuring MCD (Motherboard Configurable Devices)
88 The values ​​of the variable block are set in the BIOS Data Area
89 NMI generation enabled
8ASetting Variable Values ​​in the Extended BIOS Data Area
8BChecking PS/2 Mouse Wiring Diagrams
8CDrive controller initialization
8FDetermining the number of connected ATA devices
90 Initializing and configuring hard disk controllers
91 Setting temporary parameters for hard drives in PIO mode
92 Transfer control to an executable block generated by the motherboard manufacturer (Patch2)
93 Building a configuration table for a multiprocessor system
95 Selecting a CD-ROM Maintenance Procedure
96 Return to Real Mode
97 Building an MP Configuration Table
98 ROM Scan in progress
99 Checking the status of the SMART parameter 9A ROM contents are being written to RAM
9CSetting up the Power Management subsystem
9DInitialization of resources for protection against unauthorized access
9EEnable hardware interrupts
9FDetermines the number of IDE and SCSI drives
A0Setting DOS Time according to RTC status A1 The purpose of this code is unknown A2 Checking the status of Key Lock
A4Keyboard auto-repeat characteristic settings
A8The message "Press F2 to enter Setup" is removed from the screen
AAChecks for the presence of the SCAN key code F2 in the AC input buffer Runs the Setup program
AECTRL+ALT+DEL restart flag is cleared B0 "Press F1 to resume, F2 to Setup" message is generated
B1POST complete flag cleared B2 POST completed
B4Playing a beep before downloading
B5Quiet Boot phase completed
B6Password check if this mode is enabled in Setup B7 ACPI BIOS initialization
B9Search for boot devices on the USB bus BA Initialize DMI parameters
BBRe-executing the ROM Scan procedure
BCThe RAM parity error latch trigger is reset to zero.
BDA menu is displayed to select a boot device BE Clearing the screen before loading the operating system BF Activating anti-virus support
C0The procedure for processing the software interrupt INT 19h is launched - the Boot Sector loader. The interrupt routine attempts to load the Boot Sector sequentially by polling disk devices in the order prescribed by Setup.
C1Initialization of the fault handling procedure (PEM) C2 Call service procedures for error logging
C3Visualization of error messages in the order of their arrival C4 Setting flags of initial states
C5Extended CMOS RAM cell block initialization
C6Dock Initialization
C7Delayed Dock Initialization
C8Execution of test procedures included in the Boot Block to determine the integrity of BIOS structures
C9Checking the integrity of structures and / or modules external to the system BIOS
CARunning Console Redirect to service a remote CB keyboard Emulating disk devices in RAM/ROM
CCRun Console Redirect to serve video CD Support PCMCIA communication
CESetting up the light pen controller

Fatal error messages

D0 Error caused by an exception (Exception error) D2 Calling the interrupt handling procedure from an unidentified source D4 Error related to violation of the protocol for issuing and removing interrupt requests D6 Exit protected mode with software generated reset D7 To save the state of the video adapter, more is required amount of memory than available in SMRAM D8 Error during software generation of processor reset pulse DA Loss of control when returning to Real Mode DC Exit protected mode with software generation of reset without reinitializing the interrupt controller DD Error during extended memory testing DE Keyboard controller error DF Line control error A20 19

Executing Procedures from the Boot Block

Error codeError Description
E0E1 Chipset Configuration Register Setup Northbridge and Southbridge Initialization
E2CPU initialization
E3Initializing the system timer
E4Super I/O Resource Initialization
E5Checking the Status of the Recovery Jumper, Installing Which Forces the BIOS Recovery Mode
E6BIOS checksum check
E7Control is transferred to the BIOS if its checksum is calculated correctly E8 MPS support initialization
E9Transition to a flat 4Gb memory model
EAInitialization of non-standard equipment
EBConfiguring the Interrupt Controller and Direct Memory Access
EUBy means of writes and control readings according to a special algorithm, the type of memory is determined: FPM, EDO, SDRAM, according to the result, the Host Bridge configuration registers are configured
EDBy means of records and control readings according to a special algorithm, the volume of memory banks and placement by lines are determined. According to the result, the configuration registers of the Host Bridge (DRAM Row Boundary) are configured.
EEThe contents of the Boot Block are copied to Shadow RAM EF Preparing SMM RAM for the SMI handler
F0Memory test
F1Interrupt vector initialization
F2Initializing Real Time Clock
F3Video subsystem initialization
F4Generating a beep before downloading
F5Loading an operating system stored in Flash ROM
F6Return to Real Mode
F7Boot to Full DOS
F8USB controller initialization
FA…FFInteraction codes with PhDebug procedure

5. Inside BIOS Mobile Pro

Inside Software Corp.

The mobile systems market insider has firmly established himself where loyalty to tradition and a conservative approach to building a BIOS are required. Having inherited the source code from SystemSoft, the company is constantly working to improve it. The last of the MobilePRO revisions is actively used in Mitac and Clevo laptops, the documentation for which formed the basis of the Error Codes table - this is how Insyde Software calls POST execution checkpoints.

Boot Block Checkpoints

Despite the fact that Insyde Software created its first BIOS in 1992, the well-established boot block model - or Boot Loader, as the creators themselves called it - was finally formed only by the end of 1995. From that moment on, the starting procedure was numbered according to the version and date of creation.

The most significant point from the point of view of a service engineer investigating the process of booting a computer system with InsydeBIOS is the device for displaying diagnostic codes. Although, as a rule, the Boot Loader uses the Manufacture's Diagnostic Port 80h, which is standard in such cases, in some cases, checkpointing is performed only on the PIO Port (Parallel Input / Output port for diagnostic purpose), which is nothing more than parallel port 378h There are implementations in which diagnostic codes sent to port 80h are duplicated to the parallel port.

Error codeError Description
00 Boot Block Execution Start Point 01 Inhibit Line A20 (Not Used)
02 CPU microcode update
03 RAM testing
04 Moving the boot block to RAM
05 Execute boot block from RAM
06 Forcing the Flash ROM Recovery Procedure
07 Transferring the system BIOS to RAM
08 System BIOS Checksum Verification
09 Starting the POST procedure
0AStarting the Flash ROM recovery procedure from the FDD drive
0BFrequency synthesizer initialization
0CCompleting the BIOS Recovery Procedure
0DAlternative Flash ROM recovery procedure with FDD
0FStop on fatal error
BBEarly initialization of LPC SIO
CCStarting point for flash ROM recovery
88 Enable ACPI functions
99 Error exiting STR mode
60 Entering Big Real Mode
61 SM Bus initialization. SPD data stored in CMOS A0 Read and parse SPD fields previously stored in CMOS A1 Initialize memory controller
A2Determining the logical banks of a DIMM
A3Programming registers DRB (DRAM Row Boundary)
A4DRA (DRAM Row Attributes) Register Programming
AEThe system detected DIMMs that differ in Error Correcting Codes (ECC) functions
AFPrimary initialization of memory controller registers mapped in memory space
E1Boot procedure fails if DIMM does not have an SPD chip
E2DIMM type does not match system requirements
EAMinimum time between activation of DIMM rows and transition to regeneration state does not meet system requirements
EURegister modules are not supported by ED Checking CAS Latency Modes
EEDIMM organization not supported by motherboard

Performing POST procedures from RAM

Most modern InsydeBIOS solutions use 16-bit checkpoint mapping. For this, ports 80h and 81h are used, the latter of which is intended to extend the standard diagnostics.

The study of control points is hampered by their irregular construction, when processes that are different in meaning are accompanied by the same codes. In dual diagnostic systems, there are heterogeneities of a different order: some POST codes are displayed only in one of the ports without the usual duplication in such cases.

Error codeError Description
10 Cache initialization, CMOS check
11 A20 line ban. Setting registers for 8259 controllers.
12 Determining the download method
13 Memory controller initialization
14 Finding a video adapter connected to the ISA bus
15 Setting System Timer Values
16 Setting system logic registers via CMOS
17 Counting the total amount of RAM
18 Testing the minor page of Conventional Memory
19 Flash ROM Image Checksum Verification
1AResetting the interrupt controller registers
1BVideo adapter initialization
1CInitialization of a subset of video adapter registers compatible with the 6845 programming model
1DEGA adapter initialization
1ECGA adapter initialization
1FDMA controller page register test
20 Keyboard controller check
21 Keyboard controller initialization
22 Comparison of the received amount of RAM with the value in CMOS
23 Battery backup and Extended CMOS test
24 Testing DMA controller registers
25 Setting DMA controller parameters
26 Interrupt vector table generation
27 Accelerated determination of the amount of installed memory
28 Protected Mode
29 System memory test completed
2AExit Protected Mode
2BTransferring the Setup Procedure to RAM
2CStarting the video initialization procedure
2DRe-search for CGA adapter
2ERe-search for EGA/VGA adapter
2FDisplaying VGA BIOS Messages
30 Keyboard controller custom initialization routine
31 Checking the connected keyboard
32 Checking the passage of the request from the keyboard
33 Keyboard status register check
34 Test and reset system memory
35 Protected Mode
36 Extended memory test completed
37 Exit Protected Mode
38 A20 line ban
39 Cache Controller Initialization 3A System Timer Check
3BSetting the DOS Time counter according to Real Time Clock
3CInitializing the hardware interrupt table
3DSearch and initialization of manipulators and pointers
3ESetting the status of the NumLock key
3FInitializing Serial and Parallel Ports
40 Configuring Serial and Parallel Ports
41 FDD controller initialization
42 HDD controller initialization
43 USB Power Management initialization
44 Finding and Initializing Additional BIOSes
45 Resetting the NumLock Key Status
46 Checking coprocessor functionality
47 PCMCIA initialization
48 Preparing to start the operating system
49 Transfer control to Bootstrap executable code
50 ACPI initialization
51 Initializing Power Management
52 USB Bus Controller Initialization
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