Plan Levitan evening bells. Composition: description of the painting And

All the most valuable artistic heritage Russia is carefully kept within the walls Tretyakov Gallery. Painting " evening call, evening Bell”, written by Levitan’s hand, is a valuable copy located in the 37th room. It is made in oil on canvas measuring 87x107.6 cm. The space of the painting is delimited by three planes, each of which could exist separately. The manner of execution is as realistic as possible, every detail is perfected to the smallest detail.

Artist biography

Isaac Levitan was born in 1860 in Lithuania. When the boy was 10 years old, his family moved to live in Moscow. Young Isaac very quickly became an orphan. At the age of 13, the boy goes to study at the Moscow School of Painting. The diligence and talent of the young man evoke the sympathy of masters and artists, and already at the age of 17, Isaac was a student and later - V.D. Polenov.

After graduating from college, Isaac Ilyich Levitan becomes a very recognizable and popular painter, participates in traveling art exhibitions. The most fruitful period of the master's work is 1890-1895. In 1898 he was awarded the title of honorary academician of landscape painting.

creative heritage

The main genre in which the master worked was landscape. However, in his track record there are also records that he was the author of scenery for the Moscow private opera. Levitan was one of the few artists who succeeded, being in young age, win the sympathy of Tretyakov, who bought the painting from him and placed it as an exhibit in his own collection.

Since 1884, Levitan has been actively writing from nature. However, for contemporaries, his landscape works are of the greatest interest. His most popular painting is “Evening Bells”, whose photo has repeatedly become the cover of textbooks, calendars and postcards.

The artist drew his inspiration from the richness of the nature around him. After he visited the Volga coast in 1987, his working list was replenished with the following canvases: “Pines”, “Oak”, “Evening on the Volga”, “Oak Grove. Autumn".

The subsequent works of the master fall on the period of 1995 and we can safely say that since that time his hand began to create real masterpieces, thanks to which he became famous all over the world. Exactly at given period he writes "At the pool" and "Above eternal rest”, as well as “Vladimirka”, which he subsequently presented as a gift to the Tretyakov Gallery.

I.I. Levitan "Evening Bells": a description of the painting

The greatest landscape painter of the 19th century, master of subtle soul, I.I. Levitan, with his work, confirmed the boundless love for the motherland and Russian people. His canvases are imbued with stormy colors inherent in nature and calm strokes that convey the warm attitude of the master to the world around him.

When it comes to religiosity and the influence of the church community on the life of the Russian peasant, one recalls the image of a calm water surface at sunset and iridescent domes seen on the other side of the river. This image is firmly rooted in the minds of most people who immediately remember that this is Levitan, "Evening Bells".

Comes down to three storylines. The central element of the canvas is a river that separates the two banks. In the distance, the viewer can observe the monastery spread among the trees, and in the foreground - the path leading to the reservoir. Two boats on the shore - cross the river and get to the monastery. In a way, this is a metaphorical depiction of the human path to God.

In 1892, after visiting several monasteries of the country, Levitan decides to create "Evening Bells". The description of the painting seems to convey his meditative state from the dizzying chime church bells carried by the warm wind. fall on the domes and let them shine on the whole canvas. It can be seen that the picture was painted in the evening, when it was the turn of the evening service. This idea formed the basis of the title of the work.

The idea of ​​creating a painting

The prototype that the artist used in his painting “Evening Bells” was taken from the landscapes he saw when he lived in Zvenigorod. There he used to walk in the evenings near the Savvino-Storozhevsky monastery. It is important to understand that the image on the canvas is not of that particular monastery, but a generalized idea of ​​the evening life of ordinary peasants. The motive was so well chosen that now, when you see the church domes rising above the tops of the trees, Levitan, “Evening Bells”, immediately comes to mind. The description of the painting may be ambiguous, but it is impossible to refute the fact of its ideological versatility.

Isaac Ilyich Levitan is a famous Russian artist of the nineteenth century. He lived short life. But for a short career, he left a significant mark on Russian and world art, creating such masterpieces as “On the Volga”, “ Quiet abode”, “March” and many others.

One of famous paintings is "Evening Bell". In terms of subject matter and mood, it is consonant with the canvas “Quiet Abode”. They do not show any specific location. Levitan embodied in his works observations of the nature of the Volga, the view of the Savvino-Storozhevsky monastery during sunset and the monastery near Yuryevets. The painting "Evening Bells" was written in 1892.

In the foreground is a wide river, one bank of which is sandy, and the other is covered with bright greenery of grasses and trees. On the right bank, the artist painted two boats. The peasant sits in one of them. Another boat floats along the river with several rowers and vacationers. The river is calm. She is not blown by the wind. There is peace all around.

Then the viewer's eye moves to the opposite bank. There winds a wide road to the gates of the monastery. Two human figures are visible on the road near the water. The church, turned golden in the rays of the setting sun, is reflected in the smoothly flowing waters of the river. To the left of the monastery, a thick wall approaches the forest. And above all this splendor, the sky stretched out like a beautiful tent. It is blue-blue. On its calm, like a river, pink-yellow clouds float.

From the picture emanates peace. Everything froze. The surrounding nature and people seem to be bewitched by the ringing of the bells of the monastery church. He floats over the wide expanse of the river, over forests and fields. And all living things fall silent, spellbound by the chime of bells.

Ringing roundabout and roundabout

At the windows near the columns.

The ringing of bell towers

And a bell ringing.

So Nikolai Rubtsov wrote in a poem, dedicated to the painting Levitan "Evening bells". When looking at the work, lines from the song also come to mind: “Evening ringing, evening ringing, how many thoughts it brings.” People thought, listening to the sounds pouring from above. The sky, and the forest, and the river thought.

The picture amazes the viewer bright light the setting sun, the freshness that blows from the river and from the forest. You seem to be breathing full chest life-giving air, you hear the ringing of bells. And the soul becomes light and calm. Peace permeates your entire being.

A significant place among the paintings of Isaac Ilyich Levitan is occupied by landscapes depicting churches. In these works he found peace and humility. One of these paintings is "Evening Bells". It was created by the author after he visited the monastery on the Volga and near Zvenigorod.

He showed us the state of mind when you look at the monastery in the rays of the setting sun and hear the ringing of bells. The last rays of the sun want to illuminate the domes of church buildings even more strongly, so that they simply stomp in this radiance. Even the trees near the buildings were transformed into a different color. The sky also shines last sunlight leaving shadows only from small clouds.

A small calm river washes the banks of the monastery. A boat with parishioners quietly floats along it. People rush to the evening service. The ringing of the bell has already begun to call everyone. A few more boats stand near the opposite shore. Apparently, this is for latecomers.

In this canvas, the author perfectly showed all his talents. How accurately and beautifully he conveyed each tree, bush, blade of grass. How beautifully the monastery itself fit into this view. They seem to be one with nature. Without him, the picture would not have integrity. And how he showed the state of his soul. Joy and peace are personified in sunlight, which just fills the whole picture. And the melodic evening ringing of bells sounds in your ears every time you look at this canvas.

Composition based on the painting “Evening Bells” by Levitan

The canvas "Eternal Ringing" is one of the outstanding works of the famous Russian artist who lived such a short but wonderful life. During this time he wrote many wonderful works.

There is no specific place on this canvas. The artist in his paintings carried out his consideration of nature. This canvas was painted at the end of the nineteenth century.

In the central part of the canvas is a river. Its waters are framed on one side by a sandy shore, and on the other side of the river, the shore is covered with green trees and grass. On the sandy shore there are two boats on the water, a person is in the water of them. A boat floats further downstream, in which there are rowers and vacationers. The waters of the river are calm.

After that, the gaze of the one looking at the picture moves to the river bank, located opposite. On this bank there is a monastery, to which a wide winding road leads. Near the water, on the road near the shore, there are two monks. The monastery shimmers in the rays of gold, reflected in the calm blue-gray waters. quiet river. To the left, a forest joins the monastery gates and the monastery itself, like a wall. Above all this beautiful view stretched the same beautiful sky. It is like a blue tent illuminated by sunlight. Light, fluffy clouds float across the sky, as if on a river.

Looking at the picture, you feel how everything freezes inside. Not only the people and nature in the picture stand, as if bewitched by the ringing of monastery bells, which spills over the surrounding forests and fields, they are enchanted by this bell ringing over the smooth surface of a wide river. But the person who stands in front of this picture, too, seems to feel this chime as if spellbound.

When you look at this picture, words do not intrusively appear in your memory. famous song"Evening call, evening Bell". It feels like imitating the words of this song, everyone thought: people, the sky, the river and the surrounding forest, they listened to the sounds of the chime.

This canvas stuns the viewer with the bright light of the sun, the coolness blowing from the river, from the wonderful forest. Looking at this canvas, there is a feeling as if you are breathing in the revitalizing air, you can distinguish the chime of bells. And it becomes so easy and calm in the soul.

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  2. composition based on the painting by I And Levitan Evening bells
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One of the most prominent Russian landscape painters. But, paradoxically, his most famous painting, " evening call, evening Bell”, which the artist created in 1982, is not a landscape from nature, as it is a kind of creative combination of two monasteries that inspired the painter to create a masterpiece - Savvino-Storozhevsky and Krivozersky. The Krivozersky Monastery no longer exists today; by 1955, it fell into the flood zone of the Gorky reservoir. The painting itself (a canvas measuring 87 cm by 107.6 cm) is stored in Moscow, in the State Tretyakov Gallery.

Levitan taught his contemporaries and followers to subtly feel nature, to perceive and reflect in painting its states, so consonant with the states and moods of people. The artist was subject to a wide range of feelings - from attracting viewers to a close, attentive study of the phenomena and objects of nature, to creating a broad, general perspective of the world, which requires distance and detachment in order to realize the scale.

The idea of ​​a peaceful landscape depicting a monastery in the rays of the setting sun first inspired Isaac Levitan in 1890. At that time the artist lived in Slobodka, near Zvenigorod. The result was the painting "Quiet Abode". Two years later, the painter visited Yuryevits, where he saw a small Krivozersky monastery (several photographs of this structure have survived to this day). The interweaving of images of the Krivozersky and Savvino-Storozhevsky monasteries revived Levitan's idea to depict the sunset landscape anew. So the painting “Evening Bells” was born.

Levitan perfectly managed to convey his own spiritualized feelings to the landscape. The clouds in the picture are colored bright colors summer sunset, they also illuminate the tops of mighty trees, are reflected in the serene expanse of a wide and calm river, play on the golden domes of the monastery church. The day with its worries and worries is coming to an end; over the river, the bell ringing is spreading, calling for the evening service.

Russian nature inspired I.I. Levitan to create masterpieces throughout his creative way. In the 19th century, admiration for the beauty and tranquility of certain corners of the Russian hinterland was inextricably linked with the religious perception of reality. Both the landowner, and the peasant, and the soldier believed in God with equal strength, and the tsar was considered the anointed of God. Orthodox Russia several times a day resounded with the blissful ringing of bells, which filled all earthly existence: from rapidly green grasses to human soul. Working on the banks of the Volga, Isaac Levitan wrote his famous painting"Evening call, evening Bell".

The central part of the exposition of the picture is occupied by the river. Its grey-blue hues have a soft effect on the beholder, as if calling to enjoy the tranquility and magical charm of the summer landscape. The main focus is on the monastery and the bell tower, surrounded by greenery, the contemplation of which elevates a person above the worldly fuss. It makes you want to linger on the peninsula flooded with evening rays of the sun: the holy monastery, the crosses of domes melting in the sky, the wide road to the gates of the monastery. It was no coincidence that I.I. Levitan depicted two monks dressed in black right by the river. They are so small that overcoming the path to the sparkling white arch seems to be something impossible. And yet the road to God, far from the temptations of the world, is quite spacious, and only the one who walks can master it.

The upper part of the picture is the sky. Almost white above the forest, a little higher - with air clouds and in the upper left corner - blue, the sky is striking in its piercing beauty. The skill of the painter allowed Levitan to fill the picture with evening chimes. In the heavenly heights depicted by him, the music of church bells is heard, flying over the tops of trees, a river with a boat with people floating downstream, a tiny wooden pier and a man sitting in a small boat near the shore, whose figure you do not immediately notice.

Isaac Ilyich Levitan was able to find extraordinary depth in any landscape, while harmoniously combining a complex philosophy human life with the virginal purity of Russian nature.

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