Which composer wrote about autumn. "Gold autumn"

As you know, autumn is a wonderful time. The last warm rays of the sun coquettishly play on the golden leaves. Everything around becomes yellow-red. The riot of colors and colors amazes any person, especially the artist. The trees are truly beautiful. No wonder many artists were in love with autumn. There are no more paintings dedicated to any season than this one.

Autumn in the works of Isaac Ilyich Levitan

The famous artist I. Levitan was an avid nature lover, and also paid great attention to the autumn landscape. He painted the well-known painting "Golden Autumn". In the picture we see a beautiful Russian landscape. autumn, that same golden time that excited the hearts of many creative people.

Before us opens a spacious golden field, which is basking in the rays of the warm autumn sun. The foliage seems to tremble from a light warm wind and sparkle like gold. This landscape causes complete peace in the soul, awakens feelings of something truly native.

Also from under the brush of I. Levitan came out such a work dedicated to the autumn season, like "Autumn".

In the painting "Autumn Day. Sokolniki" we see how the weather echoes the girl's mood. This autumn landscape is filled with mystery and peace. The work was completed in 1879.

The painting "Autumn. Road in the Village" already depicts a cloudy day, but nature is still charming.

Vasily Polenov and his works dedicated to autumn

The autumn landscape is also called "Golden Autumn". The author filled it with charming warmth. I want to take a deep breath and feel the aroma of the barely come autumn.

Surprisingly subtly conveyed the atmosphere of the changed season. There is a final warmth in the air. The leaves of the trees have not yet had time to completely change their fresh green outfit to graceful gold. But it seems as if now, right before our eyes, it will happen. So nicely the author was able to reflect all the charm of the moment, forever frozen on the canvas. Looking at the picture, you can forget about everything, you want to close your eyes and be there for a moment.

Many artists could not pass by this wonderful time of the year without painting the autumn landscape. As it turned out, autumn is a favorite motif of Russian artists. Chances are you'll find at least two autumn paintings by any landscape painter.

Autumn landscape on the canvases of artists

For example, an outstanding Russian painter adored autumn and painted many paintings dedicated to it. For example, "Autumn. Veranda".

His painting "In the Evening" depicts warm autumn twilight hours. The entire work is written in yellow-gold hues, which is typical for autumn.

Autumn was also depicted by: S. Petrov ("Golden Autumn"), V. Korkodym ("Gold of Autumn"), V. Sofronov ("Golden Autumn") and many others.

Pictures of the change of seasons, the rustling of leaves, bird voices, the splashing of waves, the murmur of a stream, thunderstorms - all this can be conveyed in music. Many famous people were able to do this brilliantly: their musical works about nature have become classics of the musical landscape.

Natural phenomena, musical sketches of flora and fauna appear in instrumental and piano works, vocal and choral compositions, and sometimes even in the form of program cycles.

"The Seasons" A. Vivaldi

Antonio Vivaldi

Vivaldi's four three-movement violin concertos, dedicated to the seasons, are without a doubt the most famous musical works about the nature of the Baroque era. Poetic sonnets for the concertos are believed to have been written by the composer himself and express the musical meaning of each movement.

Vivaldi conveys with his music thunder peals, and the sound of rain, and the rustle of leaves, and bird trills, and dog barking, and the howling of the wind, and even the silence of an autumn night. Many of the composer's remarks in the score directly indicate one or another natural phenomenon that should be depicted.

Vivaldi "The Seasons" - "Winter"

"The Seasons" by J. Haydn

Joseph Haydn

The monumental oratorio "The Seasons" was a kind of result of the composer's creative activity and became a true masterpiece of classicism in music.

Four seasons sequentially appear before the listener in 44 scenes. The heroes of the oratorio are villagers (peasants, hunters). They know how to work and have fun, they have no time to indulge in despondency. People here are part of nature, they are involved in its annual cycle.

Haydn, like his predecessor, makes extensive use of the possibilities of various instruments to convey the sounds of nature, such as a summer thunderstorm, the chirping of grasshoppers and a frog choir.

In Haydn, musical works about nature are associated with people's lives - they are almost always present in his "pictures". So, for example, in the finale of the 103rd symphony, we seem to be in a forest and hear the signals of hunters, for the image of which the composer resorts to a well-known means -. Listen:

Haydn Symphony No. 103 – finale


"The Seasons" by P. I. Tchaikovsky

The composer chose for his twelve months the genre of piano miniatures. But the piano alone can convey the colors of nature no worse than the choir and orchestra.

Here is the spring jubilation of the lark, and the joyful awakening of the snowdrop, and the dreamy romance of the white nights, and the song of the boatman, swaying on the river waves, and the field work of the peasants, and dog hunting, and the alarmingly sad autumn fading of nature.

Tchaikovsky "The Seasons" - March - "Song of the Lark"


Carnival of the Animals by C. Saint-Saens

Among the musical works about nature, Saint-Saens' "great zoological fantasy" for a chamber ensemble stands apart. The frivolity of the idea determined the fate of the work: "Carnival", the score of which Saint-Saens even forbade to publish during his lifetime, was fully performed only in the circle of the composer's friends.

The instrumental composition is original: in addition to strings and several wind instruments, it includes two pianos, a celesta and such a rare instrument in our time as a glass harmonica.

There are 13 parts in the cycle, describing different animals, and the final part, which combines all the numbers into a single work. It's funny that the composer also included beginner pianists diligently playing scales among the animals.

The comicality of "Carnival" is emphasized by numerous musical allusions and quotations. For example, "The Turtles" perform Offenbach's cancan, only several times slower, and the double bass in "Elephant" develops the theme of Berlioz's "Ballet of the Sylphs".

Saint-Saens "Carnival of the Animals" - Swan


Sea element N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov

The Russian composer knew firsthand about the sea. As a midshipman, and then as a midshipman on the Almaz clipper ship, he made a long journey to the North American coast. His favorite marine images appear in many of his creations.

Such, for example, is the theme of the “blue ocean-sea” in the opera Sadko. Literally in a few sounds, the author conveys the hidden power of the ocean, and this motif pervades the entire opera.

The sea reigns both in the symphonic musical picture "Sadko" and in the first part of the suite "Scheherazade" - "The Sea and Sinbad's Ship", in which the calm is replaced by a storm.

Rimsky-Korsakov "Sadko" - intro "Ocean-sea blue"


“The east was covered with a ruddy dawn…”

Another favorite theme of musical works about nature is the sunrise. Here, two of the most famous morning themes immediately come to mind, something in common with each other. Each in its own way accurately conveys the awakening of nature. These are the romantic "Morning" by E. Grieg and the solemn "Dawn on the Moscow River" by M. P. Mussorgsky.

In Grieg, the imitation of a shepherd's horn is picked up by stringed instruments, and then by the entire orchestra: the sun rises over the harsh fjords, and the murmur of a stream and the singing of birds are clearly heard in the music.

Mussorgsky's dawn also begins with a shepherd's melody, the ringing of bells seems to be woven into the growing orchestral sound, and the sun rises higher and higher above the river, covering the water with golden ripples.

Mussorgsky - "Khovanshchina" - introduction "Dawn on the Moscow River"


It is almost impossible to list everything in which the theme of nature develops - this list will turn out to be too long. These include concertos by Vivaldi (The Nightingale, The Cuckoo, Night), The Bird Trio from Beethoven's 6th Symphony, Rimsky-Korsakov's Flight of the Bumblebee, Debussy's Goldfish, Spring and Autumn, and Winter the road" by Sviridov and many other musical pictures of nature.

MKOU "Goryaynovskaya basic comprehensive school"

Ponyrovsky district, Kursk region.

Extracurricular educational event on the subject "Art" (Music)

for students in grades 1-4:

Prepared and hosted by: music teacher

Leushina V.P.

Purpose of the event: To foster a culture of listening through the perception of classical music by Russian and foreign composers. To give an idea of ​​the diversity and richness of music, poetry, painting, their common life basis, mutual influence and complementarity on the example of the work of P.I. Tchaikovsky, G.V. Sviridov, Antonio Vivaldi.

- broaden the horizons of students;
- to form an elementary listening experience based on music;
- to learn to compare the musical and artistic image, relying on the means of musical expression.
- develop creative imagination;
- develop vocal and choral skills;
- develop imagination.
- cultivate a love for music;
- arouse interest in music and the subject being studied;
- educate their musical, artistic and aesthetic taste;
- educate imaginative thinking; emotional and aesthetic responsiveness to a work of art;
- to form in schoolchildren the ability to perceive the beauty of their native nature;
- improve the expressive reading of a poetic work;
- enrich the spiritual world.

Georgy Vasilievich Sviridov. Antonio Vivaldi. P.I. Tchaikovsky. 1915-1998 1678-1741 1840-1893

Lesson progress: Children enter to the music of E. Dog "Waltz"
Teacher: Hello guys! Guys, having guessed the riddle, you will find out the theme of the event that I have prepared for you. Listen carefully!

The field is empty, it's raining.
The wind rips off the leaves.
Fog is creeping in from the north
Terrible clouds hung.
The birds are moving south
Slightly touching the pines with a wing.
Guess, dear friend,
What time of year? - ...
(Autumn) slide 1
Today we will talk about the music of autumn. So autumn has come to us imperceptibly. It can be different - cheerful and sad, sunny and cloudy, with rain and sleet, with cold winds and frosts. What are the signs of autumn?
Children: It's getting colder, the birds are flying south, the sun isn't shining as brightly. slide 2
Teacher: Good. Well done, tell me, do you like autumn?
Children: Well no.
Teacher: Why do you love autumn?
Children: For what becomes beautiful around.
Teacher: Can you name any proverbs or sayings about autumn?
Children: Children's answers
Teacher: let's look at the screen (on the screen proverbs about autumn). Read them and give a semantic explanation to these proverbs.

Children: Take turns reading and commenting. slide 3

1. Autumn - eight changes.
2. You feed me in the spring, and in the fall I will be full myself.
3. Autumn will come, but he will ask for everything.
4. October does not like wheels or runners.
5. In autumn, the cat also has feasts.

Teacher: All these proverbs are about autumn, about its weather and about the fact that it is at this time of the year that people harvest and stock up for the winter.

slide 4

Autumn is a beautiful time, despite the fact that the weather is often capricious. This time of the year has attracted and continues to attract the attention of poets, artists, and of course composers. So is our Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, who lived in the 19th century. He created a cycle of piano pieces "The Seasons", there are 12 of these pieces. Why do you think 12?

Children: By the number of months in a year. Slide 5

Teacher: Correctly. Tchaikovsky lived in St. Petersburg for a long time, a magazine was published there called "Nuvellist" - from the word "novella", which means a short story. The magazine was published every month, and in each issue a pleasant surprise awaited readers: notes of musical pieces for the piano composed by Pyotr Ilyich. Each had the name of one of the months of the year. 12 months of the year, 12 issues of the magazine and 12 musical plays: January, February, March... All of them were then combined into an album of colorful, musical sketches, which was called "Seasons".
Tchaikovsky loved autumn very much. He spent a lot of time walking, watching how the colors of nature change, breathing in the smell of wet earth. He walked even in rainy weather, finding beauty in the rain. And this is no coincidence, because autumn is such an amazing time!

Now we will listen to 3 autumn pieces from the piano album "Seasons".

    The first one is called "September". "Hunting".

The first days of autumn bring with them the opportunity to indulge in their favorite pastime, both masters and commoners - hunting. And the epigraph to this work was the quatrain by A.S. Pushkin, who emphasized the passion of hunting, the loud hum of horns and the barking of a pack of greyhounds.

"It's time, it's time! The horns blow:

Psari in hunting gear

Than the world is sitting on horseback;

Greyhounds jump on packs."

As if echoing him, Tchaikovsky begins the piece with loud chords - the call of hunting horns. The fast tempo (allegro) in the middle of the piece imitates the chase and lathered horses, impatient riders leaning in the saddle. The passion of the September hunt flares up with the joy of catching prey and preparing supplies for the winter. Unprecedented excitement only manages to capture the listeners, as the lyrical melody draws in the imagination of the hounds stalking in the wake of the hare, a cheerful and noisy chase and the final - catching the fugitive and the end of the hunt.

I remind you that we listen to music in silence.

    The second play is called "October". "Autumn Song".

As an epigraph for the poetic description of October, Tchaikovsky chose a short couplet by A.N. Tolstoy, in which yellow leaves fall from the trees in the wind

“Autumn, our whole poor garden crumbles,

Leaves yellow in the wind fly ... "

The sound of ripe apples falling on the roof is heard, the sad rustle of leaves and the sadness of fading nature convey quiet chords, and in the middle of the piece, light trills remind of the warm rays of the sun slipping into the garden and illuminating the gold decoration of the trees. A quivering feeling that embraces the soul gives the last hope for warmth, and then nature sighs, the pace freezes and calms down. The lyrical sketch of the play is very sincere, it allows you to enjoy the smell of a fire and the transparent autumn air with the freshness of the first, evening frosts.
(Listening and watching the video on the screen)

    The third autumn play from the album "Seasons" is called "November". "On a trio".

As a poetic epigraph for this work, Tchaikovsky took a poem by N.A. Nekrasov.

"Do not look longingly at the road

And do not rush after the three

And sad anxiety in my heart

Shut it down forever."

Nekrasov wrote about November, the eve of the Russian winter, as about the first powder, on which the troika leaves a mark, ringing from afar with a cheerful bell, dispersing anxiety in the soul. Tchaikovsky also devoted the play "November" to a primordially Russian plot - a fast ride on a troika of horses, joy at the first snow and the still not prickly wind blowing over the cheeks. The frosts are already invigorating, but the sun is shining brightly, and the snow glitters on the hooves of racing horses. The winter landscape is beautiful, it is emphasized by the gait - the tempo taken in the middle of the work, and the sad echoes of high and thin notes are replaced by the approach of the sound of a bell, the lingering song of the coachman - a melody that fades away.
(Listening and watching the video on the screen)

Teacher: And now let's rest a little, get up and leave the desks.
Grisha walked - walked - walked, (We walk in place.)
I found a white mushroom. (Clap hands.)
Raz-fungus, (Tilts forward.)
Two - fungus, (Bends forward.)
Three - fungus, (Bends forward.)
He put them in a box. - children imitate the movements of the mushroom picker: they walk, bend down and put the mushrooms in the container. Movements should be slow, rhythmic.

Teacher: We continue our conversation about the music of Autumn in the works of Russian and foreign composers.

Probably nowhere in the world there is such a beautiful autumn as we have in Russia. Another Russian composer who turned to the theme of autumn is Georgy Vasilyevich Sviridov. Slide 11

He was born in the small town of Fatezh. Kursk province. From the age of nine he began to learn to play the piano, but much more than the piano, the young music lover was attracted by the balalaika. Soon Sviridov learned to play by ear in such a way that he was accepted into an amateur orchestra of Russian folk instruments. A little later, Georgy Vasilyevich received a musical education and became an excellent composer. For his talent, he was awarded many state titles and awards. Let's listen to a fragment of a musical work by G.V. Sviridov,
called "Autumn". And answer the questions: Slide 12-13

Teacher: What musical instruments did you hear? Student responses.
- What was the nature of the music to choose from the suggested answers on the screen.

(Joyful, tense, solemn, mysterious,
affectionate, enthusiastic, poetic, impetuous, calm, mysterious, excited, restless, tender, sad, graceful)
slide 14.
What would you draw while listening to this music?
Children: Autumn.

teacher: Many creative people devoted their works to the seasons: poets - poems, artists - paintings, composers - music. One such great composer was Antonio Vivaldi. He was the first to create a concert cycle dedicated to all seasons. Antonio Vivaldi was born in Italy. He was an abbot (that is, a priest), received a musical education - as a violinist and composer. Vivaldi created many musical works, but the most famous of them is the Four Seasons cycle, consisting of 4 concertos for violin and orchestra. We will listen to a fragment of the concert "Autumn". And we will answer questions. What is the mood of this autumn? What feelings does this music evoke in you? Listening to "Autumn"

Teacher: What is the mood of this autumn? What feelings does this music evoke in you?
Children: Children's answers.
Teacher: What do you think, if the composer painted an illustration for this work, what colors would he use?
Children: Children's answers.

Of course, the music of the Italian composer is different from our music, and our autumn is different, so the autumn works are permeated with the moods and feelings of their people.
And at the end of our event, we will also perform the autumn songs learned in the lessons. Think about the mood with which we will perform these songs?

1-2 class "Autumn in a golden scarf" sl. and muses N.B.Bobkova Slide 16.

Grade 3-4 “Leaves are falling, falling” sl. M. Ivensen, music. M.Kraseva. slide 17.

Grade 1-4 "Starling says goodbye" sl. M. Ivensen music. T. Popatenko Slide 18.

Teacher: Well done boys. What season are we talking about today?
Children: About autumn.

Teacher: Watch and answer the autumn quiz questions. slide 18.

    When is Teacher's Day in Russia?

    What month is Mother's Day?

    What date is the last day of autumn?

    The season between summer and winter?

    How is the earth covered in autumn?

    Is color a symbol of autumn?

    Which tree leaves turn red in autumn?

    Who are Khmuren, Gryaznik and Leafy?

(Prizes for correct answers)

Teacher: With the work of which composers did you meet?
Children: P.I. Tchaikovsky, G.V. Sviridova, A. Vivaldi.
Teacher: Our lesson is over, I hope that you learned a lot of interesting and useful things at our event today. Thank you bye! (Exit to the music)

Municipal state-owned special (correctional) educational institution for students, pupils with disabilities "Special (correctional) general education boarding school of the VIII type"

city ​​of Miass, Chelyabinsk region

Class hour summary

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class teacher 9th class

Dubrovina Yrymgul Zholdybekovna

Topic: Autumn in the works of Russian composers, artists and poets

Target: To cultivate love for native nature, to develop an aesthetic perception of the surrounding reality and works of art.

Class hour progress


Autumn. "What's good about her?" - they usually ask. It seems to many boring, dull, dull ...

But it seems to us that autumn is very diverse and multifaceted.

Today we will try to find out what autumn is through works of painting, music and poetry.

Guess what word (a sign of autumn) is hidden in empty cells (leaf fall). (Slides 1,2)

Today we have an impromptu leaf fall, a mood leaf fall, a leaf fall of emotions, a leaf fall of discoveries, a leaf fall of knowledge.


Choose autumn leaves depending on your mood, red - you like autumn, yellow - do not like. Write on a piece of paper what autumn means to you.

The song DDT "Autumn" sounds. (Slide 3)


Autumn, with its unique colors, is the most favorable time for creativity and has always inspired and inspires artists, composers, poets, writers to create beautiful works.

Autumn in the works of Russian poets, composers and artists is many-sided and multi-colored.

With the richness of its colors, autumn attracted the attention of the great Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, who in 1876 wrote the music album "Seasons". In the melodious melody of Tchaikovsky, parting with the passing summer, regret for the fading nature. (Slide 4).

Autumn is the season that leaves no one indifferent. Therefore, such wonderful lines were dedicated to autumn by poets and writers.

Reading poems about autumn by children.

A.S. Pushkin.

Sad time! Oh charm!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -
I love the magnificent nature of wilting,
Forests clad in crimson and gold,
In their canopy of the wind noise and fresh breath,
And the heavens are covered with mist,
And a rare ray of sun, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winter threats.

Boring picture!
Clouds without end
The rain is pouring down
Puddles on the porch...
stunted rowan
Wet under the window
Looks village
Gray spot.
What are you visiting early
Autumn, has come to us?
Still asks the heart
Light and warmth!

The fields are compressed, the groves are bare,
Fog and damp from the water.
Wheel behind the blue mountains
The sun went down quietly.
The blasted road is slumbering.
She dreamed today
What is very, very little
It remains to wait for the gray winter ...

The romance "The golden grove dissuaded ..." sounds.

Teacher. One of the most famous artists who loved to paint autumn so much is Isaac Ilyich Levitan (1860-1900).
Autumn was Levitan's favorite season, and he devoted more than a hundred paintings to it.

Reproductions of paintings. (Slides 8-19)

The painting "Golden Autumn" is one of the best creations of the artist, bright colors, solemn peace create a feeling of the greatness of nature. Looking at the pictures, I just want to exclaim: “It's a sad time! Eyes of charm! ”,“ Lush nature withering ”,“ Forests clad in crimson and gold. How accurately and aptly Pushkin described his favorite season in famous poems, and the artist depicted autumn, putting a flurry of feelings and experiences into his paintings.

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin painted many paintings of the autumn forest, which are masterpieces and never cease to delight us. (slides 20-26)

Paintings by Russian artists "Golden Autumn" (slides 27-39).

An excerpt from the composition of P. I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons" "Autumn Song" sounds.

Why do you think there are so many paintings called "Golden Autumn"?


Each season has its own signs and characteristics, and so does autumn. Let's remember them. You have leaflets with autumn signs, proverbs and sayings on your tables, you must collect them and read them. Final word from the teacher. Poems, painting and music help us to discover the beauty of our native land, call to protect all living things, teach us to understand the language of nature. The art world is a great wonder. But it will be revealed, like a miracle, not immediately and not to everyone, but only to a smart and kind, sensitive and attentive person. Try to be like that!

Reflection. Choose autumn leaves depending on your mood after what you saw and heard, red - you love autumn, yellow - you don’t. Write on a piece of paper what autumn means to you.

(The guys attach the leaves to the drawing paper "Autumn mood").

Autumn: poet - artist - composer

  1. Interdisciplinary topic.
  2. Works of art and their creators - poets, artists, composers.
  3. Reflection in the works of art of the theme of autumn.
  4. Comparison of moods and characters of the studied works.

Artistic material:

  1. P. Tchaikovsky. October "Autumn Song" from the cycle "Seasons" (2 types of performance) (hearing);
  2. S. Prokofiev. “Autumn Fairy Variations” from the ballet “Cinderella” (listening);
  3. I. Levitan. "Autumn, summer";
  4. I. Grabar. "Pock";
  5. V. Polenov. "Gold autumn";
  6. V. Nesterenko. "Last leaves";
  7. Poems of poets: A. Pushkin, A. Pleshcheev, E. Trutneva.

Song repertoire:

  1. G. Popatenko, lyrics by E. Avdienko. "Leaf fall" (singing);
  2. D. Vasiliev-Buglai, lyrics by A. Pleshcheev. "Autumn Song" (singing)

Characteristics of activities:

  1. Have an idea about the type of activity of representatives of art - poets, artists, composers.
  2. Compare the figurative content of works of music, poetry, painting at the topic level, identify signs of similarities and differences.

Once upon a time there was a hostess Autumn
In a magic castle of gold
Wandered along the silent clearings
I was friends with the wind outside the window.
Kroila fairy tales from the fog
And sewed with threads of rain,
Into the world of wonder and strange
Taking everyone along...

Guys, the topic of our lesson is Autumn. Autumn inspired artists, composers, poets to create beautiful works, telling about autumn with paint, music, words.

So the summer ended with long hot days and short starry nights, with thunderstorms and showers, with multi-colored rainbows and morning dew, with berries, mushrooms, flowers. Is it possible that with the departure of summer and the mood will now be sad? In autumn, the weather is cloudy, gloomy, rainy. Guys, do you want autumn to come? (Answers of children).

That's right guys. We are sad to say goodbye to summer. But autumn will delight us with its miracles. Listen to E. Trutneva's poem "Autumn" and find out what mood the author had when she wrote this poem.

It suddenly became twice as bright,
Yard, as in the sun, -
This dress is golden
At the birch on the shoulders.
In the morning we go to the yard, -
Leaves fall like rain
Rustle underfoot
And fly... fly... fly...
And high from the ground
The cranes flew by.
Everything flies! Must be this
Our summer is flying...

Listen to A. Pleshcheev's poem "Autumn Has Come" and try to guess the mood of another author.

Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up,
And look sadly bare bushes.
The grass withers and turns yellow in the meadows,
Only the winter turns green in the fields.
Clouds cover the sky, the sun does not shine,
The wind is howling in the field, the rain is drizzling.
The waters rustled a fast stream,
Birds have flown to warmer climes...

The great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin admired autumn every year. Autumn was the poet's favorite time. Listen to an excerpt from his poem "Autumn".

Sad time! Oh charm!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me.
I love the magnificent nature of wilting,
Forests clad in crimson and gold.
In their canopy of the wind noise and fresh breath,
And the heavens are covered with mist,
And a rare ray, and the first frosts.
And distant gray winter threats.

  1. What words does the poet use for autumn? What words does he use to describe her? (In crimson, gold-clad forests; a rare ray of the sun; the first frosts ...)
  2. And if you were poets, what words would you choose to tell about the magical time - autumn? (Children's stories.)
  3. Guys, if you were composers, what kind of music would you compose about autumn: sad or cheerful? (Children's answers.)

Guys, what do you think, can you guess the mood of the composer from the piece of music? Let's try. The music was written by the Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

Listening to the work "Autumn Song" by P. Tchaikovsky from the cycle "The Seasons".

  1. What kind of music sounded: cheerful or sad?
  2. What feelings did it evoke in you? (Sadness, sadness.)
  3. What phenomena of nature did the composer convey in "Autumn Song"? (Gusts of wind, falling leaves.)
  4. Which composer composed this music?

This play is from Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky's collection The Four Seasons. There are twelve plays, according to the number of months in a year, and each bears the name of a month. There are also plays about autumn - "September", "October", "November". But each play has its own subtitle, for example, “October. Autumn song. In it, the composer paints a picture of autumn nature, draws how the breeze rustles, plucks the leaves and they, circling, fall to the ground.

  1. And if you were an artist, what colors would you paint autumn landscapes with? (Children's answers.)
  2. Guys, can you express your mood with the help of a picture? (Children's answers.)

Correctly. From the drawing, you can also guess the mood of the artist, his feelings, dreams.

Viewing the painting by I. Levitan "Golden Autumn".

Guys, look carefully at the picture: at the meadow, at the river, at the golden leaves of birch trees, at the yellowed, almost dried up grass, at the lonely half-withered flower, leaning right towards the water and at the bright sunny sky above it.

  1. Would you like to be in this meadow?
  2. What would you name this painting? (Children's answers.)

Isaac Levitan chose the name "Golden Autumn" for his painting. Why do you think? (Children's answers.)

Correctly. Everything in this picture seems to be golden: the magnificent decoration of birches, the bright sunlight of an autumn day ...

  1. What signs of autumn do you see in this picture?
  2. What sky? (Bright, sunny, blue, cool.)
  3. What day is shown in the picture: clear or cloudy? (Clear.)
  4. Are there clouds in the sky? What are they? (White cloud.)
  5. What do you think, what is the mood of the birches? (Cheerful, joyful, they are proud of their golden dresses.)

Did you notice the lone flower by the stream? What do you think about the mood of the flower? (He rejoices at the bright sun: he is glad that he is so beautiful, but he is a little sad because he was left completely alone and it will soon be cold.)

And now let's guess with what mood the artist painted this picture. (With good, cheerful. Joyful, bright, enthusiastic and a little sad.)

Guys, let's try to come up with a story based on this picture. Think of a title for your story. Tell us about the autumn day, the sky, the clouds, the sun, the birches, the lonely flower and the blue stream. (Children's stories.)

We listened to poetry, music, looked at pictures. Poems, paintings, musical plays are all works of art.

  • The poet writes poetry.
  • The artist paints pictures.
  • The composer composes music.

The remarkable Russian composer Sergei Sergeevich Prokofiev wrote not only the most complex works for adults, but also children's music intended for the smallest. He was very fond of fairy tales.

“Autumn Fairy Variations” is an excerpt from the ballet “Cinderella”, written on the plot of the famous fairy tale by Ch. Perrault. Do you remember when, after leaving for the ball of the stepmother with her sisters, Cinderella is left alone and dreams? In Prokofiev's fairy tale ballet, not only the sorceress godmother comes to her aid, but also fairies of all seasons who present their gifts to Cinderella. And the character of the fairies is so different, to match the seasons ... So, get acquainted: Fairy of Autumn!

Listen to "Autumn Fairy Variation" by S. Prokofiev.

Hearing: S. Prokofiev. Autumn Fairy Variation.

  1. Do you know this fairy tale?
  2. Name the main characters in this story.
  3. Where did the main character of this story go? (To the ball.)
  4. What autumn is shown in the piece of music?
  5. An excerpt from which ballet are we listening to now?
  6. Which composer composed the music for this ballet?


  • Painter
  • Composer
  • Piece of art

In this lesson, we saw and heard how poets, artists, composers depict autumn in their works of art. Our lesson is over, but autumn continues to give us many amazing stories for new creative discoveries.

sample story
Autumn has come. Thin birches with white trunks dressed up in bright yellow dresses. A light breeze blows, the leaves break off the branches and fly, spinning in a slow dance. You look at the birch trees and wonder how these green leaves turned into golden ones. A dark blue river flows through the meadow. The water is already cold. On the bend of the river stands a lonely beauty birch, bright yellow and even, like a candle. In the distance, green-brown trees, a bright green field and several village houses can be seen.
The sky is blue-blue with a light cloud. The sun is not visible, but its presence is felt in everything: as if the leaves are burning and shimmering with gold, playing in the sun's rays. And shadows fall from the trees. From the shadow you can guess which direction the sun is.
An autumn flower bloomed on the bank of the river. He himself rejoices in the bright radiant sun and pleases everyone with his beauty. It's just a shame he was left alone. Probably all the flowers have already faded.

Description of the painting by Igor Grabar “Ryabinka”
The beauty of Russian nature has always resonated in the hearts of creative people. Many lines have been dedicated by poets and writers to the boundless expanses of the Russian plains, and many artists have captured the most beautiful corners of Russia. One of these artists is Igor Grabar - a subtle connoisseur of the charm of the colors of nature. With great love, the painting “Ryabinka” was painted, the colors gracefully play on it, the artist masterfully creates the feeling of being in an unusually beautiful place.
In the foreground of the picture, the artist depicted the main character - a mountain ash. It is autumn, the tree is ready to shed its leaves. Red berries are poured with juice, this color represents the arrival of the time for summing up, harvesting. In the background you can see a small village where life should be in full swing - it's time to prepare for winter, final preparations are being made. The artist uses the opposition of fussy human activity and the solemn calm of the forest and nature.
Next to the main character of the picture - mountain ash, there are two birch trees, which are inferior to her neither in beauty nor in grace. Such beauty is difficult to convey in words, and then the means of fine art come to the rescue, which Igor Grabar mastered to perfection.

Description of the painting by Isaac Ilyich Levitan “Golden Autumn”
Among the works of Isaac Ilyich Levitan, the picture “Golden Autumn” stands out with its optimism, major notes and lightness of perception.
The painting depicts the golden autumn time. The sun illuminates a landscape that is pleasing to the eye: a quiet, calm river with banks overgrown with tall grass, still green grass cover, yellow, red, orange forest. From a weak breeze, the foliage on the trees trembles, shimmers with a sunny brilliance. The sky is clear, blue, but on the horizon it brightens, clouds appear. Characteristically, thin, slender birch trees in a precious golden dress are depicted in the foreground. They represent Russia itself: stately, light, beautiful and set the tone for the whole picture.
In the background you can see village houses, a wide green field. In this picture, the dominant place is given to nature, the village does not suppress it, but, on the contrary, harmoniously fits into the surrounding reality.
In general, the canvas produces the most pleasant, joyful impressions. It is impossible to take your eyes off the slender beauties of birch trees, and it seems that you can hear their foliage swaying, and its numerous inhabitants are splashing in the river, living their inconspicuous life.

Description of the painting by Vasily Polenov “Golden Autumn”
The painting was painted by the artist near his estate on the Oka River in the Tula province and depicts a sunny autumn day. The viewer's eye is immediately riveted by the river, which stands out like a dark snake against the background of golden trees and hills. It is not immediately noticed, but the radiance of the sun on the roofs of the monastery near the bend of the river cuts into the memory for a long time.
Vasily Polenov depicted the very beginning of autumn - the yellow color has not yet completely captured the space of the picture, an example of this is a huge tree in the foreground with a still green crown. But all the attention, of course, is taken by the river. Clear water reflects the sun's glare, the sky, the sun and trees, yellow fallen leaves are circling on the shallows.


1. Presentation, ppsx;
2. Sounds of music:
Prokofiev. Variation of the Autumn Fairy from the ballet Cinderella, mp3;
Chaikovsky. Seasons, October (2 versions - symphonic orchestra and piano), mp3;
3. Accompanying article, docx.

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