Lesson for the class about autumn. KVN "Autumn Colors" Motto on an autumn theme

Children are given the task in advance to prepare a drawing, song, dance, or poem on an autumn theme for the children's party.

Classroom, hall decorated autumn leaves, flowers, berries. The presenter appears in the image of Autumn. The children's holiday "Autumn Day" begins.

Hello guys! You recognized me? Who am I?
That's right, guys. Do you know what happens in the fall? In autumn, the days become shorter, the weather is no longer as hot as in summer, nature seems to fall asleep, all the trees are dressed in a golden outfit. Many birds fly away to warmer climes, some animals fall asleep - It is also harvest time. And the beginning of the school year. For many guys this academic year first: and this year they came to school for the first time and began to study. But you are already in third grade, you already know a lot and can cope with all my tasks. Before the start of the competition, I would like to introduce those who will evaluate you - our jury. So...

Autumn introduces the jury members.

Then Autumn gives the children two types of cards, one with a picture of a maple leaf, the other with a picture of an oak leaf.

Guys, you all have cards. On them different images: some have maple leaves, others have oak leaves. Based on these images, you will be divided into teams. Those guys who have cards with maple leaves, stand on the right side, and those with oak leaves - on the left.

The guys are divided into two teams.

Now that you are divided into teams, you are given one minute to come up with a name for your team and choose a captain. Time has passed!
At the end of a minute, children say the name of the team and
introduce their captain.
Now each team has a name and a captain. And finally we can begin our competition. But before we begin, I would like to remind the jury that in all our competitions the winning team receives 1 point. So, the first competition. Riddles competition.

Autumn takes turns asking the teams riddles.

1. Birds demolished

Blue testicles
Hung on a tree:
Myakonvd shell,
Sweet protein
And the yolk is bone.
1st team:
Turned green in spring
Sunbathed in the summer
I put it on in the fall
Red corals.
2nd team:
The scythe itself is in the ground on the street.
1st team:
They often ask me, wait for me,
I'll just show myself
So they will start hiding.
2nd team:
It's round, not the moon,
With a tail, not a mouse.
1st team:
In the middle of the courtyard is a golden head.
2nd team:

The jury determines the winner. And Autumn gives the winning team a point in the form of an acorn (if the team that received cards with oak leaves won) or in the form of a chestnut (if the Other team won). And so in every competition.

And now the next competition.

Each team will receive words from which to form famous proverb. Whichever team composes a proverb faster and more correctly will win this competition (Autumn gives one team cards with the words: autumn, spring, flowers, red, and, pies. The other team with the words: autumn, what will you store, spring, to, take care).
1.Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is red with pies.
2.Whatever you store in the fall, save it for spring.)

Autumn hands over, after the jury's decision, an acorn or chestnut
winning team.

You are so smart! Well done! Now guess the objects I wished for. These objects are familiar to you; you see them every day at school and when you do homework.

Autumn asks the teams riddles one by one.

Black birds on every page are silent, waiting to be read.
1st team:
They write in black and white every now and then,
Rub it with a rag and the page is clean.
2nd team:
Chalk on a blackboard.
There is, friends, such a bird,
If he lands on the page,
I'm very happy
And the whole family is with me.
1st team:
Dirty, mischievous
Suddenly she sat down on the page.
Because of this mistress
I received one.
2nd team:
I'm lying in my school bag,
I'll tell you how you learn.
1st team:
I am a difficult figure
The point below me is large.
If you ask what you're going to do,
You can't do without me.
2nd team:
Question mark. Autumn:
It's in a difficult book
Cunning brothers -
Ten of them, but these brothers
They will count everything in the world.
1st team:
If you give him a job, the pencil was in vain.
2nd team:
The neck is so long, the tail is crocheted,
And it’s no secret: she loves all lazy people,
But her lazy people are not!
1st team:
He stands on one leg, twists and turns his head. Shows us countries, rivers, mountains, oceans.
2nd team: Globe. Autumn awards the winners of this competition.
Now you will have to work a little harder. You will need to write something down. Now the captain will choose one person who will write, and the rest will give him hints. Well, everyone is ready, and I say the task; Whichever team writes the most names of school sciences while the song is playing is the winner.
The results of this competition are summed up, and Autumn awards the winners an acorn or chestnut.
What a great fellow you are! Did a good job.
As you know, autumn is harvest time. So let's reap the harvest too. Now the captain of each team will choose one person to participate in the next competition. The task of each participant is to bite off a piece of an apple hanging on a thread without using their hands. Whoever takes a bite first wins.
(Teams compete.)
And now a new task. Since we have equal amount guys in teams, I ask both teams to line up. You need to pass the apple from the first participant to the last with your chin, without using your hands. Whichever team can do it faster wins.

Autumn, after the jury's decision, gives points to the winning team.

Guys, imagine that guests come to you and you need to treat them with fruits from your garden, but on the street it's raining. What to do? I ask the captains to choose five people from their team.
(The captains of each team choose 5 people. 2 chairs are placed in the center of the room.)
Now that the participants have been selected, I explain the task. Both teams line up in preparation for the relay. The first participants have open umbrellas in their hands, they run with them around the chair, then pass the umbrellas to the next relay participants. The fastest team wins and gets a point.
Teams compete.
Well done boys! See how much fun harvesting can be.
Now let's turn to your homework. Many prepared drawings, poems, songs, and dances today. And now we will all see how talented you are. And the jury will select the best in each genre. Please note that this task is non-competitive and the winners will receive sweet prizes.

The guys compete in reciting poems, performing songs, and dancing. The jury also selects the best drawing.
Autumn presents the winners with candy.

Now let's get back to our competitions. We made sure that all children participating in the organization children's party talented, many draw well. Have you ever tried to make bouquets?
Now you will be given the opportunity to try yourself in the art of making a bouquet. I ask the captains to choose two participants from the team.

Participants are given materials for making a bouquet and a vase.

This competition is not about speed, but about quality, the jury will choose more beautiful bouquet, so take your time, try your best.

When the bouquets are ready, Autumn presents them to the jury, who
evaluates. Autumn gives points to the winners.

How beautiful it became in our class! Let's remember how beautiful it is in the forest, in the park in the fall. Guys, who lives in the forest?
Animals, birds...
Right. What do birds do in the fall?
They fly away to warmer climes.
Is everyone flying away?
Which ones remain?

Well done, you know everything about birds. Now let's see which team knows more birds. We will hold a bird auction. The team starts first... A member of this team comes up to me and names the bird. He returns to his place. And now a member of the other team must name the bird. The team whose last member names the bird will win.

Autumn gives a point to the winning team.

You guys know so much about birds, you know what they are
done in the fall. Now tell me that in the fall
do animals?
They fall asleep.
And which ones make provisions for the winter?

What do bunnies eat in winter?

Well done, you know everything. Now, let's depict animals in dance. I suggest that the captains choose five people from the team to participate in this competition.

Autumn, while music is playing, invites children to portray hares, bears, wolves, foxes, ostriches.

The jury sums up the results of the competition. Autumn gives the winner a point.

Now let's see how the teams can prove themselves in the next competition. To participate in a children's party you need a captain and four more players. The task of each captain is to show the competition participants the movements, and they must repeat them. Which team repeats them more synchronously and beautifully wins. The team starts... The team will be second...

The results of the competition are summed up and a point is awarded.

And now the whole team will participate. We will dance a dance that has long been known and loved by all of you - the Lambada. The team dances first...

Teams take turns dancing...

Well done guys, they danced together. Simply wonderful teams. And now the jury has the final say. The jury announces the winning team. Autumn gives both
How good it is to be with you! Team..., don't be upset that you lost. Well done to all of you. It didn’t work out now, it will work out later. You have all shown that you are not afraid of difficulties and overcome obstacles with ease.
My order to you: take care of nature, do not offend birds and animals, because they are yours younger brothers. Take a walk and admire the beauty of autumn. And then the nature around you will become your best friend.

Autumn takes a tray of fruit and distributes it to all the children,
members of the jury.

Goodbye, guys. Until next time.

The end of the children's holiday - autumn surprises.

Based on materials from the book by Kuznetsov V.A., Shashin V.P. Scenarios for children's parties. Costume sketches

Teacher of secondary school No. 5 named after. M. Auezov, Talgar, Almaty region

Druzhbina N.I.

Presentation of the Demeter team at the Autumn Ball event

(Development of team performance)

our team: "Demeter"

Our motto: “More fruits, more vegetables

Demeter is a goddess, we will serve her."

our song: Somewhere in this world there is Demeter, the goddess.

Apples, pears, plums – you can’t count them all at once!

People raise them for a long time, work in the fields.

Summer gives way to autumn, everyone has been waiting for it for a long time!

Autumn brings many fruits to every home

The goddess Demeter generously gives people the harvest.

Those people are spinning the Earth, the Earth is spinning!

La-la-la-la-la-la-la, the Earth is spinning faster!


Here is young Demeter in front of you,

She is the goddess of fertility.

I came to admire the bouquets

People are not afraid of winter when it comes

(they place trays of fruits and vegetables at Demeter’s feet)


Autumn generously brings us

Vegetables and fruits.

It's up to you to collect them

People, don't forget.


We are no less happy

Raspberry berries

And we want you to dance

Of course, Kalinka.


She wasn't in a hurry

Not cold, not talkative,

Without an insolent look for everyone,

Without pretensions to success,

Without these little antics,

No imitative ideas...

Everything was quiet, it was just there.


Enchanted with for a long time,

I bow to you for a reason,

I'm on my knees before you,

Feminine beauty!

(Kneels on one knee in front of Demeter.)

Carrot performance.

(The boys, dressed in black suits and white shirts, formed a circle, facing inward. Inside is a carrot, dressed in orange dress, on the head made of fabric there is a cap in the form of leaves. She is not visible.

Two blows are heard, and the boys sit down on one knee. A beautiful carrot appears with the words):

Hey, you're up there!

I want to inform you all!

That I'm a beautiful maiden

I've been sitting here in prison for a long time.

I have accumulated carotene

He's not the only one in me,

I collected all the vitamins,

Do you want A, do you want C,

Or maybe B or even PP.

I have miracle sugar in me,

Pectin substances.

I am always with you with all my heart,

I can heal, I can feed,

You won't find a better vegetable,

I advise you to be friends with me.

At this time, the boys lined up and talked about carrots.

(Place two Christmas trees representing a forest).

In the distant Middle Ages, carrots were considered a delicacy for gnomes. There was a belief: if you take a cup of steamed carrots into the forest in the evening, then in the morning instead of carrots you will find an ingot of gold - having eaten the carrots, the gnomes will generously repay the delicacy. (a cup with steamed carrots is placed, a “bar of gold” is raised.

But this is a legend, but in reality people have been eating carrots for 4,000 years.

Cultivated carrots have been centuries in the making. And only in the 17th century did Europeans begin to breed it everywhere, and then one of the the best varieties- carotel.

It came to the territory of our country in time immemorial; it was known back in Ancient Rus', and in the 16th century, carrot juice in Rus' was used to treat diseases of the heart, liver and nasopharynx.

For the jury, we offer several recipes for cooking carrots

Fashion show

Fashion designer

And now the glamorous moment has arrived.

I look with alarm into our hall.

After all, this is my collection!

How will the strict jury accept?

Oh my God, here they come too

(Jury enters)


Who is this coming here?

Have you gone crazy, spring?

She came and brought the whole village.

Not fashionable, it sucks!

Summer collection

Where is the relevance? Where's the organ?

No, really, I won’t give you a place!

Winter collection


O good people, look,

She confuses everything, shaggy winter!

Fashion designer:

No! I won’t give you any more minutes!

Let my collection go!

Here's autumn fashion, look

Team presentation at the Autumn Ball

    Summer is behind us,

And autumn with a yellow hand

He's in a hurry to paint everything around.

    Our team: "Generosity"

    Our motto:

Never, never be lazy

Live and work well.

Autumn will reward you generously,

And he will always give you everything!

4. The team composition is the best,

We have a bouquet of excellent students

The talents of the class are in front of you,

And this has no equal in sports!

5. If anyone asks me,

I am quiet Autumn,

I'm melting in the falling leaves

And I water it with rain.

I follow the fog

Through fields and oak groves,

And the viburnum turns red

There are also rowan trees on the bushes.

I am rich in fruits

I came to you guys

So that you know who is autumn,

If suddenly someone asks!

Our song:

Autumn is suddenly silent

Knocked on the door

Is it really you again,

I believe and I don't believe.

A ray of sunshine, rain from clouds,

Autumn was drizzling,

So many days and weeks

Where was she?!

Suddenly, as in a fairy tale, Autumn came

And she brought gifts with her

She gave apples and pears to you and me,

We didn't argue with fate

We worked, we always waited,

We know it was not in vain

Everything that happened was not in vain,

It was not in vain!

I came to you here

Replaced summer

Your happiness is with me,

I know this for sure.

The one who waits will demolish everything,

No matter how life hits you.

If only that's all, that's all

It was not in vain!

    Yes, I am autumn, friends,

And I will always be useful to you

I will reward you with the harvest,

I will treat everyone generously.

(Takes fruit from the bag of happiness)

Fashion competition

The beauties took to the podium,

They want to show off their outfits

They're wearing great clothes today,

No one has anything like this on any guys!

Cool names of KVN teams and their mottos | World of jokes

Motto: Thunder rumbles, bushes shake - these are mammoths rushing! ...Friendly guys. Motto: Super friendly guys are great, friendly guys don’t let you down!


Mottos for high school students. List of mottos for classes...

31 Jan 2012 ... They can be used for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th grades in secondary and primary schools. Our motto: “Through thorns - to the stars!”


Class name and motto 1st class for cool corner: 24 thousand...

class name and motto 1st grade for the classroom corner: 24 thousand images found in... Dictations in the Russian language on the theme of autumn (grade 3).


Names and mottos for the squad

In this case, it can be agreed with school course history, which the guys will begin to take in the fall. ... Motto: We are simply class penguins, win, try us... Motto: We are a family of simply class - everyone in our family is atas!


June 16, 2014 ... ... positive”, which was held among students in grades 5-10 of Volgograd... Our motto is four words: “Being healthy is cool!


Let's everyone write the name and motto of their squad...

Let's everyone write the name and motto of their squad! .... "GIRLS" - We are just great girls, everything will work out, we love to sing and... Autumn 2007.


Names, mottos, emblems of units

17 Feb 2016 ... Motto: Fly across all galaxies, never leave your friends in trouble. Team... Motto: We are simply awesome penguins, Win, try us!


KVN on the world around us "Autumn is a glorious time." 3rd grade

Team "Yellow Leaves" - Our team is called “Yellow Leaves”. - Our motto: We are a top class team, Try to win against us!


The name and motto of the class - Holidays - To the class teacher...

February 20, 2010 ... Squad motto: We are mobile guys from the MTS team! MTS is the highest class, there is no one better in the world than us! - Squad name: Youth


Name and motto for the girls team: selection - Mottos and...

March 31, 2015 ... Motto: We are brave girls, We are the Super Bee team! We didn't come to play,... We are just cool girls! Our success always comes...


Interesting facts on the topic: Team names and mottos

On autumn theme. Song. To the tune of the group. Autumn, autumn. The leaf fell into our laps. We will easily defeat you in one score.


Help me come up with a team name for autumn Ball and emblem


Team presentation at the Autumn Ball.

Some were sitting on the bench, some were chattering with the girls, Slava was playing, Maxim was silent, and Ilya was shaking his leg.


Slogans on the theme of autumn - House of the Sun. Page 6

Slogans on the theme of autumn. Search results for articles, poems and publications in the House of the Sun.


Throw off the motto for the autumn...Help is really needed - School...

Team “Autumn”. Our motto: “We are autumn guys, we will rustle the leaves, we will conquer the fall of leaves.” Song.


Lesson for the class about autumn

Team?Autumn? Our motto: ?We? autumn guys, we will rustle the leaves, will we conquer the fall of leaves? Song. To the tune of the group Autumn, Autumn, a leaf fell into our laps. We will easily defeat you in one score. Autumn, autumn Well, come on, let's tell each other. Whoever is stronger will win.

Extracurricular activity in grades 10-11

KVN “Autumn Colors”

Goal: development of general intellectual skills, teaching to master the existing amount of knowledge, applying them in non-standard situations, develop interdisciplinary connections, actively using the knowledge gained from studying one subject in another.

It's autumn outside now... Differently we call it: cold, golden, generous, rainy, sad... But, be that as it may, autumn is a wonderful time of year, it is the time of harvesting, summing up the results of field work, it is the beginning of school, it is preparation for the cold and long winter... And no matter how it is outside - cold or warm - motherland always beautiful, attractive, charming! AND folk wisdom says: “Autumn is sad, but I want to live”

Team "Listopad"

- Our motto: “Leaves are falling, leaves are falling, leaves are falling, we will defeat all the guys and put an end to them.”

Emblem. Various colorful leaves.


Leaf fall, leaf fall,

Yellow leaves are flying.

Leaves in the park and alley

Everyone is flying, flying, flying.

But we are ready to fight.

We just can't be trampled.

Team "Autumn"

Our motto: “We are autumn guys, we will rustle the leaves, we will conquer the fall of leaves”

Emblem. On an autumn theme.

Song. To the tune of the group

Autumn, autumn

The leaf fell into our laps.

We will easily defeat you in one score.

Autumn, autumn

Well, let's tell each other

Whoever is stronger will win.

  1. How long does autumn last? (91 days)
  2. What do they call the period of warm weather in mid-autumn in Russia? (Indian summer)
  3. Which universal remedy was it invented for rain in China? (Umbrella)
  4. Which tree is a symbol of autumn? (Maple)
  5. Which birds are considered the best weather predictors? (Swallows, swifts)
  6. How would the phrase “big wind” sound in Chinese? (Typhoon)
  7. How does autumn end? (November)

(Each correct answer is worth one point.)

Now the lines of Russian poets will be heard, and you name their authors.

1) It's a sad time! Ouch charm!
I am pleased with your farewell beauty.
I love the lush decay of nature,
Forests dressed in scarlet and gold... (A.S. Pushkin)

2) The sky was already breathing in autumn,
The sun shone less often,
The day was getting shorter
Mysterious forest canopy
She stripped herself naked with a sad noise. (A. Pushkin)

3)) Available in the initial autumn
A short but wonderful time -
The whole day is like crystal
And the evenings are radiant. (F. Tyutchev)

4) The fields are compressed, the groves are bare,

Water causes fog and dampness.

Wheel behind the blue mountains

The sun went down quietly. (S. Yesenin.)

Each team will be asked riddles related to autumn. The jury will evaluate you based on the number of guesses.

L. She came without paints and without a brush and repainted all the leaves (Autumn).

A. He sees and does not hear, walks, wanders, prowls, whistles (Wind).

L. The beast is afraid of my branches, they won’t build nests in them, my beauty and power are in the branches, tell me quickly - who am I (Autumn).

O Sits - turns green, falls - turns yellow, lies - turns black. (Sheet)

L Very friendly sisters, they wear red berets. Autumn is brought to the forest in the summer (chanterelles).

O. They ask and wait for me, but when I come, they hide (Rain).

L. Under the ground, the bird made a cube and laid eggs (Potato).

O There is a hat but without a head, there is a leg, but without shoes (mushroom).

L. Lumpy, spongy, and lipped, and humpbacked, and hard, and soft, and round, and brittle, and black, and white, and sweet to all people. (Bread)

O. Standing in the garden: a hat from Volodya, a jacket from Andryushka, trousers from Vanyushka, boots from Timoshka, galoshes in his hands! (Scarecrow)

L. Hidden in this smooth bronze-colored box is a small oak tree for next summer. (Acorn)

A. Without arms, without legs, he knocks under the window, asking to come into the house. (Wind)

The “farewell beauty” of autumn has inspired many artists, and I hope it will inspire you too. Each team receives a sheet of white paper and a set of colored ones. Using scissors and glue, you should create an “Autumn” applique painting in 5 minutes. Time has passed!

1. "Cockfight"

The presenter calls 2 captains - these are “roosters”.

They must face each other, one hand behind their back, take their leg in the other hand and, jumping on one leg, knock each other sideways so that the opponent stands on both legs.

2. In one minute, sort the buckwheat and peas, mixed together, into different bags.

3. Polysemantic words.

The presenter reads a poem.
The rowan brushes are already burning with fire,
And the leaves on the birch trees turned yellow,
And you can’t hear the birds singing at all
And autumn comes to us quietly.
Presenter. It’s autumn outside now... We call it different things: cold, golden,
generous, rainy, sad... But, be that as it may, autumn is a wonderful time of year,
this is harvest time, summing up the results of field work, this is the beginning of school, this is
preparation for a cold and long winter... And no matter how it is outside - cold or
warmth - the native land is always beautiful, attractive, charming! And folk
wisdom says: “Autumn is sad, but I want to live”
Dear guests and participants. Listen to the announcement. In parallel with our competitive
The program will host a competition for the title of KING and QUEEN OF AUTUMN. Every
one of those present can come to the table and write down the name of whom he considers a contender
for this title. Put the notes in a box.
We are opening our holiday autumn KVN. Our KVN is dedicated to AUTUMN. Today
Two teams will compete: the “Leaf Fall” team and the “Autumn” team. Since this
competition, then he will be judged. I represent the panel of judges. FULL NAME. jury
And before we begin, let's take an oath of KVN participants:
Have fun from the heart!
All. We swear!
Laugh and joke!
All. We swear!
Participate and win in all competitions.
All. We swear!
Share the joy of victory with your opponents.
All. We swear!
Presenter. And now we are starting the competition program.
Competition 1. “Greetings”.

In this competition there will be a jury that will evaluate the team's performance. What will happen
be taken into account? The name corresponded to the theme, the emblem, motto and song -
matched the team name.
Team "Listopad"
Our motto: “Leaves are falling, leaves are falling, leaves are falling, we will defeat all the guys and put
Emblem. Various colorful leaves.
Leaf fall, leaf fall,
Yellow leaves are flying.
Leaves in the park and alley
Everyone is flying, flying, flying.
But we are ready to fight.
We just can't be trampled.
Team "Autumn"
Our motto: “We are autumn guys, we will rustle the leaves, we will conquer the fall of leaves”
Emblem. On an autumn theme.
Song. To the tune of the group
Autumn, autumn
The leaf fell into our laps.
We will easily defeat you in one score.
Autumn, autumn
Well, let's tell each other
Whoever is stronger will win.
The jury will sum up the results after each competition.
Competition 2. “Literary”.

Now the lines of Russian poets will be heard, and you name their authors.
1) It's a sad time! Ouch charm!
I am pleased with your farewell beauty.
I love the lush decay of nature,
Forests dressed in scarlet and gold... (A.S. Pushkin)
2) The sky was already breathing in autumn,
The sun shone less often,
The day was getting shorter
Mysterious forest canopy
She stripped herself naked with a sad noise. (A. Pushkin)
3)) Available in the initial autumn
A short but wonderful time -
The whole day is like crystal
And the evenings are radiant. (F. Tyutchev)
4) The fields are compressed, the groves are bare,
Water causes fog and dampness.
Wheel behind the blue mountains
The sun went down quietly. (S. Yesenin.)
If a member of a team reads an autumn poem, that team is awarded a point
Competition 3. “Game”
Gaming competitions we'll have plenty.
1. "Locomotive". A participant from each team comes out and begins to walk around the hall,
collecting "cars". Whose engine ends up with a large number of carriages is the one
2. “Collect the potatoes.” A lot of potatoes are scattered on the floor, and the participants in the game
Blindfolded, they must harvest the crop in one minute. The one who has more wins
everyone will collect potatoes in a bucket.
Competition 4. Homework"Autumn composition"
Each team was given a fantasy task: to create an autumn composition from
natural materials, but related to autumn. Give a suitable title for the composition
what is it done, what does it symbolize
Competition 5. “Mysterious”
Each team will be asked riddles related to autumn. The jury will evaluate you according to
number of guesses.

L. She came without paints and without a brush and repainted all the leaves (Autumn).
A. He sees and does not hear, walks, wanders, prowls, whistles (Wind).
L. The beast is afraid of my branches, they won’t build nests in them, my beauty and power are in the branches, tell me
quickly - who am I (Autumn).
O Sits - turns green, falls - turns yellow, lies - turns black. (Sheet)
L Very friendly sisters, they wear red berets. Autumn is brought to the forest in summer
O. They ask and wait for me, but when I come, they hide (Rain).
L. Under the ground, the bird made a cube and laid eggs (Potato).
O There is a hat but without a head, there is a leg, but without shoes (mushroom).
Competition 6. “Captains Competition”.
1. "Cockfight"
The presenter calls 2 captains - these are “roosters”.
They should face each other, one hand behind their back, take their leg in the other hand and,
Jumping on one leg, knock each other down sideways so that the opponent stands on both legs.
2. In one minute, sort the buckwheat and peas, mixed together, into different bags.
3. Polysemantic words.
The first one on the branch, look, it’s turning green,
In autumn it has yellow leaves.
You will find the second one in the book, in the notebook.
You will read this riddle on it.
The third one covers the roof with him,
The roof doesn't leak that much.
But the fourth one lived in Hungary
And he was a famous pianist. (Sheet)
Presenter. A minute is given to think. If the captains do not answer, the answer is accepted

Competition 7. “Game”
1. “Matryoshka”
There are two sundresses and two scarves on the chair. Who will put on a sundress and knit it faster?
headscarf, that winner.
2. “Pass the hat”
All participants stand in two circles, inner and outer. On one player's head
hat, it needs to be passed around in its own circle, the condition is to pass the hat from head to
head without touching it with your hands. The team with the number one player wins
will be in the hat again.
Competition 8. Homework “Fashion – autumn 2011”
Show model autumn season and tell us about the model (after recording on
leaflet) One participant shows fashion, the other player tells.
Competition 9. Fan competition.
While the contestants are preparing, I offer the fans tasks - a surprise.
I have leaves of different trees in my hands. The participant comes up to me and chooses a piece of paper and
completes the task proposed by the presenter.
1. Tell a poem to an aspen leaf without hesitation.
2. Who has Maple Leaf, that artist can perform in the circus - hold a pen on his nose.
3. The oak leaf asks participants to remember a song about autumn.
4. Whoever has a rowan leaf, say without hesitation: “Half a cellar of turnips, half a head of peas.”
5. Whoever has a birch leaf is a mimic artist: he doesn’t say anything, he depicts everything with a gesture.
Presenter. Now let's look at the autumn models.
Competition 10. “Creative”.
Teams demonstrate Creative skills(song, dance, etc.)
Competition 11. Homework. "Autumn dish"
Participants had to prepare a dish from the autumn harvest (salad, pie, etc.).
The jury will evaluate the originality of the dish and its taste.
Presenter. Hurry up to make your choice of KING and QUEEN. Since it's competitive
the program is coming to an end. If you haven't already done so, I'll give you time to do it.
And so I announce who became the KING OF AUTUMN (name) and the QUEEN OF AUTUMN became
(Name). Wreaths woven by the participants are placed on their heads.

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