Andrea Bocelli's voice. Andrea Bocelli - the magical voice of Italy

Singer Date of birth September 22 (Virgo) 1958 (60) Place of birth Lajatico Instagram @andreabocelliofficial

Renowned Italian opera and variety music Andrea Bocelli - clearest example that there are no barriers and obstacles for music. The inspirational singer dreamed of a stage with early years and even serious vision problems did not prevent him from fulfilling his dream. Today, the famous tenor has received real recognition from the public, he is actively invited to tour, festivals and concerts. But the path to glory is for Italian singer was by no means strewn with rose petals, and only a passionate love for music helped to overcome all difficulties and hardships.

Biography of Andrea Bocelli

The future famous singer was born in a small village in Tuscany back in 1958. Andrea's parents were ordinary farmers, they grew grapes. Also in early age The boy was diagnosed with glaucoma. Andrea underwent 27 operations, but in the end he still lost his sight. It happened when the boy was only 12. While playing football with friends, Andrea got hit in the head with a ball and became completely blind.

The loss of sight did not prevent the young Italian from successfully completing school and even getting a law degree from the University of Pisa. However, the practice of law never seriously attracted Andrea. From childhood, he became seriously interested in music and it was with her that he dreamed of connecting his life. As a schoolboy, Andrea Bocelli won several vocal competitions and performed in the school choir, and also learned to play the piano, flute and saxophone.

Shortly after graduation, the young Bocelli moved to Turin. In this cultural capital of northern Italy, the future singer had much more possibilities to fulfill his dream of becoming the greatest tenor. And luck smiled at Andrea - he became a student of the famous Franco Corelli.

Key in creative life Andrea was 1992: Bocelli met the rock star Zucchero and auditioned. The resulting recording of the composition "Miserere" accidentally ended up with the legendary tenor Luciano Povarotti. Fascinated by the incredible vocal abilities of an unknown singer, the great tenor began to actively help Andrea build a professional career. Just two years later, Bocelli successfully performed at the San Remo festival, and a year later he began to give concerts throughout Europe.

A new milestone in the singer's career was the album Bocelli, which he recorded in 1995, showing himself to be an excellent performer of not only classical, but also popular music. Immediately soaring to the top of the European charts, this album has received platinum status many times, as well as the next two. After that, the popularity of the singer Andrea Bocelli reached truly incredible heights, he gained worldwide fame and began to give concerts not only in Europe, but also overseas.

Bocelli first came to Russia in 2007. Concert hall sports complex "Olympic" in Moscow and Palace Square in St. Petersburg gathered a huge number of fans of the Italian tenor. In total, Bocelli was in our country six times. The last two performances of the world famous tenor took place last year in Kaliningrad and at a concert popular singer Zara.

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Personal life of Andrea Bocelli

The famous Italian tenor, blind singer Andrea Bocelli was married twice. He met his first wife Enrica Cenzatti even before gaining wide popularity. The wedding ceremony took place in 1992, in the summer. Three years later, Enrica gave birth to Bocelli's first child. The boy was named Amos. A couple of years later, the second son of the famous singer, Mateo, was born.

The couple had been married for ten years, but Enrika was never able to come to terms with her husband's constant touring and traveling. In the end, she filed for divorce. The Catholic Union in the face of the Church was not annulled.

However, this did not prevent the singer from marrying a second time. Veronica Berti became the chosen one of the famous tenor. Veronica's father, the famous baritone Ivano Berti, is today the impresario of Bocelli. In 2012 new wife gave Andrea a daughter, who was named Virginia.

Latest news about Andrea Bocelli

In November of the past year, the famous tenor once again visited the capital of our country and took part in the Kremlin concert of the popular singer Zara. The joint performance included popular hits The Prayer and Time To Say Goodbye, as well as completely new composition La Grande Storia, which the Italian performed in a duet with the charming Zara for the first time. Star duet had incredible success at the public. The meter itself contemporary opera, admits that he is fascinated by the talent of a young Russian woman and her beautiful voice.

But at the inauguration of the new US President Donald Trump, the singer refused to perform. The reason for this was the numerous appeals to in social networks announce famous singer boycott if he agrees to speak. Apparently, Bocelli decided not to take risks, although there are no official comments on the reasons for the singer's refusal to participate in the ceremony.

Andrea Bocelli. The biography of the great Italian tenor begins on September 22, 1958 when little Bocelli was born in the commune of Lajatico (province of Pisa). Already at the age of 6, Andrea learned to play the piano. Unfortunately, medicine could not defeat glaucoma, after 27 surgeries, all hopes were killed by an accidental ball in the face during children's games. Bocelli at that time was only 12 years old, and he remained blind for the rest of his life. As a result, the boy began to feel the world around him better.

His friend Amos Martelacci helped the blind boy to study in high school. This friendship helped Bocelli get rid of denial and maximalism, he stopped perceiving reality in black and white colors. Later he would name his first son after a friend.

At the end high school Bocelli entered the University of Pisa at the University of Law. Then he often begins to play in the evenings in the bars and restaurants of Pisa, he is fluent in saxophone and flute. This is how a young student earns a living and a living. But Andrea's real talent was his sonorous, soft voice, thanks to which the young man began to have fans. Then Bocelli began to take singing lessons from Franco Corelli and learn the art of voicing such great tenors as Benjamino Chigli, Mario Lanz, Mario del Monaco and Caruso.

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The creative path of Andrea Bocelli is the ascent of the legendary tenor to the pinnacle of fame.

In 1992, a competitive selection was organized to participate in the preparation of the song "Miserere", in which Luciano Pavarotti became a recognized expert. It was then that Pavarotti heard Bocelli's audio recording. After that, Luciano performed this sound recording, but Adrea often replaced him on European tours.

In 1993, Bocelli won the San Remo Festival, and the following year he performed at this festival in the group of leaders, performing the song l mare calmo della sera. After that, Andrea recorded his first album, which went platinum a few months later. A year later, the tenor again took part in the festival, then his song "I'll go with you" became a real bestseller. Thanks to this, the singer Andrea Bocelli discovered European horizons. His platinum discs became incredibly popular in Europe, he began to participate in grandiose concerts on the same stage with great stars. Duo Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli, included in the Sogno album, lifted the talented singer even higher. The tenor's voice is simply magical, it goes well with other voices, but at the same time it stands out with a sonorous, special string.

Blind Italian singer Andrea Bocelli today.

Surely nothing can stop the ascent of Andrea Bocelli. Photos and interviews with the singer appear everywhere on the Internet and magazines, his CDs diverge with amazing success, his songs are listened to by millions. After the tenor made his debut on the stage of the Verona Opera in front of a very influential and captious audience, his talent began to unfold in two worlds. To date, the public has recognized Bocelli's voice as divine, he is the best in Italian opera.

The singer is quite rich, but Andrea Bocelli is not interested in material well-being, he strives for other goals. He himself says that he fully realized himself as an artist, making his dreams come true and earning a lot of money. Bocelli no longer cares about superficial, unnecessary things. He also called money extremely dangerous, compared it with a useful medicine, which, in large doses, can lead to death.

“I don’t think it’s possible to become a singer by own will. It is decided by those who are next to you. Perhaps you should not say: “listen, I will sing for you”, but if others say: “please sing for us”, then ... "

His voice cannot be confused with any other: soft and powerful at the same time, very versatile, at present he is perhaps the most sought after. Italian voice not only in Europe but also in the USA. His CDs are in great demand, and concerts gather 20,000 spectators. But despite such success, if he is asked about the most pleasant memory in musical career, Andrea Bocelli replies: “It was a concert in the arena of Macerata. An old man came into my dressing room and said: “Signor Bocelli, I have been listening to opera all my life. I thought for a long time whether to go to your concert. But I must admit that your performance of the aria from The Artesian was perfect.” It's worth a lot.


Andrea Bocelli was born on September 22, 1958 in small town Lajatico in the province of Pisa and grew up among the Tuscan fields. “As if hypnotized, I listened to excerpts from operas,” Andrea recalls. - At the age of six I already learned to play the piano, then - the flute and saxophone. And I was always asked to sing for relatives.”

“My parents,” recalls Bocelli, “played a decisive role in my choice, quickly noticing my musical inclinations. Mom told me, for example, that when I heard music, I immediately stopped crying. Parents and relatives competed in the number of CDs they gave me and noticed what especially fascinates me opera music, these great voices touched my imagination."

Unfortunately, due to congenital glaucoma, Andrea's vision was weak from birth, and at the age of 12 he completely loses the ability to see after an accident when, while playing football and standing at the gate, he gets hit by the ball in the very eye that still saw a little ...

After graduating from the Lyceum, Andrea enters the Faculty of Law of the University of Pisa, receives a diploma, but does not stop singing. Moreover, he becomes a student of the tenor Franco Corelli. And for financial support, he does not neglect self-expression in drunk bars from time to time. During this period, he meets Enrique, his future wife who will give him two sons: Amos and Matteo.

Unfortunately, the couple broke up in 2002. Currently, Andrea Bocelli is accompanied by Veronica Berti, businesswoman and singer, daughter of Ancona baritone Ivano Berti.

Andrea Bocelli and Veronica Berti. A photozimbio. com

The beginning of a musical career

"Official" start singing career Bocelli was almost accidental: he takes part in the trial recording of the famous "Miserere", which Zucchero Fornaciari arranges in 1992 to propose a song to Luciano Pavarotti. The great tenor, listening to Bocelli's performance, will comment on it like this: “Thank you for the wonderful song, but let Andrea sing it. It suits her best." As you know, later Pavarotti will still record this song, however, on the European tour of Zucchero, it is Andrea Bocelli who will replace Pavarotti on stage.

A little later, in 1993, Bocelli's discographic career begins. With the song "Miserere", singing both parts, he passes qualifying round at the San Remo Music Festival. And in 1994 he was invited to San Remo already as famous artist, and with the song "Il mare calmo della sera" ("Quiet evening sea"), he receives a record number of votes in the "New proposals" nomination. Releases his first album of the same name, which goes platinum within a few weeks.

Worldwide recognition

The following year, 1995, Andrea returns to the festival with the song "Con te partirò" ("I'll leave with you"), which will be included in the Bocelli album and will become a double platinum disc in Italy.

In the same year, participating in a European tour ("Night of the Proms"), in which Bryan Ferry, Al Jarro and other celebrities take part, Bocelli already sings in front of an audience of five hundred thousand, not counting tens of millions of viewers. Comes immediately worldwide success. Singles "Con te partirò" and English version"Time to Say Goodbye" songs break sales records in many countries, and albums receive awards throughout Europe. In France this single stayed at the top of the charts for six weeks, in Belgium for twelve weeks! The album "Bocelli" becomes four times platinum in Germany (almost two million copies sold) and double platinum in Italy.

And Bocelli's next album, "Romanza", released in 1996, reaches the heights of incredible international success. Just a few weeks after the release, the disc goes platinum in almost all countries where it was released, and in the press the Tuscan tenor is compared in popularity with Enrico Caruso.

In 1995, the CD "Viaggio Italiano" ("Italian Journey") was released - Bocelli's contribution to the popularization of Italian opera in the world. And already in 1998 the international debut of the disc classical music"Aria" immediately takes him to the top of the charts of both classical music and popular.

Simultaneously with numerous tours during this period, proposals for the interpretation and popularization of lyric operas poured out at Bocelli as if from a cornucopia.

“Luck did not leave me,” the singer comments on this period. In fact, it is in these days that he comes out new album"Sogno" ("Dream"), so long-awaited by the public that he immediately takes off to first place in the European hit parade and fourth in the US. In discography, such a triumph can perhaps be compared with the success in 1958 of Volare by Domenico Modugno. In the US, even the term "Bocellimania" appeared.

The 1999 album "Arie sacre" becomes the best-selling classical music disc of all time. In 2000, after singing in the Vatican in the presence of the Pope on the occasion of the Jubilee Year, Bocelli released his fourth classical album Verdi, followed by his first complete opera La bohème. After such serious works, in 2001 the "light" album "Cieli di Toscana" ("Heaven of Tuscany") was born, and three years later a pop disc with the simple name "Andrea" was released, in which, however, in addition to Andrea himself, numerous "guests", including Amedeo Minghi and Mario Reyes.

Charity concert by Bocelli at the Colosseum in May 2009 - to help the victims of the earthquake in Abruzzo. Photo

Recognition comes not only from the public, but also from the state: on February 6, 2006, Bocelli receives the Order of Merit for the Italian Republic.

And on March 2, 2010, the singer is awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame - for his contribution to theatrical art(opera).

Andrea Bocelli and his Hollywood star. Photo

It would seem that such a dizzying success could change the views on the life of the Tuscan tenor, alienate him from his family, from friends, from attachment to the Tuscan fields ... But no, as recognition comes from all over the world, Andrea does not get tired of repeating : “Success is just an accident. You can't get too attached to him. There are many other things in life. When I return home, I close the door behind me, I have dinner with my loved ones. The only thing I bring with me is my voice, also because I have to exercise at least two hours a day.”

Andrea Bocelli with sons and Veronica Berti. Photo


Studio albums

1997: Viaggio Italiano

1997: Aria - the opera album

1999: Sacred Arias

2001: Cieli di Toscana

2002: Sentimento

2009: My Christmas

Cover album"My Christmas"A


1995 - La bohème (G. Puccini), conductor Zubin Meta (Rodolf)

2001 - "Tosca" (G. Puccini), conductor Zubin Meta (Cavaradossi)

2003 - Il trovatore (Verdi), conductor Stephen Mercurio (Manrico)

2004 - Werther (Massene), conductor Yves Abel (Werther)

2005 - "Carmen" (Bizet), conductor Chung Myung-hoon

2006 — Pagliacci (Leoncavallo), conductor Stephen Mercurio (Canio)

2006 - Rural Honor (Mascagni), conductor Stephen Mercurio (Turiddu)

2010 - Andre Chenier (Giordano), conductor Marco Armigliato (Andre Chenier)


1994: Il mare calmo della sera

1995: "Con te partirò" / "Vivere"

1995: Macchine da guerra

1995: "Per amore"

1999: Ave Maria

1999: "Canto della Terra"

2001: Melodrama

2001: "Mille Lune Mille Onde"

2004: "Dell'amore non si sa"

2004: "Un nuovo giorno"

2009: "White Christmas/Bianco Natale"

Silence Theater

In his hometown of Lajatico, Andrea Bocelli organized the original "Theater of Silence", (Teatro del Silenzio), the official opening of which took place on July 27, 2006.

Concert by Andrea Bocelli at the Theater of Silence. Photo

As planned, a unique theater under open sky is "in silence" 364 days a year, and only one day is dedicated to the performance. The design consists of a "stage" surrounded by beams, and in the center is an imposing sculpture. human face, created by the Polish sculptor Igor Mitorai for the performance of Manon Lesko, and then donated to the theater.

There are several granite blocks at the base of the stage, and the seats for spectators are removed during the "days of silence" and the stalls are turned into an artificial lake.

"Theater of silence" during the "rest". Photo

Currently, the Theater of Silence is a place that many tourists come to see, and Andrea Bocelli performs here once a year.

August 19, 2011, 02:47

Sources: Vkontakte community Wikipedia In 1994, at the Italian festival of Sanremo, brightest star. The world saw Andrea Bocelli. He was over 35 at the time, can you imagine? In fact, the breakthrough year for Bocelli was 1992 - it was then that Luciano Pavarotti first noticed him. It happened very interesting. Zucchero Fornaciari (this is the same uncle whom we know most of all here by this song) needed a tenor to record a demo of Miserere. He co-wrote it with U2's Bono. That's when Andrea came in handy. How did it happen that until the age of 30 the world did not know that somewhere in Italy there is such a magical singer? Andrea Bocelli was born in Lajatico in Italy in September 1958. Already at the age of six he began to learn to play the piano, and later mastered the flute and saxophone. Andrea Bocelli was born in Lajatico in Italy in September 1958. Already at the age of six he began to learn to play the piano, and later mastered the flute and saxophone. Little Andrea He has had vision problems since childhood. He was diagnosed with congenital glaucoma. And when he was 12, he lost the opportunity to see completely - it is not always useful for boys to play football ... Updated on 19/08/11 02:49: Despite the obvious musical talents, Bocelli did not consider music as his further career until he graduated from the law faculty of the University of Pisa, and received a doctorate. Only then did Bocelli begin to seriously study his voice with the famous tenor Franco Corelli, along the way earning money for piano lessons in various groups. As I said, in 1992, Zucchero noticed him. Bocelli recorded Miserere with Pavarotti. And in 1993 he was on tour with Zucchero. I did not find a video from their concerts, so let there be a duet of these two beautiful Italians from 1997 here. In 1994, Andrea was waiting for a breakthrough - he took part in San Remo! The song that opens the post brought Andrea victory. The self-titled album became very popular. Bocelli performed at the most various events, went on tour with Gerardine Trova. Here, for example, all participants of the annual gala concert sing All for love by Bryan Adams. Bocelli is also among them! In September, he first performed at the opera, and then sang in front of the Pope! I'm not sure if this is the right performance, but it was Adeste Fideles who sang it. Then everything turned out just as brilliantly. In November 1995 Bocelli traveled to the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Spain and France with a production of "Night Of Proms" which also featured Bryan Ferry, Al Jerr, Roger Hodgson of Supertramp and John Mays. in the video, he sings an absolutely gorgeous song about the funicular! At the same time, Bocelli, as the winner of San Remo last year, participated again with a song that EVERYONE knows now! But it sounded completely different in 1996 at the farewell fight of the great boxer Henry Mask. Time to say goodbye? Sarah Brightman and Andrea had a great time with the legendary athlete! Around the same time, Bocelli recorded a duet with Helen Segara (she became Esmeralda some time after that). More concerts. albums. amazing popularity in Europe, participation in opera productions. One of the most significant milestones was his duet with Celine Dion. The song Prayer became the soundtrack to the cartoon The Quest for Camelot and was nominated for an Oscar (received a Globe, by the way)! Updated on 19/08/11 02:50: And this is the 1999 Grammy performance. By the way, then Bocelli was nominated as the best new artist- a rare case for an artist with a classical repertoire. And this is very interesting video- Bocelli sings on charity concert Michael Jackson in Munich in 2000. In the mode of constant concerts, recordings, he lives now. I'm going to jump into my favorite moments now. At closing Olympic Games in Turin in 2006. And this is Nessun Dorma on Palace Square In Petersburg. It was a free concert in October. There was a terrible rain! I couldn't go. And then I regretted it so much! Updated on 19/08/11 02:51: A couple of duets: With Aguilera With Pavarotti With Mary J. Bludge Now to his personal life: Bocelli met his first wife, Enrica Cenzatti, at the beginning of his career. They got married on June 27, 1992. Their first child, Amos, was born in February 1995. Their second son, Matteo, was born in October 1997. Updated on 19/08/11 02:52 A: They broke up in 2002. Although not yet divorced, Bocelli lives with his girlfriend and manager, Veronica Berti. But these photos should prove that the strength of the spirit is in the person himself!

Updated on 19/08/11 02:52: This is my favorite video from Sesame Street: And this is my MOST favorite song: And finally: will you be in New York on September 5th? Go to his free concert in Central Park. And some nice photos: Updated on 19/08/11 02:53:

Despite serious health problems, Italian singer Andrea Bocelli managed to achieve real heights and become famous all over the world. He is considered one of the most talented opera performers of our time. So how did a boy from a simple family manage to achieve such dizzying success? Read this article!

Andrea Bocelli: biography

Andrea was born in September 1958, in the small village of Lajatico, located in Tuscany. To date, the performer is sixty years old.

An important moment in the biography of Andrea Bocelli in the photo: he was awarded a Hollywood star on the Walk of Fame.

Health problems

Also in early childhood Bocelli was diagnosed with a serious eye disease. The boy's vision was deteriorating. incredible speed, he was forced to constantly undergo operations.

While rehabilitating from sadness, Andrea was rescued by a turntable with records Italian operas. The boy could listen to them for hours on end, imperceptibly for himself, starting to hum melodies and memorize them. Over time, Bocelli mastered the piano, flute and even learned to play the saxophone.

At the age of twelve, Andrea suffered a head injury while playing ball. The diagnosis was disappointing: a complication of glaucoma that made the boy completely blind.

Childhood and youth

Andrea Bocelli's family was never into music or anything else creative professions. His parents ran their own household - they kept a farm with a vineyard.

Despite his illness, Bocelli was not going to retreat and stubbornly pursued his dream. The problems only spurred the boy on and convinced him that he wanted to connect his life with music. Despite the blindness, Andrea continued to lead a normal life, no different from the life of his peers.

While studying at the University of Law, the young man simultaneously took music lessons from Luciano Bettarini and, under his strict guidance, participated in music competitions. Trying to earn money for education, Andrea combined classes at the university and singing in various cafes and restaurants. Also on creative way Bocelli was helped by another teacher - Franco Corelli.

Personal life

Family in the biography of Andrea Bocelli plays an important role. Andrea met his first wife, Enrica Cenzatti, while still studying at the Law Academy. Five years after their meeting, in 1992, the lovers legalized their relationship by tying the knot.

Children in the family appeared just at the time of the growth of Andrea's popularity. Constant performances, tours and filming on television did not make it possible to lead a calm and measured family life Therefore, after some time, the wife filed for divorce.

However, the bachelor life of the Italian singer did not last long. Soon in the biography of Andrea Bocelli and his wife appeared - he met the eighteen-year-old beauty Veronica Berti, who is the daughter of maestro Ivano Berti. A spark ran between them, and after a short time the couple began to live together. Veronica became for Bocelli not only his wife, but also his director.

The personal biography of Andrea Bocelli is no less important than the history of his creative career. Over time, the older children moved into the family of Andrea and Veronica, and in 2012 Virginia Bocelli, the daughter of Veronica and Andrea, was born.

creative career

The turning point in the biography of Andrea Bocelli occurred in 1992. The recording of the song "Miserere" by the Italian artist was heard by Luciano Pavarotti, the famous Opera singer twentieth century. Luciano was amazed at the skill of a non-professional performer, and since then Andrea Bocelli's career has skyrocketed.

Literally a year later, he received his first prize in the "Discovery of the Year" category at the festival held in San Remo. Through one more Bocelli got into the top performers of Italy with musical composition Il mare calmo della sera, which later became a hit on his first album. At home, Andrea's album was sold out in a million copies in record time.

The second album, called Bocelli, also went platinum. He was appreciated by listeners all over Europe, and Andrea was invited to concerts in Germany, France, and the Netherlands. In 1995, the performer spoke to the Pope in the Vatican and received his blessing.

In Andrea's first albums, you can only find classical opera songs, while during the writing of the third disc, Neapolitan compositions began to appear in the singer's repertoire.

As befits a professional in his field, Andrea has a subtle flair for beautiful melodies and voices. In 1999, together with the world famous singer Celine Dion, he performed the hit The Prayer, for which he was awarded the Golden Globe Awards. In a duet with Lara Fabian, called by critics "the owner of an angelic voice", Bocelli sang the song Vivo per lei.

However, despite his popularity, the Italian singer performs in duets not only with international famous stars stage. Andrea Bocelli presented his composition Con te partiro to French performer Gregory Lemarchal, who suffered from cystic fibrosis. This talented singer died before reaching his twenty-fourth birthday.

Three years ago, in October 2015, Andrea recorded the song E Più Ti Penso with American pop star Ariana Grande. Subsequently, the video for this song gained more than thirty-four million views on YouTube video hosting.

Andrea in Russia

In our country, the work of Italian performers has always been loved, and Andrea Bocelli was no exception. The Russians really liked the singer's tenor, Andrea got great amount friends in Moscow.

The first concerts of the artist in Russia took place in 2007, they were held in Moscow and St. Petersburg. A few more years later, Andrea gladly accepted Gazprom's invitation to speak at a celebration in honor of the anniversary of a large company.

Bocelli also performed at the sixtieth birthday of Igor Krutoy, with whom they quickly became friends.

Andrea Bocelli now

Most recently, at the beginning of 2016, Andrea visited Russia again. During the trip, he met Zara, the star Russian stage. Bocelli appreciated her talent and professionalism and invited her to sing a duet with him at a concert in the Kremlin. Colleagues performed three songs - the world-famous singles The Prayer and Time To Say Goodbye, as well as the new duet La Grande Storia.

Today, Andrea Bocelli can be called the world's best-selling classical music performer. The artist lives on his estate not far from the city where he was born. In addition to music, the Italian singer has other passions: for example, Andrea is fond of horses, his farm even has a small horse breeding farm.

There remains a place in today's biography of Andrea Bocelli for the family and his wife, who never cease to please the performer. Youngest daughter singer, little Virginia Bocelli, loves to sing more than anything in the world, which brings infinite happiness to her father.


The biography of Andrea Bocelli is full of various instructive moments, every fan of his work should familiarize himself with it. The story of Bocelli motivates and inspires: hardly anyone can remain indifferent after reading it. Each of us should remember that, with talent and incomparable perseverance, you can achieve any heights and conquer any peaks. This is clearly shown in the biography of Andrea Bocelli: from ordinary boy, suffering from vision problems, the Italian became a world-famous performer of classical music and the author of a huge number of hits. Andrea is called the "golden tenor" and is considered one of the most talented opera performers of our time. It remains only to wish the singer further development careers and years life!

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