Literary musical composition on the theme of winter. Literary and musical composition "Happy New Year!"

Musical and literary composition

"The Magic Book of Winter"

Purpose: - To improve song and choral skills in conveying the mood of the song.

Develop artistry in the transfer of the dance image

To teach to see and hear the beauty of words, music, movement. Find figurative means to convey the color of the mood of the winter image.

Develop musical-figurative thinking, a sense of the harmony of nature in creativity.

(Sounds like "Winter's Tale" music by V. Shainsky, Winter enters the hall)

Winter: Hello dear guests! (slide 1)

Welcome to our fairy land!

Let's get acquainted,

And in order for you to know me, you need to solve the riddle.

Listen carefully:

I have a lot to do, I'm a white blanket

I cover all the land, I remove it into the ice of the river.

I whitewash the fields, at home, they call me ... ..

Guests: ………………. Winter!

Winter : That's right, I - Zimushka - Winter, how much snow has piled up.

White city, white forest and full of wonders.
I draw fairy tales on the windows with white paint at night.
Look out the window in the morning, it's so beautiful and bright.
All the trees are in silver, so wonderful in the yard.
Yes, I am a winter-winter, I brought you magic.

Everything comes true in the world, if you only wish,

We decided to invite you for a winter walk. (includes 3 children)

Children - presenters: Presentation "Winter"

  1. We will get into the world of dreams, (slide 2 sleep)

In the world of magical children's dreams,

Where is love, goodness and happiness, (slide 3 child)

They dance with us. (E. Strizhakova)

  1. The magic book of winter opens, (slide 4 book)

Kind words about mother Zima appear:

Talented-crystal, pure and cold

Weave lace patterns for us slowly, (slide 5 cradle)

  1. You can lull with a quiet voice, (slide 6 snow)

To warm the big earth with a fluffy snowball,

And you can dissolve by ringing ice, (slide 7 ice)

Witch, enchantress, Zimushka - Winter. (E. Strizhakova) (slide 8 winter)

(Girls st. gr. leave)(slide 9 winter - winter)

The song "Winter is a beauty"

(The song “Zimushka is a beauty” sounds.)

Winter : Who's to say what snow is?

  1. You take it in the palm of your hand, it’s like it’s not there,

One water runs from the hands,

And on the ground lies, shines!

Inaudibly falls, lays down,

All sparkles in the winter sun,

As if all of the gems,

Poets sung for centuries. (E. Strizhakova)

(Snowflakes run out to the music of "Blizzard")

  1. A snowflake flew, soared, circled,

And quietly landed on my hand,

Crystalline, snow-white patterns,

You are a mystery, a miracle of great nature. (E. Strizhakova)

Dance "Waltz of Snowflakes" to the music of G. Sviridov "Snowstorm"

  1. The fact that the cold is not a problem,

Kolyada knocks on the door.

Christmas is coming to our house, it brings a lot of joy!

So that your house is full of good and good,

It is good to live in it without worries and hardships.

Dance "Kolyada" gr. "Ivan Kupala"

Winter: Hey guys - well done, mischievous daredevils,

Come play

Winter evening pass!

We will take Khokhloma spoons,

And let's start playing with them.

Musical orchestra "Saturday"

Winter : How much snow do you need Winter

She named the kids.

  1. Eh! Winter, winter, winter
    White blizzard.
    Snow swirls and sweeps
    Creeps under your feet.
  2. Can you skate

And rush down the hill on a sled.

  1. Well, it can be difficult

Build an ice house:

And with a window, and with a porch,

Only without a pipe and a stove!

Winter: I invite you now to quickly start dancing!

Start a circle more boldly and dance more cheerfully!

(Dance "Winter" At the edge of the forest ... music. Khanka)

  1. The winter is merry
    With skates and sleighs
    With powdered ski tracks,
    With a magical old fairy tale.
  2. New Year's celebration soon,

Laughter, fun, commotion.

Fun gifts for everyone

Prepared by Winter.

Round dance "Crystal Winter" music by Evdoteva

Winter : Today I walk up, play enough from the heart,

I will blush in the cold, your dances are good!

  1. The winter day of winter flew by imperceptibly,

You and I were able to admire them in full.

  1. The book of winter closes

But miracles continue

In the pictures that we paint

In poems and music of winter.

Winter : To make the winter holiday bright in memory,

You will receive snowmen from us as a gift.

(To the song “Because winter is great ...” the children leave the hall)

Musical and Literary Lounge "MUSIC OF WINTER"

Leisure scenario for older preschool children

Musical director Popova Nadezhda Alexandrovna.
Target: instill love for classical music, to the work of classical poets through the synthesis of the arts (music, poetry).
Tasks: develop musical and Creative skills children:
to teach independently, to determine the nature and content of a musical work, to respond emotionally to it; convey character musical works through movement, to develop motor qualities, skills; develop singing skills ear for music;
improve the ability to play in an orchestra, use a variety of techniques for playing children's musical instruments; expand your musical horizons;
develop love for Russian artistic word; improve the intonational expressiveness of speech; to cultivate a culture of communication during the joint activities of children and adults.
Preliminary work:
- conversations about characteristics and signs of winter;
- selection and learning of songs and poems about winter;
- acquaintance with the work of composers and poets who wrote works about winter;
- listening to the works of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Winter Morning", "Christmas Time", "On the Troika", "Waltz of Snow Flakes", G. Sviridov "Snowstorm", A. Vivaldi "Winter";
- conversations about the nature of the music listened to, learning winter songs; staging a dance sketch to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky’s Waltz of the Snowflakes;
- work with children musical orchestra(play "On the troika" by P. I. Tchaikovsky.)
Leisure course.
Sounds "Waltz" G. Sviridov.
Children enter the hall and sit down.
(slide- winter forest)

Muses. hands Good afternoon, our dear guests. Today we met in the music room to talk about winter, to hear how music and poetry talk about it.
In winter, nature is unusually beautiful! Everything around is white and sparkling. The trees dress up in fluffy snow-white clothes, everything around is covered with a white veil, and winter draws on the windows. whimsical patterns: fabulous birds, crystal flower petals, fantastic castles.
Many poets sang the beauty and magic of winter. Listen to a poem by A.S. Pushkin:
Here is the north, catching up the clouds,
He breathed, howled - and here she is
The magical winter is coming.
Came, crumbled into shreds
Hanging on the branches of oaks,
She lay down with wavy carpets
Among the fields, around the hills;
A shore with a motionless river
Leveled with a plump veil,
Frost flashed and we are glad
I'll tell mother winter's leprosy.
Muses. hands Let's try to briefly go back 100 years, to the living room where the Russian nobles gathered, and music will help us with this.
(slide - an old living room with a piano)

Sounds "Waltz" by P. I. Tchaikovsky
Yes ... then there were living rooms home music making. In any self-respecting family, there was a guitar or a piano in the living room. And sometimes both.
After dinner, someone picked up a guitar or sat down at the piano and the hall was filled with sounds. Let me present our listeners with the romance “I remember the lovely sound of a waltz ...” by the composer Listov.
And our teacher Valentina Viktorovna will perform it.
Romance sounds “I remember the waltz, the lovely sound”, music and lyrics by N. Listov.

Muses. hands We thank Valentina V.

Many artists, poets and composers loved winter for its magical beauty, pure, clear sparkling colors. Let's talk about winter today, listen to music about it.
Only to the most attentive listener will music open its fabulous gates. Listen to the wonderful sounds of music - and you will hear: either a light breath of the breeze, or the rustle of quietly falling snowflakes or the crystal ringing of a drop ...
- What kind of music is playing now?
Sounds like a play"December" by P. I. Tchaikovsky
Children. The play "December" by composer P.I. Tchaikovsky from the album "The Seasons" was performed.
Muses. hands Of course, guys, this music is familiar to you.
But what wonderful lines came out from the pen of poets to tell about winter beauty about her greatness.
(slide - illustrating the text of Pushkin's excerpt)

Children read excerpts about winter from the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"
Winter!.. The peasant, triumphant,
On firewood, updates the path;
His horse, smelling the snow,
Trotting somehow;
Reins fluffy exploding,
A remote wagon flies;
The coachman sits on the irradiation
In a sheepskin coat, in a red sash.
Here is a yard boy running,
Planting a bug in a sleigh,
Transforming himself into a horse;
The scoundrel already froze his finger:
It hurts and it's funny
And his mother threatens him through the window ...
(slide- winter nature)
Muses. hands Guys, we also know songs about winter. Let's sing one of them.
Song "Zimushka-winter", music. Z. Root
Muses. hands Winter, ... what is it like?
Children. Cold, harsh, blizzard, fluffy, soft, beautiful, caring.
Muses. hands Quite right. Thoughtful. Here is how the poet A. Korinfsky writes about this in his poem "Blanket".

The poem "Blanket" will be performed by Nastya with her mother:
Daughter - Why, dear, does it snow in winter?
Mom - Nature weaves a blanket out of it!
Daughter - A blanket, mom? And why is it?!
Mom - Without him, the earth would become cold!
Daughter - And who, dear, should look for warmth in her ?!
Mom - For those who have to spend the winter:
Baby seeds, grains of bread,
Roots of blades of grass, cereals and flowers.
Muses. hands Guys, we know winter is playful and playful. Dima, tell us about it.
Verse by N. A. Nekrasov. "Snowball"
Snow flutters, spins,
It's white outside.
And the puddles turned
In cold glass
Where the finches sang in summer
Today - look! -
Like pink apples
On the branches of snowmen.
The snow is cut by skis,
Like chalk, creaky and dry,
And the red cat catches
Cheerful white flies.
Muses. hands What sounds can be heard in winter?
Children. The creak of snow, the sound of ice, the sound of the wind, the howl of a blizzard.
(slide - flying snowflakes)

Muses. hands Right. But the flight of light airy snowflakes cannot be heard, but you can come up with music about it. But first, let's listen to a poem about a snowflake performed by Katya.
Konstantin Balmont "Snowflake"
Light fluffy,
snowflake white,
What a pure
How brave!
Dear stormy
Easy to pass
Not in the sky azure,
Asking for the ground.
But here it ends
The road is long
touches the earth,
Crystal star.
lies fluffy,
Snowflake is bold.
What a pure
What a white!
Muses. hands Our dear guests, now we will hear the “Waltz of the Snow Flakes”. What is the name of the composer who composed this work?
Children. P. I. Tchaikovsky. This waltz is from his ballet The Nutcracker.
Muses. hands We will not only hear fabulous music, but also see the dance of snowflake girls.

Dance-etude to music by P.I. Tchaikovsky
"Snowflake Waltz"

Muses. hands The wonderful music of Tchaikovsky from his ballets, the album "The Seasons" cannot leave anyone indifferent. And what other composer has the album "Seasons"?
Children. At Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi has 4 concerts: "Spring", "Summer", "Autumn", "Winter".
Muses. hands Now we will hear a fragment of the well-known concert “Winter”.
Sounds excerpt "Winter" A. Vivaldi.
Muses. hands Guys, what is winter in Vivaldi's work? How does the music sound?
Children. The music sounds excited, anxious, the winter is blizzard, restless, cold.
Muses. hands Vivaldi himself wrote about this music:
Frozen under the fresh snows,
Under the sharp wind blowing in the dudu.
Run with your boots on
And shivering and shivering in the cold.
I think the poems that Artemy will read would also fit here.
I. Nikitin "Noisy, cleared up ..." ...
Noisy, roamed
Bad weather in the field;
Covered in white snow
Smooth road.
Covered with white snow
No trace left
Dust and blizzard rose
Do not see the light.
Yes to a remote kid
The storm is not a concern:
He will pave the way,
If only there was a hunt.
The dull midnight is not terrible,
Long way and blizzard
If the young man in his tower
A beautiful friend is waiting.
Muses. hands There is always calm after a storm.
An excerpt from the play "On the troika" sounds. November
P. Tchaikovsky

(slide - three horses)

Muses. hands Winter gives us the most beloved holidays, the most funny fun Activities: snowball fights, sledding, skiing, skating, troika with bells.
What piece of music is playing now?
Children."On a trio". P.I. Tchaikovsky.
Muses. hands Troika is called in Russia horses harnessed together, under one arc. Bells were often hung from the arc, which played loudly when driving fast.
Let's listen to the piece to the end and decorate it with the sound of suitable children's musical instruments which you can choose.

(Children preparatory group choose bells, a tambourine, a metallophone, wooden spoons. Improvise to the soundtrack.)
Muses. hands Thanks guys. I suggest you perform the familiar song "Sanochki", accompanying yourself on the bells.

Song "Sanochki", music. A Filippenko
(winter evening slide)

Muses. hands We have one more picture. What do we see? Quiet winter evening. It is dark around and only the lights in the windows of the houses illuminate the way for the lost traveler. Let's sit down near the fireplace, rest and watch the fire crackle.
"Dance with Candles" I.S. Bach "Aria from Suite No. 3"

Try to answer the question: “What kind of winter do we have?” Someone will say: "Cold and snowy", and someone will object: "Not cold and not blizzard at all." “Beautiful, fluffy and snow-white!” - admiringly exclaim another.
Our winter is really very different. At first glance, every year is the same: snow and frost.
But in fact, if you look closely, it is both icy and with a thaw, with snowstorms and with a drop, snowy, and with the sun.
And the day in winter is different! Early morning - quiet, inaudible, with the sun huddled in the frosty blue and crisp snow. And the evening is long, long, thoughtful and a little mysterious, as if nature itself is waiting for the appearance of a fairy tale. And the fairy tale comes, looking into the windows of houses. She carefully creeps up to people from the blackness of the distant forest, from the mysterious light of the moon and the unexpectedly loud crackling of branches in the frozen stillness of the night air.
Our winter for poets, musicians, artists is a beauty, sometimes mischievous, sometimes quiet, like a dream. This is how it appears in A.S. Pushkin, cold, calm and majestic.

Here is the north, catching up the clouds,
He breathed, howled - and here she is
The magical winter is coming.
Came, crumbled; shreds
Hung on the branches of oaks;
She lay down with wavy carpets
Among the fields, around the hills,
A shore with a motionless river
Leveled with a plump veil,
Frost flashed...

But there is also something very young and cheerful in winter. Another poet, P. Vyazemsky, meeting winter, exclaims:

Hello Russian girl,
Coloring soul.
white winch,
Hello Mother Winter!

Everyone is happy about the pranks of "Mother Winter". The frost blushes the cheeks, tingles the nose. And the snow is light, fluffy and very slippery. Sledges fly over it in such a way that it takes your breath away. Fun in winter. A. A. Blok wrote:

For the naughty grandchildren
Knee-deep snow.
Cheerful for the kids
Fast sled running...
running, laughing,
Making a snow house
loudly heard
Voices all around...

In poetry, in music, the mood of a person is always conveyed. And the one who writes about nature - with sounds, colors, words - involuntarily endows it with those feelings that he himself experiences. And then the moon in verse becomes gloomy and angry, and the blizzard looks like a real evil.

Evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry,
There was darkness in the cloudy sky,
The moon is like a pale spot
Turned yellow through the gloomy clouds,
And you sat sad...

The storm subsided, the light came and good morning, and we admire together with Pushkin:

And now ... look out the window:
Under blue skies
splendid carpets,
Shining in the sun, the snow lies,
The transparent forest alone turns black,
And the spruce turns green through the frost,
And the river under the ice glitters.

And another poet, S. A. Yesenin, draws the winter a little sad. The lines sound calm and sad.

I'm going. Quiet. Ringing is heard
Under the hoof in the snow.
Only gray crows
Made a noise in the meadow...
The horse is galloping, there is a lot of space,
It snows and spreads a shawl,
Endless road
Runs off into the distance.

Winter is magical. She bewitches all who are subject to her charms. Tyutchev writes: “The forest is bewitched by the enchantress in winter ...” And Sergei Yesenin echoes: “Bewitched by the invisible, the forest is dozing under the fairy tale of sleep. As if a pine tree was tied with a white scarf ... "
Winter dresses nature in unprecedented outfits. Let's listen to Yesenin:

White birch
under my window
covered with snow,
Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches
snow border
Brushes blossomed
White fringe.
And there is a birch
in sleepy silence
and the snowflakes are burning
in golden fire.

And the dawn? lazily
Walking around,
Sprinkles branches
New silver.

We can say that no season is as magical as winter. In summer and spring, the earth is noisy with life: trees whisper with foliage, mischievous waves of rivers and streams run in a race, meadows laugh with the diversity of herbs and flowers, the chirping and squeaking of insects, birds - everything moves, breathes, rejoices in warmth and light. In winter, everything is different. All living things hid in the depths of the earth and sleep, waiting for the sun. The trees are bare, the birds have flown away, and those that remain do not sing and fly chilly and leisurely. And the enchantress-winter gives all this white silence new life: motionless, mute, mysterious. This life is a life of sleep, a time of white and quiet nature.

Please listen to some pieces of music and try to tell what mood the composer conveyed in the music about winter. Take pencils or paints and draw pictures for these pieces of music.

Explanation. Small pieces of music are selected for conversation. It can be instrumental music:

Fragments of the works of the piano cycle by P. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons", fragments with the same name of the Vivaldi concerto, small piano piece Krutitsky "Winter", "Morning" from "Children's Music" by Prokofiev, "Santa Claus" from "Album for Youth" by R. Schumann, etc.

As well as vocal works:
“Cold, cold”, music. A. Grechaninova;
"Winter", music. C. Cui;
"Birch", music. V. Veselova;
"Seeing off winter", music. Rimsky-Korsakov from the opera "The Snow Maiden".

AT thematic conversation other verses about winter may sound. It is good if they are performed by children or expressively read by adults.
Listening to music will become more active if you invite the child to pick up what he heard musical fragment appropriate mood of the poem.

Hello, in a white sundress
From silver brocade.
Diamonds burn on you
Like bright rays.
Hello Russian girl,
Coloring soul.
white winch,
Hello Mother Winter!
P. Vyazemsky

Snow yes snow.
The whole hut was covered.
The snow is white all around knee-deep.
So frosty, light and white!
Only black, black walls...

And the breath comes out of my lips
Steam freezing in the air.
There's smoke creeping out of the chimneys;
They are sitting in the window with a samovar,
Old grandfather sat at the table
Bent over and blows on a saucer;
So the grandmother slipped from the stove,
And all around the kids are laughing.

The guys hid, they look,
How does a cat play with kittens...
Suddenly guys squeaky kittens
They threw it back into the basket...
Away from home to the snowy expanse
They rode on sledges.
The yard resounds with cries -
They made a giant out of snow!
Stick in the nose, eyeballs
And put on a shaggy hat.
And he stands, a childish thunderstorm, -
Here he will take it, here he will grab it in an armful!

And the guys laugh, shout,
The giant they came out on glory,
And the old woman looks at her grandchildren,
Do not contradict the childish temper.
A. Tolok

It is not the wind that rages over the forest,
Streams did not run from the mountains,
Frost-voivode patrol
Bypasses his possessions.
Looks - good blizzards
Forest paths brought
And are there any cracks, cracks,
Is there any bare ground anywhere?
Are the tops of the pines fluffy,
Is the pattern on oak trees beautiful?
And are the ice floes tightly bound
In great and small waters?
Walks - walks through the trees,
Cracking on frozen water
And bright sun plays
In his shaggy beard.
N. A. Nekrasov

* * *
The blizzard blew up
bent fir
Down to earth. With fright
The shutters creaked.
And snowflakes in the window
Moths are fighting
Melt and teardrops
Down the glass are pouring,
complaint to someone
The wind blows on something
And it rages fiercely:
Nobody heard.
And a flock of snowflakes
Everyone is knocking on the window
And with tears, melting,
It flows over the glass.
S. Yesenin

Here is my village;
Here is my home;
Here I am on a sled
Uphill steep;
Here the sled rolled up,
And I'm on my side - bang!
head over heels
Downhill into a snowdrift.
And boy friends
Standing over me
merrily laugh
Over my trouble.
All face and hands
Made me snow...
I'm in a snowdrift grief,
And the guys laugh!
I. Surikov

* * *
Mom, look out the window -
Know that yesterday it was not for nothing that the cat
I washed my nose;
There is no dirt, the whole yard is dressed,
Brightened, whitened -
Apparently it's cold.
Non-spiky, light blue
Frost is hung on the branches.
Just look at you!
It's like someone is sloppy
Fresh white, plump cotton wool
Removed all bushes.
Now there will be no dispute:
For the sled, and uphill
Have fun running!
Really, mom? You won't refuse
And you might say to yourself:
"Well, let's go for a walk."
A. Fet

Literary musical composition

"Hello, winter-winter"

Objectives: 1. Introduce poems about winter;

2. To instill love for poetry, for nature, for the Motherland;

3. develop expressive reading skills.

Event progress.

Teacher's word.

Guys, today we will hold an unusual lesson for you - a lesson-concert, dedicated to winter. And we will begin our lesson with the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”.

Music sounds. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons" ("December")

Russian winter is sung in folk songs, in the music of various composers. Paintings are also depicted on the canvases of painters native nature, winter landscapes. Many stories and poems are devoted to winter.

After all, every person has their own favorite time of the year. And every season is beautiful in its own way. There is probably no person who does not like winter. Nowhere in the world is there such a winter as here in Russia. And in songs, epics, fairy tales, winter is called a sorceress, a sorceress, and frost is an almighty governor. This suggests that people love this time of the year, despite the harsh weather.

Students read poetry. (F. And Tyutchev "The Enchantress in Winter", N. A. Nekrasov "Frost the Governor")

Guys, what time of the year did A.S. Pushkin like the most?

That's right, autumn. But does he dedicate his poems only to autumn?

Of course not. He has many poems about winter. Let's listen to some of them.

("Winter Morning", "Winter Evening", Winter Road)

Music sounds. Beethoven " Moonlight Sonata»

Our fields and forests have been emptied; the birds flew into warmer climes; naked trees no longer make noise with their foliage; animals and insects hid in their minks. Nature is preparing for winter sleep. And now the winter has come: the time severe frosts, snowstorms, winds. Nature is beautiful in winter: sleeping fields covered with snow, pure whiteness, sleepy forest. Although in winter it seems that all nature is sleeping, who should you and I not forget about, guys?

Of course, about birds, about our little helpers. These are sparrows, tits ... We must support them on cold days, because it is difficult for them to find food.

Poem by Y. Prokopovich Vorobey "

Since ancient times, people have followed nature, noticed the peculiarities of each season. Riddles, proverbs, sayings and signs are truly folk creations.

Here are 3 proverbs about winter:

    December will pave, and nail, and give the sleigh a move.

    The month of January is the sovereign of winter.

    January father - frosts, February - snowstorms.

Guys, give examples of other proverbs about winter.

Well done boys. Now guess the riddles:

    Name it guys

A month in this riddle:

His days of all days are shorter,

All nights are longer than nights.

To fields and meadows

Until spring, snow fell.

Only our month will pass,

We are celebrating the New Year.

    Pinches ears, pinches nose,

Frost creeps into boots.

You splash water - it will fall

Not water already, but ice.

Not even a bird flies

The bird freezes from the cold.

Turned the sun to summer

What, say, for a month is this?

    Snow falls in bags from the sky,

There are snowdrifts from the house.

That snowstorms and snowstorms

They attacked the village.

At night the frost is strong,

During the day, a drop is heard ringing.

The day has grown noticeably.

Well, so what month is it?

Now let's hear your riddles.

Let's see how you deal with signs now.

    Winter is frosty (?) - summer is hot.

    Snowy winter (?) - rainy summer.

    Smoke column (?) - to frost.

    A lot of spruce cones (?) - for the harvest.

    Winter without snow (?) - summer without bread.

Another remarkable Russian poet, S. A. Yesenin, dedicated poems to winter.

(“Winter sings - calls out”)

Even in the midst of frost, what time of the year do we remember?

Of course, about spring. All these frosts, blizzards are only for a while, and then spring will come, and all nature will wake up from hibernation.

Guys, what do you think, in our Mari region Are there poets who write about winter?

Yes, these are Nina Zhibrik, Boris Danilov, Zinaida Ermakova and many others. Let's listen to some of them.

And now the students will read their short poems and fairy tales about winter.

Well, today we talked about winter, listened to poems by different poets. The life of every person is inextricably linked with nature. It must not only be understood and felt, but also protected. This will show our love for her. And to love nature means to love your Motherland. This is the duty of every person.

We end our lesson with a song. ("Three white horses")

Elena Strizhakova

musical and literary composition)

Purpose: - To improve song and choral skills in conveying the mood of the song.

Develop artistry in the transfer of the dance image

To teach to see and hear the beauty of words, music, movement. Find visual means to convey the color of the mood of the winter image.

Develop musical-figurative thinking, a sense of the harmony of nature in creativity.

New Year, winter, baptism,

Laughter, fun, mess,

And funny gifts

Games, dances, leapfrog.

Everything comes true in the world

If you really want

And for a winter walk

We want to invite you.

We will enter the world of dreams

In the world of magical children's dreams,

Where is love, kindness and happiness,

They dance with us. (E. Strizhakova)

"Winter's Tale" music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Tanich

A snowflake flew, soared, circled,

And quietly landed on my hand,

Crystalline, snow-white patterns,

You are a mystery, a miracle of great nature. (E. Strizhakova)

Song "Snowman" music by Y. Dubravin, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky Who's to say what snow is?

You take it in the palm of your hand, it’s like it’s not there,

One water runs from the hands,

And on the ground lies, shines!

Inaudibly falls, lays down,

All sparkles in the winter sun,

As if all of the gems,

Poets sung for centuries. (E. Strizhakova)

Song "First Snow" music by V. Boganov, lyrics by V. Orlov

The magic book of winter opens,

Kind words about mother Zima appear:

Talented-crystal, pure and cold,

Weave lace patterns to us slowly,

And like a bride in white, your love is generous,

You will leave your kiss, bewitching slightly.

Warm the big earth with fluffy snow,

And you can dissolve by ringing ice

Witch, enchantress, Zimushka - Winter. (E. Strizhakova)

Waltz of the Snowflakes, music by P. Tchaikovsky from the ballet The Nutcracker- Green tree, where did you grow up?

- In the forest in a clearing by the stream.

- And who is left in the clearing now?

Brothers and sisters, I miss you.

- Do not be sad, we are fine,

- Only the forest is far from you.

- Do you want to come back? Return to the woods?

- There was a stump left from me.

- Look how happy you are!

- Giving joy is doubly pleasant! (E. Strizhakova)

"Yolka" music by E. Tilicheeva, lyrics by E. Shmakova

The blizzard is buzzing and the wind is blowing,

And the clouds float across the sky

I can't see the long road

It's my way home.

The eyes are so blinded by a strong rub,

And the snow flies, flies in the face,

Blizzard and blizzard - two friends,

In winter, we are given to meet. (E. Strizhakova)

Musical orchestra to the music of G. Sviridov "Snowstorm"

In winter, you won’t go out in frosty shoes,

And you won't go in a dress either,

Throw on a warmer coat

And you will go for a walk in felt boots. (E. Strizhakova)

Russian folk dance"Felt boots"

Today I walk up, play enough from the heart,

I will blush in the cold, so that Santa Claus, look:

Like sledding and skiing from a snowy hill up and down,

And then the snowballs and the fortress will prepare a surprise for us.

Children's laughter, snowy winter,

Clean air and play

We will become stronger with you

We will never sleep! (E. Strizhakova)

Round dance "What we like in winter" music by E. Tilicheeva

The winter day of winter flew by imperceptibly,

You and I were able to admire them in full:

It's whirlwind and contemplation

it children's laughter, the game,

And, of course, parting

How the Star will appear. (E. Strizhakova)

Song - dance "Stars" music and lyrics by L. Guseva

The book of winter closes

But miracles continue

In the pictures that we paint

In poems and music of winter.

"December" by P. I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle "The Seasons"

Brightly covering this topic by means of compilation (collections of poems famous poets, demonstration and illustrative material, textbooks) the effect of immersing the child in the world of beauty is achieved and his preferences are formed on the examples of world classics.

This sketch is only part of the reflection of a large preparatory work, based solely on my work and DOW program material.

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