How to get a blue-gray color when mixed. Working with paints on our own: what colors to mix to get brown

How to get a Orange color and its shades on 10 photos + a table of all possible derivatives. How to get coral, peach, terracotta and red colors? Influence of white, black and brown in color composition.
Orange color is obtained by mixing red and yellow, but you can get a shade of this color (soft and light enough) by adding pink to yellow paint. Subsequently, all the main saturated shades of orange are somehow associated with red, yellow, pink, white. More complex and darker tones are obtained with the participation of purple, brown and black.

How to get an orange color by mixing paints: red and yellow of the desired tone?

Everyone knows that the main orange gradient lies between red-orange and yellow-orange. Since the color is obtained or two colors, then, depending on the percentage of each color, there is a shift in one direction or another.
Of course, all the resulting shades from primary colors(in our case, red and yellow) will be paler. However, orange is made up of 2 warm tones, the waves of which are not very different (the opposite would be blue and yellow to create green), and even in the second order it looks quite catchy.

Mixing acrylic paints for painting:

How to get yellow-orange and red-orange?

It is believed that to get a classic orange, you need to take 1 part of yellow and 1 part of red. However, in practice it turns out that you have to take more yellow than red. In the palette, you can always choose the right tone by adding yellow or red to the mixture.

How to get a light orange color?

This tone has a wide range of pastel shades. They are built using white, but there is an alternative: mix pink and yellow, the resulting shade is a soft orange tone related to the light range:

Another option would be to add yellow and white.
Usually in a palette of 12 colors there is already an orange tint, which is much brighter than the color obtained by mixing, so when building shades, we will use the existing one.
There is a bright red-orange tone in my palette of glossy acrylic paints. To get light orange tones from it, I need to mix red-orange, yellow and white:

How to get coral color?

Although this shade is closer to pink, its construction is completely tied to orange, and there are 2 scenarios for obtaining it:
1) Complex: we take red-orange, pink and white in about equal parts(when you mix, then adjust the shade by eye, the main thing is to mix the paint thoroughly).

2) Red-orange is close to scarlet, and scarlet is a shade of red. Red mixed with white gives pink, and coral can be called a light shade of pink with an orange undertone.

In this case, the coral will lean closer to orange, but still remain a luxurious tropical shade.

How to get peach color?

Another light and subtle shade of the base color. Peach belongs to the soft pastel scale., standing out from it with its sophistication, it has long been loved and entrenched in our imagination. Its construction consists of 4 colors:
1) Red+yellow+pink+white
2) Orange+yellow+pink+white
3) Coral + yellow + white

How to get terracotta color?

Let's move on to darker shades of orange. One of interesting options- this is terracotta: a medium-dark, but rich complex red-orange hue is obtained by mixing purple and red-orange:

To make the shade lighter, adding a drop of white will help.

How to get red color?

The red color has an orange undertone. If you take brown and mix it with red-orange, the resulting shades will be dark, but saturated. You can adjust the tone by adding yellow.

How to get a dark orange color?

You can adjust the brightness of orange shades using black: either to completely darken it, or simply dim the brightness. This is necessary to create contrast.
If you want to dim light shades: mix white with black to a gray mass and bring it into the working tone.

Table for obtaining orange shades when mixing colors:

Practice in color science is indispensable, but theory can give you an understanding of how a particular tone is built.

In the center - the main color from which the color is built. The first circle of colors is the shades with which the color is mixed in the proportion indicated below. The third circle is formed by the tones that result from mixing the primary color and the first circle in a smaller proportion than the third. On the sides of the color at the end of the beam, the same color with the addition of black (darker) and white (lighter).

How to get other colors and their shades: theory and practice. Click on the icon.

Beginning artists may have a question about how to get brown, because it is not always found in gouache. This tone is not included in the main group and can be obtained from a mixture of the latter. But the wrong approach to combining colors often leads to a gray mass or not the shade that was originally required. To create a paint that does not differ from the store, you need to know the tricks of color.

Rules for mixing tones

All information about the compatibility of shades and the features of combining colors are united by the science of color. It is based on a color wheel with a variety of tones and their subtypes. There are three basic colors - red, yellow and blue. White and black stand apart, although they do not belong to the basic ones. All other tones can be obtained with, because they are called secondary (green, purple, orange, blue, etc.).

There are basic laws of mixing dyes:

  • all shades are divided into chromatic (color) and achromatic (white, black, gray), the former differ in hue, lightness, saturation;
  • when mixing two colors located along a chord color wheel, an intermediate tone will be obtained;
  • when two opposite colors are combined from a circle, a different achromatic shade is obtained;
  • you can mix paints mechanically (mix colors from two tubes) and optically (apply smears on top of each other).

You can combine gouache, acrylic, watercolor, water-based emulsion, oil, building paints on a white palette - this is how the finished shade is viewed in detail. If there is no palette, use a white faience plate, in extreme cases - white disposable (plastic) dishes or paper.

What colors make brown

You can even make brown from plasticine, felt-tip ink, but the best result will be achieved when using gouache. To create brown paint, you need to prepare yellow, blue, red, green, black and white - their various combinations will participate in obtaining a new tone.

There are several methods to make desired color from other colors. It is necessary to take classic, pure tones without impurities. There are several options - basic, three-color and intermediate, also artists are aware of a number of additional techniques creating brown.

With primary colors

This method is the easiest, it will require only accuracy and high-quality colors.

Green with red

Even schoolchildren from drawing lessons know that brown will turn out if you add red to green. When green is not available, yellow and blue can be mixed together. The latter are taken in equal proportions to create a "classic" green tone, although individual desires can be taken into account. To get a more transparent brown, you can use a little more yellow.

It is important to introduce red color into green, but not vice versa. Add it drop by drop so as not to spoil the new tone, turning it into a taupe, rusty or brick. Green will serve as the main here, but red makes the brown tone warmer.

Orange with blue

First you need to make a bright orange color (if it is not ready-made). To do this, take red, gradually add yellow to it. The amount of yellow should not be large, 10-15% of the total mass of the final color scheme is enough. The final shade should be dark orange, a light tone is not suitable for making brown.

Purple with yellow

An intermediate way to get brown involves creating purple and pairing it with yellow. First, take equally red and blue colors. As a result of their mixing, a noble purple is obtained. Next, they begin to gradually add a yellow color scheme, which will lighten the purple. Brown in this case will not be dark, but it will have a warm, pleasant glow. Adding new portions of purple acts in the opposite way - it "cools" the shade. When using this technique, the introduction of a large volume of yellow paint allows you to get an ocher color.

Additional Methods

Compound dark gray with orange also gives a brown color, however, it will remain cold even with the introduction of an increased amount of orange. Brown is also obtained by mixing green, purple and orange, however, such a multi-stage technique is complex.

In any of the above options, the introduction of additional portions of a dark color helps to get a dark brown tone. We are talking about blue, green and purple colors. However, the shades of brown will be different, because each component contributes its own role to their creation.

There is another easy way to get a dark brown color from acrylic, oil or any other paints. A little black paint is dripped into the finished brown. But you need to work with it with extreme caution, otherwise the color will become dirty black. Professionals first mix black with a small amount of white, after which they prepare brown based on it. So the black will be softer, give a more pleasant dark brown tone.

Dark chocolate color can be obtained like this:

  • combine yellow and blue to get dark green;
  • separately mix red and a little yellow to make orange;
  • mix dark green and a drop of orange until you get the color of the grass;
  • mix ready-made herbal color with red, getting chocolate;
  • to prepare dark chocolate, add a drop of black paint.

For a milky chocolate color, white is added, for a golden chocolate color, yellow is added.

light brown color

A light brown tone is easy to make by diluting a regular brown with white paint. The more intense the whitening, the lighter the color will be. It is important not to overdo it here, because brown is a warm shade, and white “cools” it. Usually 1-5% white of the total mass of paint is enough to achieve a sufficient degree of clarification. Light brown can also be obtained if more yellow is initially added, although it is quite difficult to calculate the proportions so accurately.

medium brown

To obtain a brown of medium intensity, mix yellow, blue in equal parts, then add 20% red by weight of the mixture. Next, adjust the depth of the shade by adding black or white - depending on the need.

Red-brown shade

The secret to creating brown with a hint of red is to introduce more red color into it. When you add it to green, you first get the usual brown, then bring it to the desired shade. The intensity will depend on the amount of color. In addition, the desired color is created by mixing red, blue and yellow. by the most simple method To "tint" brown is to add a drop of red to the finished brown color scheme.


This shade is made by combining orange and blue, followed by the addition of black paint. Also, a grayish or coffee color is obtained by mixing purple (magenta) and orange with the introduction of black.

Shades of brown - table

Below are data on the colors that must be mixed together to obtain brown, as well as their approximate proportions:

Artists advise buying ready-made brown if there is any doubt about the quality of mixing paints with your own hands. For example, when working with acrylic, problems may arise when applied to canvas or clothing - the color will look different on the canvas depending on the manufacturer and the specific components in the composition.

It is also better to carry out tinting in the store if you have to paint a large volume of walls in the house - it is almost impossible to get a second portion of exactly the same paint without special equipment. In other situations, do not be afraid to experiment and create new colors yourself - this will allow you to show your imagination to the fullest!

Brown is a versatile color that has many possible uses, but is not always found in art supplies. Luckily, different shades of brown can be achieved by mixing the three primary colors: red, blue, and yellow. Just mix these three primary colors and you have brown. You can also start with a secondary color, such as orange or green, and add a primary color to it until you get brown. To achieve the desired shade of brown, add more of one of the primary colors, use some black, or mix two or more different shades.


Mix primary colors in equal proportions

    Squeeze a small drop of each color onto a mixing surface. Apply red, blue and yellow paint next to each other on a palette or sheet of paper. Exact amount depends on how much brown paint you need. It is important that each paint was equally.

    • Leave some space between flowers. In this free space in the middle, you will mix different paints.
    • To get brown from the primary colors, you just need to mix them in equal amounts.

    Advice: in principle, this combination can also be used for oil sticks, watercolors or colored pencils, but the final color may turn out to be uneven, since they are more difficult to mix.

    Mix the colors completely. Run the end of your palette knife along the inner edges of all three colors to pull them towards the center. Then wider in a circular motion stir the paints with the flat bottom surface of the tool. As you do this, you will notice that the mixture gradually acquires a rich brown color.

    Add some white to give the brown depth. After you mix the colors and get brown, add some white paint and keep mixing until it is completely gone. Be careful not to use too much white paint - as a rule, no more than ⅓ of the total amount of paint is required.

    How to get brown from secondary colors

    1. Mix red and yellow together to get orange. Start with enough red paint and add yellow paint little by little until you reach a 1:1 ratio. At the same time, mix the paints until you get a dark orange color.

      • To make the brown color dark enough, you can use a little more red paint.
    2. Mix orange with blue to get brown. Use a little less blue than orange - the proportion of blue paint should not exceed 35-40%. Mix the colors well until you get a chocolate brown color.

      Mix red and blue to get purple. Use these two colors in roughly equal proportions. The perfect combination of red and blue will give a purple color, and if you deviate from the exact proportion, you will get a purple or similar red tint.

      • Getting the right purple color is quite difficult. If the final mixture has a reddish or bluish tint, add a bit of the opposite color to balance it out.
      • If you add too much blue paint, the purple color will be harder to correct. It is easier to achieve the correct shade with an excess of red.
    3. Gradually add yellow paint to purple until you get brown. As you mix the colors, you will notice a dirty brown tint starting to show through. Continue adding yellow paint in small batches until you get the color you want.

      Mix blue and yellow to get green. Squeeze out a large drop of blue and gradually add yellow paint to it. As with orange, you should start with the most saturated green and move towards the middle of the spectrum.

      • For best results, the green color should be closer to dark blue than light aquamarine.
    4. Add the right amount of red paint to green to get brown. Mix in just a little red at first and keep adding and mixing as needed to get a darker color. Mixing green with red can produce an earthy olive brown to a warm burnt orange.

      • To get as "real" brown as possible, the mixture should contain 33-40% red paint. With an equal proportion, red will slightly predominate.

      Advice: brown, obtained from a mixture of red and green, is great for landscapes and images of nature.

      How to get different shades

      Add some more red or yellow paint to give the brown a warmer hue. If you want to lighten or enhance the brown, just add a large number of one of the warm primary colors. Add paint in small portions and mix continuously until you get the desired shade.

Every novice painter knows what paints need to be mixed to obtain the desired color and knows how to use the color synthesis table. Using the color synthesis table, you can determine what will result from mixing several colors and shades and achieve desired effect.
If you have no idea how to get brown when mixing paints, use a small palette on which to try several ways. When mixing yellow, blue and red, you get a lot of varieties of brown. The principle of mixing on the color wheel is as follows: the proximity of colors to each other gives a pure and saturated version of the mixture. The opposite effect occurs with distant colors, their proximity to complementary colors resulting in a gray coloration as a result of mixing.

It's not hard to guess the color

Combining orange and blue, we get brown, but if a light brown shade is needed, we introduce white into the resulting mixture or dilute it with a yellow tone. Green and red will give the desired chocolate shade.

Dark brown is created by combining yellow, red, black and white. An endless variety of shades of brown color can be obtained by mixing several colors. There are many options - from chestnut coloring to golden honey.
Mixing yellow with red, then adding blue and mixing in white for a lightening effect, results in a reddish-brown tint. Chestnut tone consists of red with the addition of black.
It is not always possible to buy the necessary paints and guess with the colors. Armed with at least white and black paint, you can try to make any color of the brown suit darker or lighter. Don't mix in too much blue or red, because you will most likely not get the desired shade of brown.
The ability to achieve the required color is applied not only in the field visual arts, but can be useful for mixing various paints and plasters in the construction industry, for repair work.

Builders Professional Palette

Mocha, dark chocolate, light chestnut, cafe au lait, cognac, hazelnut and light brown are all shades of brown, with more colorful names than building paint names. As a rule, enamel, oil and acrylic paints have approximately the same shade names. It is mostly red, yellow, dark and golden brown. There is also copper, ivory, cream, beige.
By choosing the color “under the tree”, they create an imitation of the colors of pine, larch, alder. Also select options for oak, beech, walnut, rosewood. Ashen, gray shades used for painting metal, less often wooden surfaces. The golden yellow range is represented by gold and copper-red enamels, including pastel beige and golden walnut.

Video review modern technologies for mixing colors

Do right choice without consulting a professional, it is difficult. Considering the fact that paints, when mixed, may not give the result you expected. When mixed, some paints tend to enter into an undesirable chemical effect, from which the color changes - darkens, fades.

natural wood color

The new wooden house needs to be painted. If you want to preserve the natural color of wood, colorless finishing compositions should be used. Due to adverse effects ultraviolet rays, atmospheric phenomena, untreated wood ages quickly. In addition to being decorative and losing its original appearance, wood is subject to the destructive action of insects, mold and fungi. Initially, an antiseptic is used, after assembly it is covered with a finishing decorative composition. This ensures that the long years properties and qualities of wooden building materials.

floor covering

The range of wooden floor coverings helps to create a cozy atmosphere for your home by choosing the right color for your home. individual style. The final result of coloring and perception of color is affected by the structure of the surface, the type of lighting, and reflection. Not always the colors proposed by the manufacturer will match the color of the painted floor.

Cold shades for decoration

The dwelling is recommended to be decorated in warm colors, but showing a bright personality, cold options can be used in the design.
If you are an adherent of a new techno style, then it is not surprising to use cold tones of gray, khaki, metallic. After all, such colors fit perfectly into the common space of a single style, with its metal doors and stairs, stylized furniture, special lighting.
High tech high-tech style, with its strict decor and the use of plastic, metal, glass, pipes, less often wood, does not imply warm colors. Polished surfaces, chrome-plated pipes, window blinds and high-tech innovations are at a premium.

When renovating or building a house, we are faced with the choice of color more than once. The texture of the plaster, the colors of the wallpaper or the tone of the plaster, the flooring and the color of the windows, doors, everyone chooses based on their preferences. Price for various Construction Materials depends on the manufacturer and the quality of raw materials.

How to get brown by mixing paints

Brown can be obtained by mixing different colors: since this tone is complex and all primary colors are involved in its creation. Shades of brown - also a huge variety. To obtain them, tones such as yellow, red, blue, white, black are added. You can always easily transform one Tone into another, since the tone is very sensitive to components, and the eye perceives a wide range of them.
With the help of paint, brown shades can be mixed in 4 ways, 3 of which are based on the theory of additional pairs, which implies that when such colors are mixed, a gray tone is obtained, but this effect works if the color carrier is a light wave. For pigment paints, there is a different alignment:

Mixing additional colors, we get brown

A pair of additional tones: yellow + purple, where the latter is the sum of red and blue. The tone is obtained with a yellow tint.

Pair: red + green, where the second is the sum of yellow and blue.
Shades are closer to red - with medium green - rich red-brown, with emerald - dark chestnut.

Pair: orange + blue, where orange = yellow + red.

In this case, a gray-brown tone is obtained: paired with blue - medium brown with a chocolate sheen; paired with indigo blue - dark brown - dark chocolate.

Getting brown and its shades from primary colors?

If we decompose the colors from which brown is obtained, then we can understand that it is formed only when yellow, red and blue converge - the main shades. Therefore, it is more logical and easier to create it by mixing these three tones together. In addition, it will be much easier to control its shades by changing the amount of one of the components.

How to get medium brown?

Mix three colors to get brown - the shortest way to the classic shades of tree bark: red + yellow + indigo blue in a ratio of: 1:1:0.5

How to get red-brown?

Red-brown can be created by mixing red, yellow, blue in the ratio: 2:2:0.5.
Like a dark color - indigo needs little to change the tone; yellow, red, on the contrary, you need more, since they are light. For ease of approach, you can always correct the resulting brown color by randomly mixing it with red, yellow, while yellow is needed in order to make the overall tone lighter and more saturated.

How to get dark brown?

To get dark brown in the resulting arbitrary tone, it is worth adding blue (indigo) or black. Since dark brown hides the saturation of the shade, there will not be much difference between the resulting shades.

How to get taupe?

In order to get a taupe - you need any medium tone of brown in which you need to add white. If brown is needed darker: add black to it.

How to get light brown?

To get light brown in an arbitrary color, you need to add white. However, this mixing often results in taupe, as we see in the previous version, so red and yellow are mixed into the resulting light taupe.
As a result, the resulting color is darkened again (due to a darker red), but if you add more white to it, the result will be more attractive (up to beige):

The brightness of the resulting shades can also be enhanced:

So: let's summarize:

How to get shades of brown? Table

Let's combine all the data in a table so that you can visually see the dependence:
Darken brown - with black;
For red-brown - add red;
Yellow-brown (orange-brown) - yellow;
Olive brown - yellow + blue;
Purple-brown - red + blue;
Light brown - white.

The scheme of interaction of shades with brown, wagging on the final tone, will also be interesting.

In the scheme, the center is brown, from which the shade will be built. Around it are tones for mixing. The next circle will already be the resulting tones when mixing the base color with the shade-forming one, at a rate of 30%. Then shades with 10% admixture + additional: darkened (+20% black) and lightened (+20% white) from 10% shade.

How to get other colors and their shades: theory and practice. Click on the icon.

How to get brown when mixing paints: which ones to mix

Brown color, although not bright, but quite popular. It is used when renovating an apartment, for painting interior items, when painting with acrylic and other paints and gouache, when coloring hair, as well as other actions. To get brown, a mixing technique is used. Colors are taken both dark and light, and which ones we will find out later in the article.

How to get classic brown

One of the main and simple ways make brown is mixing green and red dye I. These colors are available in any palette of paints, from construction to those intended for painting on paper canvas. The use of dark green and dark red is not allowed, otherwise we will get a color close to black, but not as dark brown.

The next method would be mixing 3 dyes: red, blue and yellow. This method comes from the previous one, instead of green we use blue and yellow, which, when mixed, give green, as a result we get the color formula described above. This combination of colors is good when green is over in the palette.

Another way to make brown is to mix orange and gray or orange and blue, which is more true for the usual palette of colors.

The last way to get classic brown is to combine magenta and yellow. Purple can be used instead of magenta. This option less popular because it is difficult to control the resulting color when mixed, the slightest overdose and the shade is not the same.

Methods for obtaining brown flowers

Making shades of brown

The traditional palette is good, but its use is not always required, for example, a lighter tone would be more appropriate in painting the wall in the hallway, and dark paint is usually taken to give the picture realistic colors, depicting the earth. Here are instructions on how to make brown darker or lighter:

  • How to get dark brown? We will not reinvent the wheel and offer the most effective method is the addition of a black component. We advise you to mix in small drops, otherwise you risk spoiling the resulting paint and having to throw it away. After adding a small dose of black, mix thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency, only then make a decision if you need to darken more.
  • How to get light brown? Here we will also follow the well-worn path and offer a method for using whitewash or white dyes. Adding brightening colors can be done more intensely than darkening ones. This is due to the fact that if you lighten the brown, you can always go back a couple of tones darker. White paint acts as the main white paint, in addition to it, you can use yellow - which will give a shade of ocher, red - will give shades of rust, and blue will make it deeper and more contrasting.

For art lovers, together with Olga Bazanova, we prepared a video lesson on mixing brown from others:

Pros and cons of mixing brown

No matter how strange it may sound, it’s not always possible to make a brown color of paints with your own hands. best idea. Let's look at when it is profitable to mix, and when it is better to buy a ready-made dye:

    • draw acrylic paints on canvas - here you can make brown and its shades in any quantities and proportions of colors;
    • You are making repairs and there are extra paints from which you can get brown for use in the intended design;
    • You do anything, but the palette of colors presented by the stores is not what you need;
    • If brown walls are provided in the design of the room, then you should not buy other colors to mix them, construction stores enough brown paints to choose the right one;
    • If you dye your hair, you should not mix different components, even of the same shade, if this is not provided for by the instructions;
    • If you are not sure in advance that you will use brown.

shades of brown

Color Mixing Secrets

        1. To make beautiful brown paint, use precise proportions.
        2. If you achieve the desired tone, then add the "thinner" color a little bit, otherwise you risk ruining everything.
        3. Try to test the resulting dye on a small area to be painted, because the color in the jar and on the surface may differ.
        4. When working with a painting, the combination of colors can be carried out directly on the canvas, thereby achieving an interesting effect.
        5. Before connecting other paints, read the instructions, the color of the dried paint may differ from the one applied, this should be taken into account.


There are many ways to obtain brown colors and shades, they can be used for any painting work, but you should be guided by the advisability of mixing or buying ready-made. In addition to the main mixture, many shades can be made from light to dark, from contrasting to deep. Do not be afraid to experiment, because all the famous masterpieces of interior design, painting and fashionable things have appeared as a result of a large number of tests. Tell us in the comments what paints do you use to make your brown dye?

overview of methods and shade chart

Beginning artists may have a question about how to get brown, because it is not always found in gouache. This tone is not included in the main group and can be obtained from a mixture of the latter. But the wrong approach to combining colors often leads to a gray mass or not the shade that was originally required. To create a paint that does not differ from the store, you need to know the tricks of color.

Rules for mixing tones

All information about the compatibility of shades and the features of combining colors are united by the science of color. It is based on a color wheel with a variety of tones and their subtypes. There are three basic colors - red, yellow and blue. White and black stand apart, although they do not belong to the basic ones. All other tones can be obtained by mixing paints, therefore they are called secondary (green, purple, orange, blue, etc.).

There are basic laws of mixing dyes:

  • all shades are divided into chromatic (color) and achromatic (white, black, gray), the former differ in hue, lightness, saturation;
  • when mixing two colors located along the chord of the color wheel, an intermediate tone will be obtained;
  • when two opposite colors are combined from a circle, a different achromatic shade is obtained;
  • you can mix paints mechanically (mix colors from two tubes) and optically (apply smears on top of each other).

You can combine gouache, acrylic, watercolor, water-based emulsion, oil, building paints on a white palette - this is how the finished shade is viewed in detail. If there is no palette, use a white faience plate, in extreme cases - white disposable (plastic) dishes or paper.

You can even make brown from plasticine, felt-tip ink, but the best result will be achieved when using gouache. To create brown paint, you need to prepare yellow, blue, red, green, black and white - their various combinations will participate in obtaining a new tone.

There are several methods that allow you to make the desired color from other paints. It is necessary to take classic, pure tones without impurities. There are several options - basic, three-color and intermediate, and artists are also aware of a number of additional techniques for creating brown.

With primary colors

This method is the easiest, it will require only accuracy and high-quality colors.

Green with red

Even schoolchildren from drawing lessons know that brown will turn out if you add red to green. When green is not available, yellow and blue can be mixed together. The latter are taken in equal proportions to create a "classic" green tone, although individual desires can be taken into account. To get a more transparent brown, you can use a little more yellow.

It is important to introduce red color into green, but not vice versa. Add it drop by drop so as not to spoil the new tone, turning it into a taupe, rusty or brick. Green will serve as the main here, but red makes the brown tone warmer.

Orange with blue

First you need to make a bright orange color (if it is not ready-made). To do this, take red, gradually add yellow to it. The amount of yellow should not be large, 10-15% of the total mass of the final color scheme is enough. The final shade should be dark orange, a light tone is not suitable for making brown.

Purple with yellow

An intermediate way to get brown involves creating purple and combining it with yellow. First, take equally red and blue colors. As a result of their mixing, a noble purple is obtained. Next, they begin to gradually add a yellow color scheme, which will lighten the purple. Brown in this case will not be dark, but it will have a warm, pleasant glow. Adding new portions of purple acts in the opposite way - it "cools" the shade. When using this technique, the introduction of a large volume of yellow paint allows you to get an ocher color.

Additional Methods

The combination of dark gray with orange also gives a brown color, however, it will remain cold even with the introduction of an increased amount of orange. Brown is also obtained by mixing green, purple and orange, however, such a multi-stage technique is complex.

Getting dark brown

In any of the above options, the introduction of additional portions of a dark color helps to get a dark brown tone. We are talking about blue, green and purple colors. However, the shades of brown will be different, because each component contributes its own role to their creation.

There is another easy way to get a dark brown color from acrylic, oil or any other paints. A little black paint is dripped into the finished brown. But you need to work with it with extreme caution, otherwise the color will become dirty black. Professionals first mix black with a small amount of white, after which they prepare brown based on it. So the black will be softer, give a more pleasant dark brown tone.

Dark chocolate color can be obtained like this:

  • combine yellow and blue to get dark green;
  • separately mix red and a little yellow to make orange;
  • mix dark green and a drop of orange until you get the color of the grass;
  • mix ready-made herbal color with red, getting chocolate;
  • to prepare dark chocolate, add a drop of black paint.

For a milky chocolate color, white is added, for a golden chocolate color, yellow is added.

light brown color

A light brown tone is easy to make by diluting a regular brown with white paint. The more intense the whitening, the lighter the color will be. It is important not to overdo it here, because brown is a warm shade, and white “cools” it. Usually 1-5% white of the total mass of paint is enough to achieve a sufficient degree of clarification. Light brown can also be obtained if more yellow is initially added, although it is quite difficult to calculate the proportions so accurately.

medium brown

To obtain a brown of medium intensity, mix yellow, blue in equal parts, then add 20% red by weight of the mixture. Next, adjust the depth of the shade by adding black or white - depending on the need.

Red-brown shade

The secret to creating brown with a hint of red is to introduce more red color into it. When you add it to green, you first get the usual brown, then bring it to the desired shade. The intensity will depend on the amount of color. In addition, the desired color is created by mixing red, blue and yellow. The easiest method to "tint" brown is to add a drop of red to the finished brown color scheme.


This shade is made by combining orange and blue, followed by the addition of black paint. Also, a grayish or coffee color is obtained by mixing purple (magenta) and orange with the introduction of black.

Shades of brown - table

Below are data on the colors that must be mixed together to obtain brown, as well as their approximate proportions:

Artists advise buying ready-made brown if there is any doubt about the quality of mixing paints with your own hands. For example, when working with acrylic, problems may arise when applied to canvas or clothing - the color will look different on the canvas depending on the manufacturer and the specific components in the composition.

It is also better to carry out tinting in the store if you have to paint a large volume of walls in the house - it is almost impossible to get a second portion of exactly the same paint without special equipment. In other situations, do not be afraid to experiment and create new colors yourself - this will allow you to show your imagination to the fullest!

How to get brown from gouache

You have started painting in gouache and are learning about mixing colors, and specifically want to bring out the brown tint. Unfortunately, ready-made kits paints are often limited to certain colors.

But thanks to this, you can learn how to receive certain tones.

Things to remember when mixing

Get acquainted with the color wheel, it figuratively shows what shades can be obtained by combining them. It is worth noting that those colors that are located in relative proximity to each other can be easily mixed without the formation of porridge. When you combine two tones from a circle, you get a secondary color, when you add it - a tertiary one.

When you want to make some shade darker, you can not add a lot of black there. Also, when using white to connect with other tones, you will get components that are too cold.

We must not forget the most important thing that gouache brightens after drying, and the color will always differ from that originally applied to the canvas. This paint is even divided into groups according to light fastness.

It is not necessary to mix many colors, nothing will come of this, no more than three is better. If you mix fluorescent gouache with regular gouache, it will lose its brightness. Learn the technique of using colors. Choose the main colors for work, dilute them in separate containers, make preliminary strokes. When they dry, you will see if the resulting shade suits you. It is advisable to make about five such colors, and by combining them to get intermediate colors.

What colors does brown come from

There are three main colors that cannot be obtained in any other way, these are blue, yellow and red. If you mix these three tones in equal proportions, you will get a finished brown.

Also, to bring out a brown classic shade, use:

  1. Red with green. If there is no second color, it can be obtained by combining blue with yellow and only then add red until the right tone is given.
  2. Blue with orange. Accordingly, to create the last color, red is mixed in a larger amount with a small amount of yellow. After that, gradually bring in the blue color.
  3. Yellow with purple. The principle of operation does not change, purple is obtained by combining red with blue, and then yellow is added. Don't forget to stir the paints while mixing.
  4. Orange with grey. The second color is added to the first. To get gray, you need to add a little black to white.
  5. Purple, orange and yellow. The above describes how you can get these shades.
  6. Purple, orange and green. Again collect the secondary tones according to the color wheel.
  7. A random mix of blue, yellow and red. Choose any two of the three shades, and combine them equally, and then add the last, gradually, until you get a chocolate or other brown.
  8. Combination of all primary colors. In this case, in equal proportions with respect to each resulting mass, all colors are mixed in stages, except for the last one. Blue and green go first, then black is added to them, and then red. At the very end is a yellow tone, it is not necessary to bring it into equal number, the main thing is getting the right brown.

It is important to know that this color has a large number of shades, depending on the mixing ratios of the various components. With large amounts of yellow, ocher will turn out. Red gives a chestnut tone or red-brown color, blue brings brightness and creates contrast.

If we want to get darker shades, then quite a bit of black is added to colors such as yellow, red and orange. Also, to create dark brown, yellow is mixed with red, and then black and white.

To make light brown or golden brown, white is usually added to the already obtained consistency.

Learn to find the sweet spot when working with different components.

What are the names of brown shades of ready-made gouache

Specialty art stores often sell pre-made materials. They contain natural dyes, and they may well be suitable for you. After all, it is not always possible to obtain one or another color by mixing, it happens that completely faded colors come out. Finished shades of brown have such names as: natural (natural) or burnt umber (dark brown with a green tint), as well as mars brown dark; sienna natural and burnt; ocher, including golden.

How to make brown from paints: schemes and proportions

Shades of brown are popular in the design of the walls of houses and apartments, when writing landscape paintings and other art. Therefore, many are interested in how to get brown by mixing paints. Brown shades are obtained by combining all the primary and secondary colors. Changing an existing tone to another is quite simple, since brown is sensitive to components, and human eyes perceive a wide palette of them. Together with the editors of the online magazine, we will consider how to make brown from paints.

tube paints

How to get brown from primary colors

First, let's figure out which colors are considered primary and which are secondary. The primary colors are blue, red and yellow and cannot be obtained from any other color. The secondary colors are orange, purple and green. They are obtained by mixing two primary colors together: orange from red and yellow, purple from red and blue, and green from blue and yellow. Brown of different shades is obtained by mixing all the primary colors in equal proportions, or two primary and one secondary.

Palette of colors

The easiest way to get brown is to mix yellow, red and blue. That is, from the primary colors. First, red and yellow are combined (to make orange), and then blue is added. All paints are taken in the same proportions.

Color mixing scheme

There are several ways to get classic brown:

  1. Mix red paint with green in equal proportions.
  2. Mixing red, yellow and blue paint.
  3. Mixing blue and orange paint.
  4. Mixing yellow, orange and purple paint. It should be noted that this is a rather complicated and troublesome option.
  5. Mixing purple, green and orange paint is also difficult.

Palette: paint from dark brown to light

When using the above options, brown can turn out to be slightly different shades, but they will all be close to classic brown. Everyone chooses according to their taste.

How to get red-brown paint

Red-brown color - how to make from several shades

In order to get a red-brown tint, you must combine:

  • red and yellow paint, but more red;
  • add some blue
  • about 0.1% white.

Dark brown color - how to make from several shades

To obtain a dark brown color, mix red, yellow and blue paint in equal proportions. To achieve a more saturated hue, you need to add black to the desired saturation.

How to get light brown

Light brown paint on canvas

To get a light brown color, combine red, yellow and blue paint. At the same time, there is proportionally more yellow, and we lighten the resulting tone with white paint to the desired shade. To get a gray-brown color, it is enough to combine orange paint with gray, and a light or dark shade can be achieved by adding white or black paint, respectively.

Attention! Everyone has their own taste and needs in choosing the color scheme of the interior or painting. Therefore, mix colors carefully and in small amounts, achieving the desired tone. If you are fond of painting, when mixing paints, it is better to use not a brush, but a special metal tool - a palette knife. This will avoid streaks on the canvas.

Different types of paints have their own characteristics, for example, acrylic and gouache. Therefore, when mixing, in order to achieve the desired shade of brown, it is important to take them into account.

How to make brown from gouache paints

Many of those who begin to paint choose gouache paints. They are bright, thick and dry quickly. Drawing them is easy and fun. Shops that sell everything for creativity, including for those who are fond of painting, sell ready-made paints. What are the ready-made shades brown gouache can be found on the shelves: natural umber (natural brown), burnt umber (brown with green tint, quite dark), brown dark (mars), natural sienna, burnt sienna, ocher, golden ocher. For the demanding eye of an aesthete, this is not enough.

What colors can be made brown

Then the technique of mixing ready-made paints comes to the rescue. First you need to familiarize yourself with the color wheel, which shows the primary colors, secondary and additional, and remember which of them, when mixed, give a brown tint. Nuances to consider when using gouache:

  1. When dry on canvas or paper, gouache is much lighter, so the color will be different from what was originally applied.
  2. Black color should be used with caution, if you want to achieve a dark shade, it is added little by little.
  3. White color is also added in small portions. An excess of this color will make the shade cold.
  4. To obtain brown, no more than three shades of paints are mixed.

How to make brown with acrylic paints

Acrylic - how to make brown from ordinary paints

Acrylic paints can safely be called universal. They not only paint pictures, but also paint stained glass windows. The possibilities of their use are much wider than gouaches or watercolors. It is convenient to work with them, the colors are juicy and expressive. The only drawback, if, of course, it can be considered as such, is the expensive price. Therefore, it is enough to buy a palette of seven colors and get the necessary ones by mixing.

How to get brown from primary colors? Red, yellow, pink, brown, blue, black and white. The laws of the color wheel will help us create the brown of the shade we need. Everything is the same as with other paints, but there are some peculiarities. Let's talk about them. Colors and proportions of acrylic paints for obtaining shades of brown:

  1. Avocado color - mix yellow paint with a little black and brown.
  2. Reddish chestnut - mix red paint with a little brown and black.
  3. Chestnut - yellow paint plus red, a little black and white.
  4. The color of honey is white paint plus yellow and a little brown.
  5. Dark brown - yellow paint, red and black in equal proportions and a little white.
  6. Copper gray - black paint, white and some red.
  7. The color of the eggshell is white and yellow paint in equal proportions and a little brown.

When painting with acrylic paints, you need to remember that when drying, the shade may be different than when applied. To get brown, you need to know how to mix the right colors. Artists who love to create with acrylics have developed a special mixing system to achieve dark and light tones. With the help of this system, green, purple, orange and brown shades are obtained. White is taken for the base and color is added, the less the main color, the lighter the shade. To obtain dark shades of the palette, black paint is added to the main color, the more black, the darker the shade. This should be done with caution, for example, you need a dark brown color, you need to add a little black paint, otherwise it will turn out dirty brown.

Brown mineral paint

If you need many shades of the same color for your work, it is probably better to purchase a white base and mix it with the base colors. This option is more suitable for an artist who uses paint in small quantities to draw small parts. With such an arsenal, it will not be difficult to make brown paint from other colors.

To cover large areas, it is better to buy finished paint. Why? It is difficult to stock up on a mixed composition for future use, and the slightest deviation in the proportion of colors can give a different shade. Fortunately, today the market offers a wide range to the discerning buyer. And if you still have questions and suggestions, how you mix colors, and where you use such knowledge, tell other readers of our online magazine about your experience. And in conclusion, we offer you to watch an entertaining video on how to properly mix oil paints to get the right colors.


How to get brown when mixing paints

This shade is not too bright, but popular. It is actively used for decorating the interior of a room, when painting furniture, making up, while painting canvases, and also for changing hair color. Based on this, the question of what needs to be mixed with what to obtain the desired result is very relevant.

What colors make brown

Proper mixing is a whole science, but today the task is made easier by a ready-made color wheel, which can be seen on the Internet. It gives an understanding that the main colors are yellow, red and blue. The circle represents the result of mixing each of these options with each other - secondary colors. If you combine them, then you get tertiary ones. There are three main laws in mixing:

  • Law number 1. Each color of the circle is a symbiosis of those opposite to the center, which, when mixed, give an additional color, that is, achromatic. Complementaries are clearly defined, for example, red has green and yellow has blue.
  • Law number 2. It is used in practice, indicating that when mixing paints that are close to each other along the color wheel, new colors of the main color scheme are formed - the one that is located between the mixed pigments. So, to get orange, you should combine red with yellow, and green - mix yellow with blue. By combining in ambiguous proportions the three main components in the form of red, yellow and blue, any effect can be obtained.
  • Law number 3. From the same shades, when mixed, similar mixtures are obtained. This result is achieved by combining colors that are identical in tone, but different in saturation. Another option: mix several colors by symbiosis of chromatic with achromatic.

What colors should be mixed to get brown

Gouache artists know that when different colors are combined, new colors are born. Even a special synthesis table has been created, which helps to make the necessary shades. The most elementary way to get brown is to add red to green. These tones are in any hardware store or in the stationery department. However, you cannot mix dark red and dark green, because you will get a dirty shade that will vaguely resemble black.

Not sure how to get brown when mixing paints if there is no green in the palette? In this case, you can use three colors: red, blue, yellow. This is due to the fact that green is obtained through the synthesis of blue and yellow. For another blending option, gray paint plus orange, or purple and yellow, will be used. So, the missing pigments that make up the basic formula can always be replaced.

How to get dark brown

The desired result is easy to obtain: add a little bit of black pigment to red, orange or yellow. Brown can easily be given different shades: you need to take yellow, blue and red as a basis, and then add other colors. For example, red helps to create a warm tone with a hint of rust, while blue helps to achieve depth and catchiness in the final result. Saturation can be achieved by combining different proportions of yellow, blue and red according to the scheme:

  • Mustard can be obtained by combining red, yellow and black with a drop of green.
  • Dark brown will be achieved by mixing red, yellow, white and black.
  • Red-brown (known as marsala, similar to dark pink) should be obtained by mixing two shades: chocolate and red in large quantities.

What colors to mix for brown light shades

To create a coffee with milk, a beautiful copper brown, an unusual taupe or honey brown, white should be used. How to make brown from light colors? It is necessary to add a little white to the mixture consisting of the main colors. If yellow prevails in the consistency presented above, then ocher will be obtained, that is, a light shade of brown. To understand how to get brown when mixing paints, training with compatible proportions will help. Only in this case you can get the perfect result.

Video: what colors to mix to get brown

Everyone from school knows that if you mix three colors - red, yellow and blue, then it will be brown. Here are just the often sought-after colors, as luck would have it, give completely unexpected shades. From the color of childish surprise to a fairly rich dark wood shade. So, maybe it’s not the colors that are to blame, but we didn’t listen well in the art lessons? Let's figure out together with the editors of how to make the brown color of the desired shade without having to repaint the walls.

Remember, each person can have their own perception of color. Therefore, most likely, you and the seller of encoders can see the same shade differently.

Read in the article

Mixing the base: how to get brown by simply combining the base colors

Think about how often you have stopped in the furniture department and among the many colors you have chosen your shade. The fact is that, despite its versatility and seeming routine, brown has dozens of shades. Try mixing watercolors, even in this example it is clear that the quality and saturation of the hue depend on the proportions of the primary colors, the possibility of adding brighteners.

Important! The base colors for brown are red, blue and yellow. By mixing the base, you can get many shades of brown.

Try to make brown from ordinary gouache, you will get at least 5 different shades of autumn colors, isn’t it beautiful?

How to get classic brown when mixing paints

You have probably often caught yourself thinking why, when mixing paint, it looks like this, and after applying it to the wall - differently? It's simple, it's about lighting, simple physics. However, this must be taken into account when creating the basis.

Expert opinion

Irina Rosenstein

Designer of the studio "Uyutny Dom"

Ask an expert

"When mixing acrylic, oil paints do not forget to thoroughly mix the white base before adding colors. It is better to mix the colors in a small container, notice the proportions, and only then “cobble” all the colors.”

Very often, coloring pigments behave aggressively. The same color from different manufacturers will differ in consistency and saturation

To make different tones of brown, it is necessary to alternate the proportions of each shade using the “poke” method. There are special tables for mixing colors. They can be purchased in specialized departments or check with the seller. For example, the shade of the bark of a tree is obtained from red, yellow and blue (indigo) in a ratio of 1: 1: 0.5.

How to get red-brown paint

If more red is required in a brown tone, then again take the three primary colors, but in different proportions: 2: 2: 0.5

The process of mixing colors is fascinating and interesting. But do not forget, the chosen shade should be a little darker than the desired one, when it dries, the paint most often brightens a little.

Advice! Too dark tone can always be diluted with a white base. However, paints that tint the base should be used with caution. Changing the proportion can radically change the hue.

How to get dark brown

Usually in this case, a little blue or black is added to the resulting brown tone. The effect will be about the same. You will get a darker shade. A deep brown tone can be used when painting walls or highlighting areas. It is highly discouraged to use this as a base. This will significantly darken the space.

If you did everything right, then a noble brown is guaranteed to you! The chocolate color of the walls looks elegant

How to make taupe paint

To create a taupe paint, add a little bit of white and a little less black to the mixed base. Shades can be very interesting.

Just think how many shades of brown you can use in the interior!

Who said you can only use matte colors? In the resulting paint, you can add not only gray, but also mother-of-pearl shades. Change the consistency by including natural inclusions, for example, marble chips. This consistency will favorably emphasize the shades, giving the interior a unique style.

How to get light brown

In order not to get the previous shade of paint instead of light brown, you need to add a little red and yellow to the resulting color. If you need a lighter tone, then add white.

How to get shades of taupe

What colors need to be mixed to get brown from different types of paints

Different types of paints behave differently when mixed. Oil paints are different from acrylic, enamels are different from those that are water-based. It is very important to consider the quality of the coating on which the tone will be applied.

Colors also have their own character. Yes Yes exactly. Some are "tolerant" to each other. Others are in conflict

Sometimes, after mixing colors, obscenely dirty shades are obtained. The answer is simple - study special color tables or schemes. The more detailed, the more broken down into shades, the better. The more different combinations will be available to you. On the color wheel, friendly shades are located side by side, but irreconcilable "enemies" are opposite. The very consistency of the colors is of paramount importance. Consider the options.

How to make brown from gouache paints

If already mixed colors are mixed, then this combination is called secondary. By the way, such combinations just turn out to be the most interesting.

Advice! Combine more three colors Not recommended. It is believed that in this case there are more chances to "run into" an unfriendly color.

As we noted above, the paint tends to lighten after drying. This effect is most noticeable when mixing gouache. Therefore, to obtain the desired shade, they are mixed in the palette. How to get brown with gouache:

  1. We connect green and red. If there is no green, mix it from yellow with blue. The sequence of steps matters.
  2. If you have orange paint, you're in luck! It remains to add only blue. What if there is no blue? It can also be created by mixing yellow and red.
  3. Brown can be made even from a complex color like purple. We add sunny yellow to it, and here it is again - a rich brown color.

How to Get Different Tones of Cinnamon and Cinnamon Friendly Shades

Expert opinion

Irina Rosenstein

Designer of the studio "Uyutny Dom"

Ask an expert

“A light coffee shade can be obtained by combining orange and gray. Interesting? A dark shade of paint, the color of chocolate, will turn out if you mix gray and orange. A shade of dark coffee will turn out if you mix purple and acid orange.

How to mix colors correctly, you can see in this video.

How to make brown from acrylic paints

Before you start working with acrylic paints, it is important to choose the right thinner. Acrylic paints can be water-soluble or solvent-based or mixed. This means that the tinting paste itself may or may not be suitable for your base.

Advice! Before tinting, carefully study the color instructions and specify which paint it is intended for. Before you start mixing, be sure to mix the base.

You can buy ready-made shades, but not the fact that they will fit your interior, and they will eventually have to be mixed too.

Do not forget that it is necessary to dissolve the paints by about 15% more than the planned volume. It is not always possible to get into the right tone and mix the paint. The tint color must be added a little at a time, stirring constantly, sometimes the tone can “settle” at the bottom of the container. Watch a tutorial video on how to properly tint paint.

When is it profitable to mix colors, and when is it better to buy ready-made paint

It's no secret that in large hardware stores you will be offered to create your own unique color in special tinting machines. This is quite convenient, especially when you need to paint a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. It is clear that it will be extremely difficult to get into color in this case.

Computer tinted paint - an option for those who need large volumes of complex color paint

The machine uses not only the base, but also combines the pigments according to a special program. The disadvantage of such a machine is that it will not be able to create a unique paint, but only the one that was originally laid down by the program.

If you need to create a unique, complex color, brighten up a clear transition of colors, highlight a small space, it is better to mix them manually.

Especially if you plan to use more than two secondary shades. But if the question arose whether it is profitable to buy ready-made paint, then we will answer: always leave a stock basic colors for all paint purchased in one batch. This will help, in case of emergency, re-create the shade.

Expert opinion

Irina Rosenstein

Designer of the studio "Uyutny Dom"

Ask an expert

“Try to fix the amount of color and the sequence of mixing steps at each stage. It is likely that you will have to repeat this procedure.

And if you have your own experience of creating unusual shades in the interior, do not hesitate to tell other readers of our online magazine about it.

  • How to get brown when mixing paints: several ways
  • How to paint the eyes of Asian women
  • How to use coconut

There are several ways to obtain different shades of this color. In any case, in order to get brown, you just need to mix the two primary colors and add an additional one to them. That is:

  • mix blue and yellow to get green, and then add red to it;
  • mix red and yellow to get orange and add blue;
  • mix red and blue and add yellow to the resulting purple.

So, we figured out how to get brown when mixing paints. To do this, you need gouache, watercolor, water emulsion, etc. in red, yellow and blue. But sometimes for coloring or painting, not just brown, but brown of a certain shade is required. So, interior items are usually decorated in bright colors. The earth, for example, in the pictures is drawn almost black. So how do you get light brown or dark brown? The answer to this question is also quite simple.

To get a dark brown, you just need to add a black component to it. But when mixing in this case, you need to use only very small portions. Add black to brown should be literally drop by drop. Otherwise, you can simply spoil the paint. In this case, the mixed mass must be mixed very well each time until a homogeneous consistency.

To obtain a light brown color, ordinary white is most often used as an additive. Special care when mixing in this case is not necessary. After all, with an excess of white in the paint, you can always just add a little more of the original color.

Brown, of course, is not only light or dark. This color can also vary in shades. So, for example, red gives brown shade rust. When yellow is added, this color becomes slightly "ocher". Blue makes brown more saturated and contrasting.

So, we hope that we have answered in sufficient detail the question of what paints need to be mixed to get brown, as well as how to make this color more saturated, lighter or darker. As you can see, getting the desired result in this case is extremely simple. The main thing is to do everything slowly and carefully and, of course, not be afraid to try and experiment.

Brown color, although not bright, but quite popular. It is used when renovating an apartment, for painting interior items, when painting with acrylic and other paints and gouache, when coloring hair, as well as other actions. To get brown, a mixing technique is used. Colors are taken both dark and light, and which ones we will find out later in the article.

How to get classic brown

One of the main and easy ways to make brown is to mix green and red dye I. These colors are available in any palette of paints, from construction to those intended for painting on paper canvas. The use of dark green and dark red is not allowed, otherwise we will get a color close to black, but not as dark brown.

The next method would be mixing 3 dyes: red, blue and yellow. This method comes from the previous one, instead of green we use blue and yellow, which, when mixed, give green, as a result we get the color formula described above. This combination of colors is good when green is over in the palette.

Another way to make brown is to mix orange and gray or orange and blue, which is more true for the usual palette of colors.

The last way to get classic brown is to combine magenta and yellow. Purple can be used instead of magenta. This option is less popular because it is difficult to control the resulting color when mixed, the slightest overdose and the shade is not the same.

Methods for obtaining brown flowers

Making shades of brown

The traditional palette is good, but its use is not always required, for example, a lighter tone would be more appropriate in painting the wall in the hallway, and dark paint is usually taken to give the picture realistic colors, depicting the earth. Here are instructions on how to make brown darker or lighter:

  • How to get dark brown? We will not reinvent the wheel and offer the most effective method - this is the addition of a black component. We advise you to mix in small drops, otherwise you risk spoiling the resulting paint and having to throw it away. After adding a small dose of black, mix thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency, only then make a decision if you need to darken more.
  • How to get light brown? Here we will also follow the well-worn path and offer a method for using whitewash or white dyes. Adding brightening colors can be done more intensely than darkening ones. This is due to the fact that if you lighten the brown, you can always go back a couple of tones darker. White paint acts as the main white paint, in addition to it, you can use yellow - which will give a shade of ocher, red - will give shades of rust, and blue will make it deeper and more contrasting.

For art lovers, together with Olga Bazanova, we prepared a video lesson on mixing brown from others:

Pros and cons of mixing brown

No matter how strange it may sound, but making brown paint with your own hands is not always the best idea. Let's look at when it is profitable to mix, and when it is better to buy a ready-made dye:

    • You draw with acrylic paints on canvas - here you can make brown and its shades in any quantities and proportions of colors;
    • You are making repairs and there are extra paints from which you can get brown for use in the intended design;
    • You do anything, but the palette of colors presented by the stores is not what you need;
    • If brown walls are provided in the design of the room, then you should not buy other colors to mix them, there are enough brown paints in hardware stores to choose the right one;
    • If you dye your hair, you should not mix different components, even of the same shade, if this is not provided for by the instructions;
    • If you are not sure in advance that you will use brown.

shades of brown

Color Mixing Secrets

        1. To make beautiful brown paint, use precise proportions.
        2. If you achieve the desired tone, then add the "thinner" color a little bit, otherwise you risk ruining everything.
        3. Try to test the resulting dye on a small area to be painted, because the color in the jar and on the surface may differ.
        4. When working with a painting, the combination of colors can be carried out directly on the canvas, thereby achieving an interesting effect.
        5. Before connecting other paints, read the instructions, the color of the dried paint may differ from the one applied, this should be taken into account.


There are many ways to obtain brown colors and shades, they can be used for any painting work, but you should be guided by the advisability of mixing or buying ready-made. In addition to the main mixture, many shades can be made from light to dark, from contrasting to deep. Do not be afraid to experiment, because all the famous masterpieces of interior design, painting and fashionable things have appeared as a result of a large number of tests. Tell us in the comments what paints do you use to make your brown dye?

Fine art lessons for painters: how to mix paints to make brown and its shades

Everyone from school knows that if you mix three colors - red, yellow and blue, then it will be brown. Here are just the often sought-after colors, as luck would have it, give completely unexpected shades. From the color of childish surprise to a fairly rich dark wood shade. So, maybe it’s not the colors that are to blame, but we didn’t listen well in the art lessons? Let's figure out together with the editors of how to make the brown color of the desired shade without having to repaint the walls.

Remember, each person can have their own perception of color. Therefore, most likely, you and the seller of encoders can see the same shade differently.

Mixing the base: how to get brown by simply combining the base colors

Think about how often you have stopped in the furniture department and among the many colors you have chosen your shade. The fact is that, despite its versatility and seeming routine, brown has dozens of shades. Try mixing watercolors, even in this example it is clear that the quality and saturation of the hue depend on the proportions of the primary colors, the possibility of adding brighteners.

Important! The base colors for brown are red, blue and yellow. By mixing the base, you can get many shades of brown.

How to get classic brown when mixing paints

You have probably often caught yourself thinking why, when mixing paint, it looks like this, and after applying it to the wall - differently? It's simple, it's about lighting, simple physics. However, this must be taken into account when creating the basis.

To make different tones of brown, it is necessary to alternate the proportions of each shade using the “poke” method. There are special tables for mixing colors. They can be purchased in specialized departments or check with the seller. For example, the shade of the bark of a tree is obtained from red, yellow and blue (indigo) in a ratio of 1: 1: 0.5.

How to get red-brown paint

If more red is required in a brown tone, then again take the three primary colors, but in different proportions: 2: 2: 0.5

Advice! Too dark tone can always be diluted with a white base. However, paints that tint the base should be used with caution. Changing the proportion can radically change the hue.

How to get dark brown

Usually in this case, a little blue or black is added to the resulting brown tone. The effect will be about the same. You will get a darker shade. A deep brown tone can be used when painting walls or highlighting areas. It is highly discouraged to use this as a base. This will significantly darken the space.

If you did everything right, then a noble brown is guaranteed to you! The chocolate color of the walls looks elegant

How to make taupe paint

To create a taupe paint, add a little bit of white and a little less black to the mixed base. Shades can be very interesting.

Just think how many shades of brown you can use in the interior!

Who said you can only use matte colors? In the resulting paint, you can add not only gray, but also mother-of-pearl shades. Change the consistency by including natural inclusions, for example, marble chips. This consistency will favorably emphasize the shades, giving the interior a unique style.

How to get light brown

In order not to get the previous shade of paint instead of light brown, you need to add a little red and yellow to the resulting color. If you need a lighter tone, then add white.

How to get shades of taupe

What colors need to be mixed to get brown from different types of paints

Different types of paints behave differently when mixed. Oil paints are different from acrylic, enamels are different from those that are water-based. It is very important to consider the quality of the coating on which the tone will be applied.

Colors also have their own character. Yes Yes exactly. Some are "tolerant" to each other. Others are in conflict

Sometimes, after mixing colors, obscenely dirty shades are obtained. The answer is simple - study special color tables or schemes. The more detailed, the more broken down into shades, the better. The more different combinations will be available to you. On the color wheel, friendly shades are located side by side, but irreconcilable "enemies" are opposite. The very consistency of the colors is of paramount importance. Consider the options.

How to make brown from gouache paints

If already mixed colors are mixed, then this combination is called secondary. By the way, such combinations just turn out to be the most interesting.

Advice! Combining more than three colors is not recommended. It is believed that in this case there are more chances to "run into" an unfriendly color.

As we noted above, the paint tends to lighten after drying. This effect is most noticeable when mixing gouache. Therefore, to obtain the desired shade, they are mixed in the palette. How to get brown with gouache:

  1. We connect green and red. If there is no green, mix it from yellow with blue. The sequence of steps matters.
  2. If you have orange paint, you're in luck! It remains to add only blue. What if there is no blue? It can also be created by mixing yellow and red.
  3. Brown can be made even from a complex color like purple. We add sunny yellow to it, and here it is again - a rich brown color.

How to Get Different Tones of Cinnamon and Cinnamon Friendly Shades

How to mix paints to get brown

Beginning artists may have a question about how to get brown, because it is not always found in gouache. This tone is not included in the main group and can be obtained from a mixture of the latter. But the wrong approach to combining colors often leads to a gray mass or not the shade that was originally required. To create a paint that does not differ from the store, you need to know the tricks of color.

Rules for mixing tones

All information about the compatibility of shades and the features of combining colors are united by the science of color. It is based on a color wheel with a variety of tones and their subtypes. There are three basic colors - red, yellow and blue. White and black stand apart, although they do not belong to the basic ones. All other tones can be obtained by mixing paints, therefore they are called secondary (green, purple, orange, blue, etc.).

There are basic laws of mixing dyes:

  • all shades are divided into chromatic (color) and achromatic (white, black, gray), the former differ in hue, lightness, saturation;
  • when mixing two colors located along the chord of the color wheel, an intermediate tone will be obtained;
  • when two opposite colors are combined from a circle, a different achromatic shade is obtained;
  • you can mix paints mechanically (mix colors from two tubes) and optically (apply smears on top of each other).

You can combine gouache, acrylic, watercolor, water-based emulsion, oil, building paints on a white palette - this is how the finished shade is viewed in detail. If there is no palette, use a white faience plate, in extreme cases - white disposable (plastic) dishes or paper.

What colors make brown

You can even make brown from plasticine, felt-tip ink, but the best result will be achieved when using gouache. To create brown paint, you need to prepare yellow, blue, red, green, black and white - their various combinations will participate in obtaining a new tone.

There are several methods that allow you to make the desired color from other paints. It is necessary to take classic, pure tones without impurities. There are several options - basic, three-color and intermediate, and artists are also aware of a number of additional techniques for creating brown.

With primary colors

This method is the easiest, it will require only accuracy and high-quality colors.

Green with red

Even schoolchildren from drawing lessons know that brown will turn out if you add red to green. When green is not available, yellow and blue can be mixed together. The latter are taken in equal proportions to create a "classic" green tone, although individual desires can be taken into account. To get a more transparent brown, you can use a little more yellow.

It is important to introduce red color into green, but not vice versa. Add it drop by drop so as not to spoil the new tone, turning it into a taupe, rusty or brick. Green will serve as the main here, but red makes the brown tone warmer.

Orange with blue

Purple with yellow

An intermediate way to get brown involves creating purple and combining it with yellow. First, take equally red and blue colors. As a result of their mixing, a noble purple is obtained. Next, they begin to gradually add a yellow color scheme, which will lighten the purple. Brown in this case will not be dark, but it will have a warm, pleasant glow. Adding new portions of purple acts in the opposite way - it "cools" the shade. When using this technique, the introduction of a large volume of yellow paint allows you to get an ocher color.

Additional Methods

The combination of dark gray with orange also gives a brown color, however, it will remain cold even with the introduction of an increased amount of orange. Brown is also obtained by mixing green, purple and orange, however, such a multi-stage technique is complex.

Getting dark brown

In any of the above options, the introduction of additional portions of a dark color helps to get a dark brown tone. We are talking about blue, green and purple colors. However, the shades of brown will be different, because each component contributes its own role to their creation.

There is another easy way to get a dark brown color from acrylic, oil or any other paints. A little black paint is dripped into the finished brown. But you need to work with it with extreme caution, otherwise the color will become dirty black. Professionals first mix black with a small amount of white, after which they prepare brown based on it. So the black will be softer, give a more pleasant dark brown tone.

Dark chocolate color can be obtained like this:

  • combine yellow and blue to get dark green;
  • separately mix red and a little yellow to make orange;
  • mix dark green and a drop of orange until you get the color of the grass;
  • mix ready-made herbal color with red, getting chocolate;
  • to prepare dark chocolate, add a drop of black paint.

For a milky chocolate color, white is added, for a golden chocolate color, yellow is added.

light brown color

A light brown tone is easy to make by diluting a regular brown with white paint. The more intense the whitening, the lighter the color will be. It is important not to overdo it here, because brown is a warm shade, and white “cools” it. Usually 1-5% white of the total mass of paint is enough to achieve a sufficient degree of clarification. Light brown can also be obtained if more yellow is initially added, although it is quite difficult to calculate the proportions so accurately.

medium brown

To obtain a brown of medium intensity, mix yellow, blue in equal parts, then add 20% red by weight of the mixture. Next, adjust the depth of the shade by adding black or white - depending on the need.

Red-brown shade

The secret to creating brown with a hint of red is to introduce more red color into it. When you add it to green, you first get the usual brown, then bring it to the desired shade. The intensity will depend on the amount of color. In addition, the desired color is created by mixing red, blue and yellow. The easiest method to "tint" brown is to add a drop of red to the finished brown color scheme.


This shade is made by combining orange and blue, followed by the addition of black paint. Also, a grayish or coffee color is obtained by mixing purple (magenta) and orange with the introduction of black.

Shades of brown - table

Below are data on the colors that must be mixed together to obtain brown, as well as their approximate proportions:

Getting brown: dark and light tones

Brown color and its shades, although not too bright, are quite popular due to their use in the design of residential premises, in the colors of furniture, when drawing. paintings. Therefore, the question of how to get brown when mixing paints will interest everyone.

Color mixing rules

Coloring and getting a certain color from others is a science based on the color wheel. There are only 3 primary colors: yellow, blue and red. The rest can be made by mixing them together and are called secondary (purple, orange and green). Therefore, before answering questions about how to get brown paint, what primary or other colors are needed, you need to understand the rules for mixing colors.

Basic laws of mixing:

1. One color in a circle is a symbiosis of tones opposite to it relative to the center, the resulting additional tone is called achromatic. There are also complementary colors. For example, red is opposite to green, yellow is opposite to blue.

2. When paints that are adjacent in a circle are mixed, new ones appear. So, to get orange, combine red with yellow, green paint is obtained by mixing yellow with blue.

3. When the same shades are combined, similar mixtures can be obtained.

Color Mixing Methods

To get brown, there are several methods. You can mix either building paints (acrylic, oil), or those intended for painting and drawing (watercolor, oil, gouache, etc.). It is important to take clean and classic tones.

Let's see how to get brown when mixing paint:

  • The classic method is to mix green paint with red paint together.
  • The use of three colors is to combine yellow and blue with red in equal proportions (as you know, yellow and blue together give a green color scheme).
  • An intermediate option is to combine blue with an orange color scheme or gray with orange.
  • A complex combination is yellow and purple, purple can be used instead of purple, i.e. yellow and orange with purple - this option is less popular, it is difficult to control the resulting paint and its nuances.
  • An additional method is to mix green and purple with an orange gouache tone.

It is worth noting that to obtain brown, both dark and light tones of primary or secondary colors can be used when mixing.

On the video: obtaining brown of different saturation.

Dark brown tones

How to get dark brown? This issue is solved simply: you need to add black paint to ordinary brown, but do the addition drop by drop so as not to spoil it, each time thoroughly mixing the mass made.

Other possible dark shades:

  • Mustard - made by combining red, yellow and black with the addition of a drop of green.
  • Chocolate - from a combination of blue and orange, slightly clarified with white. The result will be a shade of milk chocolate.
  • Marsala - mix red with brown (its shade is taken darker, almost chocolate).
  • Brown - made by adding a little red to brown paint.
  • Chestnut - can be obtained by dropping a little red into a dark brown.

Light brown tones

The addition of white color will help to make the brown color lighter. There are other popular light shades. For example, a brown tone with copper, gray or honey nuances, coffee and milk - these shades can be used if you add white paint in various ratios.

The addition of yellow makes the color ocher, and tobacco is obtained by mixing 4 colors: yellow, green, red and white.

Use of natural raw materials

Since ancient times, the question of how to create a brown color was solved with the help of plant components: beet juice, onion peel, sorrel, blackberries or blueberries. Now hardly anyone wants to dye their sweater or other clothes by squeezing out natural juices. It is easier to buy ready-made chemical dye. However, this information may be useful.

One of known ways- staining with natural coffee. How to do this for a blouse is described below:

  1. First you need to brew coffee (2 liters of water are needed for 100 g of ground coffee).
  2. Cool the coffee broth and strain through 3-4 layers of gauze.
  3. Place the resulting solution in a bowl and heat over a fire to 80ºС.
  4. Put the blouse for coloring into the hot solution made and bring to a boil.
  5. Boil for 15 minutes, constantly stirring the contents, which is necessary for uniform staining.
  6. The fabric or thing is removed from the basin, the water should be allowed to drain.
  7. It is better to dry the blouse in a straightened form on a coat hanger.

When deciding how to get the original shades of brown, it is better to learn how to find the correct and balanced ratios of mixed primary colors. There are a large number of options for light or dark brown, and the desired shade can only be obtained by experimenting with primary and secondary colors. Now you know the nuances of getting brown from what colors, what colors are used for this.

Beautiful color combinations (1 video)

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