How to dilute brown color from gouache. Color basics: how to get green

The main colors of the spectrum are yellow, red and blue. By mixing them together, you can achieve different shades. How to get brown paint color? There are several ways. In order to get brown from yellow and purple, you first need to mix red and blue in equal proportions. Gradually add yellow. The more it is, the lighter the shade of brown will turn out.

Another option for getting brown is to combine green and red. Green is obtained by mixing equally blue and yellow. Then add red to the resulting mixture. The more it is, the darker the brown will turn out.

You can also get brown by mixing orange and blue. Orange is obtained by combining red and yellow. By adding Blue colour, we get brown with a light or dark chocolate tint.

How to achieve dark brown color?

How to get dark brown? To do this, add a little black paint to red, yellow or orange. For example, a mustard shade is obtained by mixing yellow, red, black with a drop of green. How to get brown in darker tones? To do this, you need to combine white, black, red and yellow. By adding a little more red pigment, you get a red-brown shade.

We get light brown colors

It is enough to add white when mixing colors to get lighter tones. When mixing red, blue, yellow with white, you get light brown. In order to create beautiful shades of light brown, you need to learn how to find a balance between colors. brown variations great amount, therefore, having tried, you can get the desired shade.

Creating brown paint by mixing bright colors often unaesthetic. The result does not live up to expectations, as the shades are dirty and not as interesting as we would like. A more successful color will turn out if you use ocher or umber when mixing.

Who chooses brown shades?

It is the color of warmth, security, comfort. For people who prefer brown shades in the interior, there is a craving for a simple, understandable lifestyle. They are practical and thorough. Notes of brown are recommended for a person with intense intellectual work, living in megacities. Often, brown colors in the interior help to relax, take a break from the obsession of civilization, relax during periods of anxiety and unrest.

Getting brown hair

How to get brown hair color? There are many options to freshen them up and give them a shiny look. You can dye your hair brown with the help of tinting agents, intense toning or dyeing. This noble color will give the owner of brown hair sophistication and sophistication.

Tints and conditioners

This coloring option is perfect for those women who have not yet decided which shade of brown they should choose. These rinses are more gentle than persistent hair dyes, and you can quite calmly, without fear of damaging your hair, try different shades until the one you need is found. After each hair wash, the resulting shade will gradually be washed off. It is worth noting that tint shampoos and rinses are ideal for people with chestnut hair color, when there is only a need to make it brighter. One minus of tint rinses is that they do not paint over gray hair, and you will have to regularly refresh your hair color.

Intensive toning

Compared to tint rinsing, this method of staining is more resistant, more effective. With the help of tinting, you can change your hair color by 3 shades and completely paint over gray hair. The procedure is the same as for staining, but the color will wash off much faster.


It is considered the most drastic way to change hair color. Suitable for women with both light and dark hair. Hair should be dyed only when the shade is carefully selected, because it will be problematic to get rid of the resulting color later. You should also take into account the fact that you will have to regularly tint the roots, because the tone of the regrown hair will differ from the rest of their mass.

Choosing the right shade

Owners of olive or dark skin color are more suitable for warm shades of brown with hints of golden. It can be bronze or caramel in color. If a woman has lighter and thinner skin, light or dark brown hair color will suit her. The result of dyeing will depend on the original hair color. The lighter it was initially, the closer the result will be to the desired one. In any case, you should try to choose the paint that is most gentle on the hair.

Learning to draw: mix acrylic, oil, watercolor paints. All sorts of shades with three primary colors.

Without creativity human life empty and uninteresting. Painting, like music, is studied not only in order to be realized in life, but also in order to find an outlet in life, a hobby that will bring joy and peace to life. And where is the drawing, so is the mixing of colors. This is what this article is about. In it, we will tell you how to mix and get new colors and shades of the most common paints in drawing.

How to mix acrylic, oil and watercolor paints to get the right color: table, proportions

Mixing acrylic paints

We invite you to read the tutorial famous artist and a dedicated teacher, author of Acrylic Painting with Lee Hammond. Lee Hammond warns that although we supposedly know from childhood that mixing red and blue will make purple, acrylic paints have a different pigmentation and most likely you will find brown on the palette.

Important: read the pigments on the packages. Have you seen up to 15 types of one shade on store shelves? Do you think this is to fill the window? No, it's the same color with different pigments. Therefore, we write out or photograph on a smartphone the color - the necessary pigment, and already with this we go to the store to replenish the colors.

Also note that the pigments are transparent, translucent and dense in consistency. Therefore, you can buy completely different structures from the same paint manufacturer. This is not a marriage, but the properties of the pigment.

So, in order to get an almost complete range of colors, only 7 colors are enough. For beginners, it is recommended to purchase these particular colors, and in the future, at your own discretion, buy additional shades.

Please note that we do not specifically translate the name of the primary colors so that you can name them in the store and purchase the necessary pigments:

  • Primary: Cadmium Yellow Medium
  • Primary: Cadmium Red Medium
  • Primary: Prussian Blue
  • Optional: Alizarin Crimson
  • Additional: Burnt Umber
  • Neutral: Ivory Black
  • Neutral: Titanium White

Bought, prepared the canvas for the experiment and move on to magic.

The first experiment - we mix each color with white and get new, amazing pastel and delicate shades. We give a table of strokes with a signature of what we mixed.

Well, now from left to right, from the first to the bottom, we analyze the shades that we managed to get: fawn; peach or as it is also called coral; light pink; beige; sky blue; gray or light asphalt.

And now we are trying to mix all the colors with black, the result is in the table below.

And we got these colors: khaki or dark green; chestnut; plum; rich brown; dark blue.

But it's all simple, now let's move on to a more complex option for mixing acrylic paints, but interesting! Mix and get all shades of green.

As we already did, we mix two colors that are under the stroke and get just such a shade.

In addition, we received: olive- green color; a gray-green hue reminiscent of asphalt after rain reflecting the green crowns of trees; bottle green; mint.

The next step is purple and violet tones and midtones. In order to get such shades, you will need to have Prussian blue or Alizarin pink or cadmium red in the work kit. Two mixing examples: Prussian Blue + Cadmium red medium or Prussian Blue + Alizarin Crimson.

We got colors: chestnut, deep warm gray, plum and lavender.

Now add white pigment and stir, add another drop to each option. Pay attention to what a riot of color played in your hands!

Solar shades. That's what artists like to call shades of orange, these are wonderful uplifting tones. They are obtained by mixing red with complementary colors.

On this table we got: orange as it is, peach, brick, coral.

Earth tones can be obtained by adding burnt umber (international value of Burnt Umber). If it becomes necessary to get pastel shades of these tones, then just add a drop of white pigment.

In this case, we got earthy tones: umber; brick; dark turquoise; sepia dark; dirty beige; pastel lilac; blue steel; warm grey.

Mixing oil paints

In oil paints, the situation with the palette is a little simpler and one pigment is used in one color, so we will not give the main colors, but leave only the name of the color. The rules that we remember from childhood are just the rules oil paints.

What color do you need What colors to mix
Pink Add red to white paints drop by drop until the desired shade is obtained.
Chestnut Add red to brown and, if necessary, darken - a drop of black, lighten - white.
purplish red Add blue drop by drop to red
shades of red Red and white for lightening, red and black for darkening, red and yellow for purplish and orange tones.
Orange Add red drop by drop to yellow.
Gold In yellow, drop by drop of brown and red until the desired shade is obtained.
Shades of yellow and orange Yellow with white, yellow with black, yellow with red and brown.
pastel green Yellow with a drop of blue, yellow with a drop of blue and black.
grass color Yellow with a dash of blue and green.
Olive In dark green, add yellow drop by drop.
light green Add white drop by drop to green, a drop of yellow for depth of color.
Turquoise green Green color with a hint of blue.
bottle green Blue to breed with yellow.
green needles In green, add yellow and black drop by drop.
light turquoise In blue, add green and white drop by drop to lighten it.
pastel blue Gradually add white to blue.
Wedgwood blue In blue, add 5 drops of white and 1 drop of black until the desired shade is obtained.
royal blue In blue, add black and a drop of green.
Dark blue Add black to blue and a drop of green at the end.
Grey White is diluted with black, adding green will get an asphalt shade.
Pearl gray In black, add white and a drop of blue.
Brown Mix yellow, red and blue in equal proportions, if necessary, dilute with white, black or green for the desired shade.
Brick Red with yellow and a drop of blue, optionally with white.
brown gold Red with yellow, blue and some white. Yellow is the most expressive.
Mustard In yellow, drop by drop of red and black, for the piquancy of color, a drop of green.
Beige In brown, drop by drop white, if you need a bright beige - drop by drop of yellow.
off white In white drop by drop brown and black.
pinkish gray In white, drop by drop of red and black.
Grey-blue Add gray and blue to white.
Greenish gray In gray, add green and, if necessary, white.
Light charcoal In black drop by drop white.
Citric In white drop by drop yellow and green, more yellow.
pastel brown Add a drop of green to yellow and dilute with brown and white.
fern Green with white and a dash of black.
Coniferous Mix green with black.
Emerald In green, add yellow and a drop of white.
Bright light green Add yellow and white to green.
bright turquoise In white, add green and a drop of black for color depth.
avocado shade In brown, add yellow and a drop of black.
royal purple Add red and yellow to blue.
dark purple In red, add blue and a drop of black.
Tomato color Dilute red with yellow and add brown.
tangerine In yellow drop by drop of red and brown
Chestnut with red Dilute red with brown and a drop of black for shading.
bright orange Dilute white with orange and brown in equal proportions.
Marsala Red with brown and a drop of yellow and black.
Crimson In blue we add white, a little brown and red.
Plum Mix blue with red and white, darken with black.
light chestnut Red with yellow and diluted with black and white.
Honey Brown is diluted with white and yellow.
Dark brown Red with yellow and black.
gray gray In black, gradually add red with white.
eggshell color Yellow with white and a hint of brown.

Mixing watercolors

Watercolor paints are mixed in the same way as oil paints, except that watercolor is translucent and the shades are muted. We recommend that you work through the table above first, and only then move on to drawing on canvas.

Basic colors for mixing paints

The primary colors in mixing paints are only three colors. It's red, blue and yellow. White and black are optional. Thanks to these colors, you can get absolutely all the shades of the rainbow.

This article does not ready-made solutions, because it is impossible to squeeze out or smear a certain amount of milligrams of paint, this article gives a direction in which you can go to work and develop. Try, experiment and you will definitely get an amazing creation. And painting works much better than any psychologist, relieves stress, distracts from problems and helps to see beauty in the ordinary!

Video: How to get brown, purple, blue, red, beige, orange, pink, gray, lilac, black, turquoise, mint, green, olive, blue, lilac, pistachio, khaki, yellow, fuchsia, cherry, marsala, White color when mixing colors?

Everyone from school knows that if you mix three colors - red, yellow and blue, then it will be brown. Here are just the often sought-after colors, as luck would have it, give completely unexpected shades. From the color of childish surprise to a fairly rich dark wood shade. So, maybe it’s not the colors that are to blame, but we didn’t listen well in the art lessons? Let's figure out together with the editors of the site how to make the brown color of the desired shade without having to repaint the walls.

Read in the article

Mixing the base: how to get brown by simply combining the base colors

Think about how often you have stopped in the furniture department and among the many colors you have chosen your shade. The fact is that, despite its versatility and seeming routine, brown has dozens of shades. Try mixing watercolors, even in this example it is clear that the quality and saturation of the hue depend on the proportions of the primary colors, the possibility of adding brighteners.

Important! Basic colors for brown it is red, blue and yellow. By mixing the base, you can get many shades of brown.

How to get classic brown when mixing paints

You have probably often caught yourself thinking why, when mixing paint, it looks like this, and after applying it to the wall - differently? It's simple, it's about lighting, simple physics. However, this must be taken into account when creating the basis.


Design studio "Uyutny Dom"

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“When mixing acrylic, oil paints, remember to thoroughly mix the white base before adding colors. It is better to mix the colors in a small container, notice the proportions, and only then “cobble” all the colors.”

To make different tones of brown, it is necessary to alternate the proportions of each shade using the “poke” method. There are special ones. They can be purchased in specialized departments or check with the seller. For example, the shade of the bark of a tree is obtained from red, yellow and blue (indigo) in a ratio of 1: 1: 0.5.

How to get red-brown paint

If more red is required in a brown tone, then again take the three primary colors, but in different proportions: 2: 2: 0.5

Advice! Too dark tone can always be diluted with a white base. However, paints that tint the base should be used with caution. Changing the proportion can radically change the hue.

How to get dark brown

Usually in this case, a little blue or black is added to the resulting brown tone. The effect will be about the same. You will get a darker shade. A deep brown tone can be used when painting walls or highlighting areas. It is highly discouraged to use this as a base. This will significantly darken the space.

How to make taupe paint

To create a taupe paint, add a little bit of white and a little less black to the mixed base. Shades can be very interesting.

Who said you can only use matte colors? In the resulting paint, you can add not only gray, but also mother-of-pearl shades. Change the consistency by including natural inclusions, for example, marble chips. This consistency will favorably emphasize the shades, giving the interior a unique style.

How to get light brown

In order not to get the previous shade of paint instead of light brown, you need to add a little red and yellow to the resulting color. If you need a lighter tone, then add white.

What colors need to be mixed to get brown from different types of paints

Different types of paints behave differently when mixed. Oil paints are different from acrylic, enamels are different from those that are water-based. It is very important to consider the quality of the coating on which the tone will be applied.

Sometimes, after mixing colors, obscenely dirty shades are obtained. The answer is simple - study special color tables or schemes. The more detailed, the more broken down into shades, the better. The more different combinations will be available to you. On the color wheel, friendly shades are located side by side, but irreconcilable "enemies" are opposite. The very consistency of the colors is of paramount importance. Consider the options.

How to make brown from gouache paints

If already mixed mixed colors, then such a combination is called secondary. By the way, such combinations just turn out to be the most interesting.

Advice! Combine more three colors Not recommended. It is believed that in this case there are more chances to "run into" an unfriendly color.

As we noted above, the paint tends to lighten after drying. This effect is most noticeable when mixing gouache. Therefore, to obtain the desired shade, they are mixed in the palette. How to get brown with gouache:

  1. We connect green and red. If there is no green, mix it from yellow with blue. The sequence of steps matters.
  2. If you have orange paint, you're in luck! It remains to add only blue. What if there is no blue? It can also be created by mixing yellow and red.
  3. Brown can be made even from a complex color like purple. We add sunny yellow to it, and here it is again - a rich brown color.


Design studio "Uyutny Dom"

Ask a Question

“A light coffee shade can be obtained by combining orange and gray. Interesting? A dark shade of paint, the color of chocolate, will turn out if you mix gray and orange. A shade of dark coffee will turn out if you mix purple and acid orange.

How to mix colors correctly, you can see in this video.

How to make brown from acrylic paints

Before you start working with acrylic paints, it is important to choose the right thinner. Acrylic paints may be water-soluble or organic-soluble, or mixed. This means that the tinting paste itself may or may not be suitable for your base.

Advice! Before tinting, carefully study the color instructions and specify which paint it is intended for. Before you start mixing, be sure to mix the base.

Do not forget that it is necessary to dissolve the paints by about 15% more than the planned volume. It is not always possible to get into the right tone and mix the paint. The tint color must be added a little at a time, stirring constantly, sometimes the tone can “settle” at the bottom of the container. Watch a tutorial video on how to properly tint paint.

When is it profitable to mix colors, and when is it better to buy ready-made paint

It's no secret that in large hardware stores you will be offered to create your own unique color in special tinting machines. This is quite convenient, especially when you need to paint large area premises. It is clear that it will be extremely difficult to get into color in this case.

The machine uses not only the base, but also according to special program binds the pigments together. The disadvantage of such a machine is that it will not be able to create a unique paint, but only the one that was originally laid down by the program.

Especially if you plan to use more than two secondary shades. But if the question arose, is it profitable to buy finished paint, then we answer: always leave a stock of base colors for all the paint bought in one lot. This will help, in case of emergency, re-create the shade.

This shade is not too bright, but popular. It is actively used for decorating the interior of a room, when painting furniture, making up, while painting canvases, and also for changing hair color. Based on this, the question of what needs to be mixed with what to obtain the desired result is very relevant.

What colors make brown

Proper mixing is a whole science, but today the task is made easier by a ready-made color wheel, which can be seen on the Internet. It gives an understanding that the main colors are yellow, red and blue. The circle represents the result of mixing each of these options with each other - secondary colors. If you combine them, then you get tertiary ones. There are three main laws in mixing:

  • Law number 1. Each color of the circle is a symbiosis of those opposite to the center, which, when mixed, give an additional color, that is, achromatic. Complementaries are clearly defined, for example, red has green and yellow has blue.
  • Law number 2. It is used in practice, indicating that when mixing paints that are close to each other along the color wheel, new colors of the main color scheme are formed - the one that is located between the mixed pigments. So, to get orange, you should combine red with yellow, and green - mix yellow with blue. By combining in ambiguous proportions the three main components in the form of red, yellow and blue, any effect can be obtained.
  • Law number 3. From the same shades, when mixed, similar mixtures are obtained. This result is achieved by combining colors that are identical in tone, but different in saturation. Another option: mix several colors by symbiosis of chromatic with achromatic.

What colors should be mixed to get brown

Gouache artists know that when different colors are combined, new colors are born. Even a special synthesis table has been created, which helps to make the necessary shades. The most elementary way to get brown is to add red to green. Tone data is in any hardware store or in the stationery department. However, you cannot mix dark red and dark green, because you will get a dirty shade that will vaguely resemble black.

Not sure how to get brown when mixing paints if there is no green in the palette? In this case, you can use three colors: red, blue, yellow. This is due to the fact that green is obtained through the synthesis of blue and yellow. For one more mixing option will be used gray paint plus orange, or purple with yellow. So, the missing pigments that make up the basic formula can always be replaced.

How to get dark brown

The desired result is easy to obtain: add a little bit of black pigment to red, orange or yellow. Brown can be easily given various shades: you need to take yellow, blue and red as a basis, and then add other colors. For example, red helps to create a warm tone with a hint of rust, while blue helps to achieve depth and catchiness in the final result. Saturation can be achieved by combining different proportions of yellow, blue and red according to the scheme:

  • Mustard can be obtained by combining red, yellow and black with a drop of green.
  • Dark brown will be achieved by mixing red, yellow, white and black.
  • Red-brown (known as marsala, similar to dark pink) should be obtained by mixing two shades: chocolate and red in large quantities.

The color mixing table allows you to create a huge palette of bright colors from 3 basic colors. It is very exciting! The main thing is to choose the right colors according to the color mixing table.

Artist's Workshop: Magic Lessons

1. The combination of two neighboring colors of the spectrum gives shades with different intensities of these colors. For example, yellow and orange, when superimposed, give yellow-orange or orange-yellow, depending on which of these 2 colors prevails. If, in equal proportions, you mix 3 shades located next to each other on the color wheel, for example, yellow, red and orange, you will get the same orange, but more dirty.

2. When white is added to any color, its pastel shades of different intensities are obtained.

3. By mixing in equal proportions 2 primary colors that are separated by 1 shade on the color wheel, we get exactly the intermediate color that separates them. For example, red + blue = purple.

4. An equal combination of 2 contrasting colors (located opposite each other on the color wheel) always gives a gray with a hint of one of these colors. For example, red + green, blue + orange, etc. Interestingly, if you mix complementary colors in a ratio of 2/1, you get absolute gray (without additional shades).

5. 3 primary colors next to each other, when superimposed in equal proportions, also form gray, for example, green + yellow + orange. Pay attention to the striking pattern: harmonious color combinations(which you can get using the color wheel) when mixed, the shades included in them give grey colour- balancing, absorb each other.

Create new colors according to the paint mixing table

As we already know, there are only 3 colors that cannot be obtained by mixing others. But from them you can create all the other shades. These magical colors are red, yellow and blue. By the way, mixing them with each other in equal proportions, you can get black. How to create all the other shades of the palette, see the table:

The color mixing table and the color wheel are used not only in painting, they are simply irreplaceable when tinting and mixing decorative plaster in construction, in perfumery and soap making, when dyeing fabrics, batik, etc.

The color spectrum: revealing the secrets of the rainbow

Isaac Newton, passing light through a prism, received a multi-colored beam, called the spectrum. For the convenience of color combinations, the continuous line of the spectrum with all its transitional tones was turned into a circle. As you know, three main shades are distinguished in the color spectrum (red, blue and yellow), when they are mixed in pairs with each other, three more secondary ones are obtained (green, orange and purple). It is these 6 shades that form the color wheel, and each of them has additional colors(blue and red-violet, yellow-green, purple, red-and yellow-orange, blue-and yellow-green). Newton, by the way, singled out 7 colors, adding blue to the spectrum, which, along with the six main ones, is considered the color of the rainbow. By mixing these shades, making them into varying degrees darker or lighter, you can get a full range of colors.

I would like to immediately make a reservation that the division of the spectrum is conditional and depends on the characteristics of our perception. A person can distinguish up to 1000 tones in the color spectrum. Interestingly, reptiles and birds do not distinguish blue shades, and some fish see everything around in red. It is believed that for cats the environment around us colorful world looks dimmer, but they distinguish a huge variety of shades of gray.

Color Spectrum Table

The colors of the spectrum are called chromatic as opposed to achromatic (from Latin "without color"): white, black, gray. The order of shades in the spectrum is always the same, starting with red and ending with purple.

Shades on the color wheel from green-blue to blue-violet are considered cold, from yellow-green to red-violet - warm. This division is rather arbitrary and depends on what associations these colors evoke in us: red-orange fire, yellow sun, blue ice, blue oceanic abyss. Did you notice that when separating the colors, we didn't mention green? And this is no coincidence. Pure green (which, by the way, is extremely rare) is considered neutral. A drop of yellow makes it warmer, blue - cools.

The color wheel is extremely important in the work of the designer. With its help, you can not only determine harmonious color combinations, create the right atmosphere in the room or an attractive image, but also influence perception by skillfully emphasizing the brightness, purity, beauty of color, enhance its intensity by adding complementary shades, balance cold tones with warm ones, etc. d. This magic is not difficult to learn even without being a designer, and can be applied not only in interior design or clothing. With the help of the color wheel, anyone can create harmony in the apartment, correctly combine colors in clothes, manicure, makeup, etc. For example, orange-coral lipstick or peach shadows will emphasize blue eyes, and a green-turquoise scarf will refresh a scarlet dress.

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