Purple color how to get what colors to mix. How to get purple from paints: the secrets of color

Blue is one of the primary colors. Along with red and yellow, it is included in the list of tones that cannot be produced at home. But artists know very well how to get blue in its various shades - for this you need to mix the classic color with other pigments, which gives amazing results.

traditional color wheel

Experts call blue, red, yellow colors"three pillars" of color and painting. It is on them that the widest palette of semitones of the second and third orders rests, they are combined with each other, while the creation is excluded.

All the most important colors are included in the so-called color circle. It is a conditional model divided into sectors. The latter are placed in an order close to the location in the visible light spectrum. Nearby shades are called chromatic, they can be mixed with each other to obtain a new chromatic (color) paint. If, when mixing colors, take opposite tones, it will come out achromatic color(grayish). That is, the farther apart the colors, the more likely that their mixture will give an inexpressive, ugly tone.

Classic blue and its shades

It will not work to make a blue color at home, so to create its different shades, you need to purchase ready-made gouache, watercolor, acrylic paint or another type of dye (even plasticine). Then you can use other colors from the set, because when combined, you can get incredible tones and halftones of blue. Artists have special tables with the names of shades and the necessary proportions for paints, but in practice you still have to experiment.

In ordinary gouache sets, blue is represented by a shade of ultramarine. It is very bright, moderately dark, has slightly purple notes. There is important rule to remember: to lighten the tone, add White color, for darkening - black, for changing the reflection of paint - various colors.

blue green

Making shades of blue with green highlights is easy. The effect of a dark green tone is given by the introduction of a small amount of ready-made green paint into the blue. If it doesn't exist, you can do something else. Since the combination of blue and yellow gives a green color, you can add a little yellowness to the blue. Next, the paint is lightened with white, resulting in a shade of the third order, less saturated.

Prussian blue

Azure color also contains green shades. Artists have a recipe for its preparation - you need to combine 1 part of blue and the same amount of light green or bright green (herbal) shade. If necessary, the tone is diluted with white.

blue purple

This color is considered very rich, powerful in energy, it is prepared by combining blue with red paint in equal proportions. But the finished purple must be made to “turn blue”, for which a blue color scheme is added drop by drop until the desired tone is obtained. Usually the final ratio does not exceed 2:1.

royal blue

The color royal is a dark, cold tone, close to classic. Traditional royal blue is included in color scheme HTML used in computer graphics. It is also the main tone of ink, paint for cartridges. To make this color, a drop of black and even less green are introduced into ultramarine.

Blue gray

This shade is reminiscent of an overcast sky, as well as the color of the water on a non-sunny day. In the base blue, you need to add a little brown, as a result you get a dark blue-gray tone. It is diluted with whitewash to the desired degree of clarification. There is another option for creating a gray-blue tint - combine blue with orange, as a result you get a grayish mass with a slightly blue glow.

Dark blue

Blue paint begins to darken from the addition of a small amount of black color. The ratio should be no more than 4:1. Creating such a shade is required if you need to “calm down” a color when it is initially too bright.


Blue is easy to make. To do this, blue of any tone is diluted with whitewash 3: 1 or more. Increasing the volume of white paint leads to even more lightening up to sky blue or pastel blue. To achieve the manufacture of the original tone, you can dilute turquoise with whitewash.

Other shades

Wedgwood tone is obtained by combining a portion of blue, as well as a drop of white and black paint. For dark turquoise, a yellow-green color scheme is added dropwise to blue. Cornflower blue is created by mixing purple, blue, a drop of brown and the same amount of black dye.

Blue in nature

AT real world blue is perceived by the eye in the range of 440-485 nm. This is the numerical value of the length electromagnetic wave, which has a blue tone in the overall spectrum of light. In nature, you can see up to 180 shades of blue - its tones are visible in the color of the seas and oceans, the sky, twilight, moonlight, many plants, insects.

To get the perfect color, you need to ensure that all the ingredients are similar in chemical composition. Otherwise, the mass may delaminate, leaving unmixed streaks in it. It is also important to use high-quality paints, because others begin to darken and gray over time. Oil dyes are very susceptible to changes - it is better to first try working on a small area and evaluate the effect after a couple of days. Artists note: the fewer colors were combined, the better the result will be, the less risk of burnout and flaking of the finished decor.

Violet can be easily achieved by mixing paints of other colors. This color does not apply to basic colors, so it is often missing from your paint set. By adding white or black, you will get all sorts of shades of purple, from transparent light to deep dark.

How to get purple when mixing oil paints

To get purple, two basic ones should be connected, namely red and blue. If you use non-pure colors when mixing, then you will not get the desired shade of purple as a result. It is also necessary to adjust the proportions of the combined paints, they directly affect the brightness and color depth.

How to get purple when mixing paints - shades

The shade of purple depends on the ratio of blue and red colors, as well as when white or black paint is added. With a different ratio of colors, you can get all sorts of shades of a noble color.

  • To get a dark purple color, you need to combine blue and red paint, and then add a little black paint. You need to add black paint with special care so as not to add too much, otherwise the color will be close to black and cannot be saved.
  • To get a light purple color, you need to mix blue and red paint, and then add white. The color will become much lighter. Also, light purple can be obtained by mixing pink and blue.
  • To obtain a purple tint, you need to add red paint in a larger ratio. To get saturated bright color, should be in the ratio of red and blue, add more blue paint.

How to get purple when mixing paints - features

When combining paints, you should pay special attention to their appearance. Most often gouache, watercolor or oil paints are used.

  • When painting with gouache, you need to pay special attention to the fact that when it dries, it brightens by several tones. Therefore, when mixing red and blue color ov this factor should be taken into account.
  • When painting with watercolors, you are faced with the fact that with this paint you cannot achieve a saturated color, and it is translucent.

When mixing paints, follow the main rule - do not rush! Mix the colors carefully and then you can easily get a “clean” purple color, as well as adjust the desired shade of this noble color.

Getting purple by mixing several colors is far from always the case. As a rule, in school they teach how to mix red and blue to get purple. However, in many cases, a maroon dull tone comes out instead of the expected one. The article will discuss how to get purple when mixing paints - the main secrets and recommendations.

This color in the palette is not the base color. The main ones are yellow, red and blue, mixing which, you can get a wide variety of colors. There is also white and black, which cannot be obtained by mixing.

People involved in painting, painting or applied arts, the color palette consists of three basic colors, as well as black and white.

To get a result close to purple, you need to prepare:

  • paints;
  • brushes;
  • palette;
  • water or thinner for oil paints.

Regardless of the type of paint, whether acrylic, oil or watercolor, mixing should take place on the palette, not on the drawing itself. In this way, you can achieve the desired tone or correct it if necessary.

To make purple using red and blue, you need to know a few secrets:

  • If you add red in the majority, you get a crimson hue.
  • If you mix more blue, the color will look like a rich purple.
  • When mixing pure colors, it is possible to obtain a purple color of different tones.
  • For the desired result, it is better to use cold red. If you take a warm shade, there is a high probability that it will turn brown.
  • In the work, the use of a blue color scheme with a greenish tint is unacceptable.

getting purple

For purple color initial stage you need to combine blue and red in equal proportions on the palette. The resulting color palette may not always meet the desired tone, so it needs to be finalized. This can be done using the following manipulations:

  • To get lighter purple paint, you can add a little white.
  • When working with a mixture of lilac and white paints, you can get purple. The intensity is regulated by the amount of white.
  • A mixture of pink and blue paints will help create a pale lilac palette.
  • If you need a muted tone, black is mixed with cold red.
  • When working with watercolors, saturation is not controlled with white, but with the amount of water.

It is worth remembering that after drying gouache becomes lighter by a couple of shades, so you need to achieve a darker color.

Additional option

Magenta is the main color and cannot be obtained by mixing paints. It mixes with available turquoise or bright blue. Any blue tone or cyan is suitable for this, without a greenish tint and not muted. With the gradual addition of colors, the color palette will acquire the desired shade.

On video: how to get a bright purple hue.

When working with paints, it is useful to follow some rules:

  1. Always use a clean container to scoop up liquid. Otherwise, you can spoil the pure tone, and in the future it may turn out to be an unpredictable color.
  2. Mixing should take place gradually and carefully, since you can always mix the suit, but it will not work to remove it.
  3. The resulting shade must be checked not only on the palette, but also on the surface on which it will be applied.

Confectioners in their work often paint mastic in the desired color. They do it using natural dyes.

Color correction

We have already talked about how to get purple colors when mixing paints. If the shade turned out not the one that was required to be done, it can always be corrected. To do this, you should use the following tips:

  • The color palette can be lightened or, conversely, look brighter with the addition of white. From the resulting shade and the same amount of white, you can achieve a pastel color.
  • To get a rich dark tone, you need to add a little black to it.
  • If you don’t know how to make lavender with a grayish tint, you can mix white and black, add the mixture to the main mass of blue and red.

For a successful outcome of the experiment, it is also worth remembering that the brushes need to be washed with each set, which will keep the pure shades and get the purple color.

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Not always available desired paint, but there are a couple of others? Let's use the magic available in everyday life and find out how to get purple by mixing other colors.The editors of the online magazine site offers to plunge into artistic realities and get the necessary shade.

So different purple

Our eye sees short-wavelength monochromatic radiation with a wavelength of 380-440 nm as a violet color.Since this tone is obtained mainly by combining blue and red, it means that it has absorbed hot passion and deep serenity. A person who is in a room with a lavender hue begins to philosophize, hear himself better, and take problems more calmly.

What colors need to be mixed to get purple

How to get purple? What colors should be mixed to enjoy shades of lilac and lavender?It all depends on what tone we want to get: light, dark or saturated.

What colors to mix to get a dark purple color

How to get dark purple color? Only by adding dark colors to the tone.

If the desired shade is not at all, then we will go a long way. First, mix red and blue in equal proportions, or 100% of one color, 50% of another. Using more blue will result in a cooler tone, while using 100% red will result in a warmer tone.We will gradually add black or green to the resulting shade. Keyword- little by little!

How to get a light purple color

What colors can make light purple?

Whitewash will turn the usual tone into a light lavender or pale lilac. If we take the colors in half, we get a shade of average saturation. The more white, the lighter the final result will be.

What colors need to be mixed to get a bright purple hue

If you don’t have all the possible palette available, but there is pink, cornflower blue or blue, you can experiment and get a beautiful juicy shade.

How to correct the shade of purple

With a combination of red and blue sorted out. But if you change the proportions, then the shade will change: when mixing paints, be sure to notice what and in what quantities is added.

  • to make the tone closer to burgundy, add more red;
  • excess blue will give purple;
  • scarlet and blue will give a beautiful purple tone;
  • adding a little yellow, brown or green, you can get original shades.

When mixing, the type of paints is taken into account: correcting a defect when working with gouache is much easier than correcting watercolor stains.

How to make purple: working with different types of paints

How can you get a purple color, we learned. It's time to move on to the nuances.

Oil paint

The most important thing in mixing oil paints is the quality of the material itself. If it turned out to be of poor quality, then you should not complain about the fact that not a wonderful purple tone fell on the canvas, but a dirty mess.

There are three mixing options: full, glazing, and completely original, when the colors do not mix, but are simply drawn in strokes close to each other. To get purple, you can use the first method if you do not have skills in the other two.

Acrylic paint and gouache

The principles of working with acrylic paints and gouache are the same. Therefore, tips on how to get a purple color when mixing acrylic gouache are the same.

To get purple, lilac or lavender shades, take a blue base and add either pink or red to it. If you also include a little black or white, then the tone will become darker or lighter.

Real artists create magic even with one color. Combine your skills with the basic rules - and you will become a creator of beauty! Learn how to make purple and what you need to make it.

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The set of a professional artist is very large, from ordinary pencils to airbrushes. At home, the number of tools can be reduced to a small list:

  1. Canvas. This is room for the imagination of the artist. You can draw pictures on plain paper, on thick cardboard or whatman paper. Oil and acrylic paints not suitable for use on paper. Acrylic paints not only on canvas, but also on glass, wood and ceramics.
  2. Brushes. One won't be enough. Buy a set of different hardness and thickness. Small parts better draw thin lines, and for large strokes you need a thick brush.
  3. Palette. Color tool . Make a palette from different materials, choose the surface that is suitable for mixing certain type paints.
  4. Paints. Watercolor, gouache, oil, pastel, etc.
  5. Palette knives. Art trowels, the use of which is necessary for drawing techniques. Most often used by artists who create oil paints. Embossed scrapings help blend tones in a variety of ways.
  6. Additional tools and materials. This category includes water cups, cloths, sponges and related helpers.

If you have at least three tools, you can use the instructions on how to get purple paint.

How to get purple

Where does the pheasant sit, according to the children's rhyme? To get purple, you need to know what colors it consists of. Everyone knows from school that purple is the result of mixing and. The difficulty is that often the shade is dirty. Follow the instructions for choosing the right paint and harmonious mixing:

  1. Choose "clean" paints. How to make purple from paints so that the tone does not turn out dirty? Each tube contains extra pigments of other shades. It is because of this that the resulting tone casts a brown tint.
  2. Use purplish red without yellowing so you don't end up with Brown color. A sapphire shade with a green tint will not work, it is better to take a bright ultramarine.
  3. Mix blue and red in different proportions. Depending on the type of paint, purple is obtained on a palette or directly on canvas.
  4. Add an extra tone to get the right hue for the painting.

Advice! Checking for excess pigments is simple - stir a few drops of paint with white. Reds, oranges and greens will show up immediately.

Use a white palette to mix colors. Too dark wood or metal surfaces can distort the color.

You may be interested in information about after drying.

shades of purple

After the first step of basic mixing, you know how to get purple paint. Shades are more difficult. To give individuality to each tone, additional colors will be needed. To create a bright purple color, the first step will be enough. If you want to learn how to make dark purple and other shades of this range, read the tips for harmonious pairing:

  1. Purple. The resulting purple tone can be enhanced and darkened with blue paint. Add color until the resulting color is as desired.
  2. Pink purple. Adding a red tone will help create a pink overflow.
  3. Pastel tone. To soften the hue and create a masterpiece that matches the warm atmosphere of the interior, add a little white tone. Introduce white until you get the desired shade.
  4. Saturated color. Add a black tone to the base for depth of color. Be careful when adding color so as not to darken too much.
  5. Lavender. Add white and black to the base in a 2:1 ratio.

Important! It is difficult to spoil the color with whitewash, but a large number of black dye may not give the result that is expected.

Mixing paints

Color schemes are created not only by combining different tones. Paint types differ in texture and mix various techniques. How to get a purple colour from paints and all the secrets of using the palette are revealed in this section.


How to mix gouache purple for a great result:

  • Use a palette. Mixing two layers directly on the canvas is a way of connecting for oil colors, but such a technique for gouache will spoil piece of art. In order not to spend extra money, use a white ceramic plate or disposable tableware as a palette.
  • Take a few glasses of water so that the tinting is free of impurities. Change fluid more frequently to enhance color clarity and quality. To highlight the details in the picture, dilute the gouache less with water.
  • Create a sketch. Draw and think over the image to the smallest detail. But in the process of applying gouache to paper, erase the outlines of the pencil with an eraser.


In total, from five original colors, you can create about 20 various shades. It is easiest to get a lilac color from paints, only the effect of the painting will be less than that of an oil painting. Follow a few rules to improve color quality:

  • Mix watercolor right on the canvas. The more stages of "carrying" the tone, the paler the shade.
  • Water drawing technique. Watercolor is very light paint. Images are obtained in an unusual style, they are distinguished by airiness and ease of maneuvering tones.
  • Draw on a draft. Before applying strokes to a painting, try mixing the colors on a separate piece of paper first. This method will help you choose the most successful experimental shade.

Oil paints

Oil painting is a complex drawing technique. This technique can only be mastered professional artists. There are three ways to get purple paint:

  • Applying smears. Proximity different colors forms a new shade at the junction of two tones.
  • Using the base. Buy a special transparent paint and get beautiful shades right on the canvas.
  • Mixing on the palette. Get new color When connecting tones on the surface of the palette, arm yourself with a brush to create masterpieces.

Now you know what colors to mix to make purple. Choose your paint, draw and enjoy the magic of color mixing. Grab a brush and get creative!

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