What Jamie Dornan Says About Dakota Johnson Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson on explicit scenes in 50 Shades of Gray

Went on a tour of the evening shows, answering tricky questions from Jimmy Kimmel and James Corden.

Kimmel asked Jamie what kind of relationship he has with the actress after all the explicit scenes in which the partners had a chance to film.

“This will sound inappropriate, but we are almost like brother and sister. Because I'm married, and she ... changed quite a lot of guys while we were filming. Everyone has their own life, and we just show love and respect for each other. It seems to me that we already know each other very well, even to some extent in an intimate sense..

When asked about what Jamie covered his genitals during explicit scenes, the actor was embarrassed:

“Well, I put on such a tiny bag. Well, that is, this expression is, in fact, he is not so tiny. Yes, a normal big bag. On the set of the first film, I was given a whole range of these bags to choose from, so I took one, turned it inside out, and there was such a strange inscription: "Prisoner number 3".

Jamie confirmed that 50 Shades Freed was filmed back-to-back and filming ended about 2 years ago.

“I saw the last film. They make us watch… oh, I mean, anyway, we had to brush up on the movie before the premiere anyway, because the shooting ended a long time ago. So I went to the Universal studios in London, where they have something like their own cinema. But they don't let you watch this movie alone, in case you want to copy it to your phone... Nonsense, of course. As if I'd do it... So I watched it with a security guard. With such a big guy. Just the two of us. But before that I drank beer and periodically went to the toilet, so I spent part of the film there. But all those sex scenes… towards the end, I was already burning with shame. And when the movie ended, the guard told me, “Cool, dude, high five!”.

In an interview with Ellen DeGeneres, Jamie admitted that his wife has not watched a single movie about Anastacia and Christian.

“I don’t want to pay her tickets for these films”- joked the actor.

In an interview with James Corden, Jamie spoke about, who at the beginning of his career was still an unknown actor by his roommate.

“Eddie was desperate then. We both were. There wasn't much work to do, we didn't really have to choose, we went to the same auditions, we both had the same agent. And I remember… it seems to have been in 2008, on the second day after we moved in together, a courier from our agency arrived with a huge stack of scripts, there were about 25 of them. And Eddie and I immediately began to fuss about who this was all intended for. It was all meant for me, and Eddie took it to heart. He called the agent to find out why "Jamie just got a hefty stack of scripts." An hour later, the courier arrived with exactly the same size stack of the same scripts for him..

At first it was a literary phenomenon. "Fifty Shades of Grey" was published in France in 2012 and became a bestseller even before it went on sale. E.L. James managed to turn the harlequin-like love story into an ode to sensuality. Alas, it has nothing to do with de Sade, Houellebecq and the vicious erotic literature of the eighteenth century... The peculiarity of this saga is that it again brought people to bookstores, then, when the film was released on February 11, 2015, to cinemas. Since Hollywood has always been good at turning popular stories into blockbusters, this film was a success, as expected, while cementing hopes for future films along the way. It was thanks to this factor that Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan met with journalists from all over the world in the huge, gloomy premises of Universal Studios during the promotion of the film Fifty Shades Darker. She is just like her character, cold and reserved. He is a charming Englishman with good manners.

The first film is built on sex, humor and domination. In the second, perhaps, Anastasia already takes power into her own hands.

Dakota Johnson: Given the end of the first film, it's important for her to take control of their relationship. If Christian wants to be with her, it will be on her terms. But, of course, their relationship will develop. Anastasia will not only compromise, but also sacrifice her beliefs for him. As is he, in fact.

Is it a love story or a fight between two egos?

Jamie Dornan: Love! It is the essence of the films and the novel. "Fifty Shades" is not about how two "I"s came together in a fight, this is a story about two people who are trying to build their love in the best way. The films do justice to the books and remain fairly close to them in content.

Movies are a little more fun. Anastasia on the movie screen is much more entertaining than on the pages of a book, isn't it?

Dakota Johnson: She's a pretty strong character.

Jamie Dornan: However, perhaps it was you who gave her this strength, firmness of character, sense of humor.

Dakota Johnson: Perhaps ... I find her quite funny, but not everyone in her finds it.

Jamie Dornan: Well, in the second film, this aspect of her character will be revealed even more. [laughs]

How does each of you see your characters?

Jamie Dornan: Ha, if only we knew! We constantly discuss it among ourselves and with the director. But I don't feel like a big brother giving advice to my little sister. We just try to stay on the same wavelength.

These roles involve real intimacy. Did you have to become friends in real life to make this possible?

Dakota Johnson: We have a special relationship. I am very close with Jamie's wife, with his children, she is a wonderful person. There are a huge number of franchises filmed in Hollywood, but, in my opinion, this is the only one where the actors became real friends. On the other hand, if it wasn't, it would complicate things...

Did you make friends off set?

Jamie Dornan: I wouldn't say that. We work together thirteen hours a day, so we had time to get to know each other better! [Laughs] It brings you closer, creates shared memories. Many will say that this is all a movie, but we quickly became friends. We have the same approaches to the roles, we do not mind laughing, especially after the most intense scenes. We are now deeply connected. The success that we experienced together is also quite a test.

You were filming in Nice when the terrorist attack happened.

Jamie Dornan: I was there with my family, the crew was in Monaco at the time. During the attack, we were sleeping because I have small children, so we go to bed early. But at night they called me a lot, asking if everything was in order.

Dakota Johnson:
And I didn't sleep. I did not go to bed until I found out if everything was in order with all the members of the team. I collected information drop by drop... It was a very difficult event. We wanted to stay to help France. And even more so, I didn’t want to shock people with the view of a film crew from Hollywood, who came only for work. As a young American, I have never been so close to the epicenter of an attack. I watched TV for hours, read newspapers.

The next day, Mr. Gray and Miss Steele couldn't tell if something had happened?

Dakota Johnson: But it happened. We asked the French people who worked on our team if we should stop filming - out of respect. But they asked us in chorus to continue, to return to work, not wanting to dance to the tune of the terrorists.

How do you see the continuation of your career? There is always a risk that you will be constantly identified with your characters.

Dakota Johnson: Personally, it doesn't bother me. I can’t believe that I will always see Anastasia for someone.

Jamie Dornan: I agree. I think I can distance myself from my character. How many actors before me had iconic roles and which of them went on to act in other films? The real problem here is just not being able to portray the character with the same recoil. The challenge is to keep working, to look for good projects, the ones that people would like to see.

Jamie, you cast amazing roles. You have just starred in French director Alexandre Aja's The Ninth Life of Louis Drax. Pretty small project...

Jamie Dornan: It's definitely different from the Hollywood franchises. The budget is completely different, but the stakes are the same, and I just need this balance between such "personal" projects and high-profile films. I also really want to do a TV show that allows a lot more in terms of script than a classic movie. Although in a sense, the freedom that I now have, I owe to Christian Grey.

Dakota Johnson: Fifty Shades is a real platform for us to work on. Films allow us to open up. Instead of locking us into one role, as you think, they open up new horizons.

Now you are under the sights of the paparazzi around the clock. It's like the proverb: no pain - no result?

Jamie Dornan: I don't care, I just pretend they don't exist. I have never been interested in other people's lives, so I live as usual. When people gather in Paris near the Opéra Garnier because we're filming there, it's just a certain moment in my life. The next day, something else awaits me. My everyday life doesn't involve filming a movie in Paris. It's only a few days... Moreover, such "incidents" are extremely rare.

Dakota Johnson: I try to live as normal a life as possible. Of course, I have famous parents, but I also have many friends who do not belong to the world of cinema. Of course, going to the premiere, I always think about what I should wear. But when I go shopping, I don't really care. [Laughs.]

Jamie Dornan: The more you think about it, the more you go crazy. It is better to try to live a normal life.

Dakota Johnson: Yes, and it would be boring every day to think over what you should do, what you should say ...

So fame and recognition is not a problem for you?

Jamie Dornan: Yes, it is. Maybe we're just better at it than other people. We live in the countryside, where few people are interested in Mr. Grey. I would attract more attention if I spent five days a week in New York clubs. It was fun when I was twenty. Now I'm thirty-four and it's not.

Jamie, in England you were a member of a rock band. Was it the success that pushed you into a film career?

Jamie Dornan: [Laughs] We were friends, we started when we were seventeen, without any ulterior motive. A lot of people wanted us to finally break up. But the adventure had an abrupt ending.

Dakota Johnson: I can't imagine you in a rock band. [Laughs.]

Some critics call "Fifty Shades" a mixture of "Cinderella" and "Life of Adele". What do you think of it?

Dakota Johnson: Oh, I like it. But how many people actually say that? Either way, I find it flattering. This is great!

Jamie Dornan: I like these films, so I don't mind either. In this particular case.

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Full interview of Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan for "Paris Match" (2017)

35-year-old actor Jamie Dornan, known to many for his roles in 50 Shades of Gray and The Fall, recently became a studio guest on The Jimmy Kimmel Show. In a conversation with the TV presenter, rather piquant topics were touched upon, which concerned not only the relationship between Jamie and his partner in the film Dakota Johnson, but also the bed scenes of this picture.

Dornan and Johnson are almost like brother and sister

Jamie began his interview by telling what kind of relationship he has with Dakota in his life. Here are the words of the 35-year-old actor on this occasion:

“I know that many fans attribute to me an affair with Johnson, but in fact it is not. I am happily married to my wife Amelia Warner and I cannot have any other relationship. For me, Dakota is a sister, to whom I treat with all the warmth. Of course, during the filming, Johnson and I became close, but apart from working moments and respect for each other, we had nothing.”

Read also
  • Jamie Dornan and wife Amelia Warner attend charity event
  • Like a bride and groom: Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan at the Paris premiere of "Fifty Shades Freed"
  • Rare photos: Jamie Dornan with his wife and daughter for a walk

Dornan wore a wee bag for bed scenes

After that, Jamie talked about how the erotic scenes were filmed in the 50 Shades of Gray film and its sequel. Here are the words of the actor about this:

“If you think that there was some kind of intimate relationship between me and my partner, then you are mistaken. After I read the contract for this film, I realized that in the sex scenes I would have to be a little "clothed". Now I'm talking about the fact that I had to wear a wee bag, the so-called "chastity belt". When I arrived at the set and began to prepare for the bed scene, they brought me three wee bags at once. I had to try them on to get the right size. When I chose my "chastity belt" and unfolded it to put it on, I saw a rather strange tag inside. It was labeled "Prisoner #3". I want to believe that this is just the number of the person who made this product, and not the number of someone who has already used it.

The main characters - modest Anastasia Steele and billionaire seducer Christian Gray - finally decide to take their relationship to a new level by playing a wedding. But, as the creators promise, the feelings of the beloved will have to pass another test of strength: uninvited guests from the past will burst into the life of the newlyweds.

Recall that the novel "Fifty Shades of Grey" became an international sensation due to its scandalous content and erotic background. Film adaptations of the spirit of the novels E.L. James convey quite accurately: the paintings are replete with bed scenes. About how hard such intimate shootings are given to the leading actors Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan, the actors talk in numerous interviews.

But for the promotion of the third film in the series, Jamie and Dakota obviously prepared something special for the journalists. For example, while Johnson boasts that she adopted her character's passion for some BDSM techniques, Dornan, on the contrary, recommends that viewers not repeat some scenes from Fifty Shades Freed.

Jamie Dornan in Fifty Shades Freed

In a new interview, Jamie addressed a rumor that the studio allegedly offered him a million dollars if he agreed to shoot completely naked. “No, the agreement was - 30 million for one of the intimate parts of the body,” Dornan joked. “Actually, no, I wasn’t offered a million dollar nude pictorial.”

“I don’t even know if I would agree to such conditions. My butt flashes in the frame quite often. But that doesn't really bother me. The audience will also see Dakota's chest - I would also show mine if I had it. I just thought that we don't need to show everything if it's not important for the story. We still don’t shoot porn, although many people think so, ”Jamie Dornan told reporters.

Frame from the movie "Fifty Shades Freed"

Frame from the movie "Fifty Shades Freed"

Trailer for Fifty Shades Freed

Is there still a person on the planet who does not know who Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson are? Most likely not, because these actors played the main roles in the mega-popular trilogy "50 Shades of Grey" about the intimate relationship between a student and a sadistic billionaire.

Dakota Johnson: the beginning of a creative path

The future star of "Shades" was born in Austin, Texas, in a family of famous actors of the 90s. Her father is known as a serial actor, who played mostly minor roles ("Django Unchained"), and her mother is a popular Hollywood actress who became recognizable after the release of the film "Business Woman". It is worth noting that the girl's grandmother was a famous actress and model of the last century and was extremely popular with, as they said after, she was his muse.

Naturally, the baby, under parental influence, already knew her way and actively paved her way to worldwide recognition. A few years later, Dakota's parents broke up, and her mother married Antonio Banderas, whom she met on the set of the film. Subsequently, he took custody and patronage of the girl, who from early childhood began to show interest in bohemian life: she did not dance for long, but achieved more success in the modeling business. Having good external data: a spectacular appearance and a beautiful slender figure, the girl was actively in demand among modeling agencies. Johnson also showed considerable interest in cinema.

Films with Dakota Johnson

The first step on the path to fame as an actress was the film "A Woman without Rules", which was shot by the stepfather of the baby himself. Young Dakota did not receive popularity and did not appear on the screens for more than ten years after the release of the film, deciding to focus on her modeling career.

The film "The Social Network" with the famous handsome Justin Timberlake brought her worldwide recognition, then the girl appeared in the comedy series "Ben and Kate" by Dana Fox, playing the main role. The tape was a success among viewers and critics, and Dakota Johnson's collection of films was replenished with such popular films as "Macho and Nerd", "Terrible Handsome" and "Goats". She appeared in the melodrama Married a Bit, the short film All That Glitters, the drama Cymbeline and many others, rapidly moving up to fame and accumulating fan recognition and prestigious awards in her arsenal.

"50 shades of grey"

But the resounding success and recognition of millions brought her the painting "Fifty Shades of Grey" based on the novel of the same name by E.L. James. Dakota played a philology student in love with sexy billionaire Christian. Many critics and fans of the erotic novel believed that Johnson was not suitable for the main role, on this occasion they even wrote a petition for the re-election of a more worthy person. More than twenty thousand people signed, stating that the actress is not young enough and attractive enough.

Nevertheless, Dakota played a leading role and became one of the sought-after actresses of our time, after the release of the film, viewers and film critics recognized that the girl still has a talent for reincarnation. Of course, there were some negative reviews about the sensational picture, since it began to differ significantly from the novel itself, and frank episodes, according to experts, replaced the "vanilla" scenes. The actress herself does not think so and believes that she did an excellent job with the task and bed moments did not become a stumbling block for her.

Relationships with men

There are not so many facts about the personal life of Dakota Johnson, and this gives the paparazzi a reason to follow the movie star more closely. The girl met with actor Jordan Masterson before the shooting of "Shades" began: the guy begged her to refuse the role and asked her to attend church with him. It was not an easy choice for the girl, but her career has become more important than her personal life.

Dakota Johnson unexpectedly started an affair with musician Matthew Heath, but even here the guy could not withstand the pressure of the press, and the couple broke up six months later. So we can say with confidence: shooting in a frank role did not benefit the girl, upsetting her entire personal life.

Jamie Dornan: biography

Born in Ireland in 1982, he grew up in the family of an obstetrician and a housewife. As a child, the actor showed interest in sports, namely golf and rugby. When he was 16, his mother died of cancer, and the following year, his 4 friends died in a car accident: such events left a strong imprint on Jamie, later he had to turn to a psychologist.

In his hometown of Belfast, he went to college, even then the makings of an actor appeared: he actively attended a drama club and began to be interested in music, and with his best friend David created the Sons of Jim group. Due to the inexperience of the guys and the lack of finances, their career as musicians failed miserably. Jamie himself says that he loves this world too much to spoil it with his music. In 2008, the group officially ceased to exist.

After graduating from college, the actor entered a local university and soon received a tempting offer from a well-known modeling agency. The guy immediately went to London to conquer the world's catwalks, his first photo session was held for an advertising catalog in 2002, and the pictures turned out to be quite spicy. Soon, one after another, Jamie signed contracts with famous brands and men's magazines, worked with brands such as Calvin Klein, Armani, Gap and many others.

Modeling career developed at a staggering speed, his collection of works included pictures with the most popular top models: Dornan was photographed with Kate Moss and Eva Mendes, the latter was very pleased with the work of the Irish handsome. Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan have also sparked off-set relationship rumors, but is there any basis in it?

Filmography of the actor

He did not bypass Jamie and the film industry, but starred not so much, having managed to appear in such projects as Once Upon a Time, Flight Home, New Worlds. Jamie Dornan became recognizable in the film "The Fall", playing the role of a serial killer, by the way, the shooting took place in his native land - in Ireland. However, he fully tasted fame after the release of the film trilogy "50 Shades of Grey": Dakota Johnson became a partner in the film. Jamie Dornan critics did not approve and even awarded the award as "Golden Raspberry" for the worst male role. Despite everything, the film broke records at the box office and became very popular all over the world. It was only after this role that Jamie Dornan's fans began to enjoy increased interest in films with his participation.

Irish Don Juan

Jamie's personal life has always been pretty good, since before marriage he had numerous novels. He met with Keira Knightley, with whom he had been in a relationship for 3 years and claimed that he had the most serious intentions. The couple still broke up due to the interference of the press, but thanks to her he got his first role in the film. Jamie Dornan managed to have an affair even with Kate Moss, Lindsay Lohan, many other famous ladies have been in his bed. Then the actor married a beautiful singer and actress, they had two wonderful daughters - Dalsie and Phoebe.

Rumors around the creative tandem

Gossip will always go around and around this Hollywood couple: the press and tabloids claim that these creative people are connected not only by shooting and a spark ran between them, especially if you watch the film. It becomes interesting: Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan are dating or not?

The guys refute the low rumors, claiming that they have developed warm friendships. Dakota speaks with special tenderness about Jamie's wife and considers her an amazing woman, no doubt the girl made friends with the actor's children. So, the allegations about the romance of the stars are another trick to draw public attention to the last part of the trilogy: the directors themselves decided to create an image of mutual sympathy between Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan, which goes beyond ordinary friendship.

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