How to draw a pedestrian crossing and a traffic light step by step. How to draw a traffic light with a pencil step by step

    Drawing a traffic light is quite simple. It is important for the child to observe certain proportions and the order of the three colors. It will even be useful to draw to consolidate the correct understanding of the operation of a traffic light on the road.

    You can select the desired size, outline the rectangle with the main lines and draw circles.

    In general, the traffic light may look different, the main thing is the alternation of red / yellow / green.

    For example, you can draw it like this, or as shown in the figure above.

    First, draw a stick, a regular one, then a rectangle should come out of it.

    The rectangle should stand vertically, and it should contain 3 circles of the same size.

    One red top, next yellow, middle and last green bottom.

    Drawing a traffic light is not difficult. I would advise you to take some picture on the Internet and look at it and draw a traffic light.

    For example, this picture is just right, such an apparatus can draw even a small child.

    So, first draw a rectangle vertically (determine its size by eye), then draw another rectangle under it in the middle, the width of which is 3 times narrower than the top one. (this will be the leg of the traffic light).

    Now in the upper rectangle draw 3 identical circles at the same distance from each other.

    So the traffic light is drawn, it remains only to color it correctly.

    Top circle - red

    Middle circle - yellow

    The bottom circle is green.

    The traffic light itself is best painted either gray, or black, or brown.

    And I came up with another simple way to draw a traffic light for a child.


    We take an empty, naturally, a box of matches and put it on a sheet. Then we circle this box from all sides with a simple pencil and we get a rectangle.

    Then draw his leg are two straight lines.

    To draw circles evenly, you can take a compass. Then it will be necessary to take a watercolor and paint over the traffic light in the required colors. Another interesting option for you in the piggy bank))

    Essentially, a traffic light is a set geometric shapes, so drawing it is not difficult, even a child can handle it. The main thing is to let him know what to draw for and of course to learn what colors should be in what place and at the same time what they mean for a pedestrian and a driver.

    There is nothing easier to draw a traffic light in my opinion. In order to draw a traffic light, you first need to draw three identical circles, and then circle (place) these circles in a rectangle. We decorate the mugs in three colors.

    Traffic light painted in colors children's version, might look something like this. The drawing itself is a diagram, since it is incredibly simple. If, when drawing with paints, the child will not use a simple pencil at all, then he needs:

    1. With a thin brush, draw the outline of a rectangle that is in a vertical state. This is the traffic light itself.
    2. Then you need to draw the contours of three eyesquot ; with the same brush.
    3. And now - the most important thing that distinguishes real traffic lights from fake ones. Color these three eyes into red-yellow-green.

    And now - the stages of drawing with a pencil. They are presented below. I love this funny drawing and I made it on purpose more stages to it, so that the drawing process is as accessible as possible:

    To draw a traffic light First you need to draw an elongated rectangle - something like this:

    Now let's give this rectangle a thickness:

    Now let's draw a leg with a semicircular stand:

    Add a semicircular cap with a pipette to the very top of the traffic light:

    Now let's draw three identical circles inside the rectangle and paint them red, yellow and green:

    The traffic light is ready.

    You can also offer the child a ready-made picture so that the child can draw the picture himself, but only a necessarily drawn picture, and not computer graphics, for example, like this:

    Take with your child, for example, a cap from a shampoo bottle or from mom's hairspray.

    Attach it to a piece of paper, where you will have the top, red traffic light and circle it with a simple pencil.

    A little lower, in the same way, draw (so that the circles touch each other) a blank for the yellow signal, and even lower - for the green one.

    Take watercolor paints(or gouache) of the appropriate colors and carefully paint over all the signals. The main thing is not to confuse (from top to bottom):

    • Red ( Stop! Quote;)
    • Yellow ( Attention! Get ready! Quote;)
    • Green ( Go! Quote;)

    Then, from below, under the green, draw a leg - like the trunk of a tree.

    Sun, the simplest traffic light is ready!

    For a child, drawing should not be difficult. It must be understood that complex drawings the child may simply not understand and are not interested.

    Therefore, to create an image, we will select the simplest forms).

    So, I propose to draw a traffic light in the form of a rectangle on a leg). The child will like such a drawing and he will be able to draw it himself with a simple pencil. And if the child has a desire, then he can decorate it. For example, in this way:

    You see, everything is simple, accessible and no complicated lines.

    You can also draw a rectangle. In it, with the help of a coin or even by hand, we draw circles in the amount of three pieces. Further we draw a leg on which there is our traffic light.

    If you draw everything arbitrarily, then the dimensions of the traffic light can be large, for the entire landscape sheet. Then you just give the child paints and he will gladly paint the drawing in the colors that, in his opinion, are suitable.

    If you draw a traffic light more correctly, then you can create it with a ruler, pencil and compass. Good luck in your work)!

Bella Timoshkina
Abstract on drawing on the theme "Traffic light"

Synopsis of GCD

By educational field "Artistically aesthetic development» (drawing)

Topic: « Traffic light"

caregiver: Timoshkina B. A

Target: learning signals traffic light

Tasks: - learn to distinguish and name red, yellow, green signals traffic light;

Learn the correct techniques for painting with paint, without going beyond the outline.


Demo: layout traffic light, landscape sheet with the image traffic light, brush, paint.

Nod move

1. Introduction to the game situation

caregiver: Guys, look, who is sitting there under the bush? Yes, it's a little bunny. What happened to you? The teacher turns to a toy - a hare, then takes him in his arms. It turns out the bunny crossed the road at a red signal traffic light and he was hit by a car. Now his paws hurt. We need to bandage his paws. (The teacher, with the help of children, bandages the paws of a bunny - a toy).

2. Motivational game

caregiver: Guys, let's put the bunny on a chair and let him listen carefully to which traffic light you can cross the road, but which one you can’t.

At traffic lights have three signals:

Red - Stop! You can't cross the road!

Yellow - get ready!

Green - come on, the path is open!

Children, what signal traffic light can i cross the road?

Children: Green.

caregiver: And which one can't?

Children: Red Yellow.

Physical education minute

Like our guys

Legs thump merrily.

Top - top - top.

Top - top - top.

Clap your hands

Clap - clap - clap.

Clap - clap - clap.

3. Difficulty in a game situation

caregiver: Children, let's draw traffic lights. And we will hang them on all the streets so that animals and people cross the road at a safe time.


A traffic light is a device, regulating the movement Vehicle. It consists of windows where red, yellow, green lights light up. Here I have prepared white sheets with the image traffic light, but, unfortunately, the lights do not burn yet.

4. Finding a way out of a difficulty in a game situation.

caregiver: Children, what does it take to light up the lights traffic light?

Children: Need to paint over the windows.

caregiver: For this we need yellow, green, red paint.

The teacher shows the techniques of painting. Now you try it too.

Children begin to paint over the windows traffic light. The teacher helps the children in the process of coloring.

5. Reflection The teacher exposes the drawings of children on the stand.

caregiver: Look, children, how much we drew traffic lights. Now animals and people can cross the road to the correct and necessary light!

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Of course, write complex paintings oil can only be done by a true master. However, even the most young artist in the first drawing lesson will be able to figure out how to draw a traffic light. After all, for many guys it is he who is the main assistant on the road.

Every child will be interested in the opportunity to learn how to draw. You need to start drawing with the simplest things. What could be easier than knowing how to draw a traffic light with a pencil?

You need to start with pencil sketches, after that you can master more complex skills.

After all, the most difficult technique in drawing is the use of paints. Entertaining lessons can captivate children and introduce them to a fascinating world various figures and images.

How to draw a traffic light step by step

Stage 1. draw auxiliary lines traffic light. Then use a ruler to draw straight lines. Then at the top of the sheet you need to draw a vertical rectangle. From it to the bottom end of the sheet down, draw a very narrow and long rectangle with a pencil.

Then, inside the upper rectangle, place three identical squares - so that they fit in size without protruding beyond the borders of the sheet. After that, inside these squares, you need to outline three circles of the same diameter. This will subsequently be the light windows of your traffic light.

Stage 2. Now draw the side edges. They should be located on the sides and have a slightly rounded shape. You will need to draw in all three parts of the traffic light. Many traffic lights are located at intersections, which is why the lights must glow in all four directions. You should get just such a four-way traffic light.

It is designed to control traffic at intersections. After that, from these faces, draw a visor on each side. From above, it will be like a traffic light putting on a hat with a round peak. Thanks to them, traffic lights are well protected from bad weather: rain and wind. Then erase the auxiliary lines and circle the main lines.

Stage 3. Now it remains only to color the main assistant traffic. The traffic light itself can be painted in black, gray or brown.

Naturally, you should paint the lights with standard colors: red, yellow and, of course, green. Now you know how to draw a traffic light. It's simple and interesting.

Required Tools

For work you will need:

Simple White paper or special for beginning artists;
. several or felt-tip pens;
. eraser;
. any hard surface: table, folder, book.

Fun traffic light for kids

Many children do not know how to draw a traffic light. This is not difficult. Be sure to involve your child in this entertaining activity.

For example, to simplify the work, take a cap from a hairspray or from a bottle of shampoo.

Then attach it to clean slate paper. Then circle it with a simple pencil. This will be your topmost signal - red.

A little lower, in the same way, draw a blank for the yellow signal so that the circles are in contact with each other. It remains to draw below only a green circle. Under the green signal, do not forget to add a "leg" - like a tree trunk. Give your traffic light a cheerful look, draw eyes and a smile on it. You can also draw his hands and a police cap. For decorating, take gouache or watercolors of the appropriate colors.

The main thing is not to mix up the colors. First red, then yellow and, of course, green.

That's it, now you know how to draw a funny traffic light.

Coloring the traffic light

A traffic light cannot just hang in the air. He controls the traffic. So, in the task of how to draw a traffic light, there are additional elements. Try sketching a simple composition.

It looks like this:

● the traffic light is at the crossroads;

● the sun is shining from above;

● white clouds are running across the sky;

● transport is moving along the road;

● bushes and trees grow on the side of the road.

All this is easy to depict, even Small child cope with this task.

And now it is desirable to do all this in color. Decorate with colored pencils or paints. Really, it turned out beautifully?

From this article, you learned how to draw a traffic light beautifully and correctly. This is one of the most simple drawings which can be handled even by oneself little artist. Your kid will definitely like this pattern.


The most important rule for a pedestrian is to cross the road along the “zebra” to the corresponding traffic light signal. This is what you draw on a piece of paper. You can use a ruler to draw straight streets.

To clearly explain to the child how to cross the road correctly, draw an intersection with traffic lights. Use the ruler to draw the track, sidewalks and buildings. You can work without an auxiliary tool, the main thing is that the baby's attention is not distracted due to the boring process. Comment on everything you do, ask for advice in order to involve the child in the work.

Draw traffic lights with three colored windows and a sign for pedestrians below. A little childishly primitive depict cars on the road. Draw white stripes for the crosswalk. Draw figurines of little men who walk along the sidewalk, stand in front of a traffic light, or walk along a zebra.

Your drawing must be colorful, bright and clear, so that the baby will surely remember what is being explained to him. Use gouache or acrylic for coloring, they dry quickly and have characteristic colors. Mix black paint with white paint to create a color for filling the road and sidewalks.

Make the houses colorful and smart, with white frames and bright colors on the windowsills. Wait for the previous layer of paint to dry before applying the next drawing. Draw a dividing line to show the flow of cars moving in different directions. Type on a brush white paint and draw the transition.

So that the child understands which window at the traffic light is on, non-working this moment- shade with colored pencils, and the current one with gouache. The paint is much brighter than pencils. Draw a walking green man in front of the crossing where pedestrians are crossing the road and cars are waiting.

To go road, find the sign, which, according to the Rules of the Road "Pedestrian crossing". Each such sign must be accompanied by a linear marking on the road surface, or "zebra" (but not always). Wide and highways are most often equipped with an underground or air passage. In the latter case, cross road will be completely safe.

If there is no crossing nearby, try to walk to the nearest intersection, where pedestrian traffic lights are most likely located. If you didn’t find such a “helper” either, try to find the narrowest section of the road where there is no dividing strip and no obstacles, including fences.

At the crossing equipped with a traffic light, wait for the green signal (for pedestrians). At a crossing without a traffic light, wait for the last one to pass or the traffic to stop, skipping. Make sure there are no moving vehicles. And only after that go road. If the road is unidirectional, don't forget to turn left. If the flow is multidirectional, having overcome half, turn your head to the right and, making sure that there are no moving cars, go the rest of the way.


Even a green traffic light, a speed bump, and a zebra at a pedestrian crossing are not completely safe, so always follow the movement of cars before crossing the road.

The road should be crossed, that is, walk, and not run, ride a bicycle, etc.

People have long understood that the process of learning any of the sciences is a painstaking and time-consuming process. And the more time is devoted to this process, the more thorough the knowledge of the student. Let's not touch on the fundamental sciences, but let's talk about the rules of the road.

Looking back half a century ago, we can state that the rules of the road were known and observed by almost all adult citizens back then. Soviet Union, and the culture of behavior on the road was fundamentally respected by both pedestrians and drivers. In addition to a severe fine for traffic violation and other measures were taken. For drivers - from film lectures to an exam for knowledge of traffic rules right at the site of the violation, for pedestrians - from a conversation in a work team to deprivation of bonuses. Well, by their personal example, adults taught the younger generation to observe the rules of behavior on the road.

Everything changes, and at the moment we have a general non-observance by all road users of all the same norms and rules of behavior on the road (by the way, they have not changed much in 50 years), rudeness and rudeness on the roadway, and there is even the use of weapons of self-defense against another driver whose behavior seemed to us beyond the bounds of decency. And from the measures of influence, only penalties remained, and sometimes a conscience calling for responsibility. But what can she oppose to us against the fact that we are late for a very important meeting, or just in a hurry to go to the store? And by our personal example, we still teach the younger generation to "observe" the norms of behavior on the road.

Today, the problem of road traffic injuries is given great attention, and the process of learning the rules of the road begins much earlier than half a century ago - right from kindergarten. Attending preschool educational institutions cities or by gathering their pupils for mass events dedicated to the knowledge of traffic rules, we can say that 100% of children know which traffic signal and where to go carriageway. Students elementary school they can say exactly from what age they can ride a bicycle on the roadway and how and where they should sit in the car. Well, high school students are already helping us teach the kids the rules of the road.

But why is things still there? Isn't it because the morning's hurrying kindergarten, we cross the road where it is closer, and do not cross it at a pedestrian crossing? Not because when transporting a child in a car, they did not bother to purchase a child restraint? Isn't it because the teenager in the passenger seat, just like you, is driving with an unfastened seat belt and watching you, imbibes your demeanor on the road? Endless throwing from row to row, the desire to have time to slip through the intersection to the “flashing”, “pedestrian is not a tram - it will wait” ...

And today, summing up the results of the annual municipal children's competition"Traffic Light - 2012", looking at children's drawings, you are convinced that children have a photographic memory. Many drawings are the realities of our life with you. Here there are drawings about tinting, and about Cell Phones, and about drivers, and about pedestrians. Do not judge strictly, of course, adults also helped in their manufacture. And it's great to stop for a second and sit next to your child to think - are we doing everything right? Remember the existing rules of the road and fix them with your child. We present a number of the most successful works, selected on various topics.

It's a shame that we can not encourage all the children who took part in this competition. Despite the fact that the contest is a municipal one, apart from its organizers - the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the city of Angarsk and the TsRTDiYu "Harmony" - no one needs it. And those two works that will win in their nomination and will be placed on the banners of our city, as social advertising, will be produced and placed by people from Angarsk who are not indifferent to this problem.

Traffic police of Angarsk

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