How to draw a crab for beginners. Draw a crab

You do not know how to teach a child to draw? Start with simple lessons drawing for children. If a child shows interest in creativity, then teaching a child to draw is not so difficult. For example, you can draw a cute crab with your child. These drawings are easy to draw!

How to teach a child to draw: draw a crab

So, you have a sheet of paper and pencils. For drawing with children, a curly ruler is also desirable, with which it is very easy to draw different geometric figures. For example, the eyes, which consist of circles. We will draw them in the second stage, but for now we will draw the crab's body.

The shape of the body is similar to an oval, which is extended upwards. Try to repeat such a figure in your drawing. Step back on the sheet at the top with enough space to fit the crab's claws.

Now let's move on to drawing the eyes. The eyes are made up of three circles different size. The middle circle will be completely filled in - this way it is easy to draw eyes for different drawings.

Let's draw the second eye and smile. The second eye is drawn in exactly the same way, only the circles inside are facing the other way.

Next step of the lesson how to teach a child to draw- drawing the paws of a crab. Start drawing from the far paw, which is at eye level.

Draw the legs of the crab in the same way, only on the right side. It's easy enough to draw them.

It remains for us to draw only the claws of the crab. In their drawing, too, there is absolutely nothing complicated.

Well, draw the second claw on the right. Finish the drawing by coloring the funny crab.

Constantly drawing with children interesting drawings, you can easily teach your child the first simple drawing skills.

In this tutorial we will learn how to draw a crab. Of course, the real one, but first I must say about the gaming crab that has settled down in society. This is considered an extremely crooked player, who quickly dies at every good opportunity, trolls all kinds of chats and forums around the clock, benefiting from the game except by investing thousands of rubles in it. The slang has moved out of the game sphere, and is now used to refer to loser trolls who aggressively use their meager ego to humiliate and dominate, but receive permanent bans and constructive criticism. From the point of view of banal erudition, a crab is an ordinary creature of God, a type of crustacean. They don’t fit into the game world, they live an ordinary, measured life: they wake up at the dawn, eat algae, molluscs, worms, breed in conditions of slavery and piece breeding, and die on people’s dining tables.

But even here it is not so simple:

  • Some crabs are supposed to bless a person all their lives. These are heikegani crabs, originally from Japan. The fact is that their shell resembles the face of a samurai, and the fishermen, catching these, released them, perceiving them as the reincarnation of dead warriors. From a scientific point of view, under natural conditions, this species should have disappeared from the Earth a long time ago.
  • Crab claw - perfect way win the female. And you don't have to beat her up. Fiddler crabs have one claw many times larger than the other, and this helps them attract girls. How can you walk with one pumped up arm and turn that side all the time? But, apparently, this attracts female crab.

With smooth scrolling, we got to the beginning of the drawing process.

How to draw a crab with a pencil step by step

Step one. Create something like this on a sheet football field. A small square inside and a little more around it.
Step two. In the inner square we will place a round body, on the outside there will be claws.
Step three. We outline the contours of the body more clearly, highlighting the structural parts in it.
Step four. Let's remove first auxiliary lines, then we will slightly tweak the hind limbs of the crustacean.
Step five. To make the shell look hard and dense, like in any respectful crab, we add neat shadows using hatching.
Looking forward to your feedback and ideas

Do you really like sea animals? Do you love crabs? Crabs are interesting, fun and quite easy to draw. Both experienced artists and beginners will have a lot of fun drawing crabs with this step-by-step and easy instruction. You can draw crabs as a decor element for a pool party or just for fun. Follow the instructions below and you will find out how.


1 How easy to draw a crab

  1. 1 Prepare your workspace. Find a comfortable, well-lit place to work where everything you need is at hand. For this tutorial you will need:
    • A sketchbook, or a piece of paper, or a stack of loose-leaf paper.
    • simple pencil
    • Eraser
    • Scissors (optional)
    • Markers, colored pencils or wax pencils(not necessary)
  2. 2 Draw a medium sized horizontal oval in the middle of the sheet. Be sure to leave enough space at the top, bottom, and sides of the oval. This will be the crab shell.
    • You can draw this oval with a continuous line or connect two inverted “legs” up and down the letters “c”.
  3. 3 Draw eyes and antennae to the body. Crabs have two small eyes, with two tiny eyebrow-like tendrils growing next to each. All this must be drawn in the center on the top line of the oval.
    • Find the middle of the oval and draw two small circles side by side on the top line of the oval. These circles should be far enough apart so that you can distinguish each one. You can also color them completely. with a simple pencil or black marker.
    • Above each of the circles, draw two lines (short and long), which are directed upwards and slightly to the side. Each of the antennae should be mirrored to the antennae of the opposite eye of the same length, and the eyes themselves should be on the outside of the antennae.
  4. 4 Draw the claws. Crab claws are drawn in three stages. On top of the oval, closer to the edges, draw along a small oval, located with a narrow edge towards the body of the crab. If you can't draw these ovals in the same size, don't worry, some types of crabs have one claw larger than the other.
    • On top of each of the smaller ovals, draw a larger oval that runs diagonally towards the eyes. These upper ovals should almost face each other, but at the same time point upwards.
    • Draw claws to the tops of large ovals. To draw the claws, at the top of the oval, draw a short, curved line pointing upwards. Bend the line with a sharp tip and draw it back down to the center of the top of the oval.
    • From the center of the top of the oval, draw another shorter curved line that curves towards the previous one (as if you wanted to complete a circle), also bending it with a sharp tip, before drawing the rest down to the oval.
  5. 5 Draw the legs. On each side of the body, under the claws, the crab should have three legs. Start drawing the first leg right under the claw. Draw a curved crescent-shaped figure, pointed to the side, which curves in a mirror opposite to the claw. Draw the same figure on the other side of the torso.
    • Draw the second leg directly below the first. Focus on the shape and direction of the first figure. Repeat on the other side.
    • Draw the last leg directly below the second, but this time fold it down. Repeat on the other side.
  6. 6 Finish drawing. Depending on what you want to draw, there are several ways to finish the crab drawing. You can color the crab and cut it out, and then use it as a decoration for theme party (undersea world). You can also add an underwater background to your drawing by painting a seaweed or sea otter patch next to the crab. Dare!

2 How to draw a realistic crab

  1. 1 Start with the body. Draw a shape resembling a cut diamond, which will become the shell of a crab. Add the legs by drawing eight lines on the sides of the bottom of the shell and two pincers at the top of the shell.
  2. 2 Draw the shape of the crab shell. Crab shells are rough and sharp at the edges. With a simple pencil, draw an edge on the crab shell.
  3. 3 Draw the claws so that they look massive. Pincers must be strong. The claw itself consists of several different figures. You can make fingers on the claws in the shape of a crescent.
    • You can also draw pincers, starting with a rectangular shape on each side of the diamond. Add a small circle to the top of the rectangle and then two crescent-shaped shapes facing each other to make a claw.
    • Once you're done with that, start drawing in the walking legs, which are located under the swimming legs.
  4. 4 Make sure all legs are pointed at the ends. Pay as much attention to the legs and claws as you paid to the shell. Let the edges look rough and sharp - just draw the knotted corners and joints.
    • Draw small eyes on the top of the crab's head and two short antennae. Erase all the guide lines and shapes that you drew in the sketch phase.
  • Be patient. Drawing is not always easy. The most important thing is that you enjoy it. The crab doesn't have to be perfectly symmetrical. If the crab

turned out a little uneven, it only makes it more realistic. You can even draw one claw much larger than the other, and then you won't have to worry about something not being the same size at all.

  • Make a drawing with a simple pencil and do not press hard on it so that all unnecessary lines can be easily erased.
  • Draw bulging eyes and brushes instead of antennae to make the crab cartoonish and funny.
  • Draw slowly and think about what you want to draw before you start.

Today we will talk about how to draw a crab with a pencil step by step. These are amazing creatures. We are talking about relatives of crayfish. They are also decapods, and their limbs have different specializations.


Before proceeding to consider the question of how to draw a crab in stages, you should describe in more detail how it looks. Its legs are attached from below to the jawbone. This part of the body is protected by an incredibly strong shell. Behind it, a rather short abdomen is tucked under it. Eyes peeking out of the shell are visible from the front. They are mobile. Placed on stalks. Perioral devices are also provided. Crabs eat whatever they can catch. Their claws are on a pair of front legs. The rest of the limbs are clearly visible.


We turn to a practical solution to the question of how to draw a crab. First, we depict the axis of symmetry and create the shape of the body. Let's show the crab in the front view, and not from above. This will make the image look more natural. In this case, the body looks wide due to perspective contraction. Distribute legs. Due to the symmetry of the body structure, it is necessary to depict each limb opposite its pair. However, the position of the legs is more arbitrary. We make sure that the lengths of the limbs are equal. It must be borne in mind that each paw consists of 3 segments. Under the shell, the structure of the legs is much more complicated. Fortunately, this part is hidden from us. Arthropods are similar to mechanisms with cranked and jointed levers. Let's take a closer look at the claw. According to the device, it does not look like tweezers, as it might seem at first glance. You can compare it with wire cutters or a gas key. Let's move on to final stage solving the question of how to draw a crab. We already have a picture. It can become the basis for coloring. We need to give color to our hero by selecting the appropriate palette. And as soon as the question of how to draw a crab is completely resolved, it can be cut out and then used as a decorative element. The task is complicated by the fact that the image has an incredibly complex outline.

king crab

You can depict a crab and a more unusual shape. For example, big and spiked. You can draw He is very unusual. This species is unique long legs. His body is also huge. Its color is red. It is completely covered in spikes. We begin to draw, as in the first case, by holding We depict the body. We place two outgrowths in front. We distribute the legs, much longer than in the first case. On a pair of forelimbs we place claws - medium-sized, bent inward. The rest of the legs are sharply bent - directed back. There are 3 pairs of them. Recall that we are talking about a ten-legged creature. The fact is that the last pair of limbs is very small. It is bent under the body. Thus, in our perspective, it is not visible. The crab cleans the rest of the limbs with these legs. This is their specialty. So we figured out how to draw a crab of various types.

And hello again everyone!
Call your children to the monitors, because today we will learn how to easily draw a minion in stages. For those who do not know minions - these are such cute and funny characters from the Despicable Me cartoon trilogy. All of them yellow color, like the packaging of a chocolate egg toy, speak their own language and always get into interesting situations under the leadership of their owner, an awkward man with a big nose named Gru. Although I think that every adult, and even more so a child, imagines what these restless pets look like.
I will draw with a felt-tip pen, you can follow my example or use a simple pencil to correct the drawing if something happens. Take a sheet of paper, preferably landscape.
If you want to draw a large minion, then it is better to place the sheet vertically, if you plan to depict several pieces next to each other, then you can horizontally. All minions are very similar to each other, but there is one significant difference - some are more fortunate and have two eyes, while others are content with only one. I will draw a more developed yellowbell that sees twice as well.

I'll start drawing from the eyes. First, we depict two identical circles, around which we make a border. The edging will serve as points in the future. It turned out like this eight.

To make the eyes real, add pupils to them. I draw two pieces, who decided to portray a one-eyed cyclops will do it twice as fast!

In the next step, we will draw a body for our minion. Here you can dream up. Depending on the size of the torso, it will be high, low or regular, like mine.

Are there bald minions? Of course! But I decided to make mine handsome, gave him such rare curls. You can depict the vegetation on the head in a different way, for example, draw a thick tuft from one point, similar to how a palm tree grows. And at this stage, do not forget to draw the strap from the glasses. It turned out like this.

The yellow men are mostly dressed in the same denim overalls, in other words, just trousers with straps. My friend is no exception. Now I will draw the very straps on which to hold the pants. The dots on the straps are buttons or buttons.

Almost left our yellow hero without the opportunity to discuss last news with brothers. Let's go back and draw his mouth. I like to smile, so of course I decorated my face with a smiling grin.

What's next, you ask? Further we will draw hands, one is raised up, the other is lowered. It may be different for you, both up, both down, you can even portray one-armed bandit. In fact, these are just blanks, a little later we will turn them into real hands.

Let's return to the torso and clothes, draw a jumpsuit with an obligatory pocket in the middle.

In the next step, let's finish the arms and finish the brushes, in my drawing it turned out like this.

There is a head, there are hands. What is missing? Correctly draw the minion's legs. This is also easy and simple to do. That's all the drawing is ready!

Of course, children love colorful and bright drawings more. Therefore, so that the impressions of today's lesson remain in your memory for a long time, take pencils or felt-tip pens and decorate the picture, as I did. The minion itself is yellow, the clothes are blue, the eyes are brown, and the glasses can be shaded with a silver felt-tip pen or a simple pencil. I think it turned out great, write your opinion in the comments.

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