Heroes of Russian fairy tales - description, origin and interpretation. Russian folk tales - heroes and characters

They create the mythical reality of folklore: these heroes are an important part of the life of our ancestors. Description magic power, which each of the heroes owned and believed in in antiquity, has come down to our time practically unchanged, although now it is not entirely clear to us. Children's fairy tale characters are familiar to us from the very early age, but gradually their images fade from memory. Let's recall some of them.

Male fairy tale characters

Ivan Tsarevich, he is Ivan the Fool, he is Ivan - peasant son. The main qualities of this character are nobility and kindness. In any of the tales, Ivan helps and saves, which ultimately leads to a successful resolution of the situation, and to his own happiness. teaches the reader to listen to his heart, to intuition, to maintain honor in any situation and not to lose his presence of mind. Ivan is often accompanied by a faithful horse or Grey Wolf. The horse is a symbol of devotion and fidelity, but the Wolf is a symbol of cunning: they help Ivan in all his endeavors. The antipode of Ivan is often Koschey the Deathless - a negative character in Russian folk tales, an evil sorcerer. His death is hidden in several nested objects and animals. In fairy tales, Koschey kidnaps the heroine and hides her at the end of the world in his castle, and Ivan usually saves her. Less commonly, Koschey acts as a symbol of wisdom and the keeper of knowledge.

Female fairy tale characters

Vasilisa the Beautiful, she is Vasilisa the Wise. The main qualities of the character are wisdom, beauty, fidelity. She is not just a heroine, she is a faithful assistant to Ivan, who must free her from imprisonment with Koshchei, or a harsh father, or the Serpent Gorynych, or any other villain. Vasilisa does not helplessly wait to be rescued, but helps the hero in every possible way, gives him advice, turns to her friends among people and animals. Vasilisa is a symbol of wisdom and virtue; the reader learns from her to be responsive and patient. Another female character, found in Russian fairy tales, is Baba Yaga, she is also Yaga-Yaginishna. This is perhaps the most ancient character and the most versatile. Yaga usually lives in and is famous for her bad temper - it is better to bypass her hut on chicken legs. She tells fortunes and conjures, but nevertheless more often helps than harms the heroes. Baba Yaga sometimes acts as a symbol of wisdom and the keeper of ancient knowledge.

Animals - fairy tale characters

Serpent Gorynych - a symbol of the evil principle, representing a dragon with three, six, nine or twelve heads. Often the Serpent kidnaps the heroine and keeps her imprisoned, from where Ivan must release her. Gorynych also often acts as a gate guard in underworld or Koshchei's house. Kot-Bayun is an insidious character, lulling with his voice. He knows many songs and legends, but often acts on the side of evil. It is often a pet of Yaga or Koshchei. Of the most neutral characters of the animal world of Russian fairy tales, one can name the Firebird. She possesses great power healing. Often becomes the object of desire of kings, kings and Koshchei himself, so the hero often goes in search of her. Catching the Firebird is not so easy, because it blinds with its light and burns.

The characters of Russian fairy tales are diverse, and the fairy tales themselves are fraught with great wisdom...

A folk tale is a message from our ancestors, handed down from time immemorial. Through magical stories, sacred information about morality and spirituality, traditions and culture reaches us. The heroes of Russian folk tales are very colorful. They live in a world full of wonders and dangers. There is a battle of light and dark forces, as a result of which goodness and justice always win.

Ivan the Fool

Main character Russian fairy tales - seeker. He goes on a difficult journey to get a magical item or a bride, to deal with a monster. In this case, initially the character may occupy a low social position. As a rule, this is a peasant son, the most youngest child in family.

By the way, the word "fool" in ancient times did not have negative value. Since the 14th century, it has served as a name-amulet, which was often given to the youngest son. He did not receive any inheritance from his parents. The older brothers in fairy tales are successful and practical. Ivan spends time on the stove, as he is not interested in living conditions. He is not looking for money or fame, patiently endures the ridicule of others.

However, it is Ivan the Fool who eventually smiles luck. He is unpredictable, able to solve non-standard riddles, defeats the enemy with cunning. The hero is characterized by mercy and kindness. He helps out those in trouble, releases the pike, for which he is awarded magical help. Having overcome all obstacles, Ivan the Fool marries the king's daughter and becomes rich. Behind the plain clothes hides the image of a wise man who serves good and is wary of falsehood.


This hero was borrowed from epics. He is handsome, brave, noble. Often grows "by leaps and bounds". Possesses great strength, able to saddle a heroic horse. There are many plots where a character fights a monster, dies, and then resurrects.

The names of the heroes of Russian fairy tales can be different. We meet Ilya Muromets, Bova Korolevich, Alyosha Popovich, Nikita Kozhemyaka and other characters. Ivan Tsarevich can also be attributed to this category. He enters into battle with the Serpent Gorynych or Koshchei, saddles Sivka-Burka, protects the weak, rescues the princess.

It is significant that the hero sometimes makes mistakes (rudely replies to an oncoming grandmother, burns the skin of a frog). Subsequently, he has to repent of this, ask for forgiveness, correct the situation. By the end of the tale, he gains wisdom, finds the princess and receives half the kingdom as a reward for his deeds.

Wonder Bride

A smart and beautiful girl, by the end of the story, becomes the wife of a fairy-tale hero. In Russian folk tales, we meet Vasilisa the Wise, Marya Morevna, Elena the Beautiful. They embody the popular idea of ​​a woman standing guard over her kind.

The characters are resourceful and smart. Thanks to their help, the hero solves ingenious riddles, defeats the enemy. Often beautiful princess subject to the forces of nature, she is able to turn into an animal (swan, frog), work real miracles. The heroine uses powerful forces for the benefit of her lover.

There is also an image of a meek stepdaughter in fairy tales, who achieves success thanks to her hard work and kindness. Common qualities for all positive female images are loyalty, purity of aspirations and readiness to help.

Which hero of Russian fairy tales is the most beloved and popular among children and adults? The first place rightfully belongs to Baba Yaga. This is a very ambiguous character with a frightening appearance, a hooked nose and a bone leg. "Baba" in ancient times was called the mother, the eldest woman in the family. "Yaga" may be related to old Russian words"yagat" ("scream loudly, swear") or "yagaya" ("sick, angry").

An old witch lives in the forest, on the border of our and underworld. Her hut on chicken legs is fenced with a fence made of human bones. Grandma flies on a mortar, is friends with evil spirit, kidnaps children and keeps a lot of uninvited guests from magic items. According to scientists, it is associated with realm of the dead. This is indicated by loose hair, which was untwisted to women before burial, a bone leg, and also a house. The Slavs made wooden huts for the dead, which they put in the forest on stumps.

In Russia, ancestors have always been respected and turned to them for advice. That's why they come to Baba Yaga good fellows and she experiences them. The witch gives a hint to those who pass the test, points the way to Koshchei, bestows a magic ball, as well as a towel, a comb and other curiosities. Baba Yaga also does not eat children, but she puts them in the oven and spends old rite"overbaking". In Russia, it was believed that in this way it was possible to heal a child from an illness.


The name of this fairy tale hero Russian fairy tales could come from the Turkic "koshchei", which translates as "slave". The character was chained and imprisoned for three hundred years. He also likes to steal beautiful girls and hide them in the dungeon. According to another version, the name comes from the Slavic "bone" (scold, harm) or "bone". Koschey is often depicted as a skinny old man, more like a skeleton.

He is a very powerful sorcerer, lives far away from other people and owns countless treasures. The death of the hero is in the needle, which is securely hidden in objects and animals nested in each other like a nesting doll. The prototype of Koshchei may be the winter deity Karachun, who was born from a golden egg. It covered the earth with ice and brought death with it, forcing our ancestors to move to a warmer area. In other myths, Koshchei was the son of Chernobog. The latter could control time and commanded the army afterlife.

This is one of the most ancient images. The hero of Russian fairy tales differs from foreign dragons in the presence of several heads. Usually their number is a multiple of three. The creature can fly, spew fire and kidnap people. It lives in caves, where it hides captives and treasures. Often appears in front of a goodie, coming out of the water. The nickname "Gorynych" is associated either with the habitat of the character (mountains), or with the verb "to burn".

The image of the terrible Serpent is borrowed from ancient myths about the dragon that guards the entrance to the underworld. To become a man, a teenager had to defeat him, i.e. perform a feat, and then enter into world of the dead and come back as an adult. According to another version, the Serpent Gorynych - collective image steppe nomads who attacked Russia in huge hordes. At the same time, they used fire shells that burned wooden cities.

Forces of nature

In ancient times, people personified the Sun, Wind, Moon, Thunder, Rain and other phenomena on which their life depended. They often became heroes of Russian fairy tales, married princesses, helped goodies. There are also anthropomorphic rulers of certain elements: Moroz Ivanovich, goblin, water. They can play both positive and negative characters.

Nature is depicted as spiritualized. The well-being of people largely depends on her actions. So, Morozko rewards the meek, hardworking daughter of an old man with gold and a fur coat, whom her stepmother ordered to be thrown into the forest. At the same time, her selfish stepsister dies under his spell. The Slavs bowed to the forces of nature and at the same time were wary of them, tried to appease them with the help of victims, and made requests.

grateful animals

In fairy tales we meet a talking wolf, a magical horse and a cow, goldfish, a wish-fulfilling pike. As well as a bear, a hare, a hedgehog, a crow, an eagle, etc. All of them understand human speech, possess unusual abilities. The hero helps them out of trouble, grants them life, and in return they help to defeat the enemy.

Here traces of totemism are clearly visible. The Slavs believed that each genus descended from a specific animal. After death, the human soul moves into the beast and vice versa. For example, in the fairy tale "Burenushka" the soul of a dead mother is reborn in the form of a cow to help her orphaned daughter. Such an animal could not be killed, because it became a relative and protected from trouble. Sometimes the heroes of a fairy tale themselves can turn into an animal or a bird.


A lot of people are trying to get hold of it. goodies fairy tales. A wonderful bird blinds its eyes like a golden sun, and lives beyond stone wall in rich lands. Freely floating in the sky, she is a symbol of the heavenly body, which bestows good luck, abundance, creative power. This is a representative of another world, which often turns into a kidnapper. Firebird steals rejuvenating apples giving beauty and immortality.

Only one who is pure in soul, believes in a dream and is closely connected with deceased ancestors can catch her. Usually this younger son, who was supposed to take care of old parents and spent a lot of time near the birth center.

Thus, the heroes of Russian fairy tales teach us to respect our ancestors, listen to our hearts, overcome fear, go towards our dreams, despite mistakes, and always help those who ask for help. And then the divine radiance of the magical firebird will fall on a person, transforming him and bestowing happiness.

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, experts in esotericism and occultism, authors of 14 books.

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fairy tale names

fairy tale names- these are the names of the heroes of fairy tales beloved since childhood. Behind each fabulous name stands an image, character, fate. People remember the fairy tales they read in childhood all their lives, and they keep books with their favorite fairy tales for their children.

fairy tale names



Alyosha Popovich

baba yaga




Baron Munchausen


Vasilisa Mikulishna

Vasilisa the Beautiful


Winnie the Pooh

Ugly duck



Father Frost

Grandfather Mazai


Dr. Aibolit



Elena the beautiful

Elena the Wise





Ivan the Fool

Ivan Tsarevich

Ilya Muromets

Karabas Barabas


Koschei the Immortal


The Little Humpbacked Horse

King Thrushbeard

Cat Basilio

Cat Leopold

Cat Matroskin

Purring cat

Puss in Boots

Red Riding Hood

Crocodile Gena

Hen Ryaba

fox alice



Thumb boy


Mickey Mouse


Marya the mistress

Marya Marevna


chirping fly


Nikita Kozhemyaka

Olle Lukoye

Papa Carlo

Pippi Longstocking

Cockerel-Golden Scallop

Princess on the Pea

Postman Pechkin



bee maya



Ruslan and Ludmila



gray neck

silver hoof

Sivka-Burka-Veshchaya Kaurka



Snow Maiden

The Snow Queen

Blue Beard

sleeping Beauty

nightingale the robber


Three little pigs - Nif-nif, Naf-naf and Nuf-nuf

Tugarin snake

Fedot Sagittarius

Finist-clear falcon

Foca of all trades dock

hostess copper mountain

Brave little tailor

Swan Princess

Princess Frog

Princess Nesmeyana


King Dodon

Tsar Saltan


Turtle Tortilla




Miracle Yudo

Shamakhan queen



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Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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fairy tale names


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Leafing through illustrated books with fairy tales, watching the most beloved Russian or foreign animated films, children get acquainted with different heroes. Over time, some of them become the most beloved.

Famous fairy tale characters

Fairy tales are a powerful tool for teaching children. As you know, children best perceive the information that they are given in a playful way. Through fairy tales, they quickly and easily understand common truths in a form designed for children's understanding.

FROM early childhood When mothers read the first fairy tales to babies, they get acquainted with fairy-tale characters. Young children know such heroes of fairy tales as the Three Little Pigs, the Gray Goat, the Tsokatuha Fly, Barmaley, the Cockroach and Moidodyr. Also, they are all familiar with ugly duckling, Doctor Aibolit, Kolobok, Pockmarked Hen, Zhikharka, Pinocchio, Baba Yaga, Masha and the Bear.

Growing up, children get acquainted with the characters of fairy tales intended for their age, and the priorities relative to their favorites change accordingly. fairy tale characters. Among the favorites appear Gerda and Kai, Thumbelina, Ruslan and Lyudmila, Balda, Prince Gvidon, the Little Humpbacked Horse, Little Red Riding Hood, Mowgli and Carlson. Can't help but like Ellie Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow.

Heroes of the most popular Russian cartoons

There are many children and adults among fans of Russian cartoons. Let's name the ten most famous heroes of Russian cartoons. In the first place is the sneak and the evil Dudyuk Barbidokskaya. Dudyuk, with a big bow and an umbrella in his hands, is trying to quarrel with his friends. She is the heroine of such cartoons as "A Gift for the Elephant" and "On the Road with Clouds."

As you know, this robber, invented by Korney Chukovsky, lived in Africa and was an enemy of Doctor Aibolit. An honorable third place is occupied by such a cartoon character as the white bear cub Umka. In the fourth position is Cheburashka, and in the fifth is Leopold the Cat. A bear named Winnie the Pooh is also one of the most popular characters in Russian cartoons. He took the sixth position in the ranking.

A man in the prime of his life entered the top ten and took seventh place, namely, everyone's favorite Carlson. Eighth place was shared among themselves by the following domestic cartoon characters - Thumbelina, Captain Vrungel, Dwarf Nose and the silly Dunno. The wooden boy is on the ninth line of the ranking. The last place in the top ten most popular heroes is occupied by the onion boy - the brave Cipollino.

Favorite foreign cartoon characters

Almost every child watches cartoons, and his favorite characters are not only representatives of the domestic film industry, but also foreign cartoon characters. animated films. Powerful advertising contributes to the growth of popularity of foreign cartoon characters.

By the way, Disney princesses have become very expensive to produce. Complicated story» is included in the ranking of the most expensive cartoons. The site has.

Among foreign animated films, there are many that have become favorites for children. They have good and beautiful characters. Among the favorites are the heroes of the cartoon "Cars". For the most part, they are interesting for boys. But girls are interested in such a character as Kitty. Despite the fact that he appeared on the screens back in 1974, his popularity continues unabated today. Spectacular and beautiful fairies The Winx are also more interesting to girls, many of whom aspire to be like them. For many years, Disney princesses have remained popular - these are Snow White, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel.

It is impossible not to recall such cartoon characters as SpongeBob and Scooby Doo, Shaun the Sheep and Bernard, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Cusco, Bart Simpson and Mickey Mouse. All of them are known and loved by children. The green hero of the foreign cartoon Shrek has long been in the lead in terms of popularity among the younger generation. Ratatouille, Hulk and Rango are no less interesting and beloved characters of full-length cartoons.

The most popular cartoon character today

In each country there is a cartoon that is in first place in the rating in terms of popularity. For example, among Korean cartoon characters, Pororo is the most popular. This blue little penguin makes even crying children laugh. Gradually it becomes popular in many countries of the world. Shrek is the most famous cartoon character to date

Among the variety of cartoons filmed, children different countries fell in love with films about Shrek and his many friends. It is he who is recognized as the most beloved cartoon character in the world. Several episodes with Shrek have already been released, his little fans are looking forward to new exciting stories about this green hero.
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Let's get to know the inhabitants of popular children's books better?

As a child, favorite characters in fictional stories came to life in the imagination and often became our good friends. Their realism is explained not only amazing abilities fantasy, but also by the skill of writers of fairy tales, who created heroes based on the appearance and character of real people.

1. Robin Hood

Prototype: Robin Loxley.

There are several versions of the origin of ballads about noble robber robbing the rich to help the poor. According to one of the most reliable theories, Robin was born in the 12th century in the village of Loxley and was a yeoman (free peasant). Even in his youth, he put together a rather big gang, with which he operated in the forest of Sherwood. True, the intentions of the robbers differed from fairy tales, the cruel thugs simply looted, and profited from absolutely everyone. Of course, they didn't give money to anyone.

2. Christopher Robin and Winnie the Pooh

Prototype: Christopher Robin Milne and Winnipeg bear.

Alan Milne, one might say, copied the protagonist of adventure stories winnie the pooh from his son. Christopher grew up a shy and quiet child, and his only friend was a toy named Edward - a bear cub of the Farnell Teddy series. The author did not even begin to change the name of the boy, only his companion was named differently, in honor of the Winnipeg bear from the London Zoo. She was so tamed to human attention that local children, including Christopher, often fed the animal with condensed milk and stroked it.

3. Alice in Wonderland

Prototype: Alice Liddell.

Lewis Carroll in his youth was friendly with the Liddell family, who raised several daughters. The writer spent a lot of free time with children, telling them exciting stories about a little girl who once met a talking rabbit on a walk. When a whole series of adventures accumulated, Carroll wrote down the tales, adding interesting details and new characters to them. He gave the book to Alice Liddell for Christmas, which, as an adult, she sold for fabulous money to pay bills.

4. Snow White

Prototype: Maria Sophia Katarina Margareta von Erthal.

This story began in 1725, when Judge Philipp von Ertal and his wife, Baroness Maria Eva von Bettendorf, had a charming daughter, by the way, the fifth in the family. 13 years later, the wife of a father with many children died during the birth of the tenth child. The judge did not long for long, and a year later he married the same "inconsolable", but very prosperous widow, Claudia Helena Elisabeth von Reichenstein. A middle-aged lady by then standards (36 years old) was most angry with Maria. The girl grew older and prettier every day, and the beauty of the new father's wife noticeably faded. It is not known why Claudia Helena got angry at the fifth daughter of the judge, because many more children from his first marriage lived in the castle, but Mary constantly got it from her stepmother. Once the girl found out that her father's wife was plotting to kill her, and fled, settling in the hut of poor miners. The judge's daughter returned home only after the death of Claudia Helena, and lived there until her death in 1796. Naturally, she did not marry Prince Maria, and in general she did not have a chance to be legally married.

5. Carlson

Prototype: Hermann Goering.

The wild but cute ghost with a motor turns out to be not just a real man, but also one of the leaders of the Nazi Party, the Reich Marshal of the Greater German Reich and the Reich Minister of the Imperial Ministry of Aviation. Astrid Lindgren, the author of the fairy tale about Carlson, was personally acquainted with the ace pilot from her youth, and was very sympathetic to him, as well as to the far-right party in Sweden. Therefore, Hermann Goering became the prototype of the protagonist in the writer's works, even the Reichsmarschall's signature phrases are mentioned in the books: "I am a man in the prime of life", "Little things are a matter of life." Yes, and outwardly Carlson is very reminiscent of Goering, not to mention a hint of his profession in the form of a propeller.

6. Shrek

Prototype: Maurice Tiye.

William Steig, author of children's stories about the great green ogre with good heart, created his character, impressed by Maurice Tillet. This French wrestler was born in Russia, in the Urals. As a child, he was a charming little boy with delicate features, for which he was nicknamed Angel. But by the age of 17, Maurice was diagnosed with acromegaly, a disease that causes the growth and thickening of bones, especially the skull. The guy who dreamed of becoming a lawyer had to give up his aspirations because of the constant bullying and ridicule of his appearance. Then Maurice went into wrestling, and in the sports field he achieved amazing success. Tiye's contemporaries describe him as a strong, kind and pleasant giant in communication with wonderful feeling humor. Typical Shrek, isn't it?

7. Duremar

Prototype: Jacques Boulemard.

The seller of leeches in the fairy tale "The Golden Key" in reality was a highly sought-after Moscow doctor of French origin by the name of Boulemard. He lived in 1895 and was popular with Russian nobility. The fact is that the doctor practiced an exotic at that time method of treatment with the help of leeches, and he showed experiments with them directly on himself. To prevent mosquitoes from biting him while catching "medicines", Bulemard wore a long, tight hoodie. The little one, who hung around the strange doctor all the time, teased Jacques with Duremar, distorting his last name.

8. Pinocchio

Prototype: Pinocchio Sanchez.

If we are already talking about Pinocchio, it is worth mentioning the original of this tale, written by Carl Collodi. The leading character in the children's book, of course, was not cut out of logs, he was not even a child, he was just very small in stature. The real Pinocchio is a war hero who, after serving in the army, lost his leg and, oddly enough, his nose. Thanks to the efforts of the doctor Bestuldzhi, the man was able to start a relatively full life, the surgeon made prostheses for him to replace the lost parts of the body. It was after meeting Sanchez and his wooden nose that Collodi came up with the Pinocchio doll.

9. Baron Munchausen

Prototype: Hieronymus Carl Friedrich von Munchausen.

The most unscrupulous dreamer really existed, he was born in 1720 in Germany (the city of Bodenwerder, Lower Saxony). Cupid's arrow forced the nobleman to move to Russia, to the homeland of his beloved wife, where the baron joined the army as an officer. When fate nevertheless allowed Jerome Karl Friedrich to return home, during friendly gatherings, he began to tell his compatriots about the incredible and curious adventures that happened to him in Russia. The stories of Munchausen, thanks to his wild imagination, were constantly replenished with new amazing details and circumstances.

10 Peter Pan

Prototype: Michael Davis.

James Barry, the author of the tale of a boy who did not want to grow up and the Tinker Bell Fairy, was inspired by the son of his close friends, Sylvia and Arthur Davis. Little Michael was an inquisitive, mischievous and outgoing 4-year-old who was constantly making up stories. He was really afraid of growing old and periodically suffered from nightmares, which included a terrible sailor (Captain Hook) and evil pirates. Barry was so fond of the playful that he endowed his Peter Pan with the smallest traits of character and behavior of Michael.

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