Amazing human abilities, latest news, photos, videos. Unique people with incredible abilities

The existence of people with superpowers is direct evidence that the human body has much more capabilities than we can imagine. Who are they - the result of evolution or isolated cases of natural anomalies?

Magnet Man - Lew Tou Lin I try my best not to call him Magneto, after all, that movie villain, and Lew Tou Lin is a real person. But with an unrealistic ability to attract metal (and not only metal) objects to your body. As if some kind of force is holding them from the inside - despite the fact that each item can weigh up to 2 kg, and in total a magnet man is able to hold 36 kg. Scientists from the Malaysian University of Technology came to the conclusion that Tou Ling's skin has a certain unique "grip" property, which helps objects "stick" to the body - as if under the influence of a magnetic field. What is most strange is that this ability is inherited in the Tou Ling family, and his three grandchildren can boast of the same ability.

Supernatural Memory - Daniel Tammet

People with phenomenal mathematical abilities and powerful memory are not uncommon. They can solve complex mathematical equations faster than a computer or reproduce in memory some event of a decade ago with an accuracy of a second. However, Daniel Tammet is the first to describe how his brain works while doing this.
For Daniel, each integer from 0 to 10,000 has its own image and distinctive characteristics, such as texture, shape, color, and feel. For example, the number 289 looks very ugly, the number 333 is much more attractive, and the number Pi is almost perfect. Daniel has Asperger's Syndrome and his method allows him to memorize numbers and events with incredible accuracy. For example, he can reproduce pi up to 22514 decimal places, which he did as a demonstration in 2004. It took 5 hours and 9 minutes.

Eagle Vigilance - Veronica Seider

In the cinema, we have repeatedly seen heroes that have “super vision” and are able to see even a fly that is a kilometer away from them. Famous shooters Eagle Eye and Legolas are just one of them. But in the real world, such a person exists, and this is Veronica Seider - the world champion in looking at the smallest objects at long distances without the use of binoculars or any other optics. It has been proven that she is able to distinguish people who are at a distance of 1.6 km from her. Her vision is 20 times sharper than that of an ordinary person.

Sonar Vision – Daniel Kish and Ben Underwood

Do you know how bats "see"? With the help of echolocation: they make special sounds, and then their auditory system picks up reflections of sounds from obstacles. Ben Underwood had the same ability: he used sounds to "see" despite losing his sight to retinoblastoma, an eye cancer. It is not clear how, but he managed to develop an extraordinary ability to echolocation. By making sharp clicks of his tongue, he "saw" objects so well that it greatly improved his quality of life. Sadly, Ben Underwood died in 2009 due to a recurrence of cancer. Ben was the brightest of Daniel Kish's students. Daniel is blind and also navigates the world using echolocation (called "sonar vision"). He is so good at it that he helps other blind people by teaching them to "see" the world around him the way he does.

The Beast Charmer - Kevin Richardson

Kevin is a South African behavioral zoologist who studies animal behavior. He understands them so well that several lion prides and some packs of hyenas literally accepted him into their membership. He eats, sleeps and plays with these animals like they are his family. When communicating with wild animals, Kevin trusts intuition more than book rules. He is known for treating lions as highly evolved creatures, showing them his respect and emphasizing a sense of community and family rather than harshly repressing and training them.
But Kevin warns that his work is dangerous and advises no one to follow in his footsteps without proper training. He communicates and makes friends only with animals that have grown before his eyes. Still, the beasts had scratched and bitten and wounded him many times... although they had never done it on purpose.

The Man Who Sees Music - Arthur Lintgen

Some people are not able to learn a second language, but the American doctor Arthur Lintgen can read the language of records: by the pattern of the grooves and their color, he determines which piece of music is recorded there. But Arthur doesn't claim to be a superhero. He attributes his skill to musical erudition and says that it extends only to classical music from Beethoven onward. The earlier works, he says, are too similar in structure and difficult to recognize. And when they gave him a record that contained an Alice Cooper album, Lintgen said that it looked like a jumble of sounds and sounded like gibberish. However, Arthur Lintgen's ability is unique in its own way.

Computer Man - Shakuntala Devi

Shakuntala Devi (1929 - 2013) is a clear proof that the human brain is capable of extraordinary things like incredibly complex and fast arithmetic calculations. Once, a Berkeley professor asked Shakuntala to calculate the cube root of 61,629,875 and the seventh root of 170,859,375. To the professor's surprise, Shakuntala gave the answers (395 and 15, respectively) in just a few seconds. In 1977, at the University of Dallas, she managed to extract the 23rd root of a number of 201 characters in 50 seconds! The university computer confirmed the correctness of the results shown, but it took more than a minute to work.

Photographic Memory – Stephen Wiltshire

If you have not seen the work of this artist, then you should definitely do it. Steven is an autistic artist who can reproduce from memory the most detailed landscape of any city that he happens to see from a height. All it takes is a short helicopter flight over the city and Stephen will use his photographic memory to create a panoramic image of it with amazing accuracy.

Iceman - Wim Hof

While ordinary people trying to climb Mount Everest or Kilimanjaro are properly insulated, Dutch daredevil Wim Hof ​​performs such tricks in nothing but shorts. Extremely cold-hardy, Hof says he uses the tantric tummo meditation technique, a method of developing inner warmth used by Tibetan yogis, to help regulate body temperature. Wim Hof ​​is the absolute world champion in bathing in a bath filled with pieces of ice. An ordinary person cannot stay in such a bath for more than 15-20 minutes. Hof's record is almost two hours.

Super Samurai - Isao Machii

The Japanese master of martial art Iaido owns the techniques of real samurai. He can predict the trajectory of an object with such frightening accuracy that he calmly cuts the object in half with his sword - and can do this at least every second. He is the fastest man with a sword not only in Japan, but in the whole world. Machii can cut through plastic bullets flying at a speed of 300 km/h. Looks like he really is a superhero.

Jaws of Steel - Radhakrishnan Velu

It is impossible to imagine what strength a person must have who is able to drag a train of several cars with his own teeth, as Radhakrishnan Velu, a native of Malaysia, does. For such strong teeth, he is called the "Tooth King". And it's still not clear - how can you drag a train weighing 260.8 tons over a distance of 4.2 meters, excuse me, with your teeth? The Tooth King claims that when he was 14, an Indian guru taught him to use his teeth to control all parts of the body.

The Man Who Never Sleeps - Thai Ngoc

Have you ever tried not sleeping for more than 48 hours? Bad experience. Even one sleepless night has a very bad effect on the well-being of an ordinary person, but with the Vietnamese peasant Thai Ngok, everything is different. He hasn't slept since 1973. He himself believes that the fever he suffered then became the cause of insomnia. All these years, this man has been trying to sleep - with the help of drugs and even alcohol, but to no avail. Surprisingly, doctors do not find any abnormalities and serious diseases in him and say that everything is in order with his health.

Super Endurance - Dean Karnazes

There is the endurance of an ordinary person and there is the endurance of the American Dean Karnazes. Dean is a long-distance runner and super marathon runner. And if he is fed and watered in a timely manner, he can run endlessly, literally until retirement. In other words, his stamina level is so high and his energy regenerates so fast that he can run without stopping. Among his achievements are, for example, the following: running on a treadmill for 80 hours (560 km) and 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days.

Stomach of Steel – Michel Lotito

The Frenchman Michel Lotito (1950 - 2007) had an insatiable appetite for completely inedible objects. It is clear that with such abilities a direct road to pop artists. At his performances, "Monsieur Eat Everything" absorbed objects made of metal, glass, rubber and plastic, and even indigestion did not torment him later. And he is also known for dismantling and gradually eating (over two years) an entire plane. The walls of Lotito's stomach were twice as thick as they should be, and his gastric juices were also working unusually hard and allowed him to digest everything.

Electric Man - Raj Mohan Nair

Electricity is dangerous, everyone knows that. An electric shock of even one tenth of an ampere can be fatal... but not for Raj Mohan Nair. A current of up to 10 amperes can be passed through his body and this will not cause him any harm. The only side effect is a momentary blindness. The story of how Raj Mohan discovered his superpower is tragic. When he was 7 years old, his mother died. Unable to cope with grief, the boy tried to commit suicide by climbing a power line pole and grabbing an exposed wire. To his surprise, he survived and realized that he had an extraordinary ability. The resistance of his body to electric current is 10 times higher than that of an ordinary person. Therefore, he can take bare wires in his hands and pretend to be an electrical circuit.

Each of us has heard about popular superheroes with unrealistic superpowers, but in the real world there is also a place for people with amazing abilities. Although the abilities of these people cannot be compared with the flights of Superman and the web of Spiderman, but unlike them, the heroes of this article can use their abilities in the real world. Here are the stories of 10 people who have really impressive abilities, reminiscent of the X-Men team.

Gino Martino - Anvil Man

Gino Martino is an American professional wrestler and entertainer who shocks audiences with his incredible ability to break hard objects with his head, including iron bars, baseball bats, and concrete blocks. His skull even withstood bowling balls falling from a height of five meters. According to doctors, this unusual physical ability of Gino is due to the fact that he naturally has a super-strong skull. For this he was nicknamed the Anvil Man.

Tim Cridland - King of Torture

Tim Cridland, performing under the stage name "Zamora - King of Torture", for decades has demonstrated to the world his unique ability - exceptional tolerance for pain. He stabbed himself with swords, swallowed fire and swords, lay down on nails - and this is just a small part of those dangerous tricks that he did throughout his career. Tim is a Guinness World Record holder.

Wim Hof ​​- ice man

Dutchman Wim Hof ​​has an amazing ability to withstand extremely low temperatures. He ran marathons barefoot in the snow, plunged into cold water and set a world record for staying in an ice bath - 1 hour 52 minutes. In addition, Wim Hof ​​climbed to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro wearing only shorts, for which he received the nickname "The Iceman". The man claims that he has reached a state in which he absolutely does not feel cold, solely due to meditation. Researchers have confirmed that Wim is indeed able to consciously control his autonomic nervous system and immune system responses.

Masutatsu Oyama could take down a bull with one blow.

Masutatsu Oyama (1923-1994) was a martial artist and champion that no one could beat. They say that in three days he fought a hundred fights with various opponents lasting no more than two minutes and emerged victorious from each. Masutatsu Oyama also became famous for fighting angry bulls with his bare hands and could knock them down with just one blow.

Tibetan monks practicing tummo are able to produce with their own body great amount heat

Buddhist monks who practice tummo (inner fire yoga) are known to be able to increase their own body temperature to incredibly high levels without a single movement of a muscle. To demonstrate their extraordinary abilities, they put large towels soaked in ice water on their shoulders, and within an hour after deep meditation they become completely dry. The ability of a person to consciously raise the temperature of his own body has not yet been explained by science.

Master Zhou - "Pearl of China"

Master Zhou is a healer and master of Taijiquan, Kung Fu and Qigong. "Qi" in the word "qigong" is translated as "heat"; this is precisely the extraordinary ability of Master Zhou: he has a rare gift with his own hands to heat objects. He demonstrated his outstanding talent by drying clay and bringing water to a boil. Master Zhou also uses his unique ability to cure tumors, body pain, and a host of other ailments that plague the common people. Among his patients were such famous personalities as the Dalai Lama and members of the Los Angeles Lakers basketball team. For his exceptional gift, Master Zhou was nicknamed the "Pearl of China". He claims that the appearance of “chi” energy in his hands is the result of constant meditation.

Michel Lotito - "monsieur will eat everything"

The Frenchman Michel Lotito (1950-2007) was not without reason called ‘Monsieur Mangetout’ in his homeland, which in Russian sounds like “Misier will eat everything”. Between 1959 and 1997, he literally swallowed about nine tons of metal objects, including an airplane, seven televisions, 18 bicycles, 15 shopping carts, a coffin and part of the Eiffel Tower. What is the reason for the manifestation of such a shocking ability in Lotito? This rare phenomenon in science and medicine is known as "picacism" - an eating disorder that is expressed in cravings for inedible substances. It, along with an unusually thick gastric mucosa, allowed Lotito to consume a huge amount of metal, which, by the way, he cut into small pieces, poured vegetable oil on and swallowed with water. Michel Lotito died, oddly enough, of natural causes.

Isao Machii - Super Samurai

Isao Machii stuns audiences with his incredible swordsmanship, able to cut in half a plastic bullet fired from an airgun that travels at over 320 km/h. Isao's stunt was captured on video; watching it in slow motion, the researchers were very surprised at how accurate and lightning-fast the movements and reactions of the young super samurai were.

Ben Andenrvud - navigated in space with the help of sounds

Ben Andenrwood was born in 1992; At the age of three, he underwent a complex operation, during which both eyes were removed. But Ben was significantly different from other visually impaired people: he did not need a cane or a guide dog, but all because he learned to navigate in space with the help of sounds. By the age of five, Ben had developed the ability to echolocation, a skill that allows him to "see" the surrounding objects through the perception of sound signals reflected from them. Thanks to this, he, like all normal children, could ride a skateboard, play football, defend himself from hooligans, and so on. Unfortunately, Ben could not overcome the disease that led him to complete blindness. He died in 2009 at the age of 16.

Natalia Demkina - x-ray vision

Natalia Demkina first discovered her unique ability to see through human skin at the age of ten and has been using it ever since to diagnose people who seek her help. To prove or disprove the girl's claims that she has X-ray vision, medical experts conducted a number of extensive studies with her participation.

In 2004, the Discovery Channel released a documentary about the extraordinary abilities of Natalia Demkina called "The Girl with X-Ray Eyes". During a study conducted by the Committee for Skeptical Research (CSR), Natasha was asked to determine the health status of six volunteers who had undergone surgery or had physical abnormalities. The girl examined the patients for four hours and was able to correctly diagnose four of them. Representatives of the CSI considered these results inconclusive, and the study ended there. Nevertheless, Natalia continues to help sick people to this day.

Do you think many people think about the limits of our capabilities? Probably only those who urgently need to achieve high results. For example, athletes. Ordinary people don't think much about such things. Yes, and why? And so there are enough problems. Nevertheless, it is extremely interesting. After all, there are so many unusual, incredible things on the planet that are worth knowing. It is good that the information field has now become immensely large. It has a place for all kinds of phenomena and facts. The most unusual people of the world also took their place there, showing us evidence of the boundless possibilities of nature. At the same time, such extraordinary characteristics belong to different areas: appearance, abilities, anatomical features, and so on. Let's look at examples.

Unusual can be brought up?

We just think that we are all special. In fact, the capabilities of the human body are very limited (unless he is unconscious, of course). But the most unusual people in the world are completely different. Their organisms are capable of such "feats" that an ordinary person does not even dare to think about. For example, by name he became famous for the fact that he does not feel the cold at all. You say that anyone can undress and stand in the cold? And three days in a row, and even under medical supervision? You can't fake that! But this gentleman did. At the same time, experts came to the conclusion that the body did not respond to such stress. As he worked, he continued, as if Wim was basking in bed, and not in a barrel on ice.

Such unusual people (photo - in the article), like Hof, are born quite rarely. Or maybe they do not want to become the object of research. However, the “hero” himself does not consider himself special at all. In an interview, he openly said that he had learned not to react to frost using a special technique. He spoke with gratitude about the teachings of Tummo, which gave him the ability to control the body.

But Daniel, who lives in the UK, got an unusual gift from birth. This person is famous for "seeing" the color of the numbers! Since he has autism, it was quite difficult to find out. As you know, such people are not very inclined to communicate. Nevertheless, Daniel tries to lead an active life. He even teaches mathematics remotely. So, his gift was discovered by accident. It turns out that he can calculate in his mind just like a modern computer. Imagine, it is not difficult for him to divide, for example, fifteen by ninety-seven. Daniel performs the operation instantly and names the result with incredible accuracy. It can dictate over a hundred decimal places. If you dig further, it turns out that the most unusual people in the world are not even capable of this!

About memory

In a certain (secret) corner of the planet lives a young woman who has demonstrated the miracles described by many esotericists. This lady remembers the smallest details of her every day. By the way, the girl (twenty-five years old) turned out to be so open and unsophisticated that she spoke about her unusual ability, even, they say, it was reported in the press. There were many who wanted to check her revelations. All the curious were satisfied. The lady was really not confused about the dates and details. Only these distrustful personalities turned out to be so many that they had to turn to the police for protection. Now its data is forbidden to distribute. It is understandable that people with unusual abilities want to live a normal life. Sometimes they have to do more than just from everyone's attention.

Body Features

The very world can face absolutely incredible problems. They are simply distinguished from others by something that is unique, almost inimitable. Only in our case, this quality brings only problems to a person. Here's an example for you. There is a lady named Ashley Morris. She surprised the doctors first, and then

and the whole planet is allergic to water! Imagine! Neither wash nor bathe the girl can not. Such a routine procedure can cause her death. When in contact with water, the girl becomes covered with spots. If you do not take the appropriate drugs, then Quincke's edema may begin, and then it is better not to imagine. This disease is called Aquagenic Urticaria. Ashley's image is in many medical reference books. Only unusual people dream of such fame? A photo that experts study, you see, is not the best advertisement.

"Funny" difference

Very unusual people sometimes face incredible difficulties in life. And if the disease is understandable, even the rarest, then what can you say about a girl who cannot be laughed at? Kay Underwood must be sure to remain serious. The fact is that laughter leads to relaxation of her muscles. At the same time, she is no longer able to resist. As soon as she starts laughing, Kei falls like a wreck. But this is not its only feature. Another girl can involuntarily fall asleep at any moment, against her own will. If you think about it, there is nothing funny in these differences from the majority. Some inconvenience, and nothing more.

A young musician named Chris Sands faced a similarly impactful problem. It is distinguished by a disease of the gastric valve. The disease brought the poor fellow to constant hiccups. This process

impossible to stop. He hiccups even in his sleep. Overcoming involuntary muscle contractions, Chris is trying to build a musical career, which, of course, is not so easy to do. In any case, he himself claims that hiccups do not contribute to this.

Technology as an enemy

It is known that many people are adherents of simple life. Only they strive to be closer to nature and away from civilization due to their beliefs. But one lady, whose name is Debbie, does not tolerate devices due to sensitivity to the electromagnetic fields they produce. She can’t even use a microwave oven without harm to her health. TV, computer and telephone are taboo for her. Otherwise, their radiation leads to a rash on the skin and swelling of the eyelids. In spite of your will, you will leave for the rural wilderness, where there are no towers and wires, of course, if you want to live.

The injustice of fate

When you delve into the material about extraordinary personalities, you come across absolutely incredible stories. Unusual people, as it turns out, can cause envy in almost half of the planet. There is a man in England named Perry. He grew up as a perfectly ordinary child. When he was twelve years old, the unthinkable happened. In one night, all the fat from his body disappeared. The doctors were unable to determine the cause. Analyzes, except for the content of insulin, were normal. Only now "an object of envy forever

losing weight beauties” sweeps products indiscriminately. He can eat absolutely everything, regardless of the clock, not counting calories. And the figure remains slim. Fat simply does not have time to accumulate, as nutrients are instantly processed and burned. They say that the "stars" have repeatedly asked science to figure out how to get infected with such a pleasant disease in all respects (lipodystrophy). Yes, it doesn't work.

Unusualness that you can't hide

There are many people in the world who have physical features. That's who has to put up with "popularity" that does not depend on personal will. Photos of people with an unusual appearance now and then appear in the media. Among them are, for example, Nick Vuychich. This man was born almost without limbs. It has only one small leg. There is something to despair about. However, this cheerful gentleman is pleased with everything. He successfully copes with everyday affairs, leads an active life, shares his incredible positive energy with others. Nick is known to the world as a preacher who, by his example, proves the limitlessness of human abilities. He even created a family. He recently had a son.

Photos of people with an unusual appearance can repel or attract, like or disgust. However, it must be said that they always arouse interest. For example, Rudy Santos has been living in the Philippines for sixty-nine years. He has two pairs of arms and legs. Such a change in the body occurs when one of the twins, while still in the mother's womb, "absorbs" the second. He also has an underdeveloped head with one ear. It turns out that Rudy lives for two. Maybe that's why he refused the operation to remove unnecessary parts of the body.

Unhappy unusual people

And in Vietnam, there is another "strange" child. His skin is constantly flaking, causing it to overheat. The baby constantly needs water to “cool off”. This is extremely inconvenient. But doctors shrug. It is believed that his illness was caused by chemical weapons that were used in this country. The boy, whose name is Ming An, was nicknamed "fish" for forced love for the soul.

turtle boy

Often people with an unusual appearance suffer from their features. So, Didier, a little Colombian, suffered from a melanocytic virus for six years. This led to the appearance on his back of a birthmark of such incredible size that it resembled a tortoise shell. I must say that the baby lived in the countryside, which created additional inconvenience for his family. The locals did not allow their offspring to play with an unusual child, suspecting a “devilish beginning” in him. Only the compassion of a British doctor saved the boy from eternal damnation and the fate of an outcast. Neil Bulstrode promptly removed the “shell”, after which Didier became the most ordinary child, no longer distinguished by his peers.

tree man

But in Indonesia, you will be assured that the most unusual people in history live in their country. In any case, the name will definitely be called. After all, this is an example of a person who, according to the beliefs of local residents, was able to coexist with a plant. Of course, any doctor will challenge this statement. However, Joseph is not called anything other than a tree-man. And it's all about his rare illness. He suffers from a fungus (epidermodysplasia verruciformis). On his body all the time growing formations that resemble the bark of a tree. Warts covered most of the surface of his skin. He had surgery to remove them. But Joseph cannot be completely cured. The fungus is not amenable to drug exposure. It is difficult for a poor person to use his hands and walk. You have to remove the "growths" again.

Unrecognized twin

Unusual people of the planet do not immediately "give out" their features. Such a case happened in Kazakhstan. Alamyan Nematilaev was examined by a school nurse who found his large belly strange. The child was sent to the hospital. What was the surprise of the doctors when in the boy's stomach was found ... his twin! The "fruit" weighed two kilograms and had a length of twenty centimeters. Imagine, for seven years the boy carried his brother in himself and did not suspect it! They performed an operation, as a result of which Alamyan was completely “cured”.

The fact that he turned out to be "pregnant", he, of course, was not told. But his brother was carefully examined. He looked like a six month old fetus. Doctors say it grew and developed in the boy's belly. Amazing case! It is believed that such an anomaly could result from radioactive radiation.

About elephant people

Such a “defect” in appearance has been sufficiently studied. From time to time, people appear on earth, some of whose organs grow to disproportionately large sizes. For example, Mandy Sellars, who lived in Lankshire (UK), had legs of incredible size. They weighed ninety-five kilograms. The poor fellow had to sew shoes to order. They also made a car for her that can be driven manually (without using her legs). But Hussein Bisad, a resident of the same country, distinguished himself with huge palms. From the fingertips to the wrist, this organ reached 26.9 cm.

Men are most interested in the “record” of a Chinese woman named A girl living in the village of Changa turned out to have the largest breasts. Each mammary gland weighs ten kilograms, which, according to the charmer, is extremely inconvenient. Not only do you have to sew underwear to order, but you can only sleep on your back. As the beauty herself says, one thing reassures - no silicone.

There are many interesting things in the world. There are still women who can give birth in their eighties, like the Indian woman Omkari Panwar, and others. It is important to treat them (and information about their features) not as a circus performance, but as proof that a person can do anything. He can solve any problem, develop superpowers, an unusually positive attitude towards life, if he shows his will. Many of the examples cited demonstrate how strong a person can become, whose physical abilities, as they say, are limited. It is probably true that there is nothing more valuable than the opportunity to enjoy your stay on our planet (albeit temporary).

The incredible possibilities of the human body have always been of interest to both scientists and ordinary people. After all, some people are endowed with such strange abilities that are extremely difficult to explain from a rational point of view.

Iceman Wim Hof

Dutchman Wim Hof ​​absolutely does not feel the cold. Even in the most extreme conditions, his body does not suffer from low temperatures. A man more than once lay in the ice for a long time or conquered mountain peaks in his shorts. According to medical tests, even in severe frost, his body does not undergo any changes.

Kam Ma and 1015 rings in the body

Sunderland hairdresser Kam Ma put an incredible number of rings on his body - 1015 - without anesthesia. He endured 7 hours 55 minutes - all the time until the master's working day ended.

Bioenergy resources of Etibar Elchiev

Azerbaijani Etibar Elchiev has a unique ability - he can attract metal. In 2011, he set a record by holding 50 iron spoons on his body. He also held for half a minute on his chest a “stuck” iron hood weighing 14 kilograms, on which stood a man weighing 92 kilograms. Thus, the total weight of the cargo held was 106 kilograms.

The Amazing Spine of John Evans

John Evans' spine is to be envied. Or vice versa... A man can hold a car on his head, of course, not without the help of his hands.

The strongest grandmother Sakinat Khanapiev

At 76 years old, Sakinat will not yield to, perhaps, a super-strong girl. Grandma loves to stand on nails while lifting a weight of 24 kilograms

Strong ears of Lasha Pataray

The champion of Georgia in Greco-Roman wrestling set 2 world records in lifting weights with his ears. First, he dragged a minibus for 48 meters, attaching it to his ears with a nylon cord, then, again with his ears, he tore weights with a total weight of 52 kilograms from the ground and held them in this position for 14 seconds.

Lightning Rod Man Cleveland Sullivan

Roy Cleveland Sullivan is a man who got into the Guinness Book of Records as a man who was struck by lightning a record 7 times, after which he survived.

"Hercules" from France Pierre Gasnier

A man could lift dumbbells that weighed 2 times more than himself, and could break an iron chain by expanding his chest.

Cannonball catcher John Holtum

To become famous and make a name for himself, the circus strongman came up with the idea not only to play with heavy objects, but to catch them. Moreover, these were not weights, but real cannonballs, which are fired from cannons.

Kevin Richardson has the ability to "understand animals"

Also known as the "lion gossip", Kevin Richardson has become a worldwide legend thanks to his friendship with wild animals such as lions, cheetahs and hyenas. The friendship is so close that a movie was made about how Richardson sleeps, plays and walks among these wild animals.

Telescopic eyes Claudio Pinto

Claudio Pinto doesn't look like a superhuman at first glance, but he does have a special talent. He is able to pop his eyes out of their sockets and expand them up to 7 millimeters, which is approximately 95% of the eyeball.

Tibetan monks control their body temperature with their minds

Monks from Tibet have the impressive ability to change body temperature using only their minds. There is a recorded fact that they changed their temperature by as much as eight degrees Celsius.

Radhakrishnan Velu - man with steel teeth

A Malaysian with the funny nickname "Tooth King" can move a train with 7 cars using a steel rope clamped in his mouth. It was a world record as he was able to pull this 297 ton train 2.8 meters with his teeth.

Steven Wiltscher is a man with a super photographic memory.

Steven Wiltsher is an artist who paints urban landscapes in great detail. However, unlike other artists, Stephen has a particular talent for drawing realistic and accurate representations of cities just by looking at them. While an ordinary artist will need to repeatedly look at the subject for a long time in order to fully draw all the details.

Ma Xingang is Mr. Electricity.

Ma Xingang is apparently impervious to electricity.

He is able to touch live wires without feeling pain (wires that would normally kill most people) and is also able to turn on a light bulb by touching a source of electricity.

Natasha Demkina has x-ray vision

It is widely believed in Russia that a young girl named Natasha Demkina can identify diseases in patients better than their doctors. How is this possible? With her extraordinary vision. According to her, she can see through the organs of patients, which means Natasha has x-ray vision. Cool, isn't it?

Daniel Tammet is a math genius

Daniel Tammet is an autistic scientist who can perform mind-boggling mathematical calculations at incredible speed. But unlike other scientists who can accomplish similar feats, Tammet can describe how he does it. He also speaks seven languages ​​and even develops his own.

Dean Karnazes has super stamina

Most athletes and runners should stop when they reach their lactate threshold, but Dean Karnazes' muscles never tire, and because of this rare ability, he can run for days and nights without sleeping or stopping. His extraordinary feats include: running on a treadmill for eighty hours non-stop (350 miles) and running 50 marathons, in 50 states, in 50 consecutive days.

Al Herpin - a man with eternal insomnia

The average person won't go a few days without sleep, but not Al Herpin, who apparently hasn't slept in his entire life. Even though the alleged cause is unknown, some scientists believe that he lost his sleep due to his mother being severely injured days before he was born.

Tim Cridland knows how to heal quickly.

Tim Cridland is widely known for his performances, where he pierces his body with large needles, directly into muscle tissue, without feeling pain and without losing blood. After that, his wounds heal very quickly, leaving no traces.

People have always been interested in what lies beyond ordinary perception, what is inaccessible to the majority. However, along with interest, there was also fear due to the lack of reliable information and the unknown.

Recently, the paranormal or unusual abilities of people have become the subject of social and scientific research, philistine gossip and newspaper publications. What are these abilities? Where do they come from?

Despite the fact that the human body has already been well studied by doctors and scientists, there are still mysteries that are beyond our understanding. There are many amazing cases that happened to ordinary people and published in the press. Some events simply cannot be explained by modern science.

So, perhaps the most famous case occurred when a mother was walking with her little son and was distracted. The child ran out onto the road and was hit by a car. Seeing this picture, the baby's mother rushed to his aid and lifted the car. It is this case that in our time is most often described by scientists as proof that the human body has hidden abilities.

Another fairly well-known incident occurred during the war. The pilot's steering jammed due to a bolt in the mechanism. Under pain of death, the pilot began to pull the handle with all his might and miraculously managed to straighten the plane. After landing, the mechanics carefully examined the control, and found a sheared bolt. As a result of the examination, it turned out that in order to cut off such a bolt, a force of 500 kilograms would be required.

One man was walking through the forest and accidentally stumbled upon a sleeping bear. Out of fear, he grabbed a log lying nearby and rushed to run towards the nearby village. When the danger was over, he threw the log on the ground, caught his breath and looked at it. It turned out to be a huge tree trunk, which he then could not drag alone from the road. The man could not even explain to himself why he grabbed this log.

But such incredible stories happen not only when it comes to your own salvation.

There is another case. When the child fell out of the window of the 7th floor, his mother managed to grab it with one hand, and with the other she held on to the brick of the eaves, and only with two fingers - index and middle. She held on until the arrival of rescuers, who then with difficulty unclenched her fingers.

A 70-year-old woman carried 13 kilometers on her back, her 40-year-old son, who had an accident, never stopped and never lowered him to the ground.

Some researchers claim that a person uses his abilities only by 10%. And this applies to both the body and the brain.

The doctor hypnologist Vul demonstrated an amazing ability - he had the ability to inspire at a distance. Vul sent a letter by mail, in which the word was written in his handwriting: "Sleep!" If before that the patient had already been at the reception of this doctor, then when he received the letter, he immediately fell into a dream.

A pop artist from France, Michel Lotito, had an amazing ability - he can eat everything he sees. When he was still a child, he "ate" the TV, and from the age of 15 he began to entertain people for money by eating rubber, glass and metal. For the fact that Michel ate the plane (although it took about 2 years to eat it), he was included in the Guinness Book of Records. Biologist K. Richardson can spend the whole night in a cage with lions. For unknown reasons, the lions mistake Richardson for their own. Thai Ngoc from Vietnam hasn't slept at all since 1973 - it started after he had a fever.

Monica Tejada Phenomenon

There are many similar inexplicable phenomena in our world. Monica Tejada from Spain demonstrates an amazing phenomenon to scientists. Under her gaze, even metal objects bend.

There are no tricks here. Scientists placed a steel wire into a sealed glass vessel. However, this did not stop Monica from bending a hard thread into the shape of a dinosaur with a closed mouth. Instruments during this process recorded an increase in the girl's body temperature and a decrease in her blood pressure. This combination leads doctors to a dead end. At the same time, the electroencephalograph showed biocurrents characteristic of a sleeping person. Monica has another gift - she can diagnose diseases.

In the state of New Jersey on the outskirts of Trenton in the 40s, there lived a 90-year-old man named Al Herpin. There was no couch or bed in his hut - Al Herpin had never slept in his entire life. An old man who lived to that age outlived the doctors who examined him. Al Herpin's appetite and health were good, mental capacity average. Of course, after a day's work he was tired, but he could not sleep. The old man simply sat in an armchair and read until he felt rested. After the restoration of physical strength, he again set to work. The doctors could not explain the chronic insomnia of their patient, just as they could not explain the source of his longevity.

A case is known that occurred in a Russian village. There lived an old sick woman named Matryona. She could not hear well, could not see, and hardly walked. One night her house caught fire. The whole village fled to the fire. What was the surprise of people when they saw this old woman climbing over a high fence. Moreover, in her hands she held a large chest, which later several men could not lift. Where are the limits of human possibilities? And do they even exist?

In Mexico City at the 1968 Olympic Games, an athlete named Robert Beamon was able to jump almost 9 meters. Of course, this seems impossible, but Robert's record was broken. And the record, which was set in 500 BC in Ancient Greece, looks absolutely fantastic - the athlete Fail then jumped almost 17 meters in length.

In New York in 1935, an absolutely normal-looking child was born. However, he lived only 26 days. After an autopsy, it turned out that the child had no brain. Although it is known that even the slightest damage to the cerebral cortex can lead to death.

The fact that there are people in the world living with foreign objects in the body does not surprise anyone now. But here's an incident that occurred in a hospital in New York, it seems simply incredible. A man was admitted to the hospital with a slight indisposition. Doctors conducted an examination and found more than 250 objects in his body. There were only 26 keys in the patient's body. About how in his body so many objects, the man did not tell.

An equally striking case occurred with a 12-year-old Russian boy who went to a hospital in a small town complaining of dizziness and weakness. On examination, doctors found a bullet wound in the heart area. It is not known how the boy received such a wound, and most importantly, how he survived after that. X-ray determined that the bullet was in the solar artery. The boy was urgently sent to Moscow, where the bullet was removed from the body. She made an incredible journey in the body - pierced the lung and hit the heart, which pushed her into the aorta. The bullet traveled through the vessel until it hit the solar artery.

The famous psychiatrist and neurologist Cesare Lombroso had a very solid reputation in the scientific world. In his book "And what after death" he told the story of a 14-year-old girl. She became blind, but at the same time she had a completely new and amazing ability to see.

Dr. Lombroso conducted studies, as a result of which it turned out that the girl sees with her left earlobe and nose. To exclude the slightest possibility of the participation of the girl's eyes, during the experiment, the doctors covered them with a bandage so that peeping was completely excluded. However, despite the measures taken, the girl easily read blindfolded and perfectly distinguished colors.

When a bright light flashed near her earlobe, she blinked, and when the doctor wanted to put a finger to the tip of her nose, she jumped back screaming that he wanted to blind her. There was an amazing movement of the senses, which affected not only vision. When the experimenter brought the ammonia solution to the girl's nose, she did not react. But as soon as he brought the solution to his chin, she twitched in pain. She picked up scents with her chin.

I must say that some people are able to completely control the abilities of their body. These include primarily Indian yoga. Perhaps the most amazing ability of yogis is that they know how to stop the beating of their own heart. Yogis can put themselves into a state of "death" - the work of the heart and breathing slow down, and other life processes stop.

A yogi can stay in this state for quite a long time. So what are the forces hidden in man? Based on the foregoing, it can be assumed that the possibilities of the human body are endless. You just need to learn how to control them.

Diamond tears

A woman named Hanuma, who lives in Africa, has earned the nickname "diamond" for her unusual ability to cry diamonds. Since childhood, Khanuma did not cry. The first time it happened at the age of nine, when the girl was peeling onions for the first time. What was the surprise of the girl's parents when hard crystals began to fall from her eyes instead of tears.

The girl's dad was a jeweler and, having subjected small crystals, he easily determined that they were real diamonds. The parents decided to keep Khanuma's unusual abilities a secret, and dad used his daughter's crystals to make jewelry that was in great demand. One of the clients suspected something was wrong and handed over the diamond for examination, as a result of which it turned out that the stone was of organic origin. The girl became famous all over the world. But scientists have not been able to solve the mystery of diamond tears so far.

man is ice

Wim Hof, a resident of Holland, is not sensitive to any cold. Thanks to his unusual abilities, the Dutchman conquered mountain peaks in only his underwear, swam for a long time in icy water and performed many such feats.

Doctors conducted examinations of the body of an amazing person, but the results of the studies did not show any deviations from the norm in Wim's body after cold procedures. The unusual abilities of the Dutchman allow him to feel comfortable in those conditions that for any other person would be fatal.

"Perpetual Motion"

The kid, named Ret Lamba, who is three years old, has never slept in his life. He is awake around the clock. Ret's parents, of course, are not enthusiastic about their son's abilities, but most of all they were worried about the child's health. However, as repeated medical examinations have shown, the lack of sleep does not affect Ret's health in any way, the boy is absolutely healthy.

Recent studies have clarified the picture a little. It turned out that the brain and nervous system of an amazing child are arranged in a special way, thanks to which the boy does not need sleep, his brain rests while awake.

Man is a reptile

History knows cases when people had the ability to replace their skin with a new one, just like reptiles do. Born in 1851 in Missouri, S. Buskirk began to change his skin as a child. The most amazing thing is that it always happened on the same day - June 27th. The skin began to roughen, and then fell off in large pieces. She slipped off her hands and feet like gloves or socks.

After the old skin fell off it, one could observe in its place young pink and tender skin, like that which newborn babies have. For several years, Mr. Baskirk has assembled a "leather" collection.

Luminous patient

Anna Monaro, who suffered from asthma, in 1934 became like a fluorescent lamp. During her illness, a bluish glow emanated from her chest. This phenomenon lasted several weeks and was documented by doctors. Sometimes the color of the glow changed to red and green. No one has yet been able to explain this phenomenon.

One psychiatrist suggested that "the phenomenon is caused by electrical and magnetic organisms that have developed sufficiently strongly in the body of this woman and therefore emit a radiance" - in other words, another way to say: "I do not know." Another doctor proposed the theory of electromagnetic radiation, linking it to certain chemical components found in the patient's skin, which was close to the then fashionable theory of bioluminescence.

Dr. Protti, who made a lengthy statement regarding his observations of Signora Monaro, suggested that her poor health, together with starvation and piety, increased the amount of sulfides in the blood. Human blood emits rays in the ultraviolet range, and sulfides can be made to luminesce by ultraviolet radiation, which explains the radiance emanating from Signora Monaro's chest (Times, May 5, 1934).

Anna Monaro

The proposed theory did not explain the strange periodicity or localization of the bluish flashes, and soon the bewildered researchers finally fell silent.

Gould and Pyle's 1937 Anomalies and Curiosities in Medicine describes the case of a woman with breast cancer. The light emanating from the diseased area of ​​​​the chest was sufficient to see the dial of the clock, which was at a distance of several feet ...

In Death: Its Causes and Related Phenomena by Hareward Carrington, there is a mention of a child who died of indigestion. After death, the boy's body began to emit a bluish glow and spread heat. Attempts to extinguish this radiance did not lead to anything, but soon it stopped on its own. When the body was lifted from the bed, it was found that the sheet under it was burned ... The only case of light emission by a practically healthy person (not counting, of course, saints) is described in the English Mechanic magazine of September 24, 1869:

“An American woman, going to bed, discovered a glow in the upper part of the fourth toe of her right foot. When she rubbed her leg, the glow increased and some unknown force pushed her fingers apart. A stench emanated from the foot, and both the light emission and the smell did not stop even when the foot was immersed in a basin of water. Even soap could not extinguish or reduce the glow. This phenomenon lasted three quarters of an hour, and the husband of this woman watched him.

The church treats the phenomenon of "firefly people" approvingly. Pope Benedict XIV wrote: “... It should be recognized as a fact - the presence of a natural flame, which sometimes becomes visible around the human head, and it also seems to be true that sometimes fire can emanate from the whole body of a person, but not like a fire rushing upward, but rather in the form of sparks flying in all directions.

People are lightning

The body of an ordinary person is able to generate in small quantities, but not to store electricity. However, there are people whose unusual abilities lie in the fact that they can accumulate electricity in themselves, and, if necessary, dump it on surrounding objects.

So, for example, in the journal Prediction, an article was published in 1953, which told about a baby who electrocuted doctors. For another whole day, he retained tension in himself and was dangerous to others.

But it also happens that unusual abilities wake up in people only with age. A Chinese worker in 1988 began to notice some changes in his body, but could not understand what it was until he accidentally electrocuted his colleague, knocking him off his feet.

Rif Mukharyanov is one of those people who managed to survive after being struck by lightning.

Back in 1965, Reef was struck by ball lightning, and he miraculously survived. Over time, he began to see strange dreams, which soon began to come true - his psychic abilities began to wake up.

When he fully recovered from his illness, his good friend fell seriously ill. The doctors did not know what to do, and only shrugged, and it was then that Reef decided to take advantage of his new opportunities. Literally two weeks later, a friend stood firmly on his feet.

living magnet

There are people who have magnetism. The most amazing case of the manifestation of magnetic abilities is the case of the American Frank McKinstry. His body was pulled towards the ground. The magnetism was especially strong in the morning. Frank had to move very quickly, without stopping, because his body stuck to the ground, if he stopped for a couple of seconds, and then, without outside help, the man could no longer continue moving.

Often people do not realize that they have some unusual abilities. Erika Zur Strinberg, a German resident, discovered the magnetic abilities of her body after watching a TV show that talked about the magnetism of a Russian woman, Natalia Petrasova.

For the sake of interest, the German put a spoon to her chest and she “stuck” to the woman. Eric then had almost all the cutlery hung on himself to make sure he had an unusual ability.

Unusual abilities yet to be unraveled

Many scientists agree that this kind of ability is potentially inherent in every person, but they manifest themselves only in extreme situations or after severe life shocks. An example of this hypothesis is the soothsayer Vanga, who, having lost her sight, gained the ability to foresee the future, the present of people and their past.

Also, the famous German clairvoyant Wolf Messing became the owner of his unusual abilities after he had been in a state of clinical death for a long time. It happened when Messing was eleven years old.

There are many cases when people, after coming out of clinical death, acquired the ability to read minds, speak in previously unknown or even dead languages. An amazing incident happened to the polar explorer Grigory Popov. While repairing the aircraft, Grigory heard some rustle behind him, turning around, he saw a polar bear - one of the most dangerous predators. The pilot did not have time to understand anything, as he was already at a height of two meters - on the wing of the aircraft. He got there in one jump.

Does every person have some hidden abilities or only exceptional individuals have them? Why were these abilities given to them, do these people have any purpose from above? Modern science is not able to give answers to the questions posed, since they lie in a plane that is not yet included in the scope of serious scientific research.

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