People with extraordinary abilities. People with unusual abilities, appearance and deviations

People have always been interested in what lies beyond ordinary perception, what is inaccessible to the majority. However, along with interest, there was also fear due to the lack of reliable information and the unknown. Recently, the paranormal or unusual abilities of people have become the subject of social and scientific research, philistine gossip and newspaper publications. What are these abilities? Where do they come from?

Despite the fact that the human body has already been well studied by doctors and scientists, there are still mysteries that are beyond our understanding. There are many amazing cases that happened to ordinary people and published in the press. Some events simply cannot be explained by modern science.

So, perhaps the most famous case occurred when a mother was walking with her little son and was distracted. The child ran out onto the road and was hit by a car. Seeing this picture, the baby's mother rushed to his aid and lifted the car. It is this case that in our time is most often described by scientists as proof that the human body has hidden abilities.

Another fairly well-known incident occurred during the war. The pilot's steering jammed due to a bolt in the mechanism. Under pain of death, the pilot began to pull the handle with all his might and miraculously managed to straighten the plane. After landing, the mechanics carefully examined the control, and found a sheared bolt. As a result of the examination, it turned out that in order to cut off such a bolt, a force of 500 kilograms would be required.

One man was walking through the forest and accidentally stumbled upon a sleeping bear. Out of fear, he grabbed a log lying nearby and rushed to run towards the nearby village. When the danger was over, he threw the log on the ground, caught his breath and looked at it. It turned out to be a huge tree trunk, which he then could not drag alone from the road. The man could not even explain to himself why he grabbed this log.

But such incredible stories happen not only when it comes to your own salvation.

There is another case. When the child fell out of the window of the 7th floor, his mother managed to grab with one hand, and with the other she held on to the brick of the eaves, and only with two fingers - index and middle. She held on until the arrival of rescuers, who then with difficulty unclenched her fingers.

A 70-year-old woman carried 13 kilometers on her back with her 40-year-old son who had an accident, never stopping and never lowering him to the ground.

Some researchers claim that a person uses his abilities only by 10%. And this applies to both the body and the brain.

The doctor hypnologist Vul demonstrated an amazing ability - he had the ability to inspire at a distance. Vul sent a letter by mail, in which the word was written in his handwriting: "Sleep!" If before that the patient had already been at the reception of this doctor, then when he received the letter, he immediately fell into a dream.

A pop artist from France, Michel Lotito, had an amazing ability - he can eat everything he sees. When he was still a child, he "ate" the TV, and from the age of 15 he began to entertain people for money by eating rubber, glass and metal. For the fact that Michel ate the plane (although it took about 2 years to eat it), he was included in the Guinness Book of Records. Biologist K. Richardson can spend the whole night in a cage with lions. For unknown reasons, the lions mistake Richardson for their own. Thai Ngoc from Vietnam hasn't slept at all since 1973 - it started after he had a fever.

Monica Tejada Phenomenon

There are many similar inexplicable phenomena in our world. Monica Tejada from Spain demonstrates an amazing phenomenon to scientists. Under her gaze, even metal objects bend.

There are no tricks here. Scientists placed a steel wire into a sealed glass vessel. However, this did not stop Monica from bending a hard thread into the shape of a dinosaur with a closed mouth. Instruments during this process recorded an increase in the girl's body temperature and a decrease in her blood pressure. This combination leads doctors to a dead end. At the same time, the electroencephalograph showed biocurrents characteristic of a sleeping person. Monica has another gift - she can diagnose diseases.

In the state of New Jersey on the outskirts of Trenton in the 40s, there lived a 90-year-old man named Al Herpin. There was no couch or bed in his hut - Al Herpin had never slept in his entire life. An old man who lived to that age outlived the doctors who examined him. Al Herpin's appetite and health were good, mental capacity average. Of course, after a day's work he was tired, but he could not sleep. The old man simply sat in an armchair and read until he felt rested. After the restoration of physical strength, he again set to work. The doctors could not explain the chronic insomnia of their patient, just as they could not explain the source of his longevity.

A case is known that occurred in a Russian village. There lived an old sick woman named Matryona. She could not hear well, could not see, and hardly walked. One night her house caught fire. The whole village fled to the fire. What was the surprise of people when they saw this old woman climbing over a high fence. Moreover, in her hands she held a large chest, which later several men could not lift. Where are the limits of human possibilities? And do they even exist?

In Mexico City at the 1968 Olympic Games, an athlete named Robert Beamon was able to jump almost 9 meters. Of course, this seems impossible, but Robert's record was broken. And the record, which was set in 500 BC in Ancient Greece, looks absolutely fantastic - the athlete Fail then jumped almost 17 meters in length.

In New York in 1935, an absolutely normal-looking child was born. However, he lived only 26 days. After an autopsy, it turned out that the child had no brain. Although it is known that even the slightest damage to the cerebral cortex can lead to death.

The fact that there are people in the world living with foreign objects in the body does not surprise anyone now. But here's an incident that occurred in a hospital in New York, it seems simply incredible. A man was admitted to the hospital with a slight indisposition. Doctors conducted an examination and found more than 250 objects in his body. There were only 26 keys in the patient's body. About how in his body so many objects, the man did not tell.

An equally striking case occurred with a 12-year-old Russian boy who went to a hospital in a small town complaining of dizziness and weakness. On examination, doctors found a bullet wound in the heart area. It is not known how the boy received such a wound, and most importantly, how he survived after that. X-ray determined that the bullet was in the solar artery. The boy was urgently sent to Moscow, where the bullet was removed from the body. She made an incredible journey in the body - pierced the lung and hit the heart, which pushed her into the aorta. The bullet traveled through the vessel until it hit the solar artery.

The famous psychiatrist and neurologist Cesare Lombroso had a very solid reputation in the scientific world. In his book "And what after death" he told the story of a 14-year-old girl. She became blind, but at the same time she had a completely new and amazing ability to see.

Dr. Lombroso conducted studies, as a result of which it turned out that the girl sees with her left earlobe and nose. To exclude the slightest possibility of the participation of the girl's eyes, during the experiment, the doctors covered them with a bandage so that peeping was completely excluded. However, despite the measures taken, the girl easily read blindfolded and perfectly distinguished colors.

When a bright light flashed near her earlobe, she blinked, and when the doctor wanted to put a finger to the tip of her nose, she jumped back screaming that he wanted to blind her. There was an amazing movement of the senses, which affected not only vision. When the experimenter brought the ammonia solution to the girl's nose, she did not react. But as soon as he brought the solution to his chin, she twitched in pain. She picked up scents with her chin.

I must say that some people are able to completely control the abilities of their body. These include primarily Indian yoga. Perhaps the most amazing ability of yogis is that they know how to stop the beating of their own heart. Yogis can put themselves into a state of "death" - the work of the heart and breathing slow down, and other life processes stop.

A yogi can stay in this state for quite a long time. So what are the forces hidden in man? Based on the foregoing, it can be assumed that the possibilities of the human body are endless. You just need to learn how to control them.

Diamond tears

A woman named Hanuma, who lives in Africa, has earned the nickname "diamond" for her unusual ability to cry diamonds. Since childhood, Khanuma did not cry. The first time it happened at the age of nine, when the girl was peeling onions for the first time. What was the surprise of the girl's parents when hard crystals began to fall from her eyes instead of tears.

The girl's dad was a jeweler and, having subjected small crystals, he easily determined that they were real diamonds. The parents decided to keep Khanuma's unusual abilities a secret, and dad used his daughter's crystals to make jewelry that was in great demand. One of the clients suspected something was wrong and handed over the diamond for examination, as a result of which it turned out that the stone was of organic origin. The girl became famous all over the world. But scientists have not been able to solve the mystery of diamond tears so far.

man is ice

Wim Hof, a resident of Holland, is not sensitive to any cold. Thanks to his unusual abilities, the Dutchman conquered mountain peaks in only his underwear, swam for a long time in icy water and performed many similar feats.

Doctors conducted examinations of the body of an amazing person, but the results of the studies did not show any deviations from the norm in Wim's body after cold procedures. The Dutchman's unusual abilities allow him to feel comfortable in those conditions that would be fatal for any other person.

"Perpetual Motion"

The kid, named Ret Lamba, who is three years old, has never slept in his life. He is awake around the clock. Ret's parents, of course, are not enthusiastic about their son's abilities, but most of all they were worried about the child's health. However, as repeated medical examinations have shown, the lack of sleep does not affect Ret's health in any way, the boy is absolutely healthy.

Recent studies have clarified the picture a little. It turned out that the brain and nervous system of an amazing child are arranged in a special way, thanks to which the boy does not need sleep, his brain rests while awake.

Man is a reptile

History knows cases when people had the ability to replace their skin with a new one, just like reptiles do. Born in 1851 in Missouri, S. Buskirk began to change his skin as a child. The most amazing thing is that it always happened on the same day - June 27th. The skin began to roughen, and then fell off in large pieces. She slipped off her hands and feet like gloves or socks.

After the old skin fell off it, one could observe in its place young pink and tender skin, like that which newborn babies have. For several years, Mr. Baskirk has assembled a "leather" collection.

Luminous patient

Anna Monaro, who suffered from asthma, in 1934 became like a fluorescent lamp. During her illness, a bluish glow emanated from her chest. This phenomenon lasted several weeks and was documented by doctors. Sometimes the color of the glow changed to red and green. No one has yet been able to explain this phenomenon.

One psychiatrist suggested that "the phenomenon is caused by electrical and magnetic organisms that have developed strongly enough in the body of this woman and therefore emit a radiance" - in other words, another way to say: "I do not know." Another doctor proposed the theory of electromagnetic radiation, linking it to certain chemical components found in the patient's skin, which was close to the then fashionable theory of bioluminescence.

Dr. Protti, who made a lengthy statement regarding his observations of Signora Monaro, suggested that her poor health, together with starvation and piety, increased the amount of sulfides in the blood. Human blood emits rays in the ultraviolet range, and sulfides can be made to luminesce by ultraviolet radiation, which explains the radiance emanating from Signora Monaro's chest (Times, May 5, 1934).

Anna Monaro

The proposed theory did not explain the strange periodicity or localization of the bluish flashes, and soon the bewildered researchers finally fell silent.

Gould and Pyle's 1937 Anomalies and Curiosities in Medicine describes the case of a woman with breast cancer. The light emanating from the diseased area of ​​​​the chest was sufficient to see the dial of the clock, which was at a distance of several feet ...

In Death: Its Causes and Related Phenomena by Hareward Carrington, there is a mention of a child who died of indigestion. After death, the boy's body began to emit a bluish glow and spread heat. Attempts to extinguish this radiance did not lead to anything, but soon it stopped on its own. When the body was lifted from the bed, it was found that the sheet under it was burned ... The only case of light emission by a practically healthy person (not counting, of course, saints) is described in the English Mechanic magazine of September 24, 1869:

“An American woman, going to bed, discovered a glow in the upper part of the fourth toe of her right foot. When she rubbed her leg, the glow increased and some unknown force pushed her fingers apart. A stench emanated from the foot, and both the light emission and the smell did not stop even when the foot was immersed in a basin of water. Even soap could not extinguish or reduce the glow. This phenomenon lasted three quarters of an hour, and the husband of this woman watched him.

The church treats the phenomenon of "firefly people" approvingly. Pope Benedict XIV wrote: “... It should be recognized as a fact - the presence of a natural flame, which sometimes becomes visible around the human head, and it also seems to be true that sometimes fire can emanate from the whole body of a person, but not like a fire rushing upward, but rather in the form of sparks flying in all directions.

People are lightning

The body of an ordinary person is able to generate in small quantities, but not to store electricity. However, there are people whose unusual abilities lie in the fact that they can accumulate electricity in themselves, and, if possible, dump it on surrounding objects.

So, for example, in the journal Prediction, an article was published in 1953, which told about a baby who electrocuted doctors. For another whole day, he retained tension in himself and was dangerous to others.

But it also happens that unusual abilities wake up in people only with age. A Chinese worker in 1988 began to notice some changes in his body, but could not understand what it was until he accidentally electrocuted his colleague, knocking him off his feet.

Rif Mukharyanov is one of those people who managed to survive after being struck by lightning.

Back in 1965, Reef was struck by ball lightning, and he miraculously survived. Over time, he began to see strange dreams, which soon began to come true - his psychic abilities began to wake up.

When he fully recovered from his illness, his good friend fell seriously ill. The doctors did not know what to do, and only shrugged, and it was then that Reef decided to take advantage of his new opportunities. Literally two weeks later, a friend stood firmly on his feet.

living magnet

There are people who have magnetism. The most amazing case of the manifestation of magnetic abilities is the case of the American Frank McKinstry. His body was pulled towards the ground. The magnetism was especially strong in the morning. Frank had to move very quickly, without stopping, because his body stuck to the ground, if he stopped for a couple of seconds, and then, without outside help, the man could no longer continue moving.

Often people do not realize that they have some unusual abilities. A resident of Germany, Erika Zur Strinberg, discovered the magnetic abilities of her body after watching a TV show that talked about the magnetism of a Russian woman, Natalia Petrasova.

For the sake of interest, the German put a spoon to her chest and she “stuck” to the woman. Eric was then hung up with almost all of the cutlery to make sure he had an unusual ability.

Unusual abilities yet to be unraveled

Many scientists agree that this kind of ability is potentially inherent in every person, but they manifest themselves only in extreme situations or after severe life shocks. An example of this hypothesis is the soothsayer Vanga, who, having lost her sight, gained the ability to foresee the future, the present of people and their past.

Also, the famous German clairvoyant Wolf Messing became the owner of his unusual abilities after he had been in a state of clinical death for a long time. It happened when Messing was eleven years old.

There are many cases when people, after coming out of clinical death, acquired the ability to read minds, speak in previously unknown or even dead languages. An amazing incident happened to the polar explorer Grigory Popov. While repairing the plane, Grigory heard some rustling behind him, turning around, he saw a polar bear - one of the most dangerous predators. The pilot did not have time to understand anything, as he was already at a two-meter height - on the wing of the aircraft. He got there in one jump.

Does every person have some hidden abilities or only exceptional individuals have them? Why were these abilities given to them, do these people have any purpose from above? Modern science is not able to give answers to the questions posed, since they lie in a plane that is not yet included in the scope of serious scientific research.

People have always been interested in what lies beyond ordinary perception, what is inaccessible to the majority. However, along with interest, there was also fear due to the lack of reliable information and the unknown.

Recently, the paranormal or unusual abilities of people have become the subject of social and scientific research, philistine gossip and newspaper publications. What are these abilities? Where do they come from? Official science cannot yet give an explanation for this.

Despite the fact that the human body has already been well studied by doctors and scientists, there are still mysteries that are beyond our understanding. There are many amazing cases that happened to ordinary people and published in the press. Some events simply cannot be explained by modern science. So, perhaps the most famous case occurred when a mother was walking with her little son and was distracted. The child ran out onto the road and was hit by a car. Seeing this picture, the baby's mother rushed to his aid and lifted the car. It is this case that in our time is most often described by scientists as proof that the human body has hidden abilities.

Another fairly well-known incident occurred during the war. The pilot's steering jammed due to a bolt in the mechanism. Under pain of death, the pilot began to pull the handle with all his might and miraculously managed to straighten the plane. After landing, the mechanics carefully examined the control, and found a sheared bolt. As a result of the examination, it turned out that in order to cut off such a bolt, a force of 500 kilograms would be required.

Some researchers claim that a person uses his abilities only by 10%. And this applies to both the body and the brain. Now many people demonstrate the ability to hold rather heavy objects on the chest, on the forehead and other parts of the body. The doctor hypnologist Vul demonstrated an amazing ability - he had the ability to inspire at a distance. Vul sent a letter by mail, in which the word “Sleep!” was written in his handwriting. If before that the patient had already been at the reception of this doctor, then when he received the letter, he immediately fell into a dream.

A pop artist from France, Michel Lotito, had an amazing ability - he can eat everything he sees. When he was still a child, he "ate" the TV, and from the age of 15 he began to entertain people for money by eating rubber, glass and metal. For the fact that Michel ate the plane (although it took about 2 years to eat it), he was included in the Guinness Book of Records. Biologist K. Richardson can spend the whole night in a cage with lions. For unknown reasons, the lions mistake Richardson for their own. Thai Ngoc from Vietnam hasn't slept at all since 1973 - it started after he had a fever.

There are many similar inexplicable phenomena in our world. Monica Tejada from Spain demonstrates an amazing phenomenon to scientists. Under her gaze, even metal objects bend. There are no tricks here. Scientists placed a steel wire into a sealed glass vessel. However, this did not stop Monica from bending a hard thread into the shape of a dinosaur with a closed mouth. Instruments during this process recorded an increase in the girl's body temperature and a decrease in her blood pressure. This combination leads doctors to a dead end. At the same time, the electroencephalograph showed biocurrents characteristic of a sleeping person. Monica has another gift - she can diagnose diseases.

In the state of New Jersey on the outskirts of Trenton in the 40s, there lived a 90-year-old man named Al Herpin. There was no couch or bed in his hut - Al Herpin had never slept in his entire life. An old man who lived to that age outlived the doctors who examined him. Al Herpin's appetite and health were good, mental capacity average. Of course, after a day's work he was tired, but he could not sleep. The old man simply sat in an armchair and read until he felt rested. After the restoration of physical strength, he again set to work. The doctors could not explain the chronic insomnia of their patient, just as they could not explain the source of his longevity.

A case is known that occurred in a Russian village. There lived an old sick woman named Matryona. She could not hear well, could not see, and hardly walked. One night her house caught fire. The whole village fled to the fire. What was the surprise of people when they saw this old woman climbing over a high fence. Moreover, in her hands she held a large chest, which later several men could not lift. Where are the limits of human possibilities? And do they even exist?

In New York in 1935, an absolutely normal-looking child was born. However, he lived only 26 days. After an autopsy, it turned out that the child had no brain. Although it is known that even the slightest damage to the cerebral cortex can lead to death.

In Mexico City at the 1968 Olympic Games, an athlete named Robert Beamon was able to jump almost 9 meters. Of course, this seems impossible, but Robert's record was broken. And the record, which was set in 500 BC in Ancient Greece, looks absolutely fantastic - the athlete Fail then jumped almost 17 meters in length.

The fact that there are people in the world living with foreign objects in the body does not surprise anyone now. But here's an incident that occurred in a hospital in New York, it seems simply incredible. A man was admitted to the hospital with a slight indisposition. Doctors conducted an examination and found more than 250 objects in his body. There were only 26 keys in the patient's body. About how in his body so many objects, the man did not tell.

An equally striking case occurred with a 12-year-old Russian boy who went to a hospital in a small town complaining of dizziness and weakness. On examination, doctors found a bullet wound in the heart area. It is not known how the boy received such a wound, and most importantly, how he survived after that. X-ray determined that the bullet was in the solar artery. The boy was urgently sent to Moscow, where the bullet was removed from the body. She made an incredible journey in the body - pierced the lung and hit the heart, which pushed her into the aorta. The bullet traveled through the vessel until it hit the solar artery.

The famous psychiatrist and neurologist Cesare Lombroso had a very solid reputation in the scientific world. In his book "And what after death" he told the story of a 14-year-old girl. She became blind, but at the same time she had a completely new and amazing ability to see. Dr. Lombroso conducted studies, as a result of which it turned out that the girl sees with her left earlobe and nose. To exclude the slightest possibility of the participation of the girl's eyes, during the experiment, the doctors covered them with a bandage so that peeping was completely excluded. However, despite the measures taken, the girl easily read blindfolded and perfectly distinguished colors. When a bright light flashed near her earlobe, she blinked, and when the doctor wanted to put a finger to the tip of her nose, she jumped back screaming that he wanted to blind her. There was an amazing movement of the senses, which affected not only vision. When the experimenter brought the ammonia solution to the girl's nose, she did not react. But as soon as he brought the solution to his chin, she twitched in pain. She picked up scents with her chin.

I must say that some people are able to completely control the abilities of their body. These include primarily Indian yoga. Perhaps the most amazing ability of yogis is that they know how to stop the beating of their own heart. Yogis can put themselves into a state of "death" - the work of the heart and breathing slow down, and other life processes stop. A yogi can stay in this state for quite a long time. So what are the forces hidden in man? Based on the foregoing, it can be assumed that the possibilities of the human body are endless. You just need to learn how to control them.

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Man is an amazing being. No wonder we are called the crown of nature. Human possibilities are truly endless. Scientists still cannot explain some of our phenomenal abilities. And man never ceases to amaze and amaze, demonstrating more and more miracles.

It is not without reason that we use only a small part of our brain. And the rest of the possibilities are dormant, sometimes waking up in the form of superpowers. The most unusual human talents will be discussed below.

Super taste. The ability to feel the taste of food significantly improves our lives. However, there are rare specialists, they are called supertasters. They by nature can taste much better than all other people. Scientists have determined the nature of this ability. It lies in the presence of an additional growth in the form of a mushroom on the tongue. This is where people have taste buds, and supertasters have these abilities to a greater extent. As a result, such people react to taste much more strongly. We know its five main shades: sweet, sour, bitter, salty, and a certain "meat taste". Supertasters, on the other hand, respond best to bitterness. Scientists have identified this human ability not immediately. At first it was noticed that not all people react equally to the taste of products known to others. Especially to reveal this, Arthur Fox, who worked as a chemist in the American chemical corporation DuPont, conducted a series of experiments. He gave a taste of phenylthiocarbamide. As a result, not everyone could feel his bitterness. This ability is genetically inherent in us. Now other genetic studies are built on the basis of this test. As a result, of those people who felt the bitterness of phenylthiocarbamide, only a third can be considered supertasters. The abilities of the rest are average. Not all supertasters like to eat. They try to avoid bitter foods. We are talking about coffee, Brussels sprouts and common sprouts, grapefruit juice. Scientists have found that Asians, Africans and women are more likely to be among the supertasters. After all, it is they who are genetically more likely to get those same mushroom-like growths.

Absolute hearing. There are few people who can identify and reproduce tones. They are said to have absolute pitch. At the same time, such people can not only hear better, they still know how to classify sounds in the brain and memorize their categories. In everyday life, this can manifest itself in the form of identifying sounds familiar to us - musical instruments, the sounds of a siren or an engine. Such people can easily sing the indicated note, name the chord of the song. There is no problem in remembering the frequency of each tone and naming it. Scientists are still arguing, trying to understand whether absolute pitch is a genetic feature of a person or not. Opinions here differ fundamentally. In total, from 3% of residents in the United States and up to 8% in Europe have absolute pitch. Most of these unique people can be found in music conservatories, for example, in Japan their number reaches 70%. Such a large indicator is explained by the fact that in an environment with tonal languages, musical ear is formed much better and more often. We are talking about Vietnamese, Mandarin, Cantonese. Absolute pitch is also common in those born blind, autistic, and those with William's syndrome.

Light perception. Some people can see light in four different sources. There are several such examples in nature. The most famous is the zebra fish. They distinguish between red, blue, green and ultraviolet ranges in the light spectrum. True perception is said to be extremely rare in humans. However, two cases of this phenomenon are known. In ordinary people, there are three types of receptors. Thanks to them, we distinguish between the red, blue and green parts of the spectrum. Each of the receptors can recognize about a hundred color shades. Only then the brain mixes these signals and selects the brightness. As a result, we can see some part of the million shades that actually color our life. And people with true light perception in theory can already perceive up to 100 million shades. In fact, they see the world with different eyes. As with supertasting, this ability is more common in women. The other extreme is color blindness, which is more common in men. Curiously, this unpleasant feature can be inherited from a woman with a strong light perception.

Echolocation. This ability allows, in particular, bats to navigate in dark forests. Animals emit sound and wait for its reflection from the object, the echo. It is used to further determine the distance to the object. But this unique ability is also found in humans. Echolocation can be used by some blind people. True, this skill requires long training and strong sensitivity to capture the reflected sound. To work with his echolocation, a person must actively create noise. It can even be a simple flick of the tongue. Thanks to the echo comes an understanding of exactly where the objects around are located. It is believed that people with this skill can determine not only the location of the object, but also its size. Only a person cannot generate and hear high-frequency sounds, as dolphins or bats can. So we can only determine the location of the largest objects. But animal echolocators have much more opportunities. The most famous people with the ability to echolocate are Daniel Kish, James Holman and Ben Underwood. The name of the latter is most often found in the press. He lost his sight at the age of three, but gained a new unique ability.

genetic chimerism. In his "Iliad" the great Homer described an unusual mythological creature. It possessed body parts from various animals. The monster's name gave its name to a rare genetic disorder, chimerism. It is also called tetragametism. The deviation manifests itself in both humans and animals in those early stages of pregnancy when two fertilized eggs or embryos are combined into a single whole. Each zygote has a copy of its parent's DNA, hence two different genetic strands. When the cells are fused, their genetic character remains, and the embryo receives a mixture of two DNAs. It can be said that the human chimera is essentially its own twin. In humans, such a deviation is very rare. Scientists have counted about 40 such cases. Typically, DNA analysis is used to understand whether a person is biologically related to those who call themselves parents. However, this test can also reveal cases of chimerism. This happens if the DNA result suddenly shows that the child is not biologically related to his mother. And the thing is that the child simply inherited a different DNA profile. This is exactly what happened in the famous story of Lydia Fairchild. Based on DNA tests on her and the children, the state concluded that she was not the biological mother. People with genetic chimerism have better immune systems. They are tolerant of both genetically distinct cell types present in the body. In practice, this means that there may be many more potential organ donors for chimera people.

Synesthesia. Let's imagine that each letter or number will be associated with some color. And some words will simply evoke taste sensations. Both of these forms belong to a neurological disorder called synesthesia. It manifests itself in the involuntary reaction of some sensors to the excitation of completely different ones. This feature is genetic, usually it manifests itself in the connection of numbers and letters with certain colors. However, such an unusual neurological disease does not make a person disabled at all, since the abilities do not suffer from this. Almost all people with synesthesia are unaware that certain events in their lives evoke more sensory responses than most others. True, the owners of synesthesia believe that this deviation still negatively affects their lives. It is still difficult to say exactly how many people have such a deviation. Data vary from 1 to 20 people per 20 thousand. When a study was conducted on a group of strangers in 2005-2006, it turned out that about 5% had synesthesia. Among famous people with such a deviation, one can distinguish the writer Vladimir Nabokov, the composer Olivier Messiaen, the physicist Richard Feynman.

People are calculators. People with autism have many interesting features. In particular, they constitute the most extraordinary group of connoisseurs. Such people can carry out the most complex calculations in their minds. Trained specialists also have this ability, we are talking about mathematicians, linguists and writers. However, in untrained autistics, such a talent is quite interesting. Many of these people are already born with scientist syndrome. But of all people with such a deviation, only half are autistic. This syndrome is poorly understood, it usually develops throughout life, possibly due to a head injury. In total, at least a hundred of the most famous outstanding autistic scientists are known in the world who have the ability to quickly operate with large numbers in the brain. Recent experiments have shown that there is a factor that helps human calculators solve mathematical problems much faster than ordinary people. We are talking about blood flow to the part of the brain that is responsible for mathematical calculations. For these people, this rate is six to seven times higher than usual. Salo Finkelstein, Alexander Aitken, Daniel McCartney are among the people with such extraordinary skills. And Daniel Tammet is not only autistic, but also prone to synesthesia.

Supermemory. There are people who can instantly remember everything they see. Such a photographic memory is also called alive. Because of this, people remember sounds, images, or objects themselves very accurately. The most famous example is Akira Haraguchi. She was able to memorize 100,000 decimal places in Pi. Autistic Steven Wilchir was able to depict his vacation in Rome in great detail in his drawings. And in the film "Rain Man" tells about Raymond Babbitt, who also had a living memory. Dustin Hoffman's character could remember about 12,000 books from memory. The question of the existence of true photographic memory remains open. But it is already clear that this ability is evenly distributed between both sexes. But no one has yet succeeded in learning living memory through long-term training.

immortal cells. Mankind has been looking for a way to immortality for a long time. But today, science knows one person whose cells turned out to be immortal. They are able to divide endlessly even outside their own body. This person is a woman, Henrietta Lax. She was born in 1920 and at 31 she was diagnosed with cervical cancer. A year of severe illness passed and Henrietta passed away. Some unknown surgeon, without the consent of relatives, took tissue samples from the tumor. This material was then given to Dr. George Guy. This scientist for his laboratory multiplied tissue samples of a woman, creating from them an endless cell line - the HeLa line (on behalf of Henrietta Lacks). It turned out that the cells from Henrietta's tumor had an active form of the enzyme, it spread very quickly. HeLa multiplied faster than even other cancer cells. In 1951, doctors announced that medicine would now take a new path in research into the treatment of cancer. Now HeLa cells are very common in laboratories. They even evolved, adapting to new conditions, some branches appeared. There are even more Henrietta's living cells today than she had when she was alive. Their mass exceeds the weight of the woman herself. Unfortunately, she herself will never be able to find out what contribution she made to science. In 1954, HeLa cells were used by Jonas Salk to develop a polio vaccine. Since then, cells have been actively used in the study of cancer, AIDS, the effects of radiation, and poisoning with toxic substances. Yes, and in cloning HeLa were in demand.

Absolutely every person on the planet is unique, each has its own characteristics in character or appearance. And this is wonderful, because throughout our lives we get to know others, unraveling their personalities. Moreover, we do not stop studying ourselves, passing through many life lessons.
History can give us many cases when this or that person had very unusual differences from other people. They succeeded more, they amazed the imagination and always felt like a “black sheep”. Because of what? You can read about it in the article below.
We present to your attention the top 10 most unusual people in the world. Happy reading!

This is the name of Daniel Tammet, a writer from the UK. This young man has unique abilities for mathematical calculations, and modern science cannot explain these phenomenal abilities. Daniel easily multiplies multi-digit numbers in his mind and immediately gives the correct answer. How he does it? Daniel explains it simply... All the numbers in his head add up to pictures that have color, shape, structure, and as if a fourth dimension appears, in which a unique image of the correct answer arises. He can calculate cube roots faster than a calculating machine, he can name more than 22,500 digits after the decimal point in the number of pi. In addition to super-mathematical abilities, Tammet knows several languages, and has come up with his own. He learns a new language fantastically quickly and speaks it fluently!
Tammet suffers from autism and savant syndrome. Daniel's uniqueness lies in the fact that for all his genius, it is difficult for him to adapt in society, to figure out where is right and where is left, how to use electrical appliances, but he is the only savant who can explain how he does it and this is a tremendous help to scientists who study the phenomenon of savantism.

This young man with unique abilities was born in Sacramento, California. Benjamin Underwood was born a strong and healthy baby. However, later, due to cancer that affected the retina, the doctors decided to remove both eyes in order to try to save Ben's life.
Despite this, Underwood led a life no different from that of a healthy young man. All because Ben was able to use echolocation in order to move freely. And he was the only person in the world who coordinates all his actions thanks to sound. He was well versed in the vast Sacramento. He saw the world like bats or dolphins, Ben determined the distance to objects by sound. And at the same time, the young man's hearing is the same as that of an ordinary person, just the brain of this strong guy presented him with sounds in the form of visual information.
This skill allowed Ben to freely play sports, walk and run without help, and even ride a bike and play computer games perfectly!

He is also called the gutta-percha man. American Daniel Smith has repeatedly become the champion of the Guinness Book of Records. Little Daniel discovered his abilities at the age of four, even then he knew how to twist his body. As an adult, the young man realized that not everyone has such a talent, and when he was eighteen years old, Daniel left home and went to the circus.
Touring with the circus, Daniel demonstrated his talent, he also participated in various TV shows, sports competitions, because what D. Smith can do with his body is admirable.
He is the most flexible person on our planet according to our website rating. Daniel easily ties his body into unthinkable knots, can fit through a hole in a tennis racket, and even... can move his heart in his chest. Having received such a gift from God, Daniel brought it to perfection.

Michel Lotito is a celebrity from France, and he became famous for his gastronomic passions. After all, he eats inorganic objects. At the age of nine, Michel ate ... a light bulb, which aroused the delight and disposition of his friends. Further more ... he began to publicly eat completely inedible objects: bicycles, televisions, objects made of glass and rubber. He did all this for the amusement of the public and earned his living. To eat these items, they were usually taken apart into small parts or cut into pieces, Michel ate all this and drank plenty of water, well, he also added a little oil so as not to hurt his throat.
Lotito himself claims that he does not have any harmful consequences after such a “food”.
The most surprising thing is that the doctors who examined Michel confirmed that such a gourmet has no problems with digestion. The only deviation is that the thickness of the walls of the stomach is twice that of ordinary people. This allowed Michel to eat the PLANE, of course, not in one go, but within two years. The plane "Sesna - 150" disappeared without a trace in the body of Lotito. During his life, "Monsieur Eat Everything" ate several bicycles, carts from supermarkets, candelabra, beds, televisions, etc. Here, probably, who does not suffer from a lack of iron in the body!

Tim Cridland is another unique person. His phenomenal ability is an exceptional tolerance for pain. Tim discovered his ability not to feel pain at school, when, to the surprise and delight of his classmates, he pierced his hands with huge needles and easily withstood any temperature (both high and low). Krinland carefully studied human anatomy in order to know his body well, because when demonstrating terrifying tricks to the public, it is important not to damage your vital organs.
He can swallow fire and sharp swords, lie on nails, pierce himself with swords, pierce his neck or cheeks. And he can also swallow the rope, and immediately pull it out of the stomach with the help of forceps and a scalpel. Numerous tests have confirmed that this superman is indeed capable of enduring incredible pain, since his pain threshold is much higher than that of ordinary people.

Man is an anvil

This American, being a fighter and an artist, surprises and shocks the people with his abnormally hard skull. Superman can break very hard objects with his head: steel bars, baseball bats, and even ... concrete blocks. Remember bowling! So, the head of Gino Martino can easily withstand if such a “ball” falls on it from a height of five meters. Gino managed to demonstrate many incredible records, in which everyone saw how strong his skull was. And, indeed, according to doctors, nature endowed Gino with a heavy-duty skull, which is why he is known to the whole world under the nickname "The Anvil Man."

Lew Tou Lin, a pensioner who lives in Malaysia, has earned himself fame for the fact that various objects literally stick to him, including metal ones. He can hold a bunch of spoons and forks, axes, and even bricks on his chest. Tou Lin can hold objects weighing about two kilograms on his body.
These abilities were with him from early childhood. With his unusual talent, Man-Magnet surprises not only enthusiastic surrounding people, but also scientists. For several years now, they have been researching the Malaysian's abilities, and the only thing they found out is that Tou Ling's skin has special "suction" properties, and that is why objects stick to his body. Surprisingly, this phenomenal ability in this family is inherited. The sons and grandsons of the Magnet Man have the same abilities. But unlike many people with unique abilities, Liu Tou Lin did not go into show business, but he often takes part in various television shows, television programs, was the hero of reports and programs on the Discovery Channel.

This resident of Holland is famous for the fact that he can easily withstand super low temperatures. Wim Hof ​​has repeatedly set world records for staying in ice water. He discovered his ability not to feel the cold only at the age of seventeen, and began to harden his body, thereby developing his unusual abilities. He also worked a lot on proper breathing, arguing that if you breathe correctly, then immunity increases, the body is saturated with oxygen and the aging process slows down and stops. Perhaps that is why the famous Dutchman feels young, although he is already over fifty.
Wim constantly swims in icy water, regularly takes barefoot walks in the snow, bathes in an ice hole. He took part in a twenty-kilometer marathon beyond the Arctic Circle, but, despite the air temperature during the competition, he was wearing only light shorts. In the same clothes, he visited the summit of Kilimanjaro, and almost conquered Everest (but he had to return, due to frostbite toes).
Four years ago, Hof ran a marathon, but already in the Namib desert, thereby proving that he could handle high temperatures. Demonstrating such wonders of the body, Wim promotes a healthy lifestyle, encourages everyone to forget about diseases and be positive and happy.

tooth king

Another king in our ranking. Radhakrishnan Velu is the owner of a rare gift - he can pull huge vehicles with his teeth! He lives in Malaysia, and in 2007, on the eve of the Independence Day of his beloved country, he presented her with his next record. Radhakrishnan moved and handed over a train, which had six wagons and a total mass of almost three hundred kilograms.
For his amazing abilities, the locals nicknamed Radhakrishnan - King Tooth. The secret of his strong teeth is still unknown. The Tooth King himself believes that a healthy lifestyle is daily jogging (25 km), meditation, exercises with a barbell, moreover, weighing 250 kg, and, of course, exercises for his powerful jaws.

Man is a pump

And this inhabitant of the Celestial Empire has an amazing talent - he knows how to inflate balloons and extinguish candles ... with his ears! Wei Mingtang discovered his unique talent - blowing air out of his ears, already as an adult and immediately began to develop it. Over time, using a small tube, he learned to inflate balloons, which delighted his many friends and relatives. Wei often performs at various holidays and shows, participates in city festivals, where he amazes his citizens with new tricks, because he still knows how to blow out candles with his ears and very quickly, at one of the festivals he managed to blow out 20 candles in 20 seconds.

The possibilities of people in extreme and ordinary situations

People have always been interested in what lies beyond ordinary perception, what is inaccessible to the majority. However, along with interest, there was also fear due to the lack of reliable information and the unknown. Recently, the paranormal or unusual abilities of people have become the subject of social and scientific research, philistine gossip and newspaper publications. What are these abilities? Where do they come from?
Despite the fact that the human body has already been well studied by doctors and scientists, there are still mysteries that are beyond our understanding. There are many amazing cases that happened to ordinary people and published in the press. Some events simply cannot be explained by modern science.

So, perhaps the most famous case occurred when a mother was walking with her little son and was distracted. The child ran out onto the road and was hit by a car. Seeing this picture, the baby's mother rushed to his aid and lifted the car. It is this case that in our time is most often described by scientists as proof that the human body has hidden abilities.

Another fairly well-known incident occurred during the war. The pilot's steering jammed due to a bolt in the mechanism. Under pain of death, the pilot began to pull the handle with all his might and miraculously managed to straighten the plane. After landing, the mechanics carefully examined the control, and found a sheared bolt. As a result of the examination, it turned out that in order to cut off such a bolt, a force of 500 kilograms would be required.

One man was walking through the forest and accidentally stumbled upon a sleeping bear. Out of fear, he grabbed a log lying nearby and rushed to run towards the nearby village. When the danger was over, he threw the log on the ground, caught his breath and looked at it. It turned out to be a huge tree trunk, which he then could not drag alone from the road. The man could not even explain to himself why he grabbed this log.

But such incredible stories happen not only when it comes to your own salvation.

There is another case. When the child fell out of the window of the 7th floor, his mother managed to grab with one hand, and with the other she held on to the brick of the eaves, and only with two fingers - index and middle. She held on until the arrival of rescuers, who then with difficulty unclenched her fingers.

A 70-year-old woman carried 13 kilometers on her back with her 40-year-old son who had an accident, never stopping and never lowering him to the ground.

Some researchers claim that a person uses his abilities only by 10%. And this applies to both the body and the brain.

The doctor hypnologist Vul demonstrated an amazing ability - he had the ability to inspire at a distance. Vul sent a letter by mail, in which the word was written in his handwriting: "Sleep!" If before that the patient had already been at the reception of this doctor, then when he received the letter, he immediately fell into a dream.

A pop artist from France, Michel Lotito, had an amazing ability - he can eat everything he sees. When he was still a child, he "ate" the TV, and from the age of 15 he began to entertain people for money by eating rubber, glass and metal. For the fact that Michel ate the plane (although it took about 2 years to eat it), he was included in the Guinness Book of Records. Biologist K. Richardson can spend the whole night in a cage with lions. For unknown reasons, the lions mistake Richardson for their own. Thai Ngoc from Vietnam hasn't slept at all since 1973 - it started after he had a fever.

Monica Tejada Phenomenon.

There are many similar inexplicable phenomena in our world. Monica Tejada from Spain demonstrates an amazing phenomenon to scientists. Under her gaze, even metal objects bend.

There are no tricks here. Scientists placed a steel wire into a sealed glass vessel. However, this did not stop Monica from bending a hard thread into the shape of a dinosaur with a closed mouth. Instruments during this process recorded an increase in the girl's body temperature and a decrease in her blood pressure. This combination leads doctors to a dead end. At the same time, the electroencephalograph showed biocurrents characteristic of a sleeping person. Monica has another gift - she can diagnose diseases.

In the state of New Jersey on the outskirts of Trenton in the 40s, there lived a 90-year-old man named Al Herpin. There was no couch or bed in his hut - Al Herpin had never slept in his entire life. An old man who lived to that age outlived the doctors who examined him. Al Herpin's appetite and health were good, mental capacity average. Of course, after a day's work he was tired, but he could not sleep. The old man simply sat in an armchair and read until he felt rested. After the restoration of physical strength, he again set to work. The doctors could not explain the chronic insomnia of their patient, just as they could not explain the source of his longevity.

A case is known that occurred in a Russian village. There lived an old sick woman named Matryona. She could not hear well, could not see, and hardly walked. One night her house caught fire. The whole village fled to the fire. What was the surprise of people when they saw this old woman climbing over a high fence. Moreover, in her hands she held a large chest, which later several men could not lift. Where are the limits of human possibilities? And do they even exist?

In Mexico City at the 1968 Olympic Games, an athlete named Robert Beamon was able to jump almost 9 meters. Of course, this seems impossible, but Robert's record was broken. And the record, which was set in 500 BC in Ancient Greece, looks absolutely fantastic - the athlete Fail then jumped almost 17 meters in length.

In New York in 1935, an absolutely normal-looking child was born. However, he lived only 26 days. After an autopsy, it turned out that the child had no brain. Although it is known that even the slightest damage to the cerebral cortex can lead to death.

The fact that there are people in the world living with foreign objects in the body does not surprise anyone now. But here's an incident that occurred in a hospital in New York, it seems simply incredible. A man was admitted to the hospital with a slight indisposition. Doctors conducted an examination and found more than 250 objects in his body. There were only 26 keys in the patient's body. About how in his body so many objects, the man did not tell.

An equally striking case occurred with a 12-year-old Russian boy who went to a hospital in a small town complaining of dizziness and weakness. On examination, doctors found a bullet wound in the heart area. It is not known how the boy received such a wound, and most importantly, how he survived after that. X-ray determined that the bullet was in the solar artery. The boy was urgently sent to Moscow, where the bullet was removed from the body. She made an incredible journey in the body - pierced the lung and hit the heart, which pushed her into the aorta. The bullet traveled through the vessel until it hit the solar artery.

The famous psychiatrist and neurologist Cesare Lombroso had a very solid reputation in the scientific world. In his book "And what after death" he told the story of a 14-year-old girl. She became blind, but at the same time she had a completely new and amazing ability to see.

Dr. Lombroso conducted studies, as a result of which it turned out that the girl sees with her left earlobe and nose. To exclude the slightest possibility of the participation of the girl's eyes, during the experiment, the doctors covered them with a bandage so that peeping was completely excluded. However, despite the measures taken, the girl easily read blindfolded and perfectly distinguished colors.

When a bright light flashed near her earlobe, she blinked, and when the doctor wanted to put a finger to the tip of her nose, she jumped back screaming that he wanted to blind her. There was an amazing movement of the senses, which affected not only vision. When the experimenter brought the ammonia solution to the girl's nose, she did not react. But as soon as he brought the solution to his chin, she twitched in pain. She picked up scents with her chin.

I must say that some people are able to completely control the abilities of their body. These include primarily Indian yoga. Perhaps the most amazing ability of yogis is that they know how to stop the beating of their own heart. Yogis can put themselves into a state of "death" - the work of the heart and breathing slow down, and other life processes stop.

A yogi can stay in this state for quite a long time. So what are the forces hidden in man? Based on the foregoing, it can be assumed that the possibilities of the human body are endless. You just need to learn how to control them.

Diamond tears

A woman named Hanuma, who lives in Africa, has earned the nickname "diamond" for her unusual ability to cry diamonds. Since childhood, Khanuma did not cry. The first time it happened at the age of nine, when the girl was peeling onions for the first time. What was the surprise of the girl's parents when hard crystals began to fall from her eyes instead of tears.

The girl's dad was a jeweler and, having subjected small crystals, he easily determined that they were real diamonds. The parents decided to keep Khanuma's unusual abilities a secret, and dad used his daughter's crystals to make jewelry that was in great demand. One of the clients suspected something was wrong and handed over the diamond for examination, as a result of which it turned out that the stone was of organic origin. The girl became famous all over the world. But scientists have not been able to solve the mystery of diamond tears so far.

man is ice

Wim Hof, a resident of Holland, is not sensitive to any cold. Thanks to his unusual abilities, the Dutchman conquered mountain peaks in only his underwear, swam for a long time in icy water and performed many similar feats.

Doctors conducted examinations of the body of an amazing person, but the results of the studies did not show any deviations from the norm in Wim's body after cold procedures. The Dutchman's unusual abilities allow him to feel comfortable in those conditions that would be fatal for any other person.

"Perpetual Motion"

The kid, named Ret Lamba, who is three years old, has never slept in his life. He is awake around the clock. Ret's parents, of course, are not enthusiastic about their son's abilities, but most of all they were worried about the child's health. However, as repeated medical examinations have shown, the lack of sleep does not affect Ret's health in any way, the boy is absolutely healthy.

Recent studies have clarified the picture a little. It turned out that the brain and nervous system of an amazing child are arranged in a special way, thanks to which the boy does not need sleep, his brain rests while awake.

Man is a reptile

History knows cases when people had the ability to replace their skin with a new one, just like reptiles do. Born in 1851 in Missouri, S. Buskirk began to change his skin as a child. The most amazing thing is that it always happened on the same day - June 27th. The skin began to roughen, and then fell off in large pieces. She slipped off her hands and feet like gloves or socks.

After the old skin fell off it, one could observe in its place young pink and tender skin, like that which newborn babies have. For several years, Mr. Baskirk has assembled a "leather" collection.

Luminous patient

Anna Monaro, who suffered from asthma, in 1934 became like a fluorescent lamp. During her illness, a bluish glow emanated from her chest. This phenomenon lasted several weeks and was documented by doctors. Sometimes the color of the glow changed to red and green. No one has yet been able to explain this phenomenon.

One psychiatrist suggested that "the phenomenon is caused by electrical and magnetic organisms that have developed strongly enough in the body of this woman and therefore emit a radiance" - in other words, another way to say: "I do not know." Another doctor proposed the theory of electromagnetic radiation, linking it to certain chemical components found in the patient's skin, which was close to the then fashionable theory of bioluminescence.

Dr. Protti, who made a lengthy statement regarding his observations of Signora Monaro, suggested that her poor health, together with starvation and piety, increased the amount of sulfides in the blood. Human blood emits rays in the ultraviolet range, and sulfides can be made to luminesce by ultraviolet radiation, which explains the radiance emanating from Signora Monaro's chest (Times, May 5, 1934).

Anna Monaro

The proposed theory did not explain the strange periodicity or localization of the bluish flashes, and soon the bewildered researchers finally fell silent.

Gould and Pyle's 1937 Anomalies and Curiosities in Medicine describes the case of a woman with breast cancer. The light emanating from the diseased area of ​​​​the chest was sufficient to see the dial of the clock, which was at a distance of several feet ...

In Death: Its Causes and Related Phenomena by Hareward Carrington, there is a mention of a child who died of indigestion. After death, the boy's body began to emit a bluish glow and spread heat. Attempts to extinguish this radiance did not lead to anything, but soon it stopped on its own. When the body was lifted from the bed, it was found that the sheet under it was burned ... The only case of light emission by a practically healthy person (not counting, of course, saints) is described in the English Mechanic magazine of September 24, 1869:

“An American woman, going to bed, discovered a glow in the upper part of the fourth toe of her right foot. When she rubbed her leg, the glow increased and some unknown force pushed her fingers apart. A stench emanated from the foot, and both the light emission and the smell did not stop even when the foot was immersed in a basin of water. Even soap could not extinguish or reduce the glow. This phenomenon lasted three quarters of an hour, and the husband of this woman watched him.

The church treats the phenomenon of "firefly people" approvingly. Pope Benedict XIV wrote: “... It should be recognized as a fact - the presence of a natural flame, which sometimes becomes visible around the human head, and it also seems to be true that sometimes fire can emanate from the whole body of a person, but not like a fire rushing upward, but rather in the form of sparks flying in all directions.

People are lightning

The body of an ordinary person is able to generate in small quantities, but not to store electricity. However, there are people whose unusual abilities lie in the fact that they can accumulate electricity in themselves, and, if possible, dump it on surrounding objects.

So, for example, in the journal Prediction, an article was published in 1953, which told about a baby who electrocuted doctors. For another whole day, he retained tension in himself and was dangerous to others.

But it also happens that unusual abilities wake up in people only with age. A Chinese worker in 1988 began to notice some changes in his body, but could not understand what it was until he accidentally electrocuted his colleague, knocking him off his feet.

Rif Mukharyanov is one of those people who managed to survive after being struck by lightning.

Back in 1965, Reef was struck by ball lightning, and he miraculously survived. Over time, he began to see strange dreams, which soon began to come true - his psychic abilities began to wake up.

When he fully recovered from his illness, his good friend fell seriously ill. The doctors did not know what to do, and only shrugged, and it was then that Reef decided to take advantage of his new opportunities. Literally two weeks later, a friend stood firmly on his feet.

living magnet

There are people who have magnetism. The most amazing case of the manifestation of magnetic abilities is the case of the American Frank McKinstry. His body was pulled towards the ground. The magnetism was especially strong in the morning. Frank had to move very quickly, without stopping, because his body stuck to the ground, if he stopped for a couple of seconds, and then, without outside help, the man could no longer continue moving.

Often people do not realize that they have some unusual abilities. A resident of Germany, Erika Zur Strinberg, discovered the magnetic abilities of her body after watching a TV show that talked about the magnetism of a Russian woman, Natalia Petrasova.

For the sake of interest, the German put a spoon to her chest and she “stuck” to the woman. Eric was then hung up with almost all of the cutlery to make sure he had an unusual ability.

Unusual abilities yet to be unraveled

Many scientists agree that this kind of ability is potentially inherent in every person, but they manifest themselves only in extreme situations or after severe life shocks. An example of this hypothesis is the soothsayer Vanga, who, having lost her sight, gained the ability to foresee the future, the present of people and their past.

Also, the famous German clairvoyant Wolf Messing became the owner of his unusual abilities after he had been in a state of clinical death for a long time. It happened when Messing was eleven years old.

There are many cases when people, after coming out of clinical death, acquired the ability to read minds, speak in previously unknown or even dead languages. An amazing incident happened to the polar explorer Grigory Popov. While repairing the plane, Grigory heard some rustling behind him, turning around, he saw a polar bear - one of the most dangerous predators. The pilot did not have time to understand anything, as he was already at a two-meter height - on the wing of the aircraft. He got there in one jump.

Does every person have some hidden abilities or only exceptional individuals have them? Why were these abilities given to them, do these people have any purpose from above? Modern science is not able to give answers to the questions posed, since they lie in a plane that is not yet included in the scope of serious scientific research.

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