The calendar will accept and conspiracies. Ancient ritual for blood loss

January. Divination. Rites. Signs. Conspiracies. Predictions

January It owes its name to the two-faced Roman god Janus. The Slavs called this month "prosinets". That is, because of the clouds, blue begins to appear, pieces of the blue sky. The sun appears. It is in January that there are fierce Epiphany frosts. January is the most suitable month for divination, especially the first nineteen days, right up to Epiphany itself.

Prosinets in the Slavic calendar was the eleventh in a row. He moved to the first place only thanks to the reform of Peter the Great, when he established the European chronology.

In 1699, Peter the Great issued a decree stating that the year should begin on January 1. Next came a description of how the beginning of the new age should be celebrated.

According to Slavic traditions, Prosinets was considered in Russia as a deaf winter, the coldest time of the year, the roof of winter. However, the day is getting longer, the sun is gradually starting to warm up.


January is the beginning of the year, the middle of winter.

January - the father begins the year, he magnifies winter.

January is the turning point of winter.

January is bokogrey.

In winter, the sun shines, but does not warm.

Dry January - the peasant is rich.

The month of January is the sovereign of winter.

If in January there are frequent snowstorms, in July - frequent rains.

January is the grandfather of spring.

January - frosts, February - snowstorms.

A woodpecker knocked on a tree in January, which means that early spring will come.

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Fortune-telling and predictions “There is a thick, slanting, extinguished star light. There are no eternal answers to eternal questions ... ”As a rule, quite superstitious and not quite self-confident people who are in constant fear and torment turn to fortune tellers. There are several

Dear my readers!

Each page of this calendar is thought out by me so that when you open it, you can find out whether the coming day will be successful for the things you have planned to do. Is it worth it for you to take the risk of embarking on a long journey on that unlucky date that this book carefully warned you about?

What are these unlucky days and where do they lead their history from?

Anyone who has read the Bible knows that the holy apostles and prophets were executed many centuries ago. Their blood forever marked these mournful dates with the seal of misfortune and death.

Historians have compared these dates with the dates of world tragedies and incidents and recognized that most of all misfortunes occur precisely on these fateful days.

With this in mind, the book gives special amulets that will allow you to avoid trouble.

In addition, the calendar provides practical advice on divination and interpretation of dreams, of course, in full accordance with the dates of the day and the season.

You will definitely benefit from the instructive parables and stories given in the book, which will help you not to repeat the mistakes of others, and therefore save your health and life.

This book will not only give you the ability to heal, defend and attract love, but it will also give you a spiritual pint, which is so lacking in our stressful and aggressive life.

I sincerely hope that by purchasing this calendar, you will gain a good friend and mentor who will not only help you brighten up your evenings, but also show you the right path to well-being and health.

I want to please my students. Finally, there was an opportunity to receive a new newspaper "Magic and Life". In this wonderful and beautiful newspaper, a complete school of my craft is given. From it you will thoroughly learn about all the possibilities of a person living on earth. The newspaper will be very useful for you, in it I will personally answer each of your letters and help to ensure that all your problems are quickly resolved.

And further! Subscribers and admirers of the Magic and Life newspaper, if necessary, will be sent a coupon to my appointment, and the one who sends all the coupons from each newspaper for the whole year will be sent an amulet that will be made for you exactly as I taught my grandmother.

This amulet will serve you faithfully, keep you safer than the most experienced bodyguard. No one will ever be able to destroy you with witchcraft, and not a single weapon will touch your body. Fire will not burn you, water will not swallow you up, because the talisman of Evdokia, my grandmother, will take away all troubles from you.

Be healthy and happy.

Yours Natalya Ivanovna


(Christmas post)

Today is the first day of the new year. On the eve, millions of people, meeting him, joyfully raised their glasses of champagne, wishing each other happiness, health and good luck in the new year.

And at that very time, planets were mysteriously and mysteriously flickering above us, which had already predetermined which of the people sitting at the table this year should leave this world forever.

From time immemorial, sorcerers and healers with the help of magic have tried (and not without benefit) to intervene in the cycle of fate in order to change the unfortunate line of fate to a more favorable one with their secret art. After all, it is for this that there are all kinds of conspiracies, amulets and spells.

History keeps many examples showing how all sorts of tragedies were prevented with the help of sorcery and astrology.

On the first day of the new year, you should also take care of yourself and your family. Be sure to read the first of January amulet for the upcoming new year:

Amulet read on January 1

A storm on the sea raises a wave,

The Mother of God shelters her Son Christ.

Twelve girls are walking by

Twelve girls.

The Lord asks them:

Twelve maidens, twelve maidens,

Where are you going past me

What are you carrying in your hands?

We carry twelve months:

January february march april,

May June July August,

September October November December.

God bless me (name) for the whole year too.

Anyone who rides a horse back and forth around a tree on January 1, diverging from one root into two trunks, will not be deceived by a husband or wife (treason is implied).

If on the first day of the new year you find three unmarked graves in the cemetery and on each of them, after bowing, say:

As your name, people do not know the tribe,

So that I did not know poverty for a whole year! -

then the coming year will be prosperous for you.

On January 1, from morning to afternoon, they don’t sweep or wash the floor, so as not to sweep and wash away happiness and good luck.

How to reduce any disease to cattle on January 1

You need to negotiate with the butcher at the slaughterhouse. The patient must open the stomach of a freshly killed animal with his own hands, put his left hand into it and hold it until the stomach of the killed animal cools down. He must say to himself:

What the lips grabbed

That chewed teeth

All you, stomach, took and grabbed.

So would you take all my ailments from me (name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

The stomach of the killed animal, thus charmed, is immediately given to the dog to be eaten. Usually after that the dog dies, and the person recovers.

According to legend, the one who wakes up first on January 1, goes out the door of his room and, knocking on it, wakes up the rest of the family, he will dominate his family during the coming year.

If on January 1 a bird knocks on the window with its beak, then this portends a funeral in the new year. To avoid this, you must immediately say:

Fly, trouble, with a light feather

From my window

Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Amen. Amen.

If on January 1, a strand of hair is cut off from a migraine sufferer and nailed to an aspen tree, then he will never have a headache again. Nailing a strand of hair, you need to say:

Take, aspen, dirty tricks from me.

From now on you will shake and hurt,

And my head will be healthy from now on.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Dream of the Blessed Virgin, read on the first day of the new year

In the city of Jerusalem, in the Jordan River,

Under the raft and the raft, under the underwater shield,

mossy stone,

Lies imperishable, holy letter -

Given by the Lord.

Who knows this letter, knows

Who reads it on the first day of the new year

And he understands every word with his heart -

That will be God's blessing

And many sins absolution.

Mary the Mother of God slept,

I saw a wonderful dream:

As if three angels flew to Her,

They blessed her and warned her:

Behold, you are Maria, Aevo,

Waiting for the Christ child

His glory will be without end.

In seven days the grace of God will descend upon you,

Through You, Virgin Mary, the Savior will come into the world.

Who will read this dream on the first day of the new year,

He will not find death this year!

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

(Christmas post)

Conspiracy from drowning in the waters

In the church calendar, this day is dedicated to the glorification of the icon of the Mother of God of Novgorod, Lenkovskaya, called the "Savior of the Drowners."

From time immemorial, healers on this day secured a talisman through a prayer conspiracy from drowning in the waters.

It was done like this: on the second of January, at twelve o'clock in the afternoon (at this hour there is a service), they poured holy water into a ladle, lowered three knives into it and, kneeling in front of the holy water, read the plot:

On the sea, on the ocean, water rose to the sky,

The Mother of God descended from heaven.

Under Her foot, the water calmed down.

Mother of God, save and help,

Calm down all water.

As the Lord God, Your Son,

Walked on the water and did not sink,

So would our kind

The water did not harm, it did not kill any of us.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

All members of the family should wash themselves with this water.

Buying shoes is short-lived (whoever puts on boots on Lenkovskaya will send himself to the cemetery early - that's what our grandfathers said).

There are milk mushrooms, otherwise a person will yearn, be sad unnecessarily.

To borrow even a copper - it will be difficult to live.

Pin your own pins.

The one who was born on the second of January will be married twice.

Tie a knot on the towel with the words:

How do I tie this knot?

So that all my summer dreams come true.

Throw a handful of seeds to the birds and say:

I feed you birds

And God will feed me.

Whoever does this, God will not leave him in difficult times and will not let him experience hunger.

Receive and visit guests. Previously, this day was called "Guest". It's especially good to visit your parents.

Dreams January 2

Anyone who sees himself small on this day will be insulted (humiliated).

* * *

Seeing flowers, trees or fruits on this day will have success and profit.

* * *

Anyone who sees his children in a dream on this day will have a short-term experience.

(Christmas post)

Wash this day with the words:

As the water touches my face,

So my body will be filled with health.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The one who must go to court today, before leaving the house, let him say:

The Holy Trinity is not judged,

Do not judge the third number,

My brow is not judged either.

Divination for this day:

Take out three potatoes at random and cut them in half. If all three have a flaw or rot inside, this is a serious illness.

If only two out of three potatoes are rotten, this is a discord in the family.

If only one potato is rotten, then this is a loss of money.

If a living worm is found in a potato, then this is to an imminent death.

If all three potatoes inside are clean and flawless, then rejoice - this is a long and good life.

Note: fortune-telling will be true only if it is held directly on January 3.

Pick up from the ground what another person has dropped.

To swear or promise to do something.

Wish yourself or others health (otherwise everything will be vice versa).

Peep through a crack, a well, etc. (eyes will hurt).

Eavesdrop (to hearing loss).

Avoid long trips and read the fortieth psalm, as many misfortunes occur on this day.

Seeing an eagle or a kite in a dream, he will reach the heights in service.

* * *

Slurp cabbage soup in a dream - to poverty.

* * *

Hugging in a dream - to separation.

* * *

Drinking wine, beer in a dream - to love joys.

* * *

Seeing a cut, blood or injury in a dream - to the arrival of relatives.

* * *

Holding soap in your hands in a dream - to death.

(Christmas post)

In the church calendar, this day is set aside for the glorification of St. Anastasia the Destroyer, the Great Martyr, who helped those who were imprisoned, showing them her mercy.

On this day, the mothers and wives of people who were in prison, hard labor or a settlement always visited the healers.

They came before dawn, so that the healer, at their request, read a conspiracy from the unfortunate - a talisman from death in dungeons.


In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Four carried the coffin

Stealthily crossed with their feet,

They lowered the coffin into the ground with their hands,

The coffin was covered with earth.

How can you not cheer up the dead?

No food to feed, no water to drink,

So that God's servant (name)

No guard can be beaten

By evil, conspiracy does not kill,

Don't shed his blood

Do not let his tears go.

Who will touch him

He will drown in his tears.

I close with a prayer

I lock with the key

I protect by the word of God.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Amen. Amen.

Wash the floor of a pregnant woman, otherwise the child will suffer from enuresis.

Kick the animal, otherwise the person risks breaking his leg.

Piercing ears (for earrings) - they will heal for a long time.

A nursing mother, when feeding, should give the left breast, and not the right one - then there will be a lot of milk.

Walk barefoot so as not to know poverty.

You can’t knit products for hands so that there are no convicts in the family (they didn’t tie their hands).

Anyone who chokes on this day will lose a loved one.

To avoid this, say:

Mind not me, mind not my family.

Cross yourself after these words.

Early in the morning knock on the door of your room with your left hand and say:

God forbid that God himself guarded my threshold.

As long as there is knocking on this door,

Until then, God and the saints will not forget me.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Dreams January 4

Dreams on this day will not have negative consequences if you say this before washing:

The night has come, the night has gone

So you, bad dream, go away.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

(Christmas post)

This is an unusual day. You can make a wish and it will surely come true.

Buy rye flour, knead three handfuls of dough in consecrated water and bake a cake of happiness. When you knead the dough, read the secret conspiracy to fulfill your cherished desire:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The Lord was born, the cross was raised,

The heavenly angel wept.

The Mother of God said:

I promise to give each person

I love grace.

Who two days before the birth of Christ

He will take a holy cake in his mouth,

On that the Lord will send His grace of God.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The one who was born on this day after sunset will definitely come out of all the vicissitudes of life as a winner.

They bring cleanliness in the houses, preparing for the birthday of the Savior of the world. Every effort is made to keep January 6 clean both in the yard and in the house, since January 6 should no longer be done with cleaning, but only with preparing festive food for the Nativity of Christ.

Cancer treatment

Black weakness from the servant of God (name), come down and

Go for boiled radish.

How are you, black radish, boiled in boiling water,

So that black weakness

FROM the servants of God (name) rolled down,

Descended, left her forever.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the morning, this water should be washed with a cancer patient, and the radish should be taken to the cemetery gates.

Dreams January 5

Seeing a fly or hearing its buzz will have a conflict at work.

* * *

Whoever sees a dead man in a dream will live a hundred years.

* * *

Meat or blood means that there will be an addition to the family.

* * *

To have mercy - to sadness.

* * *

Dirt or clutter - to long-term trouble.

* * *

Seeing a school, teachers, or subjects of study (pencil case, books, inkwell) is a bitter experience.

Be operated. If possible, it is better to postpone the operation to another day.

Pay off debts, otherwise you will get into debt more than once.

Be careful on this day with sharp objects. If you cut your hand, the wound will not heal for a very long time.

Knowledgeable people say: "The one who hemmed his hem on this day will shorten his life for a day."

How did this dirt leave my house,

So that my illnesses come off me.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

(strict post)

Birth towel

There are days in which they create (make) amulets for their kind. This amulet also includes a generic towel. On January 6, on the eve of the birth of Jesus Christ, they buy a new linen towel and speak it for healing from various, including serious, diseases. If later in the family someone gets sick, then the patient should be wiped with this towel, and he will definitely recover.


In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I speak from 77 ailments,

From any pain, from the night light,

Pretending dryness, from a cancer that travels,

Falling fit,

From spoilage, from night cramps.

The Mother of God washed her Son,

Wiped with a linen towel.

God bless my linen too.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Whom I (name) will wipe with this flax,

Since then, I will erase all 77 ailments.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Amen. Amen.

Divination for Christmas

Guessing should be on an empty stomach and alone. Go to the birch, make a wish and break the branch. Before you break her, say:

Bless, Trinity, Holy Mother of God.

Branch, break off,

And to the servant of God (name), fate will appear.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Count all the buds on the branch. If their number is even, then your wish will come true.

Second divination

Everyone who has ever used this fortune-telling is convinced that it is always true. Buy in advance in the church during the service seven candles of different colors. From the church you need to go home without going anywhere. Before lighting the candles, put on a buttonless shirt and let your hair down. Hang a mirror and curtain the windows.

When you light the candles, read the plot for true fortune-telling three times, and then extinguish them with your breath. Put the candles under your pillow, and in the morning, without looking, take out three candles. In the evening, sign which of the candles (by color) will mean what you called her.

Designation of candles:

1 - death

2 - fame and money

3 - married life

4 - tears

5 - happiness and luck

6 - anxiety

7 - long life

I remind you: you must mark in advance somewhere on a piece of paper what color the candle will predict.

Conspiracy for true divination

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The stars were born in the sky.

Magi to the Mother of God showed up.

How true truth was in their mouths,

In their prophetic deeds

And how they predicted the birth of Jesus,

They called Him the Savior of the world.

So that my fortune-telling was true

And surprisingly fair.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

(end of Christmas Lent)


Millions and millions of people lived on earth. But none of them was like Jesus Christ. Just think about it, because absolutely everyone remembers his birthday and everyone sincerely rejoices on this wonderful day, repeating with sincere love His name and the name of His Mother, who gave us eternal life and salvation through her Son.

Whoever washes this morning, having said three times before:

The Savior was born, the light of the world appeared.

I (name) will also be saved through Jesus Christ.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen -

will gain not only mental, but also physical strength. Sick people, having done so, recover.

Signs related to January 7

If two people come to you on Christmas morning, then there will be no death, divorce and separation in your house for a year.

If someone spills or breaks something in your house on this day, then the whole year will be restless for your family.

If a person going to church stumbles, then in 12 years, day by day, he will get sick. To avoid this, you need to immediately say:

Not to the devil, but to God I go,

He will save me.

You can not slaughter cattle on this day. Blood is not poured on this day, otherwise its own will be shed.

The one who swears on this holy day takes away the hope of salvation from his ancestors.


This is the name of the people who praise Jesus Christ on Christmas Day. They walk around the yards without any invitation, sing proverbs and collect served treats in bags and bags. They are usually served wine, sweets, cooking and money.

The money collected at Christmas is not spent, but is kept until Easter itself for the icon of Jesus Christ. On Easter Eve, money is buried under a tree that grows next to the house - then there will always be prosperity in the house!

They usually praise Christ like this:

Blessed Virgin Mary

She gave birth to Jesus Christ

She put it in a manger.

The star was shining bright

She showed the three wise men the way.

Three wise men came

They brought gifts to God

They fell on their knees, they praised Christ.

It is also believed that if the hosts, having heard this chant, do not give treats to the praisers, then they doom themselves to a year of poverty.


On this day, knowledgeable people speak the front door from thieves. They do it this way: they put the ax on the threshold with the tip towards the exit, then step over it, saying three times:

Bran, hatchet, my threshold

From the thief of the morning, day and night.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Amen. Amen.

* * *

January 8 at noon in the house where there is a baby, they raise the child above their head with the words:

Holy, holy, holy

And our baby is in harmony and treasure.

You still grow up, bloom with a scarlet poppy.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

* * *

According to a secret custom, on the second day of Christmas, you need to go outside at exactly three in the morning, raise your hands to the sky and say:

Open up holy sky

Give me golden happiness.

How many on you, sky, clear stars,

I would have so many (name) happy tears.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Buy ropes so that there will never be a hanged person in your family.

Boil and eat jelly so as not to bring a dead person into the house.

Get rid of broken dishes on this day.

Be sure to step in a place where there are no human tracks, and start your trail with the plot given below. In this case, your legs will never hurt.


The Lord was born, the angel was touched.

I stood next to me, the ailment fell behind my legs.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In all regions of Russia, the newspaper "Magiya i Zhizn" can be subscribed to from any month and for any period of time according to the United Catalog "Press of Russia" (green). The subscription index is 18920.

The day of January 13 is the time of New Year's divination and carols according to the old calendar. Signs and beliefs were in many ways similar to those on January 1. The results of divination today were considered one of the most truthful.

Today is the day of Melania, who patronizes the hearth. The evening of January 13 was called Generous in Russia. The whole family gathered at the table and ate festive dishes, among which there were many meat dishes. The next day, St. Basil was venerated, so the evening was also called Vasilyev. The hostesses prepared porridge until dawn on the 13th, and after midnight the believers went to church and lit a candle to the Saint.

January 13 was often chosen for matchmaking - today the grooms sent matchmakers to their loved ones, and asked their parents to give permission and blessing for marriage. However, matchmaking today is the only rite that has been adopted. The number 13 was considered unlucky, it was no coincidence that they called it the "devil's dozen", they tried not to start new things today.

On the Generous Evening, pork dishes must certainly be on the table: then the cattle will multiply well. And in principle it was believed that the more plentiful the festive table, the more successful the year would be.
If a person fell ill on the Old New Year, it was believed that it would be treated for a long time.
A moonless night today meant that evil spirits had stolen the month. A starry and clear night - to a rich harvest, especially berries and mushrooms. A thaw during the day meant that summer would be with rain. A snowstorm and a blizzard prophesied a good harvest of nuts.

Conspiracy for a calm and successful year
On the night of the 13th to the 14th, take an ax and hit the butt on the threshold of your home three times, saying for each knock: “Life, health, bread!”.
Thanks to such a conspiracy, in the coming year, these three components will not leave the threshold of your home: everyone will be alive, healthy and full.
Conspiracy for money
Only on the eve of the Old New Year, the following ceremony is performed: take a candle, gently melt it and make a small cake. Write your name on one side and your number on the other. It is calculated in this way: add up all the numbers in turn from the date of your birth.
For example, you were born on March 15, 1988. 1+5+3+1+9+8+8 is 44, 4+4=8. We continue adding until one digit remains. Take two ten-ruble coins and fix on a wax cake on both sides. Such a charm should be put in a wallet and always carried with you - it will lure money.

Dear my readers!

Each page of this calendar is thought out by me so that when you open it, you can find out whether the coming day will be successful for the things you have planned to do. Is it worth it for you to take the risk of embarking on a long journey on that unlucky date that this book carefully warned you about?
What are these unlucky days and where do they lead their history from?
Anyone who has read the Bible knows that the holy apostles and prophets were executed many centuries ago. Their blood forever marked these mournful dates with the seal of misfortune and death.
Historians have compared these dates with the dates of world tragedies and incidents and recognized that most of all misfortunes occur precisely on these fateful days.
With this in mind, the book gives special amulets that will allow you to avoid trouble.
In addition, the calendar provides practical advice on divination and interpretation of dreams, of course, in full accordance with the dates of the day and the season.
You will definitely benefit from the instructive parables and stories given in the book, which will help you not to repeat the mistakes of others, and therefore save your health and life.
This book will not only give you the ability to heal, defend and attract love, but it will also give you a spiritual pint, which is so lacking in our stressful and aggressive life.
I sincerely hope that by purchasing this calendar, you will gain a good friend and mentor who will not only help you brighten up your evenings, but also show you the right path to well-being and health.
I want to please my students. Finally, there was an opportunity to receive a new newspaper "Magic and Life". In this wonderful and beautiful newspaper, a complete school of my craft is given. From it you will thoroughly learn about all the possibilities of a person living on earth. The newspaper will be very useful for you, in it I will personally answer each of your letters and help to ensure that all your problems are quickly resolved.
And further! Subscribers and admirers of the Magic and Life newspaper, if necessary, will be sent a coupon to my appointment, and the one who sends all the coupons from each newspaper for the whole year will be sent an amulet that will be made for you exactly as I taught my grandmother.
This amulet will serve you faithfully, keep you safer than the most experienced bodyguard. No one will ever be able to destroy you with witchcraft, and not a single weapon will touch your body. Fire will not burn you, water will not swallow you up, because the talisman of Evdokia, my grandmother, will take away all troubles from you.
Be healthy and happy.

Yours Natalya Ivanovna


(Christmas post)

Today is the first day of the new year. On the eve, millions of people, meeting him, joyfully raised their glasses of champagne, wishing each other happiness, health and good luck in the new year.
And at that very time, planets were mysteriously and mysteriously flickering above us, which had already predetermined which of the people sitting at the table this year should leave this world forever.
From time immemorial, sorcerers and healers with the help of magic have tried (and not without benefit) to intervene in the cycle of fate in order to change the unfortunate line of fate to a more favorable one with their secret art. After all, it is for this that there are all kinds of conspiracies, amulets and spells.
History keeps many examples showing how all sorts of tragedies were prevented with the help of sorcery and astrology.
On the first day of the new year, you should also take care of yourself and your family. Be sure to read the first of January amulet for the upcoming new year:

Amulet read on January 1
A storm on the sea raises a wave,
The Mother of God shelters her Son Christ.
Twelve girls are walking by
Twelve girls.
The Lord asks them:
Twelve maidens, twelve maidens,
Where are you going past me
What are you carrying in your hands?
We carry twelve months:
January february march april,
May June July August,
September October November December.
God bless me (name) for the whole year too.

Anyone who rides a horse back and forth around a tree on January 1, diverging from one root into two trunks, will not be deceived by a husband or wife (treason is implied).
If on the first day of the new year you find three unmarked graves in the cemetery and on each of them, after bowing, say:
As your name, people do not know the tribe,
So that I did not know poverty for a whole year! -
then the coming year will be prosperous for you.
On January 1, from morning to afternoon, they don’t sweep or wash the floor, so as not to sweep and wash away happiness and good luck.
How to reduce any disease to cattle on January 1
You need to negotiate with the butcher at the slaughterhouse. The patient must open the stomach of a freshly killed animal with his own hands, put his left hand into it and hold it until the stomach of the killed animal cools down. He must say to himself:
What the lips grabbed
That chewed teeth
All you, stomach, took and grabbed.
So would you take all my ailments from me (name).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.
The stomach of the killed animal, thus charmed, is immediately given to the dog to be eaten. Usually after that the dog dies, and the person recovers.
According to legend, the one who wakes up first on January 1, goes out the door of his room and, knocking on it, wakes up the rest of the family, he will dominate his family during the coming year.
If on January 1 a bird knocks on the window with its beak, then this portends a funeral in the new year. To avoid this, you must immediately say:
Fly, trouble, with a light feather
From my window
From my doorstep away to the road.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen.
Amen. Amen.
If on January 1, a strand of hair is cut off from a migraine sufferer and nailed to an aspen tree, then he will never have a headache again. Nailing a strand of hair, you need to say:
Take, aspen, dirty tricks from me.
From now on you will shake and hurt,
And my head will be healthy from now on.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.
Dream of the Blessed Virgin, read on the first day of the new year
In the city of Jerusalem, in the Jordan River,
Under the raft and the raft, under the underwater shield,
mossy stone,
Lies imperishable, holy letter -
Given by the Lord.
Who knows this letter, knows
Who reads it on the first day of the new year
And he understands every word with his heart -
That will be God's blessing
And many sins absolution.
Mary the Mother of God slept,
I saw a wonderful dream:
As if three angels flew to Her,
They blessed her and warned her:
Behold, you are Maria, Aevo,
Waiting for the Christ child
His glory will be without end.
In seven days the grace of God will descend upon you,
Through You, Virgin Mary, the Savior will come into the world.
Who will read this dream on the first day of the new year,
He will not find death this year!
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

(Christmas post)

Conspiracy from drowning in the waters
In the church calendar, this day is dedicated to the glorification of the icon of the Mother of God of Novgorod, Lenkovskaya, called the "Savior of the Drowners."
From time immemorial, healers on this day secured a talisman through a prayer conspiracy from drowning in the waters.
It was done like this: on the second of January, at twelve o'clock in the afternoon (at this hour there is a service), they poured holy water into a ladle, lowered three knives into it and, kneeling in front of the holy water, read the plot:
On the sea, on the ocean, water rose to the sky,
The Mother of God descended from heaven.
Under Her foot, the water calmed down.
Mother of God, save and help,
Calm down all water.
As the Lord God, Your Son,
Walked on the water and did not sink,
So would our kind
The water did not harm, it did not kill any of us.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.
All members of the family should wash themselves with this water.
On January 2, you cannot:
Buying shoes is short-lived (whoever puts on boots on Lenkovskaya will send himself to the cemetery early - that's what our grandfathers said).
There are milk mushrooms, otherwise a person will yearn, be sad unnecessarily.
To borrow even a copper - it will be difficult to live.
Singing songs after sunset - the voice will be hoarse.
Pin your own pins.
The one who was born on the second of January will be married twice.
How do I tie this knot?
So that all my summer dreams come true.
Throw a handful of seeds to the birds and say:
I feed you birds
And God will feed me.

Whoever does this, God will not leave him in difficult times and will not let him experience hunger.
Receive and visit guests. Previously, this day was called "Guest". It's especially good to visit your parents.
Dreams January 2
Anyone who sees himself small on this day will be insulted (humiliated).
* * *
Seeing flowers, trees or fruits on this day will have success and profit.
* * *
Anyone who sees his children in a dream on this day will have a short-term experience.

(Christmas post)

Wash this day with the words:

As the water touches my face,
So my body will be filled with health.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The one who must go to court today, before leaving the house, let him say:
The Holy Trinity is not judged,
Do not judge the third number,
My brow is not judged either.
Divination for this day:
Take out three potatoes at random and cut them in half. If all three have a flaw or rot inside, this is a serious illness.
If only two out of three potatoes are rotten, this is a discord in the family.
If only one potato is rotten, then this is a loss of money.
If a living worm is found in a potato, then this is to an imminent death.
If all three potatoes inside are clean and flawless, then rejoice - this is a long and good life.
Note: fortune-telling will be true only if it is held directly on January 3.

On January 3rd you can't:
Pick up from the ground what another person has dropped.
To swear or promise to do something.
Wish yourself or others health (otherwise everything will be vice versa).
Peep through a crack, a well, etc. (eyes will hurt).
Eavesdrop (to hearing loss).
Avoid long trips and read the fortieth psalm, as many misfortunes occur on this day.

* * *
Slurp cabbage soup in a dream - to poverty.
* * *
Hugging in a dream - to separation.
* * *
Drinking wine, beer in a dream - to love joys.
* * *
Seeing a cut, blood or injury in a dream - to the arrival of relatives.
* * *
Holding soap in your hands in a dream - to death.

(Christmas post)

In the church calendar, this day is set aside for the glorification of St. Anastasia the Destroyer, the Great Martyr, who helped those who were imprisoned, showing them her mercy.
On this day, the mothers and wives of people who were in prison, hard labor or a settlement always visited the healers.
They came before dawn, so that the healer, at their request, read a conspiracy from the unfortunate - a talisman from death in dungeons.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Four carried the coffin
Stealthily crossed with their feet,
They lowered the coffin into the ground with their hands,
The coffin was covered with earth.
How can you not cheer up the dead?
No food to feed, no water to drink,
So that God's servant (name)
No guard can be beaten
By evil, conspiracy does not kill,
Don't shed his blood
Do not let his tears go.
Who will touch him
He will drown in his tears.
I close with a prayer
I lock with the key
I protect by the word of God.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen.
Amen. Amen.
On January 4, you can't:
Wash the floor of a pregnant woman, otherwise the child will suffer from enuresis.
Kick the animal, otherwise the person risks breaking his leg.
Piercing ears (for earrings) - they will heal for a long time.
A nursing mother, when feeding, should give the left breast, and not the right one - then there will be a lot of milk.
Walk barefoot so as not to know poverty.
You can’t knit products for hands so that there are no convicts in the family (they didn’t tie their hands).
Anyone who chokes on this day will lose a loved one.
To avoid this, say:
Mind not me, mind not my family.
Cross yourself after these words.

I advise:
Early in the morning knock on the door of your room with your left hand and say:

God forbid that God himself guarded my threshold.
As long as there is knocking on this door,
Until then, God and the saints will not forget me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dreams January 4
Dreams on this day will not have negative consequences if you say this before washing:
The night has come, the night has gone
So you, bad dream, go away.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

(Christmas post)

This is an unusual day. You can make a wish and it will surely come true.
Buy rye flour, knead three handfuls of dough in consecrated water and bake a cake of happiness. When you knead the dough, read the secret conspiracy to fulfill your cherished desire:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The Lord was born, the cross was raised,
The heavenly angel wept.
The Mother of God said:
I promise to give each person
I love grace.
Who two days before the birth of Christ
He will take a holy cake in his mouth,
On that the Lord will send His grace of God.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The one who was born on this day after sunset will definitely come out of all the vicissitudes of life as a winner.
On January 5, they read the Bible and pray to the Mother of God, exalting her deeds.
They bring cleanliness in the houses, preparing for the birthday of the Savior of the world. Every effort is made to keep January 6 clean both in the yard and in the house, since January 6 should no longer be done with cleaning, but only with preparing festive food for the Nativity of Christ.
Cancer treatment
On the night of January 5-6, black radish is boiled. Looking at a radish in boiling water, you need to say:
Black weakness from the servant of God (name), come down and
Go for boiled radish.
How are you, black radish, boiled in boiling water,
So that black weakness
FROM the servants of God (name) rolled down,
Descended, left her forever.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the morning, this water should be washed with a cancer patient, and the radish should be taken to the cemetery gates.
Dreams January 5
Seeing a fly or hearing its buzz will have a conflict at work.
* * *
Whoever sees a dead man in a dream will live a hundred years.
* * *
Meat or blood means that there will be an addition to the family.
* * *
To have mercy - to sadness.
* * *
Dirt or clutter - to long-term trouble.
* * *
Seeing a school, teachers, or subjects of study (pencil case, books, inkwell) is a bitter experience.

January 5 is undesirable:
Be operated. If possible, it is better to postpone the operation to another day.
Pay off debts, otherwise you will get into debt more than once.
Be careful on this day with sharp objects. If you cut your hand, the wound will not heal for a very long time.
Knowledgeable people say: "The one who hemmed his hem on this day will shorten his life for a day."

How did this dirt leave my house,
So that my illnesses come off me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

(strict post)

Birth towel
There are days in which they create (make) amulets for their kind. This amulet also includes a generic towel. On January 6, on the eve of the birth of Jesus Christ, they buy a new linen towel and speak it for healing from various, including serious, diseases. If later in the family someone gets sick, then the patient should be wiped with this towel, and he will definitely recover.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I speak from 77 ailments,
From any pain, from the night light,
Pretending dryness, from a cancer that travels,
Falling fit,
From spoilage, from night cramps.
The Mother of God washed her Son,
Wiped with a linen towel.
God bless my linen too.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Whom I (name) will wipe with this flax,
Since then, I will erase all 77 ailments.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen.
Amen. Amen.
Divination for Christmas
Guessing should be on an empty stomach and alone. Go to the birch, make a wish and break the branch. Before you break her, say:
Bless, Trinity, Holy Mother of God.
Branch, break off,
And to the servant of God (name), fate will appear.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.
Count all the buds on the branch. If their number is even, then your wish will come true.
Second divination
Everyone who has ever used this fortune-telling is convinced that it is always true. Buy in advance in the church during the service seven candles of different colors. From the church you need to go home without going anywhere. Before lighting the candles, put on a buttonless shirt and let your hair down. Hang a mirror and curtain the windows.
When you light the candles, read the plot for true fortune-telling three times, and then extinguish them with your breath. Put the candles under your pillow, and in the morning, without looking, take out three candles. In the evening, sign which of the candles (by color) will mean what you called her.
Designation of candles:
1 - death
2 - fame and money
3 - married life
4 - tears
5 - happiness and luck
6 - anxiety
7 - long life
I remind you: you must mark in advance somewhere on a piece of paper what color the candle will predict.
Conspiracy for true divination
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The stars were born in the sky.
Magi to the Mother of God showed up.
How true truth was in their mouths,
In their prophetic deeds
And how they predicted the birth of Jesus,
They called Him the Savior of the world.
So that my fortune-telling was true
And surprisingly fair.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

(end of Christmas Lent)

Millions and millions of people lived on earth. But none of them was like Jesus Christ. Just think about it, because absolutely everyone remembers his birthday and everyone sincerely rejoices on this wonderful day, repeating with sincere love His name and the name of His Mother, who gave us eternal life and salvation through her Son.
Whoever washes this morning, having said three times before:
The Savior was born, the light of the world appeared.
I (name) will also be saved through Jesus Christ.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen -
will gain not only mental, but also physical strength. Sick people, having done so, recover.
Signs related to January 7
If two people come to you on Christmas morning, then there will be no death, divorce and separation in your house for a year.
If someone spills or breaks something in your house on this day, then the whole year will be restless for your family.
If a person going to church stumbles, then in 12 years, day by day, he will get sick. To avoid this, you need to immediately say:
Not to the devil, but to God I go,
He will save me.
On January 7, one should not work, it is especially bad to move to a new apartment on this day.
You can not slaughter cattle on this day. Blood is not poured on this day, otherwise its own will be shed.
The one who swears on this holy day takes away the hope of salvation from his ancestors.
This is the name of the people who praise Jesus Christ on Christmas Day. They walk around the yards without any invitation, sing proverbs and collect served treats in bags and bags. They are usually served wine, sweets, cooking and money.
The money collected at Christmas is not spent, but is kept until Easter itself for the icon of Jesus Christ. On Easter Eve, money is buried under a tree that grows next to the house - then there will always be prosperity in the house!
They usually praise Christ like this:
Blessed Virgin Mary
She gave birth to Jesus Christ
She put it in a manger.
The star was shining bright
She showed the three wise men the way.
Three wise men came
They brought gifts to God
They fell on their knees, they praised Christ.
It is also believed that if the hosts, having heard this chant, do not give treats to the praisers, then they doom themselves to a year of poverty.


On this day, knowledgeable people speak the front door from thieves. They do it this way: they put the ax on the threshold with the tip towards the exit, then step over it, saying three times:

Bran, hatchet, my threshold
From the thief of the morning, day and night.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen.
Amen. Amen.
* * *
January 8 at noon in the house where there is a baby, they raise the child above their head with the words:
Holy, holy, holy
And our baby is in harmony and treasure.
You still grow up, bloom with a scarlet poppy.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.
* * *
According to a secret custom, on the second day of Christmas, you need to go outside at exactly three in the morning, raise your hands to the sky and say:
Open up holy sky
Give me golden happiness.
How many on you, sky, clear stars,
I would have so many (name) happy tears.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
January 8 is undesirable:
Buy ropes so that there will never be a hanged person in your family.
Boil and eat jelly so as not to bring a dead person into the house.

I advise:
Get rid of broken dishes on this day.
Be sure to step in a place where there are no human tracks, and start your trail with the plot given below. In this case, your legs will never hurt.

The Lord was born, the angel was touched.
I stood next to me, the ailment fell behind my legs.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


On the third day of Christmas, January 9, when you wake up, do not step on the floor with your bare foot until you say:

Trizna at Christ,
And beauty on my forehead.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Whoever does this will have a clean and beautiful face.
* * *
On this day, they visit godfathers and parents.
* * *
On the third day of Christmas, you can't chop wood before sunset.
* * *
On the third day of Christmas, the girls continue their Christmas evening divination. We present one of them.
Put a handful of seeds on the table, then discard them in pairs. If the number of seeds is paired, then the girl will marry; if there is one seed left, then it will be lonely all year.
love spell
(read while looking at the front door)
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The mother door is wooden, your nails are tin.
You open, you close
You miss every people.
You miss a good fellow for me.
Let him enter my house through you
And from me, servants of God (name),
Will never leave.
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