The contents of the copper mountain hostess. Bazhov

This story is about the serf Stepan, who worked in the mines. Once he met the Mistress of the copper mountain and passed all the tests that she asked him. She promised to marry him, but he already had a fiancee. The hostess helped him in everything, he got his freedom and married Nastenka. But he wasn't happy. So he died near the mine, near which he met the Mistress for the first time. And next to him sat a lisher and cried.

The story "The Mistress of the Copper Mountain" teaches to be honest, decent, devoted and faithful. Always keep your word and then everything will return to you in the same good. He teaches to be brave and not to be afraid of punishment.

Read the summary of Bazhov Copper Mountain Mistress

Once, a very evil clerk was assigned to ordinary villagers, who forced them to work in the mines, extract ore, malachite and much more. He constantly beat everyone who does not work, and he also beat those who work. He constantly spanked them, did not give even a minute to rest. He didn't care if the person was old or sick, everyone had to work. Once one of the factory workers, Stepan, with another went to watch the mowing, as the chief ordered, but, because they were very tired in the mines, they fell asleep.

In a dream, Stepan felt that someone was sitting next to him. I woke up and saw a girl of unearthly beauty. It was the Mistress of the copper mountain. He was scared, and she invited him to talk. A lot of lizards crawled around him, it was the whole army of the Mistress. She told him not to crush them, because he is so big, and they are all small. She asked him to tell the clerk that the Mistress of the Copper Mountain ordered him to get out and not spoil her “iron hat”, otherwise she would make him much worse, and she also ordered not to tell anyone about her and not to tell anything. The hostess also promised that if Stepan fulfilled her order, then she would marry him. And she turned to a lizard with a human head, and crawled away. For a long time Stepan could not come to his senses.

Arriving at the mines, Stepan thought what was more terrible, the clerk's anger or the Mistress's anger, but he decided to say everything that the Mistress had conveyed. He sighed and said the whole thing word for word. The clerk became very angry then and ordered Stepan to be flogged, and then put in a mine with very bad ore and chained. Stepan suffered there for a long time, when he suddenly began to mine good ore and thought that the Mistress had not forgotten about him, she had taken care of him. When all of a sudden she appeared. She said she had to keep her promise.

Her lizards released the guy from the chains and the Mistress took Stepan to look at her dowry. And she had it very, very, very rich. Various copper, ore, and a lot of malachite. He was everywhere. Another would have had his eyes wide open and would have rushed at the Mistress, but not Stepan. He sat down and said that he could not marry her, because he already had a bride, Nastya an orphan, he had already promised to marry her. The hostess was not at all angry, but on the contrary, she was delighted and said that Stepan had done the right thing, that he had not betrayed his bride and that this was another test. For this, she gave the guy a malachite jewelry box. But in general she was upset, because Stepan was to her liking. Then she began to cry, and her tears turned into jewels, she gave them to Stepan and ordered her to forget and never remember.

He went back to that mine, and back was chained to the rocks. Then it spread all over the country that the queen wanted a malachite block, for some reason she urgently needed it, whoever finds it will be rewarded, and the villagers will be free. Stepan was immediately told. One of the clerk's wards noticed that Stepan was mining good ore. Then he immediately said that any fool would get here and put his nephew in Stepan's place, and put the young man in a very bad place, where there is nothing. But then Stepan saw the Mistress, who helped him get a block, and his nephew had all the same tricks.

Then the clerk himself came and sent Stepan and everyone else to a very dangerous mine, to certain death as a reward. everyone was piled there, and he got all the reward only to him alone. But even there the Hostess helped Stepan in everything. And she stoned the clerk, and he just crumbled. That's when everyone rejoiced, freedom. The block went to Stepan and Slava, and the reward also went to him, and they gave him freedom. And there were only rumors about the clerk that he was rolled with stones in the mine. Everyone rejoiced that finally freedom, and the king wept for this clerk for a very long time.

Stepan got married, and fame about him went all over St. Petersburg, and he built a house, and started a family, and he had children, but he was still unhappy. If only he could be happy and live in peace, but still he was sad, he could not calm down, he remembered that Mistress. Although the Mistress ordered him to forget, he thought only of her. Every day he took a gun and went hunting, but he never brought any prey home. After all, he went to that mine, he thought about the Mistress and kept her tears in his hands.

And at home his daughter was born, and so she looked like a hostess, just a small copy. Nastenka looked at her and thought that this was not their child. In general, Nastenka constantly thought, she saw that something was wrong with Stepano, she felt that he did not love her, but was thinking about something else. She grieved very much, and Stepan kept walking to that place every day, walking ... So Stepan died there, but with a smile in his eyes, and with those jewels in his hands. And to this day there are rumors that there was a lizard near him that was crying.

A picture or drawing of the Copper Mountain

Other retellings for the reader's diary

  • Summary The story of Ersh Ershovich son Shchetinnikov

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  • Summary The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs Pushkin

    Getting acquainted with the work of A.S. Pushkin admire his talent. Fairy tales in poetic form deserve special attention. It's impossible to stop reading. The plot is so captivating that it seems as if everything is actually happening.

  • Summary of Belov Starlings

    The protagonist of the story is the boy Pavlunya, who has been seriously ill for a long time. The story begins with the mother doing the cleaning and carefully rubbing the samovar with sand. The boy has nothing left to do

  • Summary Mikhalkov My puppy

    The story begins with the fact that the girl is very sad that her little dog has disappeared. She is looking for her everywhere and everywhere, but cannot find her. Looking into all corners, she calls him, but the dog does not respond.

  • Summary of Bradbury Wind

    Allin is a person who is very unusual, since he is not a realist at all, but rather the opposite. Since he believes in miracles, he believes that in fact there is something more than just people and life on earth.

Once two of our factory plants went to look at the grass.

And they had long hauls. Somewhere behind Severushka.

It was a festive day, and hot - passion. Parun (hot day after the rain. - Ed.) Clean. And both robbed in grief, that is, in Gumyoshki. Malachite ore was mined, as well as blue tit. Well, when a beetle with a coil fell, and there it was said that it would do.

There was one young guy, an unmarried man, and it began to cast green in his eyes. Another older one. This one is completely ruined (disabled person - Ed.). The eyes are green, and the cheeks seem to turn green. And the man was coughing all the time (constantly. - Ed.).

It's good in the forest. The birds sing and rejoice, soaring from the earth, the spirit is light. They, listen, and exhausted. We reached the Krasnogorsk mine. At that time iron ore was mined there. It means that ours lay down on the grass under the mountain ash and immediately fell asleep. Only suddenly the young one, exactly who pushed him in the side, woke up. He looks, and in front of him a woman is sitting on a pile of ore near a large stone. Back to the guy, and on the braid you can see - a girl. The scythe is black and does not dangle like our girls, but evenly stuck to the back. At the end of the ribbon is either red or green. They shine through and tinkle so thinly, like sheet copper.

The guy marvels at the scythe, and he notes further. A girl of small stature, good-looking and such a cool wheel - she won’t sit still. He leans forward, looks exactly under his feet, then leans back again, bends on that side, on the other. He jumps to his feet, waves his arms, then bends down again. In a word, Artut-girl (mobile. - Ed.). Hearing - muttering something, but in what way - it is not known, and with whom he speaks - it is not visible. All just a laugh. Fun, she can see.

The guy was about to say a word, when suddenly he was hit on the back of the head.

"You are my mother, but this is the Mistress herself! Her clothes are something. How did I not notice right away? She averted her eyes with her scythe."

And the clothes are truly such that you will not find another in the world. From a silk, you hear, malachite dress. This kind happens. A stone, but on the eye like silk, at least stroke it with your hand.

"Here, - the guy thinks, - the trouble! As if only to carry away his legs, until she noticed." From the old people, you see, he heard that this Mistress - a malachite girl - loves to philosophize over a person.

As soon as she thought about it, she looked back. He looks merrily at the guy, bares his teeth and says in a joke:

What are you, Stepan Petrovich, staring at a girl's beauty for nothing? After all, they take money for a look. Come closer. Let's talk a little.

The guy was frightened, of course, but he does not show it. Attached. Although she is a secret force, but still a girl. Well, he's a guy - it means he's ashamed to be shy in front of a girl.

No time, - he says, - I have to talk. We overslept without that, and went to look at the grass. She laughs and then says:

You will win the game. Go, I say, there is work.

Well, the guy sees - there is nothing to do. I went to her, and she looms with her hand, go around the ore from the other side. He walked around and sees - there are countless lizards here. And everything, listen, is different. Some, for example, are green, others are blue, which flow into blue, otherwise they are like clay or sand with golden specks. Some, like glass or mica, shine, while others are faded like grass, and which are again decorated with patterns.

The girl laughs.

Do not part, - he says, - my army, Stepan Petrovich. You are so big and heavy, but they are small for me.

And she clapped her hands, the lizards fled, they gave the way.

Here the guy came closer, stopped, and she again clapped her hands and said, and all with laughter:

Now you have nowhere to go. Crush my servant - there will be trouble.

He looked under his feet, and there was no knowledge of the earth. All the lizards somehow huddled together in one place - how the floor became patterned underfoot. Stepan looks - fathers, but this is copper ore! All sorts and well polished. And mica right there, and blende, and all kinds of glitter, which resemble malachite.

Well, now he recognized me, Stepanushko? - asks the malachite girl, and she laughs and bursts into laughter. Then, after a little while, he says:

You don't get scared. I won't do you any harm.

It became shameful (offensive. - Ed.) for the guy that the girl was mocking him and even saying such words. He became very angry and even shouted:

Whom should I be afraid of, if I shy away in grief!

That's all right, - the malachite answers. - I just need such a person who is not afraid of anyone. Tomorrow, how to go downhill, your factory clerk will be here, you tell him, but look, do not forget the words:

“The mistress, they say, of the Copper Mountain ordered you, a stuffy goat, to get out of the Krasnogorsk mine. If you still break this iron cap of mine, I’ll send you all the copper in Gumeshki there, so that there’s no way to get it.” She said this and frowned.

Did you understand, Stepanushko? In grief, you say, you rob, you are not afraid of anyone? So tell the clerk as I ordered, and now go and say nothing to the one who is with you. He is a spoiled man, that he should be disturbed and involved in this matter. And so she said to the little titmouse to help him a little.

And again she clapped her hands, and all the lizards fled.

She herself also jumped to her feet, grabbed a stone with her hand, jumped up and, like a lizard, ran over the stone. Instead of arms and legs, her paws have green steel, her tail sticks out, there is a black stripe halfway along the ridge, and her head is human. She ran to the top, looked back and said:

Don't forget, Stepanushko, as I said. She ordered, they say, you - a stuffy goat - to get out of Krasnogorka. If you do it, I'll marry you!

The guy even spat in the heat of the moment:

Ugh, what a bastard! So that I marry a lizard.

And she sees him spitting and laughing.

Okay, - shouts, - then we'll talk. Maybe you think?

And now over the hill, only the green tail flashed.

The guy was left alone. The mine is quiet. You can only hear how another snores behind a breast of ore. Woke him up. They went to their mowing, looked at the grass, returned home in the evening, and Stepan had in mind: what should he do? Saying such words to the clerk is no small matter, but he was also, and it’s true, stuffy, he had some kind of rot in his gut, they say. Not to say - it's also scary. She's the Mistress. What he likes ore can be thrown into a blende. Do your lessons then. And worse than that, it’s a shame to show yourself as a braggart in front of a girl.

Thought and thought, laughed:

Was not, I will do as she ordered. The next day in the morning, as people gathered at the trigger drum, the factory clerk came up. Everyone, of course, took off their hats, was silent, and Stepan came up and said:

I saw the Mistress of the Copper Mountain in the evening, and she ordered to tell you. She tells you, stuffy goat, to get out of Krasnogorka. If you spoil this iron hat for her, then she will sink all the copper in Gumeshki there, so that no one can get it.

The clerk's mustache even quivered.

What are you? Drunk Ali mind decided? What hostess? To whom are you speaking these words? Yes, I will rot you in grief!

Your will, - says Stepan, - but only so I was ordered.

Flog him, - the clerk shouts, - and lower him up the mountain and chain him in the face! And in order not to die, give him dog oatmeal and ask lessons without indulgence. A little something - to fight mercilessly.

Well, of course, they whipped the guy and up the hill. The overseer of the mine, - also not the last dog - took him to the face - nowhere worse. And it's wet here, and there is no good ore, it would be necessary to quit long ago. Here they chained Stepan to a long chain, so that, therefore, it was possible to work. It is known what time it was - a fortress (serfdom. - Ed.). Everyone was galling (mocked. - Ed.) over a person. The overseer also says:

Cool down here a bit. And the lesson from you will be pure malachite so much, - and he appointed it completely inappropriate.

Nothing to do. As the guard left, Stepan began to wave the kayolka (a tool for beating ore. - Ed.), But the guy was still nimble. Look, it's okay. So malachite is poured, exactly who throws it with his hands. And the water went somewhere from the bottom. It became dry.

“Here,” he thinks, “it’s good. Apparently, the Mistress remembered me.”

I just thought, suddenly it sounded. He looks, and the Mistress is here, in front of him.

Well done, - says, - Stepan Petrovich. It can be honoured. Not frightened stuffy goat. Well told him. Let's go, apparently, to look at my dowry. I don't go back on my word either.

And she frowned, as if she didn't feel good about it. She clapped her hands, the lizards ran in, the chain was removed from Stepan, and the Mistress gave them a routine:

Break the lesson here in half. And so that there was a selection of malachite, a silk variety. - Then he says to Stepan: - Well, fiancé, let's go look at my dowry.

And here we go. She is ahead, Stepan is behind her. Where she goes - everything is open to her. How large rooms have become underground, but their walls are different. Either all green or yellow with golden dots. On which again the flowers are copper. There are also blue ones, azure ones. In a word, embellished, which is impossible to say. And the dress on her - on the Mistress - is changing. Either it glitters like glass, or it suddenly fades, or it sparkles with a diamond scree, or it becomes red copper, then again it casts green silk. They go, they go, she stopped.

And Stepan sees a huge room, and in it beds, tables, stools - all made of king copper. The walls are malachite with a diamond, and the ceiling is dark red under black, and on it are copper flowers.

Let's sit, - he says, - here, we'll talk. They sat down on stools, malachite and asked:

Did you see my dowry?

I saw, - says Stepan.

Well, how about marriage now? And Stepan does not know how to answer. He had a fiancee. A good girl, an orphan alone. Well, of course, against malachite, where is her beauty to equal! Simple man, ordinary. Stepan hesitated, hesitated, and said:

Your dowry fits the kings, and I am a working man, a simple one.

You, - he says, - my dear friend, do not wobble. Tell me straight, do you marry me or not? - And she frowned at all.

Well, Stepan answered bluntly:

I can’t, because another was promised.

He said something like that and thinks: now he is on fire. And she seemed happy.

Well done, - says, - Stepanushko. I praised you for the clerk, but for this I will praise you twice. You didn’t look at my riches, you didn’t exchange your Nastenka for a stone girl. - And the guy's name was definitely Nastya's bride. - Here, - he says, - you have a present for your bride, - and gives a large malachite box.

And there, listen, every female device. Earrings, rings and protcha, which not even every rich bride has.

How, - the guy asks, - will I go upstairs with this place?

Don't be sad about it. Everything will be arranged, and I will release you from the clerk, and you will live comfortably with your young wife, only here is my tale for you - don’t think about me, mind you, then. This will be my third test for you. Now let's have some food.

She clapped her hands again, lizards ran in - the table was set full. She fed him good cabbage soup, fish pie, lamb, porridge and protchi, which is supposed to be according to the Russian rite. Then he says:

Well, goodbye, Stepan Petrovich, don't think of me. - And at the very tears. She offered this hand, and the tears, drip-drip, and grains freeze on her hand. Half a handful. - Come on, take it for a living. People give big money for these pebbles. You will be rich, - and gives it to him.

The pebbles are cold, but the hand, listen, is hot, as it is alive, and shakes a little.

Stepan accepted the stones, bowed low and asked:

Where should I go? - And he also became unhappy. She pointed with her finger, and a passage opened in front of him, like an adit, and it was light in it, like daylight. Stepan went along this adit - again he had seen enough of all sorts of land riches and came just in time for his slaughter. He came, the adit was closed, and everything became the same as before. The lizard came running, put the chain on his leg, and the box with gifts suddenly became small, Stepan hid it in his bosom. Soon the mine overseer came up. He got along well to laugh, but he sees - Stepan has heaped up on top of the lesson, and malachite selection, variety by variety. "What," he thinks, "is this thing? Where does it come from?" He climbed into the face, examined everything and said:

In some kind of slaughter, everyone will break as much as he likes. - And he took Stepan to another face, and put his nephew in this one.

The next day, Stepan began to work, and the malachite just flew off, and even the beetle with a coil began to fall, and at that - at the nephew - tell me, there’s nothing good, everything’s a bummer (waste rock. - Ed.) Yes snag goes. Here the warden and swept the case. I ran to the clerk. Anyway.

Not otherwise, - he says, - Stepan sold his soul to evil spirits.

The clerk says to this:

It's his business, to whom he sold his soul, and we need to have our own benefit. Promise him that we will release him into the wild, let him only let him find a hundred-pood malachite block.

All the same, the clerk ordered Stepan to be unchained, and he gave such an order - to stop work on Krasnogorka.

Who, he says, knows him? Maybe this fool from the mind then spoke. Yes, and the ore went there with copper, only damage to cast iron.

The warder announced to Stepan what was required of him, and he replied:

Who will refuse the will? I will try, but if I find it - that's how my happiness will suit.

Soon Stepan found them such a block. They dragged her upstairs. They are proud, - that's what we are, but they didn’t give Stepan the will.

They wrote to the gentleman about the block, and he came from, you hear, Sam-Petersburg. He found out how it was, and calls Stepan to him.

That's what, - he says, - I give you my word of nobility to let you go free, if you find such malachite stones for me, so that, therefore, they cut down pillars of at least five sazhens from them.

Stephen answers:

I've been spanked once. I am a scientist. First write free, then I will try, and what happens - we'll see.

The master, of course, shouted, stamped his feet, and Stepan had his own:

I almost forgot - prescribe a free order for my bride, too, but what kind of order is this - I myself will be free, and my wife in the fortress.

The master sees - the guy is not soft. Wrote him an act paper.

On, - he says, - just try to look.

And Stepan is all his own:

It's like looking for happiness.

Found, of course, Stepan. What is he, if he knew the inside of the mountain and the Mistress herself helped him. They cut down the poles they needed from this malachite, dragged them upstairs, and the master sent them to the butt in the main church in Sam-Petersburg. And that block, which Stepan first found, is still in our city, they say. How rare it is cherished.

From that time on, Stepan went free, and after that all wealth disappeared in Gumeshki. Lots and lots of blue tit goes, but more of a snag. They didn’t hear about a kinglet with a coil and a rumor, and the malachite left, the water began to top up (overcome. (Ed.) It began. So from that time on, the Goumeshki began to wane, and then they were completely flooded. They said that it was the Mistress who fired behind the pillars - that they were placed in a church, and she doesn't need it at all.

Stepan also did not have happiness in his life. He got married, started a family, built a house, everything was as it should be. He would live evenly and rejoice, but he became unhappy and lost his health (weakened. (Ed.). So he melted before our eyes.

The sick man came up with the idea of ​​​​starting a shotgun and got into the habit of hunting. And that’s all, listen, he goes to the Krasnogorsk mine, but he doesn’t bring the booty home. In the autumn he left so and so with the end. Now he's gone, now he's gone... Where did he go? Shot down, of course, the people, let's look. And he, listen, is lying dead in the mine near a high stone, smiling evenly, and his rifle is lying on the sidelines right there, not shot from it. Which people were the first to come running, they said that they saw a green lizard near the dead man, and such a big one, which did not happen at all in our places. It is as if she is sitting over the dead man, she raised her head, and her tears are dripping. As people ran closer - she was on a stone, only they saw her. And when they brought the dead man home and began to wash it, they look: he has one hand tightly clamped, and you can barely see green grains from it. Half a handful. Then one knowledgeable happened, looked sideways at the grains and said:

Yes, it's a copper emerald! Rare stone, dear. Whole wealth is left for you, Nastasya. Where does he get these stones from?

Nastasya - his wife - explains that the dead man never spoke about any such pebbles. I gave the casket to her when I was still a groom. A large box, malachite. There is a lot of kindness in her, but there are no such pebbles. Didn't see.

They began to get those pebbles out of Stepanov's dead hand, and they crumbled into dust. They never found out at that time where Stepan had them from. Then they dug in Krasnogorka. Well, ore and ore, brown with a copper sheen. Then someone found out that it was Stepan who had the tears of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. He did not sell them, hey, to anyone, kept them secretly from his own, and accepted death with them. BUT?

Here she is, so what a Mistress of the Copper Mountain! A bad person to meet her is grief, and a good one has little joy.


The tale was first published along with two others. - "About the Great Poloz" and "Dear Name" - in the collection "Pre-revolutionary folklore in the Urals", Sverdlovsk regional publishing house, 1936. This tale is closest to the Ural mining folklore. Geographically, they are connected with the old Sysertsky mining district, "which," P. Bazhov pointed out, "included five factories: Sysertsky or Sysert - the main plant of the district, Polevskoy (aka Polevaya or Poleva) - the oldest plant of the district, Seversky (Severn ), Verkhny (Verkh-Sysertskny), Ilyinsky (Nizhve-Sysertsky) .. Near the Polevskoy plant there was also the most famous copper deposit of the fortress period of the Urals - the Gumeshki mine, otherwise the Copper Mountain, or simply the Mountain. With these Gumeshki, which for a century were terrible Underground penal servitude of more than one generation of workers is connected with most of the tales of the Polevsky district "(P. Bazhov, Preface to the tales published in the journal Oktyabr, e 5-6, 1939, p. 158).

About the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, about the Great Poloz, about the mysterious mine of Gumeshki, P. Bazhov heard stories both in his own family and from factory old people. They were experienced workers who had devoted their entire lives to the mining industry. By old age, when they had already "exploited", they were transferred from mines and from copper-smelting furnaces to lighter work (to watchmen, forest patrolmen, etc.). They were the tellers of legends about old factories, about the life of miners. The image of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain or Malachitnitsa in mining folklore has various options: Mountain mother, Stone girl, Golden woman, girl Azovka, Mountain spirit, Mountain elder, Mountain owner - (see P.L. Ermakov, Memoirs of a miner, Sverdlgiz, 1947 ; L. Potapov. The cult of the mountains in Altai, the magazine "Soviet Ethnography", e 2, 1946: "Songs and Tales of the Miners", folklore of the miners of the Shakhtinsky region, Rostov Regional Book Publishing House, 1940; N. Dyrenkova, Shorsky Folkler, M-L. 1940 A. Misyurev, Legends and were, the folklore of the old miners of Southern and Western Siberia; -Novosibirsk, 1940) - All these folklore characters are the keepers of the wealth of the mountain bowels. The image of Malachitnitsa by P. Bazhov is much more complicated. The writer embodied in it the beauty of nature, inspiring a person to creative search.

The image of Malachitnitsa from the tales of P. Bazhov has become widely accepted in Soviet art. It has been recreated on stage, in painting and sculpture. "Images of Bazhov's tales - in the wall paintings of the Palace of Pioneers in the city of Sverdlovsk, the House of Pioneers in the city of Serov, in works of handicraft art industry, in toys for children" (Vl. Biryukov, Singer of the Urals, newspaper Krasny Kurgan, February 1, 1951 t.). Bazhov's tales were recreated by Paleshian artists.

"In the large white-stone Palace of Pioneers in Sverdlovsk, there are whole labyrinths of rooms, and there are a lot of interesting things in them. But the guys enter one of the rooms with a joyful feeling of expectation of something special, a little mysterious and beautiful. This is the room of Bazhov's tales. On a high, spacious wall, a girl, Golden Hair, scattered her long braids. Nearby is a green-eyed beauty in a heavy malachite dress of the Copper Mountain Mistress. A mischievous red-haired girl, Ognevushka-Poskakushka, dances on the wall. This is how the master’s room from Palekh was painted "(" Pionerskaya Pravda "March 10 1950)

The tale "The Mistress of the Copper Mountain" laid the foundation for a whole group of works united by the image of Malachitnitsa. This group, in addition to the specified tale, includes nine more works, including; "Prikazchikov's soles" (1936), Sochnev's pebbles" (1937), "Malachite box" (1938), "Stone flower" (1938), "Mining master" (1939), "Two lizards" (1939), "Fragile twig "(1940), "Grass Trap" (1940), "Tayutkino Mirror" (1941).

Two mowing went to look. And fell asleep in nature from fatigue. One of them was called Stepan, they were young guys. Stepan woke up and looks - a girl is sitting on a stone, marvelous beauty, in a malachite dress. Her eyes are green, and her hair is bluish-black, braided. Yes, an unusual braid - it does not hang out, but it seems to have stuck to the dress and back. The girl is mobile, cheerful, and Stepan looks at her and cannot take his eyes off her. Stepan guessed - this is the Mistress herself, he recognized by the clothes.
She noticed him and said: -What are you looking at? They take money to look. Come closer. There is a case.
Stepan thought it was a shame to be shy in front of the girl and went up to her. He looks - the lizards around are multi-colored - there is nowhere to step. It was the Mistress who laughed so hard. She showed him her treasures and led him inside the mountains, all the walls there were made of precious stones and such handicrafts - beauty unprecedented.
And says:
- Stepan, come and tell the clerk: “The mistress, they say, ordered the Mednaya Mountain to you, stuffy goat, to get out of the Krasnogorsk mine. not obtain." If you do everything as I said, I will marry you!
Stepan thought: now, to marry a lizard!
He returned to his room and did as she ordered. The clerk got angry and put Stepan on a chain in the mine - and assigned a huge daily output for malachite. Stepan works - and his malachite goes like that, there is a lot of it. Suddenly a soft light shone and the Mistress appeared, the lizards freed Stepan and she let's praise him:
- Well done, Stepan was not afraid, he did everything as it should. Let's go see the dowry.
And she led him inside the mountain, to show countless riches, shows and asks:
- Well, as Stepan, he didn’t think of getting married.
- You have such wealth, it fits the kings, but I can’t get married - another is promised.
And Stepan had a bride - a simple girl Nastasya. The hostess seemed to be happy about this:
- Well done, he says, you are honest.
And at the very tears drip. Stepan looks - and tears turn into stones.
She gave Stepan a dowry - a malachite box and stones made from tears, and said that all this was very valuable, so that Stepan would not sell it for a low price.
He returned to the mine, adjusted the chain. The clerk comes - looks at the mountain of malachite and put his nephew in Stepan's place, and moved Stepan to another place, poorer. But even there Stepan got a double norm. They brought him to the master and he said:
- Find me a block of malachite in 100 pounds and I'll give you free.
Stepan found a block, but they did not let him go free.
Then a new task was given to him. But he demanded that he and Nastasya write a free one in advance, and then he would already mine malachite. Stepan completed the task and became free.
They got married with Nastasya, they had three children: two guys and a girl. Yes, only Stepan did not see happiness: longing consumed him. And they found him dead one day on the mountain...

"Mistress of the Copper Mountain" P.P. Bazhov.

Pavel Petrovich Bazhov

"Mistress of the Copper Mountain"

Grade: Grade 5

Genre: story

Year of writing: 1936;

Year of publication: 1939. In world history, the year is remembered for the invasion of Nazi Germany into Poland and the beginning of the Second World War. Mass arrests and repressions were taking place in the Soviet Union at that time. P.P. himself Bazhov was not repressed, on the contrary, he was actively engaged in creativity and journalistic activities, living in Sverdlovsk.

The action of the work takes place in the second half of the 18th - the first half of the 19th centuries, as indicated by the mention of serfdom and the name of the breeder Turchaninov.

The main characters of the work are the miner Stepan - a young, strong, courageous man who was not afraid to convey to the clerk the words of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain.

The second protagonist is the Mistress of the Copper Mountain herself, she is Malachite. Bazhov presents in the image of an unmarried girl (wearing a braid) with a blue-black braid, at the end of which there is a ribbon of sheet copper, a dark green dress, similar to silk malachite. Sometimes she appears in the form of a lizard with a crown on her head, or a lizard with a female head.

The mistress of the Copper Mountain is proud, confident in her strength, and mocking. She sympathizes with simple miners: “... the one who is with you, nothing, look, don’t say. He is a spoiled man, that he should be disturbed and involved in this matter. And so she said to the little titmouse that she helped him a little. It is impossible to call it good, rather, fair, because. everyone at a meeting with her gets what he deserves. You can learn self-confidence and honesty from the Mistress. For Stepan, these qualities are also characteristic. It should be noted that the Mistress of the Copper Mountain is found not only in this, but also in a number of other tales of Bazhov.

The plot of the work is as follows:

at the time of haymaking, two guys working at a mining plant went to look at the grass. One of them, Stepan, saw the Mistress of the Mednaya Mountain, who told him to give the order to the clerk to get out of the Gumeshkovsky mine. As a reward, she promised to marry him. Stepan conveyed to the clerk the words of Malachitnitsa, for which he was chained in the face and was obliged to extract a large amount of malachite. The hostess rescued him from the slaughter and took him to see her "dowry" - underground riches. Then she asked if Stepan was taking her in marriage. Stepan refused, explaining that he had promised to marry another. The hostess of the Copper Mountain was delighted and gave his bride a malachite jewelry box, and gave Stepan a handful of emeralds - her tears. The last command of the Mistress was to forget her.

A few years after his marriage, Stepan began to yearn, wither away. One day he went into the forest and did not return. He was found dead near a mine, a lizard crying over him. Emeralds were clutched in his hand, which crumbled to dust when touched.

My opinion

Tales of P.P. Bazhov about the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, in particular, this tale, are one of my favorite works. The story reveals to the reader the world of the Ural miners of that time, shows their traditions, way of life, worldview. There is no place for idealization here, the characters of people are drawn believably, everyone has good and bad features. The language of the tale "The Mistress of the Copper Mountain" (as, indeed, of all other tales) is bright, figurative, rich in dialectisms, conveys the local dialect. When reading a tale, it is as if you hear a living story of a person with rich life experience, who has seen a lot in his lifetime. He loves his land, his land, the people who live there. And through his stories, he tries to show that despite all the hardships of life, people should be kind, honest, fair.

a very short story based on the tale of the copper mountain hostess

  1. Why is the mistress of the copper mountain
    asked to stop working?
  2. if you don't like it don't look

  3. Thanks a lot! No difficult words.
  4. There were two guys who mined malachite and other stones. One was young, but because of his work, he did not look his age, and the other was older and coughed all the time. One day they decided to rest in a clearing and fell asleep. A young guy woke up and saw a girl on a stone. She was beautiful, stately, with a long braid and dressed in silk malachite. The guy guessed that this was the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. He was about to run away when she turned to him and called him by name. It was rumored that Hozyaka likes to play tricks on people. She said that she had nothing to do with him, and the guy had to go after the Mistress. When he approached, he saw that there were multi-colored lizards around. She told Stepan (that was the name of this guy) so that he would not accidentally crush the lizard. Then the Mistress began to clap her hands, and there were even more lizards. She began to laugh at Stepan and told him not to be afraid. The guy did not like that the Mistress of the Copper Mountain was laughing at him and said that he was not afraid of anything. Then the hostess suggested that he say the following words to the factory clerk: “The mistress of the Copper Mountain ordered you, the stuffy goat, to get out of the Krasnogorsk mine. married. The hostess asked Stepan not to say anything to his friend, and then she herself turned into a lizard and disappeared. He wanted not to say these words to the clerk, but was afraid that the Mistress of the Copper Mountain would be offended, and decided to say so. The next day, he said these words to the clerk, to which the angry clerk ordered Stepan to be flogged, lowered uphill, and then chained in the face so that he would get a lot of precious ore. The mistress of the Copper Mountain took care of Stepan and gave him a lot of malachite and drained the water from the mine. Then She took the guy to look at his dowry, but he was deceived and not released. The gentleman wrote about the found malachite, who, upon arrival, ordered Stepan to find the same blocks of malachite in order to cut down pillars 5 sazhens long. He refused to search until they write free in his name and the name of his wife Nastya. Stepan found the pillars and was released into the wild. The pillars were placed in the temple in St. Petersburg. Once Stepan was found dead near the mine. There was a smile on his face.
  5. Summary of the tale "Mistress of the Copper Mountain":

    Once two mine workers went to look at their mowing, and when they reached the Krasnogorsk mine, they lay down to rest in the grass and fell asleep. The junior worker, whose name was Stepan, woke up after some time and saw a girl with a black braid sitting with her back to him. By her dress made of malachite, the guy guessed that in front of him was the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. Stepan wanted to run away unnoticed, but the Mistress turned around and called him over to talk to her. The retinue of the Mistress had countless lizards. The hostess ordered Stepan the next day to convey to the factory clerk the following words: “The mistress, they say, ordered the Mednaya Mountain to you, stuffy goat, to get out of the Krasnogorsk mine. that there is no way to get it." After that, the Mistress turned into a lizard with a human head and in parting shouted to Stepan: "Do it my way, I'll marry you!" mistress's words. The clerk got angry and ordered Stepan to be flogged, sent to work in a damp mine with bad ore, and chained to him. And as a task, Stepan was assigned to extract a huge amount of pure malachite. But the Mistress of the Copper Mountain took care of Stepan, he had an abundance of malachite, and the water from the mine was gone. Soon the Mistress took Stepan to look at her dowry. Having looked at the wealth of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, Stepan said that he could not marry her, because he already had a bride - the orphan Nastya. In response to this, the Mistress was not angry, but delighted: “I praised you for the clerk, but for this I will double praise. You didn’t look at my wealth, didn’t exchange your Nastenka for a stone girl.” And the Mistress gave a gift to Stepan's girlfriend - a malachite box with earrings, rings and other rich jewelry. Saying goodbye to Stepan, the Mistress of the Copper Mountain ordered not to remember her, began to cry and ordered to collect her tears - precious stones. After that, the Mistress returned Stepan to the mine.
    Seeing a lot of malachite mined by Stepan, the overseer of the mine put his nephew in Stepanov's mine, and Stepan was transferred to another mine. Seeing that Stepan was still extracting a lot of malachite, and his nephew could not get anything, the warder ran to the clerk: “Not otherwise, Stepan sold his soul to evil spirits.” The clerk says to this: “It is his business, to whom he sold his soul, but we need to have our own benefit. Promise him that we will set him free, let him only let him find a hundred-pood block of malachite."
    The clerk remembered the words of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, transmitted to him by Stepan, and decided to stop work at the Krasnogorsk mine. Stepan found a malachite block, but he was deceived and not released. A gentleman from St. Petersburg wrote about the block, he came and ordered Stepan to find such malachite stones in order to cut down pillars five sazhens long from them. Stepan refused to look for stones until they write free in his name and in the name of his fiancee Nastya. Stepan found the pillars, he and his bride were freed from serfdom, and the malachite pillars were placed in a church in St. Petersburg.
    The mine, where the stones for the pillars were found, soon flooded. They said that this was the wrath of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain at the fact that the pillars in the church were standing.
    Stepan got married, but was all the time sad, often went to the abandoned mine to hunt, but did not bring the booty home.
    Once Stepan was found dead near the mine. There was a smile on his face. It was said that near his body they saw a large lizard that was crying.

  6. Once two mine workers went to look at their mowing, and when they reached the Krasnogorsk mine, they lay down to rest in the grass and fell asleep. The junior worker, whose name was Stepan, woke up after some time and saw a girl with a black braid sitting with her back to him. By her dress made of malachite, the guy guessed that in front of him was the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. Stepan wanted to run away unnoticed, but the Mistress turned around and called him over to talk to her.

    The retinue of the Mistress had countless lizards. The hostess ordered Stepan the next day to convey to the factory clerk the following words: “The mistress, they say, ordered the Mednaya Mountain to you, stuffy goat, to get out of the Krasnogorsk mine. that there is no way to get it." After that, the Mistress turned into a lizard with a human head and shouted goodbye to Stepan: "Do it in my opinion, I will marry you!"
    It was terrible for Stepan to incur the wrath of the clerk, but the wrath of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain was even more terrible, and Stepan nevertheless conveyed to the clerk the words of the Mistress. The clerk got angry and ordered Stepan to be flogged, sent to work in a damp mine with bad ore, and chained to him. And as a task, Stepan was assigned to extract a huge amount of pure malachite. But the Mistress of the Copper Mountain took care of Stepan, he had an abundance of malachite, and the water from the mine was gone. Soon the Mistress took Stepan to look at her dowry.
    having examined the wealth of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, Stepan said that he could not marry her, because he already had a bride - the orphan Nastya. In response to this, the Mistress was not angry, but delighted: “I praised you for the clerk, but for this I will double praise. You didn’t look at my wealth, didn’t exchange your Nastenka for a stone girl.” And the Mistress gave a gift to Stepan's girlfriend - a malachite box with earrings, rings and other rich jewelry. Saying goodbye to Stepan, the Mistress of the Copper Mountain ordered not to remember her, began to cry and ordered to collect her tears - precious stones. After that, the Mistress returned Stepan to the mine.
    Seeing a lot of malachite mined by Stepan, the overseer of the mine put his nephew in Stepanov's mine, and Stepan was transferred to another mine. Seeing that Stepan was still extracting a lot of malachite, and his nephew could not get anything, the warder ran to the clerk: “Not otherwise, Stepan sold his soul to evil spirits.” The clerk says to this: “It is his business, to whom he sold his soul, but we need to have our own benefit. Promise him that we will set him free, let him only let him find a hundred-pood block of malachite."
    The clerk remembered the words of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, transmitted to him by Stepan, and decided to stop work at the Krasnogorsk mine. Stepan found a malachite block, but he was deceived and not released. A gentleman from St. Petersburg wrote about the block, he came and ordered Stepan to find such malachite stones in order to cut down pillars five sazhens long from them. Stepan refused to look for stones until they write free in his name and in the name of his fiancee Nastya. Stepan found the pillars, he and his bride were freed from serfdom, and the malachite pillars were placed in a church in St. Petersburg.
    The mine, where the stones for the pillars were found, soon flooded. They said that this was the wrath of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain at the fact that the pillars in the church were standing.
    Stepan got married, but was all the time sad, often went to the abandoned mine to hunt, but did not bring the booty home. Once Stepan was found dead near the mine. There was a smile on his face. It was said that near his body they saw a large lizard that was crying.

  7. Once two workers went to their mowing grass to look. It was a holiday, the weather was good, hot. These people worked at the factory, mined malachite and other stones. The work was hard and dangerous. One guy was very young, unmarried. But the work had already affected his health, it began to cast green in his eyes. The other was older. He was sick, exhausted, coughing heavily. It was very nice in the forest, the birds sang. The men were a little tired and lay down on the grass to rest. Somehow, imperceptibly, they fell asleep. The young guy suddenly woke up and saw that a girl was sitting on the stones. He noticed that her braid seemed to stick to her back. There were amazing ribbons on the spit, either red or green. They shone, rang and shimmered. The girl was short, fine, fast. The guy realized that it was the Mistress of the Copper Mountain herself. After all, she was wearing clothes made of silk malachite. This is a stone that looks like silk. The guy was very frightened and began to think about how to carry his legs away, until the Mistress noticed him. He had long heard that she liked to play pranks on people. Before the guy had time to think about it, the Mistress looked back. She said she wanted to talk to him. She named a guy named Stepan Petrovich. The guy was scared, but he didn't show it. He said that he had no time to talk, he was in a hurry to look at the grass. The girl laughed at him. Then she said she had business with him. The guy had no choice but to approach her. When he began to approach it, he saw that it was full of lizards. All of them were multi-colored. The girl laughed and asked Stepan Petrovich not to accidentally crush the lizard. At the same time, she clapped her hands, and there was no free space around the guy. There were only lizards. The girl laughed and laughed at Stepan, and then told him not to be frightened; She promised that she wouldn't hurt him. The guy was offended that they laughed at him. And he said that he was not afraid of anything or anyone. The owner liked it. And she said: I just need such a person who is not afraid of anyone. Tomorrow, like going downhill, your factory clerk will be here, you tell him yes, look, do not forget the words: The mistress, they say, the Copper Mountain ordered you, stuffy goat, to get out of the Krasnogorsk mine. If you still break this iron hat of mine, then I’ll send you all the copper in Gumeshki there, so that there’s no way to get it. The hostess told Stepan not to say anything to his friend, because he was an elderly, tired and sick man. After that, the Mistress herself turned into a lizard. In parting, she said that if Stepan did as she ordered, she would marry him. And she ran away. Comrade Stepan woke up, they went to see the grass, then returned home. Stepan kept thinking what to do. After all, it was dangerous to say such words to the clerk. But it was impossible not to say. After all, the Mistress of the Copper Mountain could be offended by him. And he decided to do as she told him. The next day, when the clerk came up, Stepan told him all the words that the Mistress of the Copper Mountain had given him. The clerk got angry, ordered Stepan to be flogged, lowered up the mountain and chained in the face. At the same time, Stepan was ordered to extract a lot of precious ore. Otherwise, he should have been severely beaten. Everything that the clerk said was done. He was chained in the worst face, where it was wet and there was no good ore. After all, it was a time when people were serfs, so they were mocked as they wanted. Stepan was ordered to extract a huge amount of malachite. As soon as the overseer left, Stepan began to work. And malachite poured in as if someone poured it on purpose. Water has disappeared from the hole. Stepan realized that the Mistress was helping him. And then she appeared. She praised the guy for not being afraid of the clerk, for doing everything that he was ordered to do. And invited the Mistress
  8. I read Pavel Bazhov's story Mistress of the Copper Mountain.

    This book tells a story about a guy Stepan Petrovich. Stepan worked on mowing. He had a fiancee named Nastasya. Once Stepan went to work, to look at the mowing. The mowings were far away. The day was hot and walking was difficult. It's nice and cool in the forest. Stepan sat down to rest and fell asleep. He woke up and sees a girl sitting on a stone near him, short in stature. He cannot sit still in one place, he turns around all the time, as if looking for something. At first it seemed to Stepan that he had dreamed of all this in a dream. He just didn't sleep. Here, Stepan, and was stunned, he realized that he was seeing the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. She was wearing a dress made of silk malachite, the kind of malachite that happens. A stone, but I want to stroke it by the eye like a hand. Stepan knew many stories about the Mistress. He also knew that she loves to play with people.

    The hostess called Stepan and ordered him to convey the following words to the clerk. The mistress, they say, of the Copper Mountain ordered you, stuffy goat, to get out of the Krasnogorsk mine. If you still break this iron hat of mine, then I’ll send you all the copper in Gumeshki there, which you can’t get in any way.

    Stepan conveyed the words of the Mistress. The clerk got angry and punished him. After that, the ore disappeared. Stepan died soon after. For the fact that he fulfilled the request of the Mistress, she gave him a malachite box with all kinds of women's appliances, which Stepan presented to his bride.

    This work describes a legend in which nature turns to man with a request. And regardless of the desire of people, nature does what it needs. Those who agree with her, she generously thanks.

  9. On a hot summer day, two workers went from the mine to distant mowing. Tired and lay down to rest. After a while, one of the workers woke up - Stepan and saw a girl sitting on a stone in a beautiful dress, like malachite, and with a black braid. Remembering what the elders had said, Stepan recognized the mistress of the copper mountain in the girl. And she, smiling, called Stepan to her and ordered to tell the factory clerk to get out of the Krasnogorsk mine. And in the end she added, turning into a lizard, that she would marry Stepan if he fulfilled everything exactly. It was hard for Stepan to fulfill the order of the Mistress, but he did everything as she demanded. The clerk got angry with the guy, ordered to beat him, and then chain him in the mine so that he could get more malachite. Soon the Mistress appeared, thanked Stepan that she was not afraid of the clerk, and her lizards removed the shackles from him. The Mistress showed her all her underground kingdom, and Stepan told her about his bride Nastya. The Mistress gave the young people a malachite box, but asked them not to remember her and her kingdom. After some time, Stepan was ordered to find a large block and pillars of malachite. Stepan did not listen to the order of the Mistress, he remembered where in her kingdom he saw this and showed it to the clerk, in exchange for freedom for himself and Nastya. Then Stepan married, but began to languish. And those places where he lived malachite disappeared. After some time, Stepan's body was found not far from the mine, and an emerald was clutched in his hand. People said that next to the body they saw a large crying lizard.
  10. I would write better
  11. I liked this summary and it helped me a lot
  12. how difficult it is to read
  13. I liked
  14. not properly
  15. Everything is fine you wrote
  16. Guys for some reason without author's vocabulary and so class
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