Stone wall of Anna Pletnevoy. Anna Pletneva - biography, information, personal life

The girl that millions dream of, Anna Pletneva, during her career, has already managed to visit two legendary groups and earn good fame for herself. Now Anna will continue to try herself in various projects, including solo ones, and is successfully recording new compositions and entire albums that are instantly sold. In addition to musical talent, the girl has a real motherly talent, which she shows while raising her three children.

Height, weight, age. How old is Anna Pletneva

Young and eternally beautiful Anna has always had a special appearance. She has been repeatedly recognized as one of the most beautiful and sexy, and this title is well-deserved. The girl is quite petite, although not all men love long-legged ones, and as Eva Longoria says: "Dynamite is stored in small boxes." With a height of 153, Anna weighs only 46 kg. Petite, fragile, but very beautiful and sexy Anya has already approached the age of 40, but this does not prevent her from remaining beautiful. Height, weight, age. How old is Anna Pletneva, this question will always remain relevant among the girl's fans.

Biography and personal life of Anna Pletneva

The girl Anya was born on August 21, 1977 in the capital of Russia, the city of Moscow. Not much is known about her childhood and youth. The girl studied at a school with a choreographic bias, so from childhood she prepared herself for the stage.

An interesting story is her childhood love for the singer Igor Nikolaev. Anna kept his autograph under her pillow and was not at all concerts. All her childhood she dreamed of a joint duet with a singer. And when Anya became already an adult and popular, she nevertheless fulfilled her dream when she was with Igor at the same evening together. There was nothing left of that baby love, but the idea to sing with the singer did not leave the girl for many years.

Anna became famous after she began to sing with the popular Lyceum group. The girl worked with this group for 8 years, but then she realized that she needed to pursue a solo career.

Such attempts to start a solo career led to the creation of a new group "Vintage", which still exists. It was here that Anna managed to discover her individuality and reveal her own style of performance. Although not so long ago, Anna left the group and now completely devoted herself to a solo project.

The biography and personal life of Anna Pletneva is very rich and constantly in change. The girl has a lot of fans, she does not hide this. Yes, and she herself, one might say, provokes such a stir by participating in candid photo shoots for men's magazines. And the girl’s personal life is also no less interesting. She has already been married twice and the second time already successfully, the couple is now together and has three children. Although, in order to find such happiness, the couple had to wait as long as 15 years from the day they first met until the wedding day.

Family and children of Anna Pletneva

“A talented person is talented in everything”, this popular expression very capaciously describes Anna herself and her life, including her personal one. Although it is worth saying that she had to go through a lot before becoming truly happy. The first divorce was very painful for Anna, after all she experienced, she lost as much as 10 kg. And she was alone for a very long time. And only one fatal meeting and an incredible accident allowed the singer to find out what real happiness is. Now the family and children of Anna Pletneva are in the first place for the singer, and despite her busy work schedule, she pays maximum attention to her family.

The son of Anna Pletneva - Kirill Syrov

The son of Anna Pletneva, Kirill Syrov, is the youngest in the family of a mother with many children. Anna is one of the mothers of many children in show business and it is worth saying that she does an excellent job with her role. The girl manages to engage in career advancement and child development. Sometimes, when there is very little time, the singer can easily take one of the children with her to various ceremonies or events. Star children have long been accustomed to the fact that persistent paparazzi are interested in their lives, and therefore they are not afraid to go out with their mother.

Daughter Anna Pletneva - Barbara and Maria

Daughter Anna Pletneva - Varvara and Maria, despite different fathers, are very friendly. Varvara is Anna's eldest daughter, so she is responsible for looking after her younger brother and sister. Although, Maria is also not so small, at the moment she is already 11 years old. Anna's family is exemplary not only for the star element, but also for the parents of the whole world. The young girl manages to pursue a career, family, and, of course, does not forget about her beloved husband. At the same time, in her 40s, after the birth of 3 children, the singer continues to look like she is 18 and shows off her athletic, toned and slender body, acting in candid photo shoots.

Former husband of Anna Pletneva

In 2003, Anna gave her fans a reason to be happy and at the same time a reason to envy. The news of her wedding to a man who was not known in any way in the circles of the stars spread throughout Russia. In the same year, she gave birth to a daughter, who was named Barbara. But happiness did not last long. Almost immediately after the birth of their daughter, the couple decided to disperse, as the singer herself comments, that this is all for the sake of their common child and no one needs constant stress in the family. The ex-husband of Anna Pletneva was not ready for fatherhood, and all this was expressed in constant discontent.

Anna Pletneva's husband - Kirill Syrov

A few years after her divorce from her first husband, Anna began dating businessman Kirill Syrov, in fact, their first meeting took place 15 years ago, when Anna Pletneva's current husband, Kirill Syrov, dared to ask for her number, but due to the influx of fans, Anna ignored request. During this long period, Cyril himself managed to start a family, as well as get a divorce.

By a fatal accident, they met on the way to Dnepropetrovsk, where Cyril decided, once again, to create a chance for a happy family with a beautiful and talented girl, and this time the fortune was for the young man and later they began to live together, although at first, Anna denied herself in every possible way from the courtship of Cyril.

Now they have a happy family. Anna was very worried about the reactions of her daughter Varvara, but her fears were in vain. Soon the family became two more people, Anna and Kirill had a son, a daughter.

Instagram and Wikipedia Anna Pletneva

Instagram and Wikipedia Anna Pletneva are filled with high-quality and interesting information about the singer. On her Instagram you will find a lot of photos of the singer's children. Indeed, they are for her the light and the main stimulus of life. The girl loves her children very much and does not miss the chance to show her love. Anna's Wikipedia will help you learn about the albums that were released with the participation of this talented singer. And if you are interested in her biography, then it's time to start listening to her talent. And we advise you to start with her new products, which perfectly describe the mood and state of mind of the girl today.

Anna Pletneva is a talented singer, aspiring composer, model, native Muscovite, born on 08/21/1977.


Anna dreamed of a career as a singer since childhood. Or rather, I could not even imagine myself in any other profession. Literally from the first years of her life, she showed bright artistic abilities, and already at preschool age she studied with great pleasure in a dance ensemble at the Ostankino television studio. But most of all she wanted to sing on a huge stage and become famous.

She even had her own idol - Vladimir Presnyakov, with whom she fell in love at a very tender age. Naturally, the feeling was platonic, and Presnyakov himself did not suspect the existence of such a fan for a long time.

Although once he gave an autograph to Ann's brother, who managed to get through to the artist after one of the concerts. The name of the girl was even written on a small piece of paper by the hand of the idol.

As the greatest value, Anya kept this autograph under her pillow for many years, secretly dreaming from everyone at least once in her life to sing a duet with Presnyakov. Perhaps this was one of the reasons why the girl worked hard at the music school and definitely decided to build a professional pop career after school.

Carier start

Having successfully graduated from a specialized music and choreographic general education school, Anna entered the conservatory in the department of pop and jazz singing. She quickly became one of the best students there, and after receiving her diploma, she was immediately offered a teaching position in one of the courses.

A year after the start of her studies, Anna took part in the casting, which was conducted by the Lyceum group in connection with the departure of soloist Lena Perova. Having easily passed all the qualifying rounds, Anna took her place and quite easily joined the already quite promoted and popular team.

Anna spent 8 years with the Lyceum and, as she herself joked, she graduated from an excellent school of pop art. The group toured a lot, Anna learned to work in any conditions and easily withstand many hours of flights. But, most importantly, she finally realized her childhood dream.

In one of the combined concerts, the Lyceum performed together with Presnyakov and other popular soloists. And during the flight, Pletneva admitted to the singer that since childhood she had dreamed of singing the song “Zurbagan” with him.

Vladimir was so struck by this confession that he could not refuse the girl, and that very evening they stood side by side and sang a duet. But, of course, Pletneva's childhood love for him has long since passed.

Solo career

After a few years of work in the group, Pletneva began to think about a solo career. Although she was on excellent terms with the team and producers, not everything in the group's repertoire suited her from a professional point of view. By this time, she had already managed to graduate from the conservatory, began to write her own music and songs, received a sculptor's diploma and grew significantly as a person.

Anna broke up with the group in 2004, and the events of the Orange Revolution, which split Ukraine into two camps, played into her hands. "Lyceum" was supposed to take part in a concert supporting the Ukrainian authorities.

But Pletneva flatly refused to take part in the political action, believing that the singer should remain neutral. This was the reason for the termination of the contract, and Anna went into free swimming.

Her debut as an independent creative unit took place in the same year with the composition "9 ½ weeks", written specifically for Anna's newly created group "Coffee with Milk". But the song, although it was sent to rotation on all major channels, did not bring the desired success. The group lasted only a year, and then was dissolved, as the project turned out to be unprofitable.

But the composer Alexei Romanof, who wrote the song for the singer, continued his creative union with her and became a member of the Vintage group, Pletneva's next project. This time the focus was on sexy and glamorous looks and it worked.

In the spring of 2007, the first song of the group "Criminal Love" was released, and already in 2008 the group began to actively tour. A year later, the presentation of the debut album "SEX" took place.

Over the entire period of her creative activity, Vintage released five full-length music albums, which brought Anna fame and a pretty good income. The singer herself continues to perform a lot, but already as a solo singer, she writes new songs, takes part in the filming of various television shows, and even managed to get the title of the sexiest singer in Russia in 2010.

Personal life

For the first time, Anna went down the aisle already being part of the Lyceum. And while she toured a lot and saw her husband infrequently, everything went just fine. But as soon as the girl found out that she was pregnant and informed her husband that she had decided to leave the child, scandals began in the family. The ex-husband was completely unprepared for such changes, so soon after the birth of his daughter, he left the family.

with daughters

Anna was very worried about the collapse of the relationship, not only because of her own unfulfilled hopes, but also because her daughter was left without a father, and she did not want such a fate for her child. The girl lost 10 kilograms, began to look worse, and her career was in jeopardy. Then for the sake of her daughter, she pulled herself together and continued to work.

The meeting with the second husband took place in one of the Moscow clubs. But she was fleeting, and re-acquaintance took place almost 10 years later. Moreover, Kirill Syrov remembered Anna well, but she practically did not have him. And for the second time, Anna did not pay attention to the boyfriend. And only when he deliberately left her without a hotel room, having bought Anna's reservation, did she have to start communicating with him.

With her husband Cyril. Wedding.

Later, when they already accidentally came face to face again in Dnepropetrovsk, both decided that it was time to stop playing hide and seek with fate. So a romance began to spin, which eventually turned into a joint work - Cyril began to produce "Vintage". Anna's daughter perfectly accepted the new dad, and over time, two more children appeared in the family - a girl and a boy, whom Anna gave birth to Syrova.

// Photo: Anatoly Lomokhov /

Anna Pletneva has long been accustomed to being called nothing more than a sex symbol. The singer loves revealing outfits, and her songs often have erotic overtones. That is why it is so difficult for many fans to realize that the star is a mother of many children.

Despite a busy work schedule, Anna considers herself a really good mother. “Maybe immodest, but it’s true. I have a very well developed maternal instinct. Three times I faced a choice between a child and work, and each time I decided to give birth, but by all means save my career, ”the artist admitted in a recent interview.

And yet, even with all her talents, Pletneva failed to maintain a good relationship with her 15-year-old daughter Varvara. According to the star, they began to rapidly move away and almost became enemies.

“The fact is that we had a very difficult relationship, especially the last year. Varya is a teenager, and although it seemed to me that I was a progressive mother and understood young people, I could not reconnect with her. At some point, it occurred to me to try to solve our problem in a non-standard way - to write a song about her and in general all teenagers who really need love and nothing more. After the song was written, I invited Varya to star in the video. Filming took place in Paris. We literally flew away from Moscow on knives, and a day later we returned as best friends, ”said the artist.

According to the singer, it was difficult for her to come to terms with the fact that the child had matured, and soon Barbara would have to be released into an independent life.

For many fans of Pletneva, her revelations came as a complete surprise, because the star rarely talks about her personal life. So, even the name of the first husband of the artist, with whom she broke up just a few weeks after the birth of Barbara, is still unknown. But the star talks about the relationship with her current husband Cyril with pleasure.

“When you are married for 15 years, there is nothing better to stimulate feelings than popularity. Truth. When people have been together for a long time, they start to get bored, so they are looking for ways to diversify their personal lives. Here and role-playing games, and various sex toys. And I don't need any of that. Therefore, my advice to everyone: who wants to live a long and happy married life, become pop stars, and you will be able to do what you want, ”the artist shared.

Communicating with, Pletneva emphasized that she was not going to make public people out of her loved ones. She prefers to keep the personal in her heart, and only discuss creativity with her fans. At the moment, Anna feels like a really happy person, so she does not want to let strangers into her world.

Anna Yurievna Pletneva. She was born on August 21, 1977 in Moscow. Russian singer. Former soloist of the pop group Lyceum (1997-2005). Soloist of the pop group Vintage (2006-2016; since 2018).

From the age of 9 she danced in the children's ballet "Ostankino", with which she went on tour and concerts a lot, incl. abroad.

According to Anna, she really liked the singer as a child. Largely under the influence of his work, she herself became interested in music and vocals, attended all the concerts of her idol and dreamed of singing a duet with him (which later happened).

In 1995 she graduated from Moscow School No. 1113 with an in-depth study of music and choreography.

Graduated from the State Classical Academy (GKA) named after. Maimonides majoring in pop-jazz singing, class of Associate Professor M.L. Korobkova. After graduating from the GCA, she became a teacher there.

In 1997 she was invited to the group "Lyceum"- to replace the departed. In two weeks, Anna learned the musical material and learned to play the guitar. After that, the group "Lyceum" in the new composition covered 30 songs from their repertoire. In the updated composition, there were “live fights” in the “Musical Ring” program against the “Time Machine” and a “live” concert in the RTR program “Live Collection”.

In 1999, with her participation, the fifth album "Sky" and five songs for the next album were recorded, with which the girls performed at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia" in the concerts "Your Music", a project by Alexander Oleinikov on the TV-6 channel. In 2000, the group recorded the next album, "You have become different", in which Anna Pletneva also performed as authors of 4 songs.

In 2001, the team recorded the hit "You will become an adult", in which the actress starred in the video. In subsequent years, the songs “How did you dream of him”, “More than love”, “She no longer believes in love”, “Rain is falling”, “Open the doors”, etc. were released.

Lyceum - More than love

In October 2005, Anna Pletneva left the Lyceum group, and in mid-2006 she created a pop duet "Vintage" together with musician Alexei Romanof, former soloist of the Amega group. As Anna said, the story of the creation of "Vintage" is very funny: she was in a hurry to an important meeting, but she collided with the car of Alexei Romanof. While the artists were waiting for the traffic police, they made a mutual decision to create a pop group.

In 2007, the band's first album "Criminal Love" was released.

In 2008, Vintage, together with the actress, presented the scandalous video Bad Girl. That is what made the group recognizable. A lot of noise was made by another hit of the group - “Eva, I loved you”, dedicated to. After this clip, the image of a “bad girl” was finally fixed for Pletneva.

Vintage - Bad Girl

In 2010, the single "Victoria" reaches the first line of the Russian radio chart. Thanks to him, Vintage became one of the few bands whose songs topped the radio chart more than three times.

At the end of December 2011, Afisha magazine published its editorial list of the brightest and most memorable Russian pop hits over the past 20 years, which included the song "Eva".

On August 21, 2016, Anna Pletneva presented her first solo single "Strong Girl" and announced her intention to start a solo career. The composition was written by Alexei Romanof, the video was directed by Sergei Tkachenko. Soon Alexei Romanof announced the forthcoming casting of new soloists for the group.

Anna herself explained her departure from the group by saying that relations within the team had exhausted themselves in a creative sense: “To my great regret, this story really ended. We made the decision together, although many fans thought that I put an end to it - as the frontwoman of the group. "what happened was the logical outcome of what was happening, we simply had no choice. Recently, everything has been like in a marriage that has already cracked, although outwardly it did not manifest itself in any way. A union, personal or creative, cannot last long in such a state If people no longer burn with a single impulse, are not in the same cage, and something has broken inside, then very soon their paths will diverge. Alas, this happened in our case too.

On November 21, 2016, Anna Pletneva's second video hit for the song "Girlfriend" was released in a duet with the actress. This clip became the soundtrack to a new comedy mini-series with the same name - "Girlfriend". According to the plot, the stars play themselves, they both remain unemployed and meet by chance in a roadside cafe, where they make friends, and then receive a job offer.

On February 1, 2018, the premiere of the single "White" took place, authored by Alexei Romanof. The song topped iTunes Russia and became the singer's first single to do so. From that moment, Anna began to appear on stage under the name "Anna Pletneva "Vintage"".

July 19, 2018 Anna Pletneva returns to Vintage. On August 21, the singer presented a video clip for the song "Sunday Angel" and her debut solo album "Strong Girl".

Anna appeared many times on the pages of men's magazines, was recognized as one of the sexiest women in Russia.

“A person is a magnet that attracts his own thoughts to himself. What you dream about, it will happen to you", - Anna Pletneva is sure.

Anna Pletneva - interview

The growth of Anna Pletneva: 153 centimeters.

Personal life of Anna Pletneva:

Was married twice.

She got married for the first time in 2003. In the same year she gave birth to a daughter, Varvara. However, almost immediately after the birth of her daughter, the marriage broke up.

The second husband is Kirill Syrov, a businessman. They met in a Moscow club back in the mid-1990s. We met again almost immediately after she broke up with her first husband, this happened at Domodedovo Airport. She recalled: “At that moment I broke up with Varya’s father and was left alone with the child. And although we parted on my initiative, it was wildly hard for me. I was so worried that I lost 10 kilograms, I cried all the time. us to the plane, Kirill comes up to me with his friend: “Hi, do you remember me?” I answer that I remember, if only he would get rid of. The whole flight Kirill stood over us. And then somehow he forced me to fill out a customs declaration for him. And when I signed for him, Kirill said: "Come on, come on, train" ". A relationship began between them.

In 2005 they got married. In marriage, a daughter, Maria (born in 2005) and a son, Kirill (born in 2009), were born.

Anna said that it is difficult for her husband and children to experience a long separation from her, so she tries to build a schedule so that she pays attention to her family as often as possible.

Despite the fact that the singer gave birth to three children, she has an excellent figure.

According to her, she does not have any special diet - she loses weight due to work, she loses two kilograms for each concert. “Probably, I was lucky, and I have never encountered the problem of excess weight. I have never been addicted to food at all, I am calm about sweets. There is nothing that I would forbid myself to eat,” Anna shared.

She also loves dancing and active sports to keep in shape, in particular, she loves skiing and enjoys riding in the mountains during her holidays.

Discography of Anna Pletneva:

with the Lyceum group:

1999 - Sky
2000 - You became different
2005 - 44 minutes

with the Vintage group:

2007 - Criminal Love
2009 - "SEX"
2011 - Anya
2013 - Very Dance
2014 - Decamerone


2018 - Strong girl

Singles by Anna Pletneva:

with the Vintage group:

2006 - Mama Mia
2007 - Aim
2007 - All the best

2008 - Loneliness of love
2009 - Eve
2009 - Sleepwalking Girls
2009 - Victoria
2010 - Mickey
2010 - Roman
2011 - Mom America
2011 - Trees

2012 - Nanana (feat. Bobina)

2013 - Sign of Aquarius

2014 - When you are near
2015 - Breathe


2016 - Strong girl
2017 - Girlfriend (feat. M. Fedunkiv)
2017 - Which side are you on?
2017 - Toys
2017 - Lalaland
2018 - White
2018 - Sunday Angel
2018 - Huge heart

Video clips of Anna Pletneva:

with the Vintage group:

2006 - Mama Mia
2007 - Aim
2007 - All the best
2008 - Bad girl (feat. Elena Korikova)
2008 - Loneliness of love
2009 - Eve
2009 - Sleepwalking Girls
2009 - Victoria
2010 - Mickey
2010 - Roman
2011 - Mom America
2011 - Trees
2012 - Moscow (feat. DJ Smash)
2012 - Nanana (feat. Bobina)
2012 - Fresh Water (feat. ChinKong)
2013 - Voyage (feat. Sasha Dith)
2013 - Sign of Aquarius
2013 - Three Wishes (feat. DJ Smash)
2014 - When you are near
2015 - Breathe
2015 - I believe in love (feat. DJ M.E.G. & N.E.R.A.K.)
2016 - A little advertising (feat. Clan Soprano)


2016 - Strong girl
2017 - Girlfriend (feat. Marina Fedunkiv)
2017 - Which side are you on?
2017 - Toys
2017 - Lalaland
2018 - White
2018 - Sunday Angel

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