Unicorn: beautiful pictures for sketching. Easy and difficult

The unicorn is a mythical animal that looks like a noble horse, but has one horn on its head. Mentions of the unicorn are found in ancient world: doctor of Artaxerxes Mnemon, Greek Ctesias, 400 years before new era wrote about an unusual animal that lives in the kingdom of Hindustan. This animal looked like a donkey with a white body, red head and blue eyes. The horn on the head also had a non-uniform color: at the base - white, in the middle - black, at the end - red. In later legends, the unicorn had the body of a bull, and it was only in the Middle Ages that it began to be described as a horse.

There are references to a fantastic animal in many countries: late Egypt, India, Greece, Bulgaria, Britain. There are differences between the Eastern unicorn and the European one. In eastern countries, the animal looks more like a dragon and has a height of no more than a meter. The European unicorn is a graceful horse of white (rarely black) color under two meters.

According to myths, the genus of unicorns was on the verge of extinction because of people, and the animals went to uninhabited lands so that no one bothered them. But sometimes white horses appeared among people and helped them in difficult times.
The unicorn symbolizes wisdom and selflessness, purity of thoughts and kindness. These mythical horses cannot be caught, they do not live in captivity. But a virgin can pacify a unicorn, and a horse can be temporarily restrained only with the help of a golden bridle.

The unicorn horn has great power. He is credited medicinal properties in particular, counteracting poisons. In the Middle Ages, unicorn horn was actively traded in Europe and Asia, asking for a lot of money for it. Only rich people could buy a piece of horn. It is not surprising that the legends about this mythical animal lived in the memory of people for a very long time.

Now the unicorn has become the hero of fantasy stories, so nice pictures and pictures of the animal adorn contemporary books.


The saint rose, dropping the pieces
Prayers broken about contemplation:
To him came escaping from legend
A whitish beast with eyes like a deer
Stolen, and full of melancholy.

In the relaxed balance of the legs
Shimmering white ivory
And the white glitter, sliding, flowed over the wool,
And on the animal's forehead, as on a platform,
Shined like a tower in the moonlight, the horn
And with each step straightened in growth.

Mouth with grayish-pink down
Lightly lit white
Teeth, which became more and more sharp,
And nostrils greedily absorbed the heat,
But things did not stop the eye:
He threw images around,
Closing the whole cycle of blue legends.

Rainer Maria Rilke

Unicorn symbol of chastity

Children will learn about fabulous unicorns from the cartoon "My little Pony". Girls especially like unicorns. Let's try to draw a beautiful cheerful creature, so similar to an ordinary horse.

How to draw a unicorn with wings with a pencil step by step for beginners and children?

Fairy unicorns have very unusual coloring. Therefore, do not limit the child in choosing pencils or felt-tip pens for coloring finished drawing. Let him come up with and try to transfer the intended color or shade to paper.

But first you need to draw a unicorn. How to do it? Just follow the step by step instructions.

Let's draw cartoon unicorn with wings. After all, a child may like the theme "Unicorns" and then you will need several options for drawing.

  • In the center of the sheet, we set the basis for the drawing: draw the oval body of the unicorn.

Draw the character's torso in the form of an elongated large oval

  • We give the ovals the desired shape. We connect them with smooth lines.

  • At this stage, you can get rid of the additional lines that interfere and distort the overall picture: we erase them with an eraser.

  • Now let's start drawing the legs of the unicorn. Look at the picture how to do it right.

  • We refine the shape of the head and draw the details: the nostrils, the line of the mouth, add the ears.

  • Don't forget to draw the hooves. To do this, draw one stroke at the bottom of each paw, separating a small area from the rest of the leg.

  • We draw a horn, wings and a beautiful wavy mane for a fairy-tale character.

  • There is very little left: draw big eye our beautiful unicorn, thick eyelashes and draw a line of the eyelid above the eye.

The final touch - eyes and long eyelashes

Video instruction for this drawing is presented below.

Video: how to draw a winged unicorn?

But unicorn with lowered wings, which can be drawn with a simple pencil, and decorated with felt-tip pens.

  • Starting with an outline general contour mythical animal. We draw an egg-shaped head, neck, torso in the form of an elongated oval irregular shape, draw the lines of the legs.
  • We draw a horn and give a small oval the shape of a head.
    We begin to draw a long and lush mane. We draw a horn with stripes, paint over the eye.
  • We draw pointed ears.
  • We draw a long line of the neck and draw a smooth curly mane.
  • On the other side of the neck, we also draw the curls of the mane and draw the visible part of the neck on this side with a short curved line.
  • Right on the back of the unicorn lies a wing. We draw it flat, because it is not disclosed. Add marks to it.
  • We draw the second wing, which rises slightly above the first.
  • We draw feathers on the wings. They are almost invisible, but several parallel curved lines need to be drawn.
Draw the second wing
  • We draw the lower part of the body of the unicorn: the line of the abdomen and legs with hooves.
  • We draw the front raised leg and outline the outline of the back.
  • We finish the lush tail. It curls up a little. Add short lines on the hooves to highlight them.
  • Here's what should happen:

We decorate the finished drawing as our heart desires. It can be as in the finished picture, but you can do it your own way.

Video: How to draw a PONY Princess Celestia?

You can draw a unicorn with a pencil easier:

  • We draw the contours of a fairy-tale character. Look at the picture and repeat all the lines. Do not apply pressure to the pencil: draw by lightly touching the sheet of paper so that the work remains neat until the final stage.
  • We draw the torso, adding volume to the outlined contours and giving the body, head, legs the desired shape. We finish drawing the wings: they are large in our unicorn and open above the back.
  • We draw feathers on the wings, add volume to the mane using wavy lines. Let's take some time to draw a magnificent tail and hooves of a fabulous horse. Let's draw a muzzle: an eye, a nostril, a line of a mouth.
  • Add some strokes on the horse's body, on the legs and under the wings. This will give the drawing realism. Coloring the hooves, mane and tail in gray. Wings can be decorated with colored pencils.

you can draw unicorns and without wings. For example, such cartoon characters, as these:

  • Let's start drawing with simple shapes: draw four circles, placing them in pairs at some distance from each other.
  • Inside those circles that are above, we will draw horizontal lines to then draw the eyes symmetrically. Connect the upper and lower circle with a short line - this will be the neck of the unicorn.

  • Do not forget that at the beginning you should not press the pencil, otherwise the drawing will turn out to be dirty and traces of lines that could not be erased will be visible.
  • You can draw one unicorn first, and only then move on to drawing the second.
  • We draw the corner of the nose, add eyes and large eyelashes on the muzzle. The dot on the nose denotes the nostril.
    Let's draw a lush mane for the unicorn. Let's not forget to draw a pair of ears and a horn on the forehead.

  • From the neck we will begin to lead down an oval - this will be the body of a unicorn. Let's draw 2 legs (one is raised, the second is supporting) and hooves.
  • Now draw the hind legs with hooves. The tail of the unicorn is lush and curly, right down to the ground. So we draw it.

  • Let's move on to drawing the second unicorn. Let's draw a muzzle for him: eyes with eyelids, a nose with nostrils, an ear.
    Draw the horn and mane around the horn.

  • The bangs of this unicorn curl, and the rest of the mop of hair almost reaches the ground. Now you can depict the second ear: it is almost invisible, because it is hidden in the hair.
  • We draw the front legs with hooves, draw the line of the torso and hind legs.

  • We draw a back part and a back leg which is visible. Erase everything auxiliary lines and look at the picture. It remains only to draw the wings.
  • We decorate with felt-tip pens, because only with their help you can achieve bright colors.

If you want to draw with a pencil not a cute horse, but graceful amazing creature with a horn-shaped process on the forehead, then draw step by step according to the instructions below and you will definitely succeed!

Let's get down to business! Let's focus on this picture:

  • Draw circles to represent the head, torso and legs. Let's draw more lines to connect them together.
Circles denote the head, torso and legs.
  • We draw the shape of the head, neck, torso and legs. Our unicorn has a thick mane, which we will indicate with lines near the neck and at some distance from above. In the same way, we outline the tail and draw an eye, a nostril.

Draw a horse's eye and mane
  • We draw a horn and direct the contours of the body with bolder lines. Refine the shape of the tail and mane.
  • The horn has a special shape: it is as if twisted in a spiral. So let's draw it. We draw the legs and hooves. Let's devote more time to drawing a lush tail and mane.

Outlining the contours
  • With short dashed lines add volume to the body, mane and tail of the fabulous horse. We paint over the eye.
Detailing the horn and erasing the extra lines

Let's try draw princess moon pencil.

How to draw a moon princess
  • Let's draw lines along the edges of the sheet to define the boundaries of the picture.
  • Let's start the drawing with two circles: the head and body of the unicorn. We outline with a line where the wings of a fairy-tale character will end. Let's start drawing the muzzle.

Draw two circles
  • With smooth lines we will connect the head with the body, and continue the oval-torso. Let's draw a tail line.
    With light lines we outline 4 legs and a horn. look at the picture how to do it right.
Smooth lines connect the circles
  • Let's draw one more curved line on the legs, draw a muzzle and a horn. Let's draw lines for the wings.
    Add one line on the wings, on the tail. Draw a circle for the eye and draw a line for the mane.
Draw a horn and legs
  • At this stage, we need to draw small details: on the wings - feathers, on the tail - curly hair. Let's draw short strokes on the hooves, designate the mane and eye.

Draw wings
  • A few more details, sinuous lines on the legs, on the wing, on the mane and horn, and our unicorn is ready!
Specify the details We draw a mane and a magnificent tail, feathers on the wings of a unicorn

Correct a little more and erase the extra lines

Video: How to draw a PONY princess LUNA?

How easy is it to draw a unicorn by cells?

Children love to draw in checkered notebooks. Why not draw a unicorn? For example, according to the proposed schemes-templates.

To draw by cells, you just need to find the scheme you like and correctly position the drawing on the sheet. It is recommended to start the drawing from the bottom, and “adjust” the rows of cells from above.

This section contains funny images of unicorns that can be depicted in a checkered notebook.

How to draw a unicorn by cells?

Video: how to draw a cute unicorn?

The unicorn is a creature from the mythologies of almost any of the peoples of the world, found both in European and Eastern mythology. Symbolizes only the most beautiful and immaculate that can be in the world. It looks like a white horse, but with a straight, pointed, necessarily even horn in the middle of the forehead. In the Middle Ages, pharmacies were crowned with the image of a unicorn, since it was believed that its horn was able to cure almost all diseases. Then the artists often received orders for drawings of unicorns. Now, with the advent of the Fantasy universes, the interest in these mystical animals is huge again, and we suggest you learn how to draw them. We have a lot of beautiful pictures of unicorns to draw: about 100 images found in the vast Russian and foreign Internet. You will find here both very light pictures and complex drawings for advanced artists. Any image can be downloaded for free!

How to draw a unicorn

If you already know how to draw a horse, then you can easily cope with the task. And if not, then it would be nice to learn, since the unicorn is 99% horse. To make it look like a living thing, you need to study the anatomy of the animal well, its various positions, postures. We will show you some samples that will help you draw a horse, and then a unicorn is within easy reach.

We draw a horse in motion. As you can see, it all comes down to circles of various sizes, and ovals. First the skeleton, then the details.

A spectacular rearing horse pose, which is very suitable for a long-maned unicorn

An easy way to draw a horse in its normal pose

Horse about to take the first step

A horse in front with a slightly turned head to the side is a classic of the genre for both a horse drawing and a unicorn. Remember the main rule - draw objects not as they are, but as they look from a given point of view.

Little ponies are also depicted as unicorns, and by learning how to draw this little horse, you can easily modify it to a unicorn.

A large collection of unicorn images for sketching. You will find about 100 images for artists of different skill levels.

Send us your drawing of a unicorn based on any picture from this article. We will publish the most beautiful ones with a link to your profile in in social networks if you wish. You can send a drawing through with the theme “unicorn drawing”.

A step-by-step guide on "how to draw a unicorn", similar to the one for the horse, but now with the horn, as it should be.

Simple to draw, but beautiful unicorn silhouette

Handsome and quick sketch a unicorn in motion that you can draw. Worth a try!

A snow-white unicorn with a golden horn and hooves in a pose before an attack, a well-detailed drawing

A cute unicorn drawn in pencil with extra detail on the legs, mane and tail

A unicorn with a slightly curved horn and eyes closed, idea for tattoo drawing. The inscription - I`m alive (I'm alive)

A drawing of a unicorn leaving a certain magical castle and sadly looking in its direction. Possibly a bit like a giraffe due to its long neck

Volumetric drawing of a unicorn with a simple pencil for sketching.

A beautiful drawing of a unicorn on its hind legs against the background of the moon, a great picture for sketching

Image of a mixture of a unicorn and a pegasus - Tulpara. Due to the wings, you can add additional epicness and expressiveness to your drawing.

Unicorn accelerates to attack

Abstract pattern resembling a unicorn

A tattoo of a unicorn girl, such a tattoo can mean that the girl is pure and pure, if you apply associations with a unicorn in mythology to her. And it can mean something completely different, including nothing.

Another image of Tulpar - a unicorn with wings

Large, muscular unicorn with a bandage around his neck and a piercing in his ear

Drawing with a pen, quite easy to draw, if you keep all the proportions

GIF animation of a unicorn that changes color with each blink of the animal. Can serve as a picture for sketching or an idea for a drawing from scratch

A colorful picture of the head of a unicorn, which clearly shows where the horn grows from. It has watermarks on it, but they won't stop you from copying it, right? :)

A quick sketch of a unicorn done in a peculiar style

A schematic depiction of a unicorn, however, with excellent proportions. Repeat them, detail the image with shadows, entourage, background, and you get an amazing picture.

Cartoon style unicorn with a suspicious look

A simple, small unicorn or an animal pretending to be one

A beautiful, slender unicorn, a picture for sketching. Side view

A chibi unicorn with bulging eyes. The image shows how to add volume to the legs and muzzle. And the pupils themselves are red

My style unicorns little pony for sketching and further coloring. If you want to cheat, then just set the maximum brightness on the monitor and bring a piece of paper to the screen. Then circle the silhouette of the unicorn. Voila - you have a drawing with perfect proportions, then it's up to the small!

Green New Year's unicorn, all from the same pony series

A small unicorn with an unusual beard and tail curled back like a dog

Chibikov is easier to draw than unicorns for realism. After all, you do not need to work out anatomy, shadows, and proportions can be whatever you want. Beginning artists should start with them

Therefore, we will begin a selection of unicorns - chibiks for sketching by novice artists. Cute unicorn with pink mane, tail and hooves, girls will surely like it.

An image in a similar style, but this time in color.

Tulpar-chibik. Who would have thought three thousand years ago that this mythical creature will be portrayed in such a harmless manner.

The pot-bellied unicorn stands on two legs like a human.

A step by step guide on how to draw such a chibi unicorn.

Kawaii unicorn in anime style with crescent moons. It must be some kind of superhero animal from some anime.

A cute little unicorn with ears like a hare and a long tail, fluffy at the tip. It is not necessary to draw a unicorn according to all the canons, try mixing your favorite animals with this and get unique pattern, and not just copied from someone else's.

A beautiful tulpar, as if descended from some coat of arms.

The original style of drawing a unicorn, in particular - shadows using stripes. Try experimenting with such an image of shadows, the main thing is to correctly determine the places for highlights where you do not need to draw stripes and leave a white field.

Pencil drawing by Tanya London in 2013. Surely this artist now draws amazing pictures, but we have a lot to learn from her drawing of those times.

Unicorn with rainbow mane and other details. The unicorn and the rainbow have always been somewhere nearby.

Curly unicorn with a strange left ear

A beautiful silhouette of a unicorn with small outlines in the most important places. Notice how, thanks to a good knowledge of anatomy, the artist can enliven the drawing with a minimum number of strokes of the desired intensity.

A small drawing of a unicorn with increased hairiness in attack

Stylish eighties-style hairy unicorn with flared wool pants and a long mane with bangs effect.

A unicorn with a goat's curved horn at a waterhole. The animal is up to its body in the water, and this is a great technique to diversify your drawing, and spend less time working on it.

Drawing of a unicorn with well-developed muscles, legs, head ... Whole.

A distressed unicorn is sitting on a cloud, a simple drawing.

Finished painting in color. The girl strokes the unicorn. With cinematic precision, a worked animal and a girl, it will take big job to draw this image exactly, but you can always make a quick sketch of a similar image.

A life-wise unicorn is slowly jumping somewhere

A large, beautiful, slender unicorn with a saber-shaped horn and a menacing look is clearly preparing for an attack. The anatomy of the animal is very well worked out, there is a lot to learn.

Schematic representation of a unicorn on its hind legs. A great sketch to breathe life into.

Drawing of a unicorn head with a long mane

A colorful image of a unicorn with a rainbow mane filled with careless strokes with smudges

The blue-eyed unicorn puffed out his cheeks

To draw an animal well for realism, you need to imagine what its skeleton looks like. So here it is, the skeleton of a unicorn for sketching.

The original image of a unicorn in a Disney-like style. The horn looks more like a branch than a formidable weapon, which makes the animal look harmless.

A beautiful and simple picture with a unicorn for sketching

Beautiful, well-researched unicorn pencil drawing

A vivid image of a unicorn, more precisely its front part. Practically finished painting on the wall. You can draw the silhouette and color it to your liking

Graceful unicorn girl

A schematic drawing of a unicorn, a sketch that shows where the author started

Every girl in her childhood dreamed of having a unicorn at home. After all, you can do so many interesting things with it: show it to your girlfriends, ride it to school and stroke a multi-colored mane. If you were refused to buy a unicorn as a child, then our article is especially for you!

We will tell you how to draw a unicorn step by step in a simple way! In order to create an amazing unicorn, you will need:

  • 1 piece of A4 paper (you can use any other piece of paper that is convenient for you).
  • 1 simple pencil.
  • 1 eraser.
  • 1 sharpener (just in case).

In this tutorial, we will tell you specifically about how to draw a unicorn with wings. If you want to draw an ordinary horse, then do the same, excluding a pair of wings from your drawing.

The first stage - the contours of the unicorn

First of all, draw the outlines of your future unicorn as you see in the picture - this will be your clue. Try not to put too much pressure on the pencil and make very thin and neat lines so that they are easy to erase. On the this stage you draw the basis for future: head, neck, body, hind and forelimbs. Choose the optimal and convenient size for your future horse.

We specifically tell you about how to draw a unicorn with a pencil - so that you have the opportunity to correct your shortcomings. So don't be afraid to experiment famous artists don't always do perfect lines the first time.

The second stage - drawing the body

After you have outlined the basic contours of your future unicorn, let's add realism and volume to our fairy-tale character.

Taking the contours as a basis, draw lines parallel to them at a certain distance. Pay special attention to the hooves - they should be small and even. For convenience: first draw solid straight lines from one intersection point to another, and then correct them by adding volume and removing all unnecessary.

Also at this point we begin to draw the contours of the wings - do not be afraid, this is not the final version of your drawing. Next, the wings will be drawn in more detail. Please note that in our lesson we give parting tips on how to draw a unicorn, if your vision is different from ours - there is nothing wrong with that. Do not be afraid to experiment, it will add uniqueness to your work.

At this stage, a more traced muzzle of our future unicorn and a tail are also added. It is quite easy to do this - all attention to the picture.

The third stage is the creation of details

It's time to add as much realism to our unicorn as possible. To do this, we add to our drawing a set small parts: draw in more detail the ears, draw the lines of the eyes, nose, mouth and the line of the cheeks.

At this stage, a mane appears in our drawing. It consists of vertical lines with sharp corners, which create an imitation of the accumulation of several mane hairs into one. Also a couple of slightly curved lines are added to the tail. It's time to erase all extra lines.

Carefully study the drawing, add a few lines to the neck and abdomen that play the role of folds. But if you are a perfectionist, you can leave your horse perfectly even and smooth, this is your vision of how to draw a unicorn, this will not make it worse. But it will be your chip and some zest.

The fourth stage - drawing the wings

Our horse is almost ready, having corrected all the shortcomings, we can safely move on to the wings of our unicorn.

Draw along the bend line again with your pencil, making the line denser. After that, repeat it on the inside of the wing to define the base of the wing, which is the bone covered in feathers. Next, draw elongated semi-arcs in ascending order so that they are very small at the base of the wing, and closer to the end - long and wider. In some semi-arcs, make a couple of free lines that give volume to the plumage of your wings, they are usually done in the central part of the arc.

We can change the curve and size of your unicorn's wings - they can be narrower or have a different type of plumage. There is a lot various techniques how to draw a unicorn. This is just one of the examples that we have presented. If you don't want to completely copy someone else's drawing, try picking one from each instruction and you'll end up with a wonderful original drawing.

Fifth stage - adding color (final)

Hooray! Our unicorn is almost ready! Erase all extra lines, leaving only the thin outlines of your drawing. If desired, you can circle it with a black gel or regular pen.

To turn our unicorn into a real fairy-tale character, let's add some flowers to its wings. This will give it a little fabulousness, magic and mystery. And to make the wings stand out against the general background, darken the mane and tail with strokes simple pencil.

You can also use one simple technique - go over the area you need several times with a simple pencil, and then rub the resulting area with your finger. You will get a very unusual effect. Hooray! You did a great job and understood well how to draw a unicorn with a simple pencil in just 5 steps!

Already drawn +35 I want to draw +35 Thank you + 311

On this page, we have collected many step-by-step lessons that will help you draw a unicorn with pencils or a pen in stages with your own hands. It will be easy and fun.

How to draw a beautiful unicorn step by step

Video: how easy it is to draw a unicorn

How to draw a heavenly Unicorn step by step

In this lesson we will draw a Sky Unicorn. All unicorns are basically the same. I drew this unicorn for Christmas. But it has already passed. Spring is now. Unicorns are present in the fantasy of the people of many countries. Unicorns were characters in fairy tales, poems, and every year there are more and more stories. It is still a mystery whether the unicorn was a real animal or not. Now the unicorn is depicted as a slender white horse with a horn on its forehead. Some believe that the unicorn horn has magical properties and that if the unicorn horn is stolen, broken, then the suffering of the unicorn is transmitted to people, regardless of whether people did it or not. In the movie "Legend" (Tom Cruise) in leading role two unicorns - a man and a woman and they are separated from each other. The devil was looking for the horn of the unicorn to use it to bring evil to the earth. The movie was one of the biggest movies of the 80s. I still love watching it. I have always loved fantasy creatures. In any case, you will now learn how to draw a unicorn. As long as there are little girls who dream of princes and unicorns, these creatures will remain forever.

Video: how to draw a unicorn head for children

How to draw a realistic unicorn with a pencil step by step

  • Step 1

    thin lines we outline the boundaries of the drawing on a sheet of paper, draw the main lines, determine the length and width of the torso, neck and head, and the configuration of the legs. We draw the main axis in order to determine the perspective. We note the location of the joints on the legs, the volume of the chest and croup.

  • Step 2

    We outline the main lines of construction. Checking the proportions of the unicorn's body. Our unicorn is turned to us with its chest, its croup is in the background, and then it will appear farther when we draw it smaller. We designate distinguishing feature- a horn in the middle of the forehead.

  • Step 3

    We delete unnecessary lines and draw the second axis of perspective along the border of the abdomen and the third - from the croup along the upper line of the neck. We reduce the outline lines, checking the proportions: the head with a cone, the lines of the massive neck, the back, the stomach along the lines of perspective, the croup and legs. The main thing is to draw the legs correctly so that the unicorn stands firmly on the ground.

  • Step 4

    We draw the outline, carefully considering all the details. Add leg guards, horn, long mane, tail. We outline the eyes and nostrils. We draw the ears and see how beautiful our unicorn is already at this stage, we correct the contour errors.

  • Step 5

    We strengthen the contour, we work with a very soft pencil. We determine the light source (we have it from above and behind) and shade the shaded places: chest, stomach, back leg, front legs. We leave the upper part of the neck and back, the shoulder and the highlight on the back leg white. We draw the horn, hairs of the mane of the tail and brushes on the legs. We outline the shadow on the ground.

  • Step 6

    Carefully blend the pencil with your finger or shading. At the same time, adding a background, and on the unicorn itself, the head, chest and front legs, which are closer to us, blend gently so that the contour is visible, the hind legs and tail, which are located further, are barely distinguished from the background.

  • Step 7

    Shade with a soft pencil the darkest areas on the body of the unicorn, deepening the shadow. Once again we refine the contour, intensify the shadow on the mane, remembering that the horn on the forehead remains white, draw the shields on the legs in even more detail. We shade the tail from above, weaken the shadow from top to bottom and outline thin hairs. The main thing at this stage is not to overdo it with the shadow.

  • Step 8

    Again we work with shading, smoothing the drawing. In large areas, you can use your finger to rub the pencil, but you need to be careful.

  • Step 9

    We take a bread gum (it is very convenient for such a drawing technique) and as if we blot the highlights so that our unicorn sparkles like in real fairy tale. And in the end, we strengthen the contour of the head, horns, front legs and mane.

We draw a unicorn for children in stages

To draw a unicorn you will need pencils, a pen and fantasy!

We draw a little unicorn for a child with pencils in stages

Cute little unicorn, looks cute, easy to draw. This lesson is suitable for children.
For work we need:

  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • felt-tip pens (blue, black, yellow, pink, purple, green)
  • Step 1

    We draw the base of the head and mark out the face.

  • Step 2

    Add a triangular body.

  • Step 3

    We outline the location of the ears, legs and horns.

  • Step 4

    We draw the legs and hooves in more detail.

  • Step 5

    We draw the ears, the horn of the nose. We outline the eyes and mane.

  • Step 6

    We draw the eyes and mane in more detail.

  • Step 7

    We direct the resulting image with a black felt-tip pen.

  • Step 8

    Coloring the image.

  • Step 9

    We make the background. That's all the unicorn for children is ready.

How to draw a unicorn easy

In this lesson we will draw a unicorn. Do not judge me strictly because this is my first lesson. We will need:

  • simple pencil,
  • sheet,
  • col. pencils,
  • a little patience.
  • Step 1

    We draw the basis on which we will rely

  • Step 2

    Draw the base of the horn, neck, ears and head

  • Step 3

    We draw a tummy, legs, hooves should be bifurcated like a goat

  • Step 4

    Draw the base of the tail, back, make the ears more realistic

  • Step 5

    We make the outline of the head clearer by erasing the excess and painting on

  • Step 6

    Draw the base of the tail, make some areas better

  • Step 7

    We draw a tail, an eye, a nostril and hair on legs

  • Step 8

    Add curls to the tail

  • Step 9

    We draw an eye a nostril and auxiliary lines for a mane

  • Step 10

    We draw a horn and a mane with curls, we erase everything superfluous

  • Step 11

    We paint on the hooves and circle with a pen

  • Step 12

    Coloring as you like

How to draw a portrait of a cute unicorn with a pencil step by step

In this tutorial we will draw a portrait of a cute unicorn! For this we need:

  • HB pencil,
  • black gel pen,
  • black marker,
  • colored pens,
  • eraser and colored pencils!
  • Step 1

    We draw a muzzle and a mouth.

  • Step 2

    We draw the upper part of the mane, ears and inside the ear.

  • Step 3

    We draw a horn and stripes on the horn.

  • Step 4

    We draw the second part of the mane, the nose, the eye, inside the eyes and cilia.

  • Step 5

    We draw the third part of the mane, as in the picture!

  • Step 6

    We draw the fourth part of the mane, as shown in the picture!

  • Step 7

    We draw the lower part of the mane.

  • Step 8

    Let's start wrapping. We take a black and blue pen and circle the eye with it!

  • Step 9

    We take a blue pen and decorate with it part of the upper mane and part of the lower mane.

  • Step 10

    We take a purple pen and decorate the three parts of the mane with it, as in the picture.

  • Step 11

    We take a pink pen and decorate the ear with it, and we take a turquoise pen, orange and green and circle the last parts of the mane with them.

  • Step 12

    We take a pink pen and circle the horn with it.

  • Step 13

    Let's start coloring! We take a pink pencil and decorate with it part of the mane, horn, inside the ear and blush!

  • Step 14

    We take a black felt-tip pen and a blue pencil and decorate the eye with them! And we take gray pencil and decorate their muzzle, ears and neck!

  • Step 15

    We take blue, blue and green pencil and decorate their mane!

  • Step 16

    We take a dark blue pencil and decorate another part of the mane with it!

  • Step 17

    And the final stage we take orange and yellow pencil and decorate with them the last parts of the mane, as in the picture! And that's it)))) our portrait of a cute unicorn is ready)))) good luck to everyone)))

How to draw a unicorn head

Hello. In this lesson we will draw a unicorn. We will need:

  • simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • black pen;
  • colour pencils.
Good luck.

How to draw a little unicorn on its hind legs

In this lesson we will draw a unicorn in full height on the hind legs. The lesson consists of 9 steps. We will need:

  • simple pencil and eraser
  • liner or black pen
  • colour pencils
Let's get started!

Draw a unicorn in color

Thanks to this lesson, you will learn how to draw a unicorn galloping along a sandy road. To do this, you can use any materials, starting with paper and paints, ending with a graphics tablet and a drawing program. Everything your heart desires! Attention!!! Before you start drawing, I kindly ask you to first read all the comments on the steps in order to immediately understand how to act in a given situation! Let's get started!

  • Step 1

    To begin with, we mark the head and two larger circles on the sheet, which indicate the chest and croup of the horse. Draw without pressing hard on the pencil, so that later you can erase the auxiliary lines.

  • Step 2

    We finish the missing parts: legs, ears, torso. Do not immediately draw the contours of the body, first sketch the body approximately, noting everything schematically. Small circles on the legs - joints, they should also be noted.

  • Step 3

    Based on the constructed scheme, the anatomy of the horse and, possibly, references (photos used to fully understand what you are drawing), we draw the body. And we outline the background, of course.

  • Step 4

    We finish the horn, mane and tail.

  • Step 5

    Now that everything is ready, we take either a black pen or soft pencil, or choose a brush for the line in computer program and start drawing the outline. First, it is better to start with the body of the horse, and then move on to the little things.

  • Step 6

    Now that the body is ready, let's get down to the little things: mane, tail, horn.

  • Step 7

    When everything is ready, we start painting our unicorn. You can choose any suit, but I decided to make it piebald. We paint the body with a common color for the selected suit.

  • Step 8

    We paint over the mane, tail, horn, hooves and eyes. Same general color.

  • Step 9

    Now I will give the horse volume by applying shadows. Notice where I put them.

  • Step 10

    Now we give even more contrast by applying shadows that are slightly darker than the previous ones. Do this carefully so that there are no highlights in the shadow, or shadows in the light. Everything should be logical!

  • Step 11

    If the suit you have chosen has spots, like the horse in the example, then apply shadows to other colors in the same way as with the previous color.

  • Step 12

    Finally we got to the light. We need even stronger contrast, so we overlay light on those areas that were not darkened before. If you are not painting in digital, like me, then you should initially not get too carried away with coloring and leave light areas from the very beginning of working with color.

  • Step 13

    Draw the mane, tail, hooves. Putting on shadows.

  • Step 14

    And now we draw highlights on the mane, tail, hooves and horn. Again, if you draw on paper, then leave light spots initially.

  • Step 15

    Now let's move on to the background. It can be anything for you, because we have already drawn the main character - a unicorn. But you can repeat after me. We draw a forest, a sky behind, we make a road and a clearing. You can use any technique convenient for you.

  • Step 16

    We add such details: grass, hoof marks, tree trunks, etc. Anything you want. Even the birds.

  • Step 17

    Apply finishing touches: hoof dust, sun light and glare. You don't have to. To your taste.

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