What fairy tales did the brothers grimm come up with. True Tales of the Brothers Grimm

Our page contains all the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm. Fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm is a complete collection of all works. This list also includes fairy tales Brothers Grimm, fairy tales about animals, new fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm. The world of fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm is amazing and magical, filling the plot of good and evil. The best fairy tales Brothers Grimm can be read on the pages of our website. The fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm online are very exciting and comfortable to read.

Fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm

  1. (Der Froschk?nig oder der eiserne Heinrich)
  2. (Katze und Maus in Gesellschaft)
  3. Mary's child (Marienkind)
  4. The Tale of the One Who Went to Learn Fear
  5. The wolf and the seven kids
  6. Faithful Johannes (Der treue Johannes)
  7. Successful trade / Profitable business (Der gute Handel)
  8. An Extraordinary Musician / An Eccentric Musician (Der wunderliche Spielmann)
  9. The Twelve Brothers (Die zw?lf Br?der)
  10. Ragged Rabble (Das Lumpengesindel)
  11. Brother and sister
  12. Rapunzel (Bell)
  13. Three Men in the Forest / Three Little Foresters (Die drei M?nnlein im Walde)
  14. Three Spinners (Die drei Spinnerinnen)
  15. Hansel and Gretel (H?nsel und Gretel)
  16. Three snake leaves (Die drei Schlangenblütter)
  17. White snake (Die weisse Schlange)
  18. Straw, coal and bean (Strohhalm, Kohle und Bohne)
  19. About a fisherman and his wife (Vom Fischer und seiner Frau)
  20. The Brave Tailor (Das tapfere Schneiderlein)
  21. Cinderella (Aschenputtel)
  22. Riddle (Das R?tsel)
  23. About a mouse, a bird and a fried sausage (Von dem M?uschen, V?gelchen und der Bratwurst)
  24. Mrs. Metelitsa (Frau Holle)
  25. Seven Ravens (Die sieben Raben)
  26. Little Red Riding Hood (Rotk?ppchen)
  27. The Bremen Town Musicians (Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten)
  28. Singing bone (Der singende Knochen)
  29. The Devil with the Three Golden Hairs
  30. Louse and flea (L?uschen und Fl?hchen)
  31. Girl without hands (Das M?dchen ohne H?nde)
  32. Reasonable Hans / Smart Hans (Der gescheite Hans)
  33. Three languages ​​(Die drei Sprachen)
  34. Smart Elsa (Die kluge Else)
  35. Tailor in Paradise (Der Schneider im Himmel)
  36. Cover the table yourself, the golden donkey and the club from the bag (Tischchen deck dich, Goldesel und Kn?ppel aus dem Sack)
  37. Thumb boy (Daumesdick)
  38. The Lady Fox's Wedding (Die Hochzeit der Frau F?chsin)
  39. Brownies (Die Wichtelmönner)
  40. The Robber Bridegroom (Der R?uberbr?utigam)
  41. Mr. Korbes (Herr Korbes)
  42. Godfather (Der Herr Gevatter)
  43. Mrs Trude / Frau Trude
  44. Death of godfather / Death in godfathers (Der Gevatter Tod)
  45. Journey of the Thumb Boy (Daumerlings Wanderschaft)
  46. Outlandish bird (Fitchers Vogel)
  47. About the Enchanted Tree (Von dem Machandelboom)
  48. Old Sulta (Der alte Sultan)
  49. Six swans (Die sechs Schw?ne)
  50. Rosehip / Sleeping Beauty (Dornr?schen)
  51. Foundling Bird / Foundling Bird (Fundevogel)
  52. King Thrushbeard (K?nig Drosselbart)
  53. Snow Maiden / Snow White (Schneewittchen)
  54. Knapsack, hat and horn (Der Ranzen, das H?tlein und das H?rnlein)
  55. Trash (Rumpelstilzchen)
  56. Dear Roland (Der liebste Roland)
  57. Golden bird (Der goldene Vogel)
  58. Dog and Sparrow / Dog and Sparrow (Der Hund und der Sperling)
  59. Frieder and Katherlieschen (Der Frieder und das Katherlieschen)
  60. Two brothers (Die zwei Brüder)
  61. Little Man (Das B?rle)
  62. Queen Bee / Queen Bee (Die Bienenk?nigin)
  63. Three feathers (Die drei Federn)
  64. Golden goose (Die goldene Gans)
  65. Motley Skin (Allerleirauh)
  66. Bunny Bride / Hare Bride (H?sichenbraut)
  67. The Twelve Hunters (Die zw?lf J?ger)
  68. The thief and his teacher (De Gaudeif un sien Meester)
  69. Jorinde and Joringel
  70. Three Lucky Ones / Three Lucky Ones
  71. Six of us will go around the whole world / Six of us, we will go around the whole world (Sechse kommen durch die ganze Welt)
  72. The wolf and the man
  73. Wolf and Fox (Der Wolf und der Fuchs)
  74. Fox and Mrs. Kuma (Der Fuchs und die Frau Gevatterin)
  75. The Fox and the Cat (Der Fuchs und die Katze)
  76. Cloves (Die Nelke)
  77. Resourceful Gretel (Die kluge Gretel)
  78. Old grandfather and granddaughter (Der alte Gro?vater und der Enkel)
  79. The Little Mermaid / Ondine (Die Wassernixe)
  80. About the death of a hen (Von dem Tode des H?hnchens)
  81. Brother Veselchak (Bruder Lustig)
  82. Hansl-Player (De Spielhansl)
  83. Lucky Hans (Hans im Gl?ck)
  84. Hans gets married
  85. Golden children (Die Goldkinder)
  86. Fox and Geese (Der Fuchs und die G?nse)
  87. The poor man and the rich man (Der Arme und der Reiche)
  88. The aching and jumping lion lark (Das singende springende L?weneckerchen)
  89. Gosling (Die G?nsemagd)
  90. Young giant (Der junge Riese)
  91. Underground man (Dat Erdmönneken)
  92. King from the Golden Mountain (Der K?nig vom goldenen Berg)
  93. Raven (Die Rabe)
  94. The Clever Daughter of a Peasant (Die kluge Bauerntochter)
  95. Three Birds (De drei V?gelkens)
  96. Living water (Das Wasser des Lebens)
  97. Dr. Allwissend
  98. Spirit in a bottle (Der Geist im Glas)
  99. The dirty brother of the devil (Des Teufels ru?iger Bruder)
  100. Bear cub (Der B?renh?uter)
  101. King and Bear (Der Zaunk?nig und der B?r)
  102. Smart people (Die klugen Leute)
  103. Tales of already / M?rchen von der Unke (M?rchen von der Unke)
  104. Poor Farmhand at the Mill and a Kitty
  105. Two wanderers (Die beiden Wanderer)
  106. Hans is my hedgehog (Hans mein Igel)
  107. Small shroud (Das Totenhemdchen)
  108. The Jew in the Blackthorn (Der Jude im Dorn)
  109. Learned huntsman (Der gelernte J?ger)
  110. Flail from Heaven / Flail from Heaven (Der Dreschflegel vom Himmel)
  111. Two Royal Children (De beiden K?nigeskinner)
  112. About the resourceful little tailor (Vom klugen Schneiderlein)
  113. The clear sun will reveal the whole truth (Die klare Sonne bringt's an den Tag)
  114. Blue Candle (Das blaue Licht)
  115. Three paramedics (Die drei Feldscherer)
  116. The Seven Brave Men (Die sieben Schwaben)
  117. Three apprentices (Die drei Handwerksburschen)
  118. The son of the king who was not afraid of anything
  119. Werewolf donkey (Der Krautesel)
  120. The old woman in the forest (Die Alte im Wald)
  121. Three brothers (Die drei Bröder)
  122. The devil and his grandmother (Der Teufel und seine Gro?mutter)
  123. Ferenand the Faithful and Ferenand the Unfaithful (Ferenand getr? und Ferenand ungetr?)
  124. Iron oven (Der Eisenofen)
  125. The lazy spinner (Die faule Spinnerin)
  126. Four skillful brothers (Die vier kunstreichen Br?der)
  127. One-eyed, Two-eyed and Three-eyed (Ein?uglein, Zwei?uglein und Drei?uglein)
  128. Beautiful Katrinel and Nif-Nasr-Podtri (Die sch?ne Katrinelje und Pif Paf Poltrie)
  129. The Fox and the Horse (Der Fuchs und das Pferd)
  130. Dancing Shoes (Die zertanzten Schuhe)
  131. Six servants (Die sechs Diener)
  132. White and Black Bride (Die wei?e und die schwarze Braut)
  133. Iron Hans (Der Eisenhans)
  134. Three Black Princesses
  135. Lamb and fish (Das L?mmchen und Fischchen)
  136. Mount Simeli (Simeliberg)
  137. On the way
  138. Donkey (Das Eselein)
  139. The Ungrateful Son (Der undankbare Sohn)
  140. Turnip (Die R?be)
  141. The Newly Forged Little Man (Das junggel?hte M?nnlein)
  142. Cock log (Der Hahnenbalken)
  143. The Old Beggar Woman (Die alte Bettelfrau)
  144. Three lazybones (Die drei Faulen)
  145. The Twelve Lazy Servants (Die zw?lf faulen Knechte)
  146. Shepherd Boy (Das Hirtenb?blein)
  147. Taler Stars (Die Sterntaler)
  148. Hidden Heller (Der gestohlene Heller)
  149. Brides (Die Brautschau)
  150. Dregs (Die Schlickerlinge)
  151. Sparrow and his four children (Der Sperling und seine vier Kinder)
  152. Tale of an Unprecedented Country (Das M?rchen vom Schlaraffenland)
  153. Dietmar fairy tale-fiction (Das dietmarsische L?genm?rchen)
  154. Mystery tale (R?tselm?rchen)
  155. Snow White and Krasnozorka (Schneewei?chen und Rosenrot)
  156. Clever Servant (Der kluge Knecht)
  157. Glass coffin (Der gl? Serne Sarg)
  158. Lazy Heinz (Der faule Heinz)
  159. Vulture Bird (Der Vogel Greif)
  160. Mighty Hans (Der starke Hans)
  161. Skinny Lisa (Die hagere Liese)
  162. Forest House (Das Waldhaus)
  163. Joy and sorrow in half (Lieb und Leid teilen)
  164. Wren (Der Zaunk?nig)
  165. Flounder (Die Scholle)
  166. Bittern and hoopoe (Rohrdommel und Wiedehopf)
  167. Owl (Die Eule)
  168. Lifetime (Die Lebenszeit)
  169. Harbingers of Death (Die Boten des Todes)
  170. Gosling at the well (Die G?nsehirtin am Brunnen)
  171. Unequal children of Eve (Die ungleichen Kinder Evas)
  172. Mermaid in the Pond (Die Nixe im Teich)
  173. Little People's Gifts
  174. The Giant and the Tailor
  175. Nail (Der Nagel)
  176. The Poor Boy in the Grave (Der arme Junge im Grab)
  177. The Real Bride (Die wahre Braut)
  178. Hare and hedgehog (Der Hase und der Igel)
  179. Spindle, weaving hook and needle (Spindel, Weberschiffchen und Nadel)
  180. The Man and the Devil
  181. Guinea pig (Das Meerh?schen)
  182. The Artful Thief (Der Meisterdieb)
  183. Drummer (Der Trommler)
  184. Bread Ear (Die Korn?hre)
  185. Grave Hill (Der Grabhögel)
  186. Old Rinkrank (Oll Rinkrank)
  187. Crystal Ball (Die Kristallkugel)
  188. Maiden Maleen (Jungfrau Maleen)
  189. Buffalo boot (Der Stiefel von B?ffelleder)
  190. Golden key (Der goldene Schl?ssel)

The Grimm brothers were born in the family of an official in the city of Hanau (Hanau). Their father was at first a lawyer in Hanau, and then dealt with legal issues with the prince of Hanau. The elder brother, Jacob Grimm (01/04/1785 - 09/20/1863), was born on January 4, 1785, and the younger - Wilhelm Grimm (02/24/1786 - 12/16/1859) - February 24, 1786. As linguists, they were one of the founders of scientific German studies, they compiled the etymological "German Dictionary" (actually all-Germanic). The publication of the German Dictionary, which began in 1852, was completed only in 1961, but after that it has been regularly revised.

From early childhood, the Brothers Grimm were united by a friendship that lasted until the grave. After the death of their father, in 1796, they had to go to the care of their aunt on their mother's side, and only thanks to her, they graduated from an educational institution. Perhaps it was precisely being left without parents early that rallied fraternal bonds in them for life.

The Grimm brothers have always been distinguished by their desire to study, they even entered the University of Marburg to study law, following the example of their father. But fate decreed otherwise, and she truly found her calling in the study of literature.

Most famous fairy tales Brothers Grimm "The Bremen Town Musicians", "Boy - with - a finger", "The Brave Tailor", "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". Tales of the Brothers Grimm list will provide you with a complete collection of all fairy tales. Each of us was worried about the difficult fate of the boys left alone in the forest, who are looking for a way home. And "smart Elsa" - all the girls wanted to be like her.

Everyone knows the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm. Perhaps, in childhood, parents told many fascinating stories about the beautiful Snow White, the good-natured and cheerful Cinderella, the capricious princess and others. Grown up children then themselves read the fascinating tales of these authors. And those who did not particularly like to spend time reading a book must have watched animated films based on the works of legendary creators.

Who are the Brothers Grimm?

The brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm are famous German linguists. Throughout their lives, they worked on the creation of German. Unfortunately, they did not have time to finish it. However, this is not why they have become so popular. It was folk tales that glorified them. The Brothers Grimm became famous during their lifetime. "Children's and Household Tales" were translated into different languages ​​with extreme speed. The Russian version came out in the 60s of the 19th century. Today, their tales are read in almost 100 languages. Many children from different countries have been brought up on the works of the Brothers Grimm. In our country, they gained wide popularity in the 30s of the last century thanks to the retellings and adaptations of Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak, and

What is the secret of the popularity of the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm?

All fairy tales have a unique and interesting story, happy ending, victory of good over evil. Entertaining stories that came out from under their pen are very instructive, and most of them are dedicated to kindness, courage, resourcefulness, courage, honor. In the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, the main characters are people. But there are also stories in which birds, animals or insects become characters. Usually in such stories ridiculed negative traits human: greed, laziness, cowardice, envy, etc.

There are elements of cruelty in the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm. So, for example, the murder of robbers by a brave tailor, the demand of the stepmother to bring her the internal organs (liver and lung) of Snow White, the severe re-education of his wife by King Thrushbeard. But do not confuse elements of cruelty with pronounced violence, which is not here. But the frightening and terrible moments that are present in the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm help children to realize their fears and subsequently overcome them, which serves as a kind of psychotherapy for the child.

Fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm: a list

  • An extraordinary musician.
  • Brave tailor.
  • About a fisherman and his wife.
  • Lady blizzard.
  • Golden bird.
  • The poor and the rich.
  • Ungrateful son.
  • White and Rose.
  • Hare and Hedgehog.
  • Golden Key.
  • Queen of bees.
  • Friendship of a cat and a mouse.
  • Successful trade.
  • Bell.
  • Straw, coal and bean.
  • White Snake.
  • About a mouse, a bird and a fried sausage.
  • Singing bone.
  • A louse and a flea.
  • Outlandish bird.
  • Six swans.
  • Knapsack, hat and horn.
  • Golden goose.
  • Wolf and fox.
  • Gosling.
  • Wren and bear

The best fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm

These include:

  • A wolf and seven little goats.
  • Twelve brothers.
  • Brother and sister.
  • Hansel and Gretel.
  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
  • Bremen street musicians.
  • Smart Elsa.
  • Thumb boy.
  • King Thrushbeard.
  • Hans is my hedgehog.
  • One-eyed, two-eyed and three-eyed.
  • Mermaid.

In fairness, it is worth noting that this list is far from the ultimate truth, since preferences different people may be radically different from each other.

Annotations to some fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm

  1. "Hans is my hedgehog." The story was written in 1815. Tells about an extraordinary boy and his difficult fate. Outwardly, he resembled a hedgehog, but only with soft needles. He was not loved even by his own father.
  2. "Rumpelstichzen". Tells about a dwarf who has the ability to spin gold from straw.
  3. "Rapunzel". A story about a beautiful girl with gorgeous long hair. She was imprisoned in a high tower by an evil sorceress.
  4. "The table - yourself - cover yourself, a golden donkey and a club from a bag." A fairy tale about the breathtaking adventures of three brothers, each of whom possessed a magical object.
  5. "The Tale of the Frog King or the Iron Heinrich". The story of an ungrateful queen who did not appreciate the deed of a frog who pulled out her favorite golden ball. The frog turned into a beautiful prince.

Description of Jacob and Wilhelm

  1. "Brother and Sister" After the appearance of the stepmother in the house, the children have a hard time. So they decide to leave. On their way there are a lot of obstacles that they need to overcome. Complicating everything is the witch-stepmother, who enchants the springs. Drinking water from them, you can turn into wild animals.
  2. "The Brave Tailor". The hero of the tale is a brave tailor. Satisfied with a calm and boring life, he sets off to perform feats. Along the way, he encounters giants and a vile king.
  3. "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". It tells about the delightful daughter of the king, who was gladly accepted by the seven dwarfs, saving and protecting her in the future from the evil stepmother, who owns a magic mirror.

  4. "King Thrushbeard". A fairy tale about a city and a beautiful princess who did not want to get married. She rejected all her potential suitors, mocking their real and imagined shortcomings. As a result, her father passes her off as the first person he meets.
  5. "Miss Metelitsa". It can be attributed to the category "Christmas tales of the Brothers Grimm". It tells of a widow who had own daughter and reception. The stepdaughter had a hard time with her stepmother. But a sudden accident, in which the unfortunate girl dropped a spool of thread into the well, put everything in its place.
  6. Categories of fairy tales

    It is conditionally possible to distribute the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm into the following categories.

    1. Fairy tales about beautiful girls whose lives are constantly spoiled by evil sorceresses, witches and stepmothers. Many of the brothers' works are imbued with a similar storyline.
    2. Fairy tales in which people turn into animals, and vice versa.
    3. Fairy tales in which various objects are animated.
    4. which people and their actions become.
    5. Fairy tales, the heroes of which are animals, birds or insects. They ridicule negative character traits and praise positive traits and inherent virtues.

    The events of all fairy tales take place at different times of the year without focusing on it. Therefore, it is impossible to single out, for example, the spring tales of the Brothers Grimm. As, for example, in A.N. Ostrovsky's "The Snow Maiden", which is accompanied by the name "spring tale in four acts."

    Witch Hunters or Hansel and Gretel?

    The last film based on the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm is Witch Hunters. The film premiered on January 17, 2013.

    In a condensed form, the fairy tale "Hansel and Gretel" is presented at the beginning of the film. The father, for unknown reasons, leaves his son and daughter at night in the forest thicket. In desperation, the children go where their eyes look and come across a bright and delicious house of sweets. The witch who lured them into this house wants to eat them, but the savvy Hansel and Gretel send her into the oven.

    Further events unfold according to the director's own plan. Many years later, Hansel and Gretel begin to hunt witches, which becomes the meaning of their lives and a way to make good money. By the will of fate, they find themselves in a small town teeming with sorceresses who steal children to perform their rituals. Heroically, they save the entire city.

    As you can see, director Tommy Wirkola shot the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm in a laconic form, adding to it his own continuation in a new way.


    Fairy tales are necessary for all children without exception. They are able to expand their horizons, develop fantasy and creative imagination, and develop certain character traits. Be sure to read fairy tales to your children by different authors, including the Brothers Grimm.

    Only when choosing works, do not forget to pay attention to their edition. After all, there are such publications in which episodes are omitted or added. This is often overlooked in the footnotes. And this is not a small nuance, but a significant flaw that can distort the meaning of the tale.

    It will also be great if you find time to talk about the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm or play your favorite ones at your leisure.

From early childhood, we all know fairy tales about Cinderella, the Sleeping Princess, Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood and the musicians from Bremen. And who brought to life all these characters? To say that these tales belong to the Brothers Grimm would be half true. After all, they were created by the entire German people. What is the contribution famous storytellers? Who were Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm? The biography of these writers is very interesting. We invite you to read it in this article.

Childhood and youth

The brothers saw the light in the city of Hanau. Their father was a wealthy lawyer. He had a practice in the city, moreover, he worked as a legal adviser to the prince of Hanau. The brothers are lucky to have a family. Their mother was kind and caring. In addition to them, three brothers and sister Lotta were also brought up in the family. Everyone lived in peace and harmony, but the weather brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm especially loved each other. The boys seemed to be life path already defined - a happy childhood, a lyceum, a law faculty of a university, a practice of a judge or a notary. However, a different fate awaited them. Jacob, born on January 4, 1785, was the first-born, the eldest in the family. And when their father died in 1796, the eleven-year-old boy took care of his mother, younger brothers and sister. However, if there is no education, there is no decent income. Here one cannot overestimate the contribution of the aunt, the sister of the mother, who helped with finances to enable the two eldest sons - Jacob and Wilhelm, who was born on February 24, 1786 - to finish the Lyceum in Kassel.


At first, the biography of the Grimm brothers did not promise to be particularly interesting. They graduated from the Lyceum and, as befits the sons of a lawyer, entered the University of Marburg. But jurisprudence did not fascinate the brothers. At the university, they met with the teacher Friedrich Carl von Savigny, who awakened in young people an interest in philology and history. Jacob, even before receiving his diploma, traveled with this professor to Paris to help him research old manuscripts. Through F. K. von Savigny, the Grimm brothers also met other collectors of folk art - C. Brentano and L. von Arnim. In 1805, Jacob graduated from the university and entered the service of Jerome Bonaparte, moving to Wilhelmshöhe. There he worked until 1809 and received the degree of stats auditor. In 1815, he was even delegated to the congress in Vienna as a representative of the Kassel electorate. Wilhelm, meanwhile, graduated from the university and got a job as library secretary in Kassel.

Biography of the Brothers Grimm: 1816-1829

Despite the fact that Jacob was a good lawyer, and the authorities were pleased with him, he himself did not feel joy from his work. He was somewhat jealous of his younger brother Wilhelm, who was surrounded by books. In 1816 Jacob was offered a professorship at the University of Bonn. It would be an unprecedented career take-off for his age - after all, he was only thirty-one. However, he rejected tempting offer, resigned from the service and took the position of a simple librarian in Kassel, where Wilhelm worked as a secretary. From that moment, as the biography of the Grimm brothers shows, they were no longer lawyers. On duty - and to their own delight - they did what they loved. Even at the university, they began to collect folk tales and legends. And now they went to all corners of the Kassel Electorate and the Landgraviate of Hesse to collect interesting stories. The marriage of Wilhelm (1825) did not affect the joint work of the brothers. They continued to collect stories and publish books. This fruitful period in the life of the brothers lasted until 1829, when the director of the library died. According to all the rules, his place should have gone to Jacob. But as a result, he was taken by a completely stranger. And the outraged brothers resigned.


Jakob and Wilhelm over the years of working in the library have collected a huge amount of excellent examples of German folklore. Thus, the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm are not their own composition. Their author is the German people themselves. And the oral carriers of ancient folklore were simple people, mostly women: nannies, wives of ordinary burghers, innkeepers. A certain Dorothea Fiman made a special contribution to filling the books of the Brothers Grimm. She served as a housekeeper in the family of a pharmacist from Kassel. Wilhelm Grimm chose his wife not by chance either. She knew many stories. So, “Table, cover yourself”, “Mrs. Snowstorm” and “Hansel and Gretel” are recorded from her words. The biography of the Brothers Grimm also mentions the case when the collectors of the folk epic received some of their stories from the retired dragoon Johann Krause in exchange for old clothes.


Collectors of folklore published their first book in 1812. They titled it "Children's and Family Tales". It is noteworthy that in this edition the Brothers Grimm gave links to where they heard this or that legend. According to these notes, the geography of the travels of Jacob and Wilhelm is visible: they visited Zweren, Hesse, and the Main regions. Then the brothers published a second book - "Old German Forests". And in 1826, the collection Irish Folk Tales appeared. Now in Kassel, in the Museum of the Brothers Grimm, all their fairy tales are collected. They have been translated into one hundred and sixty languages ​​of the world. And in 2005, the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm were included in the international register of UNESCO under the heading "Memory of the World".

Scientific research

In 1830 the brothers entered the service of the Göttingen University Library. And ten years later, when Friedrich-Wilhelm of Prussia ascended the throne, the Grimm brothers moved to Berlin. They became members of the Academy of Sciences. Their research concerned Germanic linguistics. Toward the end of their lives, the brothers began compiling the etymological German Dictionary. But Wilhelm died on 12/16/1859, when work was underway on words starting with the letter D. His older brother Jakob died four years later (09/20/1863), at the table, describing the meaning of Frucht. Work on this dictionary was completed only in 1961.

Many years have passed since the Brothers Grimm's "Children's and Household Tales" first appeared. The publication was the most modest both in appearance and in volume: the book contained only 83 fairy tales instead of the 200 currently being printed. The preface sent to the collection by the Brothers Grimm was signed on October 18, 1812, the ever-memorable year. The book was appreciated in this era of German self-consciousness, in this era of the awakening of ardent nationalist aspirations and the flourishing of romance. Even during the lifetime of the Brothers Grimm, their collection, constantly supplemented by them, has already gone through 5 or 6 editions and has been translated into almost all European languages.

This collection of fairy tales was almost the first, youthful work of the Brothers Grimm, their first attempt on the path of scientific collection and scientific processing of monuments of ancient German literature and nationality. Following this path, the Grimm brothers later achieved resounding fame as the luminaries of European science and, having devoted their whole lives to their enormous, truly immortal works, indirectly had a very strong influence on Russian science and on the study of the Russian language, antiquity and nationality. Their name also enjoys loud, well-deserved fame in Russia, and is also pronounced by our scientists with deep respect ... In view of this, we recognize that it would not be superfluous to place here a brief, concise biographical sketch of the life and work of the famous Grimm brothers, whom the Germans rightly call "fathers of and founders of German philology.

By origin, the Grimm brothers belonged to the middle class of society. Their father was first a lawyer in Hanau, and then entered the legal service of the prince of Hanau. The Grimm brothers were born in Hanau: Jacob - January 4, 1785, Wilhelm - February 24, 1786. From their earliest youth, they were bound by the closest bonds of friendship, which did not stop until the grave. Moreover, both of them, even by their very nature, seemed to complement each other: Jacob, as the eldest, was also physically stronger than his brother Wilhelm, who was constantly very sickly from his youth and became healthy only in old age. Their father died in 1796 and left his family in a very straitened position, so that it was only thanks to the generosity of their mother's aunt that the Grimm brothers were able to complete their studies, for which they already showed brilliant abilities very early. They first studied at the Kassel Lyceum, then entered the University of Marburg, with the firm intention of studying law for practical activities following the example of his father. They really listened to lectures at the Faculty of Law, and were also engaged in the study of law, but natural inclinations began to affect and led them in a completely different direction. While still at the university, they began to devote all their leisure time to the study of Russian German and foreign literature, and when in 1803 the famous romantic Tieck published his “Songs of the Minnesingers”, to which he prefaced a hot, heartfelt preface, the Grimm brothers immediately felt a strong attraction to the study of German antiquity and nationalities and decided to get acquainted with the ancient German handwritten literature on the originals. Having embarked on this path shortly after leaving the university, the Grimm brothers did not leave it until the end of their lives.

In 1805, when Jacob Grimm had to leave for a while in Paris for a scientific purpose, the brothers, accustomed to living and working together, felt the burden of this separation to such an extent that they decided never to be separated for any purpose - to live together and share everything in half with each other.

Between 1805-1809, Jacob Grimm was in the service: for some time he was the librarian of Jerome Bonaparte in Wilhelmsgeg, and then even a state auditor. After the end of the war with France, Jacob Grimm received an order from the elector of Kassel to go to Paris and return to the Kassel library those manuscripts that had been taken from it by the French. In 1815, he was sent along with a representative of the Electorate of Kassel to the Congress of Vienna, and he even opened a profitable diplomatic career. But Jacob Grimm felt utter disgust for her, and in general he saw only an obstacle to the pursuit of science, to which he was devoted with all his heart. That is why in 1816 he left the service, rejected the professorship offered to him in Bonn, refused large salaries and preferred to everything a modest position as a librarian in Kassel, where his brother had already been secretary of the library since 1814. Both brothers retained this modest position until 1820, diligently indulging in their scientific research at that time, and this period of their life was the most fruitful in relation to their scientific activity. In 1825 Wilhelm Grimm married; but the brothers still did not part and continued to live and work together.

In 1829 the director of the Kassel Library died; his place, of course, in all rights and justice should have gone to Jacob Grimm; but a foreigner of no merit was preferred to him, and the two Brothers Grimm, offended by this flagrant injustice, found themselves compelled to resign. It goes without saying that the Grimm brothers, who at that time had already managed to acquire a very high-profile fame for their work, did not remain idle. Jacob Grimm was invited to Göttingen in 1830 as a professor of German literature and senior librarian at the university there. Wilhelm entered the same place as a junior librarian and in 1831 was elevated to extraordinary, and in 1835 to ordinary professors. Both learned brothers lived well here, especially because here they met a friendly circle, which included the first luminaries of modern German science. But their stay in Göttingen was short-lived. The new king of Hanover, who ascended the throne in 1837, conceived with a stroke of the pen to destroy the constitution given to Hanover by his predecessor, which, of course, aroused general displeasure against him throughout the country; but only seven Goettingen professors had the civic courage to publicly protest against such an unauthorized violation of the fundamental state law. Among these seven daredevils were the Brothers Grimm. King Ernst-August responded to this protest by immediately dismissing all seven professors from their posts and expelling from Hanoverian borders those of them who were not Hanoverian natives. Within three days, the Grimm brothers had to leave Hanover and temporarily settled in Kassel. But public opinion in Germany stood up for the famous scientists: a general subscription was opened to provide the Brothers Grimm from need, and two large German booksellers-publishers (Reimer and Hirzel) turned to them with a proposal to compile a German dictionary together on the broadest scientific basis. The Grimm brothers accepted this offer with the greatest readiness and, after the necessary, rather lengthy preparations, set to work. But they did not have to stay long in Kassel: their friends took care of them and found them an enlightened patron in the person of Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Prussia, and when he ascended the throne in 1840, he immediately summoned the learned brothers to Berlin. They were elected members of the Berlin Academy of Sciences and, as academicians, received the right to lecture at the University of Berlin. Soon both Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm started lecturing at the university and since then lived in Berlin without a break until their death. Wilhelm died on December 16, 1859; Jacob followed him on September 20, 1863, in the 79th year of his laborious and fruitful life.

As for the significance of the scientific activity of the Brothers Grimm, it, of course, is not subject to our assessment in this brief biographical note. We can here limit ourselves to listing their most important works, which brought them great fame as European scientists, and point out the difference that existed in the activities of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm and to some extent characterized their personal attitude to science.

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